tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News September 18, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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have? >> never give up. sean: we are going to continue to follow this story. god bless you. thank you all for coming out. we really appreciate it. a very simple solution. he ainsley earhardt, thank you for being with us. turn the water back on. and thank you for being with us -- ainsley earhardt, safety. greta: there is breaking news tonight about iran's nuclear program. according to the associated press, experts of the 8iaea believe that they aren't working on developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead. the a.p. report is based on a copy of a report about a secret annex, an appendix to the report of the iaea. we do not know the contents. the iaea officially denies the
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a.p. report to fox news, saying it has no concrete proof that iran has and nuclear weapons program. stay with fox for the very latest, but first, is congress cornered? can congress continue to look the other way and pretend nothing is going on? you have seen the tapes about acorn giving advice to a filmmaker and his associates posing as a pimp and a prostitute. by a vote of 85-11, the senate approved an amendment that block funding to acorn. there is also a bill to permanently ban acorn from receiving federal funds. many co-sponsored that bill, and a republican senators sent a letter signed by other senators to senate majority leader harry reid. what is in the letter? the republican senators are asking him to hold hearings and
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investigates acorn. yes, the heat is on. senator lindsey graham joins us. will there be hearings? >> how do you look the average american taxpayer in the eye and say, "this is a good use of your tax money to be? greta: why did it take so long? why did it take two kids with a handy cam? >> when state after another was investigating acorn for voter registration fraud -- one state after another, and i think this is the straw that broke the camel's back, and 85 is hard to come by in the senate. it is an unusual event to take 85 to the senators to say that. congratulations. greta: a vote earlier in the week, seven senators voting on the side of acorn earlier in the week, including senator durban.
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>> some senators told me that. they voted. i am sure acorn has probably done some good things, but how in the world can you look the american taxpayer in the eye? we have got as far as the eye can see. there are a lot of needs out there. how can you put acorn ahead of so many other things? and that is why you have the senator is saying to cut off the money. greta: does that mean that senator harry reid will ordered these? he has the power not to. >> justifying the continuance of funding this organization -- if the president were wise, he will say this is not the change i had in mind. this organization does not represent the best values of the country. even though they do some good things, clearly, their practices are corrupt, and they are being
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investigated throughout the country, and now you have this video, and i think the president should stand up and say, "this is enough. cut off the money." they reacted to what fox has been doing, and this organization has lost its way. it is not connected to any real value system that the american people what their taxpayer dollars used to support, and that is not only registering people like mickey mouse to vote, but you have counseling going on for some of the roast behavior in the world, so the end of acorn is near. greta: can he keep postponing >> -- can he keep postponing it? >> that would be like keeping fox news off of the air. greta: that is not going to happen. >> democrats say they cannot
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support the bill because it taxes union health-care plans, a 35% tax on the plan. it has $500 billion in cuts from medicare, taking money from seniors to pay for people who do not have insurance. it is not going to go anywhere, and i appreciate senator baucus try to bring this to the table, but this price tag at the way to try to pay for it with billions in new taxes when we are in a recession and cutting money out of medicare to give it to people who do not have insurance who can get insurance some other way, that is not going to sell, so i do not see it going anywhere. greta: of the latest news about the missile defense. >> i really do want to help the president where i can, but we live in dangerous times. i do not know about the a.p. report, but i know that the iranians are trying to get a nuclear weapon, not a nuclear plant for power.
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but they want a nuclear weapon in order to intimidate their neighbors, and this was going to be based in poland and the czech republic, and it would be able to knock down in theory a rogue attack against europe and our troops stationed in europe, and the russians have been demagoguing this. they are really try to intimidate their neighbors, like the ukraine and georgia, and this is getting into his demagoguery and backing out to a promise he made to the polish and czech republic. it is not only going to empower vladimir putin, he is going to make them think that they cannot count on america anymore, and this is the worst thing that the president could have done to our relationships and to our allies. poland and the czech republic have troops and countries we are in. god bless. thank you. greta: shortsighted. that is how senator jon kyl described the announcement by president obama.
