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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  September 16, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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there would be the road runner ever taunting with smug little pile but beep beep went the bird 60 years ago today. and you no you know the news for this wednesday, september 16th, 2009. your turn, bill. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> why you voted against cutting off funding for acorn? >> i voted for acorn. >> acorn is on tape helping to set up houses of prostitution. bill: the factor confronts some of the senators who voted to continue funding acorn. how could they? we will find out. >> sir? >> an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president president obama barack obama is based on the fact that is he a
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black man. bill: more charges of racism this time by former president carter. is there a backlash? we will analyze. >> i'm doing this video because i'm trying to find his father. >> a woman searching for the father of had baby takes to the internet. you won't believe what's behind it this. >> i don't even remember your name. bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching us tonight. voting to fund acorn. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. after seeing undercover video of acorn employees promoting prostitution, even underage prostitution, the senate voted 83-7, to stop giving acorn federal money. but, seven senators opposed that. leahyened senators of vermont.
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durbin sanders casey of pennsylvania. simply put, how could they do that? scores of acorn people have been arrested. 30 convicted of crimes and now scandal and seven senators want to continue giving the organization taxpayer money? come on. so fox news producer griff jenkins went in search of the misguided senators. >> i think if we cut off funding to every single organization that had junior members that embarrassed the organization, we would lose a very good organizations. >> now, if you open the can of worms, and you start arguing about which particular organizations are going to get federal funding, you know what? that's all we are going to be going. i kind of think it's more important to focus on why the middle class is collapsing and how we address that problem. >> if somebody has done something stupid, they should be fired. if they have done something illegal, they should be prosecuted. bill: that just doesn't cut it. we are talking about taxpayer money. why would you give taxpayer
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money to any dubious organization? we're talking to you, senator burst. >> i'm just wondering, your vote, i mean, acorn is on tape helping to set up houses of prostitution, with underaged girls from central america. i'm wondering if the taxpayers of illinois really want to support an organization like that. >> i thought had you a question. not a statement. >> well, my question is, why did you vote. >> because i want to sort acorn. i supported acorn. it's that as isimple. bill: it's not that simple. senator burris has an obligation to protect taxpayer from corruption. since he may have secured his senate seat in a corrupt manner, maybe we are hoping for too much here. acorn itself is now in complete disarray. >> we are not going to take this lying down. we believe that and in fact we know that this was a form of entrapment. and, yes, we are going to go after this videographer and fox.
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bill: ooh. this afternoon acorn announced it will hire an independent investigator to look into its problems. but the fbi should be doing the investigation, not some guy they hire. by the way, the factor has learned that louisiana authorities have issued a subpoena to former acorn boss wade rathke. that's not good news for him. even liberals like jon stewart are outraged over the situation. stewart asking where is the media? >> where were the real reporters on this story? you know what? , investigative media give me camera three. where the hell were you? you know who broke this story? these two. you are telling me that two kids from the cast of high school musical three can break this story with a video camera and their grandmother's chin chill la coat and you got nothing? i'm a fake journalist and i'm embarrassed these guys duped me. let's get to work, people. bill: forget it the
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establishment of media have little interest in exposing left wing corruption. how much damage has acorn done to the obama administration, if any? the president accepted acorn's support in the campaign, but why wouldn't he? they were all out for him. however, this story is so big, it's far beyond a community activist situation. it's now a full-blown political scandal. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. what does dick morris think of this. the author of the big best selling book catastrophe, about the mediaened a the obama administration joins us now. ok. today, ben bernanke, the top economic guy comes out and says, you know, the recession may be over. nobody covers it. nobody said a word. you know why? acorn. is this amazing? >> it is astonishing. the connection with obama is a little closer than you generously gave him credit for. in addition to his paying them $800,000 during the campaign to work for him, they paid him in
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1995 to be their lawyer when they sued the state of illinois. bill: the statute of limitations runs out on that, when? that's 13 years ago. you know, obama is in chicago. they hired him. it was a justice department suit and it was a legitimate deal. people are going to make up their own minds. the perception is, i will grant you, that president obama and acorn are sympathetic co. >> this comes at a very difficult time for obama. because he is getting clobbered over health care reform. here he addressed a joint session of congress, and all of the american people gave a superb speech, i thought distorted but superb. and people were watching. his ratings rose six or seven points. opposition to the health care plan dropped way down to the mid 40's, support sored up to 52. in 50 days it was all gone.
