tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 21, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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years ago today and that is "the fox report" for monday, september 21st, 2009. i'm trace gallagher in for shepard smith. thanks for having us into your home tonight. shep is back tomorrow, 12 pacific 3:00 eastern time. i will see you along with martha maccallum on the live desk. the factor is next. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> how about the funding for acorn. >> frankly, it's not really something i have followed closely. bill: president obama, the sunday morning guy. ♪ bill: how did those interviews go? i will analyze and so will bernie goldberg. chris: you have also attacked fox. fox did not produce. did not make. did not buy those videos. please let me ask the question. bill: the head of acorn grilled by chris wallace. body language takes a look at what happened. >> i didn't have a ton of friends and i went to a really
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small christian school. i'm sorry, too. yeah, [bleep] them. >> actress megan fox discusses her christian school upbringing. she didn't like it. >> hey, megan, what's wrong with christians? bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching under the circumstances -- watching us tonight. president obama the sunday morning guy. as you may know the president did a number of interviews yesterday, all the big networks except for fox. apparently the obama administration is angry with us and shut chris wallace out. >> these guys, everything is personal. i have got to tell you. >> everything. >> they are the biggest bunch of cry babies i have dealt with in my 30 years in washington. they constantly are on the phone or emailing me complaining.
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bill: well, the sunday interviews themselves or it's sleepy nobody asked about fired radical jones and only one question about the acorn scandal. >> how about the funding for acorn. >> frankly, it's not really something i followed closely, i didn't even know that acorn was getting a whole lot of federal money. >> the senate and the house have voted to cut it off. >> what i know is what i saw on that video was certainly inappropriate and deserves to be -- >> -- you are not committing to cut off the federal funding. >> george, this is not the biggest issue facing the country. it's not something i'm paying attention to. bill: the president should be paying attention because political corruption is involved that corruption involves taxpayer dollar. while it's not afghanistan or health care it is a situation that should be investigated by the justice department. mr. obama should order that right now. it's what leaders do. as far as health care is concerned, the president sees it this way. >> i think what i am proposing is a very modest attempt to make
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sure that hard-working families out there are gonna have the security of health insurance that they can count on. this isn't a radical plan. this isn't grafting a single pair model on to the united states. it's simply trying to deal with what everybody acknowledge sass big problem. i think that there are some opponents who have seized on this and tried to use this as a proxy for saying that saying somehow we are vastly expanding government and taking over every sector of the economy. that's what a lot of this debate is about. i think they are wrong. bill: the key issue, mr. president, is the massive experspective obama care. the president believes the country can pay for health care reform by cracking down on waste and fraud in the present system. who else believes that? who? and the congressional budget office is issuing dire financial warnings about obama care. now, the interviewer should have
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zeroed in on that. it's very simple. but, of course, they did not. also the president said forcing all americans to buy health insurance and making them pay a penalty if they don't is not a tax as some believe. well, he is right on that. it's not a tax. it's a fine. and i think it might be unconstitutional. the president also said this about health care. >> i don't think that illegal immigrants should be covered under this health care plan. there should be a verification mechanism in place. we do that for a whole range of existing social programs. and i think that's a pretty straightforward principle that will be met. bill: the left ain't going to like that. but i like president obama when he speaks clearly and simply with no wiggle room. he also did that on the race issue. that jimmy carter blew up last week. >> the media loves to have a conversation about race. i mean, this is cat nip to the
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media because it is a running thread in american history that's very powerful. and it invokes some very strong emotions. i'm not saying that race never matters in any of these public debates that we have. what i'm saying is this debate that's taking place, is not about race. it's about people being worried about how our government should operate. bill: and that is 100% accurate. now, on the subject of national security, the president was confronted by this. >> seven former directors of central intelligence have sent you a letter saying please invoke your authority to stop the attorney general's investigation of the bush era interrogation tactics. will you do that? >> you know, first of all, i expect all seven of them. and as importantly or more importantly, i have absolute respect and have reliance upon a
