tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 13, 2009 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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>> a code for prostitution. >> and okay. stop saying. >> and another scandal involving acorn. >> megan kelly is on the case. >> caution, you're about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. >> i'm happy to report we found good stuff. here we go. according to the lewin group, an independent research firm owned by united health.
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obama care would cost about 530 billion dollars over the next ten years, not too bad, but after that, the coast explodes. leading to a 2.4 trillion dollar expenditure on health care, over a 20-year period. however, state and local governments would say billions as the costs shift to washington. as you may know, president obama says that cutting down for waste and fraud will could down. there's likely to be more fraud and waste as the program gets bigger. as for you, families which now have insurance would save about $175 a year on premiums. families not insured would have to spend about $1400 on average to get on the the rolls. the fed would pick up much of that tab. lewin said employees would have to pay about $300 more per week if obama care passes of course, those costs would be passed on to we consumers. also, with more americans
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opting into a federal health marketplace, the employer based health insurance would fall by about 11 million workers, so, some job placed programs you have now, would fold. the key here, is quality control. the president believes the feds can impose a more efficient system and hold private insurance companies accountable for misbehavior. which is unfortunately rampant as you may know, if you've had to spar with the insurance people to get reimbursement, i have. congress believes that strict talking possible would be possible and that is it would mean federal bureaucracy, something conservative americans loathe. the strekt strength of of obama's vision is controlling the costs and eliminating the chaos 40 million uninsured emergencies potentially using emergency rooms for care. the weak neness is the spector f of rationing health care.
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there will not be enough doctors and nurses to handle all the patients, so we're going to have to wait. at this point the president is dodge being those two realities. that's enough. you can download it on post the speech reaction. here is what was said on abc's night line last night. >> i think it's the most emotional i've ever seen president obama in a major speak. his anger at the tone and tactics of his opponents is very palpable tonight and seemed to get caught up in the emotion of the moment towards of the end of the speech. >> joining us now from d.c. is abc news chief washington correspondent george it stephanopoulos host of "this week sunday". >> hey, bill. >> why would obama be angry with people who oppose his vision, because he's not explained, still has not explained it specifically and number two, there are a lot of
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legitimate points, people say, look, we don't want a government kloss cess running this. >> i can see why he would disagree. why angry? >> i think he's angry about the ill egitimate criticisms. he took on death panels and whether it would serve illegal immigrants and require a government takeover. he's clearly angry about that and i also think his anger was somewhat tactical and passionate about this issue and it was sincere, but i also think it served the purpose of rallying and unifying the democratic base, getting them revved up. >> maybe, but i don't think he's got a legitimate beef about the anger. look, if somebody lies about obama's health care plan the president can come on this program, your program, lights out and set the record that way. >> they didn't do a good be job. >> done a terrible job of doing it, an awful job of doing it, it's his fault. he couldn't explain it after what 39 speeches.
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>> you can't blame someone when lies are told about the plan. you could say he could have been more effective. i think he has the right it take on his critics in a pretty tough and a pretty forceful way and he clearly did that last night, but i do also take your point and the president did have a bit of a confession last night when he said that confusion has reigned in this debate and should bare the responsibility for that. >> no, no, all of the responsibility. not some of the responsibility. >> president obama is the leader of the country. okay? he has a grand vision for improving american's health care. he believes that vision is correct. i respect all of them. i respect his office, i respect his passion and i respect the fact that he wants to improve health care for all americans. what i do not respect is him blaming his critics when it's his fault. he could come on this program in this setting, your program and hold up a chart and say this is what we want to do. he hasn't done it. he is a given speech after
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speech after speech and i don't know what he's talking about. last night i knew what he was talking about, but he's still dodging the two questions, i fight it. one is cost, look, george, you don't believe for a minute sitting there in d.c. that waste and fraud efficiency is going to pay for this. you don't believe that for a second, do you >> no, but let's look at the other side. >> what other side. you said it's going to pay, you don't believe it, i don't believe it. >> the president said if the savings he is calling for don't materialize by 2012,'s going to impose the trigger, require more savings or scale back. >> he didn't say how? >> air right we are going to have to check the details how this proposal is constructed, but i think it's going to be essential. the second thing and this is a more technical point, but i think it's important. there is, there is a real dispute over whether or not the kinds of programs the president is calling for on urging more prevention, on having more electronic health record, whether they will save
