tv Hannity FOX News September 16, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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post game show coming up shortly. i'm bill o'reilly. hope to see you next time. remember, the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] sean: tonight. >> i really want to take a lot of the money that we are getting from the underaged girls and put it towards my future political campaign. >> yeah. sean: the senate moves to cut off funds to acorn as more devastating video threatens to destroy the organization. >> i wouldn't dignify you if i peed on your leg. i know that wouldn't be worth wasting the urine. sean: one democrat brings incivility to a new level. >> additional steps are going to have to be taken to make coverage more affordable. sean: democrats begin to rebel against their own bill: wait until you hear whose book osama bin laden wants to you read.
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all of that plus newt gingrich, john rich, j.c. watts and ricky roark. a busy hannity starts right now. the acorn scandal continues to widen now. it now spans all the way to the west coast. over the past few days you have seen videos of acorn officials offering to help set up underaged prostitution rings in baltimore, washington, and new york but tonight we take to you san bernardino, california, where the most shocking footage was captured to date. the investigation in california began like all of the others. let's take a look. >> this has to do with my girlfriend's unique line of work. >> oh, ok. what is it? >> it's distributing. >> no, it's not. >> it's dancing? >> no. it's prostitution. >> oh, ok. >> i don't -- it that ok? >> it's ok with me. i think it should be totally legal legalized. sean: it didn't take long to
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find out why this acorn official was so understanding. just listen to this. >> you know, a long time ago, myself, although i don't think acorn knows it, not that i care whether they do or don't, what we -- we called escorts. >> yeah. >> you know. i ran a service. >> really? >> yeah. well, heidi fleiss is my hero. sean: if things couldn't get worse foray corn the official admitting call girl service is about to reveal her own involvement in a much more serious crime. take a look at this. >> i, in my life, have been abused also. i mean, just with an ex-husband. know just beat the hell out of me, you know, a few times and then, you know, i killed him. >> how old were you then? >> um, it was only, actually, about -- well, i was 35.
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>> was he abusing you when you shot him? >> no. not right that instant. he came at me and i let him throw me around a little bit, you know. and then i just sticked up the gun and said [bleep] you. and i shot him. and he died. right there. sean: back with us tonight from big is andrew breitbart and hanna giles who played the prostitute in that video only 20 years old. so you said i'm a prostitute. oh, ok. >> yeah. completely accepting. sean: then she admits that she, herself was an escort. >> yeah. not only was she an escort but she ran the service, the escort girl service. sean: yeah. three things that really strike me in this video tonight. the first is that she admits -- you very specifically say underaged girls that you are going to bring in from other countries. >> um-huh. sean: she is like oh, she is
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totally fine with that. >> yeah. sean: you basically say you want to take them from this pimp or this other guy and that you want them to work for you, the underaged girls? >> yeah. sean: walk us through a that and what she says. >> not only did she explain that we were going to bring in underaged girls from el salvador to live in the house and run a brothel and make money off of them but we also explained to her that that if they were physically abused like punched, kicked, we would get more money off of them. that was going to be going on in the house, also. she began to explain that oh, well, you know, can you bring it to the level of decency or indecency that you want. she was fine with child abuse, using the girls' bodies to fund james' political campaign. sean: andrew, four cities in a row. this is a group that is on par now to get, what, 8.5 billion in stimulus money. >> it's not just a case of vetting those that weren't
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vetted by the press before the election as in individuals like van jones. it's about actually looking at a group like acorn which is set to get so much more money than it ever has historically. and be granted so much power and the amount of email that is coming in to big government right now, i don't think -- we're going to have to hire 200 people to deal with. the tentacles of acorn and how it goes into our government and how it is currently working in ways that don't even appear legal, you know. at first glance. sean: when you put it all together, and it's all four cities. and, by the way, there is another one tomorrow night. >> it's california, also. if you look last week it was baltimore, washington, and then new york. i mean, we have -- they have gone across the country here. sean: why did you decide to release it this way? a day at a time? >> i think that's an important question. when the van jones story came out, we all know that the media, to call it biased at this point,