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robust cia. and i have said before, i want to look forward and not backwards on this issue. on the other hand, i have also said nobody is above the law. and i don't want to start getting into the business of squelching, you know, investigations that are being conducted. bill: now, that is really, really weak. it is a weak answer. investigating the cia is a national security issue. thus, the president should make the call. he has the power. so mr. obama is being a bit disingenuous here. we have have more on this story with a former cia chief come up. finally, there was this on cbs. >> i have no interest in increasing the size of government. i just want to make sure we have got a smart government that is regulating, for example, the financial institutions smartly so i don't have to engage in any kind of bank bailouts. that's point number 1. point number 2. even though we are having a
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passionate disagreement here, we can be civil to each other. and we can try to express ourselves, acknowledging that we are all patriots. we are all americans. and not assume the absolute worst in people's motives. i have to -- one last point i have got to make, bob. that is i do think what is different today is the 24-hour news cycle and cable television and blogs and all of this, they focus on the most extreme elements on both sides. they can't get enough of conflict. it's cat nip to the media right now. and so the easiest way to get 15 minutes of fame is to be rude to somebody. bill: now, there is truth in that. but sometimes seeking the truth demands rudeness, forceful dialogue. the president is correct, ideological meanness sells. you can make money doing that you see it all the time on tv, the radio, and the net. all in all, the president's sunday morning adventure allowed him to get his points across with minimal confrontation.
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bernie goldberg will analyze the best and worst of the chats a little bit later on. looking forward to that that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. we are going to take a break and bring in juan williams and kelly an conway. we will give their takes on my take as far as the president is concerned. that report coming right up. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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bill: continuing now with lead story president obama the sunday morning guy. with us kelly ann conway in this evening for mary katharine ham and from cleveland, ohio fox news analyst juan williams. i know i'm going desperately wrong in your mind and why don't you tell me where and how. >> well, actually, you know, i agree with you and i agree with president obama. i think people think the way they get their 15 minutes of fame is to be rude and it's true. the cable networks are attracted to any conflict. let's go to acorn because that's
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where you were very wrong, bill. when it comes to acorn, president obama was on target when he said this is a minuscule. this is a gnat of a controversy. this group doesn't get a lot of taxpayer dollars. i think what we found out is it about 50 millions over five years. that's a write off for the federal government. that's no money. what we are talking about here is terrible indefensible behavior with thi pimp and prostitute. they fired the people. this group really is low income housing. i don't know why are going on about this. bill: below president obama's radar screen. >> are you kidding. bill: they get 50 million direct but a lot more state and local. acorn owns $50 million of the real estate in the city alone: political corruption here. but, look. i said it's not afghanistan or health care. >> it's not. bill: obama has a tie to acorn
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and for appearance sake he should have been right out front saying this is unacceptable, any political corruption is when taxpayer money is concerned and i'm calling for a federal investigation that would have put it to bed, yawn. he doesn't want to do it. >> let me ask you something. don't you think this thing is way overblown in terms of the cable network? you talk about the oil industry. bill: glenn beck and i drove the story. i don't think it was overblown it was damn hard to get it damn hard to get it we still have tens of millions of dollars missing in new orleans. now, the louisiana attorney general is trying to find it. has issued subpoenas. come on, juan, there is a lot of money here. a lot of money. >> you are talking about little bit of money. when you are on target, when you are at your best you are going after the oil companies, bill, you are pointing out how they are gouging people. go after the defense industry and thieves on wall street. bill: ambidextrous. >> this is not worthy of your time. >> juan, there is another reason
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it's relevant for the president of the united states to talk about acorn when asked. his senate and house voted on it. 172 democrats just voted to defund acorn. it eventually will probably, after it goes through congress will make it to his desk. the house had a resolution. the senate attached it to transportation bill. eventually the president will have to veto or make it into law. bill: will he sign it? >> when people have r. struggling around the kitchen table they can't buy the argument that 50 million means nothing to people. bill: also the symbolic nature of the egregiousness of this all. juan, come on now with the national security thing we have admirable wall is i coming up behind you. >> yeah. bill: he goes it's a meally mouth thing seven cia directors don't do. this well, you know the integrity of the investigation. come on, wasn't that meally mouth? >> no. again, i'm surprised at you. what you have to understand is that the democratic congress led by the far left, people i think you keep an eye on, bill o'reilly. they are going to have an
