tv FOX and Friends FOX News September 23, 2009 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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here, downtown, addressing wall street? then all of a sudden rumors started about this would-be plot, an arrest transpired afterwards taking place throughout the city, throughout some of the bureaus. we found one guy who went over to denver, colorado. we tracked him, and rumors have it that he's confessed to being the head of the cell that was going to possibly be a series of backpack bombs it would have been like madrid two right here in new york city. now we're finding out more and more about this investigation. the fact is, we're not even sure if those plots were unfoiled.
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steve: those raids were last week. there were new raids last night and throughout the new york city area. apparently friends of this guy, zazi, they've been picked up. according to abc news, they are looking at up to 24 men around new york city who could potentially have ties to terror. we mentioned a the top of the program a senior official told abc news "i have never been so worried before about a terror threat" because they wondered whether or not they stopped what was about to happen. gretchen: the key now is -- do we still have a war on terror, by the way? it seems to me it's here on the domestic front. if, in fact, there are 24 people involved in this, this is serious, folks. did you see how ray kelly, the commissioner of new york, was basically mum on this entire topic when it happened last week? i found myself questioning that. why? well, now it's apparent because this was huge, and it may not be over yet. and now there's a new article
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out this morning saying that possibly the police and the f.b.i. stepped on each other's feet, and maybe the police had to go in and make these arrests before the f.b.i. was ready for them to make those arrests. that's why we're left with this sort of thing hanging right now about whether or not there's still a threat. there's high alert at train stations. the authorities are also telling people to be on high alert at stadiums. now we know we have the football season in action. we still have baseball in action. and i'm telling you what, premeditate still taking mass transit. but people are nervous. let's listen to ray kelly. >> i think it's important to underscore the fact that there's a lot of classified information in this investigation. the only thing i'm authorized to talk about is the complaint, the criminal complaint, that was filed in denver on sunday. now, i don't know where other people, sources are getting their authority to speak on this investigation. i'm telling you there's no specific information out in the
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areas you just mentioned, entertainment, sport, transit facilities. there's no specific information that would give concern for those areas other than the fact that obviously in a post 9/11 world we're concerned about a lot of things. brian: even though it's in new york and started in new york, tea far from just new york. they say all the major cities have been alerted saying look out for soft targets, as gretchen mentioned. we're talking about hotels, sporting events. and looking over the train stations. for one, penn station, cops everywhere yesterday. it reminded me of 9/11. steve: i saw the same thing. and for the new york city police department to act, there must have been something happening. speaking of something happening. there is a dictator who is sleeping right now about five blocks from where we are. the man is muammar qaddafi, that man right there. why does it say "tent flap?" we've been telling you about how apparently the libyans wanted to raise a tent he could stay in, perhaps in new jersey. you're looking in the backyard of a luxury estate in bedford, new york, owned by donald
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trump. that is a tent. initially they thought, oh, they're going to have a party back there. no the inspectors went in there and discovered it was apparently ready for human inhabitation. it had a satellite dish, skins on the walls. so the city of bedford said, wait a minute, we're shutting you down. the problem was, the guys who were putting the tent up didn't speak english so they had to talk to the caretaker. gretchen: this is just bizarre of all bizarre with a capital b. here we have been talking about qaddafi coming to the u.s. for the first time ever for a month and there's been protes everywhere where he supposedly will show up. and now he has the ability to erect a tent in bedford, new york, and nobody knows about it? give me a break. brian: some libyan businessmen rented this about a month ago. they said they were going to use it for about a week. donald trump owns it. it's about 153 acres. the question, if you have a huge bhangs 153 acres why do you need a tent?
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you get that for people who don't have the homes in the middle of construction. what is the obsession with the tent? gretchen: i think it's part of the culture, number one. also think it's a stick this in your face, u.s., we're going to figure out a way to find a place to put you are a tent. here's what donald trump's organization had to say. brian: and farrakhan showed up to visit him yesterday. steve: they had at least a one-hour chat at the libyan mission, which is on 48th street, which is where he is hanging his hat. brian: we're putting up a tent in the backyard, we'll talk along the way. steve: that estate looks really nice. for one of your kids' birthday parties, brian. you should consider. i'm sure it's tens thousands of dollars. brian: if donald trump watches us what is the number donald
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trump can call and offer -- my son's birthday is october 1. it would ruin the surprise. gretchen: you stepped on an interesting point. in this economy he probably could get big bucks for renting out that bedford estate. steve: they did gretchen: some people would say maybe you shouldn't rent it out to qaddafi, but if you didn't know, that's another issue. steve: the deal was undone because they did not have a work permit to put up the tent. that's why the bedford stopped it. brian: guess what. the president of iran, ahmadinejad, will be speaking at the u.n. today. in the morning will be our president followed immediately by -- steve: tent guy. brian: qaddafi will be speaking today. by the way, ahmadinejad put a brand new members only jacket on for the occasion and any sunglasses and gave an interview to the associated press at which time he again said if the holocaust happened -- steve: what did you mean if? brian: it happened in europe.
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60 million people died. why are we so focused on just one group. "i fundamentally raise two questions regarding the holocaust -- gretchen: i don't know why we give this guy the time of day. brian: are you talking about -- gretchen: i'm talking about why does the u.s. allow these characters to come here and spew their hate for all the world to hear? i'm all for freedom of speech, but i don't get it. what purpose does it serve? how does it benefit foreign relations for those guys -- the last time they called george bush the devil. brian: hugo chavez. gretchen: and guess what. they're supposed to get five minutes to talk. steve: just goes to show you these countries get what they elect or who's installed. he's the guy running the show. brian: one way to keep nemechek time wise, get a band.
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once the band starts playing it overwhelms. steve: just like at the oscars. gretchen: our band is playing on right now. we have to move on. did the white house try to keep general mcchrystal's report under wraps? the report asking for more troops in afghanistan otherwise we face failure. caroline with more on this story. good morning. >> good morning. this was an interesting back and forth between the white house and "the washington post." here's how it happened. bob woodward got a hold of this classified report by general mcchrystal. mcchrystal is the top u.s. commander in afghanistan. the report went into detail about the worsening security situation there. but the white house said publishing it would put troops in danger so "the post" waited until monday to publish it. but what happened in the meantime was that administration officials declassified 98% of the report, hand it back to the "post" and the paper withheld certain details of operation so they wouldn't get criticized for leaking classified material. steve: and curiously, caroline, they leaked the classified information just as support in this country for the war is going down.
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there's a new "wall street journal" poll out. what's that saying this morning? >> sure. it's "the wall street journal"/nbc poll it says nearly six in 10 americans are less than confident the war in afghanistan will come to a successful conclusion. it shows 51% oppose sending more troops to afghanistan. bad news for mcchrystal. but it also shows 55% oppose an immediate withdrawal, steve. brian: thanks to bob woodward break another story. thanks. we'll check in with you again. senator biden says, why don't we just dot drone thing where we shoot people from afar. steve: so people are not involved. brian: pull the troops out. steve: we want to know, does the leak of mcchrystal's report signal big problems for the white house? a fair and balanced debate about the political fallout coming up next. gretchen: and take a look at thun believable individualo a 6-year-old girl nearly killed by a car. steve: oh my goodness. gretchen: why the driver should
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steve: welcome back on this wednesday. restrictions on how long passengers wait on airport tarmacs may be soon passing the law. congress, hearing arguments from the airline industry, and passengers right. in a rare move a c.e.o. for american airlines says he backs a three-hour time limit -- talking about the tarmac -- but warns this will likely result in more flight cancellations and higher prices. and this isn't mars. this is sidney, australia. as you look at the tv screen right now, it's being hit by its worst dust snowstorm 70 years. a thick cloud of red dust
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blanketed the city, making travel treacherous and many people sick as well. brian: we told about the leak from general mcchrystal's report on the war in afghanistan. then if we don't send more troops, that's what it says, we'll fail in the those coming from inside the administration perhaps, or from the pentan out to the public? does this signal deeper problems within president barack obama's white house? dick, welcome. you're also a fox news contributor. where did this leak come from and who wants this message out and who doesn't? >> sure. answer it in a second. i just want to mention on the air the traffic story steve spoke about. there's a whole chapter in "catastrophe" about that and goes into what you have to do to get a guaranteed being stranded on the runway. that's equivalent to what the airlines are doing these days. on afghanistan, this all comes
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from the pentagon, i'm sure. that's where woodward's sources are. that's where the leaks usually come from. what they're doing is they're getting it out there to pressure obama to up the ante and increase troop commitments in afghanistan. obama probably wants to do that, built he's scared to do it now -- but he's scared to do it now because he needs to recover any retreat he needs to make with health care on the left. he needs the left to like him right now so that he can abandon the public option if he has to. brian: should general mcchrystal quit? his combhition was -- commission was to write a report to victory in afghanistan. he did it. now he's told to hold it. and now i might not be able to implement it he has to walk away, doesn't he? >> he might well. the problem that boinlboim faces here is that -- obama faces here is that if he increases commitment to afghanistan, particularly if he loses health care, the left is going to turn on whim a vengeance it will be just like iraq. but on the other hand, if he doesn't and he pulls out of
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afghanistan or doesn't increase commitment, and the taliban takes over and al qaeda takes over there, then the whole issue in 2012 will be who lost afghanistan. so he's in a tough position. particularly because of his need to appease the left within his own party at a time when he might not be able to deliver to them the health care package that they want. brian: senator biden says, i've got a plan, we'll use drones, attack squads but we're not going have troops on the ground. thigget they go with the biden plan? >> the problem with drones is the collateral civilian damage. we tried the strategy of search and destroy whether by drones or with people in iraq. and it doesn't work because the population turned on us. this is basically in spite of afghanistan, against health care. brian: we're gooding to continue and talk more about health care. i want to go to my colleague
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seen earlier, steve doocy. steve: and we'll talk about whether the health care reform is just a dressed up tax program. of -- dick will answer those questions next. and shocking video of a human cannon ball missing the net. watch this. oh, no. what went wrong? that's straight ahead. ( folk music playing )
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gretchen: 23 minutes after the top of the hour. has president obama misunderstood americans when it comes to health care reform? dick morris says the commander in chief is losing everyone now? is that what you say, dick? >> well, he's taxing everyone. and he's alienating everyone with that. when he ran for president,
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mccain suggested financing health care reform by taxing insurance premiums and obama opposed that, said that would be terrible, a horrible idea. i know he's proposing to tax what he calls gold-plated insurance premiums. but there's not much gold on the plate. he says that they should tax everyone with insurance premiums of $8,000 a person or higher. now, the average premium in the u.s. is $4,, 500 -- $4,500. but medical inflation is about 10 times a year. so by the time this goes into effect, anyone paying $6,000 or higher will be taxed, and by 2016 half of all policies will be taxed so basically what he's doing is financing his program with a tax on health insurance premiums. steve: exactly. dick, we were reading your column. and here are the people, according to you, who will suffer from health care reform x money -- health care reform.
