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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  September 16, 2009 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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the difference between life and death. brian: don't mess with this girl. she is sweet 16 and she is a cheerleader. and, get, this an alligator hunter. that story comes your way. our story comes from baton rouge, louisiana. start your day "fox & friends" way. nice. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute brian: we had washington, d.c. we had baltimore. we saw a little of brooklyn. are you ready for san bernardino? inland empire of los angeles. gretchen: now here is the key. they say that the woman that you are about to see in this acorn probe in california that she knew that the fake pimp and prosecute substitute. this woman knew they were fake. she created her own fake story
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as well. steve: the woman's name is theresa kalkey she worked in the front office in san bernardino. it's interesting. acorn is starting to spin this as oh yeah those people who you see on tape those are low level employees. attention acorn. here is one of your low level employees talking about how she killed her husband. >> ex-husband, you know. that just beat hell out of me, you know, a few times and then, you know, i killed him. i didn't think that's a nice thing. >> you killed him emotionally? >> no. i shot him. he came at me and i let him throw me around a little bit. i just sticked up the gun and i [bleep] shot him. he died right there. but before that, i had done some -- laid some groundwork.
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brian: they did their same act. steve: routine. >> brian: they go in and say i need a house. she is a prostitute. then she used that line where she says i have about a dozen girls ready to come between 12 and 16 from el salvador, that's when she, this woman you just saw springs into action. well, they need a place to stay. gretchen: before she killed her husband allegedly. i think he is still alive in california. steve: barstow. gretchen: a sad back story if she was a victim of domestic violence. a lot of questions here. but, first and foremost, before she admits to killing her husband, she gives prostitution advice to these young kids because she says she was actually in the business before. >> me? what i would do and this is what i did. >> you would look absolutely adorable in a three piece suit.
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short, you know. i'm talking about the business. when you go in. >> ok. entrepreneur stuff. >> yeah. you know. this is fine with me. trust me, it would be fine with the bank president assuming it's the guy. ask for the president. that's ohio would ask for. >> do we get in his private office. >> do i go in alone. >> i think you would take your partners with you. steve: here is how acorn is spinning it now and gretch touched on this a moment ago. that is they are saying that that woman was play acting. they say that when the two filmmakers came in, that they -- she was suspicious. and so she was playing with them. she was messing with them. she knew they were messing with her so she decided to mess with them. you have got to wonder how much any of the stuff she said, according to acorn was true. friendships, she also talked about the money laundering part. she said, you think every -- she
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did say at one point that she talks to big government officials every day like barbara boxer. she said do you think every congressman, every legislature, do you think that even obama, our new president, any of them ever really puts down every single resource where they got their money? is she doing charlie rangel's books? what's that about? gretchen: here is the interesting thing. some people are confused about exactly what acorn is supposed to be doing with your taxpayer dollars. take a look. it's very simple. here are the main things acorn is supposed to be doing with your money. brian: acronym association of community organizations for reform now. gretchen: help poor americans. fight foreclosures, register to vote, and fix tax problems. steve: help them fill out tax forms. brian: we have seen it in four cities. they are trying to beat the system. that's outraged people like john
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boehner or peter king. co-sponsor legislation to actually freeze the funding coming out of washington. you know what happened with the 83-7 vote in the senate yesterday, saying, telling hud no more money combings out. locally in new york, attorney general andrew cuomo who also wants to be governor we assume says let's have a full blown investigation after he saw what happened in brooklyn in the video we saw 24 hours ago in which clearly they seem to be having problems there and some people could be cruising to get fired. gretchen: it's getting the attention of some politicians. some people would say finally. it's not apparently getting the attention of some of the most prominent newspaper and news media people across the country. have you ever heard the name charlie gibson? steve: no. gretchen: he is a pretty big guy in the world of media he actually anchors the abc national broadcast every night. at least for the next couple of months until he retires. guess what? he has never heard anything about this whole acorn scandal.
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steve: have you got to be kidding me. gretchen: he has never heard anything about it he was on a radio show yesterday and asked about this specific scandal and this is what happened. >> here is minus question. senate bill yesterday passes cutting off funds to this group called acorn. now, we have got that bill passed and we have the embarrassing video of acorn staffers giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel with 1-year-old hookers. it has everything you could want, corruption, sleazy tax funded organizations, government ties but nobody is covering that story. why? [ laughter ] i don't even know about it so you have got me at a loss so i don't know. but my goodness if it's got everything including sleaziness, we should talk about it this morning. >> that's the american way. >> maybe that's when you just leave to the cables. >> i think this is a huge issue there is so much funding that goes into this organization.
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>> i know we have done some stories about acorn before, but this one i don't know about. steve: way to go, charlie. brian: he laughs though. steve: leave it to the cables. charlie apparently got the message and, in fact, last night on world news they did do a story about acorn where they tried to undermine the tea party participants, smearing them as racist and making them look like general crazy people. abc talked about how some prominent obama supporters are now saying the opposition to obama is driven in part by refusal to accept a black president. so it comes down to, according to abc, racism. brian: and jimmie carter. more on that later. seven minutes after the hour. issue that's been number one on your mind for maybe the last three months, that's health care. senator baucus a lot of people looking for him to come out with a bill that republicans could sign on to. he is chairman of the senate
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finance committee. two other democrats joining him supposed to be the beginning of a bipartisan agreement. steve: how is that work out. brian: everyone is anxious to see what senator baucus is coming out with. by all indications is he putting a sincere effort across. grassley and senator instantly is in with him. he is going to release the details today. gretchen: you say they agree with him. brian: in with him. unlike senator hatch said i would rather just sit out. gretchen: the spin coming from this six at least from max may cuss is that he had the republicans on his side and quite frankly it was the democrats who may be moving away from his plan. now it looks as if he does not have the three republicans on his side at all. i think this is huge news if you do not have olympia snow as a republican on her side. she sees it down the middle. if you can't get her to go along
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with your plan then that signals to me you will not get any other republicans to go along with the plan. >> you see the banner down below funding illegal immigrants. chuck grassley of the great state of my birth, iowa. he said yesterday he didn't like what was going on and didn't like the fact that the gang of six was forced to artificial deadline by the white house. he says this baucus bill does not deal with abortion and does not deal effectively with whether or not illegal ail yeps should wind up with health care. brian: among the democrats. steve: government-funded. brian: senator rockefeller on a conference call yesterday said look at this bill. steve: remember, is he a democrat. he is the number two guy on the committee. brian: labeled as liberal. by the way this looks i will not be signing on for it that whole thing about co-opts. it's been tried. it doesn't work. some of the things that's in this, charles crawt -- crawted
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hammer. i hear what you say here is what i need. no public option. let's get to work. he says i'm going to put penalties on private insurance companies to the tune of about $8 billion. steve: big money. brian: they will charge people if do you not get insurance from $1,750. they say it's going to cost $880 billion, not $1 trillion. gretchen: i need to get my calculator. brian: which has charles rangle outraged i want the trillion. steve: robert was hacked off. he will be on the markup. lots of amendments. stand by. stand by for news, actually. gretchen: we have so much to get to this morning including a couple of these quick head lions. we begin with a fox news alert. police nabbed a person of interest now in the murder of yale grab student annie le. officers in connecticut have 24-year-old raymond clark iii in custody right now. he is an animal lab technician and works in the building where
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le's body was found. police searched his arms last night hoping to link d.n.a. evidence to the crime scene. clark reportedly has noticeable defensive wounds and failed a lie detector test. le went missing days before her wedding. her family speaking for the first time asks the public for privacy and thanks them for their support. i'm no, ma'am terrorist, those words coming from this man, the suspected al qaeda terrorists triggered raids on three homes in new york city. according to the "new york post" he trained in pakistan and plotting to make homemade bombs in this country. right now he is not under arrest. meantime the fbi issuing a serious warning. agents telling police departments all over the country to be on the look out of evidence of homemade bombs including foul odors coming from buildings and people with burn marks on their hands. bipartisan task force recommends getting rid of this. the color coded alert system. critics have complained the system is useless.
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the task force says if the does keep the system, it should only have three levels and right now should be at the lowest level. homeland security secretary janet napolitano says she will pass the recommendations on to the white house. they are accused of moving luggage filled with $19 million worth of cocaine. 9 people who worked for american airlines under arrest, according to this indictment, they moved the drugs on commercial flights in and out of san juan, puerto rico over the past 10 years. they were then moved from cities in the united states little drama on the dance floor. tom delay announces on twitter he injured his foot during rehearse sals for dancing with the stars ask. he suffered a prestress factor but writes, quote, he will live another day. doctors will ultimately decide if he is healthy enough to compete in the season premier monday. please say he is delay's partner is previous dancing champ cheryl burke. come on, i want to see delay do the two-step or whatever else he
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is going to do. steve: there could be a dancing delay with delay. brian: i recommend ice. i recommend you watch. president obama has more man 30 czars some republican lawmakers say it's time to come clean and put these people up for a cross-examination. our panel debates. should the white house release detailed information about those special advisors? steve: weighs so excited to catch that foul ball but his daughter had other plans. the hilarious throw from her coming up.
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steve: some members of congress calling on president obama to release information on his more than 30 czars in his cabinet. after the controversial
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resignation green jobs czar appointed advisors even stand up to a congressional confirmation if they were eventually vetted. right now here on the curvy couch i am joined by former oklahoma congressman j.c. watts former advisor to president clinton and doug schoen here in the center square aubrey lee. by the way doug and aubrey j.c. said i finally made it to the curvy couch. >> i'm in disney land. steve: i don't know about that. or dizzy land. let's talk a little bit about. this aubrey, we don't know exactly what the power and authority of these czars is. isn't it a good idea if, as some members of congress have asked. , tell us what they do. tell us what how much they make. what are their powers? >> i think basically this is a further partisan attack against the administration. the existence of zas dates back
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to roosevelt if not hoover. steve: sure. >> it's a term created by the media high level advisors to the president. steve: do you know what they do? >> they are designated to help with certain programs and agencies. i mean, i think it's been identified that's what they are supposed to do. they are simply high level advisors. this is a media creation. steve: well, j.c., is that right? is this a media-created sensation on what these guys do or when you were in congress did you know what president bush's czars did? >> well, if it's media-created or not, i think there should be a job description. we should know what they do. we should know what they make. i thought it was pretty interesting when robert byrd, who has been around quite a while and is pretty astute on issues like this, he had great concern. i think he expressed it to the hadpresident. if i was a secretary, i would be a little bit concerned about whether or not they were trading on my turf.
