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tv   The Live Desk  FOX News  September 17, 2009 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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trace: we are live inside the fox news room, because this is where the news begins. swing back here. this is the national desk. they cover america for fox news. swing over here. this is the foreign desk, covering the globe. every single picture that comes into fox news channel comes in around this area. we call this the media desk. and on "the live desk," there will always be boxes on the screen. coming up now, a backlash on the president's decision to scrap a missile defense shield in eastern europe. critics on the hill called the decision misguided and dangerous, and they are calling this a victory for russia. in the middle, more follow-up on the undercover acorn sting. 20 states are demanding an investigation into the left-wing
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group, wondering what their tax dollars are being used for. the fbi is now talking to the justice department about acorn. and in northern california, another bone has been found on the property of phillip garrido, the man accused of kidnapping jaycee dugard. other bones found on the property are thought to be human bones. martha: but we begin today with huge developments into the investigation of the murder of this young woman, a yale student annie le. the man accused of killing her just days before her wedding we saw a moment ago in a courtroom in connecticut. this video shows him, raymond clark, for accused killer. this is the moment of arraignment. he is a lab technician who was first taken into custody the other night. he did not enter a plea when he was in the courtroom just an hour ago. his bail is set at a formidable
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$3 million. rick is live in new haven. tell us about the procedure. where does this stand down? >> he was moved from a holding cell to the new haven correctional facility, where he will be held until his next court appearance, two weeks from tuesday on october 6. he was holed up at a hotel in cromwell, 12 miles from new haven. that is where police arrested raymond clark the third, who was staying at the hotel with his father. he was put in a police car and taken care to the police station, its purpose was quickly processed before -- he was taken here to the police station, where he was quickly processed. martha: imagine the father and son spending the night yesterday at the super 8, knowing what was coming. a stunning development in the life of this young man, and a
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tragic end to the life of annie le. we are trying to figure out what happened to these two people in a -- in this laboratory. >> police say they have more than 300 pieces of physical evidence, as well as video evidence and evidence from the card's use to gain entrance into the laboratory -- the cards that are used to gain entrance to the laboratory. there is evidence that clark may have sent a text message or e- mail to annie le on the morning of her murder about the way she was treating the handling of the laboratory mice and cleaning of their cages. that has not been confirmed. but we know that they knew each other. we also know that they -- she was strangled, and apparently that was of violence.
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there was blood evidence, and according to some reports, scratches on his body that could indicate that they may have had a fight. martha: you can just imagine the reaction from friends and family as they learn more about this. yesterday, we heard the first inkling that he might be angry with the way she was handling the lab perhaps -- lab rats. a tragic story. >> we should learn more about his possible motive if and when there is a trial, assuming they try and enter there is a plea -- and triply -- enter a plea. there is a death penalty in connecticut, but we do not know if he would face it. the president of yale said that what happened here could happen anywhere, and this is a statement more about the dark side of the human soul. he also extended heartfelt words to the family of annie le, which
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has been suffering tremendously. he said we must not let this incident shatter our trust in one another. martha: poor family. they thought they would be having happy memories of a wedding that just took place. it is a terrible story. rick leventhal for us in new haven, connecticut. trace: it was supposed to protect u.s. forces from long- range missiles from iran. it has now been scrapped. but president obama is defending his decision to drop a bushel administration plan for missile defense, saying that his new strategy is just better. >> our new plan will provide stronger, smarter, and swifter defenses for american forces and america's allies. it is more comprehensive than the previous program. trace: obama also said that the latest intelligence shows a
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greater threat of short and medium-range missiles from iran. but it is also no secret that the missile defense system was a major source of irritation in our relations with russia, and the system has plenty of critics. john mccain says that the decision calls into question the security and diplomatic commitments that the united states has made to poland and the czech republic, and has the potential to undermine perceived american leadership in eastern europe. jennifer griffin is live for us at the pentagon. there is pushed back on the missile defense system for europe. -- there is pushback on the scrapping of the system. >> it was robert gates who pushed the decision three years ago. here is what secretary gates had to say today. >> we are scrapping missile defense in europe -- people who
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say that we are scrapping missile defense in europe are either misinformed or misappropriate -- misrepresenting the reality of what we're doing. i believe our new plan provides better security for european allies and for our homeland and the program are recommended almost three years ago. -- that the program are recommended almost -- than the program that i recommended almost three years ago. >> the plan will be a mobile and navy-based, rather than land- based. trace: what is the reaction from poland and the czech republic concerning this? >> it is ironic. this is 70 years to the day that the soviet union invaded poland. poles do not forget this. so far, the reaction from
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leadership has been somewhat cool, suggesting that they are still having negotiations about patriot missile batteries being based in poland, in particular. but again, poland's does not forget how it has been sold out in the past. they had basically been convinced to to ignore the russian threat about the missile defense system. there is a lot of frustration at what is being seen as a big turnaround. trace: we talk a lot about the missiles iran has. now we're hearing that the intelligence has changed. explain that us? -- explain that to us. >> you have to differentiate between the long-range and the shorter and medium-range.
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long-range missiles are dangerous because they are capable carrying a nuclear warhead. the incremental -- into a gun and told ballistic missiles -- they say there is new -- the intercontinental ballistic missiles -- there is intelligence they are not being developed as rapidly as thought. but iran did develop a two-stage rocket that was showing a great advance in terms of intercontinental ballistic missiles. trace: jennifer, thank you. martha: a homicide bomber attacks the interior of afghanistan's capital. he ran an explosive car into two nato vehicles in an attack that killed two soldiers, 10
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civilians, and wounded dozens in the area. this is the fourth attack in that area of kabul in just a few weeks. trace: investigators are still searching for the cause of the air france crash last june. since nobody knows exactly what happened, air france cannot say for sure that any of the problems have been fixed. 228 people on flight 447 from rio de janeiro to paris died on that flight. martha: investigators are back at the house of horrors in california after a bone fragment was found on the property owned by philip garrido there. you can see them digging in the desert air at this house in antioch, calif. -- you can see them digging in the dirt there at the house in antioch, california.
