tv Glenn Beck FOX News September 15, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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we'll see. tomorrow something is about to happen that has some folks very worried. on the fox business network, a new plan to stop the out-of-control spending in d.c. and then a one on one with dora! [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute glenn: welcome to the glenn beck program. tonight, a special program with tape from that is so explosive it will peel the skin from your face. acorn again caught on camera showing their true collars. -- their true colors. if you believe this country is great but the enemies are within the gate, stand up! refound the country. come on. follow me.
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hello, america. i have to tell you, i don't even know where to begin, other than tonight i want to appeal to your common decency. this is not about republicans and democrats anymore. this is about america. who are we? who are we? if we can't unite in the next 60 minutes, the country is just not going to stand. no matter if you're for healthcare, against healthcare, for unions, against unions, whatever, if we can't unite on this, we can't unite on anything. i'm about to show you be absolutely stunning video, but what i hope you will keep in mind when you're watching this story is so many people have this story wrong. when you hear your neighbors and friends talking about it, it involves acorn, but this is not about acorn. you already know who these people are, in your gut, you have known who these people are fro a long time.
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we have been telling you for months now. as citizens, we need to focus on the bigger picture, what is -- this is one part of a very large picture. the mainstream media completely misses almost every point. they did it on the van jones thing. the left is still saying that, oh, that glenn beck is crazy on his over-the-top coverage on the advisor to the president." they glossed over the facts that we presented over and over again to you. we asked somebody, please, ask for answers, because we can't get any. have they? no, no, no. van jones was a self-proclaimed radical revoluntionary communist. he called himself that. each of the words that we would present to you were in his own words. the only time the media even referenced any of the issues of radical revoluntionary was
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when they tried to equivocate whether he was any of those things when he was appointed. supposedly, according to the media, he changed his mind on communism. really? gosh, we looked pretty hard. i mean, we were one organization that was actually looking for pivot points on anything this man might have said. never saw him say that he disavowed any of it. can anyone in the press? provide the evidence? i would love to play it. show me his pivot point. love to see it. i never have. but, wow, looking for that pivot point that they all talk about, i did see this quote from van jones. quote, i'm willing to forego the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of the radical ends." in other words, he is still a radical. in other words, there are radicals in the white house advising our president.
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hmm. should maybe is somebody look into that? let's say the man mellowed just a tad. great. how many in the media are going to find the former communist radical having the ear of the president of the united states? that's question we should ask. then we should follow up with this -- are we so bereft of talent in a nation of 300 million that we have to accept this guy, a tax cheat as our secretary of treasury? really? he's running the i.r.s.! how about this. how about a guy who wants to de-develop our economy and redistribute the wealth in and among nations? that's a quote -- as our science and technology john holdren is. what about the guy who thinks that animals should be able to have attorneys an sue you, who thinks you can be nudged into becoming a country that is a vegetarian country, one that should ban hunting, as does
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this guy, our new regulatory czar cass sunstein, who was just confirmed last week. that's great. members of congress, protect and defend that constitution. i don't accept that in a country of 300 million people with thousands of good democrats, many of whom i may disagree with, but are fullly capable of filling all of those key jobs, you know, without cheating on their taxes or coming anywhere near holding any of hose radical views like i just mentioned. you can't find those people and put them in the administration? the president himself, in a clip we played over and over again, the president himself said hoy how you" how you figure out what he is all about." this came after john mccain during the election accused him of having a lot of marxist friends. here's what he said. >> let me tell you who i associate with. on economic policy, associate with warren buffett and ub and
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paul volcker, and foreign policy, joe biden or with dick lugar of the republican ranking member on the senate foreign relations committee, or general jim jones, the former supreme commander of nato. those are the people, democrats and republicans who have shaped my ideas and who will be surrounding me in the white white house. glenn: hmm. those guys really aren't surrounding him now. and really, it is not working to his advantage to continue to look who is surrounding him. we're not talking tonight about marxism, but now we're expected to believe and accept that the way to help people in the inner cities an set them on a path of growth and education is to support with tax dollars an organization that has demonstrated over and over and over and over again. currently, arrests have been made in 14 states, many of them led by state democrats --