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and i don't see that egotistically. it should be defined and defined much better than it is. steve: sure. doug, you look ativan jones, had there been a vetting process and gone through a senate confirmation, he probably wouldn't have made it. he has wound up being a big embarrassment to the president. >> steve, the question to me is how many czars, what their function is, and full disclosure. i think there is a role as j.c. and aubrey were suggesting for czars in a limited way with clear collinnation of responsibility, and clear schosh of assets as if they go through the vetting process. i think most of us would agree that richard holbrook and george mitchell play important roles in our foreign policy. it's good to have them. steve: there are a bunch of positions in the administration that are empty but right now we have a ton of czars. >> we also have a problem with the confirmation process. we can't get people through the house and senate. and that's a problem.
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>> i think secretary state clinton has concern that some of the czars are kind of threading on her turf and may be muddying the water. >> she has been very supportive of george mitchell and richard holbrook. >> george had at least 6 so-called czars. steve: i have never seen that number. >> "wall street journal," my bible. steve: ok. >> and "the washington post." it was a recent article. steve: all right. we are going to continue. enough for the dancing with the czars section. next up with our panel, new video showing acorn's corruption. it has spread further and this time we are going to wind up in california. >> it's prostitution. >> oh, ok. >> is that ok? >> it's ok with me. i think it should be totally legalized. steve: we have heard complaints about acorn for years. is it finally time for an investigation into this organization? and she is a cheerleader but don't let that fool you. why allegations should run for cover, alligators that is should
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run for cover when a 16-year-old is around. the allegations of alligators. (woman) dear cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust. i get congested. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe freer, so i can love the air™. (announcer) zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed.
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steve: we were just talking about czars and by the way according to our room george w. bush only had 13. should acorn be dismantled. undercover video has been uncovered. this from an office in san bernardino. take a look at. this this has to do with my girlfriend's "newsweek" -- unique line of work. >> what is it. >> stripping. >> no, it's not. it's damages. >> it's prostitution. >> ok,.
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>> is it ok? >> it's ok with me. i think it should be totally legalized. steve: oh you are a prostitute. come on in. let me get a house. we continue the conversation with former oklahoma congressman j.c. watts, fox news contributor doug shown and democratic strang gist aubrey lee. this acorn stuff is very troubling. >> well, i'm not really. i think that acorn probably clearly needs more oversight. >> you are not bothered boy the fact that there is money laundering, perhaps racketeering and they are pushing child prostitution. >> first of all it's only in certain and several different cities. that's the allegation. acorn has been around a long time. i mean, there is always been allegations about acorn. it's always been partisan. they do a tremendous. steve: so you think they are doing a good job? >> i think they do generally. obviously i can't defend what's on the tape. steve: aubrey, that's what we are talking about right now.
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j.c., you are in the political business for many, many years. you look at videotape like we have seen from big that looks like an outfit that ought to be scrutinized. and, in fact, a whole bunch of people are starting to do that. >> steve, can i just tell you in oklahoma if you were associated with an organization like acorn and they were doing grass roots work for you, you would not get elected. i would not be on the couch this morning. i think it's shameless, some of the things that -- i mean that we see on these tapes. i think it's corruption at its finest. and not only should there be an investigation. i think the senators were right a couple of days ago to vote to defund them. 83-7. it's a bipartisan effort. i think the house will address it i think you will see an investigation and i'm not going to pass judgment on them and say they are guilty, but i sure would not want to be in their position. steve: doug, they have the potential to get $8 billion
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worth of federal money to continue funding their operations. you would think there would be another way that we could do the tasks that we outlined a little while ago with helping with foreclosures and also helping with taxes without giving the money to this outfit that, you know, you look at that video looks dirty. >> i think with an 83-7 vote as j.c. quite rightly pointed out, bipartisan, we are going to have real problems funding acorn significantly, if at all there should be an investigation. there has to be. you can't do what they are doing and just get away with it as well as what the allegations of voter fraud and registration fraud that surfaced in the last election. this is something that isn't a democratic or republican issue. it's just plain wrong. >> historically the republicans have always gone after acorn because they do a lot of help. they help democratic candidates. steve: only democratic candidates. >> in defense of acorn they do a tremendous amount of work for low income people. in today's world.
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steve: but you are not bothered by the money laundering and oh you are a prostitute and you are a pimp, come on in? >> let's look at some of the republicans who have been -- >> right is right and wrong is wrong. this is plain wrong. >> i would lining to see republicans talk about some of their fellow members caught up with money laundering and prostitution. >> when republicans get caught they say oh the democrats did it if democrats get caught they say the republicans did. if it's wrong it's wrong. steve: we will get to the bottom of it. we thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: gretchen' and brian, what's coming up. steve: shocking video steve on what soldiers face on the front line. >> it's prostitution. gretchen: i guess woe are not going to see it right now. but colonel ralph peters coming up with his new book and some of that amazing video out of afghanistan. brian: he is so close can i almost touch him.
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he has a great new book out, too. watch when a dad gives little girl foul ball. she would do something that i wasn't expecting. and maybe dad wasn't either. watch this. nice catch. nice throw. oh, my gosh. happy birthday by the way to mark anthony. not seen in that shot. the singer is 41 today and skinny. (announcer) time brings new wisdom new aches and pains, ...and new questions about which pain reliever is right for your body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... layer that lasts all day ...and no layers that irritate your stomach the way that ibuprofen can. it's tough on your body pain. not on your body.
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>> president obama is pushing so hard on health care is he going to appear on an unprecedented five shows this sunday. five television shows. what's strange is two of them are enter rage and family guy. gretchen: that was funny. i haven't seen that clip before. what is even more hysterical to some is he is not going to be on fox news. that's hysterical. if you are doing all those other shows, why not do us? steve: "time" magazine writes today it's a mistake not to go on fox. he talks about how barack obama. the best interview he did, barack obama, was with bill o'reilly. and. brian: goes to show if you make one good point it really lasts. steve: the fact remains according to pew research over half of fox news viewers are democrats or independents.
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brian: "time" magazine writes that. steve: to continue to freeze out fox goes against. people are sick of red versus blue divisions. we should be able to talk with people who disagree with us. mr. president, why you have only been on fox twice. look at the number. gretchen: two times on fox. five times on cnn. 9 times on cbs. 10 times on nbc. what a shocker. he has ocean been on espn. and then the other one i can't read over there on the right. brian: al jeez. gretchen: here is why he is going on letterman because all of these speeches on health care it really hasn't changed the poll numbers. there was a little bump after the wednesday night speech last week. now it's gone back to being a dead even heat. it would be my advisors would get on letterman what good you into office was your popularity.
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and if you can become popular again, especially with the young people, maybe those poll numbers on health care will also rise. brian: here is what the "new york times" writes today. president obama has been on television three times in the first seven months as president bush or president clinton. do you notice the precipitous drops in his approval ratings during that time. steve: the more he talks, the lower it goes. brian: if the best asset becomes worst enemy, that could really spell curtains for the administration because he is the great face, great orator, charismatic gray figure who rocketed into political stardom. if people get presidential fatigue which a lot of people felt after katrina president bush got, then you might be in real trouble, because there is no backup. steve: he is going to do an hour coming up next week monday night through the entire hour with letterman who as we saw through the campaign is very pro obama.
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brian: let's go to a code of conduct, shall we? steve: for this show? gretchen: it was going to be curtains for the administration. i haven't use heard that since my mom grounded me it's going to be curtains. brian: speaking of bugs bunny. gretchen: remember when joe wilson said you lie during the speech? probably words he wanted back. so anyway these words came up now when they went to look into the books and find out what words you can actually say on the floor. so here are the ones that are ok. hated oppressive, pork, disgrace, and half-baked nitwits? steve: it's ok to say those. these are the -- this list came out yesterday from luis slaughter democrat from new york. she said it is not ok. and this is directed at joe wilson. not ok to say liar, hypocrite, cowardly, intellectually dishonest. comfort to the enemy or sexual misconduct. the first one is about joe
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wilson the last one is about bill clinton. gretchen: who would come up with putting half-baked nitwits was on the ok list. i thought it was a joke when i first read it. is that somewhere in ce, again, our taxpayers have gone to put nitwit on a list? steve: i'm reminded though it was members of the democratic party in congress who called george bush a nazi and called him a fascist. brian: a loser. steve: he was booed by democrats during the state of the union and he was labeled a liar on the floor of congress. so the former president because called a liar on the floor of congress. did anything happen back then? no. it's called politics. brian: recession probably over from ben bernanke who says the economy is recovering even though 7 million jobs have been lost since december 2007. the fed chair does warn the
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economy will feel weak for a while because of the high unemployment rate which stands at 9.7%. it's a lagging indicator. it's worth noting recovery two consecutive quarters of growth in g.d.p. gross domestic product for those who don't live and breathe the economy like i do. we have yet to see even one. steve? steve: officers from two police departments searching the property of jaycee dugard's kidnapping suspect phillip garrido. this time they are looking into two child abductions back in the 1980s. investigators say finding new evidence will likely take a couple of days. >> some have equated what they are working in back there to we are looking for evidence in a landfill. it's a very large piece of property with significant debris debris. steve: police hope to uncover clues in the disappearances of that kayla garrett and -- they
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noticed similarities between those cases and dugard's kidnapping as well. gretchen: insurgents vowing to get revenge for the death of this man. u.s. forces killed him on monday after they found him hiding in somalia. he was one of the most wanted terrorists in the world for his connection to the 1998 u.s. embassy bombing in keep i can't. that attack left 200 people dead, including 12 americans. he is also connected to the 2002 bombing of an israeli-owned hotel in kenya. steve? steve: this is one south carolina cheerleader you don't want to mess with. why? because she hunts for alligators for fun. 16-year-old cammie collin helped catch this gator. it's 10'5" and weighs over 350 pounds. that's a lot of gaiter. she used a fishing pole to lure the gaiter in and drag him into her boat. she then used a cross bow to shoot him. south carolina 16-year-olds can legally hunt the gators so there you go.
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steve: wow. gretchen: brian, take us out to yankee stadium last night. what happened? brian: both pitchers throwing at each other's hitters and it got ugly. jorge would cross the plate and bump into pitcher carlson. he said i have just about had it and let's exchange words and pem at this the benches and punch the manager in the head. suspensions could ensue. there is the lump on his head, carlson playing himself in that shot. football now kind of. a group of american indians who find the washington redskins name offensive now wants the supreme court to take up the case. the group is asking the justices to review a lower court decision that favor the nfl team on legal technicality that says they can keep the name redskins. all right. let's have a fun note. a priceless moment in the phillies national game.