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more than the current score keepers. >> nobody will know. >> i was just going to say that, i think that's right. we don't know, but we know that it's not true either. can't believe the other numbers. >> here is what stephanopoulos and riley knows, we're coming at it. you're a democrat, i'm an independent. we don't believe that the president can pay for this by cleaning up waste and fraud. that's-- >> i think there's a lot of waste and fraud in the the system, not enough to-- >> if you put 40 million new people on the insurance roles, you don't have enough doctors and nurses to care for them. >> now. >> health care rationing kicks in. >> well, you have rationing now, the insurance companies, as you point out. i think that was one of the most effective parts of the president's speech, the kind of abuses people are visited with by insurance companies, i think that was important. our own medical editor tim johnson agrees with you that we have more incentive for
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doctors and nurses to go out in the country and more funds for training because if we do expand the number of people who are covered, we're going to need more doctors and nurses no question about that. >> no way they can do it. >> i think you can't deny that rationing happens every single day in america. >> but, george, it's going to get worse for everybody, it doesn't have to be-- >> i'm not sure about that. >> my doctor is overworked now, my doctor is like this. it's going to get worse. more doctors, nor nurses. >> of you and i agree, more doctors, more nurses. >> ann coulter will come on and pamela anderson, the peta culture warriors did wow, coming up. geatmagi reen f a.. coatofigf poulida..
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>> by throwing out the word salad of the public option, a trigger and the health exchange. the reason you have trouble with your health insurers right now is because it's a partial monopoly created by the government. i mean, it was quite audacious of president obama's complaint last night about some states having only three health insurers, why is that? oh, that's right, because of government intervention. >> regulation. >> requiring-- >> right, it's dis-- >> so exactly like what the-- what ma bell, break it up. let there be competition. >> absolutely. >> and every problem the democrats talked about will go away. they avoid that by throwing out the word salad and
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trigger. >> every problem wouldn't go away. the one thing i'd like to see the federal government to do, sli strict oversite. i wouldn't them to throw you off the rolls if you have ms or something. >> bill, that will not happen with competition. >> that could happen with competition. >> let me make this point. tt government was regulating and the sec was closely washington bernie madoff. government registration doesn't stop that sort of thing. what stops that, people knowing you're investing with this guy the at your own risk. competition enforces that. >> i don't believe that, i believe that. >> it's not people being thrown off. >> i think that competition drives the prices. i think that competition can drive the prices down, but it cannot make an insurance company honest. only the federal oversight committee. >> all right, like the sec with bernie madoff. >> well, bernie madoff got
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away with it because the sec under republican chris cox wouldn't investigate it, that's why he got away with it. >> that's the government regulation, government regulation does not solve the problems competition does. if blunt belonged to a health insurance company that threw me off when i got hit they would hear about it, magazine articles. not just people being me-- >> why is it easier to get-- >> there's nothing wrong with strict oversight. you're going to hope that people are going to hire competent people. >> makes people think they're being protected, they're not. >> you said you like the south carolina, congressman wilson yelling out. >> yes. >> at president obama. yes. >> now, what if a liberal democrat had yelled out at president bush at one of his speeches, you wouldn't like
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that. >> well, they do, they do all the time and the difference is, the they just boo generally. last night, we had obama telling lie after lie and you began your talking point saying you want to be be able to speak to the fair minded people. how about making this for fair minded. two examples of what obama said last night, including the one that the greatest living statesman, representative joe wilson responded to, and that is the bill will know the cover abortion, it will not cover illegal aliens. >> that's what he said. >> there are a lot of arguments i could make on that i'm only going to fair minded viewers one arguments. the republicans make amendment that would not allow coverage for illegal aliens. democrats voted that down. republicans introduced an amendment that say the health care bill will not cover abortion. the democrats vote the that down. >> that's true. >> they want to call up lawyers and 0 vote for the amendment and we have the
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courts over ruling. >> now, obama is on the record in front of the country saying no illegal illions, no abortion. he's locked down. >> he can say he's a martian. the democrats voted against it. >> if he lies, he loses. if he lies, he loses. >> okay, well, that was a lie and that's what representative joe wilson was saying. >> we don't know-- >> yes, i know, i know what's in the bill. >> oh, come on, this is the argument. >> final bill hasn't been-- >> bill, that's part of the word salad. we can't talk about the bill, what until the government-- >> we talk about it and-- if it's in the bill, no abortion, if it's in the bill, he's a liar. >> yes, he is a liar, but and-- right position-- >> coulter, you jumped too far ahead. if it's in the final bill, then he's a liar, but not now. >> no, no, no, liberals are retreating, burning the english language as you go,
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they're saying we can't talk about anything until after it's a law. the house committee considered it voted on and voted against that amendment oh, don't worry. >> it better change because it doesn't. >> it's going down is what's going to happen. >> we'll see, ann coulter, always a pleasure. if you'd like to bill president obama's speech. don't give him an f, but give it some thoughts. directly ahead why are some americans denying the atrocity of 9-11. acorn, two people posed as a pimp and prostitute were it encourage today lie to the irs. >> so, stop saying-- if you say that-- >> megan kelly on the case coming up. achoo!
