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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 24, 2009 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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not having twins? and drumroll, please -- the worst thing said to this pregnant women -- zero -- oh, my, you got even bigger. i did not think that was possible. bill: all you have to say is, "you look lovely is out of -- "you look lovely." we've got to run. "happening now"star snout. -- "happening now" starts now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute jon: the governor of massachusetts is about to announce the interim replacement
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for deceased senator ted kennedy. we're told that his pick is paul kirk, a boston attorney with close cut -- close ties to the kennedys. jane: we are live at a brooklyn court for the head of a mosque's hearing. the suspect is accused of tipping off najibullah zazi and lying to the feds. jon: breaking news just a minute ago, zazi has been indicted for conspiracy to detonate map -- weapons of mass destruction in the united states. we are live in denver. what can you tell us about the new york indictment?
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>> najibullah zazi's attorney arrived this morning with a very different case on his hand, because the eastern district of new york has put down this indictment for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. attorney general eric holder says of this new indictment that he believes an imminent attack on the united states has been averted. in addition, according to the justice department, najibullah zazi was determined to carry out bombings, explosives, threats across the united states -- threats against the united states. but he was being interviewed by the fbi for three days prior, and during that time, until his arrest, he was still determined
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to mount an attack. it is likely that we will learn something new from the indictment. right now things are getting under way in denver and in brooklyn, as well. najibullah zazi are going before the judge. it is expected that the government will then discuss these new charges and any information they may have in order to convince the judge that it is time to move this case to new york. jon: what about his father? he was arrested, then released on bail. are there any new charges against him? >> we have not seen any new charges against mahomet zazi -- muhammed zazi. he will probably be released on bond. but he may not have a home anymore, because he has an eviction notice placed outside of his home saying that he must be out of their by next saturday. one of the requirements of surveillance is that the government has to be able to go
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into your home and make sure that their place of rest -- at your press -- that your place of residents can support surveillance. jane: we want to go live to massachusetts, where the governor of that state, deval patrick, is getting ready to announce a temporary replacement for ted kennedy. the choice is said to be paul kirk, an attorney, former aide to the senator, and a close friend of the kennedys. why this choice? >> as you mentioned, paul kirk is a longtime friends to senator ted kennedy himself. he has been an adviser and friend for many years and many difficult political times. he served on the senator's staff from 1969 to 1977, and all of this could make for a smooth transition when he steps into the interim position.
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he also is the chair of the john f. kennedy museum and library, so he has been intimately involved with the kennedy family for many years, and he continues to be. this is something they -- this is someone they feel close to and trust. jane: a lot of political watchers in massachusetts say that this is not a process they would have wanted to go through being the governor in this case. it has been controversial, right? >> it has been very controversial. this law was changed in 2004 when it romney was in charge -- when mitt romney was in charge of massachusetts. democrats thought that is john kerry one the presidency, mitt romney would choose a republican senator. so this is very controversial.
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republicans think this is hypocritical and they managed to postpone the measure for a few days. but now the governor is able to move forward and put somebody in that seat. jane: as soon as the governor steps up to the microphones, we will take everyone back their lives. thank you. jon: the dow is down about 47 points. there has been a drop in the number of people collecting unemployment benefits for the first time, but home sales unexpectedly fell last month. maybe that is why the dow is down. jenna is here from fox business network. >> this is a bit of a case of whiplashed. for every step forward, we take a step back. we're seeing a decrease, leading investors to wonder whether or not the housing recovery is really happening. you have that first-time home
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buyer tax credit expiring at the end of november, so these numbers are important. we expected because of the incentives to see more home buying in the market. if we look at last week's number, we see it revised higher. so the market is trying to figure it out, and it is down for the day. jane: we want to take you back to massachusetts. we're waiting, as molly was telling us, for governor deval patrick to step through those doors. paul kirk, the man in the glasses, is the one that the governor is going to name, we're told, to take senator kennedy's seat in the u.s. senate. that will be crucial in this upcoming health care debate on capitol hill. they need all the numbers they can get in the democratic party. >> i want to welcome senator john kerry, vicki kennedy, ted
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kennedy, jr., and members of the legislature. the secretary of state is here, as well. the lieutenant governor, of course, joins me. i want to welcome all of you, as well as our special guest, paul kirk, about whom i will have more to say in just a moment. in so many ways -- so many ways, the interests of the commonwealth have never been more vital or more at stake in the congress than today. in january, the people of the commonwealth will have an opportunity to go to the polls and elect their next united states senator to fill the vacancy created by the loss of senator kennedy in august. between now and then, the vital interests of the people of the commonwealth will come before congress for debate and for voting. those interests include economic
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and job creation bills, education and transportation funding, financial regulations, for climate change legislation, and a host of others. in all these ways, congress is debating our future right now. then, of course, there is health care reform. senator kennedy courageously argued that health care should be right, not a privilege, and president obama and congress have committed to act this fall. john kerry has been a strong advocate for all of us in the senate on these and so many other issues. we value his service and partnership. but the issues before congress and the nation are too important to massachusetts for us to be one voice short. the legislature grant's the governor the authority to appoint somebody to be that second voice in the senate until the january election. i want to thank the legislature
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for their very swift action. i knowledge that for some in the legislature, this was a difficult vote, but i appreciate the members and to many, many citizens who saw the greater good and supported this outcome. i signed the legislation this morning, and i sent a letter to the secretary of state giving it immediate effect. in keeping with the sense of urgency that the interest of massachusetts demand, i have prepared to make prompt appointment, and i am pleased to appoint paul kirk is the interim united states senator for massachusetts -- i have prepared to make a prompt appointment, and i am pleased to appoint paul kirk as the
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interim united states senator for massachusetts. [applause] jon: the expectation and indication is that paul kirk will not be running in that special election in january. jane: president obama this morning is taking the helm of the united nations security council, heading up a resolution aimed at reducing nuclear threats across the world. he is the first american president to preside over the united nations security council. talk about this resolution, eric. >> a historic day here at the united nations. the resolution calling for a
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world without nuclear weapons. this is the first time a president of the u.s. has chaired the meeting, but because the president has the security chair this month -- they have it on a rotating basis. the resolution is to try and strengthen the test ban treaty as well as the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. president obama said that one aim is to prevent a catastrophe. >> is one nuclear weapon exploded in a city, in new york, moscow, tokyo, beijing, london, paris -- it could kill hundreds of thousands of people and badly to stabilize our security, our economy, and our way of life. >> french president sarkozy did call on the council to take
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action against iran's nuclear development. jane? jane: not that i want to see more of muammar qaddafi, but was he there today? >> no. he was the 13th speaker listed on a list of 15 speaker, -- 15 speakers, and suddenly he is not here. we do not know why he is not here, and there is lots of disappointment that he did not make it. we want to hear what he would have said. jane: thank you. jon: ahead, a mysterious death in rural kentucky. bill sparkman found murdered in the woods, and the killer left behind a bizarre clue scrawled
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on his chest. jane: we are also watching southern california. a wildfire is spreading, threatening crops, livelihood. an update in three minutes. one breakfast a week saves a family of four over $800 a year. save money. live better. walmart.