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there has to be a stronger word. i think this is the perfect exposure of the media complex. it's not bias, it just happens to be a group of people that have a common interest, fine. well now there is an alternative to it. the reason why was when they came to me, to tell me about this thing, i said if you were to drop this, if you were to go to abc. if you were cbs or nbc, they would laugh you out of the place. i suggested to them maybe you should put the camera, you know, and pitch them the story and put that up on the internet, too. sean: that would be worth it, too. sean: let me go to the other aspect of this that we just showed here. not only did she admit. if i heard her correctly running a prostitution ring heidi flies is her hero? >> yeah, her hero. sean: she goes into this scenario about her husband and the killing of him. >> yeah. sean: why don't you explain exactly because i want to make sure people understand it. >> so this is exactly what
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happened. she said she was abused by her husband. and that she killed him. now, if a woman is getting abused, she has the right to defend herself. and i went ahead and i asked her oh, was he abusing you when you killed him? and she goes no, not right that instant; which is huge. sean: she is saying she killed her husband or created the plot to kill her husband? >> right, then after -- she goes well, she tried to cover up for saying she didn't kill him in self-defense and said she went around to the community and let different groups know that she was being abused. so it's basically she set up the murder of her husband. sean: have you ever checked to see if, in fact, she had a husband that was killed? >> we are working on that. sean: you haven't gotten to the details on that? >> look, there is so much stuff coming in, there are more than four cities as you know. sean: she could have just -- in fairness -- >> she certainly does exist. if you look on the internet you can see that she is also involved on the other side of
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acorn, acorn political side. so she is a community organizeer in the political sense as well. >> there is a political record for her if you look her up. sean: you are investigating that now. >> we are working on that. sean: she son the tape she plotted to kill and had her husband killed. >> she also threatened to kill someone else. sean: you both are being threatened with a lawsuit along with james o'keefe, who is the filmmaker, who we also had on the program. what is the status of that. >> well, interestingly today, baltimore, the baltimore charter, they were the ones that were threatening the lawsuit along with the baltimore city attorney. i believe it was the city attorney, who happened to run on the platform of helping children and abused children, great irony there. but we just found out that the baltimore chapter of acorn had lost its charter because it had lapsed in the last year. sean: last question. what are we going to have on the program? you are not going to air it until tomorrow night exclusively on this program, the next phase.
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what's tomorrow night? >> shocking. >> we go towards the border and criminality suggested that relates to that neck of the woods. sean: is tomorrow the worse tape? even worse than tonight? >> it really depends on your criminal pallet. sean: it's a judgment call? >> right. sean: great work. we're going to have much more on the widening scandal that is unfolding in this investigation into acorn. we will check in with newt gingrich. also the very latest on the senate's move to cut off funding to that organization. newt, j.c. watts. they are coming up tonight. it's text vote tuesday. tonight's question is should the government cut off acorn from federal funds? h 1 for yes. h 2 for no. and h 3 if you are not sure or
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sean: osama bin laden included a greeting. guess who made the list peanut farming president mr. carter must be so proud. his latest contribution peace not appar advertise was three bucks recommended by bin laden. he says, quote, you will know the truth if you read the book. congratulations, mr. president. that's quite an honor. we have j.c. watts. newt
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sean: in light of the shocking hidden camera, acorn videos the senate yesterday voted to ban the department of housing and urban development from giving grants to the community group. but some lawmakers on capitol hill are calling for harsher measures. senator richard shelby said, quote, while this vote is important, it is imperative that we proceed immediately to investigate what appears to be acorn's stunning disregard for the law and the abuse of
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taxpayer funds. such an investigation would serve as the basis for determining not only whether acorn is worthy of receiving other federal funds this year, but ever again. joining me now to discuss all of this is former oklahoma congressman corner back, all around good guy, preacher, j.c. watts. preacher, good to see you. >> thank you. sean: i still want you to run for government. you will not take my word for it? >> folks watching tonight thinking i'm going to make an announcement because you are always talking about that. but i'm not. sean: was quick and easy. all right. we have given over 53 million. they are on schedule, acorn to get 8.5 billion stimulus. they are still applying for more money. we have four days of shocking video. we have more exclusive video tomorrow night. how does this happen? >> well, the senate voted 83-7 to -- 83-7 to say we should not give any more money to them or hud should not give any more money to them. i think they tap into different