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thank you, democrats, local democrats, for still having a soul. they have nailed them on fraud, voter fraud, corruption. the tapes that we have shown you now involve tax fraud and the selling of illegal immigrants into the sex trade and for the fun of it, good old prostitution that everybody can get their arms around. while the government is going to make speeches an throw you a bone of cutting off funding, you know, we're going to cut off funding. really? until the republicans and the democratsize together and demand a full independent rigorous investigation that doesn't concentrate just on the local level and these few dirtbags but goes all the way to the top, to the power brokers at the highest levels of acorn, and in our own halls of congress, and this administration, it's all going to be a sham. you won't be able to trust anything in washington. don't you see, america? we are creating a system that will lead us down the path of
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becoming mexico. do you think that mexicans are happy with their government? do you think it's easy to conduct business in mexico? do you think you get a fair shake in the court systems of mexico? no! why? because it's corrupt! that's what we're creating here. if you didn't think that there should have been an investigation before, what i'm going to show you tonight will boggle your mind, and if at the end of the hour you still don't think there should be a rigorous investigation, and you wonder why, if we want to figure out how the president wants to community organize, why he is surrounding himself with members of acorn, well, then, i don't know what else to do. for the remainder of the hour, we're going to take this video apart piece by piece, because this one not only involves prostitution, illegal aliens an tax corruption and fraud, but also an admission of a woman killing her husband. remember, this is now the
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fourth city. let me show you the players again in this video so you understand who we're talking about. james is the filmmaker. this is the guy who comes in and says i'm a pimp. this is hanna. she is playing eden here. this is a 20-year-old girl, a 20-year-old girl. imagine her walking into your office and saying, hey, i'm a hooker. don't you reach across the table and say, honey, what are you doing with your life? you met these two before, but i'm going to introduce you to two new people. this is theresa. she is an acorn advisor, and then we have jim, an acorn housing guy, but it's not about these people. it's about these people! these are the people that you need to look at. this is dale rathke. oh, he embezzled about a million dollars from acorn eight years ago and they covered it up. he went over to seiu. gee, where have i heard seiu?
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oh, i are remember, in the oval office designing healthcare with the president! here is his brother, wade rathke. he's the founder of acorn. oh, he's the real brain behind t these two, america, how much more do you need? look at them! they look like they're james bond bad guys. remember, all the james bond movies and that guy is clearly a bad guy? hello! ok. so here we have the pimp and hanna who played the girlfriend, the prostitute. you met them before. now we go into another city. we go into another acorn housing office. this time james and hanna try the other side of the country, san bernadino, california, where they meet theresa. >> do you know anything about acorn? >> yes. >> well, they were non-partisan -- >> well, wait. this has to do with my woman's
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unique line of work. >> ok. what is it? >> is it striping? >> no, it's not. >> is it exotic dancing? >> it's prostitution. >> oh, ok. >> is that ok? >> it's ok with me. i think it should be totally legalized. >> what what a surprise. this helpful acorn employee is just as inclusive as the others in baltimore, the washington, d.c. office and brooklyn, open-minded, diverse, tolerant of illegal activities. oh, it's so refreshing, isn't it? will this acorn office also be ok with underaged illegal aliens turning tricks that american prostitutes that are underage aren't willing to turn? we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? >> you understand where we're coming from? >> yeah. a long time ago, myself,
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although i don't think acorn knows about it, although i don't care if they do or don't , we had escorts and i ran a service. >> really? >> yeah. >> heidi fleiss is my hero! >> who is she? >> she hasn't done anything lately, but a few years ago, heidi fleiss was -- she ran a call girl service, and she got to see some really prominent people, but she did it and made a bundle, you know, of course, and so at any rate, they finally busted her after a bunch of years, and they
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tried to put her in prison. i think they gave her a little bit of time, but it was nothing. she's out and doing it again. >> i have heard of her. >> yeah, yeah, she ran a service, you know, and that's what i did. glenn: and the plot thickens. this woman is not only tolerant. she is a kindred spirit of hookers. i doubt that theresa matched her clients on the 29 dimensions of compatibility. i'm guessing there is only one dimension here, and that's cash. now theresa turned career guidance counselor and discovers then that, yes, there are a dozen or so underaged el salvadoran girls that are just going to be exploited. >> is this what you want to do? >> yeah for now. i don't see why i shouldn't be
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able to do it. i'm bringing in other girls. >> how old are they? >> 14. >> how old are you? >> 20. >> so that's some background. do you know how you want to run it? if you have a building or -- >> i'm thinking of -- first i will say that i want to get a home. the guy that i'm supposed to be working for is here and just got a shipment of el salvadoran girls. >> how old? >> between 12 and 15. and i would have to have a relationship with them as a point of contact and i would like to take that away from him and use them for me, for myself.
