tv Glenn Beck FOX News September 24, 2009 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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i will post this tomorrow on gretawire. until then, keep it right here on the fox news channel, the most powerful name in news. "the o'reilly factor" is next. business network tonight. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute captioned by the national captioning institute glenn: last night, katie couric asked me about john mccain on the cbs news. boy, am i getting hate mail today. boy, am i going to explain it with a big pot of boiling water. , and the latest on acorn. wait until you hear what these weasels doing in washington. if you thing this country is great but someone is bringing the pot to a boil, come on, stand up! follow me.
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well, hello, america, president obama was billed as a uniter, not a divider. hewas going to heal the partisan divisions. how is that working out for us, huh? i'm not sure why america turned to him for unity, when, really, it seems like, at least this is what the parties want you to believe, there is only a couple of things that the republicans and democrats can actually agree on. one of them, i think, is hookers. i think everybody in america is pretty much against the hooker deal, ok, sure, eliot elt spitzerer, let's leave him out for a second, and everyone else, hookers, not a good thing, especially when it comes to tax dollars. well, you would think the united states could unite on acorn, and you know, the whole thing of helping to start brothels with illegal 13-year-olds, kind of a bad thing, but no, not in today's america. here is the latest on acorn. the unlikely duo of barney frank and john conyers -- who
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doesn't love these guys, huh? they're now calling for an investigation into the embattled group. did they say that? they wrote it down. they wrote a letter to the c.r.s. which is the non-partisan congressional research service. i want to be accurate here. it's not actually an investigation, per se, because that would be hateful. it would. why do you hate people so much investigating them all the time? sure, it would make sense to do that. instead, we just need a comprehensive report on all the activities and the fundings surrounding acorn, but don't investigate, you know, ander they've also in this letter said that they want to look into whether or not congress violated the constitution in voting to defund acorn. now they care about the constitution? they also want to look into those two crazy kids. it is like scooby doo.
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we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for the crazy kids, the kids that went under cover. congress wants to know if they violated any laws. john conyers' name is on there. it is big and bold and everything. how can you trust this guy when he first votes to send acorn's funding bill back to committee, and later, somebody, maybe the powers that be, must have said really? so he comes back on the floor and says "i made a mistake." the hill quotes conyers as saying this, "quote "today i inadvertently cast a yea vote for a motion to recommit on h. r. frors 3300 and did not force final passage. i intended to vote no on the motion to recommit and yea on the final passage." excuse me. there is a frog in my throat.
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yeah. john conyers, he really had a handle on this bill, huh? so much so that when you crawled up for a redo, you called it h.r. 3200. it is actually h.r. 3221. maybe you didn't read it, because i'm going out on a limb here, but how can you do anything all day? i mean, we know you don't read the bills. >> i love these members that get up and say read the bill. what good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and then you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill? glenn: i know, it's crazy. why do i even get up in the morning? let me ask you this -- there are 15 million unemployed in america right now. is anybody willing to, you know, go into washington and take this clown's job, and then, you know, actually read
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the bill and then just go, yes, i'm for it, or nope, not me? i mean, how hard is that, especially for the guy who is the chair of the house judiciary committee, which oversees the f.b.i. and the justice department. oh, i feel all warm and tingly and safe inside. the i.r.s. has nearly 2 million dollars in liens against acorn for failing to pay taxes. nothing bertha lewis and the acorn advisory council said that would make me feel any better, even though they did say they would assist in naming an independent auditor and investigator to conduct a thorough review. whoa. bertha lewis, thank you for your help. that's fantastic. you know that ken lay, he never volunteered to have an internal investigation into enron and help name people look into it. it would have been a lot better if we had enron help
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us, huh? still, no audit. they have selected an investigator, but no audit. why didn't the acorn advisory board ask to help acorn get to the bottom of things, select an auditor? well oh, let's look. let's look at who the advisory council is. this is fantastic. first of all, there's a kennedy, yeah. kathleen kennedy townsend. she is the eldest child of r.f. k, the former lieutenant governor of maryland. she sounds great so far. glenn beck, why would you take her down? oh, i'm not. i'm just pointing it out. she serves on the board for the radical center for progress. wait a minute. isn't that george soros' group? yeah! with john podesta at the head. i remember that. we should come back. there townsend is also the founder of a swell group in maryland, the student service alliance. that was created to make
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maryland the first and only state that forces high school students to do community service as a condition to graduate. doesn't that sound great? i wish we could do that in the whole country. oh, i bet we will soon. in 1996, she also gave out an award to baltimore's current top prosecutor. her name, she is sweet, her name is patricia coates jesemy. she is the one who will go after the kids who shot the acorn video, and not the acorn workers. remember, the one who said i think they might have done something illegal. i'm going to look into those videotapes, that's for sure. really? that's great that they are cozy. maryland, you have a sweet deal happening here, you really do. ok, so next -- i love this. andy stern. he is the seiu president, andy stern. no red flags there.