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garrido is charged with the kidnapping of jaycee dugard, and a father in two children -- of fathering two children with her when she was trapped in the backyard for 18 years. there was a bone fragment yesterday, and officers are trying to figure out if there is any way it could be connected to these two other girls who vanished from the same area. most of them were shortly after j.c. was taken into the custody of phillip garrido and his wife. trace: the resemblance of those two girls is amazing. max baucus' health plan did not get a warm embrace on capitol hill. but now democratic reaction is streaming in, and it is not good. and parents, the next time your
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kids get online, consider this. there are an estimated 750,000 pedophiles trolling the internet for kids. the rest of that sickening story, next. what i need
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that the u.s. will respect any decision calling for troop withdrawal. the vice president saying that the u.s. will follow any request to have a troop withdrawal prior to 2011. he also made controversial comments about missile defense and iran. we will get to those in a few minutes. in germany, nine students were wounded when a fellow classmate stormed into the school wielding an ax and throwing petrol bombs. one student is in critical condition. at the bottom, fedex reporting first quarter earnings fell 53%. a 53% decline for them. the company cited a slow economy for the slump in all of those boxes that are not arriving these days. let's go over to trace now, who has more for us. trace: parents, the united nations are now reporting that
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it any time, their 750,000 sexual predators' prowling the internet for kids. they also estimate up to 4 million pornographic web sites featuring minors. the distribution of those images has grown to a multimillion-dollar business. democratic senator max baucus thought he had a good compromise on health care reform, but now, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are turning their noses up at 8. baucus' leaves out a government -- his plan leaves out a government auction. and republicans are not warming up to the alternative, which is health care coops. senator john thune is a committee chairman.
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this thing did not in a warm embrace on capitol hill. max baucus was there alone yesterday. your thoughts on his plan? >> i think the purpose is to make it more attractive to democrats who are wavering in their support of the public plan option. the co-op was designed to attract democrats, and it has not done that yet. they hope to get a bill on the floor of the senate that will get the requisite number of votes. it is complicated by the fact that senate democrats are not currently support of of any of the plants that are coming forward. all of them cost trillions of dollars in new spending. all of them have a lot more government involvement and intervention in health-care delivery in this country. i think there are problems on the democrat side. this proposal is designed to attract more democrats. we will see if it works. but i am afraid of is that they
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take this to a market -- what i am afraid of is them taking this to a markup next week's -- next week. trace: is it your sense that maybe senator baucus tried to woo republicans too much, and by doing that he has alienated the left? it looks to me like the bipartisan effort in the senate is dead and gone. >> i think it is clear that what he was trying to do was to attract centrists, people who are not committed one way or the other end are leery of the public plan option. but he has ticked off the democrats for whom the public plan option was the only alternative, and he has not been able to attract to he wanted to attract. -- attract who he wanted to
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attract. trace: it seems to me that you talked to knowledgeable people and they say that this bill might have trouble getting out of the senate finance committee. your thoughts? >> if the finance committee takes it to markup next week, there will be an opportunity to offer amendments to improve it and get it passed. but it is up to them. they have the votes in both house and senate to pass whatever they want. the problem they have right now is that they have democrats who are unwilling to go along with the direction any of these proposals have taken so far. trace: i want to get your thoughts quickly on dropping the eastern european missile defense system. good or bad idea? >> a big mistake, in my opinion.
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it weakens national security. with iran trying to develop long-range missile capability, it is bad timing, and it undermines our commitment that we have made to poland and the czech republic. trace: senator john thune. thank you, sir. martha: he is accused of reckless homicide in the heat death of a high school football player, and now the jury will decide the fate of jason stinson. the question is, how long will it take them to make a decision after the stunning testimony of gilpin's mother yesterday? and things got even more surreal. the details of this. quality and reliability...
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is responding to the plan to drop in the middle, the gop is responding to the plan to drop
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missile defense plants in europe. and the pirate accused of hijacking a cargo ship is now facing a judge. he has not led -- pled not guilty in the attack on the alabama in april. martha: there just finishing closing arguments at this time and the trial of the former kentucky high school football coach. he says this young player was, "one of his boys." but now he is charged with the 15-year-old's reckless homicide. his aim is max gilpin, and he died after what his teammates claim was the roughest practice they have ever had. what can you tell us, harris? >> some high drama today. right now, you have the defense attorney, who has been talking for over an hour in closing arguments.
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this is a dramatic, colorful ending to all of this. but i have to tell you, and emergency medical professor from louisville is saying that he does not think that the 15-year- old died from that practice or from running during that practice at all. he testified by video, saying that his attention deficit disorder drug, adderall, was the culprit. that caused quite a stir. take a listen. >> this is ridiculous. we are the first in this country to indict a coach for a homicide. >> he is saying that the practice should not have been stopped, that it was not rough enough to kill the player.
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reckless homicide or endangerment? that is what the jury will have to decide, or whether to acquit jason stinson, former high school coach. we will let you know what happens. trace: an amazing survival story out of california. a small plane crashed near the haywood airport, but the pilot managed to walk away. a surveillance camera nearby captured the moment of impact. very, very quick preconceived plane coming into the right-hand side of the screen. crashed into the building. what you see next is the aftermath. the fuselage is badly burned. observers say that the impact felt like a small earthquake. and the pilot was ok. he walked away from this thing. because of the crash is under investigation now -- the cause of the crash is now under investigation.