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federal pots of money. sean, how can you defend what we have seen here and we have heard about acorn for several years and we have kind of seen the onion, the potato being pealed over the last two years. how can you defend that? no one can defend that how can those seven senators that voted to say they should continue getting taxpayer dollars defend what we have seen just in the last four or five days? sean: what i don't understand is it is so widespread. they go to five cities. this is what happens. >> well, and you know, i am a little bit shocked that someone would believe that they could be above the law like that. that we will operate in a -- in an area in this area that's above the law and we're ok because we're helping people stay in their homes. that's a mobile cause to feed the hungry and to clothe the
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naked and to house the homeless. but to do what they are -- to teach people how to do wrong. how to cheat. sean: congressman, i cannot think of anything more hideously evil than hearing we are going to import young, underaged girls and use them for prostitution ring. any human being with a soul would not allow that to happen without doing everything they could do to tell authorities. and in each case they didn't do a thing. in each case. >> well, again, how can seven people in the senate defend that that? sean: it's a good question. >> it baffles me. we will see what happens. you will see the house move on it. i think you will see republicans and democrats both hopefully say that, you know, taxpayers' money should not be going to this. anybody that's funding them privately should not be giving money to them. but surely taxpayers shouldn't be. bill. sean: we have got this rebuke
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against congressman wilson today. one democratic congressman rebuke wilson or the k.k.k. returns. i said they forget the guy who used the run the senate for the democratic party over there the former chanceman. here are the guidelines. you cannot call the president a liar, a hypocrite. you cannot describe the president's veto as cowardly. you cannot charge the president's intellectually dishonest. refer to him as giving aid and comfort to the enemy. or refer to the sexual misconduct on the president's part. do we have free speech anymore in america or did i miss something here? >> free speech is real and i think we should always defend that. but at the same time, i think that because a person has the right to say something is not always the right thing to say i saw -- i was in the house for eight years. i saw republicans when president clinton was the president, some pretty ugly things. monica lewenski. you know, the scandal down
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sean: the president was having sex with an intern. >> at the same time, the republicans were respectful of him when he was on the floor of the house. they never did that. at the same time, i never saw democrats do anything to president bush. sean: they booed him. >> or disrespect him. sean: they booed him. >> well, at the same time, because republican -- because democrats do it doesn't mean the republicans should do it because republicans do it democrats shouldn't do it. sean: right. >> betterness is tough. and, you know, we have been around a long time and we seem to take this bet on this thing and going backwards, civility, we are going backwards. turning the other cheek doesn't mean we count. that's a matter of character. so when i -- when you slap my cheek, i usually respond with the slap cheek, not the one that hasn't been slapped. and it just creates an ugliness that i know joe. i was a little bit surprised. sean: he apologized. >> i was a little bit surprised
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that he even said it but i think i would advise him, man, he has apologized to the president. sean: move on. >> go to the floor of the house and say i blew it move on. we have greater issues to deal with. sean: he said i have apologized. they have accepted it and moving on. nancy pelosi wants. harry reid the loser in front of school children. kerry and murtha and the list goes on. >> we know the ugliness. sean: democrats are never asked to apologize. i'm sitting there saying joe wilson did the right thing. he wanted to apologize and the president rightly accepted it. >> i will agree with that you democrats have done the same thing to republicans. i just don't think it should be done on the floor of the house. i think there is a certain decorum that's a great body. it is the people's house. and i just -- i would not want top attribute it to something
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like that. sean: is obama care going to pass. >> at the end of the day the democrats are going to rally around it and they are going to pass it it's not good legislation. by the way, diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary disease, strokes, four or five illnesses consume 75% of our money of health care dollars. there is no -- there is nothing -- we don't hear people saying preventative care saying sean, you know, if you run -- sean: stop eating all that junk you eat, hannity. it's great to sigh. i'm glad you are in new york. >> thanks for having me. sean: coming up, democrats have accused republicans of acting uncivillized at town halls. wait until you see democratic congressman pete stark fly off the handle at one of his own constituents. we have that video. newt gingrich coming up straight ahead. also a quick programming note for you this ill be live in california, a special call the valley that hope forgot. we are reporting for months and have been about the suffering in that region.