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support 42. opposition at 55. bill: according to was muffin. why? >> because at every breakfast table in america, in every examining room where people go for their flu shots, in every social encounter that they have at the senior citizen center, the only topic of conversation here is the defects in obama's health care plan. he has no talk going about the opposite. and on the one hand, the elderly are saying you are going to cut my medicare and on the other hand the young people are saying you are going to make me pay 7% or 8% of my income for a policy i don't need. bill: i think this acorn thing and this is pretty unfair. wait. this acorn thing is branding president obama when obama doesn't really have anything to do with acorn. you are right, the obama campaign used acorn, but you would, too, morris, if you were working for obama, you would have had those guys on your side, too. >> yes, bill, paying somebody
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$800,000 to speak. bill: the campaign paid acorn to work for them. you would tell me if you were working for a national candidate and had you a national organization like acorn on your side, in the tank, going for you, you wouldn't hire them? >> for money of my campaign money and be accountable for what they did? i would tell them to go as far as away from me as i could get. bill: i'm surprised. >> because i would be worried i would catch something. bill: that's true. have you got to be worried about who they are and what they might come back and bite you. >> exactly. bill: that's exactly what happened. >> work for them for free. but giving them $800,000 is heavy. bill: i don't believe that the folks turned against obama care because they were thinking well, listen, i think they are turning against obama, period. because of acorn and other things. >> well, what i'm saying is, that you start with somebody where you like them. bill: yeah. >> then you disagree with him on something. then you really disagree with him on something. then you start to develop negative thoughts about him
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because you disagree with him on the issue. because he can't care about the elderly or he can't care about me because we don't agree. and then that process of changing and disagreement into a dislike, acorn play as pivotal role. bill: i think so. i think this is -- i don't think it's fair but acorn is now branding the obama administration as a far left concern. now, you weren't here. you were in rome last week, but we did have axelrod, david axelrod. >> used to work for me, you know. bill: chief presidential advisor and he mentioned your name. roll the tape. bill: dick morris writes in his book if you do add 30 to 40 new people to the insurance roles, you don't have enough medical personnel to handle them. >> i don't know what medical school dick morris went to but the doctors and nurses of this country support this reform. bill: that was 30 to 40 million. that's what you have in catastrophe that there is going to be rationing because there is not enough medical people. >> first of all, david, you don't need med school you just
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need grammar school to understand that if you are expanding. bill: did you go to grammar school. >> i did couple -- cum laudey. if you are adding 50 new patients you have got to add more doctors. bill: and nurses. >> investors daily poll that came out, by two to one doctors oppose his plan and 45% of the doctors said they would personally consider retiring or ending their practice if it passes, which will make the shortage even worse. bill: all right. buy dick's book catastrophe. thank you very much. >> thank you. next on the run down crowley and colmes give us their take. later playing the race card. laura ingraham doesn't like it. brace yourself. coming up. quality and reliability...
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a. bill: continuing now with our lead story, the impact of the acorn scandal on the obama administration. here now rock and hard place duo
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monica crowley and alan colmes. you heard me and dick morris. ben bernanke recession may be over. nobody mentions it. it is all acorn all the time. >> i believe there are people who want to make this about obama meets acorn. bill: absolutely. >> he was their attorney for a short time. he defended them in the motor voter case. that was the extent, basically. acorn is a new van jones. conservatives elm paired they got van jones. now they will use acorn to get obama. i think unfairly. bill: doesn't matter whether you think it's unfair or not but it's happening. >> let's call that out that's what this is it's an attempt to go after the president of the united states by tying him to acorn. it's not a fair line of attack. bill: what difference does it make whether it's fair. it's politics. >> is it real? his his association something with him that should bring him down or hurt him? bill: i don't believe it is real. although i do believe that obama sympathizes with acorn and what acorn wants to do. >> all right.