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you even after all of these years, the 9/11 attack is still a major issue in america. writing in the new york post tomorrow. colon lount kourn ralph peterson says americans have learned little. he has the novel "the war after armageddon", rave reviews in publishers weekly. all right, colonel, now, you have in your column tomorrow, in the new york post, list all the things that liberal america pretty much has done that you-- that disturb you about 9/11. give me the two biggest things
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that disturb you about the the column. >> well, i think that the biggest things that disturb me, just that we've forgotten. bill, we remember where we were, like the kennedy assassination, but what we've forgotten as a people is the shock, the horror, the rouge, the justified rage of that day. when i think of 9/11, i don't think of the photography image of the second airliner hitting. i think about lone black figure leaping to his death from a still standing tower. the deadful nation of that and i think we've just forgotten and it's partly the nature of time passing, but the nature of our media and the ruling elite as it were playing it down. shes shocking to me. >> that he had, sure. >> the other thing is shock being, eight years after 9/11 we have a president that doesn't think it's a big deal. >> one by one. my audience watching you
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remember 9/11, i do, certainly, my newspaper column that will running alongside yours deals with 9/11 from a different point of view. i know a lot of people who lost loved ones, personally, i know them and see their suffering every day. my audience know. you know the elite liberal meeting. no question that the elite liberal media in america does not want to continue to whip up anti-islamic ashsism, second, they don't. and they play it down. >> no, they'd rather whip up anti-israeli sentiment. i think you're seeing the effect of now a couple generations of liberal domination of this, the ideas among the quote, educated elite that americans, at best we share the blame with others, no, we don't. when it comes to 9/11 we were attacked without justification by religious fanatics who fill
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innocent people. we've got to get a grip and bill, i'll tell you it's not politically correct, but i'm sick of hearing that islam is a religion of peace, if islam is a religion of peace, fine, start acting peacefully, but i haven't seen a lot of southern baptist suicide bombers lately and i'll not stand for world relativism. 9/11 is not our fault, fanatics a tacked our countries because they hate what we stand for. liberals can deny it, that's what i believe in my heart and will care toy my grave. >> one minute left, president obama very strong in afghanistan. wants to fight the war there, even though it's a difficult war. i'm not sure that saying we have a president that doesn't understand the pain of 9/11 is fair. >> well, bill, that's your opinion, but after eight years we haven't rebuilt the world trade center towers site, we're trying to build a new afghanistan. the taliban didn't attack us,
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al-qaeda did. the afghan people didn't attack us now i don't like the taliban, but if we need to go after, as we pledge to do, those who killed americans, we need to go after them to the ends of the earth, that's al-qaeda, that's the saudi mow habe's mind them. >> you don't give the president credit for the-- >> no, he's made a campaign and he's confused about it. >> once again peta in the middle of controversy, starring pamela anderson, video coming that you don't like. an undercover tape of another scandal, megan kelly and we stay tuned for those reports.
