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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  September 20, 2009 4:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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if you wish to opine. word of the day, snippet, no snippet. and sniff i ish. we're looking out for you? >> >> gregg: i'm gregg jarrett. >> julie: and i'm julie banderas. topping the news this hour. >> gregg: president obama making an all out media blitz to get out his message on health care. appearing on five network shows in one morning. >> and ceo of acorn expressing outrage over the behavior of several employees. offering tax advice to people posing as a hooker and a pimp.
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some of that exclusive interview just ahead. >> gregg: first the f.b.i. arresting three men in connection with suspected terrorist plot that would set off bombs inside the u.s. they busted twocht men in the denver area. the justice department has charged them with making false statements to the f.b.i. the third suspect who was arrested in new york facing the very same charges. we have fox team coverage of this developing story. and on the scene in denver, colorado and courtney is following the action in new york. and live outside the federal courthouse. right now as i understand it he and his dad are only charged with lying to federal agents, but hasn't he also admitted to several things, allegedly? >> yes over three days of
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questioning by the f.b.i. and looking at the complaint affidavit, it looks as though he told an f.b.i. agent that he admitted in interviews during his 2008 trip to pakistan he attended courses and received instruction on weapons and explosives at an al-qaeda training facility. this agent goes on to explain this particular region of pakistan is where al-qaeda has safe houses and does a lot of training. keep in mind earlier this week, his attorney came out and told me personally that his client had no ties to al-qaeda. the only reason he went to pakistan was to visit his wife. >> it was kind of an accident that he ran into terrorists. are more charges expected? >> that is big question. we've been wondering because it appears, from looking at the affidavit and all the other reporting going on that this group had, right now it's just
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lying. it's possible this is a simply a charge to keep them in place, to keep them in country and keep them in place while the investigation continues. federal authorities have said that this investigation nowhere near over. >> gregg: what happens to he and his father right now? >> right now they are in a denver county jail. tomorrow morning they are expected to be here in the building behind me. federal courthouse in downtown denver. one charge carries a $250,000 fine but they believe that it's just that. >> gregg: okay, thanks. >> julie: back here in new york, they have arrested a leader of a mosque. they say he was actually an informant but the f.b.i. said they intercepted a phone conversation where he tipped off
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zazi to the investigation. courtney what are the charges against this man? >> the charges is basically that he lied, he gave fictitious information and what he did was give a written statement that contradicts what he actually was intercepted by the f.b.i. they had a wiretap on the denver suspects. he called them on the telephone and he clearly, it says in the affidavit he told them the f.b.i. is asking questions about them. when he was called by the f.b.i. allegedly working with them as part of the investigation, he then tells them in a written statement, the f.b.i. that, is that he had nothing to do with them. i'm hearing a lot of static in my ear and i lost contact with you. i think we're going to have get back a little later. >> julie: thank you very much. courtney is live in queens, new york where there was a third
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arrest. he also want to know what you think. do they make you confident that we are doing all we can to keep america safe. tweet us. it obviously gives you some comfort to know that our intelligence forces are at work. >> gregg: nature of the holding charges indicates they had to make the arrests very quickly before the anticipated date. they are going to get their legal ducks before they file the big charges. >> julie: i wand wond if it's going to hurt the cases because they had to makes them earlier to lead to zazi and the father and they wanted to collect more evidence in order to get an open and shut case. >> gregg: we will wait and see. we have a legal panel that will weigh. >> julie: we have a lawyer right here. >> gregg: you just love to bring
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that out. president obama blips the airwaves to pitch health care reform. he made appearances on count them, five sunday talk shows including a hispanic language network trying to push his health care agenda. the only network he did not try to work was fox news viewers, you folks. don't worry. the white house, mike, the interviews touched on other tuapsz, his primary focus was on health care reform. i understand it was a fairly good. tell bus that? >> when you are doing five interviews in one day, for the journalists to make junior interview stand out. so george stephanopolous if you are forcing americans to buy health care coverage, mandating it is in effect a tax. >> the critics say it is a tax
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increase? >> my critics say everything is a tax increase. my critics say that i'm taking over every sector of the economy. you know that. we can have a legitimate debate whether we're going to have a mandate or not. i absolutely reject that notion. >> it's interesting because the president was seeing comfortable. he tends to do very well but the suggestion that this is a tax increase by forcing people to buy insurance. >> gregg: if you are a young person and you don't want health insurance, you want to roll the dice and you are required to do so, call it something else, it's a tax. >> on afghanistan, there is all kinds of speculation, general mcchrystal is going to request thousands more troops. i talked to somebody who said don't even ask. what did the president say about that?
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>> he said he had no timetable for withdrawal but not the kind of person that he wants u.s. troops to be there forever. so he basically played his cards close, he had a definite plan in terms of sending "x" number of troops. he wanted to make sure the strategy is correct. >> gregg: mike, on friday seven former c.i.a. directors, i talked to one of them yesterday, sent president obama a letter calling on him to ask his attorney general to end the criminal investigations into the c.i.a. interrogations of terror suspects. so what is the president saying about that? >> for those who are concerned about the impact this may have on the intelligence community, all indications is that the president is not going step in and tell his attorney general to back off on those investigations. he said he appreciates the can c.i.a. directors to stand up for
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the institution but he is not going to stop the investigation. >> gregg: mike, thanks very much. >> julie: health reform isn't the only issue on president obama's agenda. on tuesday the president will begin a three-day visit to the united nations. it will be highlighted by his first speech to the united nations general assembly on wednesday. the president is expected to outline his foreign policy objectives and meet with several world leaders. with his popularity fading here at home, what kind of reception can he expect at the u.n. caroline has more. >> this week is a crucial one for president obama's foreign policy agenda, an agenda that has been stalled in some areas. mr. obama starts off with crucial meetings at the united nations on tuesday. on wednesday he address the general assembly while at the u.n. he meets with leaders from japan, russia, israel and the
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palestinian territories among others. it's a challenge. russia hasn't tried to stop iran from the nuclear pursuits and israelis and palestinians are far part from an agreement to a road map to peace. the critics say they are not expecting much to come from the meetings. >> i think the president will be greeted withstanding ovations and it's a lot of photo opportunities and demonstration that the president certainly is personally popular around the world. this will be short on substance. >> mahmoud ahmadinejad will address the u.n. shortly after the speech but had no plans on meeting. from the u.n. they have to go from there to host another set of world leaders at the g-20 summit. >> coming up in a few minutes,
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we'll take a closer look te at his foreign policy plan. the question is it working, or have domestic issues have bogged things down. panel of experts will weigh in coming up. >> gregg: acorn says they will name an indiana investigator, an auditor tomorrow, this has the group comes under fire for under cover videotapes showing workers encouraging illegal activity. they want to cut off federal funding to acorn. president obama says there should be an investigation and the head of acorn says she has responded quickly. >> i have an obligation to my board, to my members and to my other employees that actually did practice professional good, high standards. >> that was a year after office.