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bill: community activism. >> is it fair to say they have done terrible things and these videotapes are incriminating and terrible. they have done good work and help empower voters. bill: have you got to get in the real world. there is a media civil war going on. colmes did hit on something intelligent. >> that's amazing you would say that. bill: right wing of which you are a part. right wing radio is going to relentlessly attack obama using vehicles like acorn, jones, whatever radical left thing they can find. they are going to tie it right around obama's neck because it's working. >> well, and also, let's face it, obama is van jones. obama is acorn. >> oh, no. >> hang on. you guys are done playing his tithes to acorn. these ties to obama and acorn are deep and long standing. not just representing themes as a lawyer. he partnered with him in 1982 for vote project in chicago. became an acorn trainer. >> not true. >> acorn fanned out for his campaigns in 1996 and 2000 in
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the state of illinois. >> absolutely. >> last year as well. also remember that during the presidential campaign last year he told acorn point blank, you will have, quote, a seat at the table in my administration. so let's not down play the fact. bill: he likes them. >> very proud of being a community organizer. that was acorn. bill: people can make up their own minds at home whether obama and acorn have an association that's worth -- smart enough to do that. but the big story, colmes, is that the right wing media, the conservative media in this country has found a way to marginalize the president of the united states. >> they need to be called out on that if it is unfair. if it's not fair to do it. bill: fair doesn't really cut it it's effective. it's working. >> it's important to point out the other side of the story. he was not community organizer for acorn. he was a community organizer. >> he trained their community organizers. >> that is not accurate according to what has been said. bill: i don't know why you care about this. >> i want the truth out there.
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let's not unfairly smear somebody. bill: i'm going to go back to my question which is a brilliant one, colmes. >> by your own admission. bill: try consider it the conservative media is winning now. they are damaging the president of the united states by jones, by acorn. >> yeah, right. bill: there is other stuff coming down the pike. so your advising president obama, colmes. you like him. you think he is a good president so far. you tell him to do what? how do you blunt that? >> well, he needs to blunt it by saying if, indeed, it gets to the point where he needs to get up and address it here is my relation. they already done it during the campaign they came out with this stuff. he did not community organize for acorn. his relationship was purely as an attorney. let's be very clear. bill: you are not seeing the big picture: you play colmes. you are colmes right now. ok. i'm going to ask the same question. if you are in the obama white house and remember dr. crowley worked for richard nixon. knows how this stuff work. you know how the seats of power
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work. obama got to find a way to stop the conservative media from marginalizing his administration. >> yes. you know how he does it? here is how he does it. he disavows acorn. he had no problem during the campaign throwing reverend wright under the bus. reverend wright very -- jones got thrown under and reverend wright, both of home have long-standing ties to acorn. has he got no problem doing. this far he has been sidelined on this. this is not a democratic scandal. this -- bill: i don't like acorn anymore. they are corrupt. you are not going to buy it you will say is he a craven politician. >> here is what he needs to do to stop the bleeding, that is he needs to direct his attorney general to go out and do a nationwide investigation. bill: ah-ha, there you go. >> have to respond to every right wing attempt to smear. bill: this is huge, colmes. >> respond to everything. >> this is a taxpayer scandal. >> he does not have to respond to every attempted right wing
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spear. that will define his presidency. >> this is a taxpayer scandal. bill: directly ahead, a few weeks ago i talked with the acorn leadership. you might remember that frank luntz ran the interview by some folks. we will tell you what they thought. later, woman desperately searching for the father of her baby takes to the net. >> i'm doing this video because i'm trying to find howard's father. so, if you are out there, and you see this, then this is for you. bill: wait until you hear who is behind that. coming up. boss: so word's gettin' out that geico can help people save in even more ways -
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on motorcycle insurance, rv, camper, boat insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due respect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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bill: in the impact segment tonight, last month i interviewed. dr. luntz took those interviews and showed them to regular
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folks. dr. luntz is the author of a brand new book, what americans really want, really. he joins us now. i like the title. los angeles, right? >> swing voters. bill: about 60 of them? >> 16 obama voters, 15 mccain voters. split down the middle. bill: right down the middle. and the first sound bite was bertha lewis. she is the ceo. she was all over the place but won't come back on fox news. roll the tape. bill: it seems to me that acorn is a quasisocialist organization, that you want to give -- it's almost a robinhood organization. you have to get the money from somewhere. and the only place you can get it from is from people who make it. so, i think you are a quasi-socialist organization. am i wrong? >> well, i think you are wrong, mr. o'reilly. but we have 400,000 plus members all across the country. working people. low and moderate income people. they pay taxes. they work hard. they want to see a good democratic society.
