tv Glenn Beck FOX News September 13, 2009 5:00am-6:00am EDT
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captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. welcome to a special saturday edition of the glen beck program. this is the 9/12 project where people all across the country are gathering right now for what they believe in. most of all, standing up for our country. let me tell you something, this in the next two hours we will try to answer these questions. who are these people gathering around the country right now. next one, are they antiobama, antidemocrat or antibig government? the third one is what is coming next? i'll hit that for you next hour. if you believe this country is great, we just have to remember
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are who we were on 9/12 and unite on values and principles, come on, stand up and come follow me. hello, america. i have to tell you, i would much rather be -- can you show the pictures of washington. i would much rather be in washington, d.c. today where thousands and thousands of people, the official estimate is 60,000 people, i used to live in washington, d.c., can you bring the full screenshot of the top screen behind me, please? yeah. that is from the steps of the capitol. i lived in washington. more than 60,000, we will go with the official numbers today. i'm not in a good mood because i would rather be there quite honestly and standing in the crowd with people. and the other thing is i spent an hour in traffic. that is how out of control our
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government is. here in new york, they had a labor day parade today, the week after labor day. nobody stood and watched it. it was labor unions walking down the street and so they closed traffic here in new york. it was i felt festive. now, we go to washington, d.c. the people are calling this an antitax tea party, maybe it is. personally, i think this is a collection of people who have never probably marched before. they never protested for or against anything before. this is a collection of americans who want both parties to stop with the corruption, stop with the spending and start listening to the people. fox's griff jenkins is there now in washington, d.c. hey, griff. >> reporter: i came all the way to washington, d.c. what is your name, sir? why did you come?
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>> glenn, it's unbelievable. thousands and thousands of people. look at this crowd right there. you guys got something to say to glenn beck? [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: glenn, it's one mile from the capitol back to the monument and that sea of people goes all the way. that is one mile of people. glenn, they are what i would call after witnessing all across the country, the america that washington foregot, today they are in washington to send them a message. do you want, washington, to listen? [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: i believe they have a few questions for you, too, glenn, a lot of salutes. >> thank you very much, griff. that is the general -- what is the general feel that you are getting from these people? i heard a lot of people say these people are just, you know, astroturf, et cetera, et
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cetera. who are these people? >> reporter: they are old, they are young, they are black, they are white, they are male, they are females. they are farmers, miners, doctors, stay at home moms, nurses, and for the first time coming out in their lives to have their voices heard. this is as best i can describe it an absolutely grass roots movement and this is an uprising. we are at the beginning of a political movement and they credit you. >> glenn: is this an antiobama or an antidemocrat or an antibig government? >> reporter: well, it is antigovernment. why don't i ask one of them. what is your name, sir? >> kevin. >> reporter: is this an antiobama?
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or antigovernment? what is this? >> antispending. we are spending like crazy and we have to stop. >> reporter: ma'am, what is your name? is this antiobama, antigovernment, what are we saying? >> progovernment but pro in the way that the people rule. >> reporter: is this about president obama or about something bigger? >> this is about freedom for me and my son anding to the right thing and this government is not doing the right thing. >> reporter: is that your marine corps hat? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: thank you for your service. the sentiments i heard, glenn, is the same in every stop we were on. like 33 plus stops. and it is at best i can tell they are a part of america rising up to reclaim itself as they say from a government run amuck from an overreaching federal government.
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>> thank you, griff, very much. if you are joining us anywhere in the country we are going to be stopping in several different cities. it is not just happening here in washington, d.c. i'm in new york but it is also happening in otherk cities across the country and we will stop in some of those cities. if you are sitting at home, call a friend, tell them about this. if you are a member of the 9/12 project, call your friends, get on twitter, get on facebook. tell them. in just about 54 minutes i will lay out something else that dawned on me after reading thomas jefferson this week. i think i have -- i think i have a solution for republicans and democrats and independents where we go from here. before we go to the future, let's take a look in the past. how did we get here? take a look back.
