tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 18, 2009 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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brian: look at this. some controversial in "idol" world. our slogan from tracy in virginia beach, virginia. i wake up at 6:00, i'm so tired that i watch "fox & friends" and then i get wired. good. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute gretchen: good monk, everyone. peter johnson jr. sitting in for steve today. great to have you. you got the color-coded message for the red. peter: you look beautiful. gretchen: you look fabulous, too. brian, you look good, too. brian: it's all right. gip let's get to your headlines. raymond clark is waking up this morning in a maximum security prison charged with murdering yale grad student an any le -- annie le. the 24-year-old was arrested outside a motel in connecticut.
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details now emerging, painting clark as a control freak who felt the lab was his territory. investigators suspect clark flew into a rage after thinking le wasn't following his rules. >> this was not a street crime. it was not a domestic crime, which is often what we have. it was a workplace crime so it is different. i think we have to educate ourselves about who we work with, how we deal with each other. gregg: in a statement, le's fiance speaks out saying "annie will live in their hearts forever." there are reports that former president mohammad khatami was attacked while marching with protesters. he was not seriously hurt. meanwhile, an early look at a confidential u.n. report on iran's nuclear program. guess what it found out. it found that u.n. weapons experts believe iran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb it also says that iran has also
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worked on developing a missile that can carry a nuclear warhead. we'll tell you why that's very important in the news coming up later on. a massive manhunt, meantime, on for a criminally insane killer who walked away from the supervision of hospital staff while on a field trip to an interstate fair in washington state. why are we taking killers on field trips? police say the killer, 47-year-old philip paul, has a violent criminal history and even strangled a 78-year-old woman to death. they also say paul has escaped from the hospital before. again, why field trips? police believe he now may be heading to his parents' home in sunnyside, washington. the u.s. is pitching in in the fight against swine flu. 10% of the swine flu vaccine supply will be donated to developing countries that do not have the resources to come up with it. that's according to the white house. the u.s. ordered 195 million doses of the vaccine, which means it will make nearly 20 million doses available to the world health organization for distribution to date, 3,205 people have been killed
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worldwide from h1n1. a simple and moving ceremony in the east room of the white house. president obama awarded the medal of honor to the parents of army sergeant first class jared monti of massachusetts. >> today is not about high officials and those with stars on their shoulders. it's a celebration of a young soldier and those who loved him. gretchen: monti lost his life trying to save a comrade during a taliban attack in afghanistan three years ago. mr. obama said his death should give americans pause when they throw around words such as duty, honor, sacrifice and heroism. brian: we'll talk his mom later in the show. gretchen: look forward too that -- to that. brian: more going on with acorn. a bit a surprise at the house yesterday. gregg: you mean that democrats voted -- gretchen: you mean that democrats voted to defund acorn is in the vote was once astounding because it was
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overwhelming. brian: 347-75. gretchen: that was astounding because a lot of the republicans didn't realize the democrats would come over to their side on this issue. we have a member of congress with us this morning, the florida congressman who's calling on fhimah now to retract those -- fema now to retract those funds from acorn. he joins us on the couch. thanks for being our guest. >> how are you doing? brian: was it surprising for you, congressman to have all of a sudden, when so many votes have come up about defund organize rep manding acorn, all the sudden the democrats this time by a pretty command being vote said i agree with you, let's defund it? >> yeah. i want to know what the 75 were thinking. i was very, very happy that it happened and. but we got to get it signed into law. we can't let up. brian: so there's a few elements to this. the senate said let's defund it.
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so you just imagine it being a formality? >> well this particular bill, what bill gets on finally this president has to sign it so we can't let up. peter: so it's got no effect or authority in the law at this point. none until president obama signs it. >> we still have a lot of work to do. brian: you've written a letter and you're angry about the fact that fema, the federal emergency management administration, about to let $1 million to acorn on a fire program of all things. >> a fire program. can you imagine? peter: what is that about? >> they gave a fire grant to acorn. most of these grants have been dolled out to fire departments and they want to give $1 million in new orleans to acorn. we can find a fire district that can handle that. >> so something called the acorn institute which is not an expert in fire prevention or fire management in any way. >> of course not. they shouldn't be receiving any federal funding.
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gretchen: it's such a complicated issue. the funding to acorn is not just as simple as saying we're going to defund them. there are specific areas to defund. right? there's a student aid bill, there's a -- the h.u.d. part of the program, which is the housing part that originally the senate voted to defund. peter: the voter registration. gretchen: the voter registration. so it's not like we should just paint this as we're defunding the whole program. there's bits and pieces, right? >> we have to continue to work on it. but the language yesterday that was passed out of the house was all inclusive so i was pleased with that language. that's the language we have to get the president to sign. brian: and now acorn saying they're going to get out of the voter registration business because it's polarizing. if you register on a large scale, you open yourself up to political attacks. is it a political attack? >> voter frayed, for crying out loud. gretchen: we ran countless snippets of video where you had different organizations associated with acorn going up
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to people. we had it on tape where they were telling people how to vote! where were members of congress then? >> they should have been there. i was on your side but not enough of us were. now at least because of fox, you've attracted the attention. and we're on it. and we're going to do something about it. peter: let's talk fair and balanced as fox always does people on the left say it's just you republicans, you're obsessed with acorn, you're being racial about this, you're picking on these people. why is this fraud with acorn important to all the american people, democrats and republicans? >> this is taxpayers' dollars. ok? it's corruption. peter: you're saying -- >> it's not just republicans who are angry. independents and some democrats as well all over the country. peter: obviously now it's represented, almost 350 representatives. >> it should have been unanimous but we'll take that. brian: we see griff hunting down the senators who voted not
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to defund. they say i'm just too worried about other people who are depending on acorn to get mortgages, legitimate people, they will be hurt. >> it's a corrupt obs that should not be receiving federal funds. gretchen: you have the c.e.o. of acorn, bertha lewis, who originally when these undercover tapes started coming out what immediately did people at acorn do? they blamed fox. entrapment, and they got set up. then what did they do? they fired some of the workers and still said that they were going to sue fox as a result. and now, five, six, seven days later bertha lewis is saying, we're going to clean up our act, we're not going take any new clients until we can be assured that we have the fruft back from the public. that is so disingenuous. why weren't they look into their own programs themselves a long time ago? >> right. we need to conduct an investigation and can't let up on this. peter: this is the tip of the iceberg. a student aid bill.
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now you're talking about handing out smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. they have the capacity to receive billions of dollars under federal and state law. how do we get at all of these different nooks and cranny that they're involved with? >> the house bill is all encompassing. i read the house bill, that particular legislation so we've got to push for that to be signed. brian: a column today, as early as 2005 there was a deal done between acorn and citibank where up to $44 billion were given to residents to go out and sign up people in these subprime loans that were illegals. forged documention to get these people homes in our country that don't even belong here. this is millions of dollars. and it goes full circle. guess who owns citibank now. the government. the taxpayer, i should say. >> yeah. it's awful. outrageous. peter: when you speak out about acorn, do you have concerns that acorn will come into your district and lobby and work to
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get you -- >> i'm not worried about that. we got to do the right thing. this has gone on too long. gretchen: let's talk about another big story in your state of florida. we've been covering it here on our show, about these two school officials who had the audacity to say a simprell prayer at a function where students were not present and they were criminally charged. i know it turns out, speaking of coming full circle, that they were found not guilty. the judge did say to them, look, you got to keep the separation of church and state but you're not going go to prison for this. was it the right move? >> correct ruling. what has this worldcom to where we're criminalizing prayer? we need prayer now more than ever. so, you know, we just got to continue. we had 60 members of congress sign a letter. that's another issue. this was a simple act of prayer . and they tried to prosecute them. thank goodness the judge made
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the right decision. brian: did you have any town halls? >> i had tele town hall meetings. brian: how did they go? >> it went real well. and it's not just the republicans coming out. independents. people are really concerned. they're angry. on a lot of issues. gretchen: we're going to continue to cover those. we appreciate you coming in this morning, congressman. thanks for getting up so early and joining us on the couch. >> my pleasure. gip stick around. liberals playing the race card against conservatives. >> i think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity towards president barack obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. gretchen: not everyone agrees. our next guest outraged at this kind of talk, saying it actually hurts fellow african-americans. brian: george washington, a pretty famous guy. a startling number of people have no clue who he is. i have a dollar.
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there's no one on the couch who needs an explanation. our story straight ahead. achoo! (announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst symptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life.
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gretchen: 15 minutes after the top of the hour. a couple of quick headlines for you. a small move could have a big impact. the hotel and employees union announced it's returning to the afl-sio. the union left the afl-cio to join a new union organization, change to win. the two groups are still fighting each other for members. texas will keep the word christmas in school textbooks. state's new social studies curriculum had removed the word christmas from a sixth grade lesson on religion and culture but now cries from parents caused the school board to
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reconsider. brian: when president obama gets criticized, they have an explanation for it. don't they? >> it's about hating a black man in the white house. this is racism straight up. >> you start to wonder whether, in fact, the word socialist is becoming a codeword, whether or not socialist is becoming the new n-word for, frankly, for some angry, upset others. >> to be fair, the next day did he apologize. he said he didn't mean to sai you lie. he meant to say go back to africa. brian: our next guest says obama's critics, president obama's critics are racist, they've just been fed up with big government. aren't racists, they're fed up with big government policies. danine, who's making sense? if europosed to president obama's public policies does that make you a racist? >> i'm outraged about all of this nonsense about racism.