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bill: all right. so it was very, very partisan about her. >> you called them a socialist and the democrats reacted negatively to you. bill: right. they don't like that word. as soon as she started talking, the republicans didn't even hear what she said. as soon as she opened her mouth, the thing dove. >> but it's also because the way that she was defending acorn. she was not explaining it. she wasn't really answering your questions. she was giving a pat line. and so republicans didn't hear it but the democrats reacted favorably to it. bill: do you think the democrats, and this is an opinion, like acorn as much now after this tape? >> i'm sure they are embarrassed by acorn right now. bill: i think they have lost a lot. the second sound bite is about the town hall stuff. roll the tape. bill: will you let my investigators see the books of the citizens consulting inc. operation which takes the money that's given to you and spread it around? can my investigators see your books? >> well, you see, mr. o'reilly, there you go again.
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bill: yeah, yeah. it's a yes or no. >> let me see the books and the citizens consulting. bill: let me see the books. >> we comply with all laws everywhere. bill: have no problem letting us see the books so key with report that. >> we make sure that folk does that. bill: we will be happy to come down on a moment's notice so we can look at your books so we can show america and the world that you up and up. ladies, i appreciate you very much. thank you for coming on. bill: today we find out that louisiana subpoenaed the books of acorn. so they will see them. >> the best question that i have seen asked of acorn in this entire debate was right there. bill: the democrats liked the question, too. >> the democrats absolutely. bill: everybody liked the question. >> when they were done, 31 people, i asked in the end who made their point better? 28 bill o'reilly, 3 acorn. bill: you are never going to have those three back, right? >> i will give you their social security numbers. bill: look, i admire the folks on both sides because it was a good question.
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sorry i have to be son seated. the democrats acknowledge it was a good question, too. it was only bloviating about socialism they don't like me. we have gotten it down. gotten this book what americans really want, really. you went to a lot of different areas. what is the most important you, frank luntz, learned in your research for the book? >> 72% of americans are angry. and it cuts across racial lines. it cuts across partisan lines. we're frustrated because washington isn't keeping its promises, because wall street isn't respecting the workers that work for businesses. and we feel like the institutions of americans have failed us. and so we're disappointed and we are afraid about the future. bill: all right. so 72% of -- now, would you say it's anger, anger or is it kind of fear? >> it's anxiety. it's -- it's betrayal in some cases. bill: feel betrayed. >> the reason why i called it what americans really want, really, is because the elites don't understand this. bill: is obama running into that 72% anger right now because they
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don't understand the health care? this acorn thing, they don't like this. is he running into that buzz saw? >> absolutely. because he dismisses it he assumes that they are just some sort of quote, angry mob, unquote. no, they are independents, they are democrats and republicans. and they are frustrated because they feel that their power is being taken away from them. bill: you see that in all the demonstrations they want their country back and don't want the program government telling us what to do and health care matters or anything else. >> not just political. it's also economic. we polled 6400 people. you know how big is a story that is? bill: what americans really want really, dr. frank luntz. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. more peru -- brutal on school buses. jimmy carter playing the race card. laura ingraham has pithy comments on the situation. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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the first layer dissolves quickly to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving while not fully awake with memory loss for the event as well as abnormal behaviors such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and halluciations may occur. don't take it with alcohol as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. bill: unresolved problem segment tonight trying to get new health care bill passed in america is obviously a major problem and we
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have some new poll numbers to show you. a new was muffin poll as we mentioned with dick morris opposition to obama care has reached all-time high 55%%: investigators business daily 65% oppose obama care. just 33% support it. 45% of doctors say they will consider leaving their practice or retiring early if obama care pathss also toted a new health care proposal coming out of the senate. how is it different than obama care. joining us from washington nina, the deputy director of health policy studies at the heritage foundation. look. is there anything new on this max baucus senator from montana. goes in and massages it is a little. anything new we should care about here. >> it has the same fundamental problems as the other bills making their way through congress has. it has a public plan. baucus calls it a co-opt. massive federal regulation over insurance and benefits. a massive medicaid expansion and
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employer mandate and individual mandate. those are the structural flaws that all the bills carry and that actually break the promises that the president has said that he would not -- he would do for the american people. bill: all right. so, from your vantage point, the new health care thing, it's the same, you know, meet the old bosses, who who one -- new boss is the same as the old boss. is it there anything good of this bill, anything that caught your eye that would help the american people? >> well, i think that they are trying to focus on bringing down the cost. but that's where they get into trouble. the more they bring down the cost, the harder it is to deliver what they promised to the american people. and in reality, in hundred billion-dollar bill is not that much different from $1 trillion, in my opinion. bill: ok. so you didn't see really anything there that you can get excited about or the american people should pay attention to. the public option now is done. we have discussed this. it's not going to happen.