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19 men lay awake all night. on september 10th, americans were playing politics and they had chosen to bury their heads in the sand and ignore -- >> i remember how picture perfect the day was. was and the cloud in the sky and america seemed invincible. and yet, in the blink of an eye. >> that airplane appeared to hit a little bit down the building around the 50th or 60th floor. again, it struck. >> the skies were filled with black clouds and our hearts were full of terror and fear. we realized for the first time how fragile we really were. something happened. >> usa! >> we came together.
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we promised we would never forget. on september 12th and for a short time after that we promised that we would focus on the things that were important -- our family, friends, the eternal principles that allowed america to become the world's beacon of freedom. >> i can hear you, the rest of the world hears you and the people -- [ cheers and applause people . [ cheers and applause ] >> glenn: once again, america has a choice. we can choose to be the americans of september 10th with our heads buried in the sand. we could be the americans of september 11th who were unprepared and then paralyzed by fear, despair or anger. or we could choose to renew the promise that we all made to ourselves, will you commit yourself to really live america's time tested values
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and principles? will you will fierce determination around malice towards none be a watchman at the gate to alert those still asleep to rise up for america's next greatest generation. many in washington left and right want to convince you that they are the solution. i have to believe that them being the solution is the problem. the system has been perverted and it has to be restored. those who screwed up must be allowed to fail. those who broke the laid must go to jail and those who have played by the rules, even left to phone to rebuild, the answer has never come from washington. we weren't told how to behave that day after 9/11, we just knew. it was right. it was the opposite of what we feel today.
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>> i'm back stage right now at fox getting ready to show you that you are not alone. this is your country and you are still in control but it seems today like nobody gets it. you will meet people from all across the country and all across the political spectrum. follow me, no matter where you are from the studio audience here in midtown manhattan, to the sidewalks outside to the people all over the country, just a few blocks away in times square where there are viewing parties and they are holding regular viewing parties that started with people and by people, just regular people like you, like joyce in melbourne, florida, whose party grew so large that she moved it from a restaurant to the parking lot outside. to the gatherings in south
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jordan, utah. people gather at ranches in texas. i asked you to send in your picture if you believed in the principles. the response was so overwhelming that you shut the servers down. here at fox news you shut the servers down five times. the results of the e-mails, includes only about 10% of all the pictures that we received but the mow sakic proves that while a single photo is just a face, thousands of them grouped together in the right way can create something much more powerful. >> you have to realize that you are not alone. you have to realize that there are more of us that believe in it the wonders of america, believe in the individuals. because we know who we are. we are men and women of the united states of america.
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no matter where we have come from before, no matter the color of our skin it, no matter if we are rich or if we are poor, we are americans. >> glenn: i would like to ask you to join me, again, on saturday, 9/12, saturday, september 12th i will share with you what i have been working on to put the (s and values both in my own life and you show me what you have ton. we'll meet pack here in six months. back here in six months.
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, what started six months ago on march 13th, the 9/12 project, just had you gather to you know you are lot alone. i told you on march 13th we will meet back here in six months and i will show you what i have been working on and you show me. well, ition that day. at the top of next hour in just about 45 minutes i will show
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you what i have been working on and what we -- where we are going next, if you will join me but i want to show you also what you have been working on. this is just a fraction of. there are people meeting all across the country. this is just in washington, d.c. on the mall that spans between the washington building and the monument all the way to the steps where martin luther king once said he had a dream. we'll be right back.