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america has made significant strides in terms of race relations. these comments coming out now can have a fonl set the clock back. it's unfortunate that we have elected politicians who are calling people who are concerned about big government and spending the stimulus, acorn, you name it. i'm outraged. i was privileged to speak at the freedom works rally last week. my message was well received. as we all know, there was a significant number of white aten des at the rally -- aten did is at the rally, hugs, kisses, marriage proposals, you name it. peter: david denkins is one of my best friends in the world. when i hear hard left people attributing racism as the reason for criticism of president obama, i ask you this question. is that their paternalism? is that them patronizing african-americans in saying that? >> well, it's a way to stifle the debate and to incite more racial tension. clearly this is unnecessary. it's about the government's big
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policy. obama's radical policies. the majority of the american people are pretty much conservative. they are into making their own decisions, their own choices for themselves and their family. it's an outrage. anyone who has been stifled by become called a racist -- i can't tell you how many e-mails i've received. people don't know what to do. what do i say? they're thanking me for being so vocal and outspoken with. tell them, don't let them stifle you. continue your independent -- challenge them. ask them what are the examples. brian: you have the former president jimmy carter saying it. he's got credibility. then you have somebody like the president of the united states say i don't believe race play as a role through robert gibbs. he's going to give eight interviews in the next eight hours. if you're the president, if you want him to marginalize this argument what would you say? >> he needs to say something that would be great. did he run a campaign not based on race. you mentioned president carter. i'm not even going to waste my
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time. he was a horrible president. but clearly, this is wrong. it's not right in this day and time. america has made significant strides in race relations. again, i spoke at the freedom works rally. there were over a million people there. they have yet to get the head count straight. i had a positive, warm reception. peter: maureen dowd said some people just can't believe a black man is president and will never accept it. is that appropriate comment today? >> and she added the boy part? how come no one is coming out and saying that that's racist? that was an unspoken thought. that was not something portrayed. of peter: what was it she added? >> boy. brian: i picked that up. but the other thing that's interesting, his approval rating is still 53% in the country. >> it's slipping. that's another aspect. again, to evoke the race card is a dangerous game to play. brian: deneen, great meeting you. thanks so much for coming in. nice to meet you.
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muslim. they're radical muslims. if you guys don't know what -- they're hostile towards christianity. they can't know of my faith. if they do know, the consequences are really harsh. gretchen: to riff ca -- risk i can't -- rifka bary be sent back? good morning to both of you. >> good morning, gretchen. >> good to be here. gretchen: pastor, so many people have wanted to hear from you on this issue. they want to know whether, in fact, this is a true assessment of fear from this child. she's 17 years old. she won't be 18 for another year. is she truly in danger if she goes back to her family? >> well, she is very fearful and almost terrorized for the idea of going back even to ohio. that's genuine, real. she truly believes she will be killed or sent back to sri
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lanka. in her mind one of the worst things that could happen to her is to go back to ohio and put in that situation for the next 11 months in my opinion, that would be about as cruel of things you could do to a person. could you imagine when you've been gripped by fear in your life to have to live that way for 11 months? to me, that's cruel. it would be abusive to her. she really believes her life is in danger. gretchen: excuse me for asking this, but some people have said, well, the religion now that she is belonging to down in florida is a cult in and of itself. so we don't feel she's safe staying in that religion. how do you respond to those critics? >> first of all, we're not a cult. we're a mainline belief with the bible and jesus christ. she doesn't go to our church. she's in a foster care where she's safe and with a wonderful family. so she's not in danger at all. and it's really -- people have been trying to make this out into a muslim-christian
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conflict. islam and christianity. it's really not. it's about keeping her safe and what's best for rifka. -- rifqa. really it's about the message on her heart, the return of jesus christ, and people being ready for the return of jesus christ. gretchen: the florida report that just came out after investigation said that they do not believe that rifka's life is in danger. how will -- rifqa's life is in danger. the judge ruled she should stay away from her family and ohio. how will that change the judge's opinion? >> it certainly has a big impact on the judge's opinion. there's an upcoming hearing. it happens next week. possibly the judge could make a decision to send her back. but that would be, i think, terrifying to rifqa. i think what the report focused on is, is there evidence of any physical abuse.
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there was never any allegation of physical abuse. found no physical abureks as we all expected. the real issue is rifqa's fear where she says her father threatened her life because she converted from islam to christianity. that's the real issue when they talk to rifqa who's old enough to speak for herself. she's over 17 years old. she desperately fears for her life. when they address the father, he obviously denies that. gretchen: so it's a he said, she said. it's such a complicated issue. if you're a judge you don't want to be the one who sends her home and then something happens. i've got to wrap it up. thanks for being my guests today. >> thank you. >> my pleasure. gretchen: peter, brian? brian: a lot of drama here. in the courtroom, a high school football coach found not guilty of causing a student's death. exactly how the jury came to that very tough decision. peter: wove' all seen those tv ads for scooters for seniors.
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but one democrat thinks getting rid of them, taking them away from you, is the answer to health care what is she talking about? brian: plus, it's a one in a million shot, lightly. why this guy's celebrating more than just a good game. oh, my. and happy birthday. look at that. and happy birthday to frankie avalon. he looks good he's a crooner. peter: heart throb of the 1950's and 1960's. he's 70 today. (announcer) time brings new wisdom new aches and pains, ...and new questions about which pain reliever is right for your body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... layer that lasts all day
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score delivery pizza... hut! hut! ( thud ) ouch! minus the delivery price. ♪ for fresh delivery taste without the delivery price, it's digiorno. ♪ gretchen: half past the hour on a friday. we hope you're having a fantastic day. we need to get to some headlines. the verdict is in in the case of that kentucky high school football coach charged in the death of a player. >> it should put safety above winning. gretchen: the jury took an hour and a half to find coach jason stinson not guilty of reckless homicide in the death of 15-year-old max gilpin. he died of heat stroke three days after collapsing during practice on a hot summer day. stinson a's defense says gilpin's death was more likely caused by his add roll --
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adirol prescription and use of a muscle-building supplement. brigitte: chinese media reports -- brian: chinese media reports of talks over the country's nuclear program. kim previously insisted on bilateral negotiations with the u.s. after pulling out of six-party negotiations in april. that's a lot of talking, peter. peter: it is. and the federal reserve has never reached this far into the banking business. it's now planning to require banks to submit their compensation policies for federal government approval. the concept is to prevent financial institutions from encouraging executives, traders and loan officers to take too much risk and get themselves into the kind of trouble they were in a year ago. nobody from the chairman on down is elected. they're not elected. gretchen: can you believe that three out of four oklahoma public high school students can't name the nation's first president? that's what a new survey found.
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the also found that only 3% of public high school students in the state would pass the citizenship test given to immigrants. you only have to get six out of 10 right to pass. check out some of these other numbers. only 10% could name the number of justices on the supreme court. only 11% knew the length of a senate term. and only 61% could name the ocean on the u.s. east coast. brian: is it a case of sour grapes? paula abdul danced her on on to the stage at the diva live concert. degeneres replaces abdul on as a judge on the next season of "american idol." abdul who hosted the show last night made sure to let the comedian know it was all in fun. >> all kid ago side, nothing but love, ellen. and i wish you the best of luck and congratulations on your new gig. brian: there you go.
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gretchen: very creative. like that. peter: paula abdul is a great dancer. brian: she was a great laker girl. inspired magic johnson to great success. gretchen: president hugo chavez now threatening to close venezuela's last independent tv station, joining us from caracus is our own steve harrigan. good morning, steve. >> good morning. of all the tv channels here in venezuela, there's only one left that criticizes the president. they're having a tough time of it. sometimes what should be a typical day at the office turns into a war zone. there is one television channel left in venezuela that criticizes the president. and it's no easy place to work. a pro-government gang attacked the 24-hour news network. >> suddenly a lot of smoke came inside to the office.
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we were suffocated. it was horrible. we start to cry and run to everywhere. >> hugo chavez now in power to run for president indefinitely is cracking down on the media. >> with their media attacks, against the judges, against public officials, they're against the state, the country, justice. we will not tolerate it anymore. >> 34 radio stations were closed last month. globavision stands accuse -- d of inciting violence against the government. now their reporters seem to be the ones taking the beating. some people think hugo chavez actually needs the station to stay open. so it may be that they get beaten down, intimidated, but they may stay on the air. back to you. gretchen: i got to tell you, i'm surprised they even still have one tv station that's allowed to criticize chavez. >> they are hanging by a thread. they've put on gas masks and bullet proof vests every time
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they walk out the door. brian: is it at the point where the people of venezuela are starting to have some second thoughts? is there any organized opposition? >> i think there's a real big gap here in venezuela between the middle class and the upper class who basically hate huge yore chavez and the poor who still strongly support him. they see him as one of their own. gretchen: thanks for the reporting. brian: 23 minutes before the top of the hour. it was shocking news. it came out on wednesday night. calls went out to the prime minister and the president of poland and the leaders at the czech republic that we are going to be abandoning our missile defense systems that were going to be put in those nations primarily to block any type of missiles coming from the nation of iran or the middle east. gretchen: that's because they say, the obama administration says, that the real threat would only be short to mid kind of nuclear weapons not the
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long-range ones. so we don't need this shield. but it presents a tremendous amount of questions like, are allies in europe -- how do they feel about this? do they feel safe now? one country that's very happy about it, peter? russia. because they were opposed to this nuclear shield there. they felt that the u.s. putting this nuclear shield there was basically saying to russia we're nervous about you. peter: many national leaders, including senator mccain and former ambassador john bolton said this is a give away to russia, that this is their lucky day and that they've won the diplomatic lottery as of last night because they urged that the prior bush missile defense system acted as a deterrent on russia in terms of their actions. gretchen: this was very much pushed by the bush administration. they felt that this was a necessary move. in fact, you mentioned john mccain. he said i am disappointed with the administration's decision to cancel these plans. this decision calls into question the security and
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diplomatic commitments the u.s. has made to poland and the czech republic. now, how does iran feel about it? well, their leader, ahmadinejad, gave an interview to nbc. here's what he had to say about it. >> is there a condition under which iran would weaponize? >> we don't need -- we don't have such a need, nuclear reference. >> so the answer is no, sir? >> i don't know what you mean by no. gretchen: that sounded like the definition of is. the bottom line is at the same time, the secret u.n. report came out saying that iran is capable of making nuclear bombs on the same day that we're saying we don't need the nuclear shield anymore. peter: the international atomic energy commission is saying they're on the verge of it practically. the announcement made by the president yesterday was greeted
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with absolute dismay throughout central and eastern europe. people in the czech republic said you are putting our independence at risk in doing this. the president says we're not doing that, this is best for the region, best for the u.s. it's cheaper and it's more effective to have these kind of roving missile systems rather than planted in poland and the czech republic. although he said that they haven't ruled that out in the future. gretchen: we'll continue to follow this story as well as some sports stuff that's go being on. brian: back on earth. football, georgia tech visiting miami. the hurricanes used to be good. are they good again? they weren't gracious hosts. watch this hit. you're about to see it. georgia tech punt return. we'll take it full screen as important as my face is. benj lynn tries to take it around the edge. what a hit. the big block on steven sylvester. the hit knocks sylvester's helmet off. the hurricanes would roll there. jacori harris to jimmy grant. miami wins 33-17. off to a heck of a start.