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who's he left with? >> the other one is -- you can get the whole column at steve: it's a good one. >> he also is losing the uninsured. the very object of this program. he's saying, oh, i'm going to give you affordable health insurance. well, what's affordable? he says, these congressional budget office reports under his program, you would have to pay 15% to 20% of your total income if you're uninsured in premiums, co-payments and deductibles before any subsidy kicks in and if you don't do it, you're not willing to do it, they'll fine you an equivalent amount. a lot of these people basically want catastrophic coverage because they're healthy. but obama says, no, catastrophic won't be enough,
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you have to have full, 100%, coverage to basically generate a surplus that he can take away and use for other people. brian: you're talking mostly on the baucus plan amended to the tune of 500 amendments. but in the big picture why is senator harkin saying he's so optimistic, they have so much momentum, that he believes this bill will be done by chris nass? >> harkin also ran for president in 1992 and i don't recall he got elected. but he was pretty optimistic about that. i think that basically what you're look at here is that he has the votes. he could pass this thing if he kept his own party. but the problem is that the elderly are realizing all the stuff we wrote in "catastrophe." it's a $500 billion cut in medicare. it's a tax on the uninsured. it's a tax on insurance premiums. and people are understanding that this is just a terrible, terrible bill. steve: catastrophe.
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>> yeah. gretchen: we have to talk about the people whoever suffer in this today, but more good news from dick maybe the next time you show up with us. good to see you, as always, dick. >> thank you. brian: by the way, if you, for a living, get shot out of a cannon, how much are your premiums steve: high. especially when you miss the net. how did it happen and what happened to that person straight ahead. brian: who's satisfying his deductible. gretchen: and the flags were meant to honor a fallen marine so why would a employee for bank of america rip them out of the ground? brian: now people are ripping their accounts out of the bank. happy birthday to bruce springsteen. the boss turns 60 today. steve: that's quite a party. ree r thevla wos inge o ats te
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>> the executive director of acorn, bertha lewis, said acorn will fire any employees too stupid to understand they are not reaching professional standards. why can't we get this rule for congress? what is the problem? why can't we get this rule for congress? steve: so last week took aim at acorn this week they released
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the contents of a conference call made on august 10. on it, n.e.a.'s communications director talked essentially to a number of artists about getting onboard with the president's health care initiative. brian: more than that. education and environmental. steve: it was big! there's been fallout. first a little snippet. >> this is just the beginning. gretchen: you can tell by listening to sergeant who no longer has that position because he was fired/resigned from it, will talk about how --
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will figure out how to talk about this legally. here's the bottom line. you cannot tell federally funded organizations how they should be doing their work. in other words, you can't give them a mandate and say, hey, push president obama's health care reform plan with federal tax dollars. that's against the law. so that guy does not have that job anymore. and here was a statement from him on the firing of sergeant. some of the language used by the former n.e.a. director of communications. you have to wonder who did yosi get his talking points from? brian: so the national endowment for the arts is a non-profit, a-political organization that looks for federal grants. and all of a sudden they're now being urged to support and promote the president's policies regardless of what president? it just so happens to be this president on all three
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accounts? well, the white house at this hour is trying to minimize the fallout, perhaps, after this has become public, as we tell you this story. they are now urging government agencies to keep politics out of federal grants. so that problem solved. steve: a number of those outfits -- 16 of the 21 groups on the phone call got millions of dollars so it's like, ok, we gave you the money, now you're going to be supporting us. right? next thing you know they sign a letter they're all supporting. that has got to stop. the white house says. gretchen: let's talk about something else that might get you steamed this morning. down in south carolina there was a marine lance corporal who passed away on september 10 in a hospital in germany after injuries he received in afghanistan. so one of his family members decided to go and put small american flags to dot a public property with the flag for the procession of his body to come home in the casket, as you see in this photo here. one of the places that she went to was a bank of america branch
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around spartanburg, south carolina. i believe it was in gaffney. so she puts up these flags and drives by later on and sees that the flags are gone. she goes into the bank office and asks why. and the manager said this they took down the flags for fear of offending a customer. the last time i checked, we lived in america and the american flag was our emblem of our patriotism. and our moniker of being americans. i'm not sure who that would offend unless possibly al qaeda was coming into that bank. brian: so a couple of hours later communications got in touch with this and they altered the policy and put the flags back on the outside. but the damage was done. steve: sure. corporate office at bank of america quickly responded and said, quote, the bank does fly the american flag at our locations throughout the cuventry and flags were displayed in front of our banking center in gannney the evening prior to our dedicated marine returning home. we deeply apologize for any
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misunderstandings. nonetheless, the county council in south carolina voted to close their accounts at bank of america but then one of the councilmen said, wait a minute, shouldn't we be checking to make sure that wherever we're going to put the money, make that that bank will fly the flag? brian: bank of america, america. and number two, didn't the american taxpayer just bail them out? aren't we still waiting to be paid back? until that happens, i'd leave the flags up. gretchen: two very good points. however, we live in a p.c. society now where apparently it's offensive for our own flag of our own country to be up in honor of a fallen soldier. let's talk about something also not soo lighthearted, your credit score. have you noticed that maybe nothing's changed in your life? in other words, your finances have possibly stayed the same, your mortgage hastayed the same. you haven't made any adjustments but your credit score may be going down which is not a good thing? why is that happening? steve: well, that's a great question, gretch.
