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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 13, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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we're doing, but look, we have a very polarizing to the civil war and the name of fighting tears in. and the media spent a lot of time and effort looking at that as an appropriate or inappropriate response to what happened to us on 9/11. that too is an appropriate role for the media circus around on 12-minute look at news, weather and traffic "red eye," it is like "everybody loves raymond" if by raymond you mean huffing paint thinner from a paper bag. go to tv's andy levy for a pregame report. what is coming up? coming up, congressman joe wilson calls the president a liar during his speech to congress. we will investigate how much irs agents will be auditing the senator next year. final lirks the story that. and drew bright bart will show us but the good folks at acorn are trying to make it easier out here for pimps.
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>> greg: thank you. >> i got to keep my game tight like kobe on game night, greg. >> greg: i couldn't be more in agreement with whatever you said. >> i'm here with attorney tamara holder. she is so hot, match books warn children about playing with her. bill schulz, in trinidad he is a trout basket. and sitting next to me, king buzz doe. singer and guitarist. if musical genius were good deeds, boy scouts would feed him every day. the new york times correspondent, good to see you, pinch. >> have a ballins and read gail colins on thursday's "new york times." >> greg: it was the year heard round the sphere. the only interesting part of wednesday's speech came when little known congressman joe
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wilson from south carolina which is a state apparently couldn't take it any more. take a listen, take a listeners. >> there are also those who claim that the reform efforts would insurance illegal immigrants. this, too, is false, the reforms -- the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> lie! >> first off, my apologies for making you look at nancy pelosi. that was unacceptable. it will never happen again. in case you didn't hear that, that was wilson yelling "you lie." he later said he was sorry. roll tape, roll tapers. >> i heard from the leadership that they wanted me to contact the white house and state that my statements were inappropriate. i did. i'm very grateful that the white house in talking with them, they indicated that they appreciated the call and that
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we needed to have a civil discussion about the healthcare issues and i certainly agree with that. >> greg: others noted this wasn't much different from what the democrats did to bush in the 2005 state of the union address. >> by the year 2042, the entire system would be exhausted and bankrupt. if steps are not taken to avert that outcome, the only solutions would be dramatically higher taxes, massive new borrowing or sudden and severe cuts in social security benefits or other government programs. >> greg: after that, his speech got even worse. i actually had to turn away from that, it made me sick to my stomach. is this much ado about nothing? should he have apologized for the little heckle? >> i don't think so. i like the fact that everybody is so up in arms over this like
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they haven't seen anything worse than somebody being called a liar. >> greg: how do you deal with hecklers as a musician? what to you do? >> i have a severe dislike of the audience, that is what it is. gets me through every bit of it. >> greg: so you glare at them. >> and all over the world i have been able to understand the equivalent of screw you, buddy, in any language. >> greg: if president obama said screw you, buddy, healthcare would have been passed because it would have been the most human thing anybody could say, screw you, buddy. jesse, if people make such a big deal about this, but what about in other countries? this is nothing. >> this guy is like the representative from the british parliament is what it seems like. i think more of our speeches should be like this. like the taiwanese national assembly where they throw a
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chair and they all start punching and somebody gets the glasses broken. that is amazing to watch. >> greg: i'm amazed and the women get involved and they are dressed quite appropriately for things other than that. obama said his opponents use scare tactics. which is kind of saying they are lying as well. >> biden shows up to the big event with like a really bad spray taj tan, bad valuable >> they agreed they would hold on to the live thing and said that would be the response. they thought it was effective.
