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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  September 13, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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this show, but i'll tell it anyway. if off prone to hangovers, if you drink too much and from time to time get a hangover and don't know what to do. drink a lot of fluid, take coffee, you rest, none of it works. i have a tip. buy asparagus extract. asparagus extract at a health food store and keep it there. when you have a hangover, take the asparagus extract, a couple tablets. it will reduce your symptoms and protect your liver against alcohol damage. keep it at home. this doesn't apply. >> jamie: no, of course not. we have haven't been drinking. doc, great. tha thanks. see you next week. and this is a fox news alert to tell you. new developments on the acorn tapes. remember the explosive undercover video that rocked the activist organizations? hidden cameras capturing
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acorn workers advising a couple posting as a prostitute and her partner how to get an acorn housing loan for what they claim will be a brothel. how to hide the business and not tell the truth to authorities. acorn, that same controversial group whose workers have been convicted of voter registration, fraud in the last election. you can remember eric was all over the country showing you what they were up to. they're now facing criminal charges over its voter registration drive in nevada. acorn brands the tapes of politically motivated smear by a conservative activist and they are threatening a lawsuit. coming up in a few minutes, the film-makers, the one who made the videos are due to join us live to tell us why they did it and their response to acorn's angry reaction. eric? >> eric: jamie, president obama launching a full court press for his massive healthcare reform overhaul. rallying 15,000 supporters in
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minnesota yesterday. saying, "this is no time to accept the status quo." meanwhile, he sits down for an interview with cbs "60 minutes" that will air tonight. schedule in the coming weeks are stops in new york, ohio, pennsylvania, maryland, campaigning for healthcare reform. meanwhile, the white house staffering hitting the sunday talk shows this morning to try to get support. malini wilks is live in washington with the latest. why is the president pushing so hard this week? >> good morning. you know at first, the president let it go to congress and over the summer recess the lawmakers got'reful at the town hall. the president poll numbers on healthcare began dropping. now mr. obama taking the initiative. yesterday he was in full campaign mode at a rally in minnesota. tonight on "60 minutes" he will say that he is taking full ownership of healthcare legislation. here is a clip from that.
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>> they'll get past -- the bill that gets passed, that fails, that doesn't work, i intend to be president for a while and once the bill passes i own it. if people look and say you know what? this hasn't reduced my costs. miff premiums are still going up 25%, insurance companies are still jerking me around. i the one who will be held responsible. i have every incentive to get this right. >> and the president as you noted will have more events this week pushing healthcare and speeches and rallies in maryland and pennsylvania. >> eric: what are the senators saying? they were on the sunday talk shows this morning. what is the news this morning? >> momentum is the senator. 12 senators, a dozen on the public talk show. main issue is the public option and cost. on "fox news sunday," lindsay graham insisted that the public option is dead. here is what he had to say.
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>> the house bill is dead because politics matter and it's unacceptable. if we kill the house bill sit down with kent conrad and others and see if we can do something reasonable. >> referring to democrat senator kent conrad, gang of six. trying to hammer out some option. senator conrad also on "fox news sunday" would not say the public option is dead but he did express sort of lukewarm support. noting that the president says he is open to other options. republican senator olympia snowe on abc and said the president should be more pacific and take public option off the table. said the gang of six negotiators would not remit public option but recommend a non-profit co-op. >> eric: all right. on the healthcare beat in washington. thank you. >> jamie: well, more and more it certainly does look like election season all over again. president obama is on his own
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personal healthcare blitz. he sent his staff out in force on the sunday talk shows and he didn't take the weekend off. he's out talking to groups like in minneapolis yesterday. about what he wants for your healthcare. will all of this be enough to boost momentum for the healthcare plan the president wants? or a sign the white house is struggling to get the message across? joining me for a fair and balanced debate, how we do it. julian epstein, former counsel to house judiciary committee and republican consultant tony sayed. welcome. >> good morning. >> jamie: honestly i planned start asking you at first about the treasury report, which the president chose not to bring up wednesday night in his address to congress. but at a separate visit where he said pay attention because almost half of you will lose your health insurance at some point. i didn't hear him say a month or longer but told people to