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>> the first thing we begin to do was bailed better board, make sure we had financial structures and controls and the way the offices were managed. in a way it's indefensible what i saw there. we're going to terminate these folks immediately even though making sure that we look into the organization. in a way this was good for us. what it did was show us to us what weaknesses we have and moved swiftly. >> gregg: swiftly, a week ago today, she said all the videotapes were fabrications, it was all distributed and she threatened legal action against fox news. coming up later, hear more of bertha lewis's interview with fox news sunday and her amazing about turn how this nonprofit group can receive federal funds and still engage in political activities.
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>> julie: firefighters getting the upper hand burning in southern california. the flames burning across more than 300 acres in riverside county. so far about 30 homes have been evacuated. the flames have destroyed about 12 buildings but crews do think they will have this under control by later today. let's hope so but will the santa ana winds cause more problems out there. domenica davis is in. >> this is the time of the year where we see the winds start to pick up and we're going to have high pressure that will be settling in the northwest by monday. it is going to bring some extreme heat. we could be looking at record-breaking temperatures for monday and tuesday through parts of the northwest all the way down to the southwest. so we have to keep our eye on that. also, the humidity is going to be pretty low so the fire danger and the heat are going to be high as we head into the workweek.
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now, we do have the last weekend of fall, we are going to go into fall begins on tuesday. as we're looking at it right now it's not a bad sunday. the heavy rain has finally pushed up and in the ohio valley. 72 in new york. tomorrow starts off nice. we have some nice comfortable temperatures along the east coast. temperatures do start to heat up and we're going to see extreme heat in phoenix. by tuesday those temperatures will start to get up there. enjoy it while it lasts. summer is over. >> julie: i know. i came back it was cold and rainy. >> gregg: you were gone, have you noticed. >> gregg: by golly.
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>> gregg: i was a lot of soul. president obama meeting global leaders, an important test of his true foreign policy power. is there new goodwill, can americans benefit from president obama's popularity abroad? couple of diplomatic experts are going to be weighing in on this, coming up. when i melt to sleep with new unisom sleep melts i get to sleep faster, stay asleep and wake refreshed. melt to sleep fast. new unisom sleep melts.
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>> gregg: time for the latest headlines, f.b.i. resigned go up three men an alleged terror plot possibly targeting prominent land marks in new york city. bomb making and sites all found on a computer belong to the suspect. in washington state believe a criminally insane killer planned his escape. philip paul walked away from a field trip at a county fair. cops say he was carrying a backpack and $50 from a social security check. space shuttle discovery on a cross-country flight in florida. space shuttle is being ferried atop a modified 747. they should reach kennedy space
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center tomorrow. >> julie: president obama insists he was not pressured by the russians to stop plans for a european missile defense system. the shield, originally proposed by george w. bush. he explained his decision on face the nation. >> we're not eliminating missile defense, in fact what we are doing is putting in that is more timely and meets the actual threats that we perceive coming from iran. russia had always been paranoid about this but george bush was right, this wasn't a threat to them. >> julie: critics speculate that the president wants to win alliance with russia to confront nuclear threat from iran. russians say they will dump to build a new system near poland. >> gregg: president obama will begin a three-day visit to the u.n. on tuesday. he will welcome ministers and delegates from 192 nations, he'll be also be holding a try
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lateral meeting and w benjamin netanyahu and palestinian president mahmoud abbas. an analyst notes that the president has raised the level of goodwill toward the u.s. overseas but they conclude there has been very little practical benefit from his global popularity. fair assessment or bad? let's add dan burton and a former democratic council to the house of judiciary committee. for all the rhetoric about the new foreign policy, not a lot seems to have changed. north korea and iran are belligerent and our allies will not send more troops to afghanistan. israel flatly refusing the president's call for a halt to settlements and russians are not lifting a finger to stop tehran's nukes.
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it invites the question did the apology tour change anything? >> i don't know, i wouldn't characterize as an apology tour. many of the problems that you site are intractable problems. he is most popular political figure in the world. we've seen some dividends with the disarmament talks with russia. i think that the critics do have a point, it's not just about popularity it's about results. the president has achieved bipartisan agreement, largely bipartisan agreement on the afghanistan and pakistan and iraqi wars. they are devoting enormous amount of resources to get the israelis and palestinians back on the table. we are starting to see progress, although it's slow with the iranian and north korea issues. >> gregg: representative burton, there is some success, russia has agreed to nuclear arms cuts.
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they have given us airspace to fly to afghanistan, pakistan, pakistan is harping to capture and kill al-qaeda. would you admit that we are reaping benefits to a different foreign policy approach? >> first of all i think the president is popular with a lot of european countries and other countries around the world, but i don't think he is doing a great job as far as foreign policy is concerned. the czech republic and poland are beside themselves because the commitment had been made for those missiles to put there against an attack or a launch of missile by russia or by iran. now, they are sitting there with their hands in their face trying to figure out what happened. >> gregg: i hope they read secretary gates op-ed, they say its better system with
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operationally effective and many years before what it previously been planned. this is a win-win, isn't it? >> secretary gates has his opinion, he is the secretary of defense and i have great respect for him but what do we say to poland at czech republic when they went along with it. >> gregg: they seem to be quite happy judging by his statement from yesterday? >> i haven't seen the statement but from what i heard they didn't return hillary clinton's phone calls. >> let me say one thing real quickly. the president has apologized for the united states and france and england, he did it in and what we need is a strong foreign policy. we don't need to be apologizing what we're doing around the world. >> gregg: go ahead and respond
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to the previous comment? >> if if this is the extent of the criticism from the republican party, reasonable minds will differ and i think the president mass hags made it clear he is for missile defense. if that the extent of the criticism i think the president is in pretty good shape. there is a largely bipartisan consensus on key issues, how to deal with the afghanistan war. president has achieved bipartisan support on that. in iraq he has received bipartisan support and how we deal with iran. the president's right to engage and now we deal with north korea and the palestinians and israelis, getting them back to the table which former president bush largely ignored. >> gregg: last word, congressman. >> let me just say that one of the biggest problems we have is dealing with the war on terror. our intelligence agencies right now the c.i.a. is beside itself because the administration is doing everything they can to
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undermine their activity. we have protected by homeland land security and c.i.a. for years and now the c.i.a. is afraid because the justice department is going to prosecute they will. i might say about the justice department and attorney general, when he came before my committee he misled our committee about a number of things. now, he has a holyer than thou attitude and.... >> gregg: julian, dan, thank you very much. >> julie: lots of folks are cutting back on their travel, one more casualty of the tough economy, but one group isn't pinching pennies. you can see them in most exclusive areas in europe. they are members of congress, fox news tracks your tax dollars
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next. (announcer) it's applebee's 2 for $20. the one deal in the neighborhood where you get the real food. featuring a half rack of our new double-glazed baby back ribs with your choice of sauces. get one full-sized appetizer and two real entrees for just twenty bucks. it's 2 for $20. only at applebee's.
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three men arrested for lying to the f.b.i. in connection with suspected terrorist plot. they are set to make their first appearances in court tomorrow. father and son mohammad zazi are under arrest.