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that child is not as happy as the child that caught the foul ball earlier this week at the phillies game. in pro football, they get paid here, at least that we know about. the cowboys have a chance to set the all-time attendance record because they have a brand new stadium when they host the giants. current record was set in mexico city when the cardinals met the 49ers in 2005. the cowboys look to eclipse that record thanks to a 30,000 party pass that allow the fans to watch the game in standing room only sections. the cowboys sold out the game yesterday, avoiding embarrassing a local blackout. that's 103,000 tickets they've got to sell in that brand new stadium. watch this. one in a million shot. it's a hole in one. a charity event in utah. the 150-yard par 3. he sinks it, he wins $1 million. $1 million! and, of course, the ball finds the bottom of the cup. it turns out he didn't even
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have his own clubs with him sew used his brother's instead. watch that celebration. jason has a lot of new friends today. he married his first love and has four kids. he couldn't be nicer. i gave you a lot of color on jason. more than ahmadinejad. so there you go. a hole in one. gretchen: that's everyone's dream. peter: he deserved more than ahmadinejad. brian: absolutely. you're going out on a limb there. appreciate it. gretchen: a democrat wants to cut out motorized wheelchairs for people in need. is that the answer to the health care debate? why this idea might not work. why are we playing john denver? brian: i'm not sure. but no one can stop it. griff jenkins continues track down the senators who voted to keep funding. >> now that the tapes have come out. >> that's a good question. let me think of an answer.
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kids who don't eat breakfast aren't getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. ( bell rings ) a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start.
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brian: the president obama administration is talking about bailout again. for unemployed homeowners, that is, to keep them in their homes. the treshy department advocates and industry representatives are talking about skipping payments. a consensus is likely but it's going to take a while. foreclosure of a different kind. bernie madoff's beach house is sold in a silent auction. they will reportedly pay more than $8.3 million. that is the asking price. proceeds go to the people madoff scammed. peter: democrat senator mccaskill suggesting that she
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has a way to cut hundreds of billions from medicare without cutting services to patients in need. here's what she told chris wallace. >> i don't know how many ads you've seen for scooters on cable tv but i've seen a lot of them. those are scooters paid by american people. a lot of them are going to folks who don't need scooters. it's one example of many examples for we are paying for services or things instead of outcomes. peter: one example, scooters. will the health care overhaul eliminate necessary equipment like wheelchairs and scootersers -- scooters for patients? what do you think about this? what is senator mccaskill talking about? she's gone on for months that somehow we should take away wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs, and scooters from americans. >> i think this is absolutely outrageous. it proves a point we've been making here again and again, which is insurance is not care.
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here's your medicare card but you can't get a scooter with it anymore. you're paralyzed. you have multiple sclerosis. you have emphysema, you can't breathe. you broke a bone, you need a motorized wheelchair to get around. here's the important point. think claire mccaskill should go to medical school. not everyone has someone to push them around in a manual wheelchair. my mother-in-law has m.s. she's confined to a wheelchair. my father-in-law has diabetes, he can't walk. he cannot push catherine herridge around. her only life is the wheelchair. peter: and medicare subscribes the wheelchairs for people. >> all the time. they're the disabled. they can't speak for themselves. we have to speak for them. they should not lose their motorized wheelchairs. she went on to talk about cat scans. supposedly senator mccaskill says we order eight to 10 cat scans per week. i have to tell you, i order one
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to make a diagnosis and one to see if my antibiotics or treatment have worked. i have never in my career seen anybody order one or two a week, maximum. peter: so one of the major proponents of the health care reform plan believes that people are going for eight or 10 cat scans a week. how is that possible? >> that is purification. it is not reality. it is not happening. and i'm actually very worried that our lawmakers have no education on what is happening in health care. it's one thing to cut down costs. but if we cut them down on the people who need them the most, we're going to be in big trouble. that's health care. if your medicare card doesn't cover it medicare is going to be diluted. it's redistribution. peter: thank you for bringing us the doctor's view point. we'll see you again soon. we've shown you tape of acorn advising people to break the law so they can get more of your taxpayer money so why are some senators still supporting acorn? griff jenkins in the halls of
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congress tracking them down for answers. he was sick for two years and couldn't figure out why. then doctors found a piece of this plastic in his lung. you may be shocked to find out how it wound up in his lung. we'll hear that. . bicycle, i've missed you. gathering dust, as pollen floats through the air. but with the strength of zyrtec ® , the fastest, 24-hour allergy relief, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. with zyrtec ® i can love the air ™ .
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brian: showing acorn employees across the country aiding and abetting -- griffs tape. seven democrat senators voted to continue federal funding to the scandalized. gretchen: griff jenkins caught up with three more of them to get the answers. are you responsible for those check marks? >> i am. i'm sorry, brian, that my tape interrupted you, but let me
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quickly. brian: right after this segment. >> i don't have one. >> this is a tough week for acorn. the house passed a broad thing trying to de-fund acorn and the senate passed two things. the first one was monday it was a bar additional funding for acorn for the transportation appropriations bill. seven senators, 83 voted for it. seven senators actually supported acorn, despite being on tape supporting prostitution and other illegal acts. we sought out to speak this week a-to-all seven. we spoke to six of seven. here is tape from sheldon whitehouse and bob casey of pennsylvania who we spoke with earlier. take a look. your vote on monday against cutting off funding for acorn. can you tell me why you made that decision and will you change your mind that the news has come out videotape
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supporting prostitution? >> i think if we cut off funding to every single organization that had junior members that embarrassed the organization, we would use a really good organizations. >> whether you have indefensible, inexcusable conduct which may rise to the level of criminal conduct, you have to root that out and prosecute it but i think if we are -- if the congress is going to start targeting individual groups, week after week after week, there will be a lot of groups out there that could be the sung of the same kind of vote. >> now, brian and gretchen, as you can see, acorn has becomes a the "l.a. times" reports today. the senate passed by 85-11 an additional thing to bar funding for acorn through an interior department thing and i don't want to go to the weeds there the important thing is capitol hill is trying to cut off funds to acorn. now, it's interesting, because four more senators, the original seven that we put up on on the screen and four more senators now defending acorn, i'm not so
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sure acorn is going to have so many friends. the biggest point is will any of this legislation reach the president's desk and will president obama sign it? gretchen: that's right. it means nothing until his signature is on the dothed line. >> that's correct. gretchen: now you have got to go after all the members of the house. there is about 75 of them. get out your running shoes. >> brian: 345 voted for it. so leave them alone. go ahead, griff go ahead. gretchen: house speaker nancy pelosi almost brought to tears because of the direction the country is going. she blames the opposition to health care reform. brian: make sure you cover your mouth the right way when you sneeze around the secretary of health and human services. >> bless you. >> possible impediment. i mean, what is that about? gretchen: kathleen sebelius
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smelling her armpit or taking somebody to task? brian: i think she is doing both. gretchen: stick around, we'll explain. ( music, cheering ) score delivery pizza... hut! hut! ( thud ) ouch! minus the delivery price. ♪ for fresh delivery taste without the delivery price, it's digiorno. ♪ switch to nationwide auto insurance, and you can save up to $43 every month. we'll look at every detail and help you get the right coverage at the right price. our first priority is looking out for you. our second is looking out for your wallet. i am kerry mullin, and i am on your side. switch to nationwide insurance now. ( man ) call 1-877-nationwide.
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gretchen: a very good friday morning to you. tgif. september 18, 2009. thanks for sharing your time today. acorn could be low on cash pretty soon thanks to congress. lawmakers vote to strip the organization of federal funding. but it may not be the end of acorn. we'll break it down for you. brian: speaker pelosi getting pretty emotional about the health care debate. >> i have concerns about some of the language that is being used because i saw -- i saw this myself in the late '70s in san francisco. brian: are her fears valid or she is she getting everyone scared or nothing. peter? peter: thank you, brian. he was sick for two years and couldn't figure out why. doctors found this piece of plastic in his young.
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how this fast food utensil got there without him knowing at all. our slogan this hour comes from john. john says as the sun dawns and rooster crows, it's time for "fox & friends" and the whole world knows. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute gretchen: very good morning to you. we hope you are having a fabulous friday so far. peter johnson jr. sitting in for steve doocy. peter: good morning. thank you very much. gretchen: raymond clark is waking up this morning in a maximum security prison charged with murdering yale grad student annie le he is being held on $3 million bond. he did not enter a plea at his arraignment hearing yesterday. he is only 24. arrested outside a motel in controlwell, connecticut. painting him as control freak who felt the lab was his territory. they call this a work place crime.
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knew -- flew into a rage when he felt ley wasn't keeping lab cages clean. the colorado man who may have links to al qaeda will be at the fbi's denver office for more questioning today. >> there is a is i expected of having met a possible al qaeda informant. the fbi took action after he rented a car and then he drove from colorado to new york just before september 11th of this year. agents have searched his apartment in colorado. they have also searched three apartments in queens, new york, where he stayed. mixed reaction this morning to u.s. plans to significantly alter the missile defense system. iran reportedly shifting from developing long range to short and medium range missiles so defense secretary robert gates says the shield has to change, too. that means no in placements in eastern europe. russian prime minister vladimir putin hailed the decision this morning.
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but because the russians are happy, the polish and czechs run happy. they will lose millions in investment. change in missile defense could leave the u.s. and allies vulnerable to attacks. former vice president dick cheney recovering this morning after undergoing elective back surgery yesterday. the 68-year-old scheduled the operation to deal with spinal stenosis, a common cause of lower back pain. his office says the procedure went well. cheney has had a number of medical procedures in the past, including quadrupled bypass surgery. brian: that's narrowing of the spine. gretchen: sick for two years with coughing fits, fatigue, and pneumonia. finally he knows why, check out your tv screen. doctors discovered that he had a 1 inch piece of a plastic utensil lodged in his lung. he says he managed to inhale the piece of plastic at a wendy's restaurants because he likes to take big gups of his drinks.
