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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 21, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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that is our show for tonight. next week, lynr lynrd skynrd is going to be here from the fox studios in new york. good night, everybody, thanks for joining us. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. >> greg: a little hallmark card. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> incredible. nicely done. incredible work there. okay. welcome to "red eye." it is like charles in charge if by charge you mean a latex shorty robe. go to tv's andy levy for the pregame report. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> coming up on the big show tonight, we will ask governor mike huckabee for his take on acorn and hope that he gives it to us. then we will examine the fallout from president obama's decision to scrap the european
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eastern defense shield. some say it is a victory for russia but others say it is a victory for russia. what is napolitan nancy pelosif these days? how long can a woman keep a secret? chances are bill schulz already told you the answer. >> greg: unnecessary but true. thanks, andy. go away, andy. let me welcome our guests, a andrea tantera. she is so hot she can frame boil aburger in her arm pit. and sitting next to me, bill hemmer, seen week day mornings at 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox news channel. he is so sharp, women prefer using him to shave their legs. and our "new york times" correspondent. >> congratulations on 600 episodes, greg. i'm at 60,000 issues but
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whatever! >> greg: thanks. house speaker nancy pelosi is afraid of what you ask, another al-qaeda attack? iran getting nuked? a bad shipment of botox. no, no and, of course. what really worries pelosi is you, america. she is worried that speaking out against her and obama's government could toledo violence and mayhem. feast your eyes, eye feasters. >> i have concerns about some of the language that is being used because i saw this myself in the late '70s in san francisco, this kind of rhetoric and it was very frightening and it created a climate in which violence took place. our country is great because people can say what they think and they believe but i also think that they have to take responsibility for any in
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excitement that they may cause. >> greg: she really is the antiviagra. congressman pete sessions the chairman of the national republican congressional committee said no longer contend with criticizing concerned kit citizens for being unamerican, the speaker is now likening genuine opposition to assasination. he then did a double back flip and landed in his clare behind his desk. it was amazing. >> i don't believe that. >> greg: i don't believe it either. we went to senator aardvark for a comment. no truer words were ever spoken. >> the aardvark. >> he really is a very, very bipartisan nostrils on that one. >> soft spoke. >> speaks both sides. >> greg: bill, what do you make, i should call you hemmer
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because his name is bill. she is likening the murder of george musconi and harvey milk. i lived in san francisco when that happened. it was a horrible thing. comparing that to the fever of communication these days. she compares you and i do -- >> i understand her emotion about the event. that is her hometown and about the same time that her political career got going, right, 1978 when she was first elected to national office. >> 1879. >> watch it. >> i think we should take a log off the fire. i mean try and liken the stuff to assassination is a little over the line. it is amazing how the politicians all of a sudden are able to read the minds of every day americans. it is like all of a sudden throughout washington, d.c. speaker pelosi called the town hallers unamerican. harry reid called them fear
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mongers. jimmy carter referred to stem as racis racist -- to them as . >> the cia are liars. >> greg: he also called me a poo-poo face. >> accurate. >> what you do in your private time is none of their business, greg, none of their business. >> greg: andrea, here is the thing. they are worried about mob violence and an explosion of anger. if you look at the '70s, you have the weather underground. those weren't pretty people. the uni bomber who was crazy, he wasn't a right winger or left winger, he was just nuts. so the thing 1 you could easily point fingers on the other side and say you guys create the craze yos. the manson family were disgusting but i don't believe they were john burke society. >> both fringe elements to the parties i think you could argue
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have their craze yos. but the left is really, really crazy. the hypocrisy, the woman called the cia liars and still hasn't explained what they lied to them for. watching her cry. she is crying really because everybody hates her. democrats, every time they see her on the air they wimp. conservatives should love her because she is going to make us look really good in 2010. every day she is out there, she is the worse thing that could happen for barack obama. he has to rein in the loans, nancy pelosi and jimmy carter. >> i will see your left is really crazy with the right is really, really, really crazy. take that. i don't need to bring the facts, greg. >> greg: , look, this is a woman that was talking about a very difficult time in the late '70s. >> true. >> for her and the city. i myself struggled with things