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this could be the legacy on your personal credit from this particular recession. one of the problems is credit card agencies have apparently got to back up, have in reserve, money to back up whatever you charge. for people who do pay their credit card amount on time, they may actually see the amount of credit reduced. that way the company can give out credit to more people. so in other words, can you pay your bill on time. let's say you have a $5,000 credit limit but you never use it. so the credit card company might be saying, let's give you -- we're going to reduce it down to like $3,000 that way we can give out more money to other people. it all has to do with risk. what these companies are doing reassessing risk. across the spectrum. brian: dave ramsey will be with us shortly. we have this question for you. email us if you have an answer. has your credit card rate doubled? has your limit been lowered? if points have been unfairly deducted from your credit score
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and you need advice on how to handle it, email us. steve: in some cases people's credit scores have been reduced 20 and in some cases 50 and even higher because of this whole new risk assessment. gretchen: right. for doing nothing. for actually paying your credit cards on time you could be penalized. let's do some headlines for a wednesday. a fire caused by manure it is burning out of control in california at this hour. the flames were sparked when manure at a ranch in ventura county spontaneously combusted? and there's concern the santa ana winds could add fuel to the fire. right now more than 13 square miles is been destroyed. steve: methane gas. meanwhile, president paw lenty? perhaps. minnesota governor tim pawlenty planning to launch a national fundraising committee, the sign that he's going to run for president in 2012. pawlenty announced he would not seek re-election for governor,
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which means he'll need something to do. maybe president perhaps. gretchen: say goodbye to the office meeting. a new report by the subcommittee on workplace safety says bosses should scrap meetings because of the swine flu. instead, the report says, to phone it in. and in texas, officials taking no chances. they're placing 1,200 bottles of hand sanitizers around the bathrooms and fair grounds. they will be refilled every 30 minutes. brian: a circus stunt goes horribly wrong and it's all caught on camera. a human cannon ball is launched at a circus but he falls short, missing the safety net, falling 65 feet to the ground. the mansur vifed but he's now nursing several bone fractures. steve: he's lucky he didn't land in the crowd. brian: he needed a bigger net. gretchen: take a look at thun believable video captured on surveillance camera. a 6-year-old is following her parents into a market in washington state. watch this. a car slams into the building
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just missing her. amazingly she survived without a scratch. thanks to concrete security posts. as you can imagine, she's now terrified of cars. >> are cars scary now? >> yes. >> why? gretchen: oh my goodness. and get this. the driver should never have even been behind the wheel because her license had been suspended. for obvious reasons! she doesn't know how to drive very well. brian what about the sports for a wednesday? brian: she got a ticket for reckless driving as well. the new york yankees are back at a familiar place they were not last year and that is the playoffs. the yankees became the first team to earn the playoff berth this season. new york got in with the ranger loss. a-rod, jeter an company went out and beat the angels. the yankees made the playoffs 13 years in a row before that streak was stopped last year. football now, kind of. former nfl star plaxico burress
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waking up in prison this morning. burress was sentenced to two years behind bars yesterday. ' poll jiesed to his family and said an emotional goodbye as he was led off in handcuffs. burr less pleaded guilty to weapons charge, accidentally shot himself in the thigh at a nightclub. he's gone for two years. most likely 20 months. boxing now. days after his huge comeback, boxer floyd mayweather takes another hit. this time from the taxman. mayweather just paid the i.r.s. $5.6 million in back taxes. i guess he was putting it off. the i.r.s. was threatening to take the money out of mayweather's $10 million purse if he did not pay off. some of those who wondered, you know what? i wonder why he is coming back. when you owe the taxman over $5 million, suddenly you love boxing again. steve: what's not to love? brian: the man punches you back. steve: politics aside, do we have enough doctors to make government-run health care work? our next guest, dr. mark
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to see if you qualify for up to $40 off new or refill prescriptions. for many men, flomax can make a difference in one week. steve: this is a fox news alert. you're looking at a live picture outside of veterans hospital in chicago where swat teams at there hour are surrounding the building. that is because a man accused of killing his parents has barricaded himself inside the hospital. witnesses say he walked into the place, fired a shot in the ceiling, and then threatened to kill himself. the man who reportedly told people he had just killed his elderly parents. he's not believed to have any hostages. nonetheless, a tense situation right now in chicago. meanwhile, customers two of major banks are about to get a break on overdraft fees.
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bank of america will no longer charge a fee if an account is less than $10 in the red. it's also limiting fees to $4 per day and giving customers the ability to set spending limits. that sounds pretty good. jpmorgan chase also limiting fees and waving fees if an account is less than $5 in the red as well. a step in the right direction. gretchen: 150,000 doctors less than we need. that's the prediction from the association of american medical colleges. they say we'll be short that many doctors by the year 2025 if universal health care passes. steve: so is the country prepared to care for tens of millions of uninsured patients? let's talk to fox news medical contributor dr. mark seeingal -- seigal so if we have 30 million new americans in the system, where are the doctors going to come from? >> they're not going to be there. that's because of, a, population growth, b, because we're going to have 40 million
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more insured, and c, by the the way, because doctors are also dropping out. there's surveys out there that show that doctors are very discontent. it says 45% say they may quit if there's universal health insurance. then there's the issue, are they going to take insurance? so there's the shortage of doctors. then there's a high percentage that may quit. and, third, those that are in may not be taking the new insurance. 50% of doctors don't take medicaid. steve: a perfect storm. >> we're not considering that. this isn't about your. gretchen: it may be a new york phenomenon that a lot of doctors here do not take insurance. in other words, you go to the doctor and you have to pay in full. you may be able to get somewhat reimbursed. but is that what will become the norm across america, potentially if doctors want to continue to make a good salary? >> i'm very, very concerned about that. 15% of our top h.m.o.'s here in new york are showing a dropout rate. 15% per year of a dropout rate.
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and medicare -- there was a survey out of columbia that 65% of physician were -- physicians were not taking new medicare patients. here's my insurance card, but the doctor's not in. that's the concern i have. that's getting worse and worse. i don't even understand why we're not focusing on the real problem which is not insurance but health care. there's access to doctors. the worst problem of all is this business of cutting. it's very disingenuous to be out there saying we're going to cut medicare by -- medicare and medicaid by 500 billion dollars, but it is not going to affect the service you get. how can that be? how can it not affect your benefits? you may have the same benefits, but if you cut the people giving the benefits, doctors are going to be under tremendous pressure. baucus is cutting motorized wheelchairs. we talked about it on the show. if he cuts motorized wheelchairs, i want to prescribe a motorized wheelchair, i can't prescribe that easily. i might want to quit. steve: we thank you very much.
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another eye opener. gretchen: let's talk about this eye opener. the terror plot against new york city still alive? or another city? next, a former f.b.i. investigator joins us with why he believes the plot may still be out there. steve: and president obama set to speak to the united nations this morning. coming up, we're going to talk to the u.n. ambassador, susan rice about what he will say about foreign policy and the possibility of running into america's enemies like ahmadinejad and qaddafi over on the escalator . right back. . luci: i'm luci romberg. i'm a free runner... ...national champion gymnast... ...martial artist... and a stuntwoman. if you want to be incredible, eat incredible. announcer: eggs. incredible energy for body and mind. (guitar music)
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week after investigators found bomb-making instructions on his computer. now word that as many as 24 other suspects are still under investigation. brian: former fbi investigator bill daily joins us now from los angeles. how serious is this. we heard so many scares before. this goes back to pakistan. three trips over the last few years. >> to show the level of seriousness on this case is that as soon as it was break something that the president was briefed himself as well as other senior members of congress. you know, that's not typically what happens in these type of investigations unless they are really serious a need to let the authorities know, the senior management of government know what's going on. gretchen: here is the problem, bill, the scale and the scope of the plot remains unclear. the new report out this morning quite possibly the police and fbi both looking into this maybe crossed paths in a little bit of a wrong way and they had to move in sooner to make this arrest
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sooner than they wanted to to make the plot still alive as well as other suspects still at large. >> you know, gretchen, we don't know all the fact pattern here. they had to move quickly on this and not put their arms completely around the investigation to perhaps make the charges of terrorism brought very quickly. i think in this case though my concern, i think you just expressed, is that there could be others involved. we don't know how widespread this particular cell is or if zazi and others went for training in cells. i think this word of caution and kind of an advisory as commissioner ray kelly from new york said yesterday. just for everyone to be kind of rethinking about the security concerns. new york is always thinking about them. for others to be aware that this shows they could really be real. eight years after 9/11 these people are seriously looking to plot against us, we believe.
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brian: world leaders here and pittsburgh. brian: so baseball realizes it's always been a worry, especially after 9/11. in the big picture, how strong does this case seem to be? because we right now don't have the bomb-making equipment. we just have the plans and maybe the backpacks. >> exactly, brian. i mean, the fact pattern, they are starting to suggest and let's remember is that right now the charges are against for lying to authorities. gretchen: not even terrorism. >> we do have to be careful as we talk about this that there are things here that start to suggest patterns of behavior but we don't have all the facts and don't have the actual material. so it does make it a little bit more challenging for authorities at this point to bring these stronger charges and move forward towards prosecution.