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seiu is essentially acorn. it's [captioning made possible by nbc universal] ized. two of seiu's locals are seiu affiliates and then there is the obama affiliation and then president obama this weekend said "i haven't been following acorn. i really don't know what's going on." acorn advisory council audit andy stern, seiu. stern just told the l.a. times that he visits the white house about once a week. wow? is that surprising? >> i will just talked with andy stern about the seiu members. >> that's great. he talks to andy stern. and the hud chief, andy cicneros. he served under president clinton. he is on the up and up. he pleaded guilty to to lying
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to the f.b.i. before his confirmation during his background checks. oh, we don't have a problem with lying in this white house. no problem. just move on. acorn also reported that they met with cicneros on a monthly basis while cicneros was leading hud. oh, that's great. then there is john poe podesta. he is probably one of the greatest men alive today. he heads the center for american progress, and who is against american progress? by the way, he was hand picked. he was so special they say he was hand picked for the job by george soros. podesta also co-chaired barack obama's transition team. acorn likes him so much that they gave him an award at the anniversary party this summer, remember, the one we couldn't get into? yeah, yeah. it weird because he got the award during the time he was mounting a public defense of acorn. then there is john banks, the vice president of government relations at con ed.
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don't have a lot of information on this guy but con ed is a big funder of acorn. oh, but we're looking. next up is harvey hirschfeld, head of a company that gives money to people while awaiting lawsuits. acorn refers clients to him in brooklyn. then you have eric eaves, senior v.p. at citigroup and he helped acorn plan their 25th anniversary party. that's a senior v.p. at citigroup should be doing, don't you think? he was also al gore's campaign manager and next but not least, dave beck worth. he's from ohio. he did the need more fund, like, hello, i need more, please. oh, the need more fund. their mission, quote, to work with others to bring about social justice. shockingly, need more gives money to acorn's affiliates,
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so beck worth is -- beckworth is with community organizers and in bed with acorn. by the way, he has been community organizing since the 1970's, and i read today that he was proud to announce that he learned community organizing from the guy who learned community organizing from the guy who learned it, saul alinsky. that is quite an accomplishment. i feel all warm and fuzzy that these are the guys looking into t forget what i said about shutting acorn down! you you are you kidding me? this thing will be all buttoned up by next tuesday. now, you may be a new viewer to the program and realize, wait a minute, i think he may be sarcastic here. uh-huh. the thing is that what they have going for them is a complicated mess. all these names, all these places, you just have to know a few of them. last night i was watching the t.v. show with my daughter.