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>> are there no decent men anymore? let me appeal to everyone. not the left wing nut jobs who don't care what any democrat or any partisan democrat, you know, or democratic political organization does. you know, as long as there is a democrat in every elects office, don't think i'm throwing the democrats under the bus without saying the same thing about the right. not the left wing media, who doesn't care about potential radicals in our government? all they want to do is attack the messenger. i'm talking to you, the reasonable, rational democrat, my grandparents were democrats. my family were democrats. democrats are no different. we might just disagree on a few policies but on principles we agree. you love this country just as much as i do. you love the constitution and the founding fathers just as
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much as i do you love your children just as much as i do. you're horrified at the prospect of anyone's child from any country on planet earth being exploited, abused and used for some sickening sex trade! you can't think that this is ok. you know that if it were you and this couple came in and walked into your office, you wouldn't sit there. you might sit there for a while, and you might say hang on just a second and i got to get a cup of coffee and you would call the police. you might go back and stall while the police are coming, but you would not enable. you would not encourage. you wouldn't even entertain this madness. this is insanity! this is not about partisan politics. this is about basic human decency.
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and an organization that has gained an enormous amount of clout, influence and power, and yes, even more power since obama was elected. again, this is an organization, acorn, and others like it, that he said would have a place at the table to help set his agenda. >> before i even get inaugurated, during the transition, we're going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. we're going to have a meeting all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the united states of america! glenn: how much influence does dale rathke from seiu and wade ath i can and his associations with acorn have with this president? look, democrats, i'm not asking you to vote republican. i'm not asking you to say
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yeah, john mccain would have been better. i'm not asking you to take back your vote or put a halliburton sticker on the back of your ford f-350 pickup truck with charlie daniels blaring from the speakers. we're not asking you to do that. sure, we could start with toby keith, work our way from there, sure, you know, one step at a type. there's no reason to jump from this to nascar. i am just asking you this -- please, take a stand. take a stand. this is clear-cut unadulterated taxpayer-funded corruption. you love your children. you love your country just like i do. you must understand that what you have been seeing from acorn on these tapes this past week isn't compassion, it's corruption! i'm asking you, demand a full investigation from your representatives of everybody -- acorn, all the way to the top, everybody in government, all the way to the
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glenn: now back to a special hour, more undercover tapes apparently showing acorn workers helping a couple break the law. i want to introduce you again. this is theresa, an acorn advisor you're going to meet in a few minutes, jim, an acorn housing advisor. james, he is a documentary filmmaker. he is playing the pimp. this is hanna, she's playing eden, the prostitute, and these are, are of course, the
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people who are, at the very top, who are the people responsible. ok. so, now, here is what happens. allegedly the pimp and the prostitute are just trying to get help from acorn housing. watch. >> one of the other things i want to do, one of my goals, you asked do you know how you want to do this. i think one of goals is not only can eden protect these 13, 14, 15-year-old girls coming from el salvador, in addition to protrectsing them, that they can perform the tricks and learn the l.a. prostitution scene is also wanting to use some of them -- this is very luke lucrative and we could use a lot of the money we are getting from the underaged girls and use the money for a campaign one day. >> we want to help him. if he really does have potential to run for congress one day, then, you know, that's good. >> i believe he does.