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one will appear in federal court here in new york city. >> and police are searching for the husband of a woman found dead along the bodies of five young children in maples, florida. there is a person of interest that fled to haiti. his suv found parked at miami international airport. >> julie: firefighters getting the upper hand burning near cleveland national forest in southern california. they are burning 300 acres in riverside county. so far 30 homes have been evacuated. >> gregg: for the very first time president obama is weighing in about that controversy over the organizing group known as acorn. the president said there should be an investigation into the under cover videotapes that seem to show acorn workers telling people how to lie and gain money illegally to get houses go aid. today the head of acorn was on her camera herself taking fox
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news sunday she will be naming an independent auditor tomorrow as the group launches its own investigation. julie is following the story for us. it sounds like the head of acorn has changed her tone about the hidden camera videos which she ridiculed and demeaned as fabrication just a week ago today. >> remember, she said the videos were basically doctored and right wing hit jobs. today lewis changed her tone quite a bit she was outraged by the videos. acorn workers for a pimp and prostitute. they say they did acorn a favor. >> in a way this was good for us. what it did was show it to us, what weaknesses we have and we have moved swiftly. >> she does go on and continue
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to imply in the interview with chris wallace that acorn is being unfairly targeted. >> so instead of suing those filmmakers, she is send go a thank you note. will acorn open up their books so they will know where millions actually goes? >> she knows that corn is in trouble. they voted to cut off funding so it's not just republicans and democrats upset about this. but bertha lewis did not commit to opening up the books. she says she is cleaning up the internal system and she will appoint what you called an independent investigator on monday. >> gregg: thanks. you can see the entire interview right after this newscast on fox news sunday. be sure and check your local
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listings but keep it right here because you're not going to to want to miss that one. >> julie: president obama wants to, in his words, fundamentally reform the rules governing the financial industry. democratic senator chris dowd is leading the charge. proposing the merger of four bank agencies into one super regulator. two of the agencies the all powerful federal reserve and fdic. is this really necessary? let's talk to chairman and ceo and global chief et investment officer for morgan stanley. thank you very much for for talking to us. and they signed up for it when they reaped the regards when they signed up for the tarn payout. do you think the oversight is necessary? >> i think it's necessary or not
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is irrelevant because it's inevitable. they made the bargain and took the tarp money and they have no choice to accept the consequences. there is a agree of public discomfort with what happened in the past couple of years the plunge in the markets and economy grinding to a halt. one way or another, bankers have been vilified as the ones they are points go fingers to. something has to be done needs to be addressed and means greater regulations, just like the crash in 1929, a wave of new regulations and tech bubble burst. >> julie: this legislation would diminish the role of the federal reserve as a system wide overseer. do you believe there is a downside to that idea? >> i think that the existing regulatory framework is pretty
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robust as it is. the banking industry is one of the most regulated businesses in the entire world. on the other hand, the fact is we have most of those regulations in place before this crisis so why should we think that making changes and kind of moving the chairs around is going to change things and prevent the next crisis. i would hope they follow the hippo cratic oath and make sure they do no harm to economy's. >> julie: part of what contributed to the problem is the market crisis was caused by banks that were able to choose which agency would regulate them. would that problem be eliminated here if there were only one bank agency? >> arguably, that is the case. i'm not sure that i agree with senator dowd with all due
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respect. leading up to the crisis, and itself banks made lots of mistakes and they were not regulated well. let's not lose sight of the fact it was some of the same institutions like the federal reserve, congress, the white house that played a role n in the bubble of the housing that was the beginning of thlt crisis in the first place. we had public policy under two different parties pushing for greater home ownership and we had easy money in the early part of the decade. that is mainly what produced the housing publicly bubble. it was the housing bubble that got the banks in trouble. >> julie: what is it going to happen with the housing bubble in the future. gregg has a segment, someone predicting it could be ten years to see housing peak back before this whole housing collapse. joe, thank you very much.
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>> gregg: how about 2030, one estimate in some segments of america. >> julie: it also depends on what part of america. >> gregg: we'll find out from charles when he joins us. weak economy is putting off travel to stay close to home. members of congress, lawmakers are racking up big bills to tourist hot spots. guess who is footing the bill? william is tracking your taxes. >> hiking to switzerland, boating in paris, going to australia, most cash strapped americans, pampered people from washington enjoyed perks from washington paid for by you. >> many members have adopted both in the house and senate is not acceptable to the american people. >> congressional spending and
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overseas travel tripled in the last eight years. 50% just since democrats took control of congress two years ago. >> this shows the trips of house members in fiscal year 2009, 127 countries, some hot spots saw dozens of congressmen. destinations, greek islands, hong kong and dubai. senate is no slouch, no flak jacket is needed for sweden and italy. >> one rule of thumb don't go anywhere that you would not want to tell your newspaper, this is what i'm doing and in is why it's relevant. >> in many cases it's not your congressman but their staff. it's typical. six staffers from the government reform committee, going to kenya and germany for $87,000. all told spent 7,000 days
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overseas in the first three-quarters of fiscal year 2009. >> julie: f.b.i. arrests three men for lying to investigators about an alleged terror plot right here in the u.s. details on the investigation, they are still coming out. now that the feds have the suspects in custody. how will they build the case against them? we're going to talk to a former f.b.i. agent next, and we want to know you what you think, does it make you confident we're doing all we can to keep america safe. twitter us. apparently people are saying yes we feel a little safer. a lot of your tweets after the break. it's endless shrimp at red lobster. indulge in endless choices of your favorite shrimp. including new wood-grilled shrimp with a teriyaki glaze.
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it's endless shrimp -- our best value of the year. now at red lobster.
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♪ ♪ i got troubles, oh ♪ but not today ♪ 'cause they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ this old heart ♪ gonna take them away [ quacks ]
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your world stops making sense. you can get help for yourself and make sense of life again. for information, tdd: 800-487-4889. brought to you by the u.s. department of health and human services. >> gregg: < > f.b.i. has arrested three men in a possible terror plot in new york city. the arrests are not for allege ago terrorist attack or do the reports that one of men admitted with ties to al-qaeda but they it's for giving false statements to the f.b.i. why such a time charge when terrorism is suspected. you know what, bill, are these minor holding charges that
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suggest that perhaps even though the surveillance was lengthy something happened that triggered the quick arrests and feds are forced to put the rest of the case together sooner than they wanted? >> i think you are right on target there. i think its blocking device to get these individuals off the street and in to a jail to be held for bail. much more is yet to come on this case. i think we're going to see, gregg, as we go along in this case it's probably going to be pretty significant to what the joint task force and f.b.i. did to block a serious incident in the united states. >> gregg: i got the criminal complaint, they are pretty interesting. trip from denver to new york, zazi drives halfway across the united states, then he flies back, why?