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foul ball in the second deck. a dad catches it and gives his daughter wonderfully and she throws it away. 5-0 final score. ball gone further. dad still loves the little girl but the ball is gone. his memory is all he has. that piece of video no, bull. the child one day will regret that action but for now all she gets is a hug. a lesson to children. if your dad gives you a ball, hold on to it. steve: it's the reflex. besides, that kid thinks the fact that she threw the ball back is now on youtube and that will last forever. brian: you are always looking at the bright side. steve: yes, i am. gretchen: let's look at this. new footage from the front lines of afghanistan just released. >> all right. those individuals are now where the i.d. is expected. >> the kid appears to be carrying something over into the vincent -- vicinity. gretchen: inside look our soldiers have to make. that make the difference between life and death. colonel ralph peters here next
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to -- see that kid in that video video? -- brian: "new york times" columnist suggest congressman joe wilson is a racist. the white house disagrees. why is the left pushing this issue? those stories soon. there was a time i wouldn't step out of the house without my makeup. now, it's no problem. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting night serum with high performance soy to even skin tone and active retinol to speed cell turn over. clinically shown to visibly fade brown spots in 14 nights. i even out my skin at night so it looks younger, flawless in the morning. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting now you can fade and prevent discolorations all day. new tone correcting spf 30.
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steve: welcome back. president obama is supporting the renewal of three patriot act provisions that were very controversial when president bush was in office. they cloud roving wiretaps. gathering business records and intelligence gathering on people who are not suspected of any wrongdoing.
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and we're learning for the first time just how much money is spent on intelligence in this country. at universities but spy places. $75 billion a year. that figure just released by the director of the national intelligence. dennis blair. the obama administration opening its books on intelligence spending after pressure from congress and advocacy groups. >> by where that ied expected. gretchen: video showing about to make move on insurgency planting iuds, bombs. something changes their mind. listen to this closely. >> they are digging around. the individuals are now by where that ied is suspected. >> the kid appears to be carrying something over into the vicinity. >> he just handed him something and they are digging. >> wrong, he belief that a hostile act, that is in the same area. >>
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brian: fox news strategic analyst ralph peters is the author of this brand new book "the war after armageddon" which hits book stores across america and it happens today. ralph is joining us on this big day for him. when you watch that, colonel peters, do you think it's much more than a horrible incident of a child losing his life. what does it symbolize about the way we are fighting in afghanistan? >> it's a new pattern we are seeing emerging. with the best intentions in the world, we have essentially announced publicly our rules of engagement if if there is r. civilian notice area in afghanistan. we won't use air power. we won't use artillery except that it's it's an exceptional circumstance the troops will break contact. they will leave the fight. they will get out of there because they don't want to hurt civilians. that sounds great. the message to the taliban is use civilians. brian: use kids. >> yeah.
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i'm sure that kid is in the video. because they know our capabilities. they know we can watch at night. they are sure with a kid there we wouldn't shoot. we are trying to protect civilians. instead, we are causing the taliban to make even greater use of them as human shields. gretchen: but then they blew, obviously they blew up the child on purpose, what, to make it look like the americans did that? >> well, that's a possibility. i think you were just dealing with a gang that couldn't shoot straight. the rule east of the greater middle east, gretchen is, never blame a conspiracy for anything that can be explained by incompetence. brian: admirable mullen saying we are going to need more troops. general mccrystal 40 thousand more troops. you don't think we should put more troops into afghanistan, why? >> we have the power to do many things. but we can't make afghans want what we want. and, brian, the key test is. this we have been there eight years. we still can't get afghans to fight for their own government.
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the taliban doesn't have a problem recruiting motivated people. people are willing to die for the taliban. they are not willing to die for harred me karzai. i'm not in favor of a total withdrawal. we need to get back to where we once belonged, original mission 2000 1, most 9/11 kill al qaeda terrorists. keep a small, lethal deadly presence there but don't persuade yourself. don't kid yourself that teaching hygiene will stop al qaeda. brian: you say it's based on what you know about war. >> well, what i have studied all my life -- it's really the war for armageddon is a -- it begins after the nuclear destruction of israel. why? because washington doesn't take the iranian nuclear threat seriously. why writing a page turner, can i get -- can i humanize the danger. brian: you are a great writer. i look forward to getting through it congratulations on a great book.
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>> thanks, gretchen. gretchen: maureen dowd called joe wilson's outburst race-based. why the left needs this argument and why it's dangerous for america. brian: you better believe it we knew he was a tax cheat. it looks like charlie rangel is considered the most corrupt lawmaker too. what else has he done? and is there a plaque involved. achoo!
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(announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst symptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life.
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gretchen: maureen dowd has raised some eyebrows with her column that joe wilson's recent outburst you lie had racist undertones. steve: spoke at the 9/12 rally in washington also disagrees [inaudible] i thought you want
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to hear a black man speak to you without a teleprompter. gretchen: mr. mason weaver joins us live now from california. thanks for getting up early with us today. >> my pleasure. gretchen: this whole debate, mr. wilson, or mr. weaver, about the race issue is shocking to some. but how do you take it? are you shocked that people on the left would now be using race? i can tell from your initial response that you are not. >> you are asking me am i shocked that liberals are liberal? liberals are afraid to look at the facts? you are asking me that i am shocked they would use race the most racist group of people in this country? no, i'm not shocked. gretchen: does it do harm to america. i had an interview with a man who happens to be a libertarian. he says, look, there is no come back for the other side when you race bait.
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>> sure there is a come back. listen, america knows it's garbage. america understands this is a tactic. what liberal does when we discuss the facts, they call you a name to get you off the facts on to apologizing for who you are. well, the topic was was wilson called obama a liar. the was he telling the truth or not? is obama a liar or not? so she brings up a subject of racism, it changes the topic from whether obama is a liar to whether is he a tactic. that's their tactics. they cannot stand the truth because the truth will expose what they really are. steve: so you have got maureen dowd, sir, writing in the sunday "new york times" about this and said that she heard a guy make a racist comment. she felt that, in fact -- >> -- she is a clay -- clair the absurd at this of his statement that you can have a
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healthcare system here where illegal aliens can go to hospital and not get treated? that's absurd. that's crazy. steve: have you got maury reason dowd on sunday and yesterday jimmy carter the president of the united states this whole thing has racial overtones. i thought barack obama in the world of race was going to bring us closer together but it seems like it is pulling us apart again. >> you see the problem that you thought he was saying hope and change. but what he was saying and rope and chains. is he going to split the country apart because the democrats and the liberals in general, their philosophy is to manage crises. you will never see them celebrate. never see them happy. gretchen: mr. weaver, the white house after the maureen dowd column said no, we do not believe that joe wilson's "you lie" comment had a racist undertone. the white house seemed to be stepping away from it. your view on that is? >> do anyone here with over a 3rd grade education believe that
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maureen dowd got her instructions from the white house? of course they are going to deny it you will never see them discuss the facts, folks. they will only discuss the emotions. black children. steve: mr. weaver, before you go, i understand you told one of your producers that you had an announcement today. >> well, we have been looking at running for congress here in california. i have been called and asked -- i have a committee that we are going to probably announce the next day or so, i'm going to seek the congressional race held by susan davis, california. we want to put people in power that's going to recognize the american freedom. see, we are free. if we are free, we don't need hope. if we have got freedom. what are you going to change the hope to. we are going to change america back. gretchen: you are already an author and radio talk show host maybe soon to be congressman from california. thanks for sharing your time with us. >> stay left or.
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steve: acorn scandal gets worse with another video showing the group's endless corruption. this time california. >> it's prostitution. >> oh, ok. >> yeah. is that -- i don't -- is that ok? >> it's ok with me. i think it should be totally legalized. gretchen: up next, one lawmaker says it's time the group. steve: if you are rich the health care plan may work in your favor. what about the elderly? dick morris breaks down some the startling statements on this wednesday "fox & friends." and s. and s. everybody thinks he's the most handsome cat they've ever seen. [ woman announcing ] purina one for indoor cats... unlocks the brilliance of nature... with a natural fiber blend that helps minimize hairballs... and maintain a healthy weight. [ laurie ] he's a character. he brings so much laughter into this household. and he's the best-lookin' cat there is. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do.
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gretchen: good morning, it's wednesday, september 16th, 2009. thank you for sharing your time with us today. you want to see some more shocking video? guess what. we have it acorn, corrupt, policy. watch. >> i don't think that that's a nice thing. >> you killed him emotionally? >> no, i shot him. gretchen: she killed somebody? despite this, some lawmakers want to keep funding the group.
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griff jenkins tracked one of them down for us. brian: is griff ever home. if you are young and you are healthy, president obama's health care plan could work in your favor. but is it good for the elderly? that question explored. steve: and the white house might be keeping track of your online activity. but what data are they hanging on to? and how is this happening? and is it legal? we're going to talk about that our slogan this hour comes from ginger in texas. quote, i'm addicted to watching "fox & friends," and then when i leave, can i count on xm radio to bring me brian, gretchen, and steve. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute brian: i think it's time for our crew to start writing our slogans because they are very judgmental. am i right, ian and joel and chris? steve: when the crew isn't doing it, we would love for you out
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there in tv land to send us more slogans. gretchen: maybe one of the reason that the crew and others are not sending so many slogans they are talking about health care because that's what's on the front lobe ball brain of so many americans. brian: football guys. gretchen: i'm optimistic. all right? you need to get your head around this thing. senator baucus has been talking health care. is he one of the gang of six. is he trying to get the republicans on board. yesterday we thought. he came out yesterday and he said you know what i think i have got the republicans with me. maybe it's the democrats who need a little help from me. turns out three of the republicans out of the six, they are not really going to be with him at all, i don't think. >> i am forever hopeful that the republicans on this bill, i think there will be republicans. i'm not saying it's going to be on the mark. i'm saying that by the time we -- there will be republicans that will vote for it. steve: that's the key the
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markup. because jay rockefeller who is his number two guy, he is a democrat on that same committee behind baucus, he is a little steamed because none of his ideas were incorporated. but everybody's ideas supposedly will go in during the markup. grassley said he didn't like it because it does not directly address federal funding for abortions and whether or not illegal alien also receive free health care from the federal government. brian: it's going to cost 880 bhldz not a -- $880 billion not a trillion. it will not add to the deficit. how will he get 35% tax on the insurance companies that charge you $8,000 for individuals. 21,000 a year for family. is he going to tax people who make medical devices $4 billion in manufacturers fees. so i'm not sure they are going to be making medical devices and and official hearts if it's going to cost them so much.