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announcer: you could buy 300 bottles of water. or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet.
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90s slacker hip-hop. better for the environment ♪ that can strain your relationships and hurt yourody 'cause we'pride ♪ng a ride ♪ ♪ it's the credit roller coaster ♪ ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪ ♪ it's just the same for everybody, every boy and girl ♪
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♪ the credit roller coaster makes you wanna hurl ♪ ♪ so throw your hands in the air, and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna-be frat boy trying to get down ♪ ♪ then bring 'em right back to where your laptop's at... ♪ ♪ log on to free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: free credit score and report with enrollment in triple advantage. jane: this is a very strange story coming to us from rural kentucky. the fbi is investigating the death of a census worker whose body was found hanging from a tree. scrawled across bill sparkman's chest was the word "fed." sparkman told his friend that he was going door-to-door in the area, and his friend, a state trooper, told him to be careful. his friend joins us on the phone now.
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what did you tell him? >> i just told him that i was concerned that some people -- he might be interviewing some people that would not understand that he is just gathering statistics for the government, and to just be careful. he just try to shoulders. i did not think he realized it was -- i do not think he realized that it was dangerous. i am a friend of his. we worked together in the school system. i felt that based on my experience in law enforcement that i had an obligation to tell him to be careful. jane: tell me a little bit about where you live and where this happened, and what would make you come to the conclusion that he was putting itself in danger knocking on people's doors? -- putting himself in danger knocking on people's doors? >> he was in a very short --
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rural, isolated area of kentucky. most of his senses work was in that area. that was where my concern grew, that it was isolated and rural and people might not understand that all he was doing was gathering statistics. jane: and he was a good guy. an eagle scout, a former teacher. you knew him well. >> yes, and the students loved him. jane: do you think this hanging is related to his job? >> we all have our opinions, but it is hard to believe that that wouldn't have a part in it. jane: we will keep working on this case and keep everyone updated. my sympathies, and thank you. jon: court action right now in a major terrorist investigation that we have been telling you about for more than a week now. the plot apparently involve plans to detonate a bomb inside united states.
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-- the plot apparently involved plans to detonate a bomb inside the united states. why the case still might be hard to prove. najibullah zazi, the latest charges against him just filed in new york this morning
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medicare. it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider... an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. it can help cover some of what medicare doesn't... so you could save up to thousands of dollars... in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit... and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare, you should know about this card; it's the only one of its kind... that carries the aarp name --
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see if it's right for you. you choose your doctor. you choose your hospital. there are no networks and no referrals needed. help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't cover. save up to thousands of dollars... on potential out-of-pocket expenses... with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company.
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jane: we want to update you on this wildfire that they're fighting in ventura county, california. it is about 40% contained right now. the major air assault is expected today as authorities fight on two fronts. the weather could complicate things, with santa ana winds, triple digit temperatures all in
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the forecast today. jon: an excuse terror mastermind is now facing court action in two states. we're talking about najibullah zazi, her who is now facing a detention hearing in denver -- who is now facing a detention hearing in denver. eric holder says that the imminent threat from the plot has been supported. zazi admitted having ties to al qaeda. let's talk about with a former federal prosecutor. fred, this case has gotten a whole lot more serious. up until about an hour ago, he was only facing charges of lying to investigators. what is going on now? >> he is looking at charges of conspiracy to detonate a bomb in
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the united states. don't be fooled. law enforcement issued a complaint and a warrant for his arrest for making false statements to fbi, and the reason they did that was because they were afraid this guy was going to run. now that an indictment has been returned, what that tells me is that evidence is being presented to the grand jury, and law enforcement was afraid that he would flee or be a danger. he was arrested on making a false statements of the authorities to buy themselves some time. jon: this plot has been disrupted. they must have a good indication that they have whatever members, they have them under surveillance? >> they would have. that is a gutsy move, to say that.