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be afraid you'll lose healthcare over the next ten years. but i can't start there. i have to start here. he goes to minneapolis where he has a cheering crowd, no specifics about what he wants for our healthcare, just fire up. fire up. he goes on "60 minutes" tonight where he get gets as we have seen in the main stream media a lot of airtime to talk about what he wants and how he'll fix it or to else. tonight's interview he says he must or it's his reputation on the line for sure. then you look at washington yesterday. i was blown away by the number of people who left work and showed up on the capital, national mall because they care that much about the future of the company and what is spent in washington. is it a coince kense that the -- coincidence that they're picking friendly venues? >> no doubt because in large part what the president has
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to do in his address was the first salvo to do it is bring back democrats to support his version of reform. the president doesn't have a health plan. he doesn't. he articulated principles back in june. he then abdicated the responsibility of developing a plan to charles rangel, waxman and nancy pelosi, the rad cad fringe in the house and came up with various bills. most talk about hr-3200 which i couldcated they'd support benefits for illegal aliens, can which the president said was a lie, and then the president says it's not true. that's not what i'm saying tonight. not what he said that night but that's where the discussion has been all summer. the american people rejected it including moderate democrats. this is a civil war among democrats so that's why he's in minnesota and talking to the aioico and going to public university in washington. the president has work to do
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with his own party. >> jamie: let me let julian get in here. how on target is the wt his message as co his -- with his message as he congress returns from the time of the address to congress going forward and what do you think of the venues chosen? are they representative of how the american people feel? so many people happy with the healthcare they have. >> tony is reading talking points from august, rather than september. second, are they representative? almost every single poll has shown the public wants reform and most even favor the public option. what the president is now doing is learning lessons of 1993, healthcare issue then and the clinton presidency. which is you cut a deal in the political center an then you sell it. using the bull pit of the presidency is the most power political weapon there is politics. the president is moving to the center. look at what he is talking about. universal coverage through a mandate.
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something mitt romney, republican governor proposed in massachusetts. regulation of the insurance industry for preexisting conditions. >> jamie: but he is saying all of that, julian. look at the people were in washington yesterday. they're so concerned -- >> eric: you gave tony uninterrupted time and you give me ten seconds and interrupt me. >> i'm coming right back to you. when you look at people who showed up, the concern is cost. the president said in a white house interview whatever happens it has to be deficit neutral. are you confident that can happen? >> yeah. i'm confident it will happen. the president made a pledge whatever we do it's deficit neutral. with the people who showed up yesterday there is an angry minority but they represent 10 to 20% of the voting population. the president is talking about proposals that republicans have in embraced. the public option, president is now talk about going a compromise offered by olympia snowe. exchanges, and an idea offered by rudy giuliani. deficit neutral, something republicans should support but never supported when they were in power and when they didn't pay for the iraq war
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and didn't pay for prescription drugs and they didn't pay for the president's tax cuts. when republicans were in office they spent many, many more times the amount of money the president is proposing, $700 billion over ten years, $70 billion a year. the republicans spent many, many times that amount of money without paying for it. so these are crocodile tears. what you see the president doing right now is moving to the political center. he unified the democratic party with the help from joe wilson and he will get some republicans to support it at the end of the day and a big victory for him politically but a big victory for the country. >> jamie: tony, ten seconds. >> antiquated the talking points, julian brought up paying of the iraq war. the reality is the president wanted a much more progressively liberal plan. he didn't get it because the american people stood up and actually voiced their opposition to it. now he is trying to back pedal to center. >> jamie: tony, i have to -- i'm getting the major wrap. okay? i have to go. julian, thank you very much. >> republicans are dr. no. >> deficit neutral means --