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that kind of bothered me. senator rockefeller goes i'm not in on this and i'm a democrat and i'm a liberal because part of your deal is these co-ops groups get together and non-profits to get low cost insurance. i know that doesn't work. you don't have a public option here. one democrat on the record saying he is out. gretchen: he is the out for the opposite reasons that the republicans are out o. he is out because there is not a government-run option in this plan and he is here on the left really wanting that option. brian: isn't it good seeing someone trying? this is what you do when you want to get something done. both sides should be ticked off. steve: 30 minutes from now we will be talking to tom coburn from oklahoma. he is a doctor. the other big story is acorn. we have been showing you over the last number of days and nights the incredible undercover video showing corruption within acorn. a lot of media organizations have ignored thester for the most part. at least one major network news
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anchor hasn't seen it at all. isn't up to speed. here is charlie gibson. gretchen: richard shelby is calling for a full blown investigation now of acoshocton. he is live with us this morning from washington. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning. gretchen: i have to ask you because we just played that clip of one of the most well known journalists in the world. charlie gibson of abc saying i don't know what you are talking about with that acorn stuff. what is your response to that? >> well, a lot of the other media, other than fox, has basically ignored these stories dealing with acorn. i don't know why because these are some of most revealing tapes that i have seen on tv. a lot of us have been watching acorn. i have for about 15 years.
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i believe there is pattern of corruption all throughout acorn. ballot problems. trying to falsify ballots. child pornography and other things. income tax deal. we need a thorough investigation by the inspector general at the housing department. and we also need a hearing and investigation by the committee that banking housing committee that i set on. i have asked senator dodd for that hearing. i hope we can follow through with it. brian: i will tell you what, you have already taken action you voted 83-7 to cut off funding from hud to this group. now, when you turned -- obviously democrats voted with you on this. do you think senator dodd is going to go along with you now? do they see the you are san quentin is i or too they see republicans against democrats in this? >> i hope they see the urgency and i hope they see that acorn has been the -- has had millions and millions of taxpayer's
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dollars. we need to see how that. brian: 53 million. >> just millions and millions. and i believe that they are basically a political leone leaning of the democratic party. where they are corrupt and using taxpayers' money whether you are democrat or republican, you ought to be for this investigation. steve: it's interesting what you just said that they are the political wing of the democratic party. you go back a couple of years and when they were just accused of voter fraud, you know, nobody really got too excited yeah, that's just a political thing. brian: only the democracy. steve: that's just the republicans they are complaining. steve: now that they added the element of child prostitution and money laundering, people have actually gotten some attention except as gretchen pointed out in the mainstream media. is this another example of where the mainstream media covering for the democrats? >> well, that's what a lot of people believe. but i believe this story is
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going to get hotter. it's going -- i believe the mainstream media are going to have more than egg on their faces if they don't pick this up because this is important to the american people. they see the corruption. they see the misuse of funds. and whether, as i said, you are a liberal or democrat or not, you audited to be for honesty and well-spent taxpayer's money. gretchen: won't this go all the way to the top, senator? because president obama has spoken positively about acorn. this quote during the campaign, i have been fighting alongside acorn on issues you care about your entire career. even before i ran the voter registration drive in illinois, acorn was smack dab in the middle of it and we appreciate your work. what kind of work are you going to have to do to get the president involved in this, not to mention the attorney general eric holder, do you think he is going to investigate this? >> i would be doubtful if either one of them got involved with it if the president ordered an
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investigation today, it would start today. the attorney general ordered an investigation today. but i might be holding my breath while it happens. brian: they are focused on detainee rights. we have to make sure those people get their day in court. >> probably focus on the wrong issue. brian: i would think so. senator, the bottom line is what gretchen just read those are noble causes, people who want a voice. first time mortgages. people who need tax help. steve: as long as it's right. brian: acorn is ruining it for all those people and organizations out there who genuinely want to do it? >> we have got to get corruption out of any system that's taking taxpayers' money and i believe acorn would be at the top. thank governed you guys at fox are pushing this issue. >> steve: we haven't heard from nancy plotion seater, i'm sure when the president does that sunday morning telethon, news-a-thon where he is on all
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the channels, except fox, somebody is going to bring it up. but, senator, would you call on the president to speak out and against acorn if these allegations are true? >> i think what he should do, and the attorney general should do, is launch this investigation now. let's find out how deep this goes, how broad it goes. i think it's deep. a lot of other people do. acorn cannot above the law. steve: if they do not call for an investigation or the attorney general that it would likes a in the administration were covering foray corn? >> absolutely. it would look like they were looking the other way when they should be involved if they really care about the taxpayers, they are going to get involved in this. gretchen: you may made the request to the committee chair chris dodd. that's the first step. employees let us know back immediately when you hear back from him and what his answer is. >> i will. thank you a lot. gretchen: thank you. that brings us to the question of the day should the federal
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government require federal agencies and workers get background checks before getting taxpayer money? that's a novel thought. email us at and twitter us as well. brian: we begin with a fox news alert. gretchen: waiting to hear this morning if police are charge the person of interest in the murder of grad student annie le. officers have raymond clark iii in custody right now as of last night. is he an animal lab technician. he works in the building where le's body was found. police searched his apartment hoping to link ghap evidence to the crime seen. he has defensive wounds and failed high detector tets. she went missing days before her begged. she asked time thanking them for their privacy. main point of a meeting between
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october 1st between iran and members of the u.n. security council. there is deep suspicion, of course, that iran is developing nuclear weapons, even though the country has insisted its nuclear development program is only for generating energy. f.a.a. officials want crystal clear rules for aircrafts flying over the busy hudson river in new york city following that deadly mid-air collision last month. new recommendations out today say all pilots must be on a specific radio frequency. other changes include celebrating aircraft from flying over the river. nine people died in that collision. those are your quick headlines for a wednesday. >> david ax axelrod take as watt at fox news credibility tore dick morris. >> i don't know what medical school dick morris went to. steve: dick morris, his reaction. he is coming up next. brian: yep. bicycle, i've missed you.
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steve: he is being called one of the most corrupt members of congress. congressman charlie rangel of new york for list of shame for second year in a row. rangle is currently under investigation for ethics violations after, among other things, failing to report millions of dollars in income on his financial disclosure form with the congress. and are we finally close to finding the missing body of jimmie hoffa? fbi agents continue to dig at a lumberyard in detroit. they won't comment on speculation the excavation is a renewed search for hoffa. the former teamster head disappeared back in 1975. he was legally declared dead seven years later. gretchen: before a quick time out. we showed you senior white house advisor axelrod claiming that dick -- dick morris for claiming
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that the health care will lead people in the cold. brian: dick morris joining us here. your response to david axelrod asking what you medical school did you go to. do you need to to understand what kind of impact health care will have on our country. >> my response to him is to say david, by the way, hello, he used to work for me when i hired him to work for clinton. david, you don't need to go to medicine school. elementary school will be just fine. in elementary school you learn that if you are treating 50 million new people crew got to have some extra doctors and nurses to go it. that's the problem we face. the american college of medical schools, one of the studies we cite in our book catastrophe, shows that there will be a shortage of 30,000 doctors when this program is adopted and will be a shortage of 125,000 doctors in 15 years if the program is
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adopted. it's inevitable to say if you are expanding the demand, you have got to expand the supply. gretchen: so what are the ramifications of that? >> if you are going to not be able to treat everybody, you are going to have to make decisions as to who you treat. who you spend time with, how permit to get an mri or a cat scan or some other procedure. i believe that inevitably that's going to mean that the elderly will bear the brunt of these sacrifices. they will not be permitted to get elective surgery. or hearing aids, hip replacements, knee replacements. and there will be some very difficult decisions made well into a patient's life where a government official is going to basically decide look, we don't have enough bypass surgeries to go around in this 83-year-old diabetic with high pressure is just going to have to wait and if he dies on the waiting list, we are sorry about that but it has to go to someone younger.
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brian: are you referring to the house bill? the baucus bill? >> i'm referring to all bills. every one of them. the bills differ only in terms of the funding mechanism. and the insurance mechanism. is there a public option and how is the subsidy funded. what all of the bills have in common are two things i object to. number one, half a trillion dollars of cuts in medicare and medicaid for the elderly, and number two, an expansion of the patient population boy 15% with no expansion in the number of doctors and nurses. every one of the bills has that in common. gretchen: that's very helpful for you to point that out for us. dick morris, always great to screw on the -- great to have you on the show. brian: griff jenkins caught up with one. senator roland burris. >> senator, ask you why you voted against cutting off
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funding foray corn. >> i voted foray corn. gretchen: all right. so some people asking this morning what gives, congressman burris. it's venus versus mars on capitol hill. do women or men make better lawmakers? a new study claims to have the answer. we will report it and you decide it. brian: i like jiewrpt ter. could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away. only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat. now buy any blackberry, like the new tour, at our lowest prices ever, and get one free. tend to get better grades.
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stouffer's easy express is ready from the microwave in under 20 minutes, so you can make something that's good in so many ways. stouffer's. let's fix dinner.
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steve: seven u.s. senators voted to continue funding for acorn. an organization implicated on videotape on four different incidents offering guide guidance to undercover people posing as a pimp and prostitute. griff jenkins met one one senator and he is live in d.c. with how that went: griff, i saw a snippet of it. how did it go?
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>> good morning, guys. this is a serious thick. vote on monday 83-7. seven senators, all democrats voted against cutting off funding for acorn. is reporting it's becoming an issue for republicans on the house side as well. minority leader boehner holding a meeting and saying let's look at everywhere they get funds. they get millions of dollars have various areas including local and other government agencies. in this case, this was specifically the transportation and housing urban development funds that were going there. they voted 83-7 to cut it off. senator roland burris was one that said "i support acorn." here is how that went down. >> just a comment on yesterday's vote. if i walk with you? ok. >> i have got a 4:00. >> sure. senator, i want to ask you why you voted against cutting off funding for acorn. >> i voted for acorn.