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>> gregg, it's by theory, i'm sure something will be borne out by this. you don't drive 1631 miles from denver to new york in 36 hours, 40 hours maximum just because you like to drive. he dragged something into new york that he could not put on a plane. he flew back, much less than a round trip ticket. he said he went on there to check on a status of something but it's nonsense. >> gregg: what is really striking, incriminating conversation happened of all days september 11th, eight years to the day of the terrorist attacks. here is what was found on that same day on zazi's computer. we'll quote it, notes containing instructions on the manufacturing and handling of main explosive charges,
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explosive detonators, components of a fusing system. i mean, i don't know how you explain that stuff? >> there is no way to easily explain any of that. i absolutely agree with you. this is the basis, these are all on pdf files. in addition was a few other things such as targets to include sporting venues and perhaps there was something about grand central station, as well. i think law enforcement and new york pd and f.b.i. have broken up a fairly significant group of people. i don't think these are the only ones involved. >> gregg: what is your reaction and the lawyer says, he unwittingly crossed paths in
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pakistan with these extremists. last time i check at club med you don't train for bomb making there? >> you are on target there, as well. here is a lie gie that took a plane out of new jersey to geneva, he goes to dohar and then he goes to a pakistan. that has been the gate way for any terrorist who is making the northern part of afghanistan and on to the northern part of the country into the mountains to get the training. this guy left on the 28th of august, 2008 and didn't return for four and a half months until the 15th of january 2009. he said he went to see his wife. documents indicate that he has said he has no wife. this sounds rotten from the beginning and they are digging like crazy to make a great case out of this.
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>> gregg: he apparently made incriminating statements to the f.b.i. during the interrogation which he now, of course, was saying under pressure. bill, great to see you. >> julie: we asked you what you thought. do these arrests make you confident. are we doing all we can to keep america safe. bailey wrote, not when a bomber is putting the c.i.a. on trial. matt writes, yes our leaders seem to be on top of things. a lot of other people are saying how many other cells are all over the country. >> gregg: how many are yet to be discovered. >> the which invites our question later on today with a guest panel on the patriot act, should it be renewed. congress has voted to cut off federal funding to acorn but what do the american people, do
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they support acorn. scott rasmussen has brand-new poll. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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brand-new poll numbers what americans are thinking about health care reform. i know a lot of you have a lot to share. according to rasmussen reports, opposition seems to be growing. it's at an all time high. 56% of the people are opposed to the plan. 43% support the proposals, 1,000 were surveyed with a margin of error of plus for minus 3%. scott, why do you think more people are opposed and all president obama is going out and marketing and try to sell this thing as much as possible. five talk shows, he's been a
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leno and letterman? >> maybe he needs to be on your show, julie. >> julie: you talk to him and let him know. i bet you a million dollars he won't. >> look, public opinion is pretty much sol so lidfied on this. we've had different versions of the bill. townhall protests and all of these talk show appearances, nothing is changing. opposition still remains the define feature. 40% strongly oppose and 40% strong think in favor. people think it's going to raise costs, reduce the quality of care and 53% of those who have insurance say if this passes, we're going probably to have to change our own coverage. >> julie: so regarding health care, should it be available to the public or what do people say >> the question that was asked,
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the plan that members of congress get. 78% say yes, people should be able to buy the congressional plan. this is common sense 101. if you don't trust people writing the rules, you want to make sure you get the same deal. >> julie: should acorn reap the rewards of federal funding? >> 51% say all funding should be cut off. 17% disagree. 80% funding should be cut off. they are favorable numbers are just horrible. 15% of americans have a favorable opinion of acorn. clearly an organization that is struggling at this point in time. >> julie: so i guess i wonder what the feet back will be, if it will be more positive. do you think the president's appearances on five talk shows will help his sell on health care reform? >> we are tracking it once a week, but i am not expecting much difference. only 3% of americans actually
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watch those talk shows and going to hear about it through the news. people have made up their mind. unless there is a substantive change i don't think things will shift? >> michael good win will be joining us lately and the president is creating a trust deficit the more he speaks. sort of an interesting theory? >> we do track how people look at the president. 60% of americans say he is at least assets cal as most politicians but that is way down from the earlier in the administration. >> julie: scott, thanks to see you, you can find him on twitter >> gregg: coming up in the next hour, why some of us may be having trouble shedding some pounds. could our own bodies be sending the wrong signals to the brain? a fascinating new study that fat may be messing with your brain.
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>> julie: my brain wants that pizza. >> i had it for dinner. pep ronnie, it was great. it was so good. >> julie: get on with it. >> didn't you hear about the research. >> julie: okay. >> gregg: onion rings, i wanted those, too. 4 tara. i know landscaping, but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away. only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat. now buy any blackberry, like the new tour, at our lowest prices ever, and get one free.
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captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> gregg: welcome back, i'm gregg jarrett. >> julie: >> julie: i'm julie bandaras, welcome to a knew hour of america's news headquarters khalid sheikh mohammed may face a judge in the coming weeks, and that could affect the were war on terror. >> gregg: a new study sheds light on why it may be hard for some people to lose weight. can body fat affect brain chemistry and make people overeat? how fat can mess with your mind, straight ahead. >> julie: first, federal agents
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arresting three men who may have been involved in terror plots against the u.s. and the justice department charging two men from the denver area, with making false statements to the fbi, more charges could be coming and a third suspect arrested here in new york now facing the same charges, fox team coverage, in the developing story. alicia acuna is on the scene in colorado and courtney kiely following the action in new york and first, alicia acuna outside the courthouse in different and it started with bauch of denials and the feds must have really put the heat on these guys? >> reporter: absolutely, julie. we saw on wednesday in denver, naijbullah zazi talk with fbi investigates on a voluntary basis, according to his attorney, denials, denials, denials... and look at the complaints affidavit you see the following days, thursday and friday when he was there, nor eight hours on each day, more
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and more information started to come out and then, finally, naijbullah zazi admitted to federal agents he did in fact have ties to al qaeda. >> julie: all the -- he was portrayed as a quiet, shy guy and the justice department said they discovered another side to him. what is that. >> >> reporter: absolutely, the attorney, told me this is a very shy, quiet guy and just wants to work as an airport shuttle driver and visit his wife in pakistan and we are finding, this is someone who was an international traveller and domestically and tried to stay under the radar of federal agents for quite some time and it didn't work that's correct followed him more than a year, track him via e-mail and phones and all of the travel he did back and forth to pakistan and found a man who was going through training, exclusive training from al qaeda and working closely, possibly with people in new york, for an alleged plot on new york city. >> julie: how is this local
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muslim community reacting to the aresident. >> reporter: today in aurora, colorado, the suburb where zazi lived there was a large celebration for the end of ramadan, 5,000 people attended and a spokesperson for the colorado muslim society said that he was in fact surprised that the joonly charge to come down is lying to federal agents when there is talk in the media and the news coming out today with regard to the affidavit and the charges, the fbi filed and they are surprised that is the own charge coming out now. >> julie: yeah, but there could be more, i think they are holding all of their information until they get alled of the they need, thank you very much. live in denver, colorado. gregg. >> gregg: now from denver to new york, where the fbi busted that third person the leader of the queen's mosque, ahmad wais afzali, he was actually and in foreman and the fbi in september a phone conversation where he tipped off the other two guys in the investigation. courtney kiely picks it up live