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they know people would be watching because obama was actually speaking. i do question the republican's arguments on this. on one hand they are pulling the videotape of bush where all you hear is a couple of and that is it. and what about other countries, look at haiti, they decapitate them there. >> that wasn't the republican argument, that was my argument. >> aren't you the republican mouthpiece, greg? >> i think nancy pelosi should have taken off her shoe and thrown it at the guy. >> greg: he she would have hit his head and plugs would have fallen off. >> do ugly repulsive people make for better workers. on a coach published a piece entitled why i like to hire ugly people in which he argues that they are just happy to have a job and they are less likely to look
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for better jobs or slack on assigned duties writes the author. i find that ugly people in general are nicer because they know they can't use their looks to get by and they developed compassion from going through life unattractive. meanwhile at a minnesota -based llama beauty pageant -- >> greg: natural beauty. buzzo, i noticed that you have nine bassists. >> 40. >> 40. >> do you notice a difference between good looking musicians and bad looking? do bad looking musicians work harder, are more dependable, do less drugs? >> no. [ laughter ] >> oh, i don't know. all i know is once i got my hair plugs for $100,000, i had
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men and women all over me. >> greg: really? you don't think homely artists work harder because they can't -- look at like good looking bands, don't they make you sick because they don't have to try harder? >> usually the music makes me sick first and then i notice how they look and then i really get sick. >> greg: there you go. jesse, would you have been more or less successful if you didn't have the incredibly piercing blue eyes? >> that is hard to pick. just like the llama contest, i can't pick they are all so beautiful. >> greg: sophie's choice. >> i like to call the hiring the denney's hiring policy of hiring the ugly. we should incorporate that. have an ugly theme restaurant like hooters like they hire well endowed like not hot enough to be a stripper but hot
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like, we should do it with ugly people and call it like medatars. like a lazy eye used to be a problem but now you can look at two tables in the room at the same time, you know. >> greg: that is genius. one thing i hate about waiters and waitresses is how they purposely don't look in your direction when you want them. that solves the problem. >> if you would go to the restaurants wearing clotheing that would not happen. >> greg: do ugly lawyers work harder and know more than your hotself. >> i don't associate with ugly lawyers, i don't know. >> do you only defend attractive clients? >> if you talk about bling and the stuff that drug dealers buy to make themselves look good, then, yes. >> i have never known a man that says he wants to work with an ugly chick.
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>> i don't know about that. >> this guy, if i can requote. >> greg: i worked with bill for years. >> enough. >> he says instead of watching tv on the treadmill, read a professional magazine. >> so be fat and smart instead of looking fit and hot when you go to work. that is not going to work. >> the last i checked you can read a good magazine on the treadmill, girlfriend. you can be hot and smart. >> greg: bill, you are so repulsive you almost come around to being handsome which means everyone hates you. how do you cope? i'm surprised you haven't killed yourself. >> i'm like the bull dog of fox news, so ugly i'm cute. >> greg: yes. >> me and ugly employees or ug employees, yes, i am the most tal. ed person at fox news and the only reason i can continue being employed here is because of my talent and not vomit
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inducing face like i have been called by shepherd smith. >> gretchen calls me a walking monster. >> greg: the upcoming block was ranked the number one upcoming block by up coming block magazine. what is the secret to a happy marriage? my sources say balloons. fyi, my sources are sea lions. what's fresh from ziploc? you know all the little things you do to help the environment? here's one more... ziploc evolve. ♪ an ultra-light bag designed to keep food fresh... made with 25% less plastic. and made with wind energy. ♪
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ziploc evolve. better for the environment. still ziploc fresh. all at no extra cost. designed with you in mind. s.c. johnson. a family company.
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>> greg: what could you get when you take one delicious hooker, one pimp and a few overly helpful acorn staffers? not just a fun office party but the biggest story of the week and perhaps the country. andrew breitbart launched with an undercover tape launched in july. james o'keefe pretends to be a pimp and they tell acorn staffers they are looking for housing where kenya can continue to hooking her hot little body. take a peek, peek takers. >> make sure there is a code for it, okay. >> a code for the prostitution. >> i have to have a name and a code number. i will look in there and get my list. >> and then we can get the right tax code so that is wonderful.
