tv Americas News HQ FOX News September 20, 2009 12:42pm-2:00pm EDT
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>> shannon: venezuelan president hugo chavez is waging war on a sport he called bourjeois. we have more on why he's shutting down golf courses in his own country. >> some pay $50,000 to join venezuela's finest golf course. or $5 an hour to beat balls into a mountain until now. the man who won the right to run for president the rest of his life is now taking on golf. "golf is a boujois sport. they're so lazy they don't even walk." >> 30 golf courses in venezuela when hugo chavez came to power a decade ago now. there are seven fewer with three more scheduled to close. this at the same time socialist countries like cuba
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are building new courses. >> take this golf courses out. it's not logical. >> chavez is findsing golfers ses subservient than supreme court or parliament and plans to bulldoze one course that was blocked by workers. >> translator: there are 120 people that depend on the golf course that make a living, including me. >> another attempt was stymied by insiders. the mayor of caracas tried to shut down this course a few years ago to build low-income housing. several members of government own land around here so they were opposed to that. also opposed were key chavez supporter, several of them what happens secretly still enjoy a round of golf. >> they play quietly, but carry a big stick. >> the theory perhaps half serious says the more golf courses the country has, the
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be better its relations will with with the united states. if there is any truth to that at all there could be tough times ahead for u.s. and venezuela. >> nice swing. thank you for the report of venezuela. you're still allowed to get out there and do your thing. well, this week the nation's biggest community organizing group acorn caught in another hidden camera sting. the video outraged a lot of folks and the acorn leaders now threat on the sue fox initially for showing the video but now a different tone. talking to our own chris wallace.
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driver and his father and another man are under arrest for making false statement to federal agents in a terror investigation. legal documents contend that najibullah zazi admitted receiving training from al-qaeda in pakistan. all three of the men are scheduled to appear in federal court tomorrow. iran's top leader says the u.s. is wrong about his nation being a nuclear threat. ruhollah khomeini says the state run radio that iran's nuclear program is peaceful. some remarks were the first official reaction since obama scrapped a european missile defense plan last week. authority sais they stopped a wildfire burning in southern california, but not before the fire in riverside county destroyed 12 buildings and forced dozens of people to evacuate their home. defense of a lab technician charged with yale lab student may hinge on trying to convince jurors that the crime scene was contaminated. legal expert sais raymond clark iii lawyer's will challenge how the 300 pieces of evidence were gathered. the police reportedly did not
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immediately shut down the lab where annie le was found. and clark's lawyers claim details of the case were leaked. we all know how dangerous is it to use a cell phone while driving, talking and texting, but could just talking on the cell phone be harmful as well? new research shows a possible link between the cell phones and cancer. debra davis is a leading cancer researchers and joins us live with more. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> shannon: what does the study tell us and what does the information tell us? >> unfortunately we don't a lot of good information. here is what we do know. in countries where cell phones have been used longer and more heavily, finland and sweden and the scandinavian countries, they are finding after ten years of use there is double the risk of brain tumors. unfortunately, a few study dons in young people using phones in the 20s -- before their 20ser rather and they found four to five times more brain cancer by the time they reach 30s. >> shannon: in the u.s. we
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haven't done the same level of research. there is a push on capitol hill. senators are talk about funding research to learn more here. >> we haven't done research for two reasons. we have haven't been using phones heavily for ten years. we have something unprecedented. we have millions of young children using cell phones. standards were set for adults. >> shannon: is it how much you use the phone, is that an impact that you have to have it in your're all day long, every day? different if you wear ear piece versus the phone itself? >> we recommend an ear piece. this wired ear piece works well. don't keep your phone on, on your body all the time. especially for young men. evidence from several studies that it does reduce sperm count. >> shannon: you brought a model of the brain. what does it show us about the research? >> this is based on research developed by the cell phone industry. what it shows here on this side you see the amount of
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radiation that is estimated by the cell phone industry work to get in the brain of adult. here is the amount that gets in the brain of a child. there is some debate about the exact levels and models, it's very complicated. but the bottom line is children get at least twice as much expose sure as the adults do. the brains have more fluid and skulls are thinner. we know the brains of teenagers are difficult to manage. we can say we have unusual exposure conditions but we don't know what it will mean. that's why the national toxicology program is starting a study of radio frequentens signals and whether they increase risk of cancer in animals. it was first proposed at the turn of this century and it won't be complete until 2014. >> shannon: quite a timeline there. thank you for bringing this information and giving parents another argue not to give the children a cell phone. >> israel and finland say they shouldn't have it at all
