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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  September 12, 2009 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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teach not to indoctrinate school and thank you, colin. that's it for this week's edition of the "journal editorial report". fixed my panel and author for watching. we hope to see right here next week. >> on "fox news watch". the president makes a last-ditch effort to get sport for his health plan. suggesting opposing views be ignored. cynically time for bickering is over. the time for games has passed. >> in a street media cheered them on. >> an obama advisor with a checkered past quits his post after bad press. >> why did most of the press missed this? >> 9/11, the day america changed. does the press responsible for keeping the memories of that tragic day allied? ♪ o say can you see
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♪ by the dawns early light. >> on the panel this week, jane hall of the american university; national review editor, rich lowry. jim pinkerton l. at the new america foundation and writer and "fox news" contributor, judy miller. i am jon scott. "fox news watch" is on right now. >> isn't worth noting that a strong majority of americans still favor a public insurance option of the sort i propose tonight. but, its impact should not be exaggerated by the left or the right or the media. it is only one part of my plan heard and should not be used as a handy excuse for the usual washington ideological battles.
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>> president obama giving a speech on health care reform. this is the 28th of this presidency. it got going reports from the democrats but there was left-leaning media saying the president failed to honestly answer all questions about an overhaul. the new york times specifically saying the president was not forthcoming about actual policy changes. cuts to medicare and abortion funding. all tied to the democratic bills. rich, even after the speech, the polls indicate at least half of the citizens of this country have some serious questions about his health care bill. are those questions being reflected in mainstream media? >> now, i think largely they are not. in the initial reaction to the speech i think the press thread the needle but it always do between simply a dying and the embarrassingly lickspittle. guys get right in the middle. but then they ignored basic things that he says that are false and aren't true and don't reflect what actually is in any
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legislation on the hill. supposedly paid for it now is going to be bumped off their current insurance if they like it and it will cut costs. none of those things are true in actual reality. >> why did that get reflected, jim? >> maybe because most reporters support president obama had voted for him last year. but i do agree that the press coverage fell a little flat. i think rich thought of something they didn't -- they would call him a liar, but as the washington post wrote two stories on friday saying details -- the headlines for details are lacking or details are hazy. that's their way of saying are not going to call him a liar but we don't see the truth here. cement cheney have been covering this debate forever, i say. is the media reaction to what the president has had to say, is it helping or hurting lamps. >> i think the stories that said -- probably on cnn said this was designed to stiffen spines among democrats. that became sort of the thing i
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saw new york times. the democrats feel he has given them some cover. they were certainly shout outs to john mccain, shout outs to perform. i think the left is actually on happier and you see that reflected. i think it was her interesting that david axelrod came on o'reilly and that o'reilly and the highest ratings. i think fox has certainly been questioning how much this is going to cost, about a lot of things other people do question. so i think you get kind of left-right split in the coverage to make the president talked about the time for bickering over. as is more than bickering. this is a huge policy change that entire country would be subjected too. it sometimes seems like it does get portrayed in the media, judy, as just oh, somebody doesn't like this idea. >> i think that john, part of the reason for the speech, was let's rally that base. let's get them out there. walter shapiro writing in politics said this is the best speeches ever given since 2004. on the other hand, the left-wing
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commentators did say i'm a harwick road to pay for this? it was left the car rose to point out that of the 900,000,000+ dollars that this program is going to cost, 622 million of that logo for medicare and medicaid. i think there are legitimate questions with the press finally, finally i'm running over fields is time to look at. >> and wishing doesn't make it so. is that reflected in france since that article from me near time's? >> the new york times that also had an article about man who said he lied. he's very popular running against obama in south carolina is popular. i mean i think the media are covering the fact that -- this is largely portrayed as his last chance. that's what the intro to this piece. so i think they were holding him unaccounted. >> i should mention joe wilson the commerce from south carolina. what's clear to me is that if the liberal media had a choice the twin city healthcare get an
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active are blaming the failure of health care on joe wilson and sarah palin, they would much prefer the latter. they would much prefer the rule of critics announcing the right wing and actually care about the healthcare of the average american. >> amazing thing about the joel something, i think it was a serious reach of the courtroom. he should've showed that out. but he is perturbed by the press has an irrational god checking in this line of obama care at might end up covering immigrants. they have another senator saying you know what, we're going to change the legislation to make sure it doesn't cover illegal immigrants. so every time the republicans cannot with some light, sarah palin lied to us and -- >> we been told this is not going to add one dime to the deficit. how does that happen? >> it doesn't happen. sue hecht was asking a question the media. >> i think everybody's asking that question in the media now. that's why you had people on the left and right saying wait a
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minute, how are we going to pay for it because all after poll shows that society american people's minds. >> i think obama that his message got hijacked by the right. and you know the town halls, and he really does seem for mannose new-media they missed a lot of stuff was out there. to make most devastating had about was an apolitical. echoes of clinton and obama speech. that was thursday. the vs. is a rehash of clinton's 1993 tissuing or that went. >> time for a break. first we have lots of extras available to you on our website including some of the rather heated discussions. you can do the math after the show at /fox news. back in two minutes. >> obama is our quickest post after his questionable past is posted in the press. but is the main street media missing mark? >> a dying american soldier
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causes a media firestorm. details are next on "news watch".fu it just got the good housekeeping seal. you wanna know why? the full & thick collection really leaves the hair full. starting at the roots, your hair lifts up and away. look at all this body. and that's gonna last all day. [ stacy ] a little expert advice. full, thick-looking results the leading salon brand can't beat. full & thick from pantene. healthy makes it happen.