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>> yes, your business is a performing artist. >> a performing artist. >> that is what you are, okay. so you are not lying. >> that is kind of what we -- >> stop saying prostitute. >> got it. >> so in case you missed that because you are too high given it's 3:00 a.m. she was telling the fake hooker to stop calling herself a hooker and call herself a performing artist to get a tax break. joining me is andrew breitbart. he also runs andrew which is named after him. >> is acorn just an organization filled with fun people who like to have fun? >> just a fun group of people. there are two major divisions. they have the voting division, which is the one that is constantly under investigation yesterday before the story broke 11 people were arrested in miami dade for voter fraud,
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investigation into voter fraud. is so knowing that the story was going to come out today i find it quite interesting that that part was -- that those guys got arrested. the housing division set them up with low interest loans and government loans and try to facilitate the loans and get them looked up in all aspects of, i don't know, i think it is kind of a great society, they kind of facilitate people into mortgages and as you can see in there, they are able to get people to start small businesses like prostitution with el salvadorian underaged hookers. >> greg: some could argue they are just helping people. can't these people go to jail or have they broken any laws? >> they just fired them this
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evening so that was my biggest fear because these people will never be seen again, you know, these women could be indicted. one of the lady's business cards which i saw had just her first name on it so try and find a lady with the first name who just got fired from acorn. where does she live? i don't think so. i think they want to fire them so that if there is ever an investigation they can't find them so that they won't have to participate in any type of justice department investigation if eric holder were ever to be to intrepid. >> reporter: this is where he tells acorn he wants to run a brothel full of underaged. >> if they are making money and they are under age you shouldn't be letting nobody know anyway. >> what? >> you shouldn't be letting any
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one know anyway. >> that is what happens, we tell the bankers and they stress out. >> greg: i don't know, she is like a ma modern era dee dear . what are you doggettin doing gs woman fired? >> that was my -- the more i watched these happenless ladies, the more i fell in love with them, even though they are evil. >> the girl playing the hooker is gorgeous. how do they believe that in southeast washington there could be a 23-year-old healthy prostitute who doesn't have serious disease? wouldn't they have gotten on to this or notice this? >> did you notice them noticing anything. in. >> no, i didn't. let me ask you, do you think the rest of the media is going pick up on this? >> well, yes.
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right before i got here, i saw that cnn was all over it and they -- they didn't talk about it at all today and then when they finally talked about it, they talked about it from the angles of what laws did james o'keefe and hannah gilles break. i guess they don't like whistle blowers any more there at c nn. >> greg: andrew, nice to see you wearing a suit, beats that tank top i see you rolling around in. when we come back we will be joined by eric roberts who just joined the cast of crash, yeah. (announcer) time brings new wisdom
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new aches and pains, ...and new questions about which pain reliever is right for your body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... layer that lasts all day ...and no layers that irritate your stomach the way that ibuprofen can. it's tough on your body pain. not on your body.
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people of los angeles want a football team and i intoned give it to them. so bring on your lawsuit to whoever the [ bleep ] you want and i guarantee we will employ more people faster than your opposition calculates. do you agree so. i hope [ bleep ] >> it started out as a 2006 academy award winner for best picture and now a drama series from the same producers. of course, i'm talking about hannah montana. no, i mean crash. it premiers at 10:00 p.m. eastern on stars. joining us is legendary actor eric roberts, otherwise known as the talented roberts, the interesting roberts and the
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roberts who freakin' rocks. >> i'm all alone in a tv studio so i don't know where to look. >> imagine a good looking talk show host with huge pecs. that's me. before i talk about crash, i want to ask you about the tape of mickey rourke's speech at the independent spirit awards. >> eric roberts. i want to say one things. eric roberts is probably the best actor i ever worked with. >> greg: did you expect that at all? >> no, i didn't expect that at all. we are like old friends and we have been pals and we probably speak three times a month and he asked me, i was -- i was asked if i would show up at the event that night and i did. and then mickey went to the award and lays that on me and it was so flattering and so sweet. i was so moved but i was so
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embarrassed because i was caught off guard. >> greg: it was a nice moment. you were both in the classic movie pope of greenwich village. how fun was making that movie or do you have any memory of it? >> it was a blast. it was one of my best movie making experiences because it is one of probably -- one of maybe ten times that i never came out of character. i lived that guy and it was exhausting but it was fun. >> greg: did you also live what's his name, paul snyder when you did star 80 because i can't imagine you being loathsome like that all the time. >> that part was about as far from me as you can get because i don't take myself seriously and that guy did. i'm not like that. it was hard for me but i had one of the two best directors of the 20th century for my
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money and i had a lot of good help. >> greg: and the important distriction is you didn't rape and murder a play mate and that made you slightly different from the character. thank god for that. >> true, true. but i had trouble getting dates for nice girls for three years after that game out. that is a true story. >> greg: i was going to say that because that character was so dark and so loathsome that it must have tarnished your realle life because it was so convincing. >> it hurt my career because everybody thought i was that guy. that is wife i did the pope of greenwich village -- that is why i did the pope of greenwich village. >> greg: a crazy billionaire? >> i wouldn't call me crazy but that is just me. seth blench is who i play.