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martha: you have heard the outrage. now what is starting is a massive investigation across the country. anger has sparked action that many have wanted for some time across the country. the very latest on what is happening right now with acorn is coming up after this. also, the health and human services secretary called out in reporter today for sneezing the wrong way. she said, even elmo knows how to sneeze the right way. she gave him a crash course.
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security. peace of mind. protection. that's what lifelock provides. you can take control of your identity. call now for special savings and we'll also give you... 30 days to try lifelock absolutely free. call now and mention id. call now or go to ♪ trace: we have brand new information on three big stories. backlash now concerning the president's decision to shelve a missile defense system. wendell is live at the white house. >> republicans say that the president's decision to change the bush administration's missile defense is dangerous and shortsighted. but defense secretary robert gates says that people claiming he is scrapping the system are
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either misinformed or misrepresented what is happening. they are worried about missiles that iran could be developing faster than expected. trace: a medal of honor for each it true american hero. let's get to james rosen in d.c. >> the medal of honor for jared monti will be awarded just minutes from now. commemorate his heroism in june of 2006 -- it commemorates his heroism in june of 2006, where monti used grenades to fend off an enemy attack, as well as trying to rescue a comrade. he will receive the highest honor. trace: phillip garrido was let out of a california prison early. that may be a pattern in
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california. let's get live to claudia. >> yes, the clock is ticking for california prison officials. yesterday tomorrow -- tomorrow is the deadline to determine how they will reduce chronic overcrowding. legislation has been approved to early release 16,000 inmates and save money. trace: that is bringing in operation at the bottom of the hour. -- that is brand new information at the bottom of the hour. martha: more fallout for acorn after the release of those devastating videos. they were not shot by fox. they were brought to us by the filmmakers and we decided to air them. boy, that is when a lot of things started to unravel for this community organizer group. just to remind everyone where we stand, friday, the u.s. census
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bureau decided to sever ties. they said they do not want the usual help they get from acorn in counting the number of people out there. the u.s. census bureau is now under the purview of the white house. that is important to remember. on monday, the senate voted 83-7 to block cut from -- block hud from giving additional funding to acorn. and investigation started. andrew cuomo and arnold schwarzenegger launched probes into the group's activities. 20 states are currently investigating this huge community organizer group. catherine herridge is live in washington with more for us on all of this. >> thank you, martha. eight former official tells fox
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that the threshold for a federal investigation is low for the fbi to collect documents and files in the field and conduct interviews with employees on the videotape. also, importantly, the managers at acorn. >> based on what we have seen on the videos, there is certainly a concern that acorn would be aiding and abetting. we saw people on the video apparently giving advice to folks coming in off the street on ways that they could structure their operation to evade federal tax law. you also have the possibility of human trafficking. >> what is also striking is that the acorn workers in the video seem comfortable relying their advice about essentially gaining the system the gaming -- gaming the system. lamar smith has sent a letter to
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the department of justice. >> i know the justice department has been accused of allowing politics to override professionalism in a number of areas, but in this case, it is the inspector general's office we have asked to conduct the information -- investigation, and they are different from the department of justice itself. >> it is all very preliminary, but based on reporting this morning, it seems, according to a number of analysts, that the big question is whether there is a culture problem of acorn -- a culture problem at acorn. martha: thank you very much. let's bring in john fund of the "wall street journal." he has done an extraordinary about of research on these allegations of voter fraud with acorn. you said something very interesting at the end of this editorial, and that is that
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former board members of acorn have told you they were very confident that they would be protected. after the nevada indictment last may, acorn's chief organizer said, "you know, we have had bad publicity before. people always come forward in our defense." >> it is true. acorn has been protected for many years, no matter how many scandals hit it. house speaker nancy pelosi had six times blocked resolution or a bill blocking acorn from getting federal funds on the house floor. acorn has only got one vote for federal funding, and that was an accident. nancy pelosi will be confronted with a discharge petition, members of the house saying that it will force it on the floor for a vote. on the other hand, nancy pelosi
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said she has never heard about the acorn scandal. so it is outstanding that there are people in congress who would actually vote to protect acorn. trace: fox exclusive. gop members are using a parliamentary maneuver to try and de-fund acorn. that has not yet developed -- martha: that is the kind of thing they would need to do to get around supporters. i have not heard anything from nancy pelosi on the topic, but you point out that she has blocked. rep. king said that six times, he could not get it through nancy pelosi's hand-pick "rules committee." john conyers said he could not get the powers that be on his side. so what are we going to hear from nancy pelosi now? what does this gop move mean? >> we have attorneys general in
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state after state stepping forward. looks like they will investigate acorn. in louisiana, the attorney general subpoenaed documents. this is greasy a tale of two parties. democrats outside washington doing the right thing. democrats in washington, frequently getting elected from acorn possible voter registration, they are protecting acorn and not allowing them to be challenged. martha: thank you for following this since the beginning. we will get back to. -- we will get back to you. trace: apparently, there is a right way and a wrong way to sneeze. choctaw must have missed the memo. -- chuck todd must have missed the memo.
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martha: we are going to show that later. [laughter] you know how to sneeze, right? all right. we do want to show you something. we have incredible video that you may have seen by now. he saw the old video of serena williams going off on a judge. we will show you that after this.
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as we get older, our bodies become... less able to absorb calcium. he recommended citracal. it's a different kind of calcium. calcium citrate. with vitamin d... for unsurpassed absorption, to nourish your bones. trace: we are checking the real estate market on the road to recovery. we are trying to see if it really is on the mend. today, brenda and numbers come from the labor department. new home construction is rising to the highest level in nine months.