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until they're much older. >> shannon: thank you. >> thank you. >> shannon: pressed by chris wallace, the head of acorn tells fox news she's outraged over the undercover tapes but what does the scandal mean for the future of acorn? we ask chris wallace coming up. can your body wash nourish this deeply? the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only new dove has nutriummoisture... which can nourish deep down. new dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. to improve joint comfort in as little as six days. six days, that's fast! (announcer) joint supplement pills are history, because elations powerful formula is more absorbable than pills,
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dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. president obama now says the community activist group acorn should be investigated. earlier today, i sat down with chris wallace, host of "fox news sunday" to get his take on the future of acorn. >> chris, you had a very interesting guest on this morning, the ceo of acorn. what was her response to all the videos that surfaced the last couple of weeks? >> it is interesting because her original response that was they were edited and it is a conspiracy by the right wing, that it is racist and political when the videos came out and got into the mainstream she had
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to fold on that so she said it is intee fencibl indefensible d those people and they are not accepting any new clients off the street like this young man and woman posing a barbecuing bash prostitute and they are going to do a training program. she knows they are in desperate trouble. it is one thing when republicans attack them but to have the majority of the democrats and house and senate vote to reject funding, it is a big deal for acorn. >> what was her reaction to the vote. >> i expected her to come on the show and have something new to announce, an olive branch to say we get it, we will clean up our act. we had her with a critic, the ranking republican on the house oversight committee who has in fact done a complete investigation and he said would you come to our committee, it has a majority of democrats,
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open your books. one of the questions is acorn is a jumble of things, an umbrella organization and a bunch of subsidiaries. the umbrella organization is taxable so it can engage in political activities. the subsidiaries are tax exempt so they can't. federal money coming in, state money, charitable money and there is this kind of nest, if you will -- mess, if you will, to find an elegant word. she was unwilling to give any indication that they are going to change their way of doing business. >> quite a tangled web and she took every opportunity to look at what their mission is and what they will continue doing. >> she is saying we have 400,000 families that we help, there are some things that they do that i -- they were praised for their work in hurricane
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katrina relief. they sought to raise the minimum wage. they do a variety of things. i think some is good, some is very questionable. but this tangled web as you put it, of political activity, very partisan political activity on the behalf of democrats and other aspects of it that are non-- that are nonpolitical and tax exempt that they are getting government money and charitable money, that is confusing and i think maybe intentionally so and i think they have to answer to that. >> the president is doing just about every sunday show but not the most important, "fox news sunday." your comments on that? >> look, you know, there was a statement when i covered the regan white house somebody said they don't tell us how to cover the news and we don't tell them how to stage it. they can decide where they want
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the president to appear or not appear. they think it plays to their advantage. we do what we do. i ask tough questions. i think on fox we ask different questions than the mainstream media. when the president is ready to talk to us and answer our questions we will be here. >> i look forward to it. thanks, chris. >> and you can cash chris' full interview with better that lewis right here on fox news after our show at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern. michaemajor developments ia possible terrorist attack planned on america. the chief suspect in an alleged plot to blow up unspecified targets in the u.s. arrested along with two others including his father. new details on the terror plot that stretched from colorado to new york and all the way to pack tan. >> i'm shannon bream live from the nation's capital.
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najibullahzazi and his father arrested. a third man has already been arrested. >> the third man is from new york. his name is achmed, a permanent resident here in the united states from afghanistan. allegedly he was a police informant who ten in turn decided to turn off the zazi family that they were under law enforcement surveillance and he is also charged with lying to federal agents. according to the affidavits, najibullah zazi admitted he received training in weapons and explosives at an al-qaeda training camp. agents found incriminating notes on zazi's laptop including notes that contained
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formulations and instructions regarding the manufacture and handling of explosives. chargers, detonators and components of a fusing system. what may have prompted agents to act, zazi recently sent a it text that read "wedding cake is ready." according to sources this is a message that an attack is ready to go. he was looking at reportedly targets in new york where half a million people travel through and work every day. one of the local news papers here attended the celebration in aurora, colorado, where zazi is from, celebrating the end of ramadan. a spokesperson says that he was surprised that these three men were only charged with lying to federal agents when you consider everything that we have heard and all that has surrounded them. shannon? >> shannon: possibly more to follow.