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the president was reversing what president george w. bush had done. here is. >> thank you, greta. good to be with you. greta: the president decided to scrap the long-range missile defense in europe. >> bad idea. greta: why? >> because it sends a message to all of the political players in the region and around the world. it tells the russians that if they play hardball with us, they are ok. it tells our allies that we are not a very trustworthy partner, and it tells actors in the middle east, when they are trying to determine whether to throw their lot in with the iranians or the americans, they had better throw in with the iranians, so it sends a very bad signal to and it also diminishes our capability to defend ourselves against a ballistic missile attack, coincidentally, because this could potentially sensitive a system that could only protect europe. greta: was the president bush's
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idea behind this to protect from iranian long-range missiles? >> it was to protect the united states from iranian long-range missiles, and also have the capability of being able to protect europe from whatever kind of missiles iran might have. greta: as i understand it, secretary gates and others say that the progress in iran is so far behind that this is not the wisest use of our resources, and there are more concerned about the shorter-range missiles. >> that is a concern. they have a lot of those short- range missiles, but that has not been a doubt, but in the neighborhood of five years to deploy the kind of ground-based interceptor that would protect united states as well as the radars that would be necessary, and they would be put in the czech republic, and you have to be making those decisions today, and i have not seen any intelligence that says that within five or six years, the
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iranians will not be significantly down the road in terms of this capability, and, in fact, the ap reported that the iaea, at the international authority monitoring iran's nuclear capability, they say that it is far advanced in the development of the missiles to develop them. greta: one of the issues, aside from whether it was prudent, sort of the technological issues about the missile shield is the issue of whether we are doing this to please the russians and whether or not we aren't getting anything in return. what is your thought on that? is that a consideration, or is the president not considering that? >> it is a huge consideration, and i think he did consider that. officials noted that there would be a potentially better relationship with the russians if we did that. the question is, when we get some quid pro quo? there is not right now. they have been very unhelpful in dealing with iran, for example.
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now, would we see a change in their behavior in the next few months as a result of this? i doubt it. i think the most difficult issue is that because russia complained about the u.s. putting this defense equipment in a fellow nato country, a country that was under the jurisdiction of the soviet union just a few short years ago, they complained about that, and the united states backs off on doing that, that is a horrible message to our friends and those who have to deal on the serious business alike. greta: is it true that we could have extracted some sort of quid pro quo that we do not know about that? if we did this, russia will help us with iran or afghanistan? could there be a deal that we just do not know about? >> it is possible. but i doubt it. again, russia has asserted that it has a right to be involved in the places it calls the near abroad, including parts of asia,
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and that the united states needs to stay out of there, and these are nato colleagues of ours, poland and the czech republic, and if we back off of doing this because russia has objected because they do not like our weaponry that close to russia, that sends a very bad signal. greta: should we check in with poland to see? >> yes, you should check with them. we should have been talking to them before we made the decision. they were notified about the decision about the same time we were. they should have been in on the discussion rather than just notifying them of what we decided to do. greta: before it happens? did you get from us? >> there were a flurry of calls made to places like poland and to the czech republic and to members of congress, of explaining what happened -- all expatriate i got calls from officials first thing this morning. -- i got calls from officials
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1:15 am greta: you know, it is not easy to sell people something they do not want. president obama, if you are watching, plug your ears on this one, and because here are the numbers. according to a new fox news poll, 46% of americans like our current system as opposed to the proposed plan. joining us now is former press secretary dana perino. >> thanks for having me. greta: those numbers would be unpleasant to hear at the white house tonight. >> those numbers are tracking with the other numbers. but i have heard that they do not believe the polls. when president bush believes -- had low approval ratings, the democrats believe them. how do they do something radical to try to change it? greta: hit they say they do not believe the polls, and using it tracks the other polls, maybe