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scwit right off the top, i talked to congressman, senator s almost every day. >> really? >> that's cool. i talk to them. >> absolutely. >> and one is a woman senator, and let's see, and morris is a woman. >> i think i have heard her name. >> yeah. let's see, one more name, carter, the assemblywoman, in the 62nd district, and let's see -- >> you know all those people? >> i know some of them. i have some friends at u.c. riverside. >> >> and barbara boxer, and who
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is the other woman? >> they're close? >> yeah, right downtown on e, right across the street from the store. we love these people for legislation, you know. right now we're trying to get them onboard for healthcare, for, you know, and we -- and warehouse workers, and i don't know, and they'll probably totally legalize drugs before they will prostitution, but you know -- >> that's the thing. if he is running for office, i would be a liability to him. glenn: i mean, this woman is rattling off a lot of names. your know, some of these names prominent. whether or not she even even knows these people and in what context, i'm not even going to speculate on. i don't know. i had will say that acorn's
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story keeps changing. first they called the video false and defamatory, and then they fired the first four employees in two different cities and then they called it got ya journalism and then they said the tapes are drok toward. they're not. acork is trying to bully the 20 and 25-year-olds who made the film to deflect attention from themselves, to go from villain to victim. what does acorn really do? they isn't been able to say that their employees would never engage, entertain or enable this kind of illegal activity. they can't say that. i can't say that on their behalf either, but here is a glimmer of hope. >> listen, i am not your typical acorn, trust he me. we are very open-minded and, you know, i could provide a
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sit-down faster than a bat out of hell. i'm not sure that she doesn't do this on the side. >> i had a ghimmer of hope. with that, i don't even know what that means. is the deal off? not exactly. did theresa shut off the faucet and stop the flooding? did she say acorn and her supervisor would shut this down fast? she did do that. the problem is we haven't even any indication in any of the previous three cities that we have tape on that this is any different. i would love to believe that our tax money isn't being used for and by dirtbags. unfortunately, acorn isn't answering any of the questions and nobody is looking. they're too busy attacking james, hanna and fox news to address the real issue of whether there is serious corruption or not. gee, based on the stats, it looks like there might be a fire here. there's an awful lot of smoke. this is the same thing we see
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from president barack obama with the special advisors. he surrounds himself with radicals. rather than answer any questions that have been raised, he just fires people in the middle of the night or asks them to resign, and then attacks the questioners, exactly -- whoa, exactly the same way acorn is behaving. hmm. well, let's now see how theresa handles the rest of this story r >> thank you for being here. >> oh, you're welcome! you're welcome. i mean, i don't know that i can help you any at all other than if you want me, what i can do, i would disguise it. i definitely would not go -- and i'd like to say that you were very forward about it and very forthcoming with the information, but it would probably make some people faint.
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you know, but if you can, by the way you're dressed and what you're telling me, and if you're actually in business now, but you would look absolutely adorable in a three-piece suit, short, you know. >> talking about the business with underaged girls? >> no, the business where you go and say you're an entrepreneur. yes. >> yes. >> this is fine with me, and trust he me, it will be fine with the bank person, especially if it's a guy! but -- >> i have to get an appointment with the bank president. >> oh, sure. say you would like to speak with the president. that's who i would ask for. i think you should take your partner with you.
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>> but not bring the underaged girls with us? >> oh, no, no, no, no. i'm old enough to know the answer to that yes! >> that's important, because if you don't disclose -- you said you had had experience maybe like 40 years ago. >> i'm experienced in how not to get caught. glenn: who knew that community organizing you can included handy tips to introducing yourself to male bank presidents? did i missomething there? was that overdubed? remember a year or so ago when you had no idea what a community organizer did? now you know. they help organize and fund community brothels that employ 13-year-old illegal alien girls, but wait. it's about to get worse. after eden discusses how her pimp got abusive, theresa turns the conversation even darker, next. @=h
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>> this is a fox news alert. i'm patti ann browne. the house of representatives has just passed the so-called dissolution of disapproval against the congressman who interrupted president obama's address to congress last week. south carolina republican joe wilson had already apologized to the white house for shouting "you lie!" to the president during the speech. the apology was accepted by president obama and wilson's supporters argued no further action was needed.