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how does he know wendy's restaurant. the logo is still visible on the side of the utensil. doctors say he should be ok. peter: down the wrong pipe. gretchen: when you take a drink of a big gulp. peter: i thought 7/11 had big gulps not wendy's. brian: chairman max baucus is the chairman of the committee. gang of six. put together health care proposal many thought had the best chance of getting bipartisan support. he talked about it a couple of days ago and the firestorm has not ceased on both sides. liberals are not happy and conservatives said don't count me in. gretchen: what was important at this press conference that you see right here when he came out to announce this plan was nobody was standing beside him. in other words, he did not even have democrats standing beside him because people on the left were angry there was no public
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option, government-run option in the baucus plan. obviously people on the right upset there was no tort reform or medical malpractice in the plan amongst many other things. peter: absolutely telling. for weeks we have been hearing about this bipartisan proposal we were going to hear out of the senate. so senator baucus stands there by himself and submits what's called a chairman's mark. now, everyone on the left and everyone on the right has problems with it. and the left is moving hard to include a true government option, a true public option. brian: in the house. peter: in the senate. brian: senator snowe ben nelson and clair mccaskill say they have taken -- they have signed a letter that says this bill has taken an important and critical step forward in crafting legislation that has the potential to gain broad bipartisan support. so, in signing this, and lieberman is muck -- among the
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people signing. this maybe there is something there. grassley said i cannot sign on to this. they didn't close the door. senator baucus said i will tinker with this. peter: it's incredible. we still don't have a single piece of paper. when you go and buy an auto insurance policy or homeowner's insurance policy or renter's policy, you go and sit down with your insurance agent and they say this is the coverage, this is what you have this is what you are going to pay. we have heard a lot of speeches and maybe there is going to be this option and maybe it's going to be that does anyone know what the terms are? gretchen: i have been asking for that one page primmer since the very beginning. peter: you said the first day after the beach. gretchen: let's just admit we are the simpletons. i need things explained. gretchen: i like my things in order. give me the top five things i need to know about the health care plan. brian: too complicated to put in one page. easy to put a bumper sticker on. that's why people get angry and
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fired up. what about this, what about that? maybe you need 500 pages to explain change health care proposal. the bottom line is, somebody that we know well, not personally but publicly, a public figure is very upset about the potential road that this whole health care debate could be going on. gretchen: yeah, you are talking about the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. she gave her weekly press avail yesterday. but it was -- it made international news because she got all choked up over something that could be very, very serious. she was harkening back to the 70's. she was asked about whether or not health care reform and the opposition could bring about violence in this country. watch this. >> i think we all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words. we are a free country and this balance between freedom and safety is one that we have to carefully balance. i have concerns about some of
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the language that is being used because i saw -- i saw this myself in the late 70's in san francisco, this kind of rhetoric was free frightening. i wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm. brian: good show on hbo. curb your enthusiasm. i think that she has to say i take responsibility for some of it too. remember the president, the worst president we ever had. the way she has been polarizing as a speaker. hardly a uniter and she was so out of touch this is what drives a lot of people crazy not for violence, when you bring up something as controversial as in the fray as acorn. she doesn't even know what they are talking about, yet, she has got so much power. that frustrate people. gretchen: to put it into context she is talking about the assassinations of san francisco mayor. this is dangerous territory of going down this path of equating
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what's going on now health care reform and opposition to it to what happened to those two gentlemen in san francisco politics 30 years ago. to me, strategically or not, to get emotional like that and try and compare the two is very dangerous territory. peter: clearly she has a personal connection to the deaths of these former officials who died in the 70's. and obviously everybody in the public arena has an obligation to speak not only with certitude but speak in tones that don't provoke anger or provoke or insight -- incite violence against anyone. there has been a tremendous amount of very heated rhetoric on both sides of this issue. and i think when you see the president address a joint session of congress, north inciting violence, speaking in a public policy sense but at the same time saying that people are not telling the truth, that there is misinformation going
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on, and to use kind of heated words, that does increase the level of tension in this country. brian: everyone should just know that don't worry once we get past health care we will be able to go to another issue that is not controversial that is immigration. i'm being sass cass sick. gretchen: issues before health care car industry and cap and trade. these are highly controversial issues. i, for one, think that it's brought the senses of the american public back to the table. they care again. they are out there voicing their opinions. nobody wants violence to any of this. peter: my real concern is that when you raise it in this fashion, when you hearken to terrible tragedies involving political assassinations. brian: giving people ideas. peter: it's a horrible thing to do. clearly she was emotionally overcome but is it the right thing to do. we would love to hear what your thoughts are on that this morning. gretchen: email us or twitter us as well.
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brian: yesterday in a press briefing everyone was talking about how your kids go back to school how to stop the spread of flu and sickness and illness. guess what the health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius was asked to come in and address the press. she did and then an unscripted moment happened. >> what is that about? gretchen: called out the reporter bowers he sneezed into his hand not his elbow. >> who has purl purel give that to him right away. gretchen: teach our kids to sneeze into elbow. brian: her look at outrage is something a little scary.
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peter: i guess. gretchen: she has to take her moments and make the most of them. there are so many other people in line in her department that are, you know, czars and such that she has to make sure that she makes her point she is the secretary of that department. brian: 11 minutes after the hour. now let's continue the debate. five undercover video showing five shameless corruption. bring in our panel and debate it what will president obama now do about this controversy? peter: hundreds of students show up to support two florida school officials who almost faced jail time for what? for praying in front of students. is this another case of political correctness gone too far? we're going to report and you will decide. [ thinking ] burning, itching... but the pain's the worst. i shoulda used... [ bump ]
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brian: got multiple states call for investigations into acorn on both the house side and senate side. they have voted, both did, to federally block federal funding to the group. so what will president obama do now that about the so-called community organization that he used to represent? our panel here this morning is here to debate it and more. fox news political analyst kirsten powers. former secretary of state ken blackwell and jeff, radio talk show host. kirsten, first off, what do you think president barack obama will do when it gets to his desk desk? to block lettle, to block funding? >> i can't imagine that is he going to defend acorn. you know, i don't see that happening. and, you know, in terms of what he should say, i think nothing. have anything to do with him. it's like if something happened in the state legislature in illinois because he used to work there, is he supposed to comment on it? it does not rise to the level
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that something the president of the united states needs to get involved in. brian: he has got to get involved. in it's been asked by his press secretary and rises to the house and senate. >> this rises to the level of a ricco investigation. he has to tell eric holder to ricco investigation. brian: he is about to do about nine interviews, jeff. everyone is going to be bringing this up to him. is he going to be forced to go on the record. >> this is easy. what he ought to do is throw them under the bus like he did kanye west. he ought to call them a jack ass which is what they are. but is he not going to do that he doesn't have the leadership and courage to do that. brian: do you agree with that. >> i would think he would throw them under the bus would be my expectation. >> he should. >> this isn't defensible behavior. i don't think this is the kind of thing that falls in like the gray area. >> it's a curious pattern. brian: i agree, ken, not to cut you off but to have you expand
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on it we watched griff jenkins catch up with all of those seven senators. since they are bad employees we should destroy the whole organization? what about the people they help? >> it's really a culture of corruption that negatively impacts poor people. it's a disservice to lower income. brian: what do you mean by of that? >> if, in fact, you say because they serve poor people we are going to let this pandemic culture of corruption continue, then that's an assault on low income families all across this nation. you know, they were in line to receive $.4 billion of stimulus funds. you know, they were in line to deal with the census, which is an integral part of the nature of our country and our democracy. this must stop. brian: jeff, the good news is though they are going to have their own, conduct their own investigation to get to the bottom of this. i'm sure acorn will come up with great conclusions. >> did you see the movie aliens?
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these people, these seven are like the alien this is your senator, this is acorn. this is unbelievable that these people are in office today. one of the people we talked about at length that we are doing and i'm doing is blow out we have people that have been in congress since ike was president. we have people that have been in congress more than -- almost half of them have been there since the clinton years. >> i want both sides gone. i want everybody out of there. start over. brian: i want you to stay right here if that's ok. straight ahead, we will expand the conversation of the is former president jimmy carter hurting the health care debate with comments like this? >> i think an overwhelming portion of intensely demonstrated animosity toward president barack obama is basissed on the fact that he is a black man. brian: our political panel will take that on and more. it's an amazing rescue caught on tape. why this horse needed an extra special lift. you don't have to comment on this. we are all for this. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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>> people are guilty of that kind of personal attack against obama have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be african-american. brian: that was some controversial comments from a former president jimmy carter. will those statements cause a backlash towards president barack obama's government run health care or -- kirsten, start with you. do you believe that race is playing a role in the tough time that barack obama, the president of the united states, is having with this health care debate? >> you know, maybe. it's hard to say for sure. what i will say is that i think when we talk specifically and what carter really talked specifically about is the
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outburst during the speech. brian: joe wilson. >> yes. i do think that was racially motivated. this is a person who has a history of saying things racist. joe clyburn has talked about this is a person he has had a concern about. i think it so crosses the line of -- so disrespectful. i just think that it's not -- i think there was a racial element to that. i don't agree with the stuff -- the idea that oh, everybody thinks he is illegitimate because is he black. conservatives thought that bill clinton was illegitimate. brian: this is part of what kirsten is leading to. he wasn't born here secret muslim. that is a way to say he shouldn't be president. >> president carter's comment really puts a chilling effect on public discourse and legitimate criticism of the president's lunge towards big government. it's clear that we're on a path of european-style socialism with government being involved in every aspect of our life. brian: we just heard american
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commentator say socialism is code. >> gone through the institution of slavery to where we have an african-american president. just do the math. there is not enough black people in this country to elect barack obama. brian: only 16% of the population. >> people attacking him did not vote for barack obama. that doesn't really add up. when you say those people voted for barack obama and proves they are not racist. the people attacking him didn't vote for him. brian: we are not sure. >> for the most part did not people are criticizing his plan for health care takeover. energy takeover. takeover of public education system. you know what? what they are saying is that we're not racist. we are just critical of this lunge towards european style socialism. brian: even the president said in the last seven months some people have sticker shock was one of his quotes from 60 minutes because of the change he is putting forward. >> i'm a talk show host so i
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will say what nobody else says here. the world supply billie beer is not exhausted. president carter needs to go back down to the basement where they keep the crazy uncle in the south and pour out the billie beer. brian: bill cosby saying something similar. >> start with president carter. 29 years after his presidency he is trying to hang on to relevance in the world. he has no right to judge the world with those kind of words. what's worse, go back to congress, this president can't get anything done without a congress that's functional. we have a dysfunctional, corrupt congress that at worst is dysfunction, participants in mall feigns. does things american people no longer want. that's the bigger problem than barack obama's race issue. brian: is he going to be asked over afternoon over again. last question, should race play a role, is it playing a role in the tough time you're having and what should his answer be.