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brian: the dad, the 24-year-old son and the imam who seems to have been a double agent. thanks for getting up in los angeles for us. >> any time, brian. gretchen: libyan dictator moammar kadafi literally trying to pitch his tent on donald trump's property. did the trumpster know about this? what he is saying now. brian: general stanley mcchrystal's report about needing troops in afghanistan and the way forward has been leaked. does this signal a monster problem for the white house? former speaker of the house newt gingrich in our house next hour. ou: t s nnge toaghw, roms" zi
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that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. gretchen: good morning, everyone. hope you are having a fantastic day. it's wednesday, september 23, 2008. that plot is it still alive against new york city and other cities? is it still a major threat? why a senior law enforcement agent says he has never been so
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worried about the security of our country. and new warnings for sports stadiums across the country. brian: president obama set to speak to the united nations. that's today it will be coming up. we will talk to the u.s. ambassador to the united nations, susan rice. she will be live with us and what we can expect to hear on the president's foreign policy and the possibility of running into american enemies, mahmoud ahmadinejad and moammar kadafi. what will the president do? steve: meanwhile, it's definitely not the trump tower. libyan dictator moammar kadafi pitches a tent on donald trump's property? how did that happen? and what happened after the donald found out about it? straight ahead. meanwhile, our slogan this hour comes from karen in fort meyers, florida. some coffee and a shower, it's time to work. i must go. but i always make time for the "fox & friends" morning show. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the
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national captioning institute >> hi, we are the oak ridge boys. you are watching "fox & friends." gretchen: got to love that bare ton base voice early in the morning. brian: i assume he had the deepest voice among them. steve: still does. brian: kadafi -- put a stop to that says i'm going to stay in our little embassy in new york city. is that ok? no problem. then all of a sudden this story pops up in west chester county in bedford hills. 153-acre mansion rented for a week by moammar kadafi. gretchen: who owns it? donald trump owns this bedford estate. apparently rented it out to what he thought was middle easterners, that's the statement so far this morning. before you know it, that tent right there, pitched on the property. earlier in the show, we were wondering why do you need to pitch a tent when can you stay in the mansion right next door?
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apparently culturally they like to entertain in the tent. it's my belief that they are doing it to snub us, to show we can pitch a tent wherever we want. steve: keep in mind. the way things are laid out in this country when you are a visiting dignitary you can go 25 miles any which way from the united nations. that's the epicenter of it. they figure here is our area. they tried it in new jersey, and then according to the trump organization, apparently some of trump's middle eastern associates rented it out. keep in mind, it's not like that's where donald lives. he lives in a sky scraper. brian: you bump into everybody. steve: this is one of those places available for rent. unbeknownst to the donald apparently there was that deal done. here is the statement from the trump organization.
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steve: the reason this all came to a head. in fact, it's the head library in the "new york post" today with tent flap is when they were erecting this particular tent. some city inspectors from bedford went into the tent and said you got a permit? because it turns out no one spoke english there they said to the caretaker they don't have a work permit so they have got to stop. that's what stopped it in the tracks. gretchen: not because there was a dictator in the tent only there wasn't a permit. if moammar kadafi was to pitch a tent, where would it be? email us at let us know if you want his tent in your backyard. steve: it would have to be asbestos tent.
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gretchen: president obama set to make debut speech to the u.n. this morning. what issues can we expect him to address in terms of foreign policy? here to give us a sneak peek is u.n. ambassador to the united nations susan rice. good morning, susan. >> good morning. gretchen: i know you want to talk about the speech that the president is going to give. we were just talking about moammar kadafi and first visit here to the u.s. one of the things the president had said when he was campaigning is that he would want to meet with another dictator of the world, ahmadinejad, without preconditions. will this be the setting to have that meeting without preconditions. >> no. there won't be a meeting between president obama and ahmadinejad, but there will be the united states, france, britain, china, russia and germany sitting down in what we call the p-5 plus one format next week for the first time with iran to present iran with a very stark choice. iran can continue its nuclear weapons program and face
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increasing pressure and sanctions from the united states and the international community. can abandon that program. uphold its obligations. pursue peaceful nuclear energy fully verified and face a very different future one where it could be reintegrated more responsibly into the international community. that's a stark choice that iran will face and will be presented with next week in those face-to-face talks. the united states has a very clear interest in preventing iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. that is the purpose of this effort. and there is no need in that context for other engagement. steve: ambassador, here is the thing though, we can want what we want. we really need russia and china to help us clamp down on iran. are we making any headway in that? >> the president as you know met yesterday with president of china. is he meeting today with
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president medicine verify of russia. iran will be very high on that agenda. there will also be a meeting at the secretary of state level today with the countries that are among this group of five permanent members of the security council, plus germany to prepare for the meeting next week. so we recognize that the most effective pressure and influence on iran can be mustered when all of these countries are singing from the same sheet of music. that's our intention next week. we're preparing for it but obviously if iran refuses to take this opportunity to negotiate seriously, we and others will increase the pressure. brian: of course russia sending them a missile defense system to protect their missile fittings. doesn't make you think they will be singing on the same hymn sheet. hillary clinton said before this week's events that the u.n. doesn't have to be a diplomatic talk shop. we feel we can be very effective this week. what do you think you can get done? what you have gotten done?
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>> p.m. will give his first speech ever to the united nations general assembly. he will make an historic call for nations to step up and take their share of responsibility for meeting critical global challenges. the united states is leading in a new fashion and stepping up to do its part. the challenges we face in the 21st century, things like terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, climate change, pandemic disease, are challenges that can't be met through the actions of a single nation in isolation. even one as powerful as our own. they, by necessity, require effective cooperation from others. we are doing our part. it's time for others to do their part. the united nations is a potentially very effective tool to accomplish those objectives, but it hasn't lived up to its potential. this will be a moment where the president of the united states challenges the countries of the united nations to make that organization one that could meet the challenges of the 21st
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century. gretchen: all right. well, we will see if the president has any more success in dealing with iran than past administrations much the ambassador for the u.n. for the united states susan rice, thanks for your time this morning. >> glad to be with you. gretchen: details in the new york city terror plot, on attack could stillable in the works. that is according to sources owho say they are now focusing on more than two dozen suspects who may have ties to terror. one senior law enforcement official saying quote i have never been so worried. there are also new reports the man at the center of the case naji abullah azi had information about sports arenas on his computer prompting alerts to stadiums across the country. major league baseball issuing this statement: statements to the master mind of the september 11 master mind attacks sending greetings to osama bin
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laden and calling president obama a liar. brian: now he has gone too far. gretchen: message coming in court papers mohammed filed and asked for and received another 60 day delay in this case. is he one of the 9/11 conspirators representing himself of the trial. the nation's busiest border crossing is going to reopen today after a shootout between border agents and suspected human traffickers. federal agents fired shots across nine lanes of traffic to stop vans suspected of carrying illegal immigrants in mexico. four people hurt in the incident. 74 people were taken into custody and they closed the port of entry for several hours. that created a traffic nightmare. nearly 40 cars cross there every day. georgia residents got good news down there today but look at the devastating floods.
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the floods have killed nine people. damaged countless homes and buildings. 20 inches of rain fell in that state in the last week breaking nine flooding records. those are your headlines for a wednesday. brian: those are records you don't want to break. steve: we asked you our question of the day where should kadafi pitch his tent if not able to do it at donald trump's place. one emailer said let kadafi build his tent in direct line of that that neuro fire in california. somebody said how about riker's island. could see plaxico. or, down in florida, alligator alley. brian: keep them coming. 10 minutes after the hour. here is what is coming up straight ahead. with president barack obama addressing the united nations today. how should he handle dealing with international leaders like ahmadinejad and moammar kadafi? we will debate that next. steve: did the white house try to keep general stanley mcchrystal's report a secret?
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serious problem for the white house. former speaker of the house, newt gingrich is going to join us live this hour "fox & friends." ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast,
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swes ne llll ju caesac tuav thci usve n suyo rand tuswne swta™ gretchen: later today, three world leaders and three very different men speak in front of the u.n. general assembly. president obama, iranian leader mahmoud ahmadinejad, and libyan leader moammar kadafi. what will each say and how should our commander and chief handle these world leaders? some of whom, let's face it,
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don't like us. jonathan hoenig from capital pig asset management live right here on the couch usually in chicago. jay thomas radio talk show host and judi miller former "new york times" journalist. all right, panel. we just heard from susan rice, the united states ambassador to the u.n. and she said that basically president obama will not sit down with either one of these leaders while he is there. judy miller, he said when he campaigned that he would meet with the iranian leader without preconditions. apparently that meeting is going to happen next week instead. >> i think it would be a little embarrassing to meet. perhaps they will pass each other on that escalator that you have been showing on the air. this is not the time for that kind of presentation. it would be very awkward at this point especially given moammar kadafi's receipt of the hero the slaughter of all the people on the panam flight. this is not the moment for that. what is he going to do is administer tough love. that is he is going to say if you are complaining about the united states being
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unilateralists? here we are willing to outstretch our hand. now this is what we want back. >> that's tough love? >> that's tough love. gretchen: does it do anything. >> it appeases dictatorships. that's what the united nations does. have you moammar kadafi and mahmoud ahmadinejad who this week has denied the holocaust has called for the destruction of israel, and the united states again. this is kind of old business for him. and i think merely giving him that stage legitimizes him. if the president wants to appease our enemies. honestly, who are we fighting in iran? who are we fighting in afghanistan militant islam. i know we can't say that in this country that's the enemy. that's what mahmoud ahmadinejad represents. gretchen: does it bother you that we give the dictators the platform to come to the u.s. and spew whatever kind of hatred they feel the necessary? by the way they are only supposed to speak for five minutes. >> blame this on our founding fathers. every time i turn on fox the founding fathers. these idiots. free speech.