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construction was 1.5%. the bottom line is, they are building more homes in hopes of selling more homes. one of the most critical markets in the nation is atlanta, georgia. about a month ago, things were not so hot there. today is a different story. agents say that business is up 50% in the past 45 days. average home prices are holding steady, with 80% of sales going to first-time home buyers. jonathan is live outside the plant in decatur, georgia. -- jonathan is outside atlanta in decatur, ga.. >> you can get an idea how prices have been fluctuating within the context of this home we are in now. >> this would likely have been put on the market for 650,000 and sold closer to the asking price. today, it would probably sell
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for closer to $540,000. that represents a significant change in value. we're in a neighborhood where there is a wide spectrum of value. it ranges to the high end of 550. it represents a great opportunity for first-time home buyers to take advantage of the tax credit in these low prices, which are definitely stabilizing. >> people want to know about jobs spring will take your company -- people want to know about jobs. looking at york co., are you going to expand soon? >> no. every age and is their own business, so to speak. in the last couple -- every agent is their own business, so to speak. in the last couple of years, we have seen people trying to find work elsewhere. >> thank you very much. so kind of a local look at what
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the economy is doing to real- estate. martha: from the housing market to the pain at the pump. that is the next stop on the road to recovery. gas prices are another key indicator, if and the national average now is at $2.55 -- and now, the national average is $2.55 a gallon. chris gutierrez is live at fuel city in dallas, texas. >> hello preconceived that the price for regular unleaded here is $2 -- hello. you can see the price of regular unleaded here is $2.35 a gallon. that is lower than the national average. >> every year when school starts, sales dropped off. this year, when i look at last year's sales versus this year, they have dropped off more. >> we like to hear that. we know that consumer confidence
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is on the rise. but we are seeing weakness in the job market. how have you been affected? >> we have not had to lay off people, even though sales are down from last year. we're holding on to what we have got. but we did decide to do is get another revenue income stream. they are building a big car wash year, and that should open in three weeks. with that, we are hiring about 28 people. we are getting at the 30-year- old, 40-year-old people who want to work at the car wash. full-time employees. we're going to double the size of our store to make extra money to survive in this down economy. a lot of older people are applying for jobs. trace: chris, thank you. you see it every night, but you
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have never seen it like this. brand new images of the moon sent home by the nassau or better -- nasa orbiter. more were this came from.
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martha: nasa is giving the moon quite a close-up. take a look at these. they're running scams on the moon's surface, producing pictures like this one. nasa unveiled all the footage at a news conference today. it is an angle we have not seen before. phil joins us now from miami. >> scientists at the goddard space center are incredibly excited today. we're just days into the first
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results of the lunar reconnaissance or better, launched 2.5 months ago. they have spent 12 months analyzing the moonlight we have never seen before. take a look at the first images released in the news conference. this is a long a critic, and what the orbiter -- this is a long braid -- a long grid. the orbiter is providing accurate, detailed pictures of the lunar surface like we have never, ever before seen. take a look. it is just absolutely amazing. another image they released shows the astral animation of what the orbiter is doing. it is flying low above the surface, with seven high-tech instruments on board. the primary purpose is to look for the potential for ice under the surface. take a look at this image.
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this is released from the mini- rf analysis machine. it shows that even in the most prominently shaded region of the lunar south pole, most likely to possess water or ice, they have found the temperature is 35 kelvin, -896 degrees fahrenheit. another instrument has detected plenty of hydrogen. there are two parts hydrogen to one molecule of water. scientists are saying that this is good news in assuming that there is going to be water or ice underneath the lunar surface. that could be proven next month, october 9. that is when the sister craft of the orbiter is going to slide into the lunar surface, smashing into the south pole region. it is going to cause a massive plume of lunar dust and soil
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which will then be measured by a satellite, which will then send that data to earth. they think in the plume, they will find provable evidence of water-ice on the moon. martha: watch what happens. i love that. and there are also new craters, right? >> yes. on october 9, if you have a 12- inch telescope, you will be able to see the impact of the next craft. trace: now, to disney's heard around the briefing room. there is a right and wrong -- now, to the sneeze around the briefing room. chuck todd sneezed, and
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kathleen sibelius did not miss a beat. take a listen. >> [inaudible] >> what is that about? give that purel to mr. todd right away. a little hand sanitizer. we will have alamo given national briefing. [laughter] trace: elmo knows how to sneeze, she said. she was not kidding. >> when you have to sneeze or cough, to it into the band of your arm. great job. keep practicing, and you will stay happy and healthy, too. trace: new service announcements are collaborating with the government in advertising h1n1 prevention.
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martha: great information coming in. a new fox news poll just moments ago. wait until you see what they tell us about what america thinks about the president's job performance, health care reform. fascinating info revealed on how that is all changing. . ..xn0] sfx:racking of a taillight. female valve: hahahaha...i am strong like the ox. you like tiny clown car. because you are... ...clown, yes?
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and it's never slowed me down thanks to the good folks at liberty medical. i've been a liberty medical patient for years and have relied on them for all my diabetic needs. and, if you call now you'll receive a free meter. it's easy to use with fast results. even the shipping is free and medicare may cover the cost of your other supplies. liberty medical keeps you on track by delivering diabetic supplies right to your door. they even take care of the paperwork, file your claims and send you a free meter. call right now and they'll also send you a free diabetic cookbook. diabetes doesn't have to slow you down. join me and over a million people who trust liberty medical. trace: this is the east room upper the white house. that is president obama at his
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first medal of honor ceremony. >> he dedicated every waking moment to train his soldiers. to the selfless acts displayed during the chaos, he courageously fought through enemy fire to rescue one of his fallen soldiers. would you comfort his parents, his brother and sister, and his fellow soldiers who fought alongside him in afghanistan with the assurance that his climb to glory did not end until he safely and securely fell into your everlasting arms. may we never cease to give thanks and to pray diligently for the young men and women of our armed services who stand in harm's way protecting, supporting, and defending our great nation. amen.