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and what they're charges against the imam. >> reporter: hi, gregg, they are he knowingly and willingly made false, fictitious statements and we have a copy of the affidavit and went through it and details those false statements and the fbi intercept between zazi and the phone cover mags and gives tea tails after he waived his miranda rights and gave written statements and answering questions and denying that he said the things he did in the phone conversation. >> gregg: which invites the question when you are accused of false an fictitious statements which is a legally nice way of saying you lied, how can this government prove the imam lied? >> reporter: well, we thread affidavit and it seems pretty clear they have a wiretap, and can pretty much say, exactly wh what ahmad wais afzali said to zazi, and in the telephone
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conversation he said i want to speak with you about something, i want a meeting with you and you probably know why i'm calling you for the meeting and i was exposed to something yesterday from authorities and they asked me about your character and asked me about you guys and denies that written statement an denies he told zazi was there evidence in your car, they took in his rental car in and found the notes on the hard drive in his laptop that detailed how to make explosives and there are clear evidence in the and we'll see more tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. >> gregg: there are not quotations around it but it is clear, it is so specific, it had to be a tap and courtney, when will we see the suspects? >> reporter: we're going to see the suspect, probably tomorrow in district court in brooklyn, around 11:00 a.m. and we did talk to his lawyer, and the lawyer says, look, he was an informant and he was no little g-man and no double agent and he work with the fbi and trying to cooperate and when we posed to question to the lawyer, why is
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there a continue digs between the -- continued diction between the wiretap and the statement, he didn't answer, we have to wait and see tomorrow. >> gregg: i wouldn't answer it, either, thanks, we want to know what you think, do the arrests make confident we are doing everything we really can do to keep america safe, twitter us at or slash-julie bandaras. >> julie: i have been accused of being a bit manly at time, glad you cleared that up. buy you! and the president says it will be up to his attorney general to judge whether to investigate alleged abuses of terrorist suspects and this comment follows an unprecedented action by the seven former cia directors and sent a letter to the white house, urging the president not probe the agency's past interrogation tactics and they say it could impede the cia's ability to protect the u.s. from terrorism.
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>> president barack obama: its not a criminal investigation at this point. they are simply investigating what took place, and, i appreciate the former cia directors wanting to look out for an institution that they helped to build, but, i continue to believe that nobody is above the law and i want to be sure as president of the united states i am not asserting in some way that my decisions overrule the decisions of prosecutors who are there to... >> julie: eric holders expecteded to appoint an independent counsel to look into the matter. >> gregg: the president is preparing for major talks this coming week, the white house announcing this weekend the president will sit down with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as the palestinian president, mahmoud abbas to try and restart the middle east peace talks, mike
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tobin reports from the jerusalem bureau. >> reporter: it is probably wise to lower expectations. those words from a spokesman for the israeli prime minister ahead of three-way talks between the israeli prime minister, the palestinian president, and the u.s. president. u.s. middle east envoy george mitchell concluded a round of short range shuttle diplomacy between ramala and jerusalem trying unsuccessfully to reach' consensus related to settlement construction in the west bank and the u.s. and palestinians called for a freeze in the construction of new settlement and israel announced plans to complete 3,000 new housing units for israeli settlers on land that palestinians claim they need for the state which is this ultimate goal of the talks. the playing field is difficult for mitchell, hawkish netanyahu on one side playing the power base on the right and the weakened president mahmoud abbas with a divided constituency and looking ever more discouraged on the other side and the meeting is billed as nothing more than a forum to get the ball rolling for future meetings but there is
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risk even after the expectations have been lowered for these meetings. the palestinian president, mahmoud abbas is the only moderate option the world has for dealing with the palestinians. if the president goes into these meetings and comes out without a progress related to the settlement, he comes out of these meetings even weaker and more discouraged than going in and hamas by contrast is stronger without doing a thing. back to you. >> gregg: thanks. >> julie: u.s. federal and military lawyers may face two high profile hearings in the coming weeks and hearings that could determine the government's ability to convict suspected terrorist. but, the white house is hoping for a court delay while it tries revamp the prosecution strategy and one hearing will focus on the mental competency of this man, accused 9/11 plotter bin al sheeb and the war court set up bypass this bush administration
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is not... and khalid sheikh mohammed, seen here, at the time of his arrest and a more recent photo will be serving as his own attorney. and fox news homeland security expert catherine herridge joins us now, by phone and what do we expect to happen tomorrow? >> reporter: well, julie, let me set the scene, i'm 150 yard from the court house at guantanamo bay and tomorrow we anticipate at least three of the 9/11 conspirators will be in court, acting as their own attorneys, including khalid sheikh mohammed and are asked to weigh in on the administration's request for another delay in their trial, the third delay bringing the total now to 300 days and these can be very unpredictable and the men may come and may give a statement or may choose not to come and just sleep in the prison, as a sign of disrespect for the process and you may hear motions that were filed by khalid sheikh mohammed, who complained his government issued computer is not fast enough, is
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not fast to his liking and also cop explained that he has not been able to get the translations in ire big of some of the court proceedings he'd like, either. >> julie: these hearings can be very unpredictable, right. >> reporter: they can be, when i was at guantanamo bay, one of the most striking moments came when we were trans sixing from the open session to the classified or closed session and sitting in the back of the courtroom and not 15 or 20 feet from us was one of the 9/11 conspirators and as we transitioned between the hearings he made a paper airplane and shot it at one of the codefendants, and what was striking to us, was not the only symbolism of the plane but saw the two men laughing to each other and we later learned inside of the airplane, he had either written this flight number for 9/11 or the tail numbers of the aircraft
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involved, and it was a siphon disrespect for the process swroo wherever will the suspects ultimately be tried. >> reporter: well, there is probably only a half dozen people who ultimately know which way the -- it will go and the conventional thinking is they will be tried as a group, either in the southern district of new york, for obvious reasons, another option would be to send them to the eastern district of virginia. and one of the reasons that venue, i'll say is gaining momentum is there is concern the 9/11 conspirators and their lawyers will ask for a change of venue if they started in new york making the argument they cannot get a fair hearing, because you cannot find an impartial jury in new york because of 3,000 people who died there on 9/11. >> julie: catherine herridge joining us from cuba, on the phone, live. thank you very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. >> gregg: the head of acorn said the group will name an independent auditor tomorrow in its own investigation of the community organizing group facing a firestorm of criticism and the president saying today, these videotapes don't deed
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appear to show acorn workers engaging in illegal activity and he say it needs to be looked into. and last week both the senate and house voted to cut off federal funds to the group, acorn chief organizer bertha lewis said on "fox news sunday" today she is outraged by the videotapes and the workers have been terminated and the latest controversy is renewing questions about the federal funding this politically active group receives. >> if you are so concerned about serving the community why not be a non-- tax exempt nonprofit and stay out of politics and give the money, instead of to the federal government, to your community. >> i think what you would also agree with, is the right of the people to come together, not only to petition their government, they have the right to do that, poor people have the right to do that. but, you also need to be able to do lawful activities such as servicing the community, which