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it's free speech. free speech is the worst thing that ever happened. >> best thing that ever happened happened. >> and also, you know, you go to a dog park and all these dogs would fight if they saw each other by themselves. once you put all these people in a room together, they don't bite each other for some reason. nothing is going to happen. the average american is waking up this morning and could care less whether he says hello to kadafi. he wears an outfit that looks like my aunt's slip covers. i think he is ridiculous. is he our ally. he made him our ally after we attacked iraq. he is not a terrorist country. >> he gave up weapons of mass destruction. one of the few people who do that. one of the great bush accomplishments. by the way. you ought to be happy. >> why aren't we welcoming him. bush made him an aally. we are mad at him for something scotland did. i think it's miss placed anger. gretchen: i think every american
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should wake up and care about what's going on u.n. because the last time i checked we just had a huge thai plot that we just stopped that could be still alive. >> dumbest terrorist in the world get caught every time. gretchen: somehow they succeeded on 9/11. >> 20 backpacks and 15 cell phones. i don't even keep that in my car. >> who is behind that? i mean that doesn't come up with a couple guys in jersey kind of come up with the idea. >> they are stupid. they get caught all the time. gretchen: i don't know about that. >> if you would have said hey, i'm going to care some box cutters on to airplanes and i'm going to fly them into buildings i'm not going to to worry about landing. that's really dumb, no one is ever going to get away with that what we need and what the 9/11 commission said we needed was more imagination. these guys had it. they got here from afghanistan. he had a limo driver's permit. so that he could actually take people to airports. this is the first serious al qaeda plot that we believe is the identified in this country.
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gretchen: that's why the authorities are very nervous about it take a break. stay with the panel. democrats quieting insurance companies who have been letting seniors know what's really in their health care legislation. is this a government gag order? we will put that question to our political panel. and former president clinton showing his funny bone on dave letterman, what he has to say about his health that had the crowd in stitches. >> the government had a serious decision to make.
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and desist letter from the government saying stop giving out this information to your customers. >> i thought free speech was protected in this country, gretchen. the truth is that the president has a bully pulpit. he has been on tv literally dozens of times in the recent months explaining the proposal. outlining his proposals. if there is confusion out there as to just what the proposal is, then it is the president's fault. and all humana is doing is simply trying to inform their customers that yep a change is coming, call your congressman and call your representative and let them know you don't want a government takeover of health care. gretchen: what i found interesting though is that the aarp which by all accounts has been in support of obama's health care reform plan, they didn't get one of these letters to stop tell their constituents what was going on. so, this seems to me they only sent the letter to people giving out information against the plan. >> that's what the republicans have been saying. normally i don't like companies or health insurance companies. on this one they are absolutely right. they have every right to pass out information, whether or not
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it's right, and if the government doesn't like it, it shouldn't issue cease and desist orders it should say they are lying. humana is lying and here is why rather than issuing orders. we do live in a country of free speech. and they have a right to issue whatever they want to issue. gretchen: how would humana or any other insurance company know what fact to give out. the american people don't know what's in the five plans that are out there so far maybe six. >> if i was the president and somebody said i didn't like i would audit them 45 times in one year. if i'm running things, you feel like whatever you want to say. you threaten anybody you want to threaten. i work in radio. the fcc has been threatening. if you are trying to get a license and have you got some little problem somewhere, you better pay that fine and keep your mouth shut or you nor the going to get this license for radio station you are going to buy. the irs has been intimidating americans for years.
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we get letters all the time that say we're going to audit you. it's such a threat that you wet your pants, you are so nervous. >> isn't this just government cracking down on dissenting opinion? >> what's wrong with that? >> people have a right to express their opinion. >> i'm f. i'm running things, i'm going to say what i want to say. >> we have litigated this before the supreme court. conditions have the right to say what they want to and pay for advertising. >> not put out information that somebody thinks is not correct. >> have the government say they are not telling you the truth. they can talk, everybody talks. >> please don't send out misinformation and on what page of the thousand pages is it? i vice president the faintest idea. gretchen: until the obama administration puts out the one page primmer what the plan really is, i have no idea how you could say what is factual and what isn't factual. >> it's all about money. the aarp is going to get money. barack's administration wants his side to win.
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humana wants to make billions of dollars. somewhere in the middle is us. >> most people don't have any confidence in the government's ability to run something as complicated as health care. when you consider the fact that the existing social safety nets, medicare, medicaid, social security are flatout broke. it's no wonder that people including insurance companies like humana are very nervous about handing over that massive part of our economy. >> i disagree with that. the government runs the army and the air force. they run the things. >> proper rolls of government. >> you happen to like that. i don't think they ought to run the army. they ought to run the insurance company. >> veterans insurance. gretchen: it's a very interesting point this morning. judy, jay, jonathan, the three j's. i have got to wrap it up right there. let me go out to b and f -- s. steve: president obama held
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meeting with israeli meters. ahide barack was there but he is here now. he just walked by the kitchen area. we are going to talk to him on the other side of this break. >> with a thousand of his closest friends. general stanley mcchrystal says he needs more troops in afghanistan otherwise we face failure. why hasn't the president made a decision yet? former speaker of the house newt gingrich weighs in in about 10 minutes. welcome to the now network. right now five coworkers
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steve: all right. president obama sat down with both israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and palestinian president mahmoud abbas yesterday encouraging both sides to go forward with peace talks. did this produce results or was it merely a united nations photo op.? brian: joining us is now is ahide barack. good morning. how would you characterize the talks. you were right there. did anything get done? word is the president was very direct. >> i think it's good to be direct. i think there is a need for all the -- we will move forward and move the palestinians towards
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putting an end to the conflict. i hope and believe it is the first step in this direction. steve: it always involves some negotiation. >> unfortunately. steve: what do you want from the other side. >> we basically put our vision, i believe it's quite congruent with yours, namely to have two states and jewish-israel, side by side with the palestinian, palestine living in cooperation and good neighborliness. i think it's possible. it needs leadership. toughest decision will be -- will have to be taken by -- looking into the eyes, looking into the eyes of the israeli people, but it's not something which is insurmountable. brian: the word was freeze your settlements and then we have talks. you haven't freezed the settlements in the west bank and you are still having talks.
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does that show the israelis are winning this debate. >> no. i think we are clearly willing to move. we have made a lot of steps. the level of -- we are restraining the new construction construction. brian: they have slowed it down a little, right? >> yeah. tell the people living there you cannot just, you know, -- you cannot stop a contract that's already been made with individuals and private contractor. but that's -- we are moving in this direction. we are ready to consider putting certain time to new construction. that's not the real obstacle. i'm confident that once the arab leadership. take the decision to move forward. this shouldn't be something that blocks them.
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steve: somebody who just a number of blocks away from us right now is mahmoud ahmadinejad, the guy who runs iran. he would like to blow your country up. and they have got that nuclear program they are working on, brezenski who used to be in the democrat white house a national security guy has suggested that if the israelis went and flew over to iran, to destroy their nuclear program, that the united states air force would have an obligation to shoot your airplanes out of the sky. >> i say it's too hyped. too into the future. i don't see this way. excuse me. ahmadinejad have a nuclear program with clear military intentions. i believe it's the time for diplomacy and tough sanctions and should be executed against them. within a limited time frame.
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all of us hope they will stop thei newcomerstown larr military program. that's great. if not, israel says and keeps saying we do not remove option from the table. we others to do the same. doesn't seem to make sense to talk about this that you have mentioned. steve: ahide barak. we know you have a busy week in new york city. brian: and talks in washington, d.c. gretchen: president obama about to make it harder for the government to keep secrets. it's a major shift from a bush era practice. according to the "the washington post." in order to keep a state secret, an organization will have to now convince the attorney general that exposure would harm national defense on foreign relations. president obama expected to make the announcement today and the new policy would go into effect next week.
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say goodbye to the office meeting? a new report by the subcommittee on work place safety says bosses should scrap meetings because of the swine flu. instead, the report says, phone it in. in texas fair officials taking no chances, placing 1200 bottles of hand sanitizers around the bathrooms. they will be refilled every 30 minutes a story we covered here on "fox & friends." kids who were mostly minorities were kicked out of a swim club outside philadelphia. well, a state panel now finding probable cause racism was behind the whole thing. the panel ordering the valet club to pay $50,000 fine for discrimination. the club blames the media firestorm for the controversy and plans to appeal. former president bill clinton pressing world leaders to go green. that was the highlight of the former president's global summit. annual event in fifth year asks world leaders to make pledges on solving global problems.