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of you. cnn rejected a pamela anderson ad. here is the edited version. ♪ it was supposed to run at the airports, with now culture warriors, gretchen carlson and margaret hoover. hoover, i noticed miss anderson has little gloves on, i hope they're not leather! this ad, obviously, again telling people not to buy clothing made out of animal
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skin. you say? >> this is something people for ethical treatment of animals. not like that man, whipping him and pushing him around. >> do you think he ambassador -- objected to it? >> i don't know. this is peta schtick. this is not the first time they've used nudity. they have blogs about the nudity and tv stream online. >> what they do to get attentionment they knew this would never run in airports and then the outrage gets viral and free marketing. >> is that good or bad. i kind of wish we weren't talking about it, now what's happening now, it's generating the viral outrage and. >> thank god somebody had a brain in their head and screen this and say, yeah there may be kids running around the airport. this day and age, a lot of times this kind of thing would pass and we wouldn't be
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surprised about it. >> both you say the ad is driven not to save animals, but to get attention from the group. >> come on, that's a sex act she's in position with the guy. overkill with two nude people here and. >> at least they don't is any weapons. >> it's total bondage what she's doing. >> you're both condemning the ad. >> just got that. >> we're about 30 seconds behind here, kind of like a tape delay. >> in germany it's worse. there's an anti-aids campaign and they have a public service announcement. roll the tape. >> ♪ all right. that was hitler and if you don't know, in germany any
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reference to hitler or nazis, is illegal. the ad is powerful in an effect that unprotected sex could lead you to die. is the message on the air worth the shock value. >> i believe in our society the only thing that gets attention is shock value. especially with teens and a new study just came out that said today in 2009, only 6% of americans believe that aids is an urgent health problem. just ten years ago, 45% of us thought that it was urgent, which says to me as a parent with kids. >> they don't get serious anymore. >> if ad, if you were playing in america, you would say it was okay? >> i would say during a certain time period of night. >> right with a viewer warning attached. >> with a viewer warning. remember the message about texting, that was overseas, but i feel like kids and parents would gain a lot from
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watching this ad. >> i think what's fascinating about the ad that germans are using hitler's imagery to make a point. this shows how far the germans have come in the last 60 years. >> it's-- there's no more shocking figure than this guy. >> that's the point and the germ man have self-flange lated. >> self-actuated? >> self flag lated. >> how a figure took time and thoughtful to make sure it never happens again, but never would have invoked his imagery before. >> and if this ad ran in america. >> yes or no, if this ad ran in america, are you okay with it? >> no, now why? >> we've got to go. >> we're equating victims hiv
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wf.... >> another scandal caught undercover tape. you will not see this on nbc. right back with us. (announcer) it's applebee's 2 for $20. the one deal in the neighborhood where you get the real food. featuring a half rack of our new double-glazed baby back ribs with your choice of sauces. get one full-sized appetizer and two real entrees for just twenty bucks. it's 2 for $20. only at applebee's.
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>> there's much more on tape about them not paying taxes. megan, is this another crime situation. >> i don't think so. i'm shocked by it, i feel like why wouldn't every newscast in the country be showing this. >> this is the only, fox news is the only news operation, i predict, maybe a little on cnn, never see it on nbc. >> that won't and the others won't pick up on it. this is an organization that's received 54 million dollars in taxpayer funding since 1994. 54 million and according to reports they're eligible for more than 8 billion more in taxpayer dollars, 8 billion acorn is. doesn't anyone care? we have 11 of their workers arrested for fraud and our viewers know the history of fraud and voter registration
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fraud and now we see this. with an acorn worker in baltimore, the whole tapes are posted in their entirety, but having said all that. now shocking it is, how long it is, i don't see a crime. it's, look, it's early, but from what i see here, bill, i looked at the possibility. >> wait a minute, couldn't you be charged with conspiracy to evade taxes? >> no, you can'ting charged with that. >> you didn't be-- >> if you have a cons spirsy, you have to have an agreement. agreement to commit an illegal act. she was advising, that's not necessarily a crime. >> last question about acorn, two other topics for you, isn't it true that acorn is a huge organization and maybe these are a few bad apples? >> listen, we have something stunning that's coming out on acorn soon on the fox news channel. let me put this way, i'll give you a tease, i've spoken to
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people at the highest levels of the organization and they've admitted they have more than a few bad apples, a management problem. >> isn't this an organization that's receiving a lot of taxpayer money and should be stopped? >> yes. >> there need to be congressional investigations. >> absolutely, no more money until that thing is through. >> john conyers said he would. >> we have the attorney general of louisiana looking where all that money went in new orleans, that's underway, too. >> why doesn't the u.s. congress investigate, because the house of the judiciary committee agreed to do it a da democrat, then he said no i'm not going to. he put it the powers that be called me off of it. >> maybe we'll talk to the congressman. all right, sacramento, california is another radio shock jock stunt where they got a couple of people to drink a lot of water, and one woman who did that died. roll the tape. >> jennifer, i heard that you're not doing too well.