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>> jamie: let me add this. as i watched the people in washington yesterday. they didn't seem angry, they just seem to me like they wanted their voices heard. >> still a small minority of the public. >> read the polling. i know you like polls. >> jamie: thank you. good to see you. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> jamie: eric? >> eric: the south carolina congressman who shouted out "you lie" at president become bam in the speech last week, now his office is the victim of cyber attack. reports say that hackers broke in congressman joe wilson's website. republican representative is accusing opponents of deliberately disrupting that website. and he also this morning says guess what? he's not going to apologize again. caroline shively live with the latest. he apologized once. not going to do it twice? >> that's what he said on "fox news sunday" today. he said he doesn't care what house leaders say he's done commenting that he is sorry. listen on "fox news sunday." >> i am not going to
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apologize again. i apologized to the president on wednesday night. i was advised thank you, now let's get to a civil discussion of the issues. i have apologized one time. the apology was accepted by the president, the vice president who i know. i have not apoll -- i am not apologizing again. >> wilson said his son called the outburst a town hall moment. wilson said it wasn't his intention but he thinks because of the attention he has brought to the issue, the senate finance question and president now said they will make sure legislation includes verification provisions to make sure illegal aliens don't get government money for healthcare insurance. >> eric: caroline, he has raised money because of what he said for his re-election. what about the website and the latest on it possibly being hacked? >> sure. it happened friday night and it was down for five hours. his ca campaign website. they're ganging up on the campaign website and they are using phantom computers and
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they send millions of fake requests and that overloads the site and it crashes. that is a problem. it could hurt wilson's campaign financially because people want to get in there and donate and can't while the site is down. he's not hurting. he has raised $1 million since wednesday. his opponent rob miller, a democrat in this race, he is taking in a million bucks, too. you compare it to 67,000 that miller brought in in the first six months of the year. >> eric: caroline shively live in washington on the joe will sson beat. >> jamie: disturbing development in case of missing yale graduate student. authorities confirmed to fox news they recovered bloody clothing that could be evidence in the case. they are confirming now the day after they found the evidence that may be connected to her. 24-year-old anniele. today is the day she's supposed to be married. her fiance is not a suspect.
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rick leventhal is in connecticut and tracked the story as it's breaking. what is the latest? i know you talked to authorities. >> they confirmed that bloody clothes was found late friday night to saturday morning. apparently in basement. there are reports they were found above some ceiling tiles in a lab. now, we've seen in the backside of the building investigators, police investigators going in and out of the building and discussing amongst themselves what they're finding and what the plans are. the investigators are trying to come up with leads. they examine the evidence they found. to see if it can be linked or is linked to annie le. >> jamie: rick, can i ask you -- >> jamie? >> jamie: rick, sorry.
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it didn't know if you were talking. do we have any idea when we'll know if there a connection or are they not saying? they've been tight-lip ed on this. >> i'm told it takes roughly 48 hours to process blood evidence and determine if there is a link to a sample. assuming it began immediately to process the evidence by tonight or tomorrow morning they could have answers. their are examining surveillance image. they have an image of annie entering a building after tuesday a.m. tuesday but they don't have image of her leaving. there are 70 cameras in and around the building. they are examining the footage from the cameras, going frame by frame to see if she put on a lab coat or missed her leaving the building. so far, they haven't come up with anything. >> jamie: we know in the time frame there was a fire alarm went off.
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if anyone saw her leave, they should call authorities. looking for any information. we will get more from you. thank you so much. >> eric: for the first time in 30 years the government will hold direct talks with iran. the number one topic for the obama administration is iran's suspected race for a nuclear bomb. guess what? iran doesn't want to talk about. former israeli ambassador to the united nations dori gold joins us and author of book "the rise of nuclear iran: how tehran defies the west." what a book! always good to see you. what did the direct talks mean? >> good to be with you. frankly, i'm baffled and very concerned. on thursday, the state department spokesman announced that the five-page iranian proposal on how it was going to address
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negotiations with the west was inadequate. i did not address the concerns, the day after the same state department spokesman announces that the u.s. is going to engage iran diplomatically. direct peace talks. direct negotiation. i don't know how to square the circle. remember, the president of iran mahmoud ahmadinejad said iran -- that the nuclear file is closed. he is backed by the supreme leader in iran, khomeini, the ayatollah. anyone looking at the security council and germany can see but the iranian iranian putting forth generalalities no specific agreement talking about the nuclear program. >> this morning they said case closed.