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he is afraid of the right things like world despair and world hunger and unafraid of success. he puts his believes out there for the whole world to see and stands behind gem. he has business cajones. >> greg: why should everybody be dvring crash the new season? >> because it is like a good book that you can't put down. keaton simons is doing the promos and can he be found all over the internet. >> greg: i looked you up and you play yourself in 40 different projects. is that because you as a person are more interesting than a lot of the characters you are offered? >> i have no idea what you are talking about because i -- i have read my imdv page but i have a lot of things on that because a lot of people ask me to do things that i haven't
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answered yet or said no to or like maybe to so they are all maybes up there so that is bly there are some. >> greg: you played yourself in entourage as yourself and an expert on shooting vide shroom. how close is that to reality? >> it is not real close. i watched that show and about the fourth time i heard them say my name i called my attorney and said if they are going to talk about me have them put me on the show and he called me back in five minutes and says they want you on the show but they want to know one thing, will you do shrooms. i said yes and hence the show. >> airs on my sister's birthday on stars. thank you some. please come back. have a comment on the show, e-mail us at to leave a voice mail.
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tonight's halftime report is sponsored by robin's egg. the soft pouches used by athletes to keep hands dry so as to improve grip to prevent blisters. thanks rosen bags. (announcer) it's applebee's 2 for $20.
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the one deal in the neighborhood where you get the real food. because our 2 for $20 features a half rack of our new double-glazed baby back ribs. seasoned and slow cooked to flavorful and tender perfection and your choice of sauces. and our juicy 7 oz. house sirloin. oriental chicken salad, boneless buffalo wings and lots of other choices. who says you can't have it all? get one full-sized appetizer and two real entrees for just twenty bucks. it's 2 for $20. only at applebee's. it's a whole new neighborhood. >> greg: welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far.
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for that we go to tv's andy levy. andy, do you only hire ugly people to take care of your cats. >> i don't see ugliness. >> really? my hotneither does nye hot girlfriend, nancy pelosi. >> i think hoyer is really pissed. >> i can sense the tension between the two of them. >> i don't see what you are doing -- i see what you are doing here, putting two guest segments at the front of the show so i have nothing to correct you on. you said you don't think wilson should have apologized and it was no big deal. i will disagree. i think it is in the grand scheme of things no big deal but i think he should be censured. >> maybe he should be killed. >> i'm not going to go on record as advocating he be killed. >> i will happily do that. >> okay. >> not on camera. >> let me quote from the
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website of the republican members of the house committee on rules. "the president of the house allow a wide latitude in criticism of the president other officials and the executives themselves,. >> it is mos not per missable o use language that is offensive to the president. >> what about bad mom jeans. >> it does say you should not call the president a jerky jerk who is kind of a jerk. >> that was big back in the '20s when coolidge was president. >> he was a drink. >> keep cool. >> keep cool with coolidge. >> greg, you asked what happened to the republican response? >> i think it is safe to say that was one of the two best given by a republican from louisiana.
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the associated press says the house version of the healthcare bill explicitly prohibits spending any federal money to help illegal immigrants get healthcare. >> so it is a lie. >> it is. >> isn't not, not the truth that it is a lie? >> that clears it up. >> thank. >> he is the clear a sill of logic. >> the big oner thursday night was fox with "so you think you can dance" which won the 8:00 hour. the big loser, of course, was sarah palin. >> i have never seen the show. >> really? >> greg: so you think you can dance. i have never seen it. >> you don't watch fox? >> no. >> moving on. >> fix it in edit. yes, i do. yes, i do. >> just like you watch it all
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the time. >> only fox. >> only fox. >> by the way, the best part of the whole wilson thing is that all of the organizations are now trying to dig up dirt on him. for instance, did you know that in 2007 he regularly took no-doz. >> was he a trucker? >> or a high school senior. >> track star. >> on the other hand -- >> sitting through the speeches, it is not really a big deal, they have to take some no-doz. >> there was no truth to the rheumer that earlier in the day he said to the staff, how do we get people to stop thinking on the yellow cape guy. mr. buzzo you said with the good looking bands it is usually the music that makes you sick? could you give us an example and does it rhyme with mold play? >> it does. >> how about the monas
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brothers? >> how about the shave matthews band? >> i dislike that, too, and anything that rhymes with it. >> jesse, you said hooters hires women who aren't hot enough to be strippers. clearly you have never been to a strip club on tuesday at 11:00 a.m. >> i think i said slutty enough. >> then i retract my joke. >> either way. is the band, can you talking about smold play? >> now, you ruined everything. we were trying to be subtle. >> it's on the table now. >> i don't really think about music. the one thing i did know is smold play. tell me more about the clients of yours who wear all the bling? >> drug dealers? >> i think he wants to know the ones that are freed. >> freed from what? >> dug dealing. >> or free to continue. >> from blinging. >> i set them free to wear more