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in the late '70s. i was just beginning to discover my thumb. i had difficult potty training and i still struggle with both things. >> and look how you turned out. >> there is nothing going on that remotely resembles san francisco. she wouldn't even though. she gets off her personal jet into her mansion back into her congressional suite. >> they protest and say horrible things about bush and should have said they are waving bombs. >> if you want to lower the temperature be the example and comments like that -- >> greg: i think president obama and his administration did a fine job with carter. they know that it is pointless to keep bringing this stuff up. just say i disagree with it and move on. i mean that is how you word it. >> this week she came out and said we should move on past the joe wilson incident and her entire caucus rudely rebuffed
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her and decided to take it to the floor. she lost control of her own caucus. >> i was offended today when people were saying these were crocodile tears. it as pitt scaly. >> greg: she deserves an emmy for that performance, didn't she, bill. >> she did, but i'm not clear what an emmy is. nothing that will ever have anything to do with this show. >> greg: we neverster to worry about that. on thursday, president obama announced he is scrapping the mission defense shields for eastern europe which is in an eastern part of europe. they feel there is a greater threat from short and medium range missiles and the old plans were developed with long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles in mine. critics say it is nothing but a victory for russia and eastern european nations are worried about renewed russian
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adventurism. meanwhile, at the u.n. ♪ >> i dreamt that last night. >> i'm trying to think and i'm trying to hope that the obama administration know hass they are doing. >> i'm with you there. i hope you are right. >> greg: i get the feeling that iran must love this. >> i think anyway you slice it, it just feels like a russian/iranian victory today. >> you live in the wrong country. >> i hope there was a deal that was done where russia promised us the moon and i don't know how we will prove that but at the up u.n. next week they will all talk about this and the first of october the white house agreed to meet with the rye rannian leadership and talk about missile programs et cetera. they will not say that they --
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who is to say that they will not have missiles in five years. >> i'm not going to say it. >> mostly because you don't know what you are talking about. >> greg: obama said there was no quid pro quo from russia. >> the eco economists are sayig that eastern europe hates us as love as western europe loves us. i want to rity rate that i just love the economy all the way through. >> greg: so, andrea, did russia -- i know you are critical are obama but you got to believe that there are military ties that said this was a good thing that the shift in technology is helpful. >> this was a quid pro quo. some vodka and one of those fuzzy hats. >> babushka. >> obama said it is cheaper and quicker.
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we quadruplele the budget and when it comes to the national defense we are looking to cut costs? >> greg: a disturbing development. and on that note we have to move on. >> that is disturbing me. >> greg: this upcoming segment is to mind blowing you might want to tie a rope around your mind so it doesn't fly out the window. how does governor huckabee feel about the latest acorn hijinx? who knows, i just like the word hijinx.
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greg-alogue. >> greg: so this is "red eye" 600s this show. i have never done 600 of anything and that includes reverse tricep curls invented by the by. from our first show way back in 2007 to now we did some pretty amazing events and thankfully "red eye" was there to cover them when no one else would. who could forget the dog that barked like a cat. a story katie couric wouldn't cover but we there were. and john mccain's election sweaters. when everyone focused on irrelevant issues we went after the sweaters. we were the first to reveal startling photos of an octopus that could open beer bottles with ace hen tentacles. and then the man who had sex with a table and the man who had sex with a car and the man
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who has sex with balloons. whenever a man was having sex with an inanimate object, "red eye" was there to witness it. when it came to nude people doing things nude, "red eye" was there. we would have ended up in the er trying to get the profy removed. we the piece on the german underwear thief springs to mind. i prefer "red eye" not take itself to seriously. i would rather salute all of the amazing fans who stood by the amazing show when everyone else stared at it confused or ran scared. if you disagree with me, you are probably a racist nazi who is worse than hitler. >> a little dizzy after doing
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that. if you guys were on the east coast, the first "red eye" aired at 2:00 a.m. on february 6th, 2007. if you were on the west coast it is three hours earlier. a flash back to the first show and it is like a flash back. >> greg: this is "red eye" a new show about politics, pop culture and macrame. kind of like larry king but without the dead guy. >> when i was a kid, i was really slow and there was always a fat kid i could outrun which meant i wasn't the last kid pick. >> we will talk about obesity. 2004, there were like 350 stomach stapling surgeries for kids. now, that number is like 50 million. >> greg,. >> it is like 5,000. >> i want to move on to another study. an interesting thing. it is on this card here. i will look briefly down. parents that have no advanced degree. >> unencumbered by knowledge. >> i can barely dress myself.