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>> please be seated. good afternoon and welcome to the white house. of all the privileges of serving as president, there's no greater honor than serving as commander- in-chief of the finest military the world has ever known. of all the military declaration that a president of any nation can bestow, there's not higher than the medal of honor. it has been nearly 150 years since our nation first presented this metadal. in the nearly 150 years, through civil war and two world wars,
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korea, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, and countless battles in between, tens of millions of humaamericans have worn the uni. fewer than 3500 have been recognized with the medal of honor. these remarkable americans are literally one in a million. if today we recognize another. the medal of honor reflects the admiration and gratitude of the nation. we are joined by members of congress, including from sgt monti's home state of massachusetts, john kerry, and barney frank. we're joined by robert gates, admiral mike mullen, and leaders from across the armed forces. we are joined by the leaders of
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the army to which sgt monti dedicated his life. our incoming secretary confirmed by the senate last night, the chief of staff, sergeant major of the army, and jared's fellow soldiers and commanders. we're joined by those who now well, sgt monti into the members of the medal of honor society. today is not about high officials and those with stars on their shoulders. it is the celebration of a young soldier and those who loved him. it made him into the man he was and they join us today. his mother, his brother, and his sister nicole. his grandmother, and his six- year old niece, cousins, and
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dance and uncles from across the -- aunts and all calls from across thamericas. duty, honor, country, service, sacrifice. as people and as a culture, we often invoke them lightly. we tossed them around freely. do we really grasp the meaning of these values? do we truly understand the nature of these virtues? to serve, to sacrifice. jared monti knew. his family knows. they know that it was not a passing moment of courage. the culmination of a life of character and commitment. it was his compassion. he was a kid at school that upon
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seeing a steady 80 lunch at home -- seeing a student peak lunch alone, with the down. he cut down a spruce tree in his yard so a woman would have a christmas tree. there was his perseverance. cut from the high school basketball team, he came back the next year, and the next year, and the next year. finally making the varsity team and outscoring some of the top players. he was told he was too young for the military. he joined the national guard program as a junior in high school. there was his strength and skill, a championship wrestler and triathlete who went off to a basic training at the age of 18,
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and then served with distinction with the heavy responsibility of calling in air strikes. he returned from his first tour in afghanistan highly decorated, including a bronze star. there was his deep and abiding love for his fellow soldiers. it came from his mother, who was a nurse. and it came from his father, a teacher. guided by the lessons he learned at home, jared cared for his soldiers and teaching his troops. some of them called him grandpa, although he was still young himself. the passion, perseverance, strength, love for his fellow soldiers. those are the values that define jared monti's life, and
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the values he displayed, and the actions we recognize today. june 21, 2006 in the remotest northeast of afghanistan, near the border of pakistan, he was a team leader on a 16-man patrol. they had been on the move for three days down diririr roads, hygiene up steep mountain trails with heavy gear on their backs. their mission was to keep watch on the belly down below -- valley down below. those who rather remember that evening on the mountain. the rocky ridge was not much bigger than this room. some were standing guard in knowing they had been spotted by a man in the valley. some were passing out bader. there was talk of home. he was overheard talking about his time serving in korea.
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just before wedark, the tree line exploded in fire. one member of the patrol said it was like thousands of rifles crackling. bullets and heavy machine gun firing. rocket-propelled grenades rainy down. fire so intense, the weapons were shot right out of their hands. within minutes, one soldier was killed and another was wounded. everyone dove for cover. this patrol of 16 and was facing a force of 50 fighters. outnumbered, the risk was real. it might be overrun, and might not make it out alive. that is when jared monti did what he was trained to do. with the enemy advance in so close they could hear their voices, he got on his radio and started calling in artillery.
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he grabbed a gun and drove them back. when they came back again, he tossed a grenade and drove them back again. wendy's american soldiers saw one of their own wounded -- when the american soldiers of one of their own bloated and exposed to the approaching army, jared monti did something no amount of training can instill. jared monti said, he is my soldier, i'm going to get him. it was written long ago that the bravest are surely those that have the clearest vision of what is before them. glory endanger alike, and yet notwithstanding. jared monti saw the danger before him. he bled out to meet it. he handed off his radio, he tightened his chin strap. he ran into all those in coming bullets.
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the enemy in the woods unleased a firestorm. a moment later, he rose again. again, they fired everything they had at him. faced with overwhelming enemy fire, he could have stayed where he was behind the fall. -- wall. that was not the kind of soldier jared monti was. i've always placed the mission first. i will never accept defeat. i'll never leave a fallen comrade. for a third time, he rose. for the third time, he ran toward his fallen soldier. the patrol leader said it was the bravest thing he had ever seen a soldier do. they say it was a rocket- propelled grenade. he made it within a few yards of
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his fallen soldier. they say that his final words were of his face and his family. "i have made peace with god. tell my family that i love them ." and as the artillery came down, the enemy fire slowed and stopped. the patrol had defeated the attack. it had held on. but not without a price. by the end of the night, jared monti and three others have given their lives. i am told that he was a humble guy, and that he would have been uncomfortable with all this attention. that he would say he was just doing his job. as jared would have wanted, we also pay tribute to those who felt alongside him. the staff sergeant, th.