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>> he is going to say no. he is not going to get in the about middle of that debate. it's for other people to say. is he not going to say it i honestly don't know what he thinks. i will say, however, i don't think jimmy carter is crazy and should be in the basement. he is a great humanitarian and former president. he has every right to speak out. >> not only is the president of the united states but the leader of the democratic party. he should tell all of them, carter and pelosi, stop it. brian: ken blackwell, kirsten powers, great job. what have you been planning? peter: hundreds of students show up to support two florida school officials who face jail time for praying at a school function. how did this case end up we will talk to the athletic directors accused. gretchen: scandalous videos made public. how is acorn itself handling the exposed corruption? peter: a horse finds itself getting a lift after getting
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stuck in a river. just who came to the horse's rescue? it is really pretty impressive and you will find out soon. gretchen: we will show it to you. achoo! (announcer) what are you going to miss when you have an allergy attack? achoo! (announcer) benadryl is more effective than claritin at relieving your worst symptoms. and works when you need it most. benadryl. you can't pause life.
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come on. good girl.] mollie's never looked better. i really was amazed to see the change in her coat. people stop us when we're walking, and they'll say, "did you shine up her spots?" [ woman announcing ] just another way purina one... unlocks the brilliance of nature... to transform the life of your dog. for us to see the difference in mollie-- we were really excited about it. it just makes you feel wonderful. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do. gretchen: you know that little show "saturday night live." sometimes they make fun of people. specifically politicians. apparently they decided to take
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on congressman joe wilson. remember, he is the one who called out "you lie" during the president's speech on health care last week. "saturday night live" somehow figured out what happened before all of that. watch. >> he is going to say this: the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. ok? now, when he says that, all of us, all at once, together, are going to yell "you lie." >> excuse me. >> yeah, congressman joe wilson. >> if there is nothing else, i'm just going to duck into the bathroom in a moment. >> ok, we will see you on the floor. >> see you on the floor. >> i'm starting to have second thoughts about this. >> you know what? you may be right. let's not do it. now all of a sudden i'm realizing we could come off very badly. ok? so we are all in agreement? we're not doing it nobody is doing it everybody hear that?
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nobody. good, going to be quiet? good little listeners? >> yeah. >> come on, let's get out there. ♪ >> you lie. [booing] brian: very nice. gretchen: i don't think that's exactly what happened but it is comical. brian: special "saturday night live" on thursday night snl is back. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. gretchen be, tell us what's happening. gretchen: kentucky high school football coach accused of being responsible for the death of one of his players found not guilty now after being charged in that death. the parents of that fallen player now stunned. fox's corinna sun live with n. louisville kentucky with the details on that story. wasn't it from the mom of the deceased son who said he t. could have been something else, he was sick the day before. >> that's right.
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that was mat gilpin's exstepmother. hearing reports that the former football coach here is going to meet with the superintendent to talk about his future, possibly getting his old teaching job back. we're not sure about the coaching at this point. now, as far as yesterday, it only took the jury about an hour and a half to reach a decision to acquit the former football coach jason stinson. it was the first coach like this nationwide where a coach was accused of the heat related death of one of his players. he did collapse at football practice and died three days later of heat stroke. he had a body temperature of 107 degrees. prosecutors say that the coach made players run extra wind sprints, denied them water. even after some of them started crying. and vomiting. the heat that day, the temperature that day felt like 94 degrees. the defense says that stinson was acting within state rules, within school rules and that in fact, this was just a tragic
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accident. stinson's lawyers successfully influenced a jury it was other factors including his use of prescription aderol for his adhd. max's mother says that even though she does not agree with what the jury decided, she says that her son did not die in vain. take a listen. >> mothers have gone up to coaches since this has happened and said or people are standing up to those football coaches now and people are reaching out. and regardless of this outcome, i said it from the beginning, we knew it was an uphill battle. >> and the family has filed a wrongful death suit against jason stinson. that suit expected to play out in civil court over the next couple of months. gretchen? gretchen: corinnason live for us. thank you very much. investigators digging up the backyard of philip and nancy garrido today after dogs picked up the possible subsequent of human remains. they already arrested for the
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kidnapping of jaycee dee dugard. also suspected now in two missing girl cases in the san francisco area. meantime, we're getting pictures of what it looked like inside the garrido home. can you see piles of trash and food everywhere. the newly released photos were taken by the building inspector after the home was condemned several weeks ago. and we're learning that the colorado man questioned for al qaeda links may have had bomb-making diagrams on his computer. the diagrams were found on his computer after police stopped him on the george washington bridge heading into new york city. meantime, four ex-con convicts accused of plotting to bomb two synagogues at a national guard base. handing over evidence saying clients were lured into a conspiracy. the defense says the two men were promised cash and the charge account and get, this a friday chicken restaurant. prosecutors say they had already turned over all recorded evidence of inducements.
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a bottle of soda could soon cost you a little bit more. several of the health leading health experts calling for attacks on. not diet varieties in order to curb obesity problem. they say a price increase would reduce consumption and lower health care costs. check out this amazing rescue in california. a horse air lifted by helicopter out of the river canyon. the horse and owner went for a dip in the river but quickly got stuck near some rocks. rescue workers say that the air lift was the only way out. the horse and owner not injured. gretchen: that's amazing video. peter: remarkable. brian: let's talk about acorn, shall we? many republicans have finally -- in the house, you know, 83-7 they voted. let's strip the funding from acorn because of the corruption that's clearly happening on all levels of that organization. now, of the house had the same issue, the republicans brought it up. and, guess what, it passed,
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75 -- democrats voted to continue funding but more importantly, 345 house members didn't. therefore, it's pretty much going to go into conference and then on to the president's desk. gretchen: you know, you have got to question why 75 would continue to vote to continue to fund this organization when there have been so many examples, not just the recent ones of the undercover video but during the election campaign, fraudulent behavior of acorn employees standing up on national podiums and saying who they were supporting for president. they were not supposed to do that with your taxpayer dollars. i wha said it's about time. peter: obviously this is a test of the president's mettle with regard to objecting a former legal client. president obama as an attorney in chicago represented acorn with regard to the motor voter rights act. and had a close relationship with acorn as a community
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organizer. there are also other allegations made by the mccain campaign during last year's election of sections between the democratic party and acorn and fundraising. brian: now in san diego the tape came out. and this woman claims, when these -- when these two filmmakers showed up there as a pimp and a prostitute and you will see them in other cities. when they showed up in san diego. this woman, and i don't believe this is the one. but this woman showed up and said i knew -- i asked him a couple of times. gretchen: in san bernardino. brian: ok. in san bernardino. i thought they were putting me on. she said i played along. i didn't think they were serious. but she got fired anyway. peter: this is the acorn employee. gretchen: she was suspended, i believe. the one that was fired was the san diego gentleman the gentleman encouraging trade through tijuana of prostitutes and stuff. i believe he was the one in fact fired. the woman who said she was on to them and she was the one who alleged she had killed a husband.
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and also alleged that she had also been a prostitute in the past, i believe she has been suspended while they continue to investigate. peter: the colloquy here gives rise to the fact that you need a score card to keep track of which crimes are being allegedly committed in which city when and whether people are suspended or fired or whether acorn is saying no, this was a stunt. we were playing along. we didn't know. we were confused. i didn't want these people in my office. and meanwhile there are conversations that go on and on about prostitution, illegal immigration, underage -- and children involved with prostitution. brian: right. this was really going to hurt bertha lewis's case who is the ceo of -- who is president of acorn when she said that these filmmakers manipulated and overdubbed these tapes they did to make them look bad. she is now prompting her own investigation into her own nonprofit corporation. meanwhile she will be forced to defend the action of her employees and her oversight when
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she is exclusively on with chris wallace on "fox news sunday." so, acorn ceo bertha lewis to be on sunday with chris wallace who just happens to be our guest in about an hour. gretchen: i'm going to be making sure that i'm tubeside for sunday morning to see. this because i believe her actions to be disingenuous. when these videos came out she put the blame game right back on filmmakers and fox quite frankly for airing those videos. look where we have come in a week. most of congress calling for de-funding this organization. now she surprisingly is saying that she also believes she will de-fund her own organization until she can win the public trust back. that will be a very interesting interview with chris wallace. i will look forward to that meantime, let's talk about a case that's going on in florida with these two school officials who said prayer. they were accused of saying it in the presence of students. that remains debateable. it was at a school function. they were criminally charged. brian: on the phone right now joining us to talk about this is robert freidman.
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he is the pace high school athletic director and one of those accused. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. thank you. brian: first off with this whole controversy, how have you held up through this entire process? we saw the people out in support. >> well, the support has been tremendous. we were taken aback by the number there. the past few months they have been extremely stressful. the possible loss of 39-year retirement benefits and possible jail time and a fine was overwhelming for someone like me who is not a criminal. peter: if there freeman, would do you what you were accused of doing and acquitted of doing, would you do it again? >> well, the basic reason we got off and thank goodness for a jawcial system that you can address issues like this, but we do not knowingly violate the injunction. my principal is a tremendous leader and a great friend asked
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me to bless the food. but it was against the injunction. our -- there was no intent. we did not realize, we thought that the injunction pertained to student affairs and what you could do around students. so, no, knowing now, i would not. but, then there was no intent. then i was acting out of ignorance, i guess. gretchen: amazing to many that you could be criminally charged for saying grace. you were found not guilty yesterday. we have seen video of all these kids coming tout to support you. that must have felt good. >> such an outpouring around the nation but at our school, pace high school is a great school. tremendous kids and great community support. and they rallied like true patriots. gretchen: found not guilty yesterday. peter: god bless and good luck. >> thank you, god bless you. brian: 43 minutes after the hour. controversial move by the obama administration to cancel plans for missile defense system in europe. will the new strategy keep us
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brian: the obama administration scrapping parts of a plan for a missile defense system in europe. the czech republic and in poll land. peter: the original system was proposed by the bush administration. it included fixed sites in poland and the czech republic you see there and was set up to defend against an attack from iran. president obama insists this new strategy is better for america. >> new missile defense architecture in europe will provide stronger, smarter and swifter defenses of american forces and america's allies.