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but you say that this little marketplace that they are going to set up, whereby the federal government would subsidize some insurance for americans, that is, in your opinion, a public option? >> well, it has massive new federal regulation. so you don't necessarily need a public option if the federal government is going to control and regulate the type of health insurance that americans can buy buy. bill: i want that. i want not personally for me, but for working americans to have an option that if they don't like their health insurance, if it's too expensive, they can't afford it, if the government can cobble together a cheaper insurance policy that gives the same benefits, i see that as a plus for the folks. >> well, i don't think that the bills yet have proven that they are going to save the american people any money. bill: ok. now, that's true if it's all a bunch of b.s. and nobody saves any money, absolutely i will oppose it. but i think americans should put
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the ideology aside. if the government can come up with a marketplace where a bunch of insurance companies come together, to offer lower premiums, that's a good thing. >> well, we have to make sure that choice is important. and it's not that the government says you can have a car. we are just giving you choices the color of the car you can have. we need to make sure that the insurance plan and consumers can actually shop for the plans they can need having a one size government plan isn't going to provide americans choice. no they should have -- all insurance companies should compete in every state. but if the government, i don't have a beef with them if they get a marketplace going. so that, again, the competition is what really will save us from the escalating health care costs. we appreciate you coming on very much. thank you. when we come right back, president carter playing the race card while defending the obama presidency. laura ingraham did not like that. what's one jimmy carter anyway.
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we will get into him and his presentation why he does what he does. we will get into all of that with miss laura as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world.
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bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the week in review from the weekly ingraham. some play the race card that is they play racism whenever the president is criticized. apparently they believe if you disagree with his policies you are a racist. latest comes from jimmy carter. >> i think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. and i think his bubble up to the surface because of a belief among many white people, not just in the south but around the
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country, that african-americans are not qualified to lead this great country. bill: of course, mr. carter offers no stats to back that up. nothing but bloviating. joining us now from washington fox news analyst laura ingraham. i know you are hearing on the radio. i'm hearing in the email people are getting fed up with this race card business. even though the obama administration has been very diligent in saying, look, we don't believe any of this opposition to the president has anything to do with the color of his skin. somebody like jimmy carter getting out there and saying that tees people off, does it not? >> it really does. the disapproval numbers right now for president obama with gallup are at about 41%, 42%. that is a serious problem. and day by day it gets worse and worse. now, remember the big speech, the joint session of congress, right? that was supposed to turn the tide. got a little bit of a bump and then as we predicted it started to fall, fall, fall. this is making it fall faster and fall farther.