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we honor all the soldiers he love to love him back. among them, noncommissioned officers. in honor of all the soldiers were the backbone of america 's army. they are the soldiers who held their own ceremony this morning at a combat outpost that now bears his name. the surviving members of his patrol from the 10th mountain division who were here with us today. i would ask them all to please stand. [applause] [applause] [applause]
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>> these soldiers know the meaning of duty, honor, country, like jared, they remind us all that the cost of freedom is correct. i challenge every american to answer this question. what can we do to be better citizens? what can we do to be worthy of such service, such sacrifice? sergeant first class jared monti, in his proud home town, his name graces streets and scholarships. from this day forward, we will grace the memorials to our medal
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of honor heroes. this week, jared monti would have celebrated his 34th birthday. we know that his name and the legacy will live forever, and shine brightest in the hearts of his family and friends who will love him always. may god bless jared monti and may he, for the entire monti family. may god bless the united states of america. [applause] janet and paul, would you please join me at the podium for the reading of the citation?
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>> the president of the united states, authorized by act of congress, march 3, 1863, has awarded in the name of congress the medal of honor to staff sergeant jared monti, united states army. at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, staff sgt jared monti distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and introduabove and a call of duty. third squadron, 10th mountain division, in connection with combat operations against an enemy in afghanistan on june 21, 2006. while staff sgt jared monti was
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leading 8 mission, is 16-man patrol was attacked by as many as 15 enemy fighters. on the verge of being overrun, the staff sergeant quickly directed his men to set up a defensive position behind a rock formation be called for indirect fire support. -- he then called for indirect fire support. while still directing fire, he personally engaged the enemy with his rifle and or grenade, successfully disrupting an attempt to find his patrol. staff sgt jared monti then it realize that one of his soldiers was wounded in the open ground. with complete disregard for his own safety, he twice attempted to move from behind the cover of the rocks into the face of relentless enemy fire to rescue his fallen comrades. determined not to leave his soldier, he made a third attempt
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to cross open terrain through intense enemy fire. on the final attempt, he was mortally wounded, sacrificing his own life in an effort to save his fellow soldier. his selfless act of heroism and inspired his patrol to fight off the larger enemy force. his in measurable courage and uncommon valor are into the with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, headquarters, third squadron, 71st calvary regiment, third grade combat team, 10th mountain division, and the united states army.
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>> please join me in prayer. as we conclude this ceremony, keep us mindful. use sgt jared monti's legacy to challenge and inspire all of us to do the same for our fellow citizens per generations to come. may wheat be forever grateful of american patriots like jared monti -- maybe forever grateful for american patriots like jared monti. lord, may your divine wisdom pressed upon our president barack obama as he continues to lead us through greatness.
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god bless america. we pray in your holy name, amen. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute
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trace: that is the east the white house room white -- that is the east room of the white house. the ceremony is for sergeant first class jared monti who died in afghanistan could i want to bring in james rosen. you hear the citation read. jared monti went after his fallen comrades three times. >> and under ferocious enemy fire. as you heard in the citation that was read in honor of the late sgt first-class jared monti, he demonstrated. the immeasurable. president obama said that jared monti embody compassion, strength. jared monti on his second tour
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of duty in afghanistan, along with the 10th mountain division, less tried to fortify a mortar firing position near the pakistani border. the men were awaiting resupply. 50 enemy fighters attacked them. jared monti was able to call for back up fire, to use his rifle and grenade in order to distract the enemy and then made her role to efforts to rescue a fallen comrade three times. on the third time, sgt first- class jared monti was killed himself by enemy fire. he is only the second veteran of the afghan war to receive the military's highest honor. trace: james rosen, thank you. a very stark reminder. there are still people fighting over there, u.s. soldiers who have sacrificed a great deal. martha: a beautiful ceremony.
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we will be right back with more.
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i heard about him from all the other girls. we were working at the same company. and she was something else. announcer: take care of each other, and your health. with nature made cholestoff. cholestoff helps lower ldl cholesterol, the bad kind, naturally, by using the same types of phytonutrients found in nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables.
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he makes me laugh. he still does, but it's nice.
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trace: the house has followed the senate in a vote to defund acorn. the controversy has been brilliant. these undercover tapes have been surfacing. the house is voting to defund acorn. the house is symbolically following the senate, saying it is a travesty that acorn get any federal tax dollars at all. martha: and the other huge story today is president obama scrapping plans to build a missile defense program based in
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poland and the czech republic. the commander-in-chief tells that the new program is still focused on the rallying iran's nuclear program. >> there's no substitute. we, along with our allies and partners will continue to pursue strong the flimsy to ensure that iran lives up to international obligations. the new ballistic missile defense program will best address the threat posed by iran's ongoing ballistic missile defense program. martha: joe, welcome back to the show. there has been such a torrent of criticism based on this decision coming from the president's opponents. you think this is a good idea.
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>> if you like missile defense, you should like this program. will put more military capability on station more quickly than the previous plan. in 2011, you are going to see cruisers and destroyers armed with interceptor missiles off the coast of iran, probably in the black sea off the coast of turkey and georgia, stationed to defeat the short range iranian missiles. it has been a phased program in the years that followed to move systems onto plant and then to rapidly increase the land and sea bass component. -- see basea based component. martha: why not just layer them? >> the former director used to describe missile defense as a technological horserace. the polish and the czech ran the
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tests and failed to instead of staying with that plan, president obama is moving to deploy missile defenses now. but not eliminating the possibility that some time on the future we could revisit that, if the test program proves those technologies to be effective. and if the iranian missile program develops in the way that some have feared. we have, according to the best intelligence estimates, iran is at least 10 years away from the capability of the long-range missile that could hit the united states we have. time to deploy against the near term front. martha: that is your take on the technological advances that have been made. there are a lot of political undercurrents of raising a lot of questions. thank you very much.