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thank you for staying on it for us. the u.s. military is reporting that a blackhawk helicopter crashed overnight at an american base in iraq. one service member was killed and 12 more wounded. the military says it went down about 50 miles north of baghdad. the cause of the crash is now under investigation. this week, president obama will host a meeting between mahmoud abbas and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. mike toe win joins us with what is -- mike tobin joins us with what is expected from the meeting. >> it is probably wise to lower expectations ahead of the talks you just mentioned between the israeli prime minister and the palestinian president and the u.s. president in new york. now, u.s. middle east envoy george mitchell just completed a round of diplomacy, hopping back and forth between
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jerusalem and a ramallah. while the u.s. and palestinians have been calling for a freeze in the construction settlements, israeli announced plans to complete a total of 3,000 new housing units for israeli settlers on land that palestinians claim they need for the state which would be the ultramall goal of the talks. the weakened palestinian president, mahmoud abbas with the dividing constituency and looking ever more discouraged on the other side. the meeting is billed as nothing more than a forum to get the ball rolling for future meetings. there is a risk to the whole thing, even going in with low expectations. mahmoud abbas is the only moderate option the world has for dealing with the palestinian people. if he goes into the meetings and comes out with something that is not concrete on the settlement, he comes out even more weak, even more discouraged. hamas, by contrast, comes out
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stronger without ever lifting a finger. shannon, back to you. >> shannon: mike, thank you. the pick of conservative republicans is former arkansas governor and republican presidential contender mike huckabee. he won the 2012 straw poll at the value voter summit in d.c. this weekend. they cast ballots for the person they would like to see at top of the gop ticket in 2012. huckabee finished in first place, 28% of the votes. the other top five contenders, former massachusetts governor mitt romney, tim pawlenty, sarah palin, and indiana congressman mike pence all got about 12%. president barack obama says he supports an investigation into acorn in light of the undercover videos that surfaced last week. hidden cameras allegedly caught people advising people on how to commit crimes and defraud the government.
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julie kirtz has the story. >> the acorn cea says she has completely overhauled all of the acorn finances and controls in the last year since she has been in charge. she called the video indefensible and says the conservative activists that shot the video did acorn a favor by uncovering improper behavior. the group has received more than $50 million in federal funding in recent years. the house committee on oversight and government reform issued an 88-page report which charges that acorn has committed investment fraud, deprived the public of its right to honest services and engaged in rack car racketeerig enterprise. she would not commit to testify before the committee. >> there are people every day that we are saving their homes and making sure that they have decent wages. >> could you answer the congressman? >> my job, my job is to serve
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our 500,000 members. >> could you answer the question directly? >> as you mentioned, shannon, the president was asked about the acorn controversy today and votes in the house and senate to cut off funding this past week in an interview with abc news. here he is. >> how about the funding for acorn? >> frankly, it is not really something i follow closely. i didn't even know that acorn was getting a whole lot of federal money. >> the vote in the house and senate to cut it off. >> what i know is thats what i saw on the video was certainly inappropriate. >> the president went on to say the activity on the hidden camera video certainly needs to be investigation. shannon? >> shannon: their jobs might be political advisors but the czars have obvious influence over shaping federal policy and congress has little or no oversight over most of their
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appointments. republican senator leading the anticzar movement. what are you doing it? >> lots of people have concerns about the czars including me. robert bird wrote to the president as early as february expressing strong concerns. russ fei ggold also has strong concern and that is that they are overstepping the constitution by having very powerful officials who have eceptionly power like cabinet secretaries but who don't have to be vetted or confirmed by the u.s. senate and who don't regularly come before congress for oversight. it is a significant constitutional argument and constitutional concern. what i'm doing about it is joining with many other folks, republicans and democrats to
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express that concern and putting forth a bill to change this, to say look, you can have these high advisors with significant authority but the constitution says they should be confirmed by the senate, they should go before congress on a regular basis. >> shannon: well, last wednesday night or excuse me, the wednesday before, the president in giving his speech about healthcare said he would be calling out people who are spreading this information or those who weren't being completely honest with the public and this week on the white house blog they called out people upset about the czars, publicly naming some of the colleagues in the senate. they said there is no position such as a czar and point out that previous republican presidents had people that would equate to this position. how do you respond to that position? >> there have been powerful white house advisors but this administration brought it to a