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she's 21. she said "dad, i follow a lot of this, but i don't understand all these organizations like the tides foundation. it's confusing." well, you know what? i understand. sometimes i feel like russell crowe from a beautiful mind" trying to lay it out for you, but it's difficult to demonstrate because it is massive. there are so many groups involved and so many people and so many faces. let me give you an easy way toker are the basics of these groups, thanks to my daughter mary last night. all of the names of these groups mean something. for instance, acorn. acorn, community action reform now or whatever it is. this thing, all you have to remember is acorn is a seed. don't get discouraged. be patient. stay focused. we have planted the seed and some day that seed will grow into something e enormous, massive, a mighty oak. the apollo alliance. these are the people -- these people are all interchangeable. the apollo alliance where van
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jones came from, they're the ones who wrote the stimulus package, ok? the apollo alliance is the one that got their name after the apollo moon shots, why? because the apollo moon shot was big, bold and it was fast. once it launched, you're not going to stop it. make you feel better? seiu, i don't have any props or anything. seiu is just -- i thought about bringing in a baseball bat, what are you talking about, you know what i'm saying? they are the union involved. they don't really need a fancy name. i'm just saying. the president sees these groups as a vehicle to achieve his goals. that's why he has surrounded himself with them. now, what are his goals? i think this is the most important thing the president has ever said. he said the founders didn't address redistribution of wealth in the constitution. here is barack obama in his own words. >> the tragedy of the civil rights movement was because the civil rights movement
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became so court focused, i think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. glenn: so the tragedies -- so what happened when they didn't do this, it was a bad thing, tragedies of the civil rights movement was because it came so court focused that it lost track of the political and community organizing activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. that's our president. now, some of the power that's bringing it all together is an organizations called the tides
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foundation. their founder is drummond pike. he describes the tides foundation or tides center like this. "tides was created to create flexible services and tools to those dedicated to lasting progressive social change." lasting progressive social change. while they do legitimate things, they are also involved in some of the nastiest of the nasty. for instance, these two guys, wade and dale. wade is the founder of acorn. dale is the brother. oh, they're brothers. i think they look like the bad guys. forget about the people who are down on the ground at acorn. these are the guys you really need to be after. forget about the organizers on the ground. these two. dale embezzled about a million dollars from acorn. wade didn't. well, that caused some problems. this is where the acorn aid comes from from people like, wait a minute, can we look at our books? no, couldn't have that happen, so the founder of tides gave
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hundreds of thousands of dollars just to make dale just go away. that way, what money? missing money? oopses. it's waste. that was tides that did that. tides. bring this up on the screen. let me show you what tides is. tides, the changing of the tides. now, what they do is -- why don't you guys come here for a second. joe, do you -- let's say -- who has money on them? ok. let's just say that -- let's just say, because i always have to make joe into the bad guy. let's say joe is a nefarious dirtbag. it's not a stretch. you want to give money to joe, but you don't want anybody to know that you gave money to a nefarious dirtbag, so what do you do? you give the money to me in the tides center, and then i say, thank you so much for your donation.
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joe, a gift to you. that's what the tides center does, and what they do is just like on the beach. they just erase the footprints in the sand. tides comes in and washes away any trace of anything. you never know who was ever on the beach. these are the people that are also the people that paid for that indoctrination video that we showed you yesterday. ok, do you remember this? this thing, we played yesterday the story of stuff. i have to tell you, we had so much e-mail from people, tons of e-mail from parents that had their kids in the room last night, and the kids were like, oh, yeah, i've seen that before. excuse me? wait until you see the follow-up. that was paitdz for by the tides foundation. we have that and also oh, it's not quite boiling yet, but it's close, boiling water. i'm going to explain the katie couric interview, coming up.ññ
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glenn: the "arguing with idiots" is out now. i was talking with don imus and he said "my favorite part of the book is, it says if you can read this, thank a teacher if you can't read this, thank a union." teachers union. yesterday on the program, i showed you what is happening in our classrooms, a video that is being played across the country, called "story of stuff." childrens classrooms across the country are seeing this. >> i hold true to the vision and values that the government should be of the people, by the people and for the people. it's the government's job to watch out for us, to take care of us. that's their job. then, along came the corporation. now, the reason the corporation looks bigger than the government is that the corporation is bigger than the government. glenn: ok. today, a listener of my radio program, keith dennis, called in and told me that his sons
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have had the "the story of stuff" played at his school for the last two years and he knew nothing about it until yesterday's segment aired. keith is with us now and his ton sons, john and james dennis. keith, tell me what happened while you were watching the show. >> well, we were sitting in our living room, and james walked through, and i said "james have you seen this before?" and he said "dad, i've seen it twice." i have seen it last year and this year. glenn: which one is james? >> this is james. glenn: hi, james, how are you? >> good. glenn: james when you saw this video and i'm going to show you the little test they made afterwards, what did you think of this? did you think this is true, that this is the way america is? >> not really, no. glenn: how come? >> well, i guess just like the way i brought up and stuff. glenn: good job, keith.