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we do. an organization can do both and hundreds of organizations do the same thing we do. we make sure we service our 500,000 members. >> chris: congressman... >> gregg: chris wallace also importantly asked lewis about opening up acorn's books to congress. what did she say? well, you can hear her response, and see in fact the entire interview, coming up right after this newscast, on fox news sunday. >> julie: firefighters in southern california have their hands full, just about surrounded a wildfire that has burned 12 structures in riverside county near ta mention cue la and it started yesterday afternoon and burned 340 acres and this may be the end of summer, but in california, folks, it is still the height of fire season and in fact it is around the time of the year that dangerous dry santa and in winds usually build up, and
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meteorologist deomenica davis i watching. >> in the beginning of the wok week high pressure is setting up over the rockies and the winds are going to be going offshore, so we are looking at some very dry, not only dry, but hot air in place, monday into tuesday and we could have record breaking temperatures. so the humidity will stay low and the temperatures will stay high and you can see, by tuesday, it is making it well into the 90s in bakersfield, 91 los angeles, death valley, 106, and barstow, 96 and unusual conditions, for this time of the year compounded with the dry air that will be around and low humidity and that will go until tuesday and we'll have that high fire threat. now, you are looking at heavy rain down to the south and that system is finally pushed off to the north, but a brand new low pressure system, that is going to start to move into the plains and that could spend pretty
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severe weather, by monday, afternoon. for i don't know what that map is doing behind me, but by money afternoon we could see some severe weather, and -- in that region as it goes by quickly. and, parts of the plains and gusty winds, flooding downpours, and that is what will be on tap for the beginning of your work week, julie. >> julie: all over the e globe, it is interesting! >> what are you going to do? >> julie: thank you very much. >> gregg: flap your wings! >> julie: domenica, thank you so much! >> gregg: here you go. venezuela's leader taking another swing against freedom, you will not believe it. hugo chavez everything after one of his nation's favorite past times and this guy wants to shut down venezuela's golf courses. tiger woods will join us live to talk about it -- no, i'm kidding! but we do have a live report from caracas, this is an outrage! quality and reliability...
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>> gregg: the headlines now, the fbi busted three people in connection with a possible terror plot to set off bombs in the u.s., two a father and son, were arrested at their homes in the denver area, the third
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suspect busted in new york and were charged with making false statements to the fbi and more charges to come and police in florida calling this person a person of interest in the murpds of his wife and five children, thought to have fled to haiti and the bodies found inside an apartment and the kids range in ages from 11 months to nine years and firefighters in southern california getting the upper hand in the fire burning close to the cleveland national forest, burning across more than 300 acres, riverside county and crews think it is under control at the end of the day. >> julie: media whirlwind tour, pushing health care reform, he was on five sunday talk shows this morning, and he is set to make an appearance on the late show with david letterman tomorrow and among those watching the president is pulitzer prize winning columnist michael goodwin who argues the more the president speaks the
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more he is creating a trust deficit with the public and we should welcome you with the news corp. family because now you're with "the new york post" and we are happy to have you on board and finally working for the right newspaper! and president obama has selectively -- and i say that, because he chose toying nor one network... selectively chosen to appear on five sunday talk show, and will appear on david letterman, and also appeared on "the jay leno show," the first time a sitting president appeared on a more entertainment talk show and obviously is trying to plug and i assume win over this younger demographic. but, is he oversaturating the public with his health care reform? >> well, look he has been trying for months now to put the word out, somehow there is a lot of misinformation, and the harder he pushes the less people believe and to me, that is the most extraordinary finding of the number of surveys, his
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support ranges from 40 to 45%, some states it is a bit higher and people don't believe him, when they say, that there will not be tax increases for most people, and they'll be able to deep their own doctor and his plan will not raise the deficit by a dime and people by up 2to 70%, say those things are true and for the pet to be rejected by 70% of the people on the main issues is an extraordinary finding and my argument is he is creating a sense of distrust which will come back to bite him on a number of issues such as the iranian missile issue and afghanistan, and other issues down the road, he is going to find that people don't trust him. like the boy who called wolf and i don't know why he is doing it. >> it is human nature when someone tilells you a story ove and over and over again you start to think, do they believe the story and when i lied to my
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mother, if i pushed my lie too many times she was onto me and a bit combative at times hence the reason why he wouldn't come on one network that combats and challenges him and could add to the trust deficit, no. >> and what is remarkable is that he keeps saying the same things over and over and he has not broke in new ground with an argument on this issue, and he has changed the things he says about it, changed a number of those who are not insured and would be insured from 47 million to 30 million, recently in a speech and made a number of different things and has not really broke in new ground with the new argument that would cause people to give him a second look and people still like him better than the policy. that is why he keeps going out there and trying to sell it himself but that is wearing thin, today's blitz, the five shows today, david letterman tomorrow night, seems to me like he really is running out of the -- you know, his best shots and that's it. >> julie: goes back to when a
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president holds a news conference and he loves to hold news conferences, everybody tunes in and listens clearly and when you have swun one so often and make appearance, people stop to listen and you mentioned a question, you posed a question i'll read and quoting: why does the president continue to squander the public's trust, the public's trust that he worked so hard to build? and, that he will need for the many battles to come? that's' great question. >> think about afghanistan, that will be a big issue in the fall as many democrats do not want to send more troops and the president is apparently torn but his commanders in the field want more troops and now, the republicans generally support that. so, if he ali alien yates the pc and if people don't believe you on health care why will they believe you on afghanistan and iran and russia and the idea of pushing against public trust, of saying something the public doesn't believe and saying it
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over and over really i think has long term consequences, and as i say it is a mystery to me why he is doing this. >> julie: michael goodwin, thank you very much, once again, welcome to news corp.! great to have you! thank you so much. >> gregg: welcome. read that, right there. >> julie: oh, a reminder for you all, you can read michael goodwin's column in its entirety. >> gregg:, i'm stunned that you lied to your mother. >> julie: i did but i was very, very young. it was a very, very long time ago. >> gregg: up believable, i'm shocked. >> julie: we're getting a hard wrap. >> gregg: hugo chavez is pulling the plug on the opposition shutting down dozens of radio stations in his country and chavez's government considers those stations a direct threat to him, and he has not explained exactly why. it follows another recent crack down on freedom one that has venezuelan golf fans complaining big time their leader is... out
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of bounds! steve harrigan joins us live from caracas with details, hi, steve. >> reporter: gregg you can still play golf in venezuela today but in the near future it very well may change and here's why: you could pay 50,000 today's join venezuela's finest golf course... or $5 an hour, to beat balls into a mountain, until now. the man who won the right to run for president for the rest of his life is now taking on golf. >> translator: golf is a bourgeoise sport and the budge was in little costly carts are lazy and they don't walk. >> reporter: there were 34 golf courses when he came to power and now there are 7 fewer with three more, scheduled to close and this at the same time socialist countries like cuba are building new courses.