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whole new level with dozens and dozens of czars. the climate change czar, powerful on a par or even higher than the cabinet appointed officials like the administrator of epa but it is not a position created by congress. she doesn't go before the senate for confirmation and doesn't regularly go before congress for oversight. this is a classic case which is why i'm focusing on this one case this week and i will have an amendment that says no federal funds can be used by this office to institute policy which is really the job of epa and other official agencies of the government with appointees who come before the senate for confirmation. >> shannon: let's talk about another issue that you have been concerned about long before t captured headlines in the past couple of weeks. acorn. you have been concerned about the group for a long time. tell us about the past efforts
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you had to cut off their funding at some point and why you think it is finally coming together that you have colleagues on both sides of the aisle willing to do that and voting to support that. >> i brought two amendments to defund acorn and this was several months ago. they were defeated on party line votes. now, because of that dramatic video democrats can't help but admit that there are fundamental problems there so we are winning those votes now. i want to underscore, acorn is not defunded yet. we had two positive senate votes but they are not defunded yet and we need to push those provisions all through the congress including the house. >> shannon: and with activity on both sides of the aisle, if it does coalesce, if something gets to the president's desk what position do you think he will be in give than there are
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connections to acorn in the past. would you expect him to sign something that would actually defund this group? >> we'll see. shannon, i thought the clip you played right before our interview was very interesting because he obviously shied away from even talking about the defunding issue. he didn't want to come close to that. he certainly didn't say it was appropriate to defund acorn and that causes a serious ongoing concern on my part because of all of his political ties to acorn. and that is the fundamental issue. really, there are two. number one, criminal activity and acorn has been indicted and convicted in some cases of criminal activity. not just what you saw in the tapes recently but even more seriously perhaps election fraud going back to last fall and before. and number two, fundamentally being a political organization of the left funded with taxpayer dollars which is completely inappropriate.
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>> shannon: are there other groups where there is similar activity and federal dollars involved? >> there are similar groups. sort of a network associated with acorn. some directly and some indirectly. here in louisiana, for instance, this was another group that focused on voter registration and committed widespread voter registration fraud. it wasn't acorn but it was very similar. i do think this is a broader issue. quite frankly, what is going on is that democrats, the left in congress is just rewarding their political allies who work for them in elections with hard earned taxpayer dollars and that is flat out wrong. >> shannon: we'll stay tuned to see how that plays out and if it does get to the president's desk. thank you for your time, sir. >> thank you, shannon.
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>> shannon: police expanded their search for phillip paul who disappeared thursday during an outing with fellow mental patients classified at criminally insane at a county fair. the workers insisted that it raised alarms that patients like him should not be taken on these kinds of social outings. police in new york arrested a man they suspect of killing a 44-year-old woman at new york city's essex house hotel. the luxury hotel located next to central park is new york city was bought by the ruler of dubai in 2005 for a staggering $440 million. lawmakers are still trying to hash out healthcare reform but what are the odds anything actually gets to the white house to the presidents if desk? we will talk with one lawmaker who is at center of the top negotiations, up next. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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authorities have emphasized they are not aware of the timing or planned location for any specific attacks. the three men, all from afghanistan are charged with lying to federal investigators and will appear in court tomorrow. iran's supreme leader says u.s. officials are wrong about his country's nuclear program and the threat iran's missiles pose. in california, authorities say they stopped the progress of a wildfire in riverside county but not before it destroyed 12 structures and forced the evacuation of about 30 homes. officials say the fire is 15% contained and firefighters expect to have it surrounded a little bit later today. virginia police arrested and charged a 20-year-old suspect accused of killing four people near longwood university. he was arrested yesterday at richmond international airport where authorities believe he was planning to get on a flight to california. airport police officers found the suspect who was asleep in
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the baggage claim area after an airport employee recognized him from his photo. the defense for a lab tech nation charged with murdering a yale graduate student may hinge on trying to convince jurors that the crime scene was contaminated. they will probably challenge how the 300 pieces of evidence gathered in the case were gathered. police did not immediately shut down the lab where annie le was found. clark's lawyer also claims details of the case were leaked to the press. after a long wait, the senate has its first healthcare reform proposal to consider after finance committee chairman max baucus submitted his plan this week. some democrats say it is too watered down. democratic congressman frank stallone from new jersey is a member of the house committee and a committee on health and joins us live. thank you for coming in.