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>> i know that i'm just wondering, your vote, i mean, acorn is on tape helping to set up houses of prostitution with underage girls from central america and i'm wondering if the taxpayers of illinois really want to support an organization like that. >> [ laughter ] i thought you had a question. not a statement. >> my question is why did you vote against. >> i supported acorn. it's that simple. >> do you continue to support acorn. >> i support acorn in illinois. that's correct. i support acorn. >> and you still, despite weighs come out in the news about the organization, do you still support them? >> you got a problem. >> sir? steve: you got a problem, griff. steve: i got a message for you, griff. he did not want to talk to you. brian: how do you know, steve. body language expert all of a sudden. gretchen: at least you got your exercise in for the day. >> the taxpayers of illinois, senator durbin as well also
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voted to support acorn and i'm just wondering whether taxpayers actually support an organization who, as we have seen the last few days sets up houses of prostitutions with illegal underaged girls from central america? this is something that we will continue to find out if the other six senators today i'm going to go back up on the hill and say this is nuclear. how can you possibly support an organization like this and do your taxpayers support your decision? gretchen: see, you are making sense, and the politics behind some of this with durbin and burris might be they are both from illinois which, by the way, is where barack obama is from. >> well, look, you know, i will let the viewers draw their own conclusions, if i were have a taxpayer in illinois i would be lived and apparently there is more of this coming out on acorn and the duo that went with the hidden camera to reveal their willingness to participate in what is obvious crimes. you know, the vermont as well, we have senator leahy and
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senator sanders both senators from vermont supporting acorn. steve. brian: griff jenkins good job. got to get you some heelies. >> all for more exercise. steve: the economy still pretty shaky. what should do you with your savings? dave ramsey up next to answer your financial concerns. gretchen: isn't that the clash? and if have you ever visited a white house related web site. the obama administration might be keeping track of you. so how come nobody asked your permission?
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i don't think you can live the american lifestyle without energy. we have all this energy here in the u.s. we have wind. we have solar, obviously. we have lots of oil. i think natural gas is part of the energy mix of the future. i think we have the can-do. we have the capability. we have the technology. the solutions are here. we just need to find them here.
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>> anything can you do i can do better. >> i can do anything better than you. >> now can't. >> yes i can. >> no you can't ♪ yes i can, yes i can. brian: is that a musical? steve: does she look like she is a member of congress? >> brand new politico story out. that says when it comes to being effective statistically -- gretchen: i'm so glad you started this story, steve. why are they? because apparently they introduced more bills they attract more co-sponsors, and they bring home more money for their districts. let's take a look at some the examples. we have bigger versus fawell.
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there you can see she brought home 382 million. she brought home the bacon, actually. and the other. >> don edwards out in california. by brought in 780 million as opposed to 600 million by her predecessor congressman michael barnes. >> it's an interesting study. 1984 to 2004. they only looked at house members some women have gotten credit before for multi task. that's one of the things here. i think women would agree with this that you have to work a little harder sometimes to get the same creed doe. so maybe women who go to congress work a little hard tore
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wring home more of the bacon and it ends up working out. brian: how does the movie end that we started with? steve: with love. gretchen: from south pacific. i actually played that role in high school. the singing days are over. brian: you sang in high school? gretchen: i sang with the drama voice. brian: steve brought the clip. gretchen: no. let's go tour headlines instead. brian: you talk to yourself. gretchen: gretchen i'm no terrorist, not me but they come from this suspected al qaeda terrorist triggered raids on three homes right here on the home front in new york city. those are the accusations. those according to the this morning's "new york post" he trained in pakistan and plotting to make homemade bombs in this country. right now he is not under arrest. meantime the fbi issuing a serious warning. agents telling police departments all over the country to be on the lookout for evidence of homemade bombs including foul odors coming from buildings and people with burn marks on their hands.
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brian: police in suburban, chicago, death of christopher kelly a suicide. he was chief of staff for rob blagojevich. he was to testify friday. he was liable for another five year fraud sentence and go on trial with blagojevich for corruption. that was happening in june. he had tried suicide last week. he was found by his girlfriend saturday night with an overdose of painkillers. well, he died sunday morning. blago is going to the funeral. steve: meanwhile, he tried to fake his own death in january by jumping out of a small plane before it crashed. well, now, a former indiana money manager is now appearing in court via video to face charges. marcus shrinker is accused of using his client's money lifestyle included expensive house, planes, can you see right there and luxury cars. the judge entered not guilty pleas on schrenker's behalf to the 11 felony counts he faces. he is being held on
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4-million-dollar bond. jech gretchen the obama administration could be keeping tabs on what you do online without your permission. the white house has been collecting and storing all comments posted on its social networking sites like myspace and twitter without telling the internet users making the posts. the collection includes comments, pictures, and videos. a white house spokesperson wouldn't say when this started or how much it's costing taxpayers. brian? brian: looking at big winner of an old lady's poker tournament. the problem is though he is a man. abraham took home more than $20,000 from the casino over in atlantic city. they let him play in their women's only texas hold 'em competition. that is not sitting well with the runner-up who happens to be the woman who was planning to use the winning covering expenses as she recovers from breast cancer. let women play with women and men play with men.
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can we stop this? steve: it's a women's contest. why would they let him in? crazy. let's look what's going on weatherwise coast to coast. as you can see on the radar and satellite. we have got a big thunderstorm moving through western portions of arkansas into oklahoma at this hour. also, a band of rain through the central tennessee valley and the mississippi valley as well. right now we have got some 40's up in portions of new england. feels like fall. 70's from the mid-atlantic down through texas. and back through, as you can see florida as well. today's daytime highs is going to be pretty nice. cooler today throughout the northeast than yesterday. 79 in memphis. we are going to have 71 in cleveland. 88 the daytime high in tampa and continued hot in brownsville. brownsville actually 20 degrees cooler than dallas to the north. that's your fox travelcast. gretchen: i know it was from
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annie get your gun. not from south pacific. we got it right. we heard the importance of putting money away for a rainy day. how do you save money in a paycheck to paycheck economy? brian: here to give us some advice on savings is the host of the dave ramsey show it turns out to be dave ramsey on the fox business network. hey, dave. >> it's an original idea. brian: let me get right to the emails because i know you have a lot to say. terry says are u.s. savings bonds safe in today's economy. >> safe in the sense that they are backed by the u.s. government and i'm not worried about the u.s. government going away. they are not safe in the sense that they don't make enough to outpace inflation in a long term investment. the stupid things are going to pay 2% to 3%. inflation is running more. run higher with deficit savings. no i wouldn't be in savings bonds. steve: tommy in south carolina has a question. we are debt-free as a family. have $9,000 in savings. where can we put this money to make the most interest and still be able to get it if we need it.
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people are worried about that part. >> well, tommy, good question. what you need to remember about your emergency fund is it is not an investment. everybody say not an investment. it's insurance. insurance cost you money to protect your assets. emergency fund is not there to build wealth. it's to keep from you dipping into your 401(k) if your car transmission goes out. i don't care what terrence. sits in a money market account boring but accessible. gretchen: take a look what john from tennessee has to say. gretchen: doesn't have to pay for his television with a full scholarship. >> he is live in congress he lives on less than he makes. good for you. we need to pile up cash in a simple money market account so when you graduate your most transitional years are after you graduate from college. take a new job, you often get married in those few years and often move to another city.
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all of those things cost money in the transition. you will need the money to do that first and foremost emergencies. house would be after that. brian: my friend anonymous writes from indian. >> mutual funds long-term mind set. 5 years, 10 years or longer. most of the time you are. this is a keep your hands off the stinken money account if you put it in mutual funds. i do a lot of mutual fund investing. the stock market is down right now. it's on sale. kmart the blue light is on jump. in and you know i pretty regularly tell people never buy gold. sold on midnight cable makes you look stupid if you buy it. steve: snugies good investment though: people getting rid of the credit cards unique ways.
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this time our plastectomy involves a person with liquid nitrogen. watch this. >> nerd plastectomy today. i have got liquid nitrogen here. now, these credit cards have been here long enough the credit card itself is actually 320 degrees below zero. when they get that cold it changes their properties. and they are so cold that i can actually do a plastectomy with my bare hands. steve: cool. a pair of scissors might have been faster. brian: your viewers are scaring us. >> they are scaring me. credit card company just ordered a body guard. oh my gosh. steve: have a great day. see you tonight on the fox business network. >> thanks, guys. brian: we must be in a recession. is he smiling. he is a congressman and a doctor. he has an idea or two about the
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health care debate. up next, senator tom coburn is live to talk about reform. steve: that's right. with the population over 46 million, many credit the hispanic vote for president obama's win. we are going to talk about latino's growing impact on america with geraldo rivera, who is just grabbing us some coffee. thank you very much, geraldo. >> coming. gretchenson tan, she looks like a latina.
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steve: welcome back, it's a population that tops over 46 million. hispanics are not only the fastest grows minority in the u.s.a. they are becoming the most influential. brian: latest book fox news host geraldo rivera how latinos are shaping our country. the great progression. how hispanics will lead america to a new era of prosperity. >> let me give awe couple of dollars. here you go. gretchen: good to see you. there is no argument that hit-and-runs are a growing population in america. so how does that play politically? >> well, i believe that barack obama would not be president but for the latino vote. >> i make the case in the book that the acrimonious immigration debate had the effect many latinos that had never registered before. get off their butts and vote. there were 6 million more voters in 2008 than 2004. half of them were latinos and
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they voted two to one for barack obama. nevada, new mexico, north carolina, virginia, florida. those states all that went for the g.o.p. in 2004 went clearly for him based on the latino vote. it was a response to an issue they felt near and dear to them. steve: what is the thesis of your book? >> the primary thesis is most of what you hear about latinos, if i was going to do a word association with our audience latino. i think most people would think of the image the profoundly negative icon of some illegal kid waiting across the rio grande river. steve: i salad say sonia sotomayor. >> that is exactly what i would like you to think of. because there is -- there has been tremendous achievement. the vast majority of the 46 million are citizens, their children are citizens, doctors, lawyers, teachers, bedega owners, members of congress, more that be two dozen of them. sonia sotomayor. perhaps the most imminently
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qualified jurist on the high court. brian: tell me the latino vote. ironically it was john mccain who took a beating from republicans and george bush who took a beating from republicans who had a policy much like the one that barack obama supports. >> george bush did not take a beating. remember, he got 44% of the latino vote in 2004 as a former border state governor. george bush always spoke with respect to latinos. compassion. it was only in deep into his second term. john mccain was wonderful. he co-authored the comprehensive immigration reform act which is so controversial with our audience and was defeated. that was 2006-2007. he said he wouldn't even vote for his own bill it was john mccain's 180 on the immigration issue that turned many who would be in favor of him against him. gretchen: in a shut shell. how would republicans get latinos back? >> i think that ronald reagan once said, gretchen that latinos are republicans they may not know it yet.