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but they clearly had these guys under surveillance. they were clearly walking -- working with other agencies. it was clearly taking place and at least two different jurisdictions -- in at least two different jurisdictions. they needed probable cause, and because of the dangerous nature of this, they had to get this guy off the street. that is exactly what they did when they arrested him on a complaint warrant earlier in the week. jon: i was on a federal jury myself for many years, so i'm familiar with the process. the indictment reads that zazi "remained committed to detonating an explosive device up until the date of his arrest ." there is talk that they had to rush the arrest because of leaks, but this thing indicates that they had to act fairly
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quickly. >> under federal law, you actually have 30 days to indict after arresting somebody on a complaint warrant, as this guy was. the fact that it came back today -- this grand jury has been sitting every thursday for lord knows how long -- they have sufficient evidence to indict today. listening to lawyers yelling and screaming about how it is ridiculous, all this guy did was make a false statement, we all knew that there was a reason this guy got arrested and charged the way he did earlier in the week. jon: yes. and again, there are fairly serious charges now facing him. threatening to blow up bombs and the united states -- in the united states, that is not good.
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jane: wait until you hear what the treasury watched august sang about that tarp plan -- what is the treasury watchdog saying about the tarp plan? and a little girl trapped inside. wait until you meet the hero want to know how fast it took my stiff joints to feel better? one pack. 6 days. that's elations. new elations. clinically proven to improve joint comfort... in as little as six days. drinking it every day keeps it working.
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elations has clinically proven levels... of glucosamine and chondroitin, in a powerful form that's more absorbable... than joint supplement pills. tastes great. goodbye, horse pills. start your joints on the road to comfort... in one pack, six days. that's elations. the new standard in joint health.
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jon: a quick-thinking you talk- teenager -- utah teenager is a
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hero today. he was driving to his home in utah when he saw an suv have its tire blowout and roll into a ditch. he helped a mother get her three kids out of the vehicle. it was sinking, and the mother was screaming that her 3-year- old daughter was still trapped inside. the teenager drove in, pulled the girl out of the car seat, and revived with cpr. the 19-year-old said he learned cpr when he was a boy scout. good for him. >> banks have paid more than $70 billion, and in those cases where the government states have been paid off completely, taxpayers have received a return.
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jane: as 17% return -- a 17% return sounds good, but the guy who oversees tarp is telling a different story. one year after the program began, he is answering the question we would all like the answer to -- will we get our money back? what was his designs to do, jenna? -- what was this designed to do, jenna? >> it stands for toxic asset relief program. this money was supposed to prevent lending from freezing up. it did not do that. it went to big financial firms, but it also would a lot of other places, as well. the money is still out there. some is coming back, but this report is a mixed one, to say the best.
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president obama is right. we have received about $70 billion from big banks like goldman sachs, morgan stanley, and j.p. morgan chase. we were paid back with interest. if you look at financial firms, it looks like that if that pattern repeats, we could be paid back. but if you look at other investments or loans made to aig, general motors, or chrysler, it is a big question as to whether we will ever see that money again. jane: ok. is there good news? can you highlight what is actually working? >> sure. the inspector general says this program did work and in fact actually stabilize the financial system. you do not have banks here teetering on the brink of
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collapse and threatening the entire financial system of the united states. but there is a big question about whether or not it helps main street, because he still have on employment on the rise, small businesses having -- you still have unemployment on the rise, small business is having trouble getting loans -- you still have unemployment on the rise, small businesses having trouble getting loans. jon: rick is live in pittsburgh. what is the scene there? >> some falun gong protesters are here. a mass march is planned for late this afternoon, about 25 blocks
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to the north. in the meantime, downtown pittsburgh is a ghost town. jon: what have business is done to prepare? >> in many cases, they have closed for two days. some people liken it to a blizzard. some stores and restaurants are still open. others have boarded up. but everyone in this golden triangle is out of business. in the meantime, there may be more police officers down here that local residents or visitors -- and local residents -- than local residents or visitors. ohio state police, officers from georgia, charlotte, philadelphia, chicago, all playing a role here in
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maintaining a severe -- a secure perimeter for the g-20. jon: what was the protest about yesterday? >> 8 greenpeace protesters went on the west and bids -- west and bridge and unveiled a huge banner. it read, "danger: climate destruction ahead. reduce co2 emissions now." the protesters say they have identified numerous targets across pittsburgh, such as mcdonald's and starbucks, where they may or may not stage a protest, a demonstration, or worse. jane: tempers are flaring a bit at the senate finance committee as they are working to finalize their version of health care
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reform. chief correspondent carl cameron is on the hill for us. what is the tension about. who is upset? >> i just had a list of upcoming amendments delivered to me. this constitutes a big news, because things are haphazard. they are so haphazard that there was an event today were in the chairman -- wherein chairman max baucus and john kyl got into it. as they were arguing, they ran into the question of who gets to talk first and who gets to talk last. sound petty? it is. watch this. watch this. [talking over one another]
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>> other standards have amendments -- >> mr. chairman -- >> finish your thought. >> mr. chairman, it is courteous that you do not interrupt anybody right in the middle of a sentence they are trying to make -- >> they are arguing over who gets to talk first and last. jane: they handle it better than i do when my twins fight, though. i get right in the middle of it. where are we? >> we do not know, and that is part of the problem. republicans and democrats have said they may not be able to vote for or against this because they do not know the cost. there was another moment this
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morning involving mr. baucus. he was asked by kent conrad if they have any information on the price tag. the congressional budget office regularly does the mask to keep senators informed of what things will cost, but the aggregate matt has not been done with this bill. today, the finance committee chairman did not appear eager to talk about the cbo figures. it is interesting, and for a lot of folks, it is irritating. they do get to listen to a lot of work not getting done as they kill amendments and fight. on the other hand, to the extent that some is new and available, some new information is available and not being given to the public, that makes them angry.