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>> i dressed you this morning. >> and also this is "red eye." i foregot the name of the show. i did. we are the only show that has someone who reviews the status of the show. how we are doing. his name is andrew levy. tell us how we are doing? >> first of number, i think maybe for tomorrow, do some porn related stories. i think there is some out there. if you dig a little you will find them. my porn name by the way is tucker carlton. >> greg: i want to talk about katie holmes. she is a mom, jessica, who wears normal underwear. >> cuckoo for cavuto. >> greg: how did -- how did that ever happen? man. >> well done. the scary thing is it is not that much different. >> not much different. >> i will show you what the difference is right now, greg. see what i'm doing right here. i know where the camera is. that is the only difference. that is the only difference.
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>> the hair is even worse. look at that! embarrassing. that was the first day. by the way, i think i had done four that we l tequila shots tt afternoon. the best thing, andy levy's hair. >> that was unusual. >> i know we had andrew breitbart on earlier in the week. >> the first time i saw your show you had a red brick background. i came to work and i was like where is that red brick wall. where is -- it was in our studio that we were using down the hall. it was tape to the wall. >> way to ruin the illusion that they weren't real bricks. >> greg: during one show the brick wall actually fell down. >> it is now in someone's living room. >> john gibson is suing us for that. terrible injury general motors >> greg: what would governor
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huckabee have to say about kay corn? we report and you bake me some toll house cookies with butterscotch chips.
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>> greg: you know, for a 600th show we thought why not celebrate by having a game of freeze tag with table dancers. but then we decided what not ask askabee huckabee, it's more fun. former governor huckabee. he is also the author of do the right thing. i own 27 copies and they are stapled to my ceiling. >> that's weird. >> greg: askabee huckabee everybody gets to ask questions but i get to go first since i'm the host. the big major topic, the buzz
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around which is what pelosi was saying is our country turning into a nation of violent rebels or is the left picked off ticked off that people are raising questions about the important questions in america? >> i bond ferraro shwonder if g about james poulian who was shot this week. >> greg: you can find a hate crime in one area that validates your beliefs. >> you perform selective violence on me in every ideas meeting. >> greg: that's true. >> makeup cannot cover the bruise. >> but we all appreciate it very much. >> mr. hemmer do you have questions? >> who is the politician in america today that has the best and brightest future, the right ideas that no one is talking about? not the ideas but the person. >> a gentleman in florida running for the u.s. senate,
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mark arubio. i think he is one of the brightest most articulate, thoughtful and charismatic politicians that nobody has heard of. i think he could be the republican version of barack obama, get elected to the senate. he has extraordinary potential. he is innovative. keep your eyes on him. >> i was going to say maybe the name fright from rhymed with mreg muttfeld that was not on my list but may be. >> do you have a question for the gov? >> if the past week what was the more egregious interruption, joe wilson or kanye west? >> in my mind, kanye west. he ruined the greatest moment that a 19-year-old young woman had.
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>> not really. but go ahead. >> even on "red eye." >> he is, of course, talk together coming out party. >> i thought it was an outrageous ridiculously selfish thing for him to do and the classy person in it all was beyonce who is a class a and amazingly talented person. she showed an extraordinary sense of grace and class when she invited taylor to come up. >> greg: did you see that outfit she was wearing? >> i thought what president obama said was right on. >> yeah. i don't always agree with president obama, but on this, i agree with him 100%. kanye west is a jackass. >> greg: and i believe if his staff or president obama allowed the comments to run freely his numbers would be as high as ever. >> was that on the record jackass or off-the-record
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jackass. >> he was busted out. who was it that -- >> it was abc. >> abc. >> what do you make of jimmy carter's comments that race plays a role in any criticism of obama? >> i think jimmy carter should have left that alone and i was grateful that the president and the white house came out the next day and disputed that. the president is african american. the highest paid entertainer mckinley the world right now is african. oprah winfrey. the greatest sports player in the world, tiger woods. >> i myself african american. >> yeah. >> greg: but he is a terrible example. he is just an awful person. >> proves that not everybody can be a winner. >> here is the thing, jimmy carter then also criticized kanye west. does that make jimmy carter -- >> a crime. >> does that make jimmy cartary racist for criticizing kanye west? >> depends whether or not it
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was on twin cities. can i ask the governor another question. you are a huge blues, not just a musician but a huge fan. >> love blues. >> if you wanted to be educated in the music of the blues where would you start? >> memphis, tennessee. >> give me a man and a musician. >> talk to someone like booker t and the mg stands for memphis group who formed the nucleus. >> i would suggest slayer. but a lot of people don't see them as blues. they are like a speedier version. >> if i may, the soundtrack to yentil. >> if i hear that i get the blues. save me. >> governor huckabee, always a pleasure having you on the show. >> thank you. it is not move on, it is move out, get out of here. >> greg: no, no no,. >> , have a comment on the show? e-mail us at to leave a voice mail on my
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direct line call 212-462-5050. still to come, the halftime report from the guy with the awful hair, tv's andy levy. >> tomorrow's 600 halftime report is sponsored by tomorrow's show, number 601 which won't be very good because we'll all be hung over. sorry, show 601.