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they will just look at each other? >> in 3, 2005, european union talked about stopping enrichment. what do irainiance do? complete the second stage of the conversion program. >> eric: no talking gives them more time. >> they have time to fend off any move like the severe sanctions everyone is talking about. >> wait. you have to talk to them and have diplomadiplomacy. but russian said no sanctions. ahmadinejad is coming new york the week after next for the united states and russia will sit there with president obama. no new sanctions. >> if you insist you won't do sanctions without authorization, russians killed new sanctions. if you believe in the western powers major industrial states can implement a
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quarantine of gasoline and undertake the own sanctions there is much to do. how do you have stiff sanctions on iran and have negotiations with them? they'll use the negotiations to save off the sanctions and complete the sprint to nuclear weapons capability. that is my concern and why i'm baffled this morning about the announcement of new negotiations with iran. >> the author of the rise of nuclear iran and how deran defies the west. there is the book. he says the author of more talking is continue defiance. dore gold. good to see you. >> jamie: did you know that millions of your taxpayer dollars are literally being washed out to sea? coming up, we are tracking your taxes. and what we're about to tell you may change what you think of a day at the beach. >> eric: this morning, new developments on the astonishing acorn tapes. more on the secret undercover
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videos that rocked acorn. the girl who played the prost tult and activist filmmaker will be here to fill you in. that is straight ahead only here now on the fox news channel. carol, when you replaced casual friday with nordic tuesday, was it really for fun, or to save money on heat? why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service-- you can save money and keep the heat on. great idea. that is a great idea. well, if nordic tuesday wasn't so much fun. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money. fedex
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>> jamie: one more thing to think about as we close the door on summer. the new study which found the so-called super bug mrsa, mrsa, the strain of staph infection in hospitals has been discovered on u.s. beaches for the first time. anti-biotic resistant strain that can cause nasty skin condition and organ ailments. even serious and fatal cases
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of pneumonia. scientists say avoid the beach. they want to remind folks of the importance of hygiene and say get all the sand off if you go and cover up any cuts and breezes on your skin. >> eric: in the past 12 years congress spent $100 million a year. every year replenishing beach sand. every year like sands through the hour glass, it all gets washed away. william la jeunesse takes a look at our tax dollars at work. >> the sand replenishment projects are the worst for the country's wealthiest people. >> talk about money running through your finger, congress jumps up to $100 million in sand on american beaches every year. only to have it wash away again. >> the first winter storm comes and the sand will wash away. >> new england, florida,
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coastal communities lobby congress for money to buff up the beaches over and over again. taxpayers replenished one beach in new jersey ten times for $24 million. another 22 times for $83 million. >> this is maintaining a critical asset and the reason why most of us move to the coast in the first place. >> the beach in encinitas, california, cost taxpayer $14 million. but the mayor says it's worth it for local and tourists. >> when you think how important beach is to people's quality of life, money well spent. >> the taxpayers dumped $3 billion in federally subsidized sand on beaches around the country. president clinton, president bush tried to get the federal money out of the projects. in fact, there was a bill in congress to ban the practice. congress said no. they like it the way it is.
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last year they spent $45 million on single beach in mississippi and the sand washed away in the first winter storm. in los angeles, william la jeunesse. >> you thought voter registration fraud were bad but how about these tapes? acorn calls them a smear. you hear from activist behind the undercover investigation you are seeing on tape. the girl who played the prostitute and the film-maker they both join us next. egúx he ran off with his secretary! she's 23 years old!
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>> eric: now to to the acorn tapes. four employees have been fired and new calls for hearings in acorn and acorn has been dropped from participating in the census next year. acorn this weekend is firing back saying the tapes are part of what it calls a long-term political plan to smear the group and threatening to sue filmmaker and fox news, the first network to air the tapes and they're angry and appalled they say about the behavior seen on the tape of their employees. it was not made by fox news but a conservative activist james o'keeffe and associate 20-year-old hanna guiles, college student who portrayed the prostitute. they were first on the website what happens is the pair goes to acorn offices and tries to get an acorn loan to buy a house they say will be part of a supposed prostitution business. it shows the acorn workers willing to help and giving advice about the supposed
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illegal activities. here is part of one tape from the acorn housing office if washington, d.c. >> my partner is in the business. i don't know if you allow housing -- >> if you don't tell us we can't help you. >> my girlfriend is a prostitute. >> okay. >> and i don't know if -- >> i kind of figured that. >> we don't put down the punks. this is why -- [ inaudible ] they don't want to know where your money is coming from. all they want is the accountability, if off bank account or money going in the bank. >> i can be the one to put up a house and she can perform tricks in the house. >> yep. >> the acorn chief organizer issued the statement. "it's clear that the videos are doctored, edited and in no way result of fabricated story conserved by the filmmaker o'keeffe and his partner in crime."