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those who don't follow through on their commitments are not allowed to return next year. you get your pink slip. not your green slip. while he was in new york president clinton stopped by the david letterman show. this is becoming the political place to be. the men laughed about something serious they have in common which is heart problems. >> as far as i know, i'm fine. [ laughter ] >> you know, when you reach our age, every day is a genetic roulette. i feel pretty good about it. steve: when you reach our age, he is not that old. brian: david letterman had a major heart problem. he almost died. had no idea that was happening. bill clinton the day after president obama. guess it's the place to be for politics. steve: hi, mr. speaker. >> great. i would rather be with you than letterman. gretchen: very good answer, newt. steve: let's talk about what's going on with the health care.
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tom hearken esteemed senator from the great state of iowa says he is pretty sure they will have a bill on barack obama's desk before christmas. are you as optimistic as hark kin? >> they might. they wanted to have a bill, you will remember in july. then they wanted to have a bill by september 18th. christmas is a nice next target. steve: he didn't say christmas what year. >> the thing that senator harkin has got to do is go back home to iowa. which has one of the largest senior populations in the the country and explain why taking hundreds of billions of dollars out of medicare is good for senior citizens in iowa. he then ought to explain to the country why having gag orders that block your insurance company from telling you the truth isn't a sign of growing government power. i think there is a lot of things to do between here and the time we get a health bill. brian: have you seen two bills so dramatically different supported by one party going to
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conference like it looks as though the house and senate will do? >> well, i think everybody had better hold on to their wallet. if they do get a bill in conference, without any kind of agreement in advance, you are going to have every pressure in the democratic party to move towards their socialist wing and to have a very big government, very high tax henry waxman, barney frank, nancy pelosi bill. that's what would probably come out of a conference. now, whatever the democrats try to put into it. i think the pressure in their system is very, very heavily towards bigger government and higher taxes? gretchen: let's talk about national affairs, we have the u.n. general assembly going on right now. we have the situation in afghanistan where apparently somebody inside the pentagon released the report from mcchrystal, who apparently is going to ask for a heck of a lot of troops. and president obama has now said that his strategy may be changing when as recently as march, even more recent than that, i think, he said he was in favor of whatever this guy said needed to be done.
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>> well, you know, i think the president has a growing problem politically at home. the american people don't understand the war. he doesn't want to explain it. and his left, which thought it was clever of him to be against iraq but for afghanistan is not shocked to discover he actually meant he was for afghanistan. remember, his left is actually against all wars that defend america. a little bit like you are coming from brezenski, why don't we shoot down the israeli planes, they are on our side. this whole notion of defending america is dangerous. brian: he is the chairman of the armed services committee. >> that's right. that's why he has got speaker pelosi saying she is opposed. he has senator levin saying he is opposed. he is trying to pass a health bill with the votes of the left. >> he is doing this dance that says. gretchen: america's safety could be in jeopardy. it doesn't seem to me a dance that you want to tango with right now. >> the most amazing thing this morning is look at the attorney general who has done everything
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he can to make it hard to interrogate people explain the threatened new york city today. anybody who thinks we are safe just has to read today's stories or watch you all with today's stories in this city about terrorists that the fbi has picked up in this city right now. steve: right. we had a guest on during our pundit segment who said these are the dumbest terrorists in the world. i disagree. they are not dumb terrorists. we have got a great law enforcement system in this country who cracked up -- cracked the case that could have blown things up the past week. >> this is the circular problem you have on the american left right now. because the fbi succeeds. it's not really a grave threat because they stopped it therefore why do we really have continue to tear gait people after all they are not really threatening us because the fbi locked them up. if you don't have the intelligence operations and you don't have -- the new york city police department may be the most antiterrorist police force in the world. they have gone out and done a great job. you have a real team protecting the four of us. around therefore, since nothing
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bad happened this week, somebody is a k. say they are dumb terrorists. i just heard somebody on the way in here say they were more frightened, the senior official said they were more frightened this week than at any time since 9/11. steve: so there is a lot of stuff they are not telling us. >> yeah. partly because they don't want the tears to know what we are learning. gretchen: i wonder from is a war on terror? brian: operations come home to roost. it looks like it's working. something is newt, stick around, would you? your beautiful wife is over there we will continue our conversation with the gingrichs. up next, the trouble with schools. newt is sticking around with callista to detail the history lessons no longer being taught to our kids. they should be. the gingrichs weigh. in "fox & friends" christmas special. she won an emmy the other night. she looks fantastic. then she passed out. nancy adel joins us live with all the back stage drama. when this school district added aflac to complement
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for and the duck says... aflac! at world record speed. i'm luke myers. if you want to be incredible, eat incredible. announcer: eggs. incredible energy for body and mind. (guitar music) come on. good girl.] mollie's never looked better. i really was amazed to see the change in her coat. people stop us when we're walking, and they'll say, "did you shine up her spots?" [ woman announcing ] just another way purina one... unlocks the brilliance of nature... to transform the life of your dog. for us to see the difference in mollie-- we were really excited about it. it just makes you feel wonderful. [ announcer ] it's amazing what one can do.
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and big bodies on high blood pressure medicine. tylenol works with your body... in a way other pain relievers don't... so you feel better... knowing doctors recommend tylenol... more than any other brand of pain reliever. >> the question of declaring independence and taking up arms and fighting against the king was very much a difficult question for people of faith. all of a sudden they are talking about overthrowing their king. this was a really difficult decision. and ministers from the pulpit helped their congregations to wrestle through this challenge, this problem. steve: well that is a clip from a new documentary called
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rediscovering god in america ii, showing how religion shaped our country. this is something we don't hear much about these days. joining us along with the former speaker of the house newt gingrich is his beautiful wife callista who hosts the documentary. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having us. steve: you know, in the american marketplace we don't hear much about religion in america's formation because there are all those experts who say, you know, let's not just talk about that we don't want to offend anybody. >> that's exactly right. that's why we are done this movie called rediscovering god in america, ii, our heritage. this is a squeal to our original movie. what we do in this movie is focus on the role of religion in our early american history. so we look at our first settlement in jamestown and move on through the american revolution and up until the very end of the civil war in 186 a. and we look at the deep faith that sustained and motivated our religious leaders and our
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national leaders at the time. we also look at our nation's belief and religious freedom. gretchen: this is amazing to me. this is the kind of documentary i would want my kids to watch. facts like this came out. which president gave inaugural address with 14 references to god. imagine that today. two quotes of the bible in 703 words? who was it, mr. gingrich. >> abraham hamlin con's second inaugural. gretchen: that's amazing to me because you don't read about that. >> that was one of the most profoundly religious speeches given by an american president. brian: oliver north doesn't have of the revolutionary war could you tell me about the tolerance between the religions? not everybody was going for the same god for the same reason. did you discover there was tolerance for others. >> religious liberty comes the need for religious tolerance. we look at the various religious groups that were in our early
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american history. we look at the pilgrims, the puritans, we look at the quakers in pennsylvania who were seen as religious radicals at the time. we also take a look at catholics in maryland and philadelphia, as well as the jewish community in rhode island. brian: and who is your favorite? gretchen: you don't have to answer that. >> what's interesting, one fact, every parent who is listening can check with their children's school. the first thing english speaking colonists do in the new world when they land for the first time is raise a cross at cape henry in virginia to thank god for having gotten across the atlantic. i don't know of any school that starts by saying this is how fundamental that religion was to the founding of america. steve: that has been left out all of the textbooks. if you want it see how do you learn. >> the movie web site is rediscovering our or go to our personal web site gingrich gretchen: congratulations on this. she would have danced with the
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stars an injury sidelined nancy adel. she is not silencing on this guy tom delay. he passed out. brian: should politicians be allowed to dance? that story. first on this day in 1846. a astronomer discovered nuclear weapon tune. steve: looks like nixon? brian: we haven't been there yet. on 1952 nixon confirmed there was a nuclear weapon tune and gave that famous checkers speech. we taped it. steve: 1982 number one song was chicago's "hard to say i'm sorry sorry." brian: it still is. . . - n:gadepet r bprs
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gretchen: the answer to the question of the day is jason alexander. steve: meanwhile, we have a big test. every night she rubs elbows with the stars. gretchen: this morning, nancy o'dell is with us. welcome back. let's talk about the and the awards. you were front and center, one of the awards. >> i was the first to talk to her after she got a trophy backstage. she was very emotional after getting it. her show was canceled but she was still very proud that she
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won the award. she could not stop crying. she told me her mother had and on and off a battle with cancer. she was able to be here and see her win the award. then about one of hour later, she started getting migraines. they had to call in the paramedics because she could not even open her eyes. eventually, it went away. the excitement probably went to it. brian: yesterday, we got a phone call from tom delay. he was happy with his performance. what do you think? >> it was an awesome train wreck. he thought he could treat it
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like that, i think he did exactly what he thought he wanted to do, help his public image. can we get some more sweatpants? steve: hats off to any man that dances in public like that. >wbrian: tell us about your vitamin project. >> yoplait is a great brand providing good calcium in their products. over 70% of adults do not get the amount of vitamin d they need. you mean that to the door of calcium.