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>> these golf courses, taking them out is not logical. >> reporter: chavez is already finding golfers less subservient than the supreme court or parliament. plans to bulldoze one course were blocked by workers. >> translator: there are 120 people that depend on the golf course to make a living including me. >> reporter: another attempt was stymied by insiders and the mayor of caracas tried to shut down the course to build low income housing and several members of the government own land around here and were opposed to it and also opposed were key chavez supporters, several of whom perhaps secretly still enjoy a round of golf. they play quietly but carry a big stick. here in venezuela you basically have the sport of golf under tlooe threat because one man done like it. >> gregg: that should be a 20 stroke penalty on him and, by the way.
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>> julie: nice swing. >> gregg: steve we were all... incredible swing! >> reporter: thanks a lot. >> julie: humble, indeed! >> reporter: thanks a lot. >> julie: he dumbs down in miami! and sick of staring at the same old walls before posting a "for sale" sign, one of the top economic analysts is predicting when the housing market will climb back to its peak levels and how long it will take and what it means for the overall economy. >> gregg: don't hold your breath. (announcer) it's applebee's 2 for $20. the one deal in the neighborhood where you get the real food. featuring a half rack of our new double-glazed baby back ribs with your choice of sauces. get one full-sized appetizer and two real entrees for just twenty bucks. it's 2 for $20. only at applebee's.
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>> gregg: bottom of the hour, time for top of the news, three men arrested for lying to the fbi in connection with a suspected terrorist plot set off bombs inside the united states, set to make their first appearances in court tomorrow, father and son, mohammed and naijbullah zazi, under arrest in denver. and another man, ahmad wais afzali, will appear in a federal court in new york city. >> julie: the president taking his case for health care reform to the airwaves, in a pretty big way. becoming the first president to appear on five sunday network shows, in the same morning. >> gregg: and the shuttle "discovery" now, hitching a ride back to florida after landing in california earlier this month and is being carried on top of a modified 747 aircraft known as a shuttle carrier aircraft.
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>> julie: president obama's show on the airwaves this morning and hit five sunday talk shows in all to pitch his health care plan. but, was it too much, too late? mike emmanuel is in washington and, mike, some of what we heard from president obama in those interviews was pretty familiar and not the first time we have heard it but in one brief the president was drawn out on forcing people to -- to forcing people to buy health insurance is in effect a tax. >> reporter: george stephanopolous on abc went after him, whether forcing people to by insurance is a tax increase and he said well, you have to have car insurance, don't you? but, he went after him, let's listen: >> it may be fair and good public policy. >> but george you cannot make up this language and decide it is called a tax increase. if i say that right now, your premiums are going to be going up by 5 or 8 or 10 percent next
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year, and you say, that is not a tax increase, but on the other hand, if i say, that i don't want to have to p.e.i. for you having coverage -- >> i don't think i'm making it up, mariam webster's dictionary, tax, money imposed by authority on property for public purpose. >> president barack obama: the fact you looked up miriam's dictionary, indicates to me that you are stretching a little bit right now. >> reporter: feisty on health care. julie, back to you. >> julie: i thought it was a good question, nonetheless and mike emmanuel, thank you very much. >> gregg: stretching? it is fundamental when you have to go to dictionary to prove a point? all right, if you recently bought a home or thinking of selling you might want to stay put for a while longer. than you thought. this latest moody's report says it could be a decade before we recover from the housing bubble burst and wall street strategy's ceo, charles payne is here to
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talk about what it means for not just homeowners but the larger economy and charles i was stunned to read it and i'm turning to it now, ten years to recover, 40% in losses? really? >> right, first of all it is made's opinion from the boom to the absolute bust, and where the average home lost 40% of its value and will take ten years according to them and i have to tell you, gregg this is also part of the whole new economic reality that i think a lot of us have to get used, to though i will say, i'm not nearly as pessimistic as they are. >> gregg: what about this rally in homebuilders stocks, i looked at the case schiller index and prices of single family homes in the top 20 cities, in addition to the homebuilders stocks rose in june for the second month in a row, what about that. >> we have positive trends and in fact existing homes sales are up for the first time four months in a row for the first time since '04 and there is the unique aspect, the first time
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homebuyer is responsible for 30% and you have distressed properties, responsible for 31% and these are properties that are not just cheap historically but 20% cheap than other properties on the market and we have this unique situation and the idea is how will it go later when the government stops funding first time homebuyers and prices rebound and jobs play a big role and one thing i'm worried about is government intervention and if the federal reserve is going to be overseeing 700 banks and loan mortgage officers it will be a lot of people on the cusp who will never get mortgages and the shadow banking, the evil villain in this, we need them and banks themselves are only down 10% of mortgages and normally they are responsible for 60% and we have to be extremely worried we are swinging the pendulum so wide to get the bad guys we actually stop a lot of americans from owning homes, and those that own homes will see the values -- >> gregg: i plucked this from
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the "wall street journal" and involves my home state of california, on a regional basis moody's said hard hit states such as florida and california will be among the last to recover and will only regain their pre--bust peak in the early 2030s. geez, i'll be dead by then! this is depressing! >> it is -- very depressing and i'm not nearly as pessimistic as they abut, listen, california has the highest unemployment rate in the state's history now and have a lot of issues and also, it does go to show you how outrageous that rally was, and home prices especially in the hot states and areas like las vegas and california, and nevada and places like that. i mean, new mexico, and other places, but, i don't think we'll be 2 -- it will be 2030, you will be alive when the prices come back though i'm concerned, it is not just the economy but the government can make it a lot worse than it is. >> gregg: i feel like a sick
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oyster at low tide. thanks for joining us. >> i try my best! >> gregg: the silver lining, way to go! julie. >> julie: dead clam! anyway a new york man and two from the denver area, arrested in connection with a suspected plot to set off bombs in the u.s. and what challenges do prosecutors now face in convicting these men? and how will the suspects' lawyers frame their defense? our legal experts lay it out for us, next. of 10 inch hose clamp pliers. you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated. not really. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service shipping is easy. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that's not complicated. come on. how about...a handshake. alright. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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>> gregg: three men under arrest in connection with a possible plot to blow up targets in new york city, so far. these two men, i think -- naijbullah zazi and his father, mohammed and another suspect have been charged with making false statements to the fbi. >> julie: and if the case goes to court, could prosecutors make terrorism charges stick? and, how should the suspects' legal team build their defense and joining us now are former federal prosecutor doug byrnes and defense attorney tom caniff. and tom, at this point we know there are other charges lurking and they have the guys on-line and want to press them for more and we have to basically hold an wyatt. >> that is the way to get them in, lying to the fbi but there has to be more, look at the circumstantial and direct case they had against zazi, and, a he made two drips trips to
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pakistan, fort bragg in terms of recruiting these guys and bought a car from denver to new york city for a short period of time and no one drives across the country that brief period of time unless there is a compelling reason and is no strange to an airport, works as a shuttle driver. >> julie: convenient. >> and why wouldn't he book a plane flight, doesn't want to be discovered. >> gregg: nothing wrong with driving to new york from denver and guilt by association is not crime. >> i was going to say, in other words, obviously we are not defending terrorism but look through the affidavits, carefully, what emerges are, julie and gregg, is that they may have made false statement to the fbi, we call a 1001 violation but there is not underlying evidence of -- >> come on, they discovered 9 pages of hand-written notes, in zazi's computer that detailed how to make a homemade bomb. >> which -- is that a crime. >> julie: okay. then he has also -- >> gregg: conspiracy -- there
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are books how to make a bomb, you can find them in the library. >> and e-mailed from afghanistan to the individual. >> gregg: so? >> telephone transcripts saying watch the evidence in the car and his associates will rent the 26 foot -- >> waite, wait, admits he attended an al-qaeda training camp, have you trained with terrorists. >> gregg: singing kumbaya minding your own business and a bunch of al qaeda guys walk up... >> we had a case in albany a number of years back involving a mosque and it was similar to that and made false statement and the case went away and i'm not predicting it will necessarily happen, however, very often, and you can't fault one person, because, by god, you no how intensely they'll be criticized if something happens but to a latin americans exterg preventive scenario. >> and two out of the last three
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major terrorist attacks, involved a rent-a-van, timothy mcthey and the world trade center bombing and they went to try and rented the truck -- >> a really good time for a criminal to do that, right. >> call me crazy, when they go to rents the truck... >> time to make an arrest. >> bad timing i admit but i was married on nine lynn, okay? and -- 9/11, okay? am i guilty of something. >> you know what worries me, time, you are the prosecutor in this case, maybe these guys really are bad guys and then, the government had to pull the trigger, early on this thing. right? >> right. >> and that means they didn't have all of the evidence they wanted to prove their case, before the day they pulled the trigger. >> because that didn't want to wait for the attack, like i said, call me crazy, when they rent tow truck you have to move on the case. >> gregg: if they had the goods they wouldn't charge them on holding crimes.