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jon: new information about a homicide attack in mogadishu last week that killed un peacekeepers. word is coming that one of the bombers may have been a somali american from seattle. this happened as two men driving u.n.-marked trucks drove into the african union compound and blew themselves up. exactly what we know about american involvement in this attack -- exactly what do we know about this american -- about american involvement in this attack? >> the fbi is telling us that they're looking into the claim that an american who had lived in the seattle area as late as 2007 was involved. we spoke to the african union in mogadishu, as well, and they say that it is possible. both sides want to see the dna of what is left of the bomber
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before they decide. so it is correct -- this is the second time in somalia or anywhere, by our reckoning, that americans are involved in such an attack. jon: what is the overall role for america in somalia? what is the danger? >> at least one american is seen regularly in videos. he is an alabama native. they play specialized role, apparently. these folks apparently talked their way through checkpoints using english. an american could play that role very well. but the biggest dangers to americans back on home soil, according to the fbi. they are worried about homegrown terror. they're worried about somalia- americans -- somali-americans coming back with new skills. and as we know from this recent
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interrogation, it can happen in the u.s. jane: police busted up a dogfighting ring near chicago. wait until you hear where investigators say these bloody dog fights were happening. that will likely make you really angry.
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jane: investigators in chicago have broken up a dogfighting ring. they say that it was coming out of the day care center. children were said to be playing on a swing set just feet away from aggressive dogs. police are looking for two more suspects after three have been placed under arrest. one is the husband of a day care operator. sheriff, tell me what the situation was like.
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how many kids were nearby where this was happening? >> yesterday, there were about 10 children there, the youngest being 1.5 years old. it was a day care home. it was in the basement of a home. the backyard was what you would expect, with swing sets and the like. the swing set was 5 feet or 6 feet away from the garage. jane: and the treadmill that they were using and the training of the dogs -- in the training of the dogs -- what did the women say? >> this is going to be a shock,
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but she said she knew nothing about it. our child welfare agency shut them down immediately yesterday, and were made aware that they had had two prior calls to the center. at least one if not both were with regard to dog issues when they went out there. so there are doing a little review as to why they did not shut them down quite a while ago. we do a lot of this, and not a lot shock to anymore. but they have all of these puppies that are so mangled. we normally do not see that. one company -- one puppy had his eyeball ripped out. another had a broken, backwards like and they were amputating it -- another had a broken, backwards leg, and they are and putting it today. we only took nine or 10 dogs, and the condition was horrible.
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jane: you mentioned in the news conference that they were using the puppies as bait. how does that work? >> quite frequently, what a lot of these fighters do is snatched off the street -- snatched dogs from the street, put them on a chain in the backyard, and turn the fighting dog loose on them to practice killing. that seems to be what they were doing here, because the puppies were completely scarred. that is unusual. usually they are training and racing puppies to be fighters and sell them. this was very unusual. jane: animal welfare league, they are in suburban chicago? >> yes. they're doing a phenomenal job, and they are confident they will be able to save all of them. jane: sheriff tom dart, cook
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county, illinois. thank you very much. jon: scientists may have come up with a vaccine for a disease that has killed millions and millions of people.
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jon: a possible breakthrough to report in the battle against aids. researchers have developed a vaccine and that appears to cut the risk of getting infected with hiv by about 30%. this is a first, as i understand it. they have never had anything that showed any promise in preventing aids transmission. >> yes, this is actually a sparkle landmark for scientists trying to develop a vaccine for hiv.
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it is not ready for prime time, because it was only effective in 31% of people tested, but having said that, that is better than well -- and the results they have gotten before -- that is better than a result they've gone from earlier studies. what they did in this study is that they used a vaccine developed for these two other studies and combined earlier vaccines. the combination proved more effective. jon: is there any indication of what this new vaccine targets? how you put the aids bottle -- how do you put the aids virus in a bottle and vaccinate people? >> like any vaccine, you will be injecting a dead virus. it allows the body to create
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antibodies that fight the virus. it is not perfect, and the vaccine they are hoping to develop will eventually be about 70% to 80% effective, which means there is still a 20% or 30% chance of getting infected with hiv. so we are still encouraging people to practice safe sex and safe practices in regards to people in health care, as well. jon: that was one of my questions. who would be a likely candidate for this vaccine? >> primarily people in high-risk situations. people in the medical profession at risk of being stuck by needles, and people who are chronically sick, especially those who may potentially need blood transfusions at some point. jane: it looks like more trouble for the community group acorn. we have been waiting to hear from the treasury department to see if they would conduct a formal review of the group and its doings, because they have
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received money from the federal government. trish turner has breaking news on doubt that we will get to on the other side of the break. plus, the human smuggling capital in this country. ( whooshing ) announcer: you could buy 300 bottles of water. or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet.
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it doesn't cover everything. and what it doesn't cover can cost you some money. that's why you should consider... an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. it can help cover some of what medicare doesn't... so you could save up to thousands of dollars... in out-of-pocket expenses. call now for this free information kit... and medicare guide. if you're turning 65 or you're already on medicare, you should know about this card; it's the only one of its kind... that carries the aarp name -- see if it's right for you. you choose your doctor. you choose your hospital. there are no networks and no referrals needed. help protect yourself from some of what medicare doesn't cover. save up to thousands of dollars... on potential out-of-pocket expenses...