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>> thank you. >> shannon: we understand that all three proposals have the public option and the senate says they won't pass anything with a public option. how are they going to come together? >> the finance committee proposal doesn't have a public option but there was a senate health committee that does. it is not clear whether the senate will have the public option or not. basically the framework of the senate and house bills are similar so we are making progress. >> shannon: there are republicans who say we do agree on about 80% of what is in the proposals. is that enough to capitalize on to move forward? >> i think so because i think the basic idea is that you have the health exchange where people can have choices of insurance and whether there is a public option or not remains to be seen. i would like to see a public option but if you have the health exchange and create affordability and people have a choice of plans. a lot of people who don't have insurance will get it and it will be a lot more affordable. >> shannon: why do you think that thattish slew is so touchy
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and -- why that issue is so touchy and peoplele have a problem with the government being so stoved involved, why t so touchy? >> it is like a government plan like medicare and medicaid. the government sometimes has to offer an option if people can't get one through the private market and that is one of the reasons we are trying to push for it. >> some colleagues have said on both sides of the issue if you take out the public option you will lose 100 or more votes in the house from democrats. if it is in, it won't get passed to the senate. we discussed maybe there is one possibility there. is that issue going be the make or break on the house side? >> i think the house will pass the bill with the public option. whether the senate does, we don't know, that remains to be seen. when we go to conference, one will have to hold sway, i hope it is the house version. i think ultimately because we have a framework that provides
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for affordability and choice of plans and provides insurance that is affordable that people right now, can't find, you know, ultimately we will have a bill that we can pass and go to the president. >> shannon: and he is very busy these days promoting the plan and giving speeches. he is busting myths he says with some of the discussion that is going on out there. why do you think that hasn't yet connected enough with the american people that the polling has come over to your side? >> i think the president said, i listened to him today actually and what he said, this is a hard issue to deal with and if it was easy, it would have been resolved years ago and the fact of the matter is when you talk about people's health they are very concerned. it is, you know, people worry about what is ultimately going to happen. i think right now we just can't have the status quo. it is not working. people can't find insurance, the costs of insurance keep going up so we have to do something and hopefully this will lead to a bill that has affordability and choices both
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public and private and allows everyone to be covered. >> shannon: if it comes down to it, will democrats pass this without republicans in some form orpha objection getting onboard? >> we will but i believe we will have some republicans in the house and senate when we pass the bill. >> shannon: thank you for sharing your time with us today. we appreciate it. the new york times reports president obama is urging new york governor david paterson to drop out of the 2010 governor's race. a senior administration official tells fox that the president is not involved in any way. there are officials in the white house that share the concerns that are widely held in new york about the very challenging political environment confronting governor paterson but nobody asked him to get out of the race, it is his decision to make. we will confident he will make the best decision based on the best interests of the state. president obama is coming under fire for the number of
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the three men charged with lying to federal investigators and will appear in court tomorrow. if convicted, each could face eight years in prison. police in washington state say an insane killer is still at large, amid growing criticism of a decision to allow the man out in the first place. phillip arnold paul slipped away on a field trip to the spokane county fair. the union that represents workers says it is concerned about the type of patients allowed to participate in such an outing. the first time the three men have met, they will meet in new york after obama has separately meet with each of the leaders. no formal announcement is expected but obama arranged the meeting to reemphasize his commitment to making progress in mid east peace. the space shuttle "discovery" is on its way home today from edwards air force base in california.