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investigation no matter what justice does. bill: he can shut it down. owe boom that can shut it down. >> can he shut down justice. bill: yeah. that's all i'm asking for. >> he can't tell the u.s. congress don't subpoena people, don't have an investigation. bill: they're north going to do that if he comes out and shuts it down. what do you say? >> let me tell you something, the left has been pushing for this. >> a tremendous opportunity to lock arms with seven former cia chiefs who just two days before said please put a halt to these interrogations or compromises in national security. i find it ironic the congress will not call for federal investigation of acorn folks caught on tape and won't halt the interrogation. bill: that's a bigger issue. i agree with juan the interrogation deal is much bigger issue. what about the meanness and rudeness. this has got to be directed at fox news. not 100% but obama didn't do the interview with chris wallace who isn't mean and isn't rude. but, you know, i'm sure people are going well o'reilly is part of the problem here. and can i get a little rude
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sometimes. but it's always in pursuit of a story not trying to hatchet a guy down. >> obama talked to you. bill: i don't know whether he ever will again. >> i think he will. let me tell you something. here is two things that upset the white house. i happen to know this. one was that the broadcast side of fox didn't care his last joint address to congress. bill: so what? everybody else did and so did the fox news channel. >> what did we do? we think you can dance or something. this is the biggest domestic policy agenda. it is big to him and it hurt his feelings. bill: he is getting a little revenge. it's small, juan. it's small. >> hey, look. if they -- the second thing is, you know, he got called a racist on our network. he didn't like that. he feels the network is trying to pull him down. ok. but i agree with you. if he wanted to make news. for all their grandstanding yesterday they made no news. the thing was a bust. bill: they are all docile and asked predictable questions and he just whacked them.
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let's give kelly anne the last word. >> the president himself doesn't think race is the main motivator. bill: he is honest in that. >> also, bill, he represents all the people, regardless of their choice of cable station. i think they missed a tremendous opportunity to talk to people yesterday. they are at church. they are not watching sunday shows from inside the beltway. bill: if he had talked to us it would have been an event. >> that's right. >> i think so. bill: juan, thank you. three muslims arrested on terrorism-related charges. apparently they wanted to set off bombs in the u.s.a. then body language on the head of acorn getting grilled by chris wallace. moments away.
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okay. you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! say it like, "mmmm, these healthy choice fresh mixers taste freshh!!" they taste fresh... wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? you know, it wasn't a secret to us, we knew. yes, but it was a secret to me. of course, otherwise i would be sitting like this and completely block his shot. so that's why i was like... didn't you notice this was weird? no. made fresh from your desk,
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two from denver and one from new york city in alleged terror plot. ringleader 20-year-old nage i didn't bull la zazi admits he traveled to afghanistan for explosive training for al qaeda. spo are he this are charged with lying to agents dirg during interrogation. seven former heads of the cia have signed a joint letter to obama. asking him to stop the interrogation of cia interrogators because it would harm. joining from us washington is one of those former cia chiefs jim wol is i. what i'm not getting here leon panetta agrees with you, that this is destructive to national security and then president obama goes on the sunday shows yesterday and says, you know, i respect you guys but i'm not going to override my attorney general who, you know, the integrity of the investigation, i'm going it's national security, mr. president, why
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aren't you getting that? and you say, what? >> well, one thing if this were arand new investigation it would be one thing. this was all done several years by career prosecutors. bill: they don't trust it. the left is driving. this the aclu is driving it holder is a left-wing guy. they don't trust the investigation four years ago. it's as simple as that. >> i don't think they have any real substantive quarrel with the investigation. they certainly haven't stated any. bill: why would the aclu continue to sue when, as you said, it's been put to bed. why would they continue it if they don't have any problem with it? >> well, some of the non-government tall organizations and so forth like the aclu may have other agendas, but the key thing here is that the president is responsible both for the intelligence community and justice department. the whole executive branch works for him. he made sort of a curious statement on sunday. he said that this was not necessarily a criminal