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one group could be wrong, but i would rather nervous that all of the polls were tracking the same. >> all of the polls are going in the wrong direction, and he did not get a bump from his speech, and the subsequent media her performances are not having an effect, so something has to happen. on sunday, when he does all of the shows except fox, i think he has to say something new, and when he does not say something new, i think people will start tuning out. greta: i assume you want to get your message out there, and he is your best prize, he is the president, but you do not want them so diluted. >> we are talking about five shows in one week. he could have done one show with any of the networks. the one that bothers me is that during the five sunday shows, doing david letterman for one hour on monday. that is a great show to do, but as a sitting president at this time, and i do not think that it
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sends the right message. greta: everybody is flipping around. utah to the same people five times. at least with david letterman, you are talking to new people. >> we have to remember what kind of show it is. when you do it for one hour, it is risky. with the risk comes opportunity, but it also comes with some possible downfalls. greta: in any bill in your at the white house, when you had a 46 number, it is that dead in the water? >> at this point, it may be dead in the water. if it were five months ago, and you could try to find out a way to make that number better for you, that would be something, but the fact that they have spent the last five months talking about this, and their numbers are low, that ought to be a concern. if you get sick, do you what a private-run plan or a government-run plan?
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greta: and m&a board at the white house got one of the first books out. frankly, i did not know who he was. it is being released. of course, the publisher released it. >> i have not seen all of it. i have a problem when people are taken into confidence, and when you work in a pressure cooker like the white house, you have to be able to trust your colleagues, and is pretty upsetting that you cannot trust people who are right there. he was more of a junior birdman, as president bush used to say, and cadillac access to the president, and even though some say he is just joking around when he said that president bush pretended not to know who's sarah palin was, the media did not look at it that way. greta: making a call to governor palin to say, "i did not say that"? , or just leave it alone? >> they have a good
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relationship, and i was on the record right away, and letting people know that i was there. one month before when we were on china, he stopped over to refuel. greta: so he knew her? >> of course, he knew her. he said, "maddon vice president," stebic's he knew that her name was out there in the news -- "madam vice president," because he knew that her name was out there. greta: he will have a hard time getting a job. they will think that he is a talker. >> not a good quality. james carville. dana, thank you. , up next, are you getting ripped off? yes. i've been growing algae for 35 years.
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greta: here is an idea. stop paying the crooks. that is the title of our next guest's book. it is about health-care fraud. yes, stealing your money. joining us live is the author of "stop paying the crooks." how much fraud is there? >> these acorn videos we have seen over the last several days, multiplied that by thousands. greta: who is committing fraud? >> just about everyone. the mafia is moving in the
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direction of becoming health- care providers, because it is so easy. greta, you are kidding, or you are serious? >> i am serious, to the extent that i am going to check on my car on the way, -- greta: you are kidding, or are you serious? >> i am serious, to the extent that i am going to check my car on the way home. there is a guy that had hundreds of ambulance rides in buffalo. credit growth give me some other examples. >> new york medicaid -- greta: give me some other examples. >> new york's medicaid. much cannot be explained. the accounting practices make and ron look like a lemonade stand. greta: -- make enron look like a lemonade stand. greta: how does this happen? >> it is completely a rages, and it literally is 1000 times worse
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than you could imagine. -- is completely outrageous. greta: give me another example. >> there is a person who bought a medical supply company. he defrauded medicare instantly and committed another murder and dismembered the guy, was found guilty for medicare fraud, and he is now on trial for committing a second murder. greta: so what do we do? at least the president's program, at least if we can figure out this fraud, if we can recapture it that in many ways it could pay down this health- care bill, what do you suggest? >> i give the president of a lot of credit for raising the issue last week, because he is right. the amounts of money are very staggering, but he would have to insult a lot of people. you know those scooter commercials? those are right for fraud.