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-- you need that to absorb calcium. gretchen: this is a fox news alert. nasa launching its space tracking demo. brian: and the libyan dictator muammar al-qaddafi pitched his tent on davis' trumpet's property. how did that happen? steve, and david lee miller with the latest on the terror plot in new york city. >> the investigation could be compromised because of infighting among law enforcement.
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since arthur's been eating purina one, he has blossomed... into an incredibly strong, healthy cat. his coat is incredibly shiny and soft and very thick. everybody thinks he's the most handsome cat they've ever seen. [ woman announcing ] purina one for indoor cats... unlocks the brilliance of nature... with a natural fiber blend that helps minimize hairballs... and maintain a healthy weight. [ laurie ] he's a character. he brings so much laughter into this household. and he's the best-lookin' cat there is.
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as he has never been more worried about the security of the country. steve: muammar al-qaddafi literally pitches a tent on property owned by donald trump. did he know about it? brian: if you are walking, donald, can us a call and tell us the story. and the unbelievable, a six-year old crushed by a car. from the first good morning to after the show, show, "boss and friend" is the way to go. she has a very good television voice. gretchen: her looks do not hurt,
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either. brian: i did not notice. gretchen: has your credit card rate doubled recently? has your credit limit then lowered? if you need help, e-mail us. steve: meanwhile, this is a fox news alert. terror plot across the country could still be in the works and authorities are focusing on two dozen suspects who are still lives but have ties to terror. david lee miller is on the story. >> so far no new arrest, but there is still calls for increased security at a number of locations including entertainment centers, transit hubs, and hotels, as this alleged investigation continues. right now, three men are
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detained on minor charges of lying to investigators. it is possible we could see more charges soon. authorities did launch a series of additional raids in queens, new york, after the first round. according to a report, authorities could be looking for more than two dozen men connected to this plot to detonate a series of bonds. this is where the story gets interesting. as the investigation continues, there is growing controversy that the intelligence unit of the nypd may have played its hands too soon and tipped off some of the bad guys. according to reports, officials contacted a long time informant, an imam in a queens mosque.
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during an intercepted phone call, he told the person that the authorities were asking about him and as it turned out, he was under surveillance by the joint terrorism task force. the fbi then question the imam who admitted he tipped off zazi. the bottom line is, the fbi and joint terrorism task force wanted to continue its surveillance, but unfortunately the nypd tipped him off too soon. yesterday, a police commissioner and the police department issued in a statement, saying that the two
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enforcement agencies are cooperating. it does appear there is some back fighting taking place, and that could hamper the investigation. we should not forget the central focus is the bomb maker. brian: just wait, continue to let these plots unfold. yes, that is the way to do it. gretchen: let's talk about something else. muammar al-qaddafi, his first visit to the u.s. look at where he ended up. this is aerial footage of his
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massive tent on a 180-acre plot that belongs to donald trump. steve: he has all these business partners around the world. apparently, some of his middle east business partners did this deal. donald does not live in this place. brian: why should he? it is not big enough. steve: what tipped him off is local authorities heard about this and asked, do you have a permit to be building this? not only that, but they adorned it like a home and added that electricity and satellite television. this was not just a tent.
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perhaps he would have been living here for the time that he was here. brian: i am still waiting for my cable guy to come, and he gets satellite? gretchen: here is what we should be concerned about. we have been worried about where he is going to put his tent for the last six weeks. the only reason it becomes a problem is because he did not get a permit. steve: anyway, our question of the day -- we have hundreds of suggestions from you. here is one from frank. gretchen: and i like that one. how about janet in indiana.
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steve: richard murphy from york, south carolina. do the math in your head. one other person said, why doesn't he pitched his tent 25 miles east of the united nations. that would be in the middle of the atlantic. speaking of water, that is our lead story. gretchen: we are talking about the flooding going on in georgia. it has left 10 people dead fire trucks rushing to a house fire gets stuck in the water and never makes it. the good news is the rain has
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stopped for the first time in days. from flood into flames, this fire was caused by manure burning, of control in california. -- out of control in california. statements from the mastermind of 9/11, khalid sheikh mohammed, apparently now he is sending messages to usama bin laden and is also common president obama in my ear. -- a liar. he is one of three detainee is representing himself. wait until you see this video. you think that she would not
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have survived. she is 6 years old following her parents into a market. the car slammed into the building, just missing her. amazingly, she survived without a scratch, thanks to concrete security posts. >> our cars scare me now? >> yes. gretchen: and the driver should not have even been behind the wheel because her license was suspended. she is lucky she does not have manslaughter charges against her. brian: let's talk about south carolina. one marine wasoming home after losing his life. they were having a procession line for his casket and they
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thought it would be great to line the path with flags. steve: the reason they were there in south carolina is because that is where his grandparents lived. keep in mind, these flights were paced -- placed in the right away, but for some reason, the local branch manager at the bank of america told her that they did not allow the fled for fear of offending customers. when some of the people came back and ask where the flags were, they said in time. the next thing you know, other corporate office -- in fact, here is their statement --
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gretchen: this just goes to show it in our pc society, this is the right thing to do. the last time i checked, the american flag represents america. who would hit offend? -- it offend? brian: new york gov. patterson hitting back at statements asking him to step down. gretchen: this is a fox news alert. nasa watching its space tracking demo. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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i know landscaping, but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away. only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat. now buy any blackberry, like the new tour, at our lowest prices ever, and get one free.
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yeah, so? have you smelled this chair? or these curtains? you've gotta wash this whole room! are you kidding? wash it?! let's wash it with febreze! whoa! [ sniffs ] hey mrs. weber. [ sniffs ] it smells nice in here. i like to keep things fresh. [ male announcer ] for all the things that you can't wash, wash it with febreze. febreze now comes in two fresh new scents -- downy april fresh and gain apple mango tango.
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steve: new york gov. david paterson is not bowling down to the oval office after they asked him not to run for reelection. now he is blaming the president for his lack of support. he said -- gretchen: r. obama legislation troubles forcing him to meddle in state politics? brian: with us now is gov. ed rendell. welcome back. i know you will be welcoming
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the g-20 to your state shortly, but you think is right for the president to do this, picking the candidates? >> let me start by saying this is nothing new. washington has been doing this for many years. i remember getting a lot of national people persuaded me to have bob casey run for senate. that must washington coming in telling me who the best candidate was because they have a concern about the makeup of the senate. their concern is the governor paterson becomes a drag on the ticket and name to some congressional seats. having said that, the president and washington has the right to voice their opinion, but gov. patterson in the end, is the one who will decide.
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i rolled up my sleeves and went to work. sure, governor paterson's ratings are down, but so is everyone else's. gretchen: governor john corzine in new jersey is also weighed down in the polls. the administration does not seem to be doing the same things in that state. when it not be a sign of naivite on the part of the administration for not being able to hide this better? >> the reason they are not concerned about new jersey is because it does not affect congressional senate seats. new york's election would. you are right, this should have been handled in a way where it did not become public issue.
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that is clear. steve: we just got an e-mail the white house. they do not want me running for governor either. [laughter] quickly, we would like you to be a salesman in chief for pennsylvania. hal brown are you that that -- how proud are you that the g-20 move be held in pittsburgh? >> very proud. we, such a great city, we are not that steel city that everyone thinks we are. is a vibrant city with a great economy, an incredible amount of pride. i think the delegates are going
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this is humiliating. stand still so we can get an accurate reading. pounds and a smidge. a smidge? y'know, there's really no need to weigh packages under 70 pounds. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service, if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. cool. you know this scale is off by a good 7, 8 pounds.
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in a rare move, a former ceo from american airlines said that he supports the three-hour time limit. but he warned this could mean more flight cancellations and their increases. in the meantime,, brady and his girlfriend, one photographer is suing them for negligence after one of their body current -- bonding guards shot at them. steve: an immigration debate in texas. hundreds of students near the border been carded to prove they are residents of texas. with me now is a spokesperson from the school district. good morning, mr. superintendent. we are looking at in that. there is del rio.
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i know there is a phenomenon that happens every day in front of your school. vnaans pull up from mexico, with hundreds of mexican kids getting an education. the rule is, you have to be a resident of that district. when you started to clamp down, what did you do, and what was your reaction? >> after receiving some reports that we had a great number of students that were entering school, we had some staff members look into it. if they were school-age, a neighbor given a notice that they needed to come to our registration office to help solve this out.