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investigation. well, it's sort of hard to figure out i don't think they are going after him for breach of contract. bill: he is right there because they haven't really launched investigation in any criminal matters. what they have done is they assigned a career justice department guy to see if there is enough, then to go ahead. but the appearance of is what you guys wrote. go ahead. >> i was going to say, if they want to turn this off b saying they never started an investigation to see if this is to see if they were going to have an investigation. if this makes it easier for them i'm all for them sayingthat way. bill: it's a soft for the far left. moderate, conservative, libertarian americans, those people don't want this. nobody wants it as you guys wrote in your letter, it sends a chilling right now, no matter whether it's a criminal investigation or a precriminal investigation. it sends a chilling message to
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not only the cia but the nsa and all of our intelligence networks you better watch yourself, take no chances. that's the crux of the matter. >> it's not only watching yourself but it's you can't trust the guidance that your boss gives you that you got in writing from the department of justice. because that's apparently what these people did. i think what is really crucial here, too, is that the president having been elected, gets to set the policy for interrogation or other -- any other way of getting information by the intelligence community. but, by broadcasting all of the details of what the limitations are, we do two things. first of all, we withdraw any sense of uncertainty in the minds of our enemies, which is an important thing you want them to be uncertain. the other thing that you do is really deter friendly intelligence services from working with us. bill: you know what he has done? >> they are worried about disclosure of what they do. bill: intelligence people toll me what obama done it's very
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shrewd. he came out and said army field manual. you get a cocktail and lounge chair and we're not going to do anything else. but now he is doing the rendition thing. the obama administration is sending captured guys to egypt and to other countries just as the bush administration did. they are doing it very quietly. but they are doing it and that's how they get around it. you see. so i just want everybody to know that but i'm glad you signed the letter mr. wools were and i'm glad you stood up to the administration and said this is bad for america. it's bad policy, it's bad leadership, let's get this condone. i appreciate it very much. >> attorney general holder opened this he ought to close it the president ought to ask him to do it if he won't do it himself. bill: the far left continues to say that i, your humble correspondent, continue to support a public option in government mandated health insurance. of course, that's not true. bernie goldberg will analyze the sunday morning interviewers. were they tough enough on
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bill: body language segment tonight lots of action. we begin with george stephanopoulos asking if he was taxing people by forcing them to buy health insurance. >> for us to say that you have got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase. what it is saying is that we are not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you. >> mere yum webster's dictionary tax a charge of usually money by a charge on person or property for public purposes. >> the fact that you looked up meriam's dictionary the definition of tax increase indicates to me that you are stretching a little bit right now. otherwise you wouldn't have gone to the dictionary to check on the definition. bill: now that is interesting. here now body language may
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mayven tonya reiman. not a tax defined. people americans don't like that. they don't want to be forced to buy anything. he did i investigators it now, this is a rhetorical body language thing. he seizes on the meriam's dictionary to try to get away from what's happened did you pick that up. >> the first thing i noticed he did two defensive gestures. he tucked down his chin. bill: ok. >> and then he kicked out his foot. bill: kicked out his, what? >> you will see as it comes. bill: on the two shot. >> as he starts talking. what happens when this topic comes up the foot juts out it's. bill: he wants to kick george. >> unconsciously kicking him. the lower half of the body is typically where emotions seep out of. we can control the upper half really well. when you see movement in the lower half. bill: that's interesting. so when you get agitated, or uncomfortable. >> you will see it in the lower
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half. bill: that's an involuntary gesture showing that he doesn't like the question? >> no. that's just when you know you have hit an emotional chord. have you touched on something. what he does immediately afterwards now he leans forward and then he tucks his chin there is a very intense look. so he controls himself. that's when the finger stops being aggressively pointed. bill: i just want to point out what i said in the top he seizes upon the dictionary thing to divert attention away and that's a very shrewd thing. bertha lewis is the head of acorn. she did appear with chris wallace yesterday. roll the tape. >> and, of course, any organization, um, it's not entirely perfect. i think congress, you know, will be looking at doing an anti-acorn amendment and just singling out one organization. we continue to make sure that all of our employees, if they are too stupid to understand that they are not reaching professional standards, we