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it is impossible to fix people that run medicare, so what they should do is authenticate -- outsource the authentication. the culture is completely corrupt. they are totally incompetent, and they have no business running a program that elderly people depend on. greta: are there some that are seeing more fraud than others? >> absolutely. miami is a hot spot. new york is terrible. one person said up to 40% of claims in that state are questionable, and that would be $20 billion in one state in one year. greta: it is stunning to me that people were not aware of it. they had to be aware of it and simply look to the other way. but they either are not aware of it or they are in on it, but the amounts are bigger than you can imagine, he and is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. greta-- bigger than you can ima,
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is hundreds of billions of dollars a year. the inspector general released a report that said that they do not even have the capability of measuring how bad the fraud is. if you do not see that in any industry accept the health-care industry. if it is off of the charts. greta: that is stunning. anyway, jim, thank you. up next, is the honeymoon over? russ feingold just sent a letter to president obama. why is he hot under the collar? why is he hot under the collar? @ [ female announcer ] the deeper you clean,
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honor to sergeant first class jared monti. >> duty, honor, country, service, sacrifice, heroism. these are words of wait, but as a people and as a culture, we often invoke them lightly -- these are words of weight. we tossed around freely, but do we really grasped the meaning of these values? -- wheat toss them around freely. do we really grasp the meaning -- we toss around. his family knows that the actions we honor today were not a passing moment of courage. it was a combination of a life of character and commitment. then, just before dark, there was a shuffle of feet in the woods, and that is when it exploded in a wall of fire. one member of the patrol said it was like thousands of rifles
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crackling, bullets and heavy machine-gun fire ricocheting across the rocks. jared monti saw the danger before him, and he went out to me to. he handed off his radio, tied his chin strap, and with his men providing cover, he started to run in all of those in coming bullets coming into all of those rockets. the enemy unleashed a firestorm. he moved to low and fast, yard after yard, then dove behind. one moment later, he rose again, and again, they fired everything they had at him, forcing him back. faced with overwhelming enemy fire, jared could have stayed where he was behind that wall, but that was not the kind of soldier jared monti was. he embodied that crede the soldiers strive to meet. "i will never accept defeat. i will never quit. i will never leave a fallen
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comrade." and so for a third time, he rose. for a third time, he ran toward his fallen comrade. his patrol leader said he was the bravest thing i've ever seen. they say it was a rocket- propelled grenade and that jare mayd it within a few yards of the wounded soldier. they say his final words of his faith and his family. "i have made peace with god. tell my family that i love them ." and then, as the artillery that he called came down, its load and then stopped. they had held on. but not without a price -- it's slowed and then stopped. jared and three others, including the one he died for, had given their lives.
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greta: president obama presented his medal of honor to his parents, paul and janet. and president obama is getting some he did tonight from some democrats. why? czars. they are angry about him not being transparent about bazaars that he has hired. they want answers from the government -- transparent about the czars. joining us now is the father of a soldier, as well. >> a u.s. marine who just cut back from iraq and who is probably getting to afghanistan. sargeant monti is the kind of soldier that you want your son to be in the foxhole with. it is a very moving story. it is inspirational when you think about what he was willing to do for his fellow soldiers. greta: all right, on another
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note, senator feingold. the senator from wisconsin, the liberal democrat, firing off a letter to the president. >> i think there is opposition out to czars, even among democrats. this is the kind of issue that cuts across party lines because democrats feel this is a run around their constitutional authority. you are supposed to have checks and balances when it comes to presidential appointments, and when you appoint a czar, they do not have to sit there for a hearing and get question. you just install them unilaterally, and that is probably what you'll have people like van jones, who would not have survived the scrutiny of a public hearing because he was calling himself a communist and calling republicans a vulgar name. if that would have come out in a hearing. he was just installed unilaterally. they did not have to worry about the oversight. greta: we have a pretty good
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idea about what most of these bizarre is due, but what do they all do? >> well, there are dozens of them -- most of these czars do. their is a car czar, a drug czar, and there are more. the significance is that' if thy move to add power to the executive branch -- by having people who are not subjected to not on the senate confirmation, but these people cannot be called back to the senate or the house to answer questions because they can invoke privilege because they are appointed directly by the president, so increasingly, you are seeing is cabinet agencies getting left out in the cold, some of these distant, where most agencies, and the people lack the power of the people in the executive branch who do not have to answer to anybody except
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one man, the president himself. greta: we have these cabinets with these carved up jurisdictions, and i find it hard that we have to ask somebody. other presidents have done this. president bush, president clinton, president bush 41, president reagan had one, but why is this being handled by different cabinets? >> i think in some cases, it is justifiable. for example, after hurricane katrina, president bush appointed a katrina czar. greta: well what about fema? >> we had seen that many agencies such as fema did not measure up. it was temporary. they created a katrina czar that could look across agencies and try to solve problems, and then when that need went away, that tsar went away.