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they are socially conservative. they are very traditional values values. the family structure very important, very faith oriented, church-going. on issues like gay marriage and pro choice or pro life, they are very conservative. but they have to be spoken to with respect. they have to be treated as equal partners. and it has to be a recognition. and i'm sure it will happen eventually. the fact that, you know, whoever the latest immigrant group is, they are the ones that get the heat. and this is just the latest in a great progression. that's where the title comes from. the irish, the italian, the german, the eastern european the germ people. and now the latinos. it's making the country a little spicier. brian: the irish are coming. >> coming around. brian: i'm writing the next book. steve: such an important block of america. if you want to read all about testimony and nobody has looked into this more than you, heard, it's called the great
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progression. check it out. >> thank you very much. he is a congressman and a doctor. he has an idea or two about the health care debate. up next, is he now senator too. senator tom coburn is live with his reform program. brian: on this day in 2007, o.j. simpson was charged in las vegas with robbing sports memorabilia dealer. he claims he was retrieving his own belongings but was convicted anyway. is he in prison. steve: have you ever heard of that guy, geraldo? >> vegas days in vegas. that's where he is. brian: 1974 eric clapton wrote "i shot the sheriff." i'm sick of it. job like the song (woman) dear cat.
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your hair mixes with pollen and dust. i get congested. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe freer, so i can love the air™. (announcer) zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. i know landscaping, but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away. only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat.
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gretchen: being unveiled today sweeping health legislation crafted by senate finance committee chair max baucus. it's a plan without the support, apparently of his gang of six. republicans at least. the three of the six. it's also facing oxes from fellow democrats. republican senator tom coburn of oklahoma, also a doctor, joins me now from d.c. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning, gretchen, how are you? gretchen: i was trying to figure out some of the details with you because this whole thing is so darn complicated if we can't figure it out, how does the american public figure it out? >> well, i think it's pretty easy for the american public to figure out. if the american public says we would like to see everybody covered but not pay such outrageous prices. the first consumption is we ought to have a plan that gets better value rather than increases taxes and cuts medicare for the ability to fund
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it over the first six years that it's actually effective. the questions that americans ought to ask of us is why do you think you need to spend more so we can cut the costs since we spend at least twice as much as everybody in the world per capita versus switzerland with the exception of switzerland. gretchen: for a lot of people, including yourself this all comes down how much this is going to cost. the problem is the president still hasn't really revealed any of the specifics about that. and now we're going to have this new plan coming out from senator baucus. and it appears that the three republicans in this gang of six are not on board with him. so how far do you think this plan will actually go? >> well, can i correct something? it's not just about cost. it is about can we, in fact, enhance the quality of care and control the costs in the future and do that in a way that gets us better value? so it's not just objecting to cost. it's the whole idea that we need to spend.
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i don't know how he does it i can't speak for the three members on our side of the aisle that were in all those meetings. can i tell you they still have pretty significant problems with this bill. and everybody wants to fix the problems. the question is how do we do it. do we have a government centric answer or do we have an individual patient centered answer. i believe we all to depend on -- excuse me. we ought to ensure that individual patients have choice and markets force prices lower and we have a real competitive market before we decide that the government ought to do it and given the fact that every government program we have is over budget and under supplied in terms of quality. gretchen: all right. senator tom coburn. i know you have your own plan, the patient's choice act along with senator richard burr. everyone seems to have a plan. we will wait to see what baucus's plan says today. thank you for being my plan. >> we save money. they cost money. gretchen: thanks for ironing
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that out. good to see you, senator. >> good to see you. bye bye. gretchen: federally funded group. videos keep popping up showing widespread corruption. why isn't this a bigger deal on any network besides fox? you won't believe what abc charlie gibson had to say about this controversy. and fed chair ben bernanke says the recession is nearly over? really? how can that be? we will break down what he said. (announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst symptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life. benadryl. come on. good girl.] mollie's never looked better.
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i really was amazed to see the change in her coat. people stop us when we're walking, and they'll say, "did you shine up her spots?" [ woman announcing ] just another way purina one... unlocks the brilliance of nature... to transform the life of your dog. for us to see the difference in mollie-- we were really excited about it. it just makes you feel wonderful. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do.
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gretchen: very good wednesday morning. thanks for sharing your time today. more acorn employees encouraging corruption. >> it's prostitution. >> oh, ok. >> yeah. i don't -- is that ok? >> it's ok with me. i think it should be totally legalized. gretchen: now some lawmakers calling for an investigation into the federally funded group.
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but others say go ahead, keep handing over the money to them. steve: when talking about government run health care, the left keeps pointing to the european system. we are going to talk today in about five minutes with a member of the european parliament that under their system the elderly may be at risk. brian: it's a moment every baseball fan dreams of. catching a foul ball and leaning over the scaffolding to do so. the dad tried to share the moment with his daughter she misunderstood. brian: our slogan comes from mike in the control room. one more hour and lights are on then we turn out the lights and we're gone. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute gretchen: we did inspire them from last hour.
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see? brian: next up is -- gretchen: ian. next up is headlines, actually. we will start with a fox news alert. we are waiting to hear this morning if police are going to release that person of interest in the murder investigation of yale grad student annie le. officers in connecticut have 24-year-old raymond clark iii now in custody. our own rick leventhal is live at the police station in new haven with the very latest on this case. swift developments, rick. yesterday you were predicting that there would be an arrest in the case. he is not technically arrested. is he still in custody? >> we are trying to determine that right now, glitchen. police have been watching his apartment for days. last night as we were arriving here on the third floor for hastily called news conference. officers moved in on the apartment. they served two warrants. one for his home and one for his body. as he was led out of the apartment. neighbors were cheering as he was put in handcuffs and put in a police car and brought to undisclosed location where officers could remove d.n.a.
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evidence from his body, saliva, hair, fingernails, they will compare that evidence to more than 150 pieces of physical evidence that they removed from that building at 10 street where annie le and raymond worked as animal lab technician. it's going to take some time to process that evidence. and the police say that even though this guy, they are obviously zeroing in on him. they are not ruling out other suspects. this is what they said last night. >> we are looking at everyone that had access to that building and so that is process is still taking the course it's going to take. >> now, we have known all along they had a short -- we have known all along they had a short list of people who had access to that lab building. we also heard that raymond clark iii had scratches on his chestenned a that he failed the lie detector test and bloody clothes found in that lab belong
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to him. police would not confirm any of that. only to say they are exawr going compare the d.n.a. they had from him to evidence they collected. that process should take 24 to 72 hours. in the meantime annie le's family through a spokesperson last night wanted to thank the community, thank the nation for its support and also thank the fbi, sting and local police for the thorough job they have been doing on this investigation. gretchen? gretchen: such a tragic story. thank you very much for the details, rick. now you where to look at new video just into our newsroom of vice president joe biden in iraq. he is in baghdad trying to settle a heated debate. iraqis still have over claims to land rights and oil. the white house thinks the dispute has the potential to tear iraq's recent gains and security apart. this is vice president biden's second trip to iraq in just the past through months. officers from two police departments searching now the property of jaycee dugard kidnapping suspect again philip delaware doe. this time they are looking into two child abductions in the 80's.
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investigators say -- >> some have equated what they are working in whack there to looking for evidence in a landfill. it's a very large piece of property with significant debris debris. gretchen: police to hope to uncover clues in the disappearances of that kayla garrett and alan. search began after investigators noticed similarities between those cases and dugard's kidnapping. recession over? that's the word from chairman ben bernanke who says the economy is recovering, even though 7 million jobs have been lost since december 2007. the fed chair does warn the economy will feel weak for a while because of the high unemployment rate which now stands at 9.7%. it's worth note ago recovery by definition means two executive quarters of growth in the gross domestic product. we have yet to see even one quarter of domestic growth.
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she has been wrestling with the idea for quite a while. now linda mcmahon, the wife of w.w.e. chair vince mcmahon has just announced that she will run for the u.s. senate in connecticut. mcmahon, a republican, has reportedly hired a pair of consultants, done pollingen 00 racing, and hats personal fortune to spend on the campaign. if mcmahon wins the nomination, she would face democratic senator chris dodd, who is seen as vulnerable in the general election. those are your headlines. steve: all right. let's talk a little bit about acorn. acorn was established years ago and they had a great mission. let's take a look at the big board right there. what they were established for was to help the poor fight foreclosures, register to vote, fix tax problems. the mission to help poor americans. but the picture we are learning of acorn now in these videos from exclusive videos from big, have you been seeing on fox. and tonight sean hannity is going to have a new excerpt from a new town. we have been seeing not fixing
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tax problems or registering to vote. but encouraging prostitution, money laundering, and all sorts of stuff. and yesterday, in the video from san bernardino, the acorn advisor actually revealed to the fake pimp and hooker, that she killed her husband. listen. >> with an ex-husband, you know, that just beat the hell out of me, you know. a few times and then, you know, i killed him. but i don't think that that's a nice thing. >> you killed him emotionally? >> no. i shot him. he came at me. and i let him throw me around a little bit, you know, and then i just picked up the gun and said [bleep] you. and i shot him and he died. right there. and -- but, before that i had done some -- laid some groundwork. brian: in this case, this video might have revealed that this woman was kind of on to something. she did indicate a little bit later on i would think this is a
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set up, if i wasn't sure this was not a set up. because those two kept saying i have a dozen girls between 12 and 16 coming from el salvador, i need a place to live. i have the money to pay for it. and then they continued to conspire together in the scene to get her a house, a low interest mortgage. how to do it and how to handle tax laws and what have you. after that's done that's pretty much where the california director said that this is a put on and he is upset about it. gretchen: basically that she was paying along in a game after the fact. we are not sure about the details yesterday. including whether or not she actually did kill her husband. that is still unknown at this time. brian: i believe she didn't. her husband is still around. steve: is he alive and living in barstow. gretchen: other side of this amazing story, you have seen a lot of these videos now in the last week. apparently somebody in a very prominent position, the guy over there at abc who does "world news tonight" for the rest of the nation, he apparently had not heard about this scandal at all or, if he had, he doesn't
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think it's worth covering. brian: says is he going to leave it to the cables. gretchen: they are picking up the pieces though after charlie gibson made that comment yesterday morning. abc saying it's a different editorial process whether you have 24 hours to fill on cable as opposed to 22 minutes. i'm not sure what's exactly a great excuse. if it's a big story, it's a big story. i don't know how many minutes you have to fill. brian: i wonder if they heard about it in france. steve: i don't know. i was going to add that abc did do the story last night where they did cover a little bit of the acorn stuff. they -- essentially they also talked a little bit about the tea party people and the people who go there and they are essentially i they call them racist according to news
8:10 am those are not racist are kind of crazy people. brian: i mentioned france because awaiting to inform and join you are show once again daniel hannon. is he here to tell us about his healthcare system and also how things are viewed over there about what's happening over here. first off thanks for joining us. >> hi, guys. good morning. nice to come back. brian: i don't know if you heard. here is jimmy carter talking about representative wilson's comments while president obama was talking, when he yelled out liar. here is jimmy carter's take on what was behind that. >> i think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president barack obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. brian: saying that race is involved. daniel, what's your take?