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thanks to government policies and the protection of a little fish. i'm going to be out there thursday. we're going to shine the spotlight on this. we're going to hope that those farmers get the water they need to create the food that we all eat. it's an important show coming up this thursday night welcome to the now network. right now five coworkers
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sean: the president was hoping last week's big speech would bump in support. that hasn't happened. support for the bill less than enthusiastic. get this, according to the "the washington post." while 41% of americans say that the more they hear about the bill the more they like it. 54% say the opposite. unbleeivably enough hillary care had better numbers 44% as
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compared to obama's 51%. the more they heard about it the more they liked it a new rasmussen poll shows despite a post speech bounce it has returned to pre-speech levels with 45% in favor of the bill and 52% opposed. that's bad news for president obama but great news for the country. as we mentioned earlier, senator max because cass -- bachus -- baucus. after a closed door meeting yesterday several of baucus's fellow democrats emerged and voiced serious concerns with the plan. ron white. >> what is being discussed is the idea of 13% of your income is what you would have to be pay for some of this basic health
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coverage. so members are going to be grappling with is how you would go home and tell folks something like that would be affordable. sean: here is our prediction. i'm sure senator baucus will find a way to blaine blame the republicans anyway. it appears that bill clinton does not forgive nor does he forget. according to abc 7 in california, the former president is reportedly set to endorse san francisco mayor good afternoon knew some in the democratic democratic primary marry. he could gravely damage the campaign of one of his old political rivals california's current attorney general jerry brown, home many consider to be the frontrunner over newsome. the two went head to head in the heated 1992 democratic presidential primary. so i guess old clinton grudges diehard. another democrat who seems to carry around a perpetual grudge pete stark. the congressman has gained notoriety in recent weeks for his outburst at town hall meetings.
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he once threatened to throw a constituent out the window and it looks like he has only gotten more offensive. take a look at this exchange from a town hall meeting that was held this past weekend. >> you have got social security broke. have you got medicare broke. you have got abysmal care for veterans. rats running around at walter reid reed hospital before they finally fired a couple generals. they finally got the message. you muck up everything you get your hands on. >> don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, i wouldn't dignify you by peeing on your leg. it wouldn't be worth wasting the urine. sean: that's lovely. isn't it ironic these are the very same people that say republicans lack civility. now "hannity's america" continues in 90 short seconds.
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democrats have somehow found a way to link joe wilson's outburst to, yes, you guessed it, racism. you won't believe one us music] [screeching] [dejectedly] oh. [screeching] [barks] (man) if you think about it, this is what makes the ladders different from other job-search sites. [screeching] we only work with the big talent. [all coughing]
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welcome to the ladders-- a premium job site for only $100k-plus jobs and only $100k-plus talent. without my makeup. now, it's no problem. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting night serum with high performance soy to even skin tone and active retinol to speed cell turn over. clinically shown to visibly fade brown spots in 14 nights. i even out my skin at night so it looks younger, flawless in the morning. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting now you can fade and prevent discolorations all day. new tone correcting spf 30. sean: earlier today, house members passed a resolution voicing displeasure with congressman joe wilson for his outburst last week. i'm sure that was welcome news to hank johnson. if the house refused to do so people would be putting on white
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hoods and white riding through the countryside. i don't know, congressman, that sounds like a bit of a stretch chloe is 9 months old. she is the greatest thing ever. woman: one little smile, one little laugh. - honey bunny. - ( coos ) we would do anything for her. my name is kim bryant and my husband and i made a will on legalzoom. man: it was really easy to do. - ( blows raspberries ) - ( laughing ) robert shapiro: we created legalzoom to help you take care of the ones you love.