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greta: for an emergency? these are emergencies? >> no, we still have a drug czar, which we have had for decades. again, it is not just senator feingold. it is senator byrd from west virginia. he has complained for a long time about how that is usurping senate authority. so it is a concern, and i think the reason is getting so much attention now is that there are so many of them. we now have by our count at fox news 32 of them, so it is sort of reaching critical mass, so we have had czars in the past. i do not know that we have had this many. i think they may end up providing a minimum of information to satisfy their critics, but i do not think that the white house will subjected their 32 czars to the level of scrutiny that it submit supreme court appointees and agency directors and others to. greta: i get to make these
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decisions. it is your tough luck. >> that is right. the constitution says the senate gets to approve a high government officials, and then it is up to the statute to determine that. about 2000 folks who are under that statute definition, supreme court justices, cabinet levels, agency directors, and so on, and obama can say, "these are not those people. these are just people that i can appoint directly." greta: the they could if they really wanted to. anyway, thank you. here is a look at what is coming up after this show on "the acorn the o'reilly factor." bill: more on the acorn situation, coming up on "the factor." greta: who would be that stupid? rolling these in the garbage. apparently, you.
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-- throwing these and the garbage. and this video is a sensation. a father catches the ball at a phillies game, and his daughter throws it back. sfx: coin drop, can shaking when you own a business, saving sounds good. so hear this: regions makes it simple to save money and time with lifegreen checking and savings for business, free convenient e-services and regions quick deposit, so you can deposit checks right from your desk.
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headquarters. the fbi and denver is questioning a man with possible ties to an al qaeda terrorist plot. the authorities believe he may be involved with a potential plot involving hydrogen peroxide-based explosives. they were used in the 2005 london subway bombings. there were cited in an intelligence order issued monday about a possible terrorist attack. a former kentucky highs bowl football coach found not guilty in the death of one of his players. prosecutors blamed the coach for pushing players too hard on a sweltering hot day. the 15-year-old died from heat stroke, three days later, after collapsing during in august 2008 practice. his temperature reached at least 107 degrees. we now head back to "on the record." here is a news flash with a touch of sarcasm. it turns out that the american people are cynical about
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government waste, and is getting worse. they think that the government wastes 50 cents out of every dollar that comes into washington, and that is worse than it was in 2001. back then, they thought that only 46 cents were wasted. joining us now is steve moore, a senior economics writer for "the wall street journal" editorial page. what do you make of this? >> i think we now know why the american people do not want the government to take over the health-care system. i was blown away by this, greta. i try to find ways of exposing this. i was shocked to see that americans have no trust in their government right now. they think that 50 cents out of every dollar they are sending to washington is wasted, and if you add that up, which are now spending $4 trillion a year, and that means that americans think that $2 trillion in washington is wasted -- we are now spending
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$4 trillion a year. they are sending out checks to dead people and people in prison. the store you just did, greta, with the overpayments to medicare. 40 cents out of every medicare a dollar is a fraudulent claim. by the way, greta, that is why people are marching on washington. greta: it is disturbing how so many people are so discouraged. it is one thing to be discouraged. it is another thing to hear about fraud and wastes. of course, there are those acorn tapes, and those are not very encouraging. there is not a lot on the bright side tonight, but about people's thoughts about the government waste -- >> i am glad you brought up acorn, by the way, because they were scheduled to get several billion dollars in federal taxpayer money next year under the stimulus plan, and now we know that they are a fraudulent