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>> joining us are the filmmakers. o'keeffe and the woman portraying the prostitute hanna guiles. welcome. >> good morning. >> james, astounding. why did you do it? >> we did it because we are, hanna and i are concerned about our country. we are upset with the main stream media. no accountability on the government. what is astounding is how the media is covering for acorn and attacking me and hanna instead of getting to the bottom of what happened. where are the journalists? >> eric: what do you mean by that? >> it's shocking to me that the outlets like cnn, and baltimore sun are covering for acorn. writing in newspaper and columns when the first tape came out, when baltimore came
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out they said we didn't have any others and we had thrown out. that was false. we're owed an apology by the network, cnn. c'mon! >> eric: before you attack cnn, did anybody -- did anybody put you up to this? how did it start? >> this is hanna and i. her idea. i have background of activism. she contacted me and had the foundation and i developed it for her. >> eric: how did you come up with it? you portray a prostitute. you were sitting at the table. astonishing what people say. what was going through your mind? >> as i sat there i was thinking i can't believe they're falling for it. not necessarily falling for it but what can we get them to say next? what will they do next to enable illegal activity not only help a prostitute but help her establish an underage brothel with illegal immigrants. >> eric: you talked about underage girls, bringing in
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underage girls from el salvador to be in this house? >> yes, we did. we said we wanted to ship underage girls in the neighborhood so we could establish underage broth to funnel james' political campaign in a few years. >> that is an outrageous set up and story. they asked you to join acorn? >> they asked us to join acorn and if we needed help on the taxes they gave us $100 off to get started with our business. >> jachls, acorn is calling this a politically activated smear. is it a smear? was it politically motivated the reason you did it? >> we're trying to hold the organizations accountable and trying to do investigative work, independent work. we are just asking questions. i don't see other news organizations asking these people questions so, you know, hanna and i took it
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upon ourselves to get to the bottom of what is going on. >> they say the tapes are doctored. were they doctored? >> absolutely not. they don't have any leg to stand on. so they're saying that i dubbed in my voice which is absurd. we have the full tapes and in some cases they have been given to the media. they can attack us on the ground but when the truth comes out in the end they'll apologize to us. >> they talk about suing. what is your reaction to that? >> bring it on. >> bring it on? >> yeah. you are that eager or willing basically and why so? >> eager and willing to do what? >> bring on a lawsuit. >> it's not in their interest to attack us. if they want to equate sex trafficking of young girls with videotaping without consent, that's their prerogative. it shows how low they are. i don't think they'll do
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that. >> fox news did not tape these and we didn't know about it until recently. some people say it's unfair. they were just trying to help you. hanna, they didn't know they were being secretly recorded. what do you say to that? s>> >> i don't know. do you normally help prostitutes? secretly recorded or not you don't help a woman who wants to traffic in underage girls for sex business to fund her boyfriend's future congressional campaign. you don't help her lie on her tax forms about it. >> this is what they told you? >> it is. >> the two tapes are on big where they've been released first. james, acorn said you went five other places where they kicked you out. what do you say about that? did you find ethical honest acorn employees in places you
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went to that kicked you out and said no, we're not doing this and not cooperating and not going to have acorn help you? >> after we did the baltimore acorn facility, they issued a statement saying we were kicked out of the other ones. then we came out with a dc one and they were -- turned out to be liarliars. er i would hold out to see how much they'll lie. we'll see the truth come out and they'll apologize to me and hanna. >> eric: you want an apology? >> absolutely. >> about the kicking out, the women in baltimore hugged me. when i left. and the women in d.c. can, they did follow-up phone calls they asked if i could meet them for coffee to discuss how to make it possible. >> in the first two tapes they didn't kick you out but some did refuse.
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>> no. >> say that again? >> were there some that refused your offers that were not willing to cooperate. >> in none of the -- none of the facilities kicked us out. that is a lie. >> what do you take from this going through this and what have you learned? >> acorn is extremely corrupt and they'll do anything to appease the community. to tie it back to the voter fraud, if they see a girl running a brothel and if they help us they could tap into voters because we help them and get back to them. >> hanna and james who made the videotape, that is all over the place on internet now and caused a controversy at acorn. thank you for joining us this morning.