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>> that is the point and charged them with lying which is perfectly fine. but the reality. >> chris: hey, we'll see how it plays out, and the case is going to get less attention than you would expect. >> julie: what do you think eric holder will do, eventually make the case go away like -- >> a segue -- >> 9/11 -- >> the patriot act, and now the debate is going on, whether or not to extend it and obama the candidate is different than obama with the... >> gregg: and you know this, too, based on what i read in the affidavit, here, direct quotes it was the patriot act that nailed these guys. >> yeah. yeah. yeah. >> gregg: good for the patriot act. >> let's extend it. it might be an example why it is is vital to national security. >> good to see you both. >> julie: great to have you on and wonder why it is difficult to trim the fat? we might have a clue, a new study suggests there may be a conflict between your body fat and, well, your brain, coming up, a health expert tells us whether there is any real weight
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>> julie: researchers say they've discovered yet another possible reason why some people can just never drop those extra pounds. >> gregg: don't look at me when you say that. a new study suggests that body fat may be messing with our minds and in other words, the fat might be sending signals to the brain that lead to overseating and so, the more fat a person gains the more the person is likely to overseat and are you confused? we have invited the doctor to explain and weigh in on the validity of the study. is it true. >> there is a logical explanation why certain people cannot stop eating fat. the fat, what it does it tells the brain, we want more, want
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more, but -- and it is interesting, because they injected these rats with different kinds of fats and had different reactions for each one and i think that is interesting and, really it affects them in terms of saying why can't you stop. it's not easy. >> julie: it is frustrating to hear for a lot of people who are overweight, constantly yo-yo dieting and wonder why is it i have such an op tigappetite and options do they have now that we know the more fat you have the more you wanted to crave. >> this is a building stone, really of hopefully, with a lot of better, you know, medication, that you can take to suppress this kind of thing but it is interesting, because even in the study it said that this desire for you to eat fat happens in -- and lasts three days. and think about this, you do your hamburger on saturday and a steak on sunday and already the effects is wednesday and it is a never ending cycle and you try and do fat-free and that
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decrisiser insulin as well av. decreases your insulin and you have insulin resistance. >> gregg: you have to have some fates. >> because that also feeds the brain as well and there are good and bad fats, too. >> eating fat-free is not a good idea. >> because it contains a lot of sugar and you are providing your system with -- bombarding your system with sugar and your pancreas is on overload and that triggers an insulin resistance. >> gregg: what they're good fates. >> olive oil, anything like that and it's not -- almonds. >> julie: monounsaturated fates. >> yes. and mostly those have all of the information for you because it is hard, polyunsaturated -- >> gregg: a plate of onion rings. >> no. no. no. >> julie: that's bad. onion rings! >> 75 grams of fat, an ordinary
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hamburger. 75 grams of fat! >> julie: they say red meat is supposed to be good for you, cheeseburger and hamburger not the red meat. >> not the red meat, they are talking about lean pieces of meat and -- >> steak and so forth. >> without the fat. you know and all of that. >> julie: the bread and the bun. >> and, also, you know, accompanied with a protein, with a balanced meal because that is how everything is done and when we go through next streams, it is no good and that is -- >> you know what is no good? if you are overwhat it eight ang to cut down and your brain tells you you wanted more, is there a way to combat that and there are appetite suppressant drugs that convince your brain you are not hungry -- >> actually, it is i think, also, it is like a mini-speed and that is what you are on and really, it increases your metabolism, and so that is why -- so you are allegedly burning
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more but in order -- like a very old locomotive and for to it move you have to constantly feed it and isn't that what diabetics do all the time, eat every two hours and the weight stays off and you have to exercise. >> julie: and the thinner you get the less fat you crave. >> yes, and no. if you are eating just fat and it depend on what kind, like in the study, it will make you crave the same kind of fat gfrm fruits, vegetables, fish, chick and exercise. >> now that you are a skinny mini-you are in the eating cheeseburgers any more. svelte, very svelte. >> good for you, and not only that we look good but we have to feel good and be healthy. absolutely. >> gregg: better to look good than feel good. doctor, thanks so much. i had to... what everybody has been waiting for a look inside julie's wedding album.
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the salacious pics! >> julie: it's not slayings! -- salacious. >> coming up. in fact the more often you use it, the healthier your hair looks. natural instincts, it's all good.
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>> gregg: nobody is happier than i am, julie is back from her wedding and honeymoon. >> julie: that was sincere, thank you. >> gregg: it is but people would like to so pictures and we snapped a few. >> julie: we didn't, brian marcus and andy marcus of marcus photography did, they did a fabulous job and let's go ahead and show some pictures, this is my favorite. and i think it might be touched up a little bit, but that is in front of the 5th avenue presbyterian church where we got married and, gregg attended. >> julie: beautiful. >> julie: and reached my hand out to you when i walked down this aisle and you were the only person i acknowledged and i thought it was touching and he didn't appreciate it. >> gregg: she did acknowledge her husband, that is another story. >> julie: while you drank at my cocktail reception i went on a whirl wend new york city photography tour and that was central park and this is columbus circle. a cpi


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