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one of the best days i had in my life. >> glenn: yvonne, you have been a lifelong liberal. in fact you were a lefty there for awhile until 9/11 if i'm not mistaken and your husband, what happened, you said your husband what on 9/11? >> on 9/11 i said how could this happen? and he jumped off the watch and
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he said because of you and i will leave out a couple of words and your liberal friends. and i said you're right and i have been wrong. and i woke up. >> glenn: okay. and so this is for you this is about principles, this is not about republican or democrat. what are you hearing and seeing that you can share with anybody who isn't there? >> well, what i'm hearing and sharing is just that people were so motivated to come out here today. i'm meeting people that came all by themselves and i talked to them and said what were you thinking and they said i just have to be here. it is not about wanting. it is about having to be here and stand up for your country and your freedom and the principles and values that we stand by as americans. >> glenn: have you heard any talk because i know you have been there for a couple of days and talking to people as they
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started to gather earlier. have you notice at all that there are people trying to use this for politics to make this about republicans? is that embraced? is that happening or is that rejected? >> no, i believe if i'm hearing you correctly, glenn, that that is rejected. this is not about politics at all. that is what i'm hearing from everybody that i have talked to. and when i tell you i have talked to people, i can't even begin to tell you, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people. >> glenn: how did they find out about it, yvonne? >> it was kind of amazing because they did find out about it from the 9/12 project by i'm floyd say and they heard it on your show and on freedom works. some of these people i don't know how they found out but a lot of people that i'm proud to say that they did find out on
5:22 am oh, my gosh, this is crazy. >> who is speaking now, yvonne? what is happening now? >> i have no idea. i can hardly hear myself think. which on some days is a good thing but listen, can you hear this? >> glenn: yes, we can. you know, i see a lot of i don't think anybody has seen a sign and held up a religion scripture and reads it. i looked it up before i went on the air. for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rules of the darkness of the world and spiritual wickedness in high places. >> absolutely. >> i think that describes what at least a lot of people that i know are feeling now.
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--uable informationon, thank yvonne, thank you very much. go ahead. >> can i pass along to you that everybody here says thank you to you? >> you thank them back. >> i have been. i have been. >> an amazing team effort here of regular citizens just spreading the word. i just kind of throug through d said we should stand back together. go back to patti ann browne who is watching the twitter and blog sites. what else are you? >> the 912 project. facebook. lots of thank yous. lots of praise and prayers and whatnot. also some criticism and i will start with some of the more negative things. this was posted on facebook. i remember all the flags and patriotic crap that hit the market within 24 hours of the attacks and remember being
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disturbed and offended by that. i felt no more patriotic on the 10th than i did on the 12th and i still don't. >> glenn: that is a hard one to address. i will tell you this. i felt patriotic on 9/11 and 9/12. however, i remember having a big argument when i released the book real america with my publishers simon and shuster and it came out in 2003 maybe and i said i don't want the flag on it. it was the first book and i said i don't want the flag because i felt that the flag was being used politically so i think i can kind of understand. i will be real honest with you. can we show this thing in the background. this is an honest moment of television. i hate that thing. i hate that. i have asked from day one can we not have that sitting behind me because i don't like it because it is red, white and blue and stars and stripes and to me i don't want to have a
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viewer look and say i'm trying to wrap myself in the flag because the flag is supposed to mean more than just one opinion. i understand that, but it is not the flag. it is the principles behind the flag. it is the people that made us able to hoist that flag and follow the banner of what should have been liberty and freedom for all. we were attacked as a direct result of our empire. if we truly believed in freedom, we would understand the hostility felt from us installing our military to protect our corporate interests. >> i'm becoming more and more libertarian every day. i guess the scales are falling off of my eyes as i'm doing more research in the history
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and learning real history. in the turn of the century with ted did i roosevelt, we started this we are going to spread democracy and we really became down in latin america, we really became thuggish and brutish and it got worse with the next progressive that came into office. teddy roosevelt republican progressive. the next was a democratic pregressive and we empire bipartisan. the democrats felt we needed to empire build with one giant government. league of nations and then became the united nations. one world government. the republicans took it as we are going to lead the world and we will be the leader of it. i don't think we should be either of those. i think we need to mind our own business and protect our own people and when somebody hits us, hit them hard and then come home. >> when the founding fathers, when the country was built in