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>> >> well, in the british parliament obviously we shout at each other all the time. it wouldn't be a story. let me say. this i think as conservatives, we probably ought to be frank about something. there is some element of racism in some of the personalized and aggressive criticism of obama. it would be bizarre if there wasn't in a country as big as the u.s. it would be extraordinary if there was nobody who was motivated that way. but i think, if we're going to say that the left ought to make a similar concession, which is that the overwhelmingly majority of critics of the president are not motivated by my personal dislike but have reached the view that is he enlarging the government at the expense of. they would like him to change course. i have always liked jimmy carter, he has always seemed to me a reasoned man. i hope he thinks again that phrase the overwhelming
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majority. i don't think he can stand that up. most of my american friends, even the ones who campaigned most strongly against obama felt a little stab of patriotism at the thought that an election of a mixed race president had finally expunged the history of segregation. gretchen: exactly daniel. >> it really isn't a race thing. gretchen: that is exactly why some are saying this only muddies the waters. this is not good. so you know, it's not just former president jimmy carter saying this. it's other members of congress and other people calling the -- race baiting. it appears this issue is not going to go away. at least in america. >> it's a real pity. i don't know if this was the case in the u.s. but certainly my experience in politics is that when people throw accusations of racism, then we're not really advancing an argument. they are trying to close down an argument. when you call somebody a racist, you are not -- some cases accurately describing his views.
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more often trying to put the mark of the beast on him. say whatever else this person now says we shouldn't take it seriously because there is a kind of assumption of guilt once you have thrown that label. it should be done very sparingly. i think there are, of course, there are bound to be some people who are disquieted and who have discreditable reasons for opposing president obama. take it from me, i actually -- i supported the guy. i want him to do well. i'm a friend of america and like all friends of america, i want the u.s. president to succeed. that's why i want him to avoid making mistakes. you know, having campaigned on a platform of tax cuts, now ton expanding the state in this way is a misstake. brian: you are used to that all the time. >> by all means. brian: more on hannon with health care. the u.s. is losing it we're ranked sixth behind chilly --
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chile. he says the group might still be worth keeping around. details on "fox & friends" straight ahead. bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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gretchen: the institute reporting while economic freedom is on the rise. the u.s. has slipped from third to sixth place coming in behind ethical -- chile. we are rejoined from daniel hand hand -- hannan. we know that -- you have slipped significantly. as you look at the sliding of the united states' economy, what are we doing wrong from an international perspective? >> well, you are on the slide a little behind us. if you expand the state, you become less competitive.
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if you take money away from people in work and give it to people not in work, you disincentivise work. if you tax people to give money to poor people. have you fewer rich people and more poor people. bit of pride as a british person. under this government at the moment we have slipped badly. hong kong, on the other hand, has done very well. and the reason hong kong did very well is there was a british governor of hong kong who was the guy who really established the kind of low tax, low regulation miracle that hong kong became. i always remember him saying after he retired, he said, you know what? doing nothing is a full-time occupation. to stop the state growing, you don't just sort of put your feet up on the desk. you constantly hacking back at the undergrowth. >> very interesting. talk a little bit about health care because a lot of comparisons have been made between the government medicine offered in the u.k. and what is being proposed here in the u.s. let's lock at some of the figures with regard to the elderly. in britain in 2007, eight or
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16.5% of the death came after terminal sedation. what does that mean, daniel? >> well, it doesn't necessarily mean kind of euthanasia. i mean, the rules that we have on the national -- framework on euthanasia means you are not allowed to kill somebody as a doctor as the primary purpose of your treatment. but you can give them painkillers to the extent that you spare them hours of suffering. and in many cases, there is nothing sinister about this. i think a lot of people would have had experience where there has been an elderly person probably with only a few hours to live in terrible pain where the injections of morphine have been upped where a secondary consequence -- it's been a humanitarian thing. so i wouldn't -- i have got an awful lot of criticisms about healthcare system. but i don't think they go around
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killing people. steve: it's just a worry that there is rationing and given a choice between helping somebody who is young and healthy that they will short the elderly. >> i think that is true. steve: you are a charming guy and great guest and we thank you for joining us today from stratusburg, france. thank you, sir. >> thank you. gretchen: keep seeing more video like this. you show it. brian: acorn? gretchen: yeah. >> we are seeing this from san bernardino. up next we talked to a man that left the group because of serious problems. why does he say there is still good to be found. steve: got to hear that. gretchen: this moment every baseball fans dreams of catching a foul ball and this dad tried to share the moment with his daughter but clearly she had a different idea. look what she does. bye bye. steve: oh nellie. ( music, cheering )
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gretchen: few quick headlines. a task force recommends getting rid of this. critics have complained from the beginning that the system -- >> cammie used a fishing pole to lure the gator in and dragged him to the boat. she then used a cross bow to shoot it. it looks like it is still moving. brian, steve? brian: what does acorn actually stand for? it stands for the association of community organizations for reform now. now, they are supposed to help poor americans fight foreclosures. register to vote and fix tax
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problems. well, that's not happening in many locations. >> that's right. instead, at least four undercover videos that we have seen so far released are showing acorn employees offering advice on how to avoid tax, housing and prostitution laws. not to mention at least 50 people arrested for voter fraud. yet, gregory hall, a former acorn employee still believes in its cause and he joins us live from washington. good morning to you, mr. hall. >> good morning, thanks for having me back. steve: i think it's great when you worked for acorn you tried to help poor people with the intended mission of acorn. but, as you look at these videos. are you surprised? because you were there. you saw what went down. >> no. no. i'm not surprised. and let me change it again. yeah, i worked for acorn but i run an organization -- we are trying to reform acorn through its employees now and its former employees. there is not much good in acorn anymore as far as its mission and definitely not through its
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executive board. most of the folks who actually sign up are trying to do the right thing. they are passionate and dedicated they want to go out and help the communities. i was involved in one of the organizations in raleigh. they actually cleaned up drug dealers off the street. went around, citizens with signs and got rid of the drug dealers off of their corners, they do good stuff. unfortunately and the people that did the videos that's rampant and obvious they probably received about 13 seconds of training and said ok, go ahead out and make your salary for a month. brian: here is the problem, greg. i don't need any training to know that we probably shouldn't council people on how to make prostitution work for you and lie on taxes and say if you tell the truth that's not going to get you a mortgage. what are you saying to the directors who say well this tape has been manipulated. it's been overdubbed. what do you say? >> i say it's ridiculous.
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probably exactly what you saw on the tape is probably exactly what happened. as a matter of fact, they really want to see the folks who made the video. i have got lots of things they can go see more corrupt than what you have seen now. no, what they are doing now is just spinning it in the best way they know how. i mean, you so he -- everybody that comes out from acorn's executive group says ok, everybody else is at fault. except us. they are the ones constantly giving the orders that say make the money, no matter what. lie, steal, cheat. i have got the witnesses to prove it. they are always saying that. steve: i know you feel that government funds should be cut off from acorn. you just had a tantalizing sound bite there. what evidence do you have of wrongdoing at acorn? >> oh, my gosh. i have seen the voter registration fraud. i have seen when we did the minimum wage drive, actually witnesses to one of those where we got the people off the street and brought them in. they got paid certain thing and then us salaried folks got another set of instructions. the works that have been abused
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working off the clockworking overtime not just overtime with no pay but working 90 hours a week. the members that get their bank accounts drafted four and five times a month and all of a sudden they go and complain and nobody knows anything about it there is corruption. this group. i mean the reason we started doing this is old organizer friends of mine and i was a laborer for a while, we found that acorn was the most corrupt group in the country. it's systemic. it's across the nation. the mission is good. brian: the mission might be good. the reason they are still in business is it because they are politically connected? >> yeah, there is no doubt about it. i'm a registered democrat. voted and always will be. but, definitely connected to the left. sciu, they have got connections that just funnel money into this place. until the money is cut federally and get rid of the money coming from the politicians, they are going to continue this. steve: all right, capitol hill, gregory hall feels you should
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cut the money plug. thank you, sir, for joining us live from d.c. >> thanks very much. brian: no one is pulling the plug on us for 22 more minutes. he says he won't raise taxes. how is that possible? peter johnson jr. three names, one man. takes a look with his prescription for truth. steve: even with another video showing acorn shameless's corruption, some lawmakers still want your taxes to fund it griff general constituency caught one one senator, roland burris about this. >> senator, i want to ask you why you voted against cutting off funding for acorn. >> i voted for acorn. steve: wait until you see the video. where is the outrage, we wonder? brian: put a smile on your face? watch this. daddy's little girl gets the foul ball from daddy's hands. the girl gets the ball and tosses the ball. sometimes kids don't understand but they still get a hug.
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steve: it was so close to ebay. ♪ ( folk music playing ) kids who don't eat breakfast aren't getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. ( bell rings ) a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials.
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gretchen: fox news alert. top of the headlines right now. police now releasing the person of interest they nabbed in the murder of the yale grad student annie le. officers in connecticut took 24-year-old raymond clark iii into custody last night. they did plan to release him after they got d.n.a. samples. the associated press also
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reports that investigators have left clark's apartment after being there all night. clark is an animal lab technician and he works in the building where annie le's body was found. police served his apartment, hoping to link d.n.a. evidence to the crime scene. le, as you know, went missing just days before her wedding. her family speaking for the first time has asked the public for privacy and thanks them for all of their support. brian? brian: i am no terrorist is the mantra. slogan come from this man. the suspected al qaeda terrorist triggering raids on three homes in new york city. now, according to this morning's "new york post." he trained in pakistan. was plotting to make homemade bombs in this country. owned a coffee cart in new york city. went to denver and he is now not under arrest. the fbiish ago serious warning. agents telling police agents and telling police departments all over the country to be on the lookout for evidence of homemade bombs, including foul odors
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coming from buildings and people with burn marks on their hands. steve: meanwhile, the obama administration could be keeping tabs of what you do on line without your permission. the white house has been collecting and apparently storing all comments posted on its social networking sites like myspace and twitter without telling the internet users who are making the post. the collection includes comments, pictures, and videos. meanwhile, white house spokesman would not say when this started or how much information they gathered or how much it is costing american taxpayers. gretchen: they are accused of moving luggage filled with $19 million worth of cocaine. this morning 23 people, including nine people who worked for american airlines under arrest. according to this indictment now they moved the drugs on commercial flights in and out of san juan, puerto rico over the past 10 years from. san juan, the drugs are moved from cities across the united states. brian, you got the best sports story of the day.