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it is more comprehensive than the previous program. brian: is that so? is it better or does it ultimately weaken our defenses and send the wrong message to our enemies and allies. elliott, do you believe this makes us stronger and makes the missile shield more effective now that it's going to be in the ocean on an aircraft carrier? >> no. what it is doing is ignoring the fact that iran is moving toward long range missiles that can ultimately reach the united states. in february, they launched a satellite into orbit and the defense department said in february this is a real concern, a source of growing concern to the united states. no magic happened between february and now. the president just changed his mind. and decided, frankly, to cow tail to russia so he would have a better meeting with medvedev in a couple of weeks. peter: when you are talking about long-range missiles you are talking about long-range missiles armed with nuclear
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warheads, correct? >> that is correct. we know iran is trying to develop missiles and war heads. it's becoming increasingly dangerous. and, you know, all you need to do is to see the reaction today. iran and russia are pleased with the president's decision. they're happy. our allies the czechs and the pols feel we pulled the rug out from under them. brian: it was secretary gates that came up with the idea and told president bush you have got to get a radar system in czech republic and get some 10 interceptor missiles into poland. and now he all of a sudden changed his mind? it doesn't make sense. >> it doesn't make sense. i thought it was a sad picture yesterday. gates in general, cart right, really being loyal soldiers going out there and defending the white house. i can't believe that they really think this is a good idea. and, again, when you see the reaction in eastern europe. we have just abandoned two allies. and what was the day? september 17th, the 70th anniversary of the day the red army invaded poland and started
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to carve it up. that's the day the president chose to make this announcement. >> unbelievable. >> this is real malpractice. the message is we're willing to abandon allies. brian: elliott abrams. thanks for incite. we you have again as this develops. >> thank you. brian: lawmakers waste no time for admonishing joe wilson for interrupting the president's health care speech. charlie rangel has been under investigation for 10 months. is there a double standard? peter: first on this date in history september 18 in 1987 michael jackson had the number one hit i just can't stop loving you. ♪ brian: michael jackson. ♪ i just can't stop loving you tools are uncomplicated? nothing complicated about a pair of 10 inch hose clamp pliers. you know what's complicated?
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gretchen: welcome back, everyone. representative joe wilson admonished by congress for outburst during president barack obama's health care speech. that took just six days for the house to approve. brian: why are lawmakers moving so slowly when it comes to charlie rangel who is under investigation for 10 months. d.c. bureau chief for the "new york post." he has been covering the story. charles, does it surprise you the double standard when you look at the range of problems that the house ways and means chairman has had when it came to filing his taxes? >>sit's just absolutely mind blowing. it's important to remember that charlie rangel is the top tax writener congress. he is the guy who is in charge of writing all of the legislation that determines how much money we all pay in taxes. this is a guy who has failed to pay his taxes. he is under reported by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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his assets. his income. and his business dealings over the years. and he now -- you know, the underreporting is in financial disclosure documents to the house of representatives. and now he refuses to release his tax returns to show that he did pay taxes to the irs on all of the assets and income that he has failed to report. up to now. it is mind blowing. i find when i write stories about this. i have to sit down and make sure i haven't misremembered something and i'm not pulling something out of some fiction somewhere. it's just astonishing. gretchen: it is astonishing, but but, charles, no wonder he doesn't release those records, nobody is making him do it. >> that's exactly right. actually the joe wilson thing is really interesting turning point because, of course, you know, i don't want to be in a position of defending joe wilson's boorish behavior. but the hit on him is that he brought disrepute to the house of representatives. well, you know, charlie rangel
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in these financial disclosure forms that he files with the house clerk, why is it not bringing disrepute on the house when you underreport by hundreds of thousands of dollars over millimeter, many, many, many years your income? it seems to me that is a far greater discredit. gretchen: and have the audacity to write new laws and bills about putting more penalties on people who don't pay their taxes. >> absolutely. it's just -- it's astonishing and, know, nancy pelosi, as you remember, promised the most think congress in history. she promised to drain the swamp when democrats took the congress over from republicans. i don't see the swamp being drained here. and if this is the most think congress, her things are very confusing to me. i don't get that. brian: last point everything goes full circle like a seinfeld
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episode. charles rangel is one of the 7 a house members who voted to keep the funding in acorn. and let them continue. >> absolutely. brian: we will continue to read your stuff. go ahead. >> i just figured since he knows where this tax money goes, that's probably why he has failed to pay his taxes. >> good point. charles hurt, always good to speak with you. have a good weekend. >> thank you. brian: coming up straight ahead, showed you tape of acorn breaking the law so they can get more of your taxpayer money. why do some senators still support it? griff jenkins in the halls of congress track down the seven senators. gretchen: it was his dream to catch a foul ball so when steve finally caught one, he gave it to his little girl. ok. she is only 3. her general reaction was to throw it back. but, they are going to be right here on our couch live coming up.
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gretchen: very good friday morning to you. already september 18, 2009. thanks for sharing your time with us today. the obama administration is abandoning the missile defense system. with iran refusing to back down on its represents program, are we now in danger or are european allies in danger? peter: there are now five videos exposing acorn's outrageous corruption. acorn caught up with lawmakers who still think they should get your federal money. the lawmakers in their own incredible words coming up. brian: a father's dream comes true. he catches a foul ball at a philly's game. clearly a philly's fan. when he gives the ball to his little girl, she dlos it back. should children be allowed to go to games? [ laughter ] gretchen: come on. brian: the father and daughter are here live and will test their throwing skills. our slogan this hour comes from john in indianapolis. he says when it comes to making
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breakfast, i'm no slouch and i enjoy it most while watching "fox & friends" on the couch. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute >> eick michael strahan, and you are watching "fox & friends," by far, the best show on tv. brian: by the way michael strahan the sitcom star to be on fox debuts next week will be on our show next week. gretchen: we will look forward to that peter johnson sr. sitting in for steve doocy. big headlines before geraldo joins the couch. new information about the colorado man accused of having links to al qaeda and plotting to detonate bombs. report out this morning says police found bomb making diagrams on his laptop when he was stopped trying to cross george washington's bridge. this is the suspect. zazi. the afghan national is also accused of being a deadbeat. he filed for bankruptcy in march claiming to be more than $51,000 in debt.
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remember this story down in florida? she fled the home of her muslim parents fearing she could be killed for converting to christianity. video where she speaks passionately about finding god and the consequences of that new faith. earlier on information, blake, the pastor of global revolution church who took rifqa in after she ran away from home answered critics who say his religion is a consult. >> first of all, we are not a consult. we are a mean line belief with the bible and jesus christ. she doesn't go to our church. she is in a foster care where she is safe and with a wonderful family. so she is not in danger at all. gretchen: there will be a hearing next week when a judge could decide to send rifqa back to her family in ohio. expect to hear a lot from first lady michelle obama on health care reform this fall. the white house says she will be putting a friendly face on the wish a noncontroversial spin. staff says she won't get into the weeds on it but she did get into the garden. she bought some kale at the
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farmer's market that opened yesterday near the white house. president obama gives jennifer lopez some stage advice regarding her husband marc anthony. the singing super couple was with the president at the institute black tie gayla where he was receiving a lifetime achievement award. it was then when mr. obama let everyone know how pap larr husband is with latina congressman members and the media. >> i'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that lydia has a crush on you. that you were provided this award. [ laughter ] she is not alone. i'm telling you jlo, watch out. gretchen: jlo and anthony have been married for four years now and parents to twins. brian: good friend with geraldo rivera. am i name dropping? >> no. no i start my book with them. absolutely. brian: please welcome geraldo
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rivera. >> friend of jlo. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. nice of you to stand but you shouldn't. gretchen: last night i was on "the o'reilly factor" with you and you were talking about this yale murder investigation. you have a different spin on this. the police are saying this was work place violence. >> right. >> but you think there may have been a love situation here. >> well, i think that only circumstantially, gretchen. but i do definitely think it first of all, the authorities would have us believe that raymond clark iii basically went postal. that was the expression postal workers frustration out of their job would release savage violence against their workers. is he an alleged control freak. since high school he has been at yale animal resource center. and they said that he considered the mice and the other lab animals to be his jurisdiction and they had the snobby little graduate i mean in the words of
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these theory tuitions who you are not but a lab technician how dare you tell me how to treat the mice. i don't buy it because it would be the first time you ever had that kind of violence expressed over a lab rat. what i suggest is you examine this guy's background. raymond clark iii. first, asian awareness club in high school. second, as an 1-year-old senior accused of raping his 16-year-old girlfriend to the extent that the 16-year-old girlfriend and the mother go to the cops and report him but say they don't want to press charges. third, you have the girlfriend, his fiance, clark's fiance saying on her facebook page that she is trying to quash the rumors that he is having -- that he is straying at the work place. so -- when you bundle all of that and when you see this guy with the tattoos on the forearm, big jockey guy, what i theory rise is that as has happened countless times before what you had here was some unrequited relationship. this nut case.