11:58 am
with an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan... insured by united healthcare insurance company. call now for your free information kit... and medicare guide and find out... how you could start saving.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute new de jon: chills just emerging about the major terror plot -- jon: new details now emerging about the major terror plot against the united states. najibullah zazi plans for more than a year to detonate homemade bombs. jane: more bad news for acorn. they're caught breaking the law on these videos. now we have breaking news. who has agreed to investigate this group? jon: nasa announcing a major
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discovery by the lunar reconnaissance or better -- orbiter. it appears at there is something special on the moon. jane: gordon brown is meeting with obama in new york about pakistan. this is just hours before the key-20 meeting in pittsburgh. -- this is just hours before obama goes to pittsburgh for the g-20 meeting. what came out of the security council this meeting? >> it was interesting to have the president chair the council and talk about encouraging countries with nuclear capabilities to disarm. as the president was leading that session, they voted unanimously to discourage -- to encourage disarmament. jane: as a voter, a taxpayer, of you are, what should we be looking for -- as a voter, a
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taxpayer, oa viewer, what should we be looking for? >> they are going to talk about how to avert a disaster like we have now happening again. how do we get to this situation 's conclusion, and how do we prevent it ever happening again? jane: who is protesting? >> a lot of people who are anarchists or do not like the idea of capitalism. some people who do not like the war in afghanistan, some people who do not like the war in iraq. the sad thing is that businesses in -- business is -- businesses in pittsburgh are closing because they feel threatened by the protests.
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jon: a grand jury in new york city just indicted terror suspect najibullah zazi on charges of conspiracy to detonate bombs in the united states. zazi and his father are also facing charges in denver of lying to investigators, but the case could move to new york city, where a third suspect is appearing in federal court right now. david lee miller is outside the courthouse in brooklyn. what is happening there, david? >> just moments ago, a detention hearing ended here in brooklyn federal court for ahmad afzali, the religious leader accused of lying to investigators during this investigation. mail has been set at $1.5 million, and his relatives are going to put up homes for him to make bail. it is possible he can be released today. jon: what we know about
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najibullah zazi? >> he is now accused of conspiracy to manufacture and use weapons of mass destruction. the feds have released a message detail in what he was planning to do. they say as far back as august, 2008, he went to pakistan for training on how to construct a bomb. according to court documents that i have reviewed, it appears that he was under fbi surveillance, at least in july of this summer, and that zazi and two unnamed accomplices were looking to purchase the components to make a homemade bomb. they were thwarted because they could not find one of the components, a form of hydrochloric acid. but authorities say, and this is the scary part, up until he was taken into custody they alleged that zazi had every intention of getting his hands on a homemade explosive device and detonating that device.
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the federal court papers released a short time ago do not detail specifically what those targets were, but we have heard that hotels, sports centers, and entertainment complexes were on high security alert. jon: which charges in two states, what is next for the defendants? >> it is expected that zazi will be transported to new york, where he is going to face charges. the father is going to be released and placed on surveillance. the imam will also be placed under electronic surveillance. the disturbing part of the story is that he is charged with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, and so far no other defenders have been named as co-conspirators. if you are going to have a conspiracy, you need more than one person. guardi's other individuals? beyond that, the feds have not been able to locate any of these
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weapons that they believe may have been -- or the chemicals to manufacture weapons that they may have been stored or concealed in self-storage lockers in new york city, and a number of massive searches have been taking place. jon: ron kuby is the attorney for the imam. let's listen to him. >> i endeavor to find answers to questions and provide them to the government. after doing so, the government agreed to release the imam on bail, and he should be released today to return to his family. but we tell you what actually has to happen, and you figure out how long it is going to take. what has to happen is that the family has to go to the queens
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county clerk's office and post a confession of justice. they have to find a fatsi -- farsi interpreter, so the imam's mother can sign the bomb. jon: ron kuby always amounts of vigorous defense against the government. he is the attorney for the imam who has been charged with lying to federal authorities. he is basically accused of tipping off najibullah zazi and his father in the investigation against them, an investigation which took a much more serious town this morning when zazi was indicted on charges of planning to blow up bombs in this country. we are continuing to follow this case and we will have every development for years the twist comes -- we will have every
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development for you as the twists come. jane: 13 dead in 24 hours. the most recent killings in a city just across the border from el paso, texas. four people were found shot in a car, following the discovery of another body outside a bar. the city has 1600 murders this year. jon: phoenix is tagged with a title it does not want, "the human-smuggling capital of america." it is stephen -- is getting even harder to find the smugglers. adam has more from phoenix. what is a drop house? >> it is getting a little more sophisticated here in the
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phoenix area. a drop house, very simply, is a place where human smugglers bring their cargo, they drop them off here, and after a ransom is paid, those people are farmed out to other areas of the country. let's say a smuggler brings in 25, 30 people. they come to a house like the one behind me in this neighborhood, and they are kept there until relatives on this part of the border pay more money, and then they are put in a car and taken to a spot to be given away back to relatives. it is a place where people are brought to be farmed back out, illegally, obviously. jon: these places are hidden very well. how authorities to grant which houses are dropouts as? >> look where we are right now. a new neighborhood, new shopping centers, but the house behind me was a drop house. people across the street noticed people going in and out late at
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night and called authorities. at the same time, someone inside escaped and called 911. police added it up, raided the house, and found out what was inside. jon: the neighbors must be pretty upset. >> everyone involved. people say this is because of the economy, because homes are in foreclosures and rentals are available, there are a lot of nice places to rent. the cargo comes in late at night, generally. the house is decorated, kept up nice. they bring cars in at midnight or so, the grosz door opens, a car pulls inside, the garage door closes.