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a lengthy partisan debate preceded the house vote which ran mainly along partisan lines with most democrats voting in favor of rebuking congressman wilson and most republicans voting against it. the glenn beck program returns in a moment but first bret baier previews "special report." hi, bret. bret: coming up after the house just rebuked congressman joe wilson, there are more charges that most opposition to president obama's policies is due to race. we have that story, plus brit hume's analysis. join me at the top of the hour. noi back to glenn. glenn: america, things are moving so rapidly, i mean, i can barely keep up with the speed of it. we have a special hour tonight. more undercover tapes, apparently showing acorn workers helping, you know, another couple break the law, allegedly. we continue with the pimp and the prostitute trying to get help from acorn. we just learned that apparently community
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organizing includes heavy tips on seducing male bank presidents. i don't think i misread that. a year ago, you had no idea what a community organizer even did, but now you know they apparently organize and help fund community brothels, in this case, employing 13-year-old illegal alien girls, but wait. it's about to get worse, much worse. after eden discusses how her old pimp got abusive, theresa, the acorn worker, turns the conversation even darker and shared this. >> i have been abused in my life, also, just with an ex-husband, you know, that just beat the hell out of me, you know, a few times, and then, you know, i killed him, but -- >> yeah. >> i don't think that that's a nice thing. >> you killed him emotionally? >> no, i shot him. i shot him. >> he beat you for a while? >> yeah.
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>> how old were you? >> i was 35. >> i knew the second that i open my mouth, and i walked up there, because i knew it was coming. i knew it was coming, yeah, but you know, sometimes you just can't, you know -- i shot him. he was 6' 2" and weighed 300 pounds. >> 300? >> yeah. >> fat. >> it wasn't real fat, because he was big, really big. >> husky? >> yeah. and he came at me, and i let him throw me around a little bit, you know, and then i just picked up the gun and i shot him, and he died, right there, and -- but before, that i had
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laid some groundwork, you know, went to domestic violence shelters and pleaded my case to them, and so everybody in town was knowing that this was happening, you know, so i loved the movie the burning bed with farrah fawcett. >> you went through a lot of suffering. >> yeah, right, so i don't agree with -- i never -- i don't believe in corporeal punishment for children. i never spanked my kids for anything. glenn: let's see here. she never spanked her kids but she did shoot her husband dead. she doesn't spank her kids but you can bring in 13-year-old illegal aliens and have them be hookers are. where do you begin, america? this is twisted, bizarre
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macabre, mean -- is this these er? theater? i'm not a lawyer. i'm not a jury. to me, this is admission of murder. the way she she described doing groundwork beforehand so everyone in town knew what was going on, a case might be made for pre-mediated murder, in fairness. i don't understand people who stay in abusive relationships. 0 i don't. i get it. i get it. maybe a jury might conclude that it was justifiable homicide. i don't know, but we haven't been even able to confirm from the state of california whether theresa's husband from ten years ago or if he's dead or if she even had a husband. did she make the story up? i don't know. nobody is asking questions. see if the mainstream media will follow this one. this is shocking! it raises serious questions about what is going on inside
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of acorn. acorn, you watch, they will say it is just another rogue employee. we had nothing to do with her. really? how many employees do you have like that? the red cross doesn't seem to have this problem. how many employees do you have to have charged with crimes and go to jail? either acorn has the lowest standards anchor rupt hiring practices, or you just can't find anyone in the inner city that's a decent human being. now, i don't believe that one. i don't think acorn wants to make that case. well, that's the case you better make, acorn, otherwise before another tax dime is spent, there needs to be an investigation, an independent investigation into acorn, and every single politician that has stood by with their hands in their pockets going it doesn't bother me. let me go a step further.
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you know what? i hate to go all howard beale on you, but get the hell off of coach america, get off the couch! while i'm talking to you, you pick up the phone. you call the newspaper, your local newspaper. have them run this story on the front page. it doesn't reflect the same outrage in the paper if the newspapers aren't doing their job and looking into your independent acorn right there in your own town, then, you know what? then what the hell are they good for? you tell them you don't reflect common american values of decency. call abc here in new york! call cbs! hey, katie couric, where are you? where are you? then you call your congressman. you call your senator. just one more time, try it with these people, and say these words "protect and defend the constitution of the
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united states." you took an oath. get your ass in gear. when i see the senate voted 83-7 to cut off acorn's funding, an organization -- can you put the people up -- put the faces up here. there they are. look at this, oh, roland burris! what a surprise! oh, kirsten gillibrand, boy, it didn't take you long to fall. here is an organization that has 270 other related organizations including sei-u that surrounds the president of the united states. this is truly a meaningless vote, and you see 7 willing to stand for these people? i really wonder if we can find 56 congressmen and senators willing to be able to pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor, their sacred honor. does sacred honor even exist in washington anymore?