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it will piggy back on nasa's modified 747. weather conditions hampered the efforts in recent days to get the shuttle home. >> that is always such a cool sight to see, thank you, caroline. three men arrested as part of an fbi terror investigation. one of the suspects was from new york and was an nypd informant who apparently turned. courtney with the latest. >> achmed is one of the suspects. he is an imam at a local mosque and we are right outside his house. this is where he lives. he has been arrested. he is arrested with lying. zazi visited and parked his rential car nearby. his laptop was in the car and supposedly has on his hard drive numerous hand written
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pages detailing how to make and detonate explosives. achmed was an informant working with the feds. he is charged with lying to investigators. it says he knowingly and willingly made false, fictitious and fraudulent statements. fbi agents actually intercepted a telephone conversation between the two suspects arrested in denver. the father told the son that the man here who lives in queens told him that the authorities were asking questions looking to identify him. in the middle of the phone call, call waiting came through, it was abzali. he told zazi and his father that he had information from the authorities. zazi hung up with his dad and took the call and this is what he says to zazi "i want to speak with you about something, i want a meeting with you. you probably know why i'm
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calling you for this meeting. i was exposed to something yesterday from the authorities and they came to ask me about your characters, they asked me about you guys. the question remains if the man who lives here at this house in queens was an informant for the fbi why he then called the suspects in denver and told them, tipping them off that they were being investigated. his lawyer says he was trying to be cooperative with the investigation. but that completely the other part of the affidavit. in the affidavit, he denies the whole phone call. shannon? >> shannon: this case gets more and more by dar. thanbizarre. let's turn to mike baker, a former covert agent of the cia. mike, what do you make of the case? >> there is several points here to note. one is the authorities don't --
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nothing is done precipitously. they don't just act on a whim. an investigation like this is something that carries on for a fairly lengthy period of time. usually the only time they act is when it means the authorities in terms of breaking up a ring or arresting suspects is either when they believe that an operation is about to kick off that they have been monitoring or if they believe the suspect is about to leave town. so, but on something like this, i think people watching this and the public in general should be aware that, you know this is a great that goes on behind the scenes prior to an arrest like this being made. >> and how does that work behind the scenes? we know there is so much different agencies involved. this spreads from denver to new york to pakistan apparently. how is that information coordinated. i have to believe in the wake of 9/11 it as much different process. >> you're right. it is a much more efficient process than it was just after
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9/11 and certainly before 9/11. there are between the state and the local and the federal authorities involved in investigations such as this, there is a great deal of information sharing and requesting of information, tasking of assets that goes on. it is an extremely complicated process, complicated much more when you start to bring in foreign liaison partners such as the pakistani service. this is an incredibly complex process. and again, the thing that the public should take away is we are much better at it now than we were before and that is the result of a lot of hard work. this goes on 24/. it is an issue because we haven't been attacked on our soil, people start to feel secure and take for granted the work that goes on and something like this happens and you realize the threat still exists. >> shannon: thank you for
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reminding us that 24 hours a day there are people working hard on this situation. mike baker, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> shannon: the future of acorn remains in the balance following the release of damaging surveillance tapes and some are now distancing themselves from the group, voting for defunding it. joining us to discuss that and some other issues, former mccain advisier nanty pfotenhauer. how far does he need to go in the acorn issue? >> i think he needs to make sure that there is an investigation that happens. they have done some good things in the past but have done some really poor things in the past. with so much federal money funneled into the organization we need some oversight no,
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question. taxpayer dollars shouldn't be wasted on things like this. the president needs to make sure that there is a committee that is going to investigate this. >> shannon: for ages republicans have not liked acorn and they raised the alarm in a number of instances and now we have a 20-year-old and 25-year-old who go in with a hidden camera and within a week we have both voting to get rid of funding. >> this is an organization that was accused of widespread voter fraud during the 2008 elections. you had folks aleft, about 11 people arrested just a couple of weeks ago in miami because they were fraudulently creating voter registrations. one in the name of paul newman, i believe. it has taken way too long to have this type of oversight. i think that the president needed to make this statement because he has worked in the past in a tan gential fashion