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sean: and this is a fox news alert. former president jimmy carter has claimed tonight that conservatives who oppose barack obama's policies do so because of the president's race. now, that shocking claim was made during an interview with nbc news anchor brian williams. let's take a look. >> i think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president barack obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. and i think his bubble up to the surface because of a belief among many white people, not just in the south but around the country, that african-americans are not qualified to lead this great country.
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sean: and joining us now with more on this story that shocks the conscience is the former speaker of the house, fox news contributor newt gingrich. this is not the only time. we had this council woman in chicago said it. another congressman as relates to joe wilson says we are opening the door for the ku klux klan. your reaction? >> well, first of all, it's amazing to me that when the left hated george w. bush, when they booed him during his state of the union, when the attacked him relentlessly, when democrats used vicious language, somehow it wasn't inappropriate. now, i don't know if jimmy carter thinks that there was racism involved in disliking a white president, but i would say that the amount of anger, hostility, and nastiness on the left against george w. bush was vastly greater than anything that's happened with barack
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obama. i think it's very destructive for america to suggest that we can't criticize a president without it being a racial act. i think the fact ask many people thought president carter failed. he only was a one-term president. i don't think they voted against him because he was white. they voted against him because he failed and they didn't like 13% inflation and 22% unemployment and gasoline rationing. sean: i think it's a good point. you know, i don't know if it's an effort to intimidate those that are critical. but certainly there is legitimate criticism about quad dupre bring the debt and the deficit and ruining the best healthcare system in the world. these are all legitimate debates in my mind. >> i think, sean, if you are on the hard left and you belong to the socialist wing of the democratic party, you can't believe that anybody honestly can disagree with you because it's sort of a secular religion. and so you assume there has to be some deeper motivation. just the fact that the country rejects high taxes. rejects big deficits.
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rejects government control and doesn't trust washington politicians. sean: what do you make -- we have been running this acorn video. we had new video here on the program tonight. new ground tomorrow night, mr. speaker. here you have -- pretty similar reactions. these acorn guys on tape, you know, literally supporting and not reporting to the police when, you know, hanna and james go in there and say that, hey, we are running a prostitution ring and we are importing underaged girls from el salvador. they are scheduled to get 8.5 taxpayer dollars after they got tens of millions in the past from the federal government. your reaction? >> well, i think it's very significant that the u.s. census announced friday they were not going to contract with acorn. the u.s. senate on monday voted to defund acorn from $84 million this year. congressman john boehner is
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introducing a bill tonight to defund acorn. i hope that the congress is going to press not only to cut off all money to acorn. i hope they are going to press to go back over the past five years and have a very careful audit to see whether or not in fact the u.s. taxpayer has been subsidizing a criminal organization. i think these are amazing tapes, they are an extraordinary achievement. i don't see how any reasonable person can look at these tapes without believing that acorn has engaged in a great deal of criminal behavior and needs to be thoroughly investigated and it's a real test for the attorney general to see whether or not he is prepared to empower a u.s. justice task force to look at acorn across the whole country. i think that's his job as attorney general. sean: we were talking earlier about all the things the president said president bush. harry reid was given an opportunity on meet to press to apologize and he didn't do so. now they are going after joe wilson who did apologize,
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repeatedly. as they derlier today. now, here is what i don't understand. because i thought we had the first amendment and that sort of talks about freedom of speech. here is the things you can and you can't say. for example, you can't call the president a liar or hypocrite. you can't say if he vetoes a lou bill is he acting cowardly. you can't refer to sexual misconduct by the president. you can't refer to him as giving aid and comfort to the enemy. but, you can say that, you know, something is oppressive, disgrace to the country. you can say the president is a half-baked nitwit. you know,. >> i don't know where half baked nitwit came from. my good friend bob walker who you know well as a congressman got a number of rulings from democrats calling down democrats who attack president reagan inappropriately. and tipp o'neal enforced the rules against his own party. i thought they should have enforced the rules more directly a couple years ago when people booed president bush.