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with the other side of this, the man who was the lead negotiator for the bush administration in getting this missile defense program to go forward. former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, john bolton. joe says that this is a more advanced system from a technological perspective. and it will put us in a better position to combat any incoming from iran. >> we are talking about two entirely different things. it is obviously a positive step to go after short and medium- range iranian missile capabilities. those plans were in place during the bush administration. the sites in poland and the czech republic had nothing to do with that. they had to do with protecting the united states itself from the threat of missiles that iran was in the process of developing. what the administration has done today in this unambiguously bad
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decision is hope that iran's progress is not such that we would be threatened. that is not a debt that i would make. martha: i want to play sound from president obama speech earlier today has to do with russia. >> are clear and consistent progress has been the threat posed by iran's ballistic missile defense program. that continues to be the basis of the program we are announcing today. we welcome russians cooperation to bring its missile defense capabilities into a broader defense of our common strategic interest, even as we continue our shared efforts to and iran 's illicit nuclear program. martha: the president says russia and united states share the effort. and yet you have russia selling part and parcel some of the equipment that is helping to put together the system in the first place.
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>> the russian prime minister and the russian foreign minister in the past week have expressly said that they do not support additional sanctions against iran. if giving up these sites in poland and the czech republic was done with the hope that russia will cooperate more fully against the nuclear program of iran, we just wasted an enormous potential assets to secure the united states. i think this is not even dangerous -- i think this is a naive and dangerous decision. martha: we just watched the defense secretary little while ago talking about this. he said he was all for president bush's plan of putting the anti- missile sites in poland and the czech republic. he changed his mind, he said, based on the new technology. what do you think about his take on this? >> secretary gates is a survivor
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in washington. i think he's all the direction the white house was going in. obama. bideen, and kerry -- they never believed in missile defense program. martha: are you saying that using keas compromising his understanding of our intelligence -- the use say that he is compromising his understanding our of our intelligence? >> i think what they are basing this on his highly theoretical. every step iran has taken forward, including the recent launch of a satellite, shows that there ballistic missile defense program. martha: you just heard the joke that we do not have to worry about iran. vice-president joe biden also said today that he is not concerned about it.
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maybe we can pull up his quote. he is not concerned about a long-range missile from iran right now. >> we have seen iran continuing to make progress. we are assessing their intentions down the road. i fully agree that we should defend against short-range and medium-range missile threats. it is american cities that are at risk. that is why those sites were put there. that is why we have comparable sites in alaska to protect us against north korea's ballistic missile capability, even though they're only a little bit farther ahead than iran. we're not talking about the threat we face today. we are talking about the potential threat down the road. the signal of weakness from the administration will only encourage iran and north korea and potentially others who are considering nuclear proliferation. martha: the president said he spoke to the leaders in poland and the czech republic.
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what kind of message does it send to them in terms of russia? there are obviously a lot of bad feeling still between those countries and russia. what message does it send to them? >> in poland, they know their history even if the white house apparently does not. today is the 70th anniversary of russia's invasion of poland in 1939. what a day to tell the polish government that we are going to pull out this missile defense site. i think this will have a devastating impact on support for the united states in countries in eastern and central europe. i think it is a signal to others around the world. i think it raises the risk that the close association with the united states will be seen as too risky. i think the consequences of this decision will go well beyond poland and the czech republic. martha: we will be talking about this in the future i am sure. ambassador bolton, thank you
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very much. trace: executives at acorn is admitting that they have problems, promising a full review. 20 states are now pursuing criminal investigations into the community group. what charges could they face? the senior traditional analyst -- we should also mention the fbi is now also talking to the justice department about this. these are very serious charges. >> the two factors that went into acorn exposed a cesspool. they have exposed a critical willingness to participate in criminal conspiracies with strangers, conspiracies against the government itself to file phony income tax returns, bank fraud against banks to file false income statements, and to hide income from banks and from the irs. how to violate immigration laws
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by bringing into the country under age limit for the purpose of prostitution. there's a variety of the state laws that are potentially violated, and a variety of federal laws. acorn has the fbi and a number of county and state prosecutors on their back. trace: if these things are brought before a court of law and they are found guilty, there's a lot of money on the line here. what happens in the end? how much money will they potentially have to give back? >> in order for the federal government to get the money back, the government would have to have its own independent lawsuit. they would have to file a lawsuit against acorn that says we gave you $55 million of taxpayer dollars in the past nine years and you have abused it.
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such a lawsuit would result in an appeared victory. but there would be no money to come back. trace: bernie madoff money. >> exactly. the best we can hope for is the people who abuse to the government trust and suggested how you commit crimes, will be prosecuted. that may make the congress wise enough so this does not happen again. trace: is acorn done? >> unfortunately, no. remember, acorn is funded only in part by the federal government. the majority of its money comes from private sources. every time the congress takes one of these votes, and cuts off another source of its funding. there are at least another dozen sources of funding. trace: you get your federal dollars cut off, and all the sudden you have these allegations against to. >> it would take the most
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extreme leftist to continue funding them now. who could love them after? we saw? trace: thank you. martha: wait until you see our new fox news opinion dynamics poll numbers. we have just gotten them into the newsroom. are you more concerned about the economy or more concerned about health care? the answer to that question is right after this break. stay with us. ou: t s nnge toaghw, roms" zi
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dou t lindsu" tshehin s. het kiw ceem" ar y,i ire
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liberty takes care of all the paperwork with medicare and sends the prescription forms directly to your doctor for approval. then, on your schedule, packs up this box and sends it right to your door with no charge for shipping. and liberty assures you have everything you need to manage your diabetes, including most brand name meters. call now and we'll send you a free meter. plus, a free cookbook when you join. call liberty. they can help you live a better life. call the number on your screen. martha: what do you think president obama's top priority should be right now? take a look at the answer to this lawn. it is very interesting. this is what people think. 57% say fix the economy.