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the first generation they went off on a crusade to say the world. what mckinley they say is we will be the thining example and we will inspire people all over the world series. that is what any put on the symbol of the country to do. it was to be an eye tee. >> glenn: i joined my faith quite honestly because i watched people in it. nobody pushed me into it. nobody forced me into it. i washed them as i would struggle with things and shay they never struggled and they can deal with that. that is what our founders wanted for this country, not a forced you're going to be there. watch what we can do. back in just a second. what you can do, next, because it's coming, gang, it's coming. and good things arerererererere
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when you get into the reeled world you walk out and you are like they are all too nice. >> i know. i actually -- i have no idea how to behave. >> glenn: you are at a rally that starts later this afternoon and the crowds are starting to gather there. and andrew, are you speaking today? >> indeed, i am. i couldn't be happier. i have spoken at a few tea parties in the l.a. area and. >> wonderful. is that like over in your living room, the l.a. tea party. >> technically, glenn. >> every day is a tea party at my house. >> glenn: right. >> i wanted to come to the heartland of the country and tell people out in los angeles and in new york this blue state mentality that keeps pitting
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americans against americans dividing us by race and religion and by ethnicity is ridiculous and the media fullments it. to put it on the mor mass of pe in red states that they are bad and racist and tea baggers, it is starting to add up in these people's minds, wait a second, i'm so nice, why are you attacking me? people are coming to the tea parties. they want to show an expression of their decency. there is a band playing behind me. people are hugging each other. people airing shirts with american flags. and the only evil is like the lhasa apso wearing american flag t-shirts. you don't dress dogs. >> glenn: don't let peta know about that. >> you brought up the media and this is a good point because we
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have seen it this week. you have been instrumental in helping break the news through a new website of yours, you helped with getting video for me for the van jones thing. you were on that right along with us. now, with the acorn you are leading the way on that. have you seen this before to this degree? >> i actually am going to speak with people who are experts in words to find something harsher than complicit. i don't have words to describe what transpired this week. the van jones story doesn't get covered until he actually has to resign. and then the person that stepped aside from his position because he is trying to organize propaganda art for obama and then the acorn stuff
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happens on thursday and friday. and mainstream media is not only not there, they are actually going against the whistle blowers and trying to frame an argument to make out that hannah and james two american heros. >> glenn: there is a protection of turf and i have been saying for awhile and i didn't know what it meant until really the last few days. the paradigm is about to change. i feel it. to you? i think this is part of it. i paradigm is about to change. fort worth, texas has a rally. there are attendees there now. winona and haskell. they have been braving the rain. hello, guys, how are you? >> we're fine, thank you. >> glenn: there you are in wet t-shirts. why are you -- which really honestly not kind of the wet t-shirt -- anyway, what is it that brought you out today?
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>> what brought me out was i wanted to tell the washington politicians that they need to govern for the people and not for the special interest groups and we need to take back america and that is the reason i'm here today. >> glenn: what was the final straw. in do you do this all the time? or when did you say this is outside of my comfort zone but i can't take it any more. >> that is right. i'm 73 years old and i listen to you every day and i wanted to do something and this was something i felt like i could do even though it is raining and whatever, like to play in the rain for this reason. >> glenn: and haskell, what was it for you that was the last straw? >> my main objectives are to get the communist thinking
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to help raise awareness for the men and women who have suffered traumatic injuries in the war on terror. they need our help. through the wounded warrior project, you can help get these heroes back into life's mainstream. log on to to find out more about this fine organization that is helping these returning injured veterans and their families with their new lives. the greatest casualty is being forgotten.
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up and i will tell you that the cavalry has come just in time. the american people are just in time and i for the first time on tuesday i see the light at the end of the tunnel. i know how we can clean this up and it has nothing to do with the democratic party report republican party. it has everything to do with both of them and cleaning up corruption. pastor, i wanted to go to you because i heard you speak and i had you on, what, a week ago or two weeks ago and i heard you speak and you are a guy who gets it to the core when it comes to what kind of party has or who has their hands around the throats of the democratic party. i don't think the average democrat all around the country understands what has happened or who these people are that have control of this party now. can you explain this a little bit? >> oh, absolutely. what we are seeing is an
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orchestrated attempt on the part of what i call the saul olinsky group. and i think americans are waking up and recognizeing that that which is being hoisted upon us is not at all what the founding fathers had in mind. what we are seeing is an awakening taking place. people recognizing that we the people have a stewardship responsibility to protect the liberties that have been given to us down through the ages by our founding fathers. >> glenn: you know, pastor, i would like to ask your help this week, i'm going to. [ cheers and applause ] >> glenn: this week i'm going to call for people to unite. i notice the second thing after they found the continental congress, the second thing they did was get everybody in and