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terminate them. bill: all right. so what did you pick up? a lot of head movement. >> right. when we talk about diverting attention, this is the clip i saw a lot of diversion. i didn't see that there was a lot of questions being answered. but in addition to that to me, she was very defensive. what i mean by ha that i saw body language lock down. she is not moving her body. once again. bill: only her head. >> we punctuate our words with our gestures. when i see somebody who is controlling their gestures that much i question why. she was feeling like she needed to keep other guard up so to speak. bill: now she is moving her hand there. i think she is very sincere in what she is saying. she has practiced. >> die too, completely. bill: believe it, look. there is a few people. this is what she believes. i don't necessarily believe it i think acorn is totally out of control and that miss lewis, i respect her for going on with chris wallace and she did come on the factor. i respect her for that. but i think she does not have control of that organization. but she believes that it's just
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a few. >> but, see, we had annualized her body language when she was here. bill: when she was on. >> it's the same thing. she comes on and she is defensive because she has no choice but to be defensive. when you watch her body language you can see it's sincere. she feels like she is being overwhelmed by people. bill: she would be in the category of true believer. >> yes. you know, there is a loft times she is very -- she breaks eye contact often. that gives people bad signals. when you see somebody who is breaking eye contact. >> you can't stare at somebody. >> stalker staring is one thing but breaking eye contact quiet often gives impression that you are not sincere. bill: seven senators who voted against defunding acorn. that means they wanted to continue to give the organization money in the face of all the corruption and arrest and everything else. one of them is a new senator from new yorknew york state. senator gillibrand and griff jenkins caught up with her. roll the tape. >> so i didn't think it was right to punish those families
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who were most in need at a time just because of the actions of a few. >> if i could follow up senator schumer, your senior senator in new york was honored by acorn but he vote to theed to cut off funding, you guys are on different pages. >> i guess. so i would speak to senator schumer though. i'm sure he has his reasons. bill: what did you think? >> here, this was interesting because, first of all, she was nervous, you could hear that in her voice. it was very breathy. in a 24-second clip she blinked 30 times. what's interesting is her blink rate goes up once chuck schumer name is mentioned. bill: everybody does. you mention schumer everybody starts blinking mad. >> then she masks after that point where he is called the senior senator. she puts on that smile, that masking smile. bill: i really hate him but i can't say so? >> not necessarily. more so i really don't noe want you to know what my next emotion is. bill: chuck schumer used to come
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on the factor all the time. i guess is he mad at us now. he doesn't return our calls. that was very astute. she was very nervous. anybody would be when griff jenkins walks up. do you know him. >> no. bill: i have consciously kept him away from you. bernie goldberg has been taking notes on the sunday morning obama chats. which interviewers did well. which did poorly? bernie is next.
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bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the weekends with bernie segment tonight. president obama and on abc, nbc, cbs, cnn and univision. as i mentioned fox was not invited. how did the interviewers do? joining us now from north carolina, fox news analyst bernie goldberg. everybody's real anxious to hear
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what you have to say about this. the consensus, of course is that it was a pretty easy ride for the president. >> let me pick up on the one phrase that you did about fox first then i promise i will get right into your direct question. i think the guys at the white house, the political guys at the white house say, you know, you have a couple of people here on this network who, if their lips are moving, if their lips are moving they are bashing the president. and then the entertainment network as juan williams said they run the so you think you can dance instead of the president's speech to congress. i think these guys are saying you want to play like that you? want to play like that? fox? we can play like that, too. and then. bill: that's immature. >> yes, yes. bill: it hurts them because, look. >> i agree. bill: it hurts them. >> i agree. but, let me make this point. they are not simply boycotting the fox news channel. they are boycotting all the people who watch fox. now, they don't have to worry about the conservatives because
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those people are never going to vote for obama. they didn't vote for him last time. they won't vote for him next time. 22% of the people who watch this network, bill, 22 percent% identify themselves as independents. bill: that's right. >> that's a lot. bill: that's ton. >> and you would think that the smart guys in the white house would say let's go on fox and speak to them. i don't know. that seems like the smart thing to do. and to not do it, i totally agree with you strikes me as petty. bill: did you hear chris wallace on fox say biggest bunch of cry babies he has seen in 30 years. listen, i try to give president obama fair shot. i know greta van susteren does. i know shepard smith does. i know bret baire does. so how many fair shots do you need before you stop the nonsense? >> yeah, but you know how it works. these guys are saying you want to screw with us? well, get this, screw you, fox. that's what they are saying.