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>> greg: welcome back. let's find tout if we have
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gotten anything wrong. we go to tv's andy levy. anandy after look agent the fit show i think that you have marginally improve. >> i think in 600 shows that is the nicest thing you have said. >> and back at you, boss. >> i'm actually getting worse. >> i'm pretty sure the tape is being used at gitmo. what did we have to give up to get the amazing 600s this show banner on top of this. it you see the expression on pelosi's face when she was saying that stuff? >> no, she didn't have an expression. >> neither did i. >> you said her career began around the time that milk and musconi were assassinated. just want to make sure that you weren't implying anything by that. >> no, no,. >> just for legal purposes. you said that most parties have
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the craze yos but that the left is really crazy. schulz is right, they are both crazy. >> they have been up and down 6th avenue butt naked during the convention. >> that is not crazy, that's wednesday. >> wednesday at "red eye." >> andy, after 600 episodes that is the first time you ever said bill is right. i appreciate it. >> actually the first time you were right. >> we are making history. >> so pelosi we began by saying "i think we all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words." greg, fyi in the future i will be taking responsibility for all my actions and my words by saying the cia lied to me. the house majority leader said "there are expressions throughout the country being made that are unusually harsh and i think the attacks being made on president obama are unusually vitriolic.
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you may recall that he was in a coma. >> greg: metaphorically. >> have to sell that out for bill because he thinks he was really in a coma. >> there are statement. >> what kind of grammar is that. >> interesting grammar. >> it is getting crowded under the bus, grandma, reverend wright, eastern europe. >> i believe they are called lauries. >> keep them under the laurie. >> the buses aren't green either. >> off the lift. >> greg: off the lift. >> i feel badly for what this does to poland and the czech republic but nice to see astonia taken down a peg. >> what happens in astonia stays in astonia. >> usually dies in astonia. >> although to be fair, they say that in atonia.
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>> greg, you said eastern europe is in an eastern part of europe. according to wikipedia it is a region lying in the eastern part of europe to kudos to you boss. >> the obama administration said there was no quid pro quo. do you think there is nothing he is not saying. >> i didn't hear no quid pro quo. >> he said that. >> i didn't hear that from the president. >> he said we are making it clear to russia that they were never a target from the missile shield in the first place and they are not shifting attention to or from russia. >> i hate to do this to you, mr. serious newsman but it was the presidential spokesperson who said there was no quid pro quo. >> that may have been. >> it was. >> mr. newsman said that the president said it. >> i have to ask, apart from smirnoff, when was the last time russia gave us anything?
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really. and they can take him back as far as i'm concern. >> i'm sorry i said you were right earlier. >> i figured. >> greg-alogue, 600th show. greg, you said if there was a pulitzer for the per verse, we would have won the trophy. >> how do you pronounce it? pulitzer. >> same thing. >> is it? >> really. >> one of those words you read but never say. >> unless it is like your name or something. >> tomato, tomato thing. >> bill, you asked hot character was. it was a troubadour known as the barn of the bright. >> greg: andy, i would like to throw up a picture next to you. >> i did not see that come. >> greg: what the hell happened? >> i don't know, that was andrew levy.
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i'm tv's andy levy. i can't be responsible for what other people look like. >> andy, i got to ask, does the problem rhyme with bristol beth possibly? >> i don't know what that means. >> i think it was like clairol or her balance essence color. >> you look great today. that said, you looked a little like mrs. andy levy. >> greg: go back to the picture. he was flake a trivia band for oingoboingo. >> it is where you found me, greg. >> greg: thank you, andy. >> thanks. >> greg: wow. i was sad -- anyway. let me welcome back our guests. andrea tanaeros. she is so hot the sun leavings angry messages on her voice mill. and bill hemmer as delightful as i'm spiteful. does the fairer sex have a
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bigger mouth? researchers have been able to figure out down to the minute how long it takes before a woman will spill the beans on a secret you told them. it is 47 hours to be exact. the investigators polled 3,000 women, that is a lot of women and found that while four out of ten admit they can never keep a secret, two out of three claim to feel guilty afterwards and it takes a woman just under two days before they give away your privileged info. says the director of the study what we didn't bank on is who quickly secrets were passed on. he then told told me that he killed a hoe bow. i couldn't keep it to myself. is there something wrong with the research. >> you hit the head on the nail. this was done in england. most british women are drunk all the time. not that i judge, it as great thing.