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19% want to see health care reform. 21% says sticks them both right away. -- 21% says to fix them both bride away. the director of public opinion for fox news joins us now. interesting. very heavy toward the economy. >> people are still very frustrated. not only are they not happy with the proposals necessarily, but they think he is working on the wrong topics. martha: the other one says president obama says he will not have to change your health care coverage. do you believe him? 60% do not believe temper. >> they're skeptical about the promises they are being made. they are also skeptical
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about not adding to the deficit. only about one in five say their health care will be better under the plan. that is why we see more people today opposing them supporting. martha: he has worked so hard to get the message across. it appears it has not worked so well. trace: this is health care reform legislation, favor and oppose. >> it is about the same. i would say it is right around there since july. what you cannot see in the overall numbers is the number of democrats that favor has increased while the opposition among abandoneindependents has t doubled. trace: a lot to bring up the
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next one. this is opposition to obama's policies. there's nobody in america. 20% believe this is all motivated by racism. >> one in five. people are concerned it is not going to improve their health care. they believe it will add to the deficit. they believe they will have to change their plans. that is why they are opposed to these plans. 2/3 say this is an honest disagreement. trace: thank you very much. martha: i disappeared in the middle of talking about the polls. shepard: it is better over here. martha: shep is over here at the national desk getting ready for his show.
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he has great stuff coming up. shepard: it is a sacred. -- it is a secret. i have been watching this trial of the kentucky football coach who had a player die after a practice. the final witness for the defense was fascinating. we have heard all about this adderall. their questions of whether that may have played a part. if they find this coach guilty, athletics across the country could be changed. in addition, the phillip garrido case keeps getting more details. he is the man who is alleged to have kidnapped a 11-old girl 18 years ago, fathered two children with her, and now they found more bones in his yard. the question is whether two missing persons are connected from this man as well. the best friend of one of the
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girls who disappeared. martha: the coincidences' are so alarming. just imagine what those two families are going through. maybe they are finally getting some answers. shepard: they are hoping that they found jaycee dugard, she has been through hell on earth, but she was alive. they're hoping there will find the same thing here. martha: thank you very much. i'm going to disappear again. trace: in the battle of the bulge, your own worst enemy is inside your head. tell yourself i am strong. i do not need the second scoop of ice cream. it turns out your brain has different ideas. next, we will tell you about the foods that will not let you stop beating. martha: what could be?
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trace: normally is politicians looking for new ways to raise taxes, but now a group of doctors says you should pay up if you want to drink should agree so does -- if you want to drink soda and sugary drinks. at the same time, raising cash to cover the national deficit. the opponents say it will not help reduce the deficit because the extra money will not change people's taste for sweet drinks. martha: ice-cream, cheese -- all loaded with fat.
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researchers say it goes right to your brain and forces you to crave and overindulge in bad foods. >> fatty foods not only talk on the pounds, but they're also messing with your minds. researchers say we will all have designed a little harder the next time we order ice cream. >> when he eats ice cream out lunch, he says he cannot help but think about frozen dairy for the rest of the day. >> the thought of ice-cream completely controls to. >> after a keypad the net, i did have to -- after i have ice cream, i keep having to have more. >> it is a natural trigger in the brain. >> when we eat ice cream, the fats in the ice-cream get digested. the fats make their way up to
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the brain and the impact or inhibit the signals that normally stop us from wanting a second or third scoop of ice cream. >> a process that does not just happen after a trip to the ice- cream truck, according to the new study from the university of texas southwestern medical center. this is a rat in the sunday before saturated fat confused its brain -- this is a rat before and after the saturated fat confused its brain. >> they blocked the signals normally released from our liver or pancreas. >> the conclusion, according to the scientist, sometimes you cannot listen to your body or your brain. after eating fatty foods, you may have to literally forced herself to walk away. martha: the next time i want to have one of those ice creams,
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just show me the picture of the rat. >> that last for three days. martha: they said the rat did not know it was hungry. iraq does not know anything -- the rat does not know anything. trace: interesting stuff. thank you. martha: bonilla with hot fudge sauce -- vanilla with hot fudge. trace: we will come back live. this is the coach in kentucky. the final witness is on the stand. this could change the face of high school football as we know it, next. .
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trace: there is new live information coming in from acorn. sources are saying the brooklyn district attorney is getting ready to send investigators to interview the filmmaker that along with his girlfriend went undercover into the acorn offices posing as a pimp and a prostitute. now, apparently, the brooklyn
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district attorney's office wants to see if there could be charges that could be filed against acorn. the fbi is also looking into this along with the u.s. justice department. martha: it is interesting, because there are racketeering charges that are looking into, and these are the same types of things that were looked into concerning the mafia, involving rico, so this takes it to a whole other level, and that also includes arnold schwarzenegger. trace: as martha said, the ante has be upped incredibly against acorn. >> ♪ leaving on a jet plane martha: we all grew up hearing them, peter, paul, and mary, and
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mary travers died at age 72. "puff the magic dragon" was one of their songs, and mary was undergoing treatment for leukemia. thanks for being with us today. we will be right back here tomorrow for more "live desk." trace: "studio b" with shepard smith starts right now. shepard: our top story in less than one minute, a case going to the grand jury. first from fox, three boxes full. the laboratory technician accused of strangling the yale grad student days before her wedding. we


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