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bling to contribute to society and buy more diamonds. >> your parents must be very proud of you, young lady. >> supply and demand. a lot of people may by the decommanders. >> it is called the free market. >> that's right. >> i must go now. >> we will see you at back end of the show as i like to say it or call it or whatever. >> let me welcome back attorney tamara holder. she is so hot the sun is president and treasurer of her fan club. jesse, if hilarity were barbells i would clean and jerk him three times a week and king buzzo. if musical genius were a backyard dogs would bury their bones inside of you. >> plus a lot of other stuff. >> mustaches, foss ball, apple sauce, disco-dance ising. are these the keys to a long and happy marriage? i wish. sadly, no. the real secret, separate beds
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at least according to one british sleep expert. that is all you need really. >> you good one, we got a "red eye" tape. >> the key to success is lots and lots of pcp. thank you, doctor. he says that forced sleep increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and divorce and suggested that not only should spouses sleep in separate beds but different rooms as well. said the anticuddle doc, ," people say they like having the feeling of your their partner next to them while but you have to be awake to feel that. clearly the doctor has never been spooned by a professional. call me. jesse, is he speaking an unspeakable truth? >> i'm not married yet but i like the idea when i do get married, that is how i intend to do it is that my wife will
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sleep in one bed and i will sleep at my girlfriend's. he talks about how it ruins intimacy and growing up for a couple of years did i share with bed with my brother and that totally ruined our sex life. >> i'll be your girl friend. >> this is not the dating game unless it is with me. >> i just wanted to throw that out? >> camera, what about you? >> i can't even get a guy to date me. i'm not -- >> delete your facebook profile post haste, you are in big trouble. >> let me say that if your man ain't in your bed, he's in another woman's bed. >> sounds like you had some relationships. >> correct. >> you are on the road a lot. did you offer to spoon with your band mates? >> sure, any port in the storm. and my wife always said the key
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to the 26 plus year happy marriage is i'm away from home six months of the year. >> really you have only been married for seven years. >> like the opposite of separation anxiety. >> what bed are you sleeping in the other times? >> i have a room in the garage actually. >> when you are away from home. >> hotels actually. >> greg: you know whey like. >> is it truth or single. >> you described it as singles bar. there is no such thing. that is so -- >> i get it. >> -- you spoon with an actual spoon, don't you? >> i play the spoon. i myself am a musician. but i'm a killedder and, you know, i -- i'm a cuddler. for me any lucky girl, goat or subhuman that wakes up in my arms is one lucky and one well
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slept individual. i don't touch them, greg. i lack the ability to move so. >> this next segment went to high school with michael perry. path through perry. what was i taying. what will king buzzo say about everything king buzzzo. whatever it is, it will be king buzzoesque. i have to climb stairs 20-30 times a day. now joint comfort is easier with new triple flex liquid softgels. the first liquid softgel joint supplement formulated to work in as little as 7 days. learn more at nature made. fuel your greatness. discover gives you a cash back bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back?
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it pays to discover. the streak-free shine lets in more light. oh, man, we're gonna be late for school! come on! when do you think she's gonna tell 'em it's saturday? ( birds laughing ) let in the light with windex. s.c. johnson-- a family company.
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>> the melvins. a hugely intellectual band from the state of washington. they will be releasing chicken switch, a 15 song remix cd with a twist on september 29th. king buzzo is the lead singer and he has been with us all night. let's talk to him, shall we? okay, we shall. there is an imaginary person saying we shall to me. >> this is not a typical remix album because it is remixed songs based on whole albums that you gave to certain artists, right. >> noisy artists as we say. >> not musicians but artists. >> you mentioned that you don't
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listen to your music, why not? >> it is too weird. i hear it warped and all and you just hear the warped. >> greg: it is true, i can't watch "red eye," i have to have people tell me how good it is before i watch it. >> you have people fast forward to all your parts. >> this is oh, i see bill. >> where are you playing next? >> tomorrow at the nokia theater. >> awesome. >> ooh. >> former pan tara guy? the first time we have done an opening slot in a decade. it is strange. >> any tours you have done where you were just like it didn't fide, your bands a another band. >> we did a tour in the early '90s with guar. their odd sense hated us. threw things. i i collected oven or eight
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bucks of change every night. it was great. >> greg: i don't know what i would do if people were throwing me things. >> they are and you just can't see it. >> a festival with a lot of good heavy metal bands up in monticello in new york? >> some where in new york. when i go to the outdoor hock festivals, i think about three things, where is the bathroom, where is the good and how nickly did i get home is. >> i would say shoes wisely. >> you know, i'm one of the few people well, i can't be one of the few people, when i saw bruce springsteen on the river tour.