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steve: i understand a number of parents were providing documentation that the children had been born in the u.s., even if they live in mexico and apparently others were trying to find resident in your district. this is not about citizenship. this is simply about living in the district, right? for that is correct. we have policies that outline the eligibility requirements for attending our school. many of these students, we suspect, are u.s.-born, so they are citizens, but do they reside in our school district? steve: thank you for joining us. let us know how it goes.
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e-mail us about this story. meanwhile, our credit card companies taking points off of your credit score without you knowing about it? david ramsey with what you can do about your plight of score. -- fico score. and one man shot down of a cannon. remember this? he gave his daughter pot. you will want to stick around for this one. ( folk music playing )
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kids who don't eat breakfast aren't getting the nutrition they need to keep their bodies strong. ( bell rings ) a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies all the nutrients of a complete breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start.
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>> have you ever been to north korea? of course, people do not go there, not on purpose. [laughter] tell me about that experience. >> it was just a walk in the park. [laughter] steve: the david letterman show, apparently where democratic president to go to speak. brian: meanwhile, the whole world is coming into new york for the united nations.
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gretchen: stay away from the east side. in minutes president obama will be meeting with world leaders. steve centanni is at the white house. >> good morning. the president takes his place on the world stage today planning to spell on a new direction for u.s. foreign policy, calling for a new era of engagement with the world. he has held a flurry of meetings with world leaders. yesterday he attended the climate change, with ban ki moon, the secretary-general. today, he will appeal for cooperation, saying those who used to chastise america for acting alone in the world cannot wait and standby for america to solve the world's problems alone. he will point to a variety of problems such as genocide to
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nuclear weapons to melting ice caps. one of the problems he says it is a protracted conflicts that drag on and on. no better example than the middle east. he urged israel and palestine to come to the peace table. ehud barak was on the network earlier this morning and was asked if israel would consider attacking iran cost nuclear facilities. >> we hope they will stop their nuclear program. if not, israel keeps saying we will not remove any option from the table. >> president obama also meets with russian president dmitry medvedev as well as the new japanese prime minister. steve, thank you. -- steve: thank you.
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brian: president obama, he is so popular, probably no one will walk out of the meeting. gretchen: and this video is beyond disturbing. this is ridiculous. forcing an 18-month year-old forcing a baby to smoke pot. he is going to jail for a long time. he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for various charges on the weapons and drugs. his girlfriend, which held the baby, and got six months in juvenile detention. steve, it is a good thing they taped it. -- steve: it is a good thing they take it.
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and the minnesota gov. launching a fund raiser committee. he announced he would not seek reelection for governor. brian: will you be saying goodbye to the of this meeting? a new study says boston should scrap meetings because of the swine flu. in texas, officials taking no chances. they are placed in 1200 bottles of hand sanitizers are around the state fair and they will be refilled every 30 minutes. gretchen: a stunned at a circus in colombia goes wrong. in man is launched out of it can and mrs. the net, -- misses the net. he is ok but he has several broken bones.
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steve: and we are looking at the sts demo rocket. it is on the innocent -- on a mission for the missile defense agency. gretchen: you may be paying your credit card bill every month but your credit card rating could still be going down without you knowing about it. hal is that possible and what can you do about it? brian: here to help us is david ramsey. how can this be the scenario? >> credit cardompanies are overreacting to the new legislation. august 20 new laws kicked in, and there are another said in february. in february, and they cannot raise your right, except on new
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purchases, so they are raising rates across the board right now while they can. basically, punching the consumer in the face. steve: a lot of people are concerned about their credit card readings. jan from florida writes -- i do not know if i can help your fico score. the only way to improve that is to borrow money and pay it back. that is basically an i love debt ocore. -- score. they lowered your limit hoping that you would go above it.
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gretchen: here is matt from ohio -- >> desk, i have heard of it. -- yes, i have heard of it. there should not be a problem as long as you pay on time. brian: by the way, when you call citi, rahm emanuel enters, right? [laughter] here is another one from chicago. >> not really. this is when you realize a company is misbehaving you can
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gretchen: it is time for the plastectomy of the week. let's watch. >> we are making creditchip cookies. mix well. now that your cookies are done, you can eat them if you want, but may i suggest sending them to your ex-credit card company? steve: thank you, dave. we will be watching you. brian: 20 minutes before the top of the hour, democrats trying to silence insurance companies who have been giving senior citizens the real deal on the phone.
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don't they have a right to know? peter johnson jr. with his prescription for truth. gretchen: she is on a mission to save the planet. miss america 2009 will be with us. ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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steve: something you want to know about health insurance companies. they say the government warned them to stop telling seniors who receive benefits to tell them that president obama's health care plan could hurt them if it passes. is this a government gag order? so the government said, in particular talking to humana,
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some of the information that you are putting up there is wrong. stop. >> this is a pretty ominous sounding name of a group who runs or medicaid. they said to humana, based on max baucus'complainbaucus' compt call your insurance company every time you have a problem. based on the senate committee plan. do not tell seniors that. if you tell seniors that, we have launched an investigation -- which they have -- and there will be penalties. when you do that, you paint, in
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a vivid way, are hearing, on big government reaching into people's homes. for the government to say to a private corporation, you do not have the right to contact your to scribers and inform them truthfully about a public policy change that will dramatically affect their health care, that is a frightening prospect. steve: in your business, you would refer to it as a gag order. the government is putting a gag order on organization that do not like his plan. >> we are talking about prior restraint, the right to free speech, destroying dialogue. let me say this with regard to the facts. yesterday's, the cbo confirmed everything. i went through it on the
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internet. everything that they said was 100% accurate. the cbo also confirmed there would be at least $100 billion in cuts to medicare advantage this is a difficult time for seniors as we are navigating health care reform but we have to understand there is a planned increase for part b, and under one analysis, it could go up to $120 a month. at the same time, there is not a planned cost-of-living increase for social security. part b is going up in medicare and social security will not compensate for the cost of living. now the senator's plan appears to be going down the drain.
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at the same time, humana and others are told that they do not have a first amendment right to tell their prescribed -- subscribers about this. steve: it is a scary day in america when this information is absolutely accurate, and for the government to shut this down -- that is chilling. >> if the government is so concerned -- and i believe they are, the president is a good man. but why hasn't a permanent person been appointed to run medicare and medicaid? if it is so important, why isn't anyone running it? steve: good questions. take a look, it is miss america
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2009 katie stam. it looked like she is going to microwave her bagel. meanwhile, megyn has a preview of what is coming up. megyn: we first brought you this story yesterday. bank of america refuses to fly flags on its property in a procession for a fall in marine. now a bank executive joins us. and president obama in his first address to the united nations. we are told to expect another apology? and the largest number of people burning for a world record. . luci: i'm luci romberg.
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steve: this is a fox news alert. we have live pictures from cape canaveral where a demo rocket was supposed to blast off right now. two minutes ago the mission was scrubbed. it is part of the ballistic defense system designed for detecting and tracking and intercepting ballistic missiles. right now if everything goes to schedule they will light the candle tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.. see you back here tomorrow on fox. gretchen: she just got back from visiting the troops overseas. now she is on a mission of her own here at home. miss america 2009 is here. good morning. >> good morning. gretchen: this is the first time
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in 30 years that miss america has visited europe. it was great to visit our military families. brian: what is your thought? you visited the hospitals? >> i actually went to germany, we flew up there and spent an entire day there with our troops. they are less than 24 hours out of combat. this was the place that they went to get stabilized. far enough out of combat to where it is safe, close enough to where they can get there fast enough and destabilized before being sent to walter reed or bethesda. gretchen: they must have been so excited to see you. >> i think that i was more excited to see them, taking that entire experience. to be there for them. i would love to get back over there.
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gretchen: we should mention that a group of former miss americas are going over to afghanistan in two weeks. >> as well as our chairman of the board of directors. gretchen: unfortunately you cannot go on that trip? >> i am so booked so far in advance, but hopefully we will make it over to iraq and afghanistan. brian: it takes a lot of time to get the camouflage crown going. gretchen: [laughter] brian: tell me about how you are going green. >> the miss america organization is so proud to announce the green campaign. we are partnering with natures bottle. at 100% sustainable, recyclable plastic bottle -- a 100% recyclable, sustainable plastic bottle. right now we have a new designer bottle being made. this bottle, you will see this
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come out in the next 30 to 60 days. the wonderful thing about this is that it is 100% recyable. also, if he burnt it there is no admission. brian: but you do not encourage the burning of bottles? >> but if you do, there are no emissions. it disposes in 27 days. brian: is that solid glass? >> [laughter] we are proud to announce this partnership. it is great initiative. i cannot wait to introduce it to america. gretchen: you are going to stick around for the after the show show? we will get all of the details on being miss america. brian: manure.
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