tv Hannity FOX News September 24, 2009 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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i'm bill o', please check it out. we'll see all you premium members coming up shortly. i am bill o'reilly. i hope to see you next time. remember, the spin stops here, because we are definitely looking out for you. sean: tonight, it is a "hannity" exclusive. hannah giles responds to the acorn lawsuits. >> everyone let's sing it together. sean: the indoctrination of america's youth is caught on tape. >> still on schedule for the august recess. >> before we go home in august. >> august. >> democrats set yet another deadline for health care reform. >> if you don't set deadlines before the august recess, things don't happen. >> thanks so sean hannity, millions of people have seen or heard about the plight of farmers and farm workers in central california. >> congress reacts to the value
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to hope forgot. >> we're really against using guns and being able to own guns. >> steven crowder visits one of america's most liberal universities. all of that, plus kimberly guilfoyle, and our great, great, great american panel. "hannity" starts right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] sean: the undercover videos captured in several acorn officers by james o'keefe and hannah giles ignited a firestorm when released. the i.r.s. has severed ties with all organizations, and the treasury department is now formally reviewing acorn as well as the ayers's oversight over the group. but acorn is not taking it sitting down. the group is now suing the two young filmmakers, accusing them of violating maryland law. the pair captured this video in acorn's baltimore office. the acorn employees that you see did not know that they were being filmed when they offered advice, ranging on how to cheat the i.r.s. to how to operate an
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underaged prostitution ring. there are questions tonight about the maryland law which requires two-party consent when conducting any sort of electronic surveillance and what that actually means. acorn is also going after journalist andrew brightbart because the videos were first seen on his website. acorn is hoping to get a could you tell to stop the distribution of that video all together and to collect damages because the video "harmed its reputation." joining us with reaction is hannah giles, who posed as the prostitute in the acorn offices, and her lawyer, kelly, is with us. guys, welcome. welcome to you, kelly. hannah, welcome back. thanks for being with us. >> thanks, sean. sean: all right. this really isn't a surprise to you, but your reaction, hannah, to the lawsuit. >> i think it's kind of silly right now. i mean, i'm a 20-year-old girl being sued for $5 million.
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so it's just kind of dealing with that. sean: it's a little overwhelming. does it scare you a little bit? >> not necessarily, you know. i've got a good defense counsel right now. just taking it as it comes. >> kelly, the first thought i had, when i saw this, i'm thinking this is great. discovery for acorn. this gives you a lot of latitude in terms of getting involved in this organization, their finances, their hiring, etc. your thoughts? >> well, certainly that's all going to be open. but to us, this is just clearly an attempt to bully a 20-year-old girl. i mean, it's an attempt to intimidate and to chill speech and freedom of the press. we haven't been heard -- haven't heard of this lawsuit yet, but to us it's a baseless lawsuit. not only is it baseless under their statute, but we live in a country with a first amendment that believes in freedom of the press. certainly citizen journalists
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like hannah have protection. and the idea that you now get sued if you expose corruption, that would be a pretty sad country we'd be turning into. >> what do you make of the statute? then we'll get back to hannah and some of the specifics. if you look at the statute and some of the precedence that have come out, if you have one party in the conversation, they must have had a reasonable expectation of privacy in the conversation. so if you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, if two people walk into your office, i don't think you have a reasonable expectation of privacy in that situation, do you? >> you're exactly right, sean. the statute is very specific. it said it had to be specific and a private conversation. anybody who views this tape can see it's not a private conversation. there were over 10 people in the room. the acorn folks were pretty loud themselves. so i think it's just baseless and it's clearly an attempt -- i mean, obviously, what is a 20-year-old girl going to do
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when she's sued by a powerful special interest? i'm sure they think they're going to shut her up, but they don't know hannah very well, but she's certainly going to stand for her rights and for the country. sean: i think what's interesting is what came out of all this. you would think that you actually did this group a favor. you exposed a willingness to help cheat the i.r.s. and offer information. and also, we're talking about importing underaged girls for prostitution, and they want to make a big deal about this. what is your reaction when you put it through that prism? >> well, you're exactly right. bertha lewis herself said james and i did a favor exposing the corruption within her own company. so when they came at us with a $5 million lawsuit it was kind of shocking. sean: do you think personally that this is an effort -- you know, you're a 20-year-old girl, james is 25. do you think in your mind this is an effort to intimidate you and silence you and stop you
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guys from what you're doing? >> i don't think it's just to silence us, i think it's to silence what we've just encouraged. we've encouraged the use -- young people like us, journalists -- to fight for what's right, to investigate, to uncover the truth. and i think they're frightened that we've just stirred things up and encouraged a lot of people. sean: we've gotten enormous reaction to the number of appearances you've had on the show and to the videotapes themselves. as you have been out and you've met people and talked to people, what's been the reaction that you have gotten? >> it's been an amazing response. everyone from young children to retired generals have been absolutely supportive of us. they say we've renewed their hope in this nation. they're excited about the future and they're excited to live in america.