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i fell asleep and he did like about an hour of ballads and i'm going why am i sitting through this? ♪ a three hour show, a three hour show ♪ >> it is the same moves and same guitar, back and forth. >> and why after all the time does he look like he just got off work? >> blue collar den jam. >> there is denim in there. civilized worm. why wasn't that turned into a pager anthem because it is built for it. >> the world is not a lines place. it is not. if is were a plight place h would be bodies in every part of the country. >> you were in kurt cobain's first band. do you think the name of the band hindered wits hum sestack.
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>> art aah degreed or the melvins and you didn't let him in. >> i didn't see a future in what he was doing. >> you guys are -- >> i didn't hear it. >> greg: amazing. when are you going to retire and become a full-time philosopher? >> i wish. where can i put my job application in for that. >> write a book on pithy. >> i think you have a future in it but bleep playing. >> ation a pleasure having olympian son the hoe. >> thank you. >> thank you, your' welcome. when we tomorrow back, male time. what we come back, male time! achoo!
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(announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst symptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life. you can make a positive change in your career. you can make a greater contribution to the greater good. and you can start today,
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on your screen. by earning your degree online.-d-d-d-dd
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>> wow. >> looks like your first roler coaster. awesome hair lift. >> male time. so the packages have arrived. stack them out back. i will get to them one by one. the address is how could i forget that. in i say is every day. you write, i read and then we play ping-pong on a table made of blood. here we go. travis from los angeles lead is things off. from the antihawaii statements on your show i believe you are all about bunch of hawaiiists. >> au contraire which i believe is hawaiian for you are mistaken. hawaii z is a terrific country with an awesome language and a
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colorful currency and i am a big fan of your president, dog the bounty hunter. bon, i do realize that the set makes me appear shorter than what i really am. put a photo up of me alongside that is james madison our fifth president of the united states. he was 6.5 feet dahl. >> that suit is slimming on you and also adds to your head. >> court fry from fort wayne, indiana. how can you live in a fort. what do you live in a tree fort? >> i gave the convocation speech at indiana state university in fort wayne. >> deer greg and bill, i want a banana stick. the estimates don't come in untille next tuesday but we
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will -- it is amazing how popular banana stickers have become. >> you took one part of banana windy one part sticker. >> i ate a whole bunch of bananas. >> chris e-mails us. dude, that is so cool. you play. no, i mean dominating beer pong in your apartment. that sure beats touching a girl. leslie from -- pennsylvania writes. bill is off is snappy dresser. he is such a teddy bear, could you reach over and give him a hug? >> no. bill does have a clothing line. i believe it is called filth. and then we have another one,
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do we have another one? >> where can we get this stuff. >> kudohs to that one, princess paw clothing for adult. assault size. they are selling lie hot cakes. >> greg: enough for you. we will go and close things out with the post game wrap you from teffs. wonder what he is doing right now. to see more, go to fox what's fresh from ziploc?
12:56 am
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12:58 am
what will you get back with your cash back? now more than ever, it pays to discover. if i had to guess i would say you are performing at some ridiculously named comedy club this weekend, right? >> so i am, it is call the wise crackers. i got a quick post game observation. that letter with the guy in veniceed the word hawaiiist, that has three is. the only other thing with three eyes, siegfried and roy. >> ooh. >> terrible. >> ouch! >> i'm letting it go.
12:59 am
>> mr. buzzo, according to wikipedia, you are "a fan of films and tv." is this true and if so could you be more specific? >> actually, i hate hvs. what have you got. in. >> i think his death. look tv, thanks. >> really school. >> bret: something about the call con sent of. all i do is watch democratic valve. >> every bii go people ask me what do you look for in a marriage. >> aphis that warrants to sleep in the bet with me and doesn't want to sleep in bed with


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