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all right. i want to show you something. you sent me a test that was given, and this is done in your own handwriting here. this is a test. i want to bring up a few of the questions. here is a question -- i don't remember what number it was on the test, but number one that we have pulled here "according to the system, what do you owe or are you lacking if you don't buy a lot of stuff?" you wrote down values. was that the correct answer? >> that's what the video said. glenn: right, you're lacking values if you don't buy a lot of stuff. the next one is "which group of people has the most exposure to toxic chemicals?" you wrote "babies." was that right? >> yeah. glenn: here's my favorite. "in the system, what is the relationship between the developed world, countries like the u.s., germany and japan, and the third world?" you wrote "we take things from
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the third world thinking it's ours. " did you get that one right? >> yes. glenn: so keith, as a dad, you saw this segment yesterday and saw your son produce this paper and you read it and what did you think? >> i was pretty upset. i want to say first of all that the school system is an excellent school. both of these children are in a gifted program and do great work because of their teachers, but i had no idea this was going on, and honestly, i was really upset by it. glenn: i understand you met with the principal -- not the principal but the vice principal met with you today? >> i did. he said that he wasn't aware of the coursework. he didn't know about it. glenn: when you showed him this, what did he say? did you show him this? >> no, i didn't have it with
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me at the time. it was at home. glenn: ok. >> but i described it to him. glenn: did he seem to have a problem with it? >> he sort of shook his head. he seemed -- he was very quizzical about it. glenn: we have called the school and we haven't had -- a scheduling conflict, i guess. we haven't had a chance to have anybody on about that. my question is, as i'm reading this, basically what it is saying is this indoctrination stuff is saying you don't have value and people aren't happy unless they buy stuff, and that's because we have become this industrialized nation. now, they believe that if we just stop producing stuff, if we stop being so capitalist, stop taking resources from rother third world countries, we'll be happy. i contend that the reason why america is not as happy as it was in 1950 or 1920 or whenever, 100 years ago, is because our priorities are wrong, but it has nothing to
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do with exploiting the planet and has everything to do with losing faith in god. can you imagine, keith, if your son or daughter had a test where it said, why aren't people happy, and the right answer was, because they have lost their faith in a higher power, do you think there would be an outcry? >> yeah, i think there probably would be. glenn: keith, i appreciate you being on the program. i appreciate you being an active parent in your kids' lives and i thank you so much for watching the broadcast. you can learn more about this indoctrination that is going on with your children and more indoctrination that we outline in my book, "arguing with idiots." go get a copy. go get a copy. >> the water has@
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mama mowd ahmadinejad and news at the top of the hour, "special report" live at the top of the hour, now back to glenn beck. >> glenn: fls there's a lot going on at the u.n. today. we will have ambassador bolton coming on in a few minutes. first of all, i'm getting heat from conservatives. i shouldn't say conservatives. i'm getting heat from republicans because of what i said during an interview with katie couric last night on the cbs evening news. what i said that was upsetting conservatives or republicans, oh, look out, you're going to be very offended. take a listen.
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>> let me do a quick name game thing for you. let me get quick responses. hillary can clinton. >> i can't believe i'm saying this, but i think i would have much preferred her as president and may have voted for her against john mccain. >> why? >> because i think john mccain is wierd progressive like theodore roosevelt was. i think john mccain would have been worse for the country than barack obama. how is that? glenn: that crazy whacky opinion has every blogger and commentator saying how could he possibly think john mccain could be worse for the country than obama? isn't he is republican? oh, he must just be sucking up to katie couric. oh, yeah, i always wanted to go ice skating and be best buds with katie couric. let me explain. john mccain, pound for pound on the issues, i agree with
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him or barack obama. of course it's john mccain by a landslide, foreign policy, abortion, taxes, just to name a few. but john mccain was for cap and trade, amnesty, campaign finance reform. how does he feel about my comments? watch this. >> the only response i can make of a comment like that is any time my name is mentioned as the same breath as teddy roosevelt, i i am honored. teddy roosevelt is my hero. >> ok. maybe john mccain and i'm sure he has. he should go back and read "new nationalism" a speech given by teddy roosevelt. this is the beginning of the problem in america. the republicans revered teddy roosevelt. he was a progressive. read what teddy roosevelt as a president he believed in, the collective, and he had, quote, the greatest contempt for the wealthy. i mean, how did i not fall in love with john mccain? let me show you this. in "new nationalism," real
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quick, a quick vote from tread i did roosevelt. "the general right of the community to regulate the earning of income." he wanted to decide how much income you should have. that's the problem that we have. you know, look at the choice that we were presented with. you can support democrats who are basically socialists, or you can support republicans who are basically old democrats. i'm not talking about the people in the country. i'm talking about what they turned into as a party. you can support some third-party candidate who up until recently would never win anything, because at least until now, everybody believed the lies of these two parties that they were different, but haven't you noticeed? we keep getting the same thing? with conservatives and republicans, would they be doing today the same things if john mccain were president and pushing cap and trade, amnesty for illegals? would there be tea parties right now in washington? would people be waking up and going wait, wait, i want to learn what is really going on?