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i disagree with what you said a little bit, bill. i don't think the obama administration has been out front on this. i think they have been very late and very eanymore -- anemic in speaking about. this this isn't burton at 30 years old and going out there. this is so toxic and poisonous to the public discourse. bill: absolutely. >> the president who did the big speech on race after the reverend wright thing blue -- blew up. bill: he will on sunday. i guarantee you he has got to. you are absolutely right. what's happened is, and we talked about this earliered in the program. that barack obama is now getting hammered by acorn, by jones, by jimmy carter trying to help him, throwing the race card in there and everybody is going that has nothing to with race. >> when is the last time, bill, when is the last time you think jimmy carter was a net positive for the democratic party. bill: i don't get him. do you get him? >> last time we checked, wasn't he down in gaza and he is trying to fix things in gaza a couple
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years before that he was in cuba hanging out with fidel and talking about medical supplies or something. and in cuba. he is always doing something loony, but let me tell you something. there is nothing worse than a self-loathing southerner and the things he said about southerners in addition to the racist comment, racism comment i thought was especially deplorable, given the fact that we have all of these minorities over the last couple of decades who have left these liberal cities michigan total failures like detroit and moved back to places like mississippi and south carolina for economic opportunities. it's just insulting. bill: i don't get carter because if carter had called obama and said, you know, tomorrow on nbc news i'm going to say the opposition to you is color-based, obama would have said don't. don't do it. everybody knows that using as your word, the toxic racist
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card, to try to marginalize legitimate opposition is going to just -- >> they don't want opposition. you touched on it look, opposition is something they haven't been able to deal with this summer. they haven't been able to deal with it in recent months. they thought it was going to be the glow bama 24/7, cover of magazine to vegetable garden to date night in new york and everybody was going to love them so much they would suddenly love liberalism. they don't love liberalism. the people in this country have rejected that time and again. they don't know what to do now. they are in big trouble. they don't seem to be able to really tamp down what we are seeing as far as this like basically a speech code being imposed on the american people. it's like one of those campus speech codes, those p.c. speech codes. they want to apply to all of us now. not just to places like harvard but everywhere in the country so we can't speak out without being called racist. bill: why do you think this acorn thing has blown up so big.
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elite media ignoring it charles gibson didn't know about it. >> is he a nice guy but where the heck was he? bill: driven primarily by fox news and talk radio. and it is absolutely a huge political scandal. there is no doubt. it's a big story. but it has blown up so much so that it blew off the fed chief, bernanke saying, you know, the recession may be over. no, no, i want to hear more about acorn. how did that happen? how did that happen? >> yeah, because, again, it's the coasts are of the united states think that the coasts are the whole country. they don't realize this whole part of the middle of the country exists. bill: why the animosity toward acorn? i don't like them because i think it's corrupt. i think that there is millions of dollars going in there. it's getting stolen. it's getting, you know, all that that's why i don't like them. but why do you think the folks really revial these people? >> well, because you know
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americans, it must be, i guess, areasonable doubt cog to -- according to jimmie carter they must be racist. brian: underage hookers was white. >> it goes to the heart of what we hope for in our democracy which is some -- a little bit of idealism. this idea of when you get federal dollars, you are supposed to be held accountable for what you do with those federal dollars. for this to happen on this scale in this many acorn offices and all these investigative departments at abc, nbc, and cbs are kind of like playing catch up five days later. that's abominable. that's embarrassing for these networks. s this is why they are bleeding leadership and bleeding influence. now they are like well today on "the today show," bill, they covered the acorn thing, i believe, for the first time. this broke last friday. bill: just great for us. our records for us were record. >> yeah, congrats. bill: doing a responsible job on
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this. laura, thanks very much. as always, did you see that is next. a woman trying to find out who the father of her baby is takes to the net. you will not believe who is behind this situation. moments away. bicycle, i've missed you. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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bill: appalling situation out of denmark tourism agency there put out an ad featuring a single woman trying to find out who fathered her baby. >> hi. my name is kan. and i'm from denmark. this here is my baby boy. his name is alvis. yeah, i'm doing this video because i'm trying to find alvis's father. we met one and a half year ago when you were on vacation here in denmark.
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i don't remember where you are from or i don't even remember your name. bill: excellent. with us now fox news analyst -- anchor jane skinner. i can't believe the country of denmark puts this thing out. >> one female commentator it's like trying to sell the idea, come here we have beautiful blonde women who have one nightstands with you. bill: that's what it was. >> interestingly enough, the tourism agency, the ceo is a woman. and when you say what were they thinking? this is what she said they were thinking. this was a good, sweet, harmless story of a mature responsible woman who lives in a free society. we were trying to create a positive view of denmark. they put it on youtube. bill: are you kidding me? it? >> wasn't on television. it was actually on youtube. got close to a million hits. bill: was acorn behind this? can we blame this on acorn. >> the reaction though as you can imagine was incredulous.