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and was connected with acorn and it was important to step forward and say this behavior is unacceptable and we need some oversight. >> shannon: do you think if the defunding measure makes it to his desk he will sign it? >> obviously he doesn't call me and ask me my opinion on these things. i wish he did sometimes but he doesn't. i would say that if some type of defunding measure makes it to his desk that he probably will sign it, yes. >> shannon: let's dallas burn issues about czars. the white house has said there are no czars in the administration. >> how are they now in a position to criticize. >> you do have criticism from both parties. this is a process that has evolved over time and i think in some part, maybe not in large part but in some part
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because it was a way to avoid the rather obnoxious process of going through senate confirmation. but that process does serve a purpose. and people get knocked out, people that you don't expect to get knocked out. like senator daschle, i think everyone expected him to slide through a confirmation procedure and obviously did not. there is a roler who to take a look at people who are going to be making recommendations in the billions of dollars. carol browner's recommendations totaled more than $30 billion. she was on the cabinet in the past but it has been awhile and the tax issues do come up, don't they? there is a role for senate approval. >> shannon: thank you both for coming in to debate with us today. next month, millions of people lining up for the h1n1 vaccine. others are worried it is not
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safe yet. up next, a fair and balanced debate with two doctors who know about this vaccine. the average family wastes over $500 a year in food. don't throw it away. protect it in the freezer. ziploc freezer bags form a fresh shield... that saves food from freezer burn, saving you money. s.c. johnson, a family company. the one deal in the neighborhood where you get the real food. featuring a half rack of our new double-glazed baby back ribs with your choice of sauces. get one full-sized appetizer and two real entrees for just twenty bucks. it's 2 for $20. only at applebee's. great looking skin... it's in the dna. [ female announcer ] new regenerist dna cream with spf 25 doesn't just correct. it helps protect your dna without a $200 department store price tag.
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dispursed mention health departments, hospitals and doctors offices. a nasal spray vaccine will become available starting in early october. knowing that the h1n1 virus is out there or excuse me, the vaccine and the virus will soon be out there, the question surfaces has there been enough time and testing to make sure that a vaccine a safe? joining us for a fair and balanced debate, two doctors. we thank you both for joining us. let fee start wit me start wit. this is a live vaccine. explain what that means. >> a little crash course in immunology. we have two types of vaccines we are giving to people. one is a live a-1 attenuated vaccine and that has many of the complications and side effects. there is a lot of debate about
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possible connections with autism with the mumps and rubella and then we have the usual influenza vaccine we are used to giving every year for the regular influenza virus. the basic difference between the two vaccines is the complication and side effects rate. you cannot give the live evacuation vaccine to children younger than two years of age and that poses a lot of issues because they are one of the highest risk groups for the swine flu. you cannot give it to people older than 49 years of age and this is a problem clearly for the elderly as well. you cannot give a live vaccine -- i was just going, yes. >> okay, finish you point because i believe that you are supportive of people getting the evacuatio vaccines if theyo the right group? >> philosophically i'm in favor
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of a good high quality vaccine well vested in the clinical trials. the vaccine coming out in october has not been. >> shannon: where do you stand on this? would you get the shot yourself? >> i would not. i have serious concerns about this vaccine. number one, speed with which the product is being brought to the marketplace is really unprecedented. this will have been the fastest development of a novel human vaccine from the time of development to the time it is brought to the marketplace that we have seen in it country. so fast, in fact, that the manufacturers of the vaccine have already been exempted from any liability related to its use. and the reason that they have had to do that is that there simply has not been enough time yet to evaluate the product for safety and for efficacy. and this has happened because the h1n1 virus pandemic has now been declared a public health
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emergency. and what people need to understand is that when you make a declaration of public health emergency what you are doing is really opening do the tore side step a lot of the public health concerns and safe itty measures that would normally be in place any time there is a development of a novel vaccine for human use and really that should remain in place for the development of this product so that we can be sure we are getting a safe and effective product to the market. >> shannon: am i correct in understanding that you had h1n1 and what advice would you give to people who are trying to decide whether or not to vaccinate themselves or their children? >> yes, i have. i'm in a complete agreement here. this vaccine has only started undergoing clinical trials in late august. we have not had nearly as much clinical data as we need for safety usually. it has not been tested on