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then they -- thomas jefferson asked for a national day of prayer and fast. i know, what is it, the 17th is the day that we founded the constitution or we signed the constitution, brought that into law. i think that is too early but i would like to ask all of the pastors, i will announce the date on monday, and i would like all the pastors around the country because i believe honestly we were a nation founded on the principles of god. we are not a -- a country that respects one denomination or the other but we must restore god in his rightful place because these rights belong to him and he is our biggest help. agree or disagree? >> oh, i absolutely agree with you. i think what we are witnessing and i say this more than any economic problems that we are facing, more than the threat that we are facing relative to our liberties, we are facing a deliberate attempt on the part
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of the left to replace our judaio christian heritage. people are concerned that their religion freedoms are under jeopardy and i believe what we are facing is not a problem with the republican or democratic party, it is an attempt to replace who we are as a people and that is founded in our christian heritage. and we must stand up and resist it or they will replace it with a socialistic and atheistic doctrine. that is why we are facing a serious challenge with the healthcare plan. there is a group of elite who are darwinistic in their frame trying to prescribe a solution that does not consider who we are. we as christians believe that we are made in the humans of
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god. that give is us a perspective of the value of life, of human beings all over so we do not craft a healthcare program that attempts to try to depopulate what i call the babier boomers flooding into the retirement ranks at such a rate that it is stressing the social security, medicaid and medicare and this elite is prescribing a solution that does not consider who we are at christians. >> glenn: reverend, i appreciate it. kevin jackson is in quincy, illinois, now. how are you, sir? >> glenn, doing great. >> glenn: what are you feeling in quincy, illinois? >> a lot of hysteria. i'm here to see if i can find the racists they keep talking about. i have yet to find them. >> you haven't been beaten up
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behind some garbage dump 600 times yet? >> we are looking for the racists and take cheney is calling me. he is on standby, he says if you find them we can take care of business over here. >> glenn: how do you address people in the media that say that everybody is a tea party or racist or you, i mean you are in a difficult situation because the media doesn't ever want to show you standing up and have you gotten problems from, you know, people in your own family or communities where people say you are a sellout. >> i was called a token and i was complimented and called clarence thomas at one point although they didn't take it as a compliment. >> glenn: what is it that you are feeling or sensing from people? is there anything there that surprised you, anything there
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that you have notice and thought wow, this is something that really needs to get out? >> i think what is surprising is politicians not understanding that this is for real. i think this is going to last for a long time. it is not just a short effort. the 2010 election will be a watershed event. >> glenn: i have said this for awhile, warning politicians on radio, if you think you are a republican and you will co-op this and get in with these people and use them to get elected, if you betray the principles you are in the most trouble of any politician yet. agree or disagree? >> i completely agree. i completely agree. as far as these events go and as i said in my book, the big black lie, you know, they are trying to make it sound like the people that are here are not representative of america and there are no minorities. there are lots of minorities coming to these events.
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and i just want to say that our forefathers fought for our freedom and it is time we take our constitution the way it is supposed to be and get rid of the people that are in that senate and congress that put -- and put the god fearing people back to where they belong. >> gle >> e time for one question with griff?
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let me ask you one question. i know the bloggers are right now going they're talking about taking the country over, they've got arms and guns. explain to me -- or not to me. explain to those who don't understand these people and their anger that this is -- is it a peaceful take the country back? or are they threatening? >> glenn, it is a peaceful crowd. i traveled over 4,000 miles covering them all the way from sacramento across the freedom plains from sea to shining sea, i never saw violence. they are it most of them here for the first time. is anybody an angry mob? >> glenn: all right, i think -- i think it's gotten out of
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>> glenn: final few minutes. final few seconds here. let me go to patti ann browne who has been watching all of the internet and twin cities. from the 912 project site someone said all politics are corrupted, it doesn't make a difference but someone wrote it does make a tiv lens. d difference. do you realize how many people are coming out and taking a stand. >> look what happened this week when a 25-year-old woman and a 25-year-old filmmaker, what they did, they did more than every politician and you and i and everybody, stop acorn, two young americans because they believe they can make a difference. >> glenn: i think the nation will be a different nation as far as the power is going to shift in a very short period of time. i think it will happen in a short period of time and it will be a peaceful thing. our politicians better wake up
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