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>> my head hurts. >> oh. >> they keep telling me that it's the water, that it will tell my head to hurt and make me puke, but-- >> who told you that the intern. >> yeah. >> it kind of, it makes you, it hurts, but makes you feel lightheaded so i'm he not sure. >> this is what it feels like when you're drowning, a lot of water inside of you. >> oh, it hurts. >> yeah, and she died shortly after that. ultimately the second to the last person of the contest and consolation justin timberlake concert tickets, she took it and never made that concert and dead in six hours. >> how long after that radio. >> six hours she was dead, mother of three. >> she consumed two gallons. >> under. >> you weren't allowed to go to the bathroom, that's the contest and they would win a wii electronics games. >> the dj settled out for reportedly $400,000 and they got fired and now she's still
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doing at it with the station and suing from, reportedly between 1 and 2 million dollar. >> how many children does she have. three kids. >> listen she bears responsibility, too, no question. >> of course of course, got to split it up. >> you can't be doing the irresponsible stuff on the air and the story that megan is crazed about in south after ka, there's a woman runner or maybe a man, as megan believes is a man and who is now being investigated and nobody can tell which sex she is. so she shows up on a magazine cover and what say you? >> here, well, i mean the magazine cover. she looks like a girl. >> she looks lovely, but it's irrelevant. i could make you look like this, bill. >> no you couldn't. >> yes, i could. >> no you couldn't. i'm saying this could be you. >> that would never be me. >> a week from tonight you would let me-- >> have you arrested you ever try this. >> i'm saying, look, remember mayor sue in oregon made himself look like a woman, that doesn't make him a woman. >> i never want to--
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throw that picture up again on the magazine. >> she looks nice. >> that's looking like a woman in a magazine does not make one a woman. the question, apparently they checked her, at the beginning, it was ambiguous, it wasn't clear whether she was a man or woman. >> the birth certificate says she is a girl. >> the birth certificate is irrelevant, too, the question is genetically is she a man or a woman, what's inside. >> after all of this time and you can say passionate on it, you would have solved this mystery. >> how could i solve it when the authorities come out with statements, it's clear she is a woman, but maybe not 100%. >> well, what percent? what percent is she and what's the rest? >> isn't it true that all people have different genes. >> they do say that gender is a continuum, phil. so we're saying-- . >> possible i may look like that woman some day. >> you could have bigger issues than that. >> we should find out in november they're going to tell us ffrjts you're going to rant
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and rave about it on the morning program, find out. i feel bad for the woman, come to a conclusion and tell us-- >> we visit senator harry reid who is not having to see it. >> senator, will you come on the o'reilly factor, senator? senator, any comments? >> check, moments away. there was a time i wouldn't step out of the house without my makeup. now, it's no problem. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting night serum with high performance soy to even skin tone and active retinol to speed cell turn over. clinically shown to visibly fade brown spots in 14 nights. i even out my skin at night so it looks younger, flawless in the morning. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting now you can fade and prevent discolorations all day.
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and we sent someone to rectify that. >> senator read dan bank with the fox news channel and the o'reilly factor. a couple of questions, your poll numbers in the senate race, you're down right now to arcadion and sue logan by numbers, how do you explain that? >> senator, will you come on the o'reilly factor, senator? >> senator, any comments? >> a woman grabbed him. that wasn't so nice. >> and they encourage senator to discuss things with us in a civilized morning. >> check two, on good morning america, president obama was asked about glenn beck. >> you talk about talk raid no and glenn beck going after van jones and about the controversial things he said about 9/11 and columbine, how hard is it to stay on message.