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bill: denmark is a liberal country but they are not crazy. they did pull this off the air. >> after four days or so. bill: four days. let me get this straight before we move on. denmark wants people to go visit. so they put up a single mom who doesn't know the name of the father. >> she is an actress. we should point this out. that's not real and that is not her baby. bill: this is a script. you wouldn't know that pretty convincing. they think having a woman giving birth out of wedlock, not knowing the father is going to make people come to denmark. >> after a drunk one nightstand. bill: excellent. >> and they pull it if you think about it in this day and age. it's linked. bill: on youtube. >> it was linked to 83,000 web sites. bill: we have a problem in the united states. not looking at denmark, we have all kinds of crazy student violence going on. now, school has only been in for about a week in many places. look what happened on a school bus. roll the tape.
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>> [bleep] [chanting] [bleep] >> sit down! [ laughter ] bill: what was that all about? >> bellville, illinois, across mississippi from st. louis if people aren't familiar with the area. 17-year-old kid the one who is the victim there gets on the bus. supposedly the fight was over a seat. he moved somebody's book bag and sat down anyway. 14 and 15-year-olds start pummelling him not once but twice. it took about a five minute break. but 14 and 15-year-olds have been suspended by the end of the week we are going to learn whether they -- they may face criminal charges in this. and a couple of the kids who were sitting there watching, laughing, egging them on have also been suspended five days. >> no one charged with a crime
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yet. assay -- bus driver didn't break it up. disturbing. i would have pulled the bus over and called 911. >> interesting. people feel -- there is disagreement on that. the bus driver says he did what protocol calls for. calling dispatch and finding the safest place. he thought the safest place was school, which was a couple of minutes away. bill: you could die in that time. >> so could he. that's what the supporters of the buffs driver would say. they have one of the toughest jobs in the school district. you actually want to go in and break up that mob of kids, you put yourself in danger as well. bill: cameras on school buses now pretty much says it all. >> then today they put a security guard on that school bus. bill: thanks very much jane skinner. pinheads and patriots tonight. vicious brawl at yankee stadium. they should put these guys on a bus. right back with p and p. been true since the day i made my first dollar.
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where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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bill: time now for pinheads and patriots. last night at the phillies national game. it was foul ball night and one went into the stands. >> he just missed that ball as he fouls that ball. >> caught by that fan right there. nice grab. >> oops, there it goes. [ laughter ] >> she is only doing what she sees them do all the time. that is to throw the ball back. bill: there you go. that guy is a patriot. he is a good dad. there is no doubt. all right. now, on the pinhead front at yankee stadium last night there was a nasty brawl after yankee pitchers hit two toronto blue jays, yankee pitcher jorge pasada got payback at the plate and he went out to the mound and all of that and here is what happened. >> and posada had something to say to coalson and now they are going to come together. now they are going at it. both benches clear.
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bill: baseball players don't like to do this because it gets their uniforms dirty and they don't want that. it's not hockey. they don't like the fighting. these guys there you are. you can get hurt. and if you are making 15 million a year you don't want to get hurt doing this. so, they are all pinheads. finally tonight, the mail. lots of reaction to our investigation of acorn. rick immel: bill: yes, they are, nick. that's what we try to do here all the time. bill: you know, it's interesting, the late peter jennings that was a friend of mine, he watched the factor a lot. used to give me a lot of jazz about what we are doing in a fun way. all the network anchors should
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be watching us just to see why the ratings at fox news are so high. bill: it was a guest, madam -- guest, madam. bill: interesting point. rangle, not really coming down on them but they are all over wilson. bill: pointing that out leads nowhere, madam as the kanye west tailor swift controversy speaks for itself. your speculation and the factor
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doesn't plate race card. we are never going to do that. bill: well, i'm glad. so i'm going to send you a copy of bold fresh, cory. keep reading and i hope you like it. bill: thanks for reading my book. remember, buy bold fresh or anything else on bill o' and you have got to buy it $19.95. get a fre, fre fre bold fresh tote back. how about our web site, news slash o'reilly. talking points memo is a good one this evening if you come in late. email us with pithy comments from anywhere in the world.


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