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jones president must so-called green jobs or quit his post last weekend. jones was supposed to help in shaping the manager job generating climate policy. according to his job description. he came under fire after it was revealed he had called republicans a very bad name and something else turned up. jones signed a petition suggesting the bush administration was involved in the september 11 terror attacks. jones quit after less than six months on the job. judy, the new york times were used to work, lend their slow start on -- on the jumpstart on the fact that it was the labor day weekend and they couldn't really get up to speed. what you think about that? >> is just ridiculous. this is a major story out on the right wing where conservative blogosphere for weeks if not
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months, but they were not alone. come on, guys. abc, cbs, nbc, other newspapers in the mainstream, nobody covered this story until it hit them in the face, except for "fox news". and in terms of mainstream cable news, this story just wasn't driven by independent journalists on the right. we have to acknowledge that. >> why was it ignored by the mainstream media. >> the mainstream video legs the likes jobs. the absolute pinnacle of the establishment media, wrote a column on october 17, 2007, all about how great and jones was treated ," passionate and funny. that's all the thing the white house ever did. and it does raise the question, rich, the ousted exactly look at his background, apparently, because he is one of these desires to make the u. of his
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work as valerie gerrit said, and i liked it. tom friedman also worked his book the new yorker in january rather long glowing profile of this guy. judy is right. all the major media ignored the marxist connections, the ignored the true thing until he apologized twice and it showed up in the washington post and i think one broadcast outlet. the near constant coverage until he resigned. >> we have 33 czars remaining, jane, in the administration. should the media scrub their resumes like the white house apparently innocent? >> i imagine given the the success with ben jones, given how there was footage on sotomayor three minutes after she was nominated, people are scrubbing it whether the administration is scrubbing it is the question. people on one side or the other going to scrub this, they will look for whomever has the video. the obama administration since should say to people if there's any video in a should know about sue hecht they are delegating it effectively to glenn beck.
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in the city québec the van jones thinks not, without them. if this were a republican administration is exposing people he would be a hero of muckraking journalism. in cities being reviled as a modern-day mccarthyite tonight hats off to fill urban the first i think to raise this issue on the glenn beck show back in july. not that the mainstream media were paying attention until as rich said, he resigned to make the whole point of a sock as not to have all that information out there that a congressional panel has to say they are now. but i think that's why it was pointed out that six of the czars, actually were in the economic area where the obama administration felt it really needed people in place to handle the crisis. this raises a broader issue about czars, could from ability and how long it takes. thank you judy is right about that and judy is always right, it seems like somebody in the media should be saying wait a minute, let's look at these people who wield tremendous
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power to make the should take john holder, the science czar, actually confirmed by the senate when the republicans were paying attention, is the mad scientist calling for mandatory utilization of population control. this is true. in a book that he co-authored with paul ehrlich, population came they were sweet -- asleep at the switch which is why last week the regulatory czar if he is confirmed by the senate is now finally getting the scrutiny he deserves on animals suing people and organizing and so on. >> on a happy note with the take a break. first though, if you come across a story that you think shows media bias, e-mail it to us. we'll be back with this. >> since the clinton-w scandal that dredges treasure port has been a top dog of internet news. but is the oldest now? >> was the media's role in recalling the horror of 9/11 eq
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all next on his watch.