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gretchen: this is halloween costume. >> this is clark in a halloween costume. maybe you tell a lot from that he had affection from her. he tried to show his jurisdiction over her. he is a great big guy compared to tiny -- she has -- he has got a foot and a half over her. 100 pounds over her. he snapped because of the impending wedding. brian: how someone could kill another person that's never done anything like that before. >> believe me, when you consider the fact that they had this suspect before they had the victim, the lab cards indicate clearly he was the last person to see her alive, he had to know with any kind of forethought that his every move would be tracked electronically, he had zero chance of getting away with this crime. i believe it was a crime of passion that came up like that. how dare you, i'm going to -- what am i going to do now, i have got to stuff this body some place and get rid of these clothes. peter: unrequited meaning
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unreturned love? >> i don't know about that part. peter: he wanted to be in love with her. >> you don't have to have the romantic relationship. you only need to have the obsession to have this kind of passionate crime committed. brian: something else has happened. you know the president of the united states is going to be doing about eight interviews including a whole hour with david letterman. is he going to be spending portion of interviewing defending this action deciding to pull out any type of missile shield from eastern europe. no sophisticated radar system in the czech republic, no interceptors in poland. >> i know this will be unpopular with our viewers. if you look at a map of the wrld. there was no way on earth that american missiles in poland and the radar site in check la so he vac i can't were designed to protect nato against iran. borders ukraine and soviet union. this was a direct challenge by the american administration of
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putin's initial government. that's why we moved the missiles to poland. it was a statement that we are extending the nuclear umbrella for nato. we are extending nato eastward. russia do not look west we are. if you are going to defend against iran, put the damn missiles in saudi arabia. put the missiles some place where interception of iranian strike would be much more practical. gretchen: that's not going to happen. peter: saudi arabia is not going to accept our missiles. >> why poland. gretchen: because poland is an enemy of iran. that's why. >> i think that, gretchen, although you are technically correct, would iran use one or two? it's only -- you know, say they get a missile, they going to strike poland with this missile? gretchen: why not? >> they are going to strike israel. they're not going to strike poland. they are going to strike the sue he see canal. they are going to strike the gulf emirates. not poland.
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brian: how could 10 inpercent tores effectively do anything to knock down a bunch of missiles? >> why put them there? i want everyone to be an armchair military expert right now. look at a world map. why do you put those missiles in poland other than to aggravate the russians. it has nothing to do with iran. >> some people would say we need to aggravate the russians. because putin from john mccain's eyes saw three letters kgb. >> ronald reagan the argument could be with star wars he bankrupted the soviet union and vis-a-vis the soviet union foreign policy what is did it. peter: do you think the president did the right thing. >> i think he did absolutely the right thing. it was a needless aggravation. peter: making iran happy and making the czech and poland unhappy. >> i haven't heard they are unhappy. peter: we heard from mr. abe -- abrams council of foreign relations. iran will be able to send
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missiles. >> put yourself in the enemy's position. peter: that will be hard. >> difficult afternoon somewhat repullive. if you ask me about his hospitality here i will respond to that as well. if you are ahmadinejad and have you got three missiles, who are you going to shoot? where does poland come on that list? gretchen: i don't think can you trust him. i assure he would no more attack -- if he was going to do anything, it would be israel. let's face it, that the threat to world peace. peter: does this plan help israel? >> i think this plan is israel neutral. if it results in russia putting pressure on iran, embargo it's a big if. peter: it shouldn't be israel neutral it should be israel positive. >> it is not israel negative. this is removing a needless irritant. let me say something else, not that you asked.
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gretchen: 10 seconds. >> the united nations is in new york city for a reason. because there should be a kind of political-free zone around that body. international leaders come from some reprehensible, from zam -- zam -- -- the reason they come this is where the international body headquartered what are we a bunch of rubies that a guy can't have a party at a hotel? he can't go to their mansion in new jersey. peter: you have a lovely home, would you invite him to your house? >> peter, does new york want be the host of the international community however despicable some of the members or do we want to be another town that has nothing to do with the international world? brian: you have referred to the helmsley hotel will found out
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ahmadinejad will be speaking there to a student group and they found out from the "new york post" that ahmadinejad is going to be speaking there and they canceled it and said take your contract back. peter: would you allow hitler to go to the ballroom. >> i don't remember that. eve of war. come on, peter, you are making these hysterical comparisons. >> hitler in 1939 and ahmadinejad. peter: ahmadinejad is a horrible anti-semite. he is a terrible guy, geraldo. terrible guy. >> verge of launching a. >> a terrible guy. >> killed more than 50 million people for you to use the hitler comparison is another example. i will you have at my house. gretchen: griff jenkins catches up with the lawmakers who think acorn still deserves your money despite five -- i'm scared to ask your thoughts on that, geraldo.
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peter: we're back, seven democratic senators voted to continue federal funding to acorn incredibly. brian: griff jenkins caught up with six of them to find out why why. >> senator i wanted to ask you why you cut off -- >> i voted for acorn. >> if you open the can of worms and you start arguing about which particular organizations are going to get federal funding, you know what? that's all we are going to be doing. >> i worry about congress deciding who should or should not be funded on competitive
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grants. >> i think if we cut off funding to every single organization that had junior members that embarrassed the organization, we would use a lot of great organizations. >> apart from this inciewivel and indefensible conduct which should be prosecuted and investigated, as a group, they have done some good work over the years. >> all right. so griff doing some good work by far the swift senator burris that's just my opinion. what have you done to track down the six of seven senators? >> brian the sixth is senator kirsten gillibrand from new york appointed to that seat after secretary clinton became secretary of state. now, it's fascinating to me because her colleague in the senate from new york senator schumer, the senior senator was honored by acorn in june. 39th annual gala awards and he voted to cut off funding but senator gillibrand supported acorn and she was gracious enough to speak with me yesterday. take a look. >> what was the justification for your vote? >> well, we all saw those videos
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and it was clear that those employees really committed some represent prehence cybil acts that were clearly illegal. >> i didn't think it was right to punish those families who were most in need at a time just because of the actions of a few. >> if i could follow up senator schumer, your senior senator in new york was honored by acorn but he voted to cut off funding. you guys are on different pages. >> i guess so. i would speak to senator schumer though. >> brian, maybe i should talk to senator schumer. the point here is, we have seen it all week. there is overwhelming support from democrats in both the senate and the house to cut off funding for acorn. there have been two amendments now in the senate. and i hear that senator mike johan who brought those two may bring a third in the near future. a broader sort of piece of legislation called the protect the taxpayers from acorn act. brian: of course, griff, as you know, that's not just about these surveillance camera
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videos. it's about a whole litany of problems that organization has had from election fraud on down. griff jenkins, go out and get number 7. good job. >> thanks, brian. brian: house has fired back over controversial czars but senator lamar alexander says the administration is missing the point. he will explain next. peter: a father catches a foul ball and gives it to his little girl as a gift. what does she do? she throws it back. they are both here live. we will get to see the tyke's killer throw. what a cutie. when this shoe store added aflac to its employee benefits package no direct cost the company...
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campaign. governor pawlenty of using scare tactics and lies to block health care reform. joining me now is a republican familiar with these attacks senator lamar alexander. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning. >> i found this fascinating. the news this morning is that the dnc is taking a page from the president's book and calling out republicans when they believe they see lies with regard to health care reform. but you were called out in a white house blog the other day when it was written that the president promised he was going to call people out and here we go. lamar alexander actually called for manufacturing czar. how did you feel when you were called out in a white house blog? >> well, it's a little bit of an honor, gretchen, and you know, i worked in the white house a long time ago. and what i was told was our job was to push out of the white house all the merely important issues and reserve just a few presidential ones for the president to work on. this white house seems to want to bring the entire government into the white house.
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>> gretchen: well, you actually also said to them that they should read your full statements before they call you out. let's take a listen to the spokesperson for the president robert gibbs. he called you out as well. >> i think these are positions that date back at least to many, many, administrations. you read senator bennett was pushing for a y 2 k czar that he didn't think was powerful enough. have you seen lamar alexander call for a manufacturing czar. gretchen: how do you respond to robert gibbs? >> well, he is right about that but he is missing the point the manufacturing czar in the bush administration was an assistant secretary in the department of commerce who was confirmed by the senate. that means we could ask questions about him. we could vet that person. we could have him up to testify. we could withhold his appropriations if we didn't like what was going. what the obama administration has done is createed 18 new czars who aren't confirmed by the senate and it's not clear
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who is in charge of what. it also upsets the checks and balances between the congress and the president, which our framers of the constitution wisely created. gretchen: do you think it's the right thing for the president of the united states to say that he is going to call people out? is that the right rhetoric? and specifically for you personally when you feel you were called outer reasonnously? >> well, of course that doesn't bother me. it's an honor to be noticed by the president of the united states. i would think that you know the presidency is the unique institution in america. we ought to really reserve the most important issues to him. i think it's incumbent upon the white house staff and everybody else around there to push everything out of the white house and let the president focus all of his time on say health care, that's going to be his major issue. the problem with all of these czars he has he has an energy czar, a pay czar and a health czar. we are wondering why do we have a health secretary and energy secretary who is in charge. gretchen: maybe they don't like who disagrees with them
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including the dnc because this is their statement: they are not playing nicey nice, are they? >> they are not being nice and also not being complete because about as many democrats in the senate worried about the czars as the republicans. the first to raise the question was senator byrd the senior democrat in february. senator feingold and senator lieberman are going to hold hearings. better than calling names answer questions where do these people come from are they willing to testify? can we let the american people know what they are doing? gretchen: thank you about bringing that up point about senator byrd. very important one. have a fantastic weekend. >> thank you, gretchen. >> let's check out what bribe and peter are doing in the green room. you making hazel nut coffee? brian: is he doing it coming up in the final half hour of the show, congress votes to cut down the acorn money tree. up next chris wallace explains
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why the g.o.p. was shocked it actually happened. >> it's half decaf and half smoke can a chino. doctors finally figured out what the problem was. what does this plastic spoon have to do with his medical problem? brian: finish the coffee. ♪ (woman) dear cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust. i get congested. but now with zyrtec-d®, i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe freer, so i can love the air™. (announcer) zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed.
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brian: 29 minutes before the top of the hour. arguably the moment of "fox & friends" that the audience looks forward to most. gretchen: they definitely do on a friday at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. we are usually joined by that man right there. mr. chris wallace. you have a huge exclusive interview coming up this weekend on your show, chris. >> yes, we do. we are going to have bertha lewis, the head of acorn. the embattled acorn at this point. she is going to come in on and she is going to face one of her chief congressional critics darryl ice is a, congressman from california who has done a big report about various allegations against acorn. this should be an extraordinary interview and very interesting tv on sunday. gretchen: yeah, because she will have to explain a lot of things, chris. but really what she will have to explain first is why she decided to use the blame game when these videos started to surface and then changed her tuna couple of days later, right?