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bill: all right. it's just stupid. all right, now, when -- you know, i didn't get much out of that on any of those networks. i thought stephanopoulos was the feistiest. what did you think? >> so did i. i thought stephanopoulos was very good. and, you know, overall, bill, i think even though nobody made news. there were no really hard ball questions. i think, basically, they were better than they used to be. and i think that's because they realize that the american people have lost faith in them. don't trust them. they could dismiss my book when i write about them but they can't dismiss polls by independent groups that says the american people don't trust them them. bill: or falling ratings? bill: i don't know how can you say that when the only guy that asked about acorn was stephanopoulos. the other guys missed that story for two weeks? that's the hottest political story in the country and these guys don't ask about it, come
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on. >> bill, here is a bulletin. these guys ignored it all the way through. they ignored van jones all the way through, also. there was one thing that i did find interesting. it was from my old colleague bob schieffer at cbs. let me just read you one thing he said. i will do my charlie gibson impression here with the glasses. bob schieffer said it seems to me there is a sort of meanness that has settled over our political dialogue. it started this summer at the town hall meetings. well, in case bob is listening, and i know he is not because inside the media elite bubble, they don't allow fox on, but if bob is listening, let me tell you something, bob. it didn't start this summer. do you remember, bob, when liberals from new york to california were calling george bush a moron and a nazi? do you remember when harry reid, harry reid, the head of the senate democrats told a bunch of high school kids that george bush is a loser? do you remember when they portrayed dick cheney as a
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fascist? no. it didn't start the day before yesterday or this past summer, bob. it started a long time ago. but, bob, you didn't realize it because it was aimed at republicans before. now that it's aimed at one of your guys, a liberal democrat, now it bothers you, this meanness. now you have a sensitivity to meanness. you should have had it all along. bill: ok. well put. the internet is a safe haven for liars. and i want to get your opinion on this. >> that's right. >> thought latest is that i am endorsing a public option in health care roll the tape. >> republican leaders are desperate from preventing consumers from having a public health insurance option. they thought they could slow it down and kill it. dead in its tracks. smart money in washington thought they were right. it looks like they missed. even fox's bill o'reilly understands why it's important for consumers to have public
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insurance option. >> the public option now is done. we discussed this, it's not going to happen. if the government can come up with a marketplace where a bunch of insurance companies come together to offer lower premiums, that's a good thing. bill: so obviously i -- we have run that clip before that the government overseas private insurance companies. go. >> bill, bill, don't shoot the messenger. right? i'm your friend. i'm telling you this as a friend. you also said if the government can cobble together a cheaper insurance policy that gives the same benefits, i see that as a plus for the folks. now, i know what you meant by that. bill: i clarified it private hands. >> you absolutely did. but you're a big prize for the left. they f. they can get -- bill: they lied about it? >> look. they have lied a lot worse about other things. bill: that's true. >> when you say.
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bill: i clarified. i know what you are saying, but it's just drives me crazy. that you can't have be a honest dialogue in this country anymore. bernie, i have got to run as always. very interesting. >> you are right. bill: in a moment, reality check alert tonight python alert in south florida. they are after us. right back with it. (woman) dear cat.