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by all appearances, people in the neighborhood think that somebody is just working a late shift. jane: we have been telling you about breaking news on the community group acorn, under some much fire after these videos were released. we are now learning that the treasury department is beginning their own investigation into the group. ou: t s nnge toaghw, roms" zi
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dou t lindsu" tshehin s. het kiw ceem" ar y,i ire ♪h. boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh...
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boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. jane: new developments in the ongoing controversy surrounding acorn. fox news has just learned from trish turner on capitol hill that the inspector general of the treasury department is going forward with an investigation into a corn and into the ira's oversight of nonprofit groups -- an investigation into a corner and also into the irs -- an investigation into acorn and
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also into the irs' oversight of nonprofit groups. acorn is currently suing over this video, shot in an office in maryland. they say that the video violates a state law prohibiting electronic surveillance without consent of both parties. with us is lamar smith, ranking republican on the house judiciary committee and representative from texas. what do you think? >> good to be with you. these are good developments. we have the inspector general of the treasury department saying that he will investigate. last week, i wrote the inspector general of the department of justice, and he will also investigate. we're still waiting to hear back whether or not the fbi will investigate, as well. these are all positive
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developments. we need to investigate everything, particularly how each of those $53 million of taxpayer money were spent by acorn. we also need to look into criminal actions taken by various individuals, and that is just as important. this goes back a year or two, for example. we need to see how much, if any of the voter registration fraud was committed by acorn. that is a serious offense. when you tamper with elections, that goes after the essence of democracy, so we want to get to the bottom of that. jane: it is hard to keep track of all the investigations that are being requested. acorn themselves say they are doing their own, having hired a and -- a former attorney general. why is that not enough?
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>> when you have an internal audit, you're just looking at money, not criminal activity. the other thing is that so- called independent auditors -- the auditor in this case is a former activist himself. he will be under a lot of pressure to be objective and get to the bottom of it. when you have an organization like acorn accused of illegal action, you always are a little suspicious when they call for their own audit. far better to have an objective of the torque -- otter -- auditor take a look at the investigation. we have several investigations now that may be ongoing, and we will see where they take us. we need to get to the bottom of it. meanwhile, all of the officials, leaders, and officers of acorn should resign immediately until after this is cleared up, if it
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is cleared up. the original goal was to get everyone involved in registering and voting. their initial goals were good, but it went off the tracks. whether it was miss use of federal daughters, employees encouraging people to take an illegal action -- i do not know. i think they might want to consider disbanding and starting again with were the projects. but right now, they need to resign, and then the organization may need to recruit. -- may need to regroup. jane: the treasury department has now agreed to a probe of acorn. we will keep you updated. jon: mohammad zazi has been
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released on bail. he is the father of najibullah zazi, the denver shuttle bus driver. he is now out of jail on $50,000 bail, unsecured. that means that he did not have to put up any of the money himself. normally, a suspect or relatives post 10% of the bond to get out, but he has been released on $50,000 unsecured bail. his son now faces charges of plotting to basically blow up bombs in this country. a whole new turn of events resulting from a grand jury indictment just released this morning. we will keep you updated. jane: a town's approach to getting the bad guys is under fire. they have surveillance cameras checking on every suspect they've got.
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also, have you done your christmas shopping? [laughter] usually, i am done by now. october is my goal. toys r us is going to tell us what will be hot this year.
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jon: in this city bill gates calls home, they have a high chucked -- high-tech approach to fighting crime. cameras record license plate numbers, and they are checked for felony warrants instantly. some people are not too happy with this system. dan springer is live from seattle. how extensive the system is it? >> it is very extensive.
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other cities have put cameras in high-crime, high-traffic areas, but in medina, they have cameras that can pan, tilt, and zoom in. they are equally good at night as they are doing -- during the day. the license plates go to a state database looking for outstanding warrants or if the vehicle had been stolen. then that information is being kept on a police department's server for 60 days, allowing the police to develop patterns on comings and goings of people and investigate them, even if they are not suspected of a crime. jon: how to the people of med -- how do the people of medina feel about it? >> the city council passed it unanimously. we do not know how bill gates feels about it. he has his own security team.
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the average income here is nearly $250,000. not a lot of crime. in 2008, there were only 12 burglaries in the entire city. jane: we have been checking the dow this morning. it is down 50 points or so. in the meantime, toys r us is already telling us what will be hot for christmas this year. jenna has the fun task of looking at toys. what is it? >> i have a hottest toys so far. -- i have the hottest toys so far. toys r us has a list of the fabulous 15 toys for christmas. this baby cost about $35, and it will tell you when it is feeling sick.
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if you're looking for something in that price range, a boy or a girl, you might like this. it is the radar rapid-fire guns. you can have a lot of fun with that. it costs you about $35. again, we're seeing a price range of about $35 being what some of the hawker toys cost -- what some of the hotter toys cost. if you are looking in a higher range, there are these netpals. they cost about $350. how about this -- barbie has the fashionista line. she is usually about $20 or so. this is an oldie-but-goody,
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still on the list. this will surprise you. they are little hamsters. very cute, right? they make little noises if you press them in the nose, but they also get a little crazy. they go all across your kitchen table or your floor. these are about $10 or so. they are a fun toy. if you are looking between $14 and $20, this hamster is the way to go. jane: then you do not need one of the real, stinky things. jon: in a few months, we are going to do a story about veterinarian's taking those toys
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out of the bellies of great danes. [laughter] >> i think that "happening now hamster" might be a good mascot. jon: president obama making history at the united nations today, chairing today's meeting of the security council, making a mark on nuclear weapons. his crime spree began at age 12. at 18, he is not only a felon, he as an escapee -- he is an escapee. (woman) dear cat. your hair mixes with pollen and dust. i get congested. but now with zyrtec-d®,
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i have the proven allergy relief of zyrtec®, plus a powerful decongestant. zyrtec-d® lets me breathe freer, so i can love the air™. (announcer) zyrtec-d®. behind the pharmacy counter. no prescription needed. and an environment in balance. between consuming less and conserving more. there is one important word: how. and it is the how that makes all the difference.