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i want to know the truth. would they be questioning the fed today, would they? arguing about republicans and democrats? well, he's a republican, how bad could he be? bad! let me explain this to you using this boiling water here, and these little frogs. you know, the old saying, if you put a frog into boiling water, he's going to jump scaltding ott, but if you place him in lukewarm water and gradually raise the temperature, the frog won't realize what is happening and die. let me get the frog. ok. we have the little frogs. we have the little frogs here. barack obama has galvanized the country, because of the sheer size of the bills he has proposed, and the number of the bills, the urgency that he has been placing on the bills.
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he has force the forced us to think and get involved. we have not like john mccain been boiled slowly. we have been tossed quickly into boiling water. don't forget what happens when you throw them in! when you throw them in, frogs into boiling water -- ok, forget the frog. ok. i swear i thought they jumped right out, but they don't. forget about the republicans, because most of them are fake. forget about the democrats because most of them are fake. foreforget about the frog, because it was fake. they're not conservative. they're not even liberals. they're progressives. progressives. that's the root of the problem. they think they know better than you do. it's always what's best for the collective. no! we the people. it's about the individuals. we need people who believe in liberty and freedom and the individual american, because it is the individual that always has changed the world!
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even if that means that you lose some political points because you don't bail out the banks, you don't bail out the homeowners who lost their homes. you don't bail out g.m. and you certainly don't bail out the newspapers. is there anybody in washington that is for smaller government, limited government? the size of government grew larger under george w. bush than any other president since lyndon b. johnson, and only obama is doubling down. obama's welfare spending bill will reach now $888 billion in a single fiscal year, 2010. that's $166 billion more than bush spent on the iraq war. where are the democrats! where are you are? you said we couldn't afford the war. well, what makes you think we can afford this? you still do know that the war is going on, right? and have you noticed it's not going well? where is your concern about ending the war now? or more importantly, where is your concern about the
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soldiers? no, no. apparently we're just playing politics. last time. their guys are in now. nobody will complain. well, some of us will complain. even though we complained to the last guy, we will stay true to our values and our principals. isn't that what we're supposed to do? it is the same over and over, no matter which party gets into power. if john mccain gets into office, you might hear complaints about cap and trade here and there, but a march on washington, i don't think. it would get passed and we would be stuck with t at least now we're tossed into the boiling water and we're fighting and we're not going to surrender! i think you -- i know me, i'm not playing a game. are you? i hope i'm wrong about barack obama. i hope. i hope by 2012 we're all gathered together and we have an election and it's fought fairly without acorn and everything else. i hope our country doesn't collapse on its own economic insanity and turn into some
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glenn: can you get this one? i just want to show, because the ambassador is here and i know pete will be all over me. by the way, the whole thing with boiling water and a frog. that's fable. that's not true. we knew before woe did that. ambassador, would you verify that is a rubber frog, not a real frog? >> very much rubber. glenn: you didn't expect me to ask that question, did you? ok. i want to start with a clip here from the president speaking at the general assembly. listen to what he said here. >> we continue to call on palestinians to end incitement against israel, and we continue to emphasize that america does not accept the legitimacy of continued israeli settlements. the time -- [applause]
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the time has come to relaunch negotiations without pre-conditions that address the permanent status issues -- security for palestinians and israelis and borders and refugees an jerusalem. the goal is clear. two states living side by side in peace and security. a jewish state of israel with true security for all israelis and a viable independent palestinian state with contiguous territory to end the occupation that began in 1967 and realizes the potential of the palestinian people. glenn: ok. occupation that began in 1967. that's weird. it was a war. they won. >> well, this is the most radical anti-israel speech i can recall any president making. glenn: i was just going to ask you that. >> there were two phrases in what you just heard. the president said america does not accept and i'm quoting now, the legitimacy of
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continued israeli settlements, not new israeli settlements, but continued. this is mr. word smith here. that calls into question all settlements and then he said we want a palestinian state that is contiguous. by the way, gaza and palestine were never contiguous settlements and end the occupation from '67 and i think that means return to the '67 borders. glenn: show me what this means. here is gaza and here is the west bank. contiguous means that it should go like this. >> well, that or the idea is a road between gaza stip and it makes it contiguous because you will make it palestinian territory. there is one small problem -- glenn: then israel is not contiguous. >> you think that matters to the palestinians? i mean, that is the kind of approach to an issue that is attempting to decide the outcome of the negotiations