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>> priceless moment, no doubt about it. philly's game. they won last night. foul ball into the second deck, dad wonderful catch. no mitt. wonderful daughter "david gets the ball. throws it away to another lucky fan. dad decides to hug the kidneyway kidneyway. follows with a kiss. we will follow that progression through college. brian: one of the great scenes in america sports history. steve: i love the look on the dad's face a look of happiness than i can't believe you threw the ball away. brian: exactly. don't ground her. gretchen: he is probably not going to say anything like these words, are he? is he going to say words actually alowellable on the floor of capitol hill. this all comes become because of joe wilson saying "you lie" well, now apparently somebody has looked into the presidential putdowns that are a ok like hated, oppressive, pork,
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disgrace, even half-baked nitwits. pass the mustard. it's ok to say half-baked nitwits but not those other words, steve. >> exactly right. gretchen. this list from the house rules committee chair slaughter a democrat from new york not ok to call the president a liar on the floor democrat, cowardly. sexual misconduct. i wonder what president that was i object tended for. remember, this is all political. the democrats wanted joe wilson to apologize again on the floor of the house but he said look i apologized directly to the president of the united states. i don't need to do it. news made a notation that george w. bush was called a nazi and a fascist by members of the democratic party. he was booed by the union and labeled a liar on the floor of congress. anything that happened to those people who did that back then? no. brian. >> all right, brian. take on a little bit of a health care situation. >>
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brian: i would like to thank both of you for not tossing to me by saying speaking of half-baked nitwit. that was always my big fear. the legislation expected to be released really at the top of the hour. 23 minutes. all week we have been analyzing the price tag for the president's health care overhaul depending on what plan he decides to choose. like how the deficit would go up and how folks would pay higher insurance premiums. what about your taxes? >> the plan will not add to our deficit. the middle class will realize where your security not higher taxes. brian: but beware of the tax man cometh, so to speak. that according to peter johnson jr. who is here with the prescription for truth. peter, what do you mean the tax man cometh? >> you know, i don't know when the tax man is coming based on this -- these proposals that we have at this point. senator baucus is going to have a new proposal today. but the house has its own proposal. and element bodied in -- embodid in the house proposal which is
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still out there are mandates, payroll taxes. if you don't buy the insurance, then you will be taxed 2.5% of your adjusted gross income or the average cost of an insurance policy. brian: insurance. >> absolutely. with regard to payroll tax if your employer doesn't buy the insurance, they will have an 8% tailor tax. we know about excise taxes on large insurance policies that are going to count for billions of dollars to the federal government. we know about excise taxes on the highest premium insurance policies. brian: i have got two things coming out of the baucus plan who wrote a column today but didn't get specific in it. talking generalities. some people are leaking it out. senator baucus says i'm going to start taxing people, companies who make medical devices. theyal have a big tax burden and private insurance. not taxing americans. they are taxing those companies. >> companies are americans. companies are corporate entities but they are made up of people. they are owned by people.
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they are paid for by people. their profits go to people. and so i am always hesitant and i have been talking really to hundreds of people over the last two months on this issue. i mean, the interest has been incredible. i am weary of anything that pays for itself. have you heard those claims? this is going to pay for itself. we are going to. brian: by cleaning up the fraud and corruption. >> we are going to clean up the fraud and corruption on insurance pole that's 47 million people less. that's going to find it's forever. that's not what the democratic plans call for. the democratic plans up to this point have heavy excise taxes, heavy fees same thing as taxes. we know from economics 101 that higher taxes mean lower unemployment. higher taxes mean lower job growth in this country dry.
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higher taxes mean a greater burden on real people. the really what is middle class. the president says the middle class will not be hit by. this time will tell. the numbers at this point say higher taxes. brian: peter, i haven't been hired for tomorrow's producer. the green card will probably be in the baucus plan in detail. that will be the big talk. >> also why can't you have a scooter. he wants to take away your scooters and your motorized wheelchairs. that's really serious. you brought it up. brian: please don't accuse me of that i was echoing what i heard. showing you new video of acorn workers promoting illegal activities. some lawmakers still support the group. >> senator, i want to ask you why you voted against cutting off funding for acorn. i voted for acorn. brian: he can't retire quick enough. griff jenkins catches up with senator burris. are you considering plastic
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surgery? i'm talking to you. take a little from here and put it here. new procedure might let you take fat from your body and put it into your chest. we will talk to a surgeon about that painful procedure. at least it sounds painful. ♪ o need
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>> i believe they are basically a lean to the democratic party. whether you are democrat or republican, you ought to be for this investigation. the story is going to get hotter. i believe the mainstream media are going to have more than egg on their faces if they don't pick this up because this is important to the american people. they see the corruption. they see the misuse of funds. and whether, as i said, you are a liberal democrat or not, you ought to be for honesty and well-spent taxpayers' money. steve: this story is going to
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get hotter, so said republican senator shelby on our show this past hour. speaking out against continuing federal funding for acorn. an organization now implicated in at least four different instances of offering guidance to undercover documentary film narks people posing as a prostitute and a pimp. seven senators voted to continue federal funding. gretchen: griff jenkins met up with one senator. i understand you lost a couple pounds yesterday from all the running you had to do to keep up with senator burris. >> well, we did have to pursue him. i will play that tape in just one second. on a serious note. these are serious allegations. if you are a taxpayer from vermont, illinois, new york, pennsylvania, or rhode island, you might want to know what your senator was up to. we just had that picture up there. the seveny senators casey, durbin, gillibrand, leahy, sanders and white house. they voted against a piece of legislation that would bar any additional funds going from
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acorn from the departments of transportation or housing and urban development. i talked to your former guest, gregory hall in the hallways who you just had on in the hallways he said millions if not billions of dollars go to acorn. we wanted to get some of these guys on tape and gals and here is what happened when we tried to speak with senator roland burris. take a look. >> a comment on yesterday's vote. if i walk with you? ok. >> i have got a 4:00. >> sure. senator, i want to ask you why you voted against cutting off funding for acorn. >> i voted for acorn. >> i know that. i'm just wondering. your vote. acorn is on tape helping to set up houses of prostitution with underaged girls from central america. i'm wondering if the taxpayers of illinois really want to support an organization like that. >> [ laughter ] i thought you had a question. not a statement. >> my question is why did you
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vote. >> because i want to support -- i supported acorn. it's that simple. >> do you continue to support acorn. >> i support acorn in illinois, that's correct. i support acorn. >> you still, dispute what's coming out in the news about the organization, do you still support them? >> you got a problem. >> sir? steve: did he say you have got a problem? >> he did say i had a problem. the problem is i'm trying to unveil the truth of why a senator could support an organization actively participating in the illegal activities. we are also going to try to speak with the other six at some point as soon as i can. actually, if they will stop and simply talk to me and tell me why did you vote that way. now, you played that sound bite from senator shelby it is seeming to grow on capitol hill. also, house minority leader john boehner sent a letter to the president urging him to ban acorn from receiving any money from any federal department. we will see where that story goes. steve: all right. griff jenkins who aims to track down more on capitol hill.
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thank you very much. good job. gretchen: fat is the new silicone. a controversial procedure moves the fat from your butt to your bust. for an natural augmentation. you notice how they had me read that, steve? steve: yes, i did. first check in with bill hemmer for what's on top of the hour. >> i'm not going anywhere after that story. gretchen: all right. >> good morning to both of you. coming up in our show in 10 minutes' time. a big day on health care. a major proposal comes up from one of the leading senators karl rove reacts to that joe wilson in the house. karl rove is on that too. does your child pledge allegiance to the flag? there is a group urging teachers to tell your kids they can opt out. the murderer at yale, did the killer have an unfair advantage? see you in 10 minutes guys in america's newsroom. .
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gretchen: eight two i n one procedure that promises -- a two in one procedure that promises to take excess fat from your fisa in your butt and your coming, -- from your thighs and your blood in your belly and move it up to your chest. steve: essentially you are moving up to the top. is it a good idea? >> you have got to be skeptical of medical procedures, you have to worry that that might reabsorbed. the most concerning factor is that we do not have any long-
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term clinical trials that fat in the breast does not hinder or mimic the detection of breast cancer. gretchen: which would be extremely important because you would not want to do a medical procedure for any reason that leads you to questionable results on a test like that. >> fat can look like breast cancer as well, which can lead to unnecessary biopsies. until that data is out there, five years out, 10 years out, with the involvement of radiologists in the study, we cannot have a blanket -- blanket approval of the procedure. steve: they are doing this in the united kingdom, where they are further down the road? >> they have been doing this for a few years with multi-center studies. not just one medical group.
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gretchen: you started out by saying that it is not always a good deal, but there are a lot of people, including myself, that would say why not, like it might be a good idea. >> it sounds great at face value, it sounds wonderful. but the problem is we are only taking a small amount of fat. a very long procedure, people are doing this over six or eight hours in the operating room, increased -- increasing the risks from anesthesia. steve: like stuffing in a doll, can you move the fat around without complication? >> you can take it out of one place and put it in another, but it is very technique dependent. you have to use small syringes, placing it at multiple sites. it can be painful as well. it can also cause distortions
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and complications. gretchen: fascinating topic, but obviously we need more time and research. thank you. ong. ( bell rings ) a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. what do you say to a spin around the color wheel? - to paint with primer already mixed in? - ♪ yeah yeah yeah... - test samples instead of can commitments? - ♪ whoo! - what do you say we dip into our wallets less... - ♪ are you feeling it? - ...and grab ahold of the latest tools out there... - ♪ oh! we can quit all that messing around with extra steps - and get busy turning our doing dials up a notch? - ♪ whoo! ♪ oh! more saving. more doing.
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