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call now or visit ♪ jane: president obama holding the gavel at the u.s. security council to date -- the united nations security council today, proposing getting rid of nuclear weapons worldwide. jon: a late night break-in, a boat heist, even stolen airplanes. more shocking is that he is still a teenager. jane: what is going on, chris? >> nasa now believes that there is water in the form of ice underneath the moon's surface.
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jon: president obama became the first u.s. president to chair a united nations security council meeting today, overseeing the passage of a u.s. draft resolution calling on nuclear nations to scrap their all circles -- there also -- their arsenals. next, he heads to the g-20 summit in pittsburgh. so how is the new president doing on the world stage? let's bring in bob beckel, former assistant deputy secretary of state under president carter, communications director danny diaz. what you think, bob? how is he doing -- what do you think, bob? how is he doing on the world stage? >> the best comparison is probably the last time a president spoke at the united nations it was george bush, and
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outside there were thousands of protesters. this time, obama was speaking and they were all outside protesting ahmadinejad. obama has taken the u.s. and put it in a different position in the world, one where it gets much more respect. jon: all of these warm feelings that other eight -- other nations might have to not necessarily translate into action, do they? >> i believe that ronald reagan practiced peace through strength, and this administration thinks they can achieve peace through weakness. whether it is removing missile defense in eastern europe or openly negotiating in a strategy for afghanistan, i think world leaders look at this administration and see that they are conceding ground, they will get grounded. sure they want to be friends with somebody who will give them something for free, which is exactly what we saw with missile
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defense in eastern europe. of course that will not protest, because they are getting whatever they want, it seems, from this administration. jon: mr. obama got up there yesterday and bragged about how we paid our united nations bills and greengage them and so forth. does that fly with the american voters? >> it will always be controversial, because the united states pays 25% of the united nations budget. but that eastern european missile defense system you are talking about, ronald reagan's star wars program was useless to us. what obama did was to get the russians to be very happy about us moving out to the persian gulf on ships, where you really have a problem with nuclear weapons, potentially iran, and both the chinese and russians got very hard line with the iranians coming up on this meeting in a couple of weeks,
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saying that there will be international sanctions. so there was an immediate dividends paid -- dividend paid for moving the missile defense system, which would not have worked anyway. >> at the end of the day, people look at what he did in eastern europe and, you know, they have confidence that this administration will give before they have to. what you say is useless is removing strategic weapons out of europe. what is not useless is bargaining, having the ability to strategically bargain with other countries. we give that up regarding strategic missile defense in russia, and we got nothing more than a returned, "may be if iraq has nuclear weapons, we will sign on for -- maybe a firearm -- maybe if iran has nuclear
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weapons, we will do sanctions." >> let me educate you for second. we do not have nuclear weapons in eastern europe. jon: what did we get out of that by scrapping the system? >> we will get very strong international sanctions against the iranians that may be able to stop something. it is much more realistic that the iranians will reach israel with weapons than it ever is that the soviets will launch an icbm against the united states. jon: we have to leave it there. thank you both. jane: the reaction to ahmadinejad's speech at the united nations is coming in swift and severe, not just from the nations, but from his own country. he spent a lot of time yesterday accusing israel of "racist
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ambition." is benjamin netanyahu going to react to this speech? >> we certainly understand that prime minister netanyahu will refer to items that ahmadinejad did not want to discuss here. and the e-3 issued a statement yesterday saying that they are committed to a dual-tracked situation where on one hand there is engagement with iran, but pressure will be increased if iran does not make progress in nuclear talks set for october 1. the e-3 is saying that it will be a big problem for them if iran does not address the nuclear issue, because the last response they got from them has nothing to do with the nuclear issue. this talk about getting serious,
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as we know, has been going on for a very long time. jane: has been the reaction to ahmadinejad's speech? >> the blogosphere lit up in response to something ahmadinejad said in an interview. ahmadinejad took out a picture of an egyptian woman who had been killed by racist man in a german court, if somebody who made inflammatory comments about her head start -- somebody who had made inflammatory comments about her headscarf. he said, "the murderer did not get a chance to escape. some of the was offered to her family is out of the bottom-line is that the iranian
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blogosphere has been critical of the way that ahmadinejad has conducted himself in new york. people sat and listened to an hour-and-a-half of qaddafi, and iranian bloggers used disparaging language about that, but people actually walked out when ahmadinejad spoke. one thing we should keep an eye on is the fact that the russian president has indicated to obama that russia may be willing to increase or put further sanctions on iran. that is something that will be addressed very soon, i think, jane. jane: thank you. jon: police need your help tracking down a teenager they say is behind a one-man crime wave. more than a dozen thefts, including a couple of small planes.