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>> may i remind you that right now you are on the clock? >> what do you mean i'm on the clock? >> how long will it take. >> for me to spill a secret. >> i think 47 hours is a little too long. >> depends on the secret and who told it. >> greg: i disagree with this stuff. i think that men are every bit as gossipy as women are but they do it when they are drunk and they don't remember the stories that they tell you. >> who are you hanging out with? >> you do it when you are sober. >> it is the exact same thing. we have a different thing for it. for women it's gossipping. for guys it is bsing with the bro-has. >> why do they do it? make them feel better? >> almost like a bonding ritual. they feel like they are bonding with another women. >> it is okay for men to do that, too, all right. >> for women is is gossipping
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and for guys it is bsing and for journalists it is scoops. >> have you ever told megan a secret? >> you bet cha and i'm going to share it here. >> go to commercial and find out. >> coming up an upcoming segment that is both upcoming and segmenty. what does madmen and community star alisyn bree make me say wee? no reason really, i just like saying wee.
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how did you know i would be? >> you are still wearing your stupid letter jacket and more importantly, i sat behind you in algebra. >> wait, you are the girl that got hooked on pills and then dropped out. >> they are calling it the good father about community colleges. the new comedy series called community. about a bunch of students ho form a study group. the series premiers thursday night. and you can see alisyn on a show that no one talks about called madmen. you have two successful shows and we don't have any. >> you do, people are crazy about this on twitter. i tweeted i was going to be
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here and i have like 15 friends which is crazy because i'm kind of a loser. i'm new to it. >> greg: that was bill and i pretending to be friends. >> the thing about twin citieser is you have to accept us. >> and i did 86 felt sort of forced into it. i feel good about it. >> tell me about your character. is your character as adorable as you are? >> she is. don't you think? she is annie. she came from high school, she has gone straight into community college. she was totally the overachiever in high school. so, so much so that she got addicted to aterol and didn't get into any of the top choice schools. she is still very ambitious and she will leave her stamp on the school. she didn't get into harvard and she will make community college her harvard. >> greg: what is so bad about community college? a lot of people make fun of it. it is just a funner version of
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real college. >> a great way to get an affordable education. my mother taught at community college for years. there is nothing bad about it. >> greg: no one is going picket. the people at community colleges they are lazy, they are high, they are trying to learn a trade. >> you said it, not me. what is wrong with that? >> greg: this is wonderful. this is turning into an angry debate. >> community college and trade schools are the only ones getting job. >> that is true. that is what barack obama said we should all learn a trade. >> did we have to bring him up? what college did you do go to. >> california institute of the arts. an amazing school, i loved it. >> great place for oranges. >> the oranges were amazing. best part about going there. >> greg: what is the one thing you wish you could forget about your college experience? >> there are some things i have foregotten. i heard about them later. >> greg: you were naked a lot
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during your schooling. >> i had some naked time at school. people liked it, it was encouraged. >> greg: what kind of school is this and why wasn't i there? >> it is a hippy school. a good accredited university. but, yeah, they are totally cool with nudity. >> are they cool with security cameras? >> they are not which is the upside to being nude there. >> greg: you were known for doing naked ani mall impressions. >> i wouldn't say known, greg. >> greg: what was your best? >> i did enjoy doing them for friends. didn't want you to think i was out at the clubs rocking my ani mall impressions. my best one would be the giraffe and it is my favorite animal. i think i have it down. >> greg: how did you do the neck. >> i can't show you, it is quite intimate, maybe later but not here. >> greg: i want to show you a clip from a web series called
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hot sluts that you were in. do we have it ready? >> you guys are crazy. ♪ >> oh oakland. >> that really just happened. that happened. >> it is a hysteric series. >> thank you. >> greg: will there be more for the future. >> i hope so. they have done movies like one hot american summer which is my favorite comedy. he was great in it. >> greg: i don't like the fact that he has three names. >> i like the three names. >> i don't like michael ian, i like michael black. >> michael aian black, the triple name. >> how are you able to do both?