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before the negotiations. that's why i think the israelis should be worried are. he has laid out where he wants to end up. glenn: where is 1967? >> the territory west of the gaza strip are the so-called occupied territories and the '67 borders would put israel back there with only a very narrow strip between palestine and jerusalem. glenn: we have never been for a divided jerusalem. >> well, we had said it is a matter for the final negotiations. our state department over the years has resisted any effort by the israelis to say that jerusalem is a unified city and the capital of their country, the only country that i'm aware of where the united states disputes what the capital is. glenn: did we sell off israel today? >> i think it's very close to it. as i say, i think it's the most anti-israel speech i can
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my name's brandon. in 9 years, i'll be an alcoholic. all: hi, brandon. i'll start drinking with the older kids, and whatever they do... i'll do. announcer: kids who drink before age 15 are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems when they're adults. so start talking before they start drinking. i know it'll start with alcohol. i'm just not sure how it's gonna end.
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glenn: we're keeping our eye on things in america. boy, the world is teetering on the edge. we're back with former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton. that day at u.n., today was a bad day. >> yeah, i have to say i was very shaken by this speech. i was disturbed by it, because it shows the president in the most naive mode talking about how many problems he wants to solve through the united nations. he did everything but say why can't we all just get along? and i think the warm reception that he received at the u.n. is a reflection they know exactly what he is saying. glenn: right. >> the other thing that struck me about the speech is how personal it was to him and how it was his presence and the changes he has made that have enhanced american security, whereas in fact we have seen in recent days a dramatic reduction. there is a cancellation of
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european missile defense sites and evident unwillingness to do what his commanders think are flair in afghanistan, the signaling of potentially large reductions in our nuclear arsenal, all of which is just being done without a thought to the consequences. glenn: jeremiah wright said about a month ago that the president couldn't talk to him because the jews are telling him exactly what to do and who he can and cannot meet with. i don't think the jews were talking to him about this speech. >> well, this is part of a consipiracy theory that a lot of people on the left have, that the jews are running our foreign policy, and you know, here you and i are. you're a morm mormon and i'm a lutheran, not a very good one, talking about the security of israel. we're not a part of the jewish conspiracy but a lot of people think that's what obama needs to overcome. he said in his speech that america is not doing a service when we couple security with a lack of insisting that israel look out for the palestinians'
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rights. there has never been a point where american presidents haven't done that. glenn: do you think it's possible to sit in the church with somebody who is as anti-semitic as jeremiah wright is and not come away with an anti-semitic view? >> well, i think at a minimum, he was either asleep for 20 years or we need an explanation, which we didn't really get in the campaign. glenn: i mean, we're changing our policy towards israel. >> yes. glenn: it may not be anti-semitic, but we are changing course almost 100%. >> dramatically. i think we have put israel on the chopping block. this speech demonstrates to the palestinians that they don't have to make concessions. the president is going to take care of us. glenn: do you think we put ourselves on the chopping block as well? i heard we have one piece of sound here "no one nation should or can try to dominate." do we have that? >> no one nation can or should try to dominate another
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nation. no world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. no balance of power among nations will hold. glenn: ok. no world order that elevates one nation or group over another will succeed. well, we shouldn't seem domineering. >> stability in the whole since 194 a has rested are on the united states. it has rested on our armed forces, rested on our determination to deserve freedom in the world, and i think what he just said is that our policy for the last 60 years has been wrong. glenn: and we are going for a one world order kind of -- >> he has made it very clear how much he wants to do through the u.n., and an overwhelming percentage of our policy and we will see more of e two to five times more polluted than the air outside.
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glenn: people are telling me, glenn, you go on and on and go forever on t.v. and today i actually helped someone speak longer without making any sense at all. did you see this guy in qaddafi muammar qaddafi was reading from a newspaper and going on and on. tomorrow you don't want to miss it. we have more on wha
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