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bill: wow, the ghost of herbert hoover will be happy to hear that check two, we sent factor producer jesse waters to a conference over the weekend. there he ran into michelle backman from minnesota who has been getting hammered by nbc news. >> the factor is the factor. i mean, you know, that's it. the factor is the factor. that's what's important. people vote with their feet. this they love bill o'reilly and glenn beck and love the shows that's on fox. that's what matters. they want to go where they can find truth. they obviously are not finding truth on some of these other channels.
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bill: the rapghts for september back up miss balkman. headlines news cnbc combined with 400,000 viewers to spare. biggest margin of victory. factor caught one carrie prejean. >> you have a lawsuit you are pushing and a lot of people think you can't win. why do you still push that. >> i'm all about standing up for what's right. standing up for the truth. and i think that as long as you tell the truth, you know, you can never lose. so that's just what i'm about. >> so you are confident everything is going to work out legally for you. >> yes, i am. very confident. >> ms. prejean believes her religious rights were violated by the miss california organization: on the acorn front "new york post" reporting the organization owns about $50 million worth of real estate here in new york city. whoa, and in new orleans, the irs has now filed a lean -- lien for unpaled payroll taxes against acorn for more than
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$1.5 million. acorn continues to get mashed. check five actress megan fox did not have a happy time as a school girl. >> i was sort of -- not an outcast but i didn't have a ton of friends and i went to really small christian school. >> i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry, too. i think i got picked on and i eat lunch in the bathroom because i was afraid of getting picked on in the cafeteria. it's ok. [bleep] them. i was a loner. and i think that's ok. like, you know, if i were -- give a message that's just lame. to anybody who is a loner, it's perfectly acceptable to be that. bill: whatever. miss fox's new film jennifer's body bombed at the box office over the weekend. we are sorry. check 6. so here is paula abdul spoofing her replacement on "american idol" ellen degeneres.
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♪ i'm coming out ♪ so you better get this party started ♪ i'm coming out ♪ so you better get this party started ♪ get this party started on a saturday night ♪ everybody's waiting for me to arrive >> why are you all staring at me? can't a girl try out a new job? [cheers] >> all kidding aside, nothing but love, ellen. bill: and finally check seven, the miami herald reporting that the african rock python is becoming a problem in south florida. apparently these big snakes. whoa, look at that guy. kind of like a reptile rave or something and you better watch out if you are in west dade county. you are safe from the snakes on south beach but you must watch out for other critters there. that is reality check. pinheads and patriots on deck
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tonight starring beyonce and dave matthews. who is what? which is which? right back with it. . . why? don't you think nordic tuesday is fun? oh no, it's fun... you know, if you are trying to cut costs, fedex can help. we've got express options, fast ground and freight service-- you can save money and keep the heat on. great idea. that is a great idea. well, if nordic tuesday wasn't so much fun. (announcer) we understand. you need to save money. fedex
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bill: time now for "pinheads & patriots." the pop edition. singer beyonce was gracious to taylor swift in the ridiculous kanye west situation. now she's done another good thing, with a concert in sydney, australia, she brought a young girl with leukemia to the stage. ♪ bill: beyonce is a patriot. on the pinhead front, dave matthews seems to know a lot about america. >> president carter says he thinks a lot of the animosity directed towards president barack obama is race related. >> of course it is.
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there are a good number of people in this country who are terrified of the president just only because he's black. bill: really? pinhead most likely. finally tonight the mail, a reminder we're giving away "bold, fresh" bags when you buy more than $14.95 on linda -- lynne schultz -- bill: not so much chris, the obama administration feels fox is toughest on its policies. bill: but they're giving fox
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news people publicity so i think they just wanted to sell some magazines in this case. bill: another beck fan. .you're welcome. thanks for that very nice letter. bill: senator graham has not appeared with us this year. sometimes "the factor" is tilted right, sometimes left. depends on the story lines. on the program you referred to you left out alan colmes. shame on you.
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bill: i appreciate that, liz. and you live in a beautiful place in hawaii. bill: you have to compartmentalize good things happened on september 11 all throughout history and your birth was one of them. email us pithy comments all over the world at name a town, name a town in which you wish to opine. don't be pedantic. how many of you know that? don't be pedantic. look it up. my mom said if i tell you what
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