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>> incredible context. thank you. annie le's wedding was to take place now, 11:00 a.m. in front of family and friends on new york long island but the 24-year-old grad student is subject of a massive investigation. missing since tuesday from medical lab at yale where she worked. brand new evidence it could be related to the case. rick leventhal is in new haven. how close are investigates to finding annie le?
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>> jamie: it was a common sight in the great depression. people taking in rent-paying boarders to pay the build. guess what? that what is old is new again. more and more homeowners in the shaky economy take in roommates. i got to sit down with a couple in philadelphia. they've done just that. ruth designed the dream home in philadelphia. >> we put so much of our time and energy in creating it. >> initially it was within their means. but then the recession hit. >> my income went down as the economy started getting iffy. the mortgage payment went up. add to those things the collision of the two things was caused a crisis. >> after six years of marriage they took if a room mrait to save the home from foreclosure. the number of homeowners that are look to rent out rooms is on the rise across the country. one nationwide roommate referral service they spoke to said their listing of
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homeowners that are looking to share expenses are up as much as 25% over just the last year alone. >> renee says her business is doing better. there has been a 44% increase in homeowners calling us, wanting somebody to come in so they could have additional income. >> they turn to craigslist where the roommate postings have doubled in the past two years. they found katrina allen. the $650 a month katrina pays is all the couple needs to keep the three-story home. >> if you were in their situation what would you want to know about the person you consider moving in? >> everything. i'd want to know they weren't crazy. i'd want to know they didn't have scary skeletons in their closet. it'd want to i know that they didn't smell bad.
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>> the couple went on instinct and no background check. renee's organization does more homework. >> does this person get angry easily? how much alcohol does the person use. >> it's been a year and -- >> we got a roommate and we're still moving forward. being able to fully pay the mortgage each month is heavenly. >> well, today was supposed to be the day that yale university grad substitute annie le walked the aisle. but her friends and family are wondering what could have happened to annie. she vanished tuesday from a medical lab at yale medical school. she was seen on security camera she entered the building. today they confirm they found the bloody clothing stashed away in the building not saying if it's connected to le's disappearance or if there is a crime. they're not saying that yet.
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joining us on the phone is matt leshak, the reporter for "new york daily news." we had a chance to speak yesterday. you have been in new haven with rick leventhal as we. what have you learned? >> thank you for having me. the university seems to slightly back off that the clothing could be annie's. evidently, it was -- my sources are telling me it was a mine school amount of blood found on the clothing and 24 hours after they found it, they're still not willing to confirm one way or the other. officials know exactly what annie le was wearing when she walked in. so you'd think that they have a good idea if it's hers now. >> there were four law enforcement agencies involved. the f.b.i. is taking the lead and taking the calls if anyone has information. are they limiting themselves
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to this building the last place they believe she was. or are you getting a sense the investigation is expanding with more than 100 law enforcement officials on this case? >> i have the impression it's expanding. the f.b.i. and law enforcement is spread all over the little community of new haven. monitoring not just cameras outside the facility but cameras all around. reviewing footage for any indication that she left the building. >> jamie: before i let you go, 75 surveillance cameras in just that one building. do you know why that is? were there prior businesses or is it standard protocol for the campus? >> that is a good point. the cameras are there because there is millions of dollars worth of research equipment inside the building.
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another note of interest. standing outside the building now and a few minutes ago the special agent for the f.b.i. in charge of the case walked in with several officers. don't know the significance of this, but i just wanted to let your viewers know. >> keep it here on fox for the latest. matt lysiak, thank you for joining us again. eric? >> eric: jamie, afghanistan have you heard the top military commanders may ask for more troops? one top democrat saying it should not be the only option. are all the democrat on board with the president? a fair and balanced debate over afghanistan. what is next in the next hour. um bill-- why is dick butkus here? i hired him to speak. a lot of fortune 500 companies use him. but-- i'm your only employee. we're gonna start using fedex to ship globally-- that means billions of potential customers.