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children. it has not been tested on pregnant women. even though -- even though i wholeheartedly agree that we do need a good quality vaccine, this virus, the virulence has prove ton be sufficiently low. it gives us time. we can allow time to spend time and money on research and provide our people with good clinical trials with underlying safety for the vaccine. the 3.4 million flu shots -- pardon me, not the shots, all intranasal vaccines coming to us in october, it is all live vaccines. no good for people with immunocompromised system. it is not good for children under two. >> shannon: it sounds like you are united in urging caution over there. we thank you both for your time. we know there are other medical providers who will say get the
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shot. i'm sure the debate will continue. we thank you both. >> thank you. six-year-old brendan williams loves playing x box but his plan was to wake up his dad and play his favorite game but he couldn't get his dad to wake up and that is when called 911. >> my dad won't wake up. >> you said your dad won't wake up. >> yeah. >> are you there by yourself? >> yeah? >> are you trying to shake him to wake him up? >> yeah. >> brendon's dad's girlfriend taught the little boy to call 911 because brendon's dad is a diabetic. turns out he had low blood sugar and that caused him to lose consciousness. good work there, brendon. >> television will hand out its highest awards tonight. find out if one hollywood insider thinks your favorite show or actor is going take home an emmy, up next. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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>> shannon: president obama is now calling for an investigation into acorn after undercover video surfaced last week that caught employees at several offices allegedly advising people on how to commit crimes and defraud the government. the community group's leader has been forced to defend the organization. just a short time ago she talked exclusively with our own chris wallace. >> chris: when the videos of acorn workers who were helping what they thought were a pimp and prostitute first came out you said the following and let's put it on. we are their willie horton for 2009. the boogie man for the right wing and its echo chamber. now, the vast majority in the democrats have voted to cut
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founding for acorn. can you still say this is just about race and politics? >> we are the largest community organization of low and moderate income folks and mostly people of color and, of course, any organization is not entirely perfect. i think congress, you know, will be looking at doing an antiacorn amendment and just singling out one organization but we continue to make sure that all of our employees if they are too stupid to understand that they are not reaching professional standards we terminate them and we actually make sure that, you know, what we do internally is serving our constituents, 500,000 poor, black and brown, asian and white people in this country. so i was outraged by it, everyone should be. and i can understand how the congress was also. >> shannon: keep it right here, "fox news sunday" will play in its entirety right after our show at 2:00 and 6:00 eastern
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right now final preps for tonight's 61st annual prime time emmy awards underway. joining us now with a look ahead life and stylist weekly editor at large, dawn yenic. how are you today? >> i'm great. thanks for having me today. >> shannon: there are couple of groups up for a number of possible wins tonight. tina fay is kind of the bell of the ball. what do you expect? we may be seeing a 30 rock seat in the category. i think tina fey will take it away. she already won with her portrayial of sarah palin who, of course, everybody loved that. as far as 30 rock, it is --
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>> go ahead, i was going to ask you about ail le alec baldwin. >> i think that the hardest race to call is in the best come series.medy sear yes, alec baldwin i think will take it home but he has stiff competition. >> shannon: let's talk about the dramatic side of the awards tonight. what do you think about the shows in the actor category there? >> as far as best drama, i think hugh lowey from house is going to take it away. he has won a bunch of golden globes but he has never won an emmy and i think that his portrayial of dr. house is going to change owl of that. >> what about the females on the drama side? >> glenn close for damages i think is going to take it away. she has stiff competition from
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elizabeth mott. and i will think, of course, the emmies love glenn close. >> shannon: let's talk about writing as well. the daley show, the co colbert report, who do you think is going to come out in that fight? >> with all of the glitz and gram on the carpet we often forget that the writers of the junge sung heros. and the late night shows are some of the hardest working guys on television. i think that the daily show's jon stewart is going to take it home this year. so much material with all the election coverage this past year and everybody loves jon stewart and i think this is his year. >> i love the red carpet more than the awards. i can't watch all of the shows so i'm not up on all of those. i love the red carpet and people go dramatic there. anybody you are looking forward to seeing on the red carpet? >> so many of them. i always love the ladies from the desperate house wives and
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there are some of them i'm excited for, especially the women of madmen. they have the whole '60 '60 glm thing going on during the course of the show. tune in because i think neal patrick harris is going to be amazing tonight. definitely better than the mesh mosh of reality hosts from last year's show. >> thank you. we will watch and see how the predictions play out. thank you. >> shannon: dramatic surveillance video that shows a customer stopping a bank robbery by attacking the robber. the man seen wearing a hooded
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