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>> it's not hard for me to stay on messagement my job is not to be distracted by the 24 hour news cycle. my job is to stay focused on what is actually going to help the american people and not spend a lot of time trying to score political points. >> now, i like robin roberts, very nice, very smart, but the story is not mr. beck, it's why mr. obama hired a radical like van jones in the first place. she didn't ask him about that, but she should have. check three, vice-president biden. >> i think he did it, he debunked the ridiculous assertions about death panels and how we're going to insure illegal aliens, undocumented aliens, so, i think he recentered the debate. >> oh, illegal aliens, not accepted, undocumented aliens,
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a strange world we live in. as you know, paula abdul quit american idol over money and ellen will take her place. >> i'm not leaving here, don't worry about that, i'm going to have a day job and a night job, the times we're living in, we're all doing that, so, this is, it's so exciting for me to-- and i've been, we've been dealing with this the last couple of weeks and i've been dying to tell everyone. >> and check believes that fox made a great choice. the key to success is demonstrated to us by luna the cat. >> meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ >> some reason my staff thought that was hysterical. the cat was in the in danger.
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and someone told me did the cat know she wasn't in danger. check six to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage in vermont ben and jerry changed the name of the ice cream chubby hub, to hubby hubby, and two guys on front of of the of cake as well and spm like them to change to is it passionate pin heads. right back with this. (woman) dear cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust. i get congested. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe freer, so i can love the air™. (announcer) zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed.
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- oh, come on. - enough! you get half and you get half. ( chirp ) team three, boathouse? ( chirp ) oh yeah-- his and hers. - ( crowd gasping ) - ( chirp ) van gogh? ( chirp ) even steven. - ( chirp ) mansion. - ( chirp ) good to go. ( grunts ) timber! ( chirp ) boss? what do we do with the shih-tzu? - ( crowd gasps ) - ( chirp ) joint custody. - phew! - announcer: get work done now. communicate in less than a second with nextel direct connect. only on the now network. deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access
6:55 am
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people wounded in action sponsored by ride to recovery. the auction featured a dinner with sarah palin, church with karl rove and hanging out with gary sinese and great things. check it out on to recovery. there it is. eb to recovery. we hope you check it out. it's patriotic. on the pinhead front. watch this. ♪ now, if you walk me on a horse and then slap the horse's tail, you're a pinhead. the horse was right. any questions? time for mail. quick reminder we will send you a much tote bag. it's a great promotion, check
6:57 am
it out. presidential advisor david ax axle rod. >> i think you let him get away with a little spinning. i appreciate your tough interviewing skills. you interviewed axle didrod like i int you interviewed my grandmother. good job with axlerod, utted him dance. bill, if you miss the president calling the public option an exchange? the public option whereby the feds would set up a health insurance corporation to compete with privates is this. mr. obama might be planning something in its place, but we'll have to see. doctor spends 30% of his time
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battling insurance companies, my i favor president obama instituting strict oversight. i oppose obama care and saying we nurses all support it. gabrielle, bill, i watch the factor, covered the obama speech and two liberals and two conservatives on. the other cables just had liberals. >> we understand three liberals on last night makes for a fiery debate. from ring, california, i'd be quick to criticize you, you commentary on bank of ameri oba excellent. the vicious john adams project, what john adams ancestors i'd sue. and whitaker, done it in new zealand. it's my birthday today and i received a copy of the book. i hope it you enjoy it. of we listened to old fresh
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driving to legislation and listened to it again on the way back, it was better the second time around. i hope you won out there, vick. how about our website, and tonight i have the talking points memo, if you miss it had is a pretty good rundown of what the facts are, the facts, involving the health care situation. so, we close the top of the broadcast, you can access it there and you'll have it in front of you when somebody tries to spin and. send any comments to o' name of town, name of town, name of town, if you wish to opine. do not be a dufus. it's a real word. you know, when i used to use it when i was seven. i thought somebody made it up, but doofus is a real word. and trying to get to the origin of
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