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>> yeah. that's right. because their first reaction was that the tapes were doctored. that they did not represent the facts. listen, i don't think there is any question why she is coming on and why she changed her argument and that's because of the fact that she is in terrible trouble, not just here in congress where, of course, acorn has been a target of conservatives for a long time but now democrats are pulling the plug on acorn overwhelming votes in the house and the senate. to de-fund acorn. but you are also seeing in this n. state capitals across the country. we are going to examine it in a fair and balanced way with ms. lewis and congressman ice is a what acorn does, the good, the bad and the ugly. peter: chris, could you explain to us if acorn is to truly be de-funded by the federal government it will take the signature of the president to do that, correct? >> well, i suppose that they couldn't -- they have the power of the purse string so if they decide not to -- you know, hadn't thought about it but if
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they decide not to pass a bill to fund it, i don't think he can keep it even if he doesn't sign that bill. if they don't pass funding for acorn, then they can't spend money on acorn. >> hey, chris. >> let me just make one point though, that is not like that's going to put acorn out of business. i had a talk with. >> that's a great point. >> she says that acorn only gets about $2 million a year from the federal government. their budget is 20 million. taxpayer dollars is what we are most concerned about. that doesn't mean acorn can't continue to do business. >> exactly. >> hey, do you think the president, chris, because have you got this tremendous sixth sense, maybe even eighths or 7/ 7/8ths sense, did you know the president was going to change dialogue on upcoming eight interviews and the con tenth by bringing up missile defense now, deciding to take the czech republic's radar system and receptors out of poland, that's become a major news story, do
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you think in some way this story got out ahead of him? >> well, yeah, i was going to say, i don't think he did that on purpose. i think they did it because you can't cook one cookie at a time when you are are the president and obviously he is at the u.n. general assembly. think actually hurts him because he wants to keep the focus on health care reform. you know, you just referred there in a glancing way to the fact that the president and the white house have gone out of their way. he will be doing five interviews on sunday with cbs, abc, nbc, cnn, and univision. they seem to have gone out of their way not to do fox and, look, we are going to have a "fox news sunday" exclusive. the only place you won't find barack obama on sunday. brian: is he even doing letterman and univision. chris, basically, i thought you guys got along fine when you talked to him. has there something happened? [ laughter ] >> look, we do what we do. we ask tough questions and we
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ask different questions than other news organizations ask. and when he is ready to take those questions, we'll be here ready to ask them. peter: chris, you have a great show and a great show every week and we're proud of your show. >> listen, we feel just fine with what we have got this week. i'm not sure that the world needs another interview of president obama about health care reform. brian: i'm proud of peter for saying he is proud of you. gretchen: i will be proud to be watching you. i think it's excellent counter programming. chris wallace, thanks so much. we have a great weekend and we'll be watching your show. >> let me say, brian, because of all of, this i have to insult you twice next week. brian: i just asked. i didn't even say. peter: oh my goodness. gretchen: he handed you the olive branch. he told you you had eighth senses. brian: i gave you eighth senses that's more than the wonders of the world. peter: they are just brothers. gretchen: getting no reaction. brian: he just saw the final
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score of the giant red skin game and he just realized the red kins lost. [sighs] peter: speechless. he won't be speechless sunday. thank you, chris. gretchen: good to see you, chris. brian: if he does the radio show he has to break the code of silence on, i hope because i have no idea if he is on the line. gretchen: max gilpin's mother speaking out after that kentucky high school football coach cleared in the death of her son. he died days after intense football practice. >> mothers have gone up to coaches since this has happened and said, you know, people are standing up to those football coaches now. and people are reaching out. and regardless of this outcome, i said it from the beginning, we knew it was an uphill battle. gretchen: the jury took an hour and a half to find coach jason stinson not guilty in the reckless homicide. he died of heat stroke three
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days after collapsing from heat stroke. death was most likely caused by adderall prescription and use of over-the-counter muscle building supplement. a massive manhattan hunt continues for criminally insane killer walked away from hospital staff while on a field trip to washington state. the killer who has escaped from the hospital once before is 47-year-old philip paul. paul has a violent criminal history. even strangled a 78-year-old woman to death. i don't know why these people get field trips. anyway, police believe he now may be heading to his parent's home in sunnyside washington. venezuela president hugo chavez threatening to close his country's last independent tv station it has many employees fearing for their lives. steve harrigan joins us now live from caracas. oh, but he joined us earlier. >> one television channel left in venezuela that criticizes the president. it's no easy place to work.
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a pro government gang attacked global vision, 24-hour news network. >> suddenly a lot of smoke came inside to the office: and we were suffocated. it was horrible. gretchen: chavez closed 34 stations last month alone. one is hanging on. if your bank account seems low, you are not alone. the new report says incomes of young people and middle age have had taken aen an eight year nose dive. people 54 or younger are losing financial ground at unprecedented rates as a result of the recession. men saw the greatest decline while older americans experienced the most gains primarily because seniors are now working longer. this is an amazing story. this gentleman felt sick for two years with coughing fits, fatigue, and pneumonia. now finally he knows why. doctors discovered this, what you see on your screen. the john manly had a one inch piece of a plastic utensil lodged in his lung.
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he managed to inhale the piece of plastic at a wendy's restaurant because he likes to take big gulps of his drinks. how does he know it happened at a wendy's restaurant? because, if you look closely the logo is still will he jingle bell on the side of the utensil. daytime tv will be noticeably dimmer today. guiding light airs popular episode. comes to an end after 72 years. say goodbye to the guiding light. gretchen: i never watched that one. i know there are are a lot of fans who will miss it. brian: i'm going to cry in the break. this weekend president obama hits the morning talk show circuit in a big way. he will not be on one network. give you a hint, you are on it. what's he afraid of? a memorable moment for father and daughter at a ballpark, peter? peter: but for all the wrong reasons. coming up, we will meet this father and daughter and see that tremendous throwing arm in
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action. beautiful girl. gretchen: let's check in with clayton and dave for what's coming up this weekend. hey, guys. clayton: beautiful daughter and philly's fan. dave: philly's fan. clayton: dave and alison sick as dogs. i'm not the -- i'm the only one not sick. spanking your kids, experts si says it does more scorch call damage than you ever thought before. >> if you are mandated to get health care under universal coverage, how much more money will this cost you based on age and income. we have an expert here to break it all down for you. >> also got an expert talking about no kids. >> none. clayton: book author says best thing can you do not have kids at all. i'm already kind of listening to her. dave: i'm going after her. clayton: we will debate in this weekend coming on at 7:00 a.m. on "fox & friends."
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without my makeup. now, it's no problem. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting night serum with high performance soy to even skin tone and active retinol to speed cell turn over. clinically shown to visibly fade brown spots in 14 nights. i even out my skin at night so it looks younger, flawless in the morning.
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brian: time for news by the numbers. first 1.4 million. that's how many people have used the home buyer tax credit so far. the program ends november 30th. next, $86,000 a month. that's how much catherine jackson gets from michael jackson's estate. she is the guardian of his three kids. and, $8.75 million plus that's the price of an unnamed buyer. well, that's what he agreed to pay for bernie madoff's long island beach house. i believe that's monday -- montauk. peter: you know, i have been covering the ins and outs of health care overhaul. we are about to add another week
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of health care madness and confusion. the president becomes the guest to sell a plan broadcast media sisters and crumbling eastern print would like to you believe that you are not well-educated enough to understand that you are too culturally racially incentive to want to understand and you are just confused about health care. you are north confused. you are concerned because when you do the math, it doesn't appear to add up. it appears that you are discussed at being played first and then attacked as mindless tools of right wing rabble rousers, the owe pony nents of health care publish a new and different set of numbers every day. trying to convince 270 or 280 million americans that they should blow up their health care in order to bring 30 or 47 million people to the health care table, depend on the latest spin. they tell you that failure to walk lock step with the president and the congress is a moral defect of which you should
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be ashamed. that we can insure 30 million new people but, of course, not illegal aliens and it won't cost you or the government a dime. and now the congressional budget office, after being taken to the wood shed by the president, earlier in the summer, when they uncovered hundreds of billions of dollars of real deficits in the house plan, tells us that the baucus health plan is going to earn you $49 billion. well, that's a lot of free lunch. is that believable? it's about as incredible as the federal government opening up new government cooperative and what may mean the end of private health insurance. as incredible as telling our oldest and sickest americans that we will cut health care by half a trillion dollars but in the process you will lead healthier longer lives. and sorry about all that death talk. telling you that those unnecessary tests and surgeries and stints and hips and knees may make you feel better but not live longer, that father
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government knows best. better than the doctor who has helped keep you alive for the past 10 years. you lived through world war ii and korea and vietnam, but step right up here and turn in your scooter at the capitol in the name of the collective. have you copd and diabetes and arthritis, but real americans don't need wheelchairs. as incredible as promising 30 million more americans coverage to be treated by 150,000 fewer doctors, by 20025. around the same time my wife and i will be eligible for medicare and if the plan goes through, 45% of our doctors say they will consider leaving the profession. as incredible as government mandates and fines for noncompliance and steep taxes, uneven middle class health insurance policies. as incredible as the staged public attacks on big pharmaceuticals and insurance agency while the white house privately agrees not to negotiate medicare drug prices
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and the senate figures out ways to decrease your rate of reimbursement to be paid by insurance companies. i say keep on doing the math. the next time someone tells you you are angry and confused, you tell them you have done the math. but it doesn't add up. i'm on twitter, peter johnson jr., let me know what you have think. we'll be right back. ok it was once a lifetime moment for the cher's daughter and father at this wonderful baseball game. she didn't quite see it the same way. we will be back with more of her impressive throwing skills next. first, let's check in with the great bill hemmer. bill: what a cute little girl she is. this murder at yale university gets more and more complex by the day. we will try to answer the how and the why with bob massi this morning. did the white house sell out to russia and missile defense or was the new technology pushed by the white house actually that much better? and a developing story now a
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