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we're gonna be huge. good morning! you know business is a lot like football... i just don't understand... i'm sorry dick butkus. (announcer) we understand. you want to grow internationally. fedex express
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>> eric: did you know today is a great day for a race. camel race. not at the pyramid in egypt,
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but in your west. annual event that commemorates the use of camels by the u.s. army. they did at it century-and-a-half ago. casey stegall live from virginia city, nevada. camels out west? man! i never knew that. >> yeah. it's a tough assignment, eric. tell me that this is not a face you don't love. look at this! this is a lot of fun out here. i am keeping my distance, by the way. because we know camels can be unpredictable but we're told they're all females and they're very well-behaved. can you believe people actually race these and they have been doing it for 50 years in virginia city. this is a small town, population of 800 people or so. but these events attract folks from all over the country that come out to see the sheer spectacle of the camel races that start in four hours from now. but, you know, the interesting part is history.
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at one point the army tried to use the camel as pack animals because they can go great distance without water. but because of their not so great temperament -- there you, go he will lick the lens. because they spit and frightened the horses so the program was discontinued. now his friend has come up here. we are breaking the rules of live television here. you're never supposed to go live with animals, children or while eating. so we're risking it here. no doubt a lot of fun throughout the day here, guys. >> eric: all right. i know you will bring us the camel races late attorney fox news channel to see which critter wins. >> you got it. >> jamie: not sure how to do the transition but congressman joe wilson is saying he will not apologize for the house floor for yelling "you lied" in a speech by the president. he has been hammered by the media. has the coverage been fair? we'll ask liz trotta next. [ woman ] dear cat. gentle cat.
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>> eric: congressman joe wilson refusing to apologize on the house floor for the outburst in the president healthcare address. the congress saying he's apologized directly to the white house for yelling "you lie" at the president and mr. obama accepted that apology. the media has come down hard on him but the coverage has highlighted the issue that got the congressman so riled up. whether or not the president's healthcare plan will benefit illegal immigrants. author, journalist, fox news contributor liz trotta who takes on the media at this time every sunday joins us
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now. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> eric: how is he being treated? >> as you pointed out the main stream media is hyperbolic about his display on the floor of the house. let me just say that you know it's too bad that wilson gave ammunition to obama's critics. it was conduct surprising in a southern gentleman from south carolina, so he would have been better to go out in the hallway and find a camera, or a print reporter and say i think this is a lie and this is why. instead, he yelled you lie! by the way, in itself is a dramatic, not you're a liar but you lie. the aftermath, the media has
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been forced to drill down and find out who is telling the truth. is it joe wilson or the president? interesting we have a debate about immigration. this has been beneath the surface and not discussed in terms of the healthcare plan. what they have been trying to figure out is there a sort of intentional ambiguity in the way the law is written now, and also in the proposals, four or five proposals if not more, maybe, for the healthcare plan. most agree and have written that there is intentional ambiguity. where it falls is there is a line in the bill that says no illegal immigrants will get the federal subsidiarisubsidiar. who and what would enforce that? the question of verifying who is a citizen or not has been turned down twice by the
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democrats. it's discussed in a way it never was before. in a way, that joe wilson performed a public service. >> it was a public service because we're having a discussion on it. >> you don't think we would have examined if illegals were covered in this if he hadn't done that. >> true. for a media screaming and yelling about let's have details and that was supposed to be what obama was supposed to fulfill in his speech, have detailed, the question of immigration on the mind of many americans is details they weren't interested in. not until wilson said hey, wait. look at that. one thing the writers talk about is in the state of california, do we not know the financial trouble they're in? they're bankrupt.
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a state that was spending a billion a year on healthcare for illegal immigrants. yes, it's the state with the largest immigrant as far as we can tell population. should taxpayer fend for this? and the question of the emergency rooms where the white house spokesman said congress will deal with that. it's unlikely because the question of laws that illegal in emergency rooms will be turned around. >> eric: let me -- we're about out of time. a minute. talk about the coverage. coverage of the huge rally by the freedom works, conservative groups in washington. how is it covered? controversy over abc and if they estimated the people there. it wasn't in the "washington post" in depth i understand. >> first, the washington police don't give crowd
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estimates anymore. many don't because there is a question of an object of dissension. a key line -- i'm not quoting directly but a sense of it, of the people there, many had come on their own. that is a big admission because until recently it was a right wing conspiracy. we have to salute the times for that. in general, i was surprised to hear there was a mob. i went to bed thinking that was a small gathering. >> eric: liz always takes on the media every sunday at this time. interesting topics that they're getting more interesting with details of the bill because of what joe wilson said. thank you. >> jamie: thank you. i'm jamie colby with eric shawn. we're glad to h


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