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because i ratted out a self-avowed communist in the administration in van jones, the same organizations, the same politicians, the same progressive media that are ignoring or standing for acorn now have called me joseph mccarthy. they have such little regard for your intelligence that they don't think you're going to figure out that joseph mccarthy was a powerful senator surrounded by the trappings of power of the united states government with the power of subpoena and the power of congress, the guy who stood against that was alone, while everybody else wet their pants and cowered in fear. you would think that members of the media might remember his name. it was edward r. murrow, and while i am nowhere near an edward r. murrow, and never claim to be, let me use the words of finally somebody else that stood up to the power and
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first steps but this is a group of hundreds of aliases. the disinfecting sunlight of a congressional investigation must shine brightly down on this molded corrupted scam. as recently as last spring, arlen specter was talking about a investigation into the new england patriots videotaped cheating scandal. yes, specter was so concerned about the nefarious activity in the nfl football that he was prepared to bring the entire weight of the most powerful legislative body on the planet to get to the bottom of it. henry waxman has been on the trail of major league baseball steroid problems. he's gone after roger clemens. really? no one seems interested are in a group that could receive $8.5 billion in stimulus money. the people that had a seat at the president's table when he set his agenda. he said it himself.
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is there something wrong with this picture, america? what is it i'm missing? please, please tell me. i think about this all the time. i wake up at 2:00 in the morning thinking what have i missed? isn't this just some type of insane corruption something on which we can all agree? let me bring the discussion full circle. again, this is not about acorn. just like van johns, john holdren, cass sunstein, mark lloyd, others. it is about the people surrounding the president of the united states. during the scandal involving lobbyist jack abrammoff, the president press did everything they could to tie abrammoff to president bush, knowing if they could put two and two together, it would taint the president enough to be the final straw and bring down his president dense sivment they went so far to tie them together in which president bush and abrammoff were in the same crowded room, not together but separated by 20 or 30 people and never came in contact. they have gone from that extreme to ignoring communist
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glenn: back with the one-hour special. james o'keefe went undercover to expose corruption within acorn. he is with us now. james, how are you? >> good. glenn: you are being accused of doctoring the tapes, overdubbing. is any of that true? >> completely false. glenn: you are also being accused now of spending -- i don't even know, how many millions of dollars on this investigation with fox news. any of that true? >> i have been accused of spending upwards of $100 million. i haven't spend $100 million.
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i haven't spent $1 million. glenn: how much has it cost you? >> it cost me and hanna $1,300. i have receipts and the line item receipts will be published on big glenn: you concerned at all? baltimore is coming after you. they're not coming after the corruption. they're coming after you and hanna and say you could go to prison for five years for taping these people in baltimore. >> i'm not concerned. i think it's not in their interests to come after me, and if i'm willing to serve prison time for what i found. glenn: do you worry about going to jail at all? >> no. glenn: why did you -- the other day i saw you in this outfit on fox. why did you wear that? >> well, just to be as e dick lus as possible. in some of the of the acorns i didn't wear the fur in. hanna walked in with the fur in baltimore. glenn: is this a joke to you? i mean, do you realize what
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you're dealing with? s was this is a -- was this a joke? i'm trying to understand that. >> no, this is not a joke. this is extremely serious, and this is -- these people are breaking laws. glenn: did you find what you thought you were going to find? >> i thought i would get maybe a couple got ya moments but it was completely blown past every one of my expectations. they encouraged me -- they encouraged all these laws to be broken. glenn: do you believe by any stretch of the imagination that this isn't the culture of corruption, that these are just bad rogue employees that you have run into? >> no, it occurred to me quickly that this wasn't just an isolated incident t occurred almost immediately that this is a systematic thing that was happening. it wasn't just the people. it seemed like there was something deeper. they just had that sort of sense about them. maybe they had been trained or something, or taught to behave
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this way. glenn: i have 30 seconds. why did you do this? >> well, because i care about my country, and i don't think neither hanna nor i fundamentally think the media cares about my country. glenn: ok. you can find all this video, all the transcripts, everything else, amazing, amazing new sight called go there now and decide for yourself. republicans, democrats, independents. please, your republic is at stake. james, thank you very much. >> thank you. glenn: from new york, good night, america. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement
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