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so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. but we can't predict our shipping costs. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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jon: he is accused of carrying out a one-man crime wave, and he is just 18 years old. police in washington state are searching for this kid, colton harris moore. he is accused of stealing airplanes, which he taught himself to fly by reading manuals and studying the internet. we're joined live on the phone with the sheriff. >> he has not had any violence in the crimes he has committed in our county so far, but the potential is certainly there. jon: he may not fly planes, but he does not know how to land them, -- he may know how to fly
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planes, but he does not know how to land them, right? >> that is correct. it is a danger to the community. jon: he walked away from juvenile detention an year ago, and you have not been able to keep track of him since? >> he came back to the islands to commit additional crimes, and we have not been able to catch him. that is correct. jon: in terms of his ability to escape, it is my understanding that you think that he is just out living in the would someplace and blaine -- living out in the woods someplace and lying low? >> yes. he has been in homes that are under construction and he works at night, but he has not state specifically on the island. he has gone off the island numerous times.
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jon: that is where stealing airplanes comes in handy. >> yes. a neighboring county to the west is investigating those crimes. jon: you cannot live in the woods forever. you cannot continue to escape authority forever. why do you think he has been so elusive? >> he operates at night, and he is fairly good at being elusive. i would say he is a poor criminal, because we have made several cases, probably 15 cases in 2008, that we have tied to him. but he is able to work in an area that is -- not to say it is remote, but it is occupied by folks that live there part-time. he is able to move around, and it is a heavily-forested area. burglaries by their nature are
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not something that the police often interrupt. they mainly are a reactionary crime that we get calls for. jon: and that is where he gets money, apparently. we have a number on the screen for anybody who has information about his location. there is the number. sheriff mark brown, thank you. jane: is your home making you sick? a new study is out warning about hidden health hazards in millions of our homes.
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jane: water leaks, peeling paint, rodents. does that sound familiar to you? it is one major health hazard
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found present in one-third of metropolitan homes in this country. those staggering numbers were released in the port today that details the hidden dangers in these homes across the country. the department of housing says that the report to be a wake-up call for all of us. so what can we do to keep our houses from making us sick? we have the executive director of the national center for help the housing -- help the housing -- healthy housing. most people say, what is the big deal? >> this is the first time we have and look at housing conditions nationally, and it is alarming. we're not talking about cosmetic defects or things that are not comfortable, we're talking about things that are a threat to health and safety. jane: what is the danger? >> there are a range of things.
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an intentional injuries -- unintentional injuries are one of the top killers of children and the home. jane: so you have the startling numbers. what do we do about it? >> there are simple things people can do in their homes. test for radon, do lead based paint inspection. but there's also a broader policy issue. our homes are falling into disrepair, and there is an issue of priority here, that we either will pay now or we will have to pay later in health-care expenses. so it makes sense to invest more in healthy housing. jane: are you talking about the government funding changes? >> there are definite impact for the individual, the population-
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wise, we spend $54.9 billion a year for housing-related health hazards. so we do pay as consumers, as well. jane: thank you. jon: it is one of the driest spot known to exist, or so we thought. now it is coming as a bit of a shock that nasa has found significant amounts of water on the moon. why this discovery could be a game changer when it comes to the future of space exploration, maybe even moon colonization. . are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert
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your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. . .
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jon: its dryer than any desert on earth, but now, nasa has unearthed what it considers proves that there is water on the moon. it is not there in large quantities, but the discovery could lead to a brand new
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mission -- possibly even a future lunar settlement. what did they find? >> we know that the lunar surface, for the most part, is bone dry. we know that from our apollo mission some 30 + years ago where astronauts kicked up some dust and even left some footprints in the desert-like surface here. but we are learning that there might be some water in the form of ice along the lunar south pole in particular. you may be wondering how that is possible when the surface of the moon reaches 250 degrees fahrenheit. what we're told by nasa scientist is that deep inside some of these craters here, the walls and the floors of those craters never see the sunlight, so temperatures deep inside those craters are sometimes -400 degrees fahrenheit and, in fact, contain some water, and that, my friend, is a huge
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scientific discovery. jon: for those of us who are not planning to visit the moon anytime soon, why is this important? >> basically, it boils down to money, like everything does with nasa. it cost tens of thousands of dollars sometimes to get equipment into space. finding water is something like finding gold there. it could eventually lead to a lunar outposts that is self sustaining. astronauts could drink the water, and they can break down that water. water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. they could use the oxygen to breathe and use the hydrogen as rocket fuel. the opportunities are really and less. jon: thanks. jane: we are getting a clear picture of how much the devastating flooding in georgia will cost. early estimates were $250 million in property damage along, and the costs to infrastructure like roadways,
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sewage, power lines -- tens of millions more. nine people died in flooding brought on wendy's torrential downpours overflowed the creeks and rivers. jon: the so-called station fire is now nearly under control. firefighters say they hope to have it 100% contained by tonight, but crews in california have a new problem to worry about. a major fire in ventura county, which has grown to more than 16,000 acres so far. thousands of people living near the fire lines have been told they have to evacuate. jane: stand aside, smoking. obesity could soon become one of the top causes of cancer. researchers say they have seen a spike in obesity-related cancers in recent years. one study puts the figure as high as 8%, and it could become one of the biggest risk factors
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within a decade. the link between obesity and cancer is not terribly clear at this point. researchers speculate it may have to do with changes to your body and home 10 levels -- normal levels associated with the extra weight. jon: 193 mexicans say they would move to the u.s. if given the chance. a court -- one in three mexicans. 18% say they would make the move illegally if they could. the main reason -- opportunity. 57% say mexicans living in the united states enjoy a better life than they do in their home country. many want to get away from the drug violence there. 81% say it is a major problem for people trying to make their homes in mexico. jane: that does it for us today. we will send you over to the "live desk" and we will see you tomorrow. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute


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