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>> here's a controversy that brought quite a bit of controversy in the green room -- quite a discussion i should say in the green room before taping today. at least 20 newspapers and several websites shown us all as shown on the new york times photo blog here. it shows you a spring joshua bernard following an attack in southern afghanistan. the wounded marine being tended to by fellow marines. he died from his wounds shortly after the photo was taken. both joshua bernard simon and defense secretary robert gates asked the associated press that to distribute the photo of the mortally wounded marine. secretary gates said their lack of compassion and common sense in choosing to put this image of
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their maimed and stricken child on the front page of multiple american newspapers is appalling. " but the director of photography defended the releasing of the photos because we said we feel it is our journalistic duty to show the reality of the war there however unpleasant and brutal that sometimes is. rich, your editor of the national review. if you are running the ap and yet i can't request from a secretary who says please don't run us what to say? third was a loathsome act. from what we've seen of the reporting about these and that agreements is that you have to get the permission of the next of kin to show a picture like this. the ap apparently broke that agreement. it is known as sallie do this. when the people getting wounded and killed every day. just because you are a journalist doesn't mean you have to check your public spiritedness indecency at the door which is what the ap did in this case. >> you teach journalism what you said your students to make it's a tough call. another is the role the feminist notified leaders are wrote that the person has to die oblivious
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to life. at the same time coming up, the government of the united states during world war ii would not allow pictures of mortally wounded people and then to build public support to allow pictures of people. we didn't allow caskets in the early part of the iraq war. so not justify what they did i think it's a tough call. i don't think you want the government telling you what you cannot cannot run. i don't think it's good for the country spewing what about the family, jim? >> to have rights in this case, certainly moral rights. let's not be naïve about information wanting to be free in the digital edge. this picture will get out there will be over the place that will be on al qaeda once -- al qaeda websites. it seems to me four times at the secretary defense of the family, ask a journalistic agency not to do something, that to seriously consider it. but the war in afghanistan is a secret, it's the feelings of the salmon and young man and a think
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the ap did the wrong thing. >> are antiwar activists will use this photo to push their agenda? sooner both sides whose information is why, which is why this is as james and i think we all agree, a very, tough call. i think jane would agree. i think the far greater danger is to let the government and the pentagon decide what images we can and cannot see. we have to be reminded of what's on their every single day because there is a tendency to forget. >> just because it so you're not around a dozen menu don't have to run it. the family has an extreme interest or that the ap just totally ignored. again there's no news value. does it surprise you that people are getting killed by rocket propelled grenades in afghanistan getting their legs blown off? that's news to? >> nummi plant out a number of people who ran it on another website. a number of news organizations. when i did a survey about media in iraq, a lot of news organizations decide not to put something on the front page. it's a question that but that is
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sort of middle ground check is there a danger though, jim, of the government or military sanitizing what swing on other? >> sure. it absolutely is a danger. we should have a vigorous reporting of what's on over there i think this photograph is a special category of an image when it is identified as an american soldier and as long as you know who it is, it is just the wrong thing to do. there is -- as george will said in a much different contexts, the foremost important words in english language or up to a point. not every good -- not every idea is a good idea. >> you want to go around shooting pictures of previously wounded soldiers, tonight on. but without the protection -- >> that's unrealistic. >> hold on, why is that? >> because people are targeted. smacks of a beat reporters aren't brave enough to go do -- >> fair enough. spicknall, the point is that.
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>> you want to cooperate with the government don't sign the agreement and to work with the military that way tobacco wrap up this discussion was another story that caught our eye this week. the drudge report was an internet pioneer breaking news about the clinton-w scandal in the 90s. but that site is fun to 115th among the most popular websites. jim, they use it to link to "newsday". what you think about the drudge report and what's going on? >> i confesses to my homepage. i think this summer on the townhouse, the drudge report more than any other institution, probably including "fox news", drove the story to its channel for obama's plan. so i think judges are likely as powerful as ever. >> despite the fact it is way down on the list -- scenic if the right people are looking at it it doesn't matter. >> and a lot of people use them as their homepage. giving five stars on them was at the la times. he was setting on the agenda. i'm not a script on it as at the
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time he still had impact on people in the media. >> one more break, when we come back,. >> or member and 9/11. it is up to the press to keep the memories alive? that's next on his watch. tryin. the algae are very beautiful. they come in blue or red, golden, green. algae could be converted into biofuels... that we could someday run our cars on. in using algae to form biofuels, we're not competing with the food supply. and they absorb co2, so they help solve the greenhouse problem, as well. we're making a big commitment to finding out... just how much algae can help to meet... the fuel demands of the world.
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washington and pennsylvania. the unimaginable event and the heart breaking images brought our country together, brought the nation's media organizations working together to cover the unfolding story. eight years later the images have not dimmed the emotional scars are still there but often seems like the country and news media that cover it have sort of parted ways when it comes to 9/11. what do you think about that, judy? you wrote this week that our nation has foregotten 9/11. do you think that the media should be doing more to keep the memories alive? >> i think it is easy to remember on a day like today or friday. >> it's easy to remember a day like today or friday the continuing fight against terrorism. it stations like fox that i'm covering that story and that's what i mean by remembering.
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not just in one day but all the time because the media done something right since 9/11 do you think you could. >> i enjoyed that -- and/or set statement and it's all set. on that day i like what fox does. they devote most of the day to it. another cable network that won't be named three runs for hours worth of their live coverage from that day, which i think is a certain power. so that media should be doing all it can to keep the memory fresh of the atrocity and how he felt about it when it happened on that day. >> yet it seems like much of the impact has been forgotten. i think we have forgotten as a nation how angry we were on september 11, september 12. >> is hard to sustain that kind of, and that kind of coming up, feeling. but i think one function of the media is a ritualistic function. i think it was a great moment for the media, a horrible
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tragedy with the live coverage. all of the networks today of plate a role -- i said this is not only to remember but also to look into what -- how safe are we? what are we doing about port safety? are we vulnerable. i find that nobody is really covering federal agencies. what are we doing? apart from the war on terror, what about i safeguards here in this country. in this country? you see very little investigation. >> i certainly agree the media should be studying homeland security. terry jeffries had a piece saying that has been no net increase in the building of a fence across the us-mexico border in the last year. they stopped doing it. that's a terrible breach of security when you think about what's going on in mexico now. that's not al qaeda of course, >> what has the media done wrong in your view since 9/11? >> i think it has really dropped the ball on continuing to investigate some of the agencies, some of what we are


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