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agency. your question as to how long they have been tracking this, the gallup poll has been looking at this for almost 40 years, going back to the 1970's, and what they found is that is by far the far as the map -- highest amount. you mentioned that the previous high number was 46 cents. this is 50 cents. we have got so much money spent on bailouts, stimulus plans, huge amounts of debt, where people feel a big amount of our tax dollars is just going to pay interest on the national debt. greta: those are programs that have been proposed by president obama, but it seems to me, in terms of waste, it goes far before president obama, because it is a structural problem. president obama intends to spend -- every $1 he intends to spend, and it is a question if the structure is a wasteful, the infrastructure. >> i think that is right, and,
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look. i am not blaming president obama for this problem, because he has only been in office for nine months, though he has run up of these numbers. this is a longstanding problem. greta: is this not mostly congress? >> well put. of course, congress appropriates every penny of this money. they are the ones that gave the money for a corcorn. they are the ones that approved the money to send stimulus checks to dead people. there was that big million- dollar party they had at the social security administration out at some posh resort in arizona. this is the thing that makes people so angry, and that the people in washington do not spend people's money in an efficient and in an effective way. greta: it sometimes looks like stealing, but anyway, steve, thank you.
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steve, thank you. now, we want to tell you about something you have to check out. it is called gretalivewire. if you have not seen it, it is a live internet show that airs every night before "on the record." what is it? we do not know, and anything can happen. it starts at 9:45 p.m. every weeknight. just to our website and follow the link, every night at 9:45 p.m. eastern. we will see you there. and up next, the best of the rest. we know you love this video. we watched it last night. the father catches the foul ball at the phillies game, and his daughter throws it back. they are coming up. and what does anna nicole smith and treasury
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it's endless shrimp at red lobster. indulge in endless choices of your favorite shrimp. including new wood-grilled shrimp with a teriyaki glaze. it's endless shrimp -- our best value of the year. now at red lobster. was it really for fun, or to save money on heat? why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service-- you can save money and keep the heat on. great idea. that is a great idea. well, if nordic tuesday wasn't so much fun.
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greta: you have seen our top stories, but here is the best of the rest. you saw this last night. a man catches the ball and the phillies game, and then he hands the ball to his daughter. she is apparently an impressed and throws the ball back. -- apparently unimpressed. >> i caught it, and i was very excited. oh, my gosh, there goes the first foul ball i have ever caught. greta: now, see if this makes sense to you. the senate has voted to continue
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spending your tax dollars on roadsides. these are signs that tell motorists where billions in stimulus money is being s pent, and they cost -- barbara boxer says the expense of road signs show the american public how the money is working. others say it is a waste of money and is simply an example of politicians trying to pat themselves on the back. and finally, if you think you can escape paying taxes, listen to this. anna nicole smith, who died in 2007, apparently still owes the state of california taxes. according to tmz, the dead blonde bombshell owes back taxes. more than $35,000 is delinquent, and the rest is a penalty fee and interest. there you have it. the best of the rest.
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the perfect storm for late night comedians. just ask conan o'brien. >> vice-president biden apparently called kanye west and aid. now, some people are upset about him doing that. joe biden is furious because that is his secret service code name, and now it is out. yes. we have got [beep] coming. ouchgreta: ouch, vice-president biden does not get a shot. check at gretawire -- check out gretawire, the forum. everybody goes there. it is pretty wild there sometimes, and we try to police it. anyway, go to
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