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i do think there is a good ground for saying that we want to have a sense of decorum in the house when the president is there. that we want to have a sense of dignity about the office of president. at the same time i think what they did today, the democratic leadership caved in to their chief democratic whip and, basically, played pure narrow politics. everybody who watched it knows that it has nothing to do with the long-term future of the house. and it was a sad moment of misusing the house's power in a way that was inappropriate. sean: i have got to ask you one question before we go on health care. we have -- all the polls show that the president's speech the other night it was not a game changer. in other words, americans still oppose. they are skeptical. they don't trust the government. a position that i have had. here is my point. harry reid said if we don't get 60 votes, he said today for the first time himself, they -- he will use the reconciliation process. they will use the nuclear option as we call it what is your reaction to that? what does that mean for the country if they defied the american people and the rules as
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they have been constructed? >> first of all as we said on the radio show last week i fully expect him to get a three day bump and by monday it will be gone. it's now gone. i believe it will turn out to be catastrophic for the democrats if they try to pass reforming 17 or 18% of the economy under a rule which is designed for budget votes. i am told that unless they totally destroy the rules of the senate, there are so many points of order that it can't possibly be intelligent or coherent by the time they are done with that process. so i think they are faced with a genuine crisis of what they are going to do in the senate. sean: mr. speakers as always, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it? >> good to be with you. sean: let not your heart be troubled. john rich, michael brown, mickey rourke. ♪
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>> i think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president barack obama is based on the fact that is he a black man. and i think his bubble up to the surface because of belief among many white people not just people around the country that african-americans are not qualified to lead this great country. sean: he is the former vice chair of the dnc committee michael brown is here. set country music star from the multi platinum duo big and rich. john rich is back with us. he is an oscar nominated, frankly should have won it, the one and only mickey rourke is here. how far are you doing it? you should have won it for the wrestler. >> i thought sean did a great job. have you got to roll with it,
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man. sean: you have got a good attitude. let's go to this tape you just heard, michael. this is now becoming politico is writing about it you have a council woman in chicago talking about it. you have others -- if you disagree with barack obama it's about race. now jimmy carter talks about it? >> race playings a role every day in the united states of america. you can't walk or run about it. i hope it was mr. b. politics. not race. he got frustrated. sean: this is the same america that voted for him. they ignored reverend wright and bill ayers and voted for him while people like sean sean hannity said i don't think is he being honest. >> race and gender still play a role in every day life in america. sean: i think that's the case? you agree with carter. >> i agree with parts. can you still be an african-american male in this country and go to the corner around not get a taxicab. sean: is he president barack obama. >> i hope the congressman did it out of politics and not because of race.
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you. sean: john? >> if there was a race issue, how did he get more votes than the white guy running against him. there is obviously not a problem with that in this country. furthermore, why do we care what jimmy carter has to say about anything? it doesn't matter. sean: that's a good point. >> he didn't matter when he did matter as far as i'm concerned. i don't know why we are wasting our time. sean: mickey? >> yeah, i don't really care what jimmy carter has to say. i agree with my friend john here. and i agree that michael knows more about being a black american than john or i, right? >> absolutely. we have a black president. sean: granted. by the way i think that's great for america. >> if that was a problem how did he win? sean: america overcome evil and justices. voting rights act and now a black man is president of united states. i have substantive differences with obama. nothing to do with race, michael. i think it's unfair to lash out because people don't want nationalized health care. >> if you were sitting in the health chamber you would not
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have stood up and said liar you have a sense of decorum and civility. sean: that's the first time someone has said that. >> it's not about race it's about politics. sean: jay leno has his new show. taylor swift is talented. she is getting this award the other night mtv award, let's show what happens with kanye west an apology, she was on "the view." >> just dealing with the fact that i hurt someone or took anything away, you know, from a talented artist or from anyone because i only wanted to help people, you know. my entire life, i have only wanted to give and do something that i felt was right. and i immediately knew in this situation that it was wrong and it wasn't a spectacle. it's actually someone's emotions, you know, that i stepped on. it was very -- it was rude,