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>> i'm amaze. tv it i. on tv it is easy to flip back and forth. >> do you smoke in real life? >> no. >> not too bad. we got to go. a pleasure having you here. congratulations. your success makes me sick to my stomach. >> oh, you love it, don't lie. >> he likes to be sick to his stomach. it's is a compliment. >> community airs thursday nights at 9:00 p.m. eastern. i urge you to check it out. coming up next, i read and answer your e-mails in a little 'ole segment we call male time.
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this is one of the toughest competitions in the country. we'll see what happens. our first contestant in the boy's age group is mr. kevin
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from ogden, texas. from austin, texas. ky venice is here today with his -- kevin is here today with his beautiful mom and he has blonde hair and blue eyes. his ambition is to grow up. >> amazing. terrible but amazing. that was a baby auction. a baby auction! actual little, it was abby itty pageant. speaking of a beauty pageant, the mail arrived. stack them out back and ile go through them one at a time. the address is you write and i read and we go hot air ballooning in a balloon made of blood. here we go. martin is a danish student currently living in the united states. your knowledge of countries outside of the u.s. hemisphere is embarrassing. you did a german accent, in fact, scandinavians are among the best english speaking countries in the world. i don't expect you to know this since most americans only
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master one language their own and only have knowledge about one country, their own and the fact that you can't place denmark on a map is fine by me. martin, i know your country is not on a map, you tricked me. but anyway, i love the tiny country of danish land, having been an avid follower of the band abba and nicole kidman. and america has only mastered one language at least it is a language. last i checked, the danes only burp. >> greg: sarah, first, you compliment me and then insult me. but never mind that fact. let me answer that question about the product bill uses in his hair. it is not so much a product as it is a projectile. part of the charm of sleeping
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outdoors if the pigeons decide to -- foregeorg. >> greg: we have to be the only show ever to get complaints from naked bird owners. it is like. >> what other kind of bird is there? >> i don't know. >> they didn't have feathers. that was the amazing thing. >> we were wrong to be so cavalier about the flight of the naked bird and i formally apologize to its leader seen her. she didn't accept our apology until we fed other earthworms.
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>> greg: george, no need to repay us for our service, it is our pleasure. however, i notice you are in new york which means you are just a bus ride from the studio. i get off work at 4:00 a.m. and could use a back rub. in return, i will make my world famous home made snacks. i call them night burgers. close things out with a post game wrapup from tv's andy levy. to see clips of recent shows go to fox
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>> greg: hey, everybody, you can see me on the o'reilly factor friday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. isn't that ex-kiting. ex-kite siting. coming up on "red eye" episode number 601. joe dobson, former cia operative mike baker makes a special appearance and political columnist ann coulter. time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrapup. >> thanks, greg. bill hemmer, you are a well known football fanatic. how do you feel with the fact the your hometown team the cincinnati bengals has one winning season in 19 years? >> where would we be without suffering? you don't want to walk a mile in my shoes. sunday afternoons are very long and very dark. >> you do not want andy to walk
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a mile in your shoes. >> thank you for caring and as a giants fan yourself i can't sympathize with you in anyway. >> i'm also a raiders fan. >> now, we're getting close. >> andrea, i understand you have a little bit of a surprise for us. >> i have a secret and i can't keep it any more. >> okay. >> wow. >> happy birthday. >> complete with severed fingers, red eyes and barnyard ani malls. >> i like the barnyard ani malls. >> they didn't have unif unnura 600 episodes is more than star trek. >> and something for you. >> grow a girlfriend. >> i didn't know whether to get you a rubber chicken, or a sponge girlfriend that grows in water. >> greg, i will be taking a bath tonight. >> hey, bill, can i ask you a question. >> you may, andrew.
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>> does your ear piece work? can you hear me when i talk? >> yes. >> okay. it is hard too tell sometimes. >> look at this. >> i was sitting only it the whole show. >> greg,. >> yes? >> you are not supposed to say that yew like the barnyard ani malls. we talked about in. >> i know, i know. >> what is in that cake? >> like a hand or. >> is it chocolate? >> it's chocolate with butter cream icing. >> fingery. >> greg: this really awesome. >> i got to blow out the candles. >> make a wish. >> i made a wish. >> here is to show number 1200. >> if the wish comes true? >> i'm still here. thank you. >> i was hoping maybe his head would explode. >> it is with ideas on tonight's and


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