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period. and, you know, i would like to apologize to her in person and, you know, i wanted to -- >> he has not personally reached out or anything, but if he wanted to say hi. >> he hasn't called or sent a message or email or anything? >> no. sean: he has since reached out. you know her personally. >> i wrote a song with taylor on her last album. you know, i take what kanye did way more seriously than just him coming at her. in that particular minute. you know, in 2004, gretchen wilson beat kanye west at the american music awards, and he went absolutely crazy and threw a fit over that about some country girl singer that beat him and how he was so much better than she was. here we have taylor swift who is arguably one of the biggest artists in the world and definitely maybe the biggest artist in country music. sean: she is incredible. >> i think he attacked country music. i think he attacked her. i take it as a slap in the face
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to the great american music out there, in my opinion, country music. he better be glad there weren't some country boys in the audience when he did that because he would have had a serious problem on his hands. sean: what do you think, mick? >> i'm here to make sure john doesn't say too much. he came over to my house yesterday. we talked about it. yeah, both had smoke coming out of our eyes. because if you are going to do something like that, i mean, look, we all do something that's foolish some of the time, all of the time, most of the time that we regret. if he sincerely regrets it, fine, move on. if he is not really sincere. sean: did that seem sincere to you on leno. >> i couldn't judge that if he is not sincere, you know, come take the mike out of my hand, brother. you don't pick on a 19-year-old girl, you know. >> is he a big man. he can walk up to a 19-year-old girl in her white dress as she has got an award in her hand and rip the mike out of her hand? listen, man. that is beyond somebody having an arrogant moment. sean: is there a double standard. >> you are not going to hear me
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stand up and defend him. he has clearly acknowledged he was wrong. i think the larger story is how beyonce stepped up and invited her up on stage to give her acceptance speech. sean: who came out really well in this though was beyonce. >> yeah, first class. sean: when she got her award, she invited taylor back to get her moment. >> i did finally find myself agreeing with obama oon something. obama called him a jack as. he is bringing us together. sean: text vote tuesday night. our question should the government cut off acorn h 1 for yes. h 2 for no. h 3 for not sure. we will bring you the results coming up at the end of the program. wh this is my small-business specialist, tara. i know landscaping, but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business.
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our great american panel. so, we have been running this acorn video, and that is a group on track to give billions of taxpayer dollars, and we have this young girl, 20 years old, this young guy, acting as a pit and prostitutes, -- as a pimp and a prostitute, and they are talking about using cross from el salvador for a prostitution -- using girls from el salvador. what person does not say, "i went to call the police -- i want to call the police"? >> i do not think anybody is imagination you can even come up with a level of what they are dealing with -- i do not think it in anybody's imagination --
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think in anybody's imagination you can even come up with that. sean: why should they even get any more money? >> clearly, there has to be an investigation, but there are some bad apples in every organization, and that does not make the whole organization bad, so that does not mean -- i am agreed. there has to be an investigation. -- i am agreeing. >> i was a lot of the country over in london, but i want to say -- >> it is his birthday tomorrow. and he has got a special friend in south florida that he would like to come visit, so, on up. $ >> i have not said the f word
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once. you told me no cursing. sean: not one time. charlie gibson was on the radio affiliate in chicago. charlie gibson is with abc. he is with the liberal media. he did not even know about the acorn story, and how could he not have known that? he is the chief anchor there. this is the god who was looking down his glasses at governor palin. -- this is the guy. >> you know what? he is not as smart as he thought he was, is he? >> is this liberal bashing here? you were talking about the liberal media. i did not know if you were talking about fox news. sean: i think fox is fair.
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we have a reporting department, and i do not hide the fact that sean hannity is a conservative. i am not hiding it. the rest of the media is supposed to be fair, objective, balanced, and i think they are very biased, and many people, according to a poll, agree with me. >> i do not know why charlie gibson did not know. sean: any new movies coming up? what are you doing? >> i was fortunate enough to do "ironmanii, ii." sean: i wanted you to get that oscar. >> everybody buy an album by taylor swift tomorrow. she is great. sean: think you all for being with us. we have the results of our text messaging
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