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sean: what do you make of this other fact -- that they may actually use part of your money? because they have a lot of taxpayer dollars of the they've received tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, and the president, he didn't know that much about it -- i'll get to that in a second -- but he earmarked $8.5 billion, and now perhaps some of that is going to be used on you. does that make you angry? >> not angry, but i think it's kind of funny and -- sean: ironic, right? george stephanopolous did his sunday shows, and george stephanopolous, to his credit, asked about the funding of acorn and whether he'd cut it off. he wouldn't answer the question. and when he pushed, he said, well, this isn't the biggest issue facing the country. but apparently the president had seen the video and he said it was inappropriate, deserves to be investigated. so it seems like the president's on your side. >> that's good news.
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sean: let's hope he follows through on that. sean: what, that they deserve to be investigated or there's corruption here? >> that's exactly right. i mean, when you have a citizen who exposes corruption, exposes abuse of taxpayer money and government support and then the result is that powerful interest that has a lot of our taxpayer money tries to crush the person who exposed it, you know, we can't let that stand. sean: do you think this is going to p ha, even though the other states have different laws? do you expect that this is going to happen, kelly, in these other states as well? >> i hope not. i think if we're successful, if they really do serve hannah with this, we plan to get this thrown out of court, and i hope that would serve a message around the country that we still have freedom around this country and citizens can expose the truth. sean: hannah, if you get in trouble and you need a lawyer, we can help you. we'll put out the word. i'm sure there's a lot of people that may want to help
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you with the legal defense fund. if you get to that point, let us know and we'll be glad to put you back on. thank you for being with us. >> we've got it right now, actually, it's to support hannah in this defense. sean: if worst comes to worst, i'll come visit you in jail. just kidding. >> awesome, thank you, sean. sean: coming up, bloomberg and gore have joined forces to save the world from global warming. we'll tell you about it in 90 short seconds and it is the youtube video that has everyone talking. were these kind gartners forced by their teachers to sing a song of praise to president obama? we'll show you the video. we'll have reaction next. prilosec otc.
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sean: michael bloomberg has a new friend, al gore. the mayor, accompanied by mr. gore, announced earlier that the new group of city volunteers will paint 100,000 square feet white by october 9. apparently white absorbs less heat and thus saves energy the people would normally use on air conditioning. both of them are flying private jets, just for the record. i love that hypocrisy.
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dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. sean: tonight in your america, a video posted on youtube is showing the great lengths that some teachers will go to politicize their classrooms. it was reportedly taped at the bernice young elementary school in burlington, new jersey. it shows students who were believed to be from a kindergarten class singing several songs of praise to the anointed one, president obama. let's take a look. >> now, everybody, let's sing it together, on the count of three. all right. i like that. one, two, three.
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♪ sean: shocking. fox news is working to confirm whether or not the video was shot during school hours. joining me now with reaction, a columnist and fox news anchor kimberly guilfoyle. if -- my head would explode. >> literally. >> i'll bet it would happen, spontaneous combustion. >> your face, i was watching you as you were seeing this, and you were losing it. you can't handle it. sean: i can't stand indoctrination. this is indoctrination of kids.
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>> pretty creepy, but it speaks to a bigger issue. something about the obama presidency has telegraphed to the lunatic left, olly, olly oxen free, you can come out of hiding now. sean: don't make me laugh when i'm mad. that's not fair. i want to be angry now. >> but it has emboldened the media. it emboldens activists to be as crazy as they want to be in public. it's this kind of blatant -- and now teachers. sean: why don't we take teenagers, we go back to the bush years and we say we love president bush, ba, barks ba. >> here's the problem. what's the specific lesson in this? parents should be outraged. did it take place during school hours? as a mother and a former teacher, to me, i find this to be outrageous conduct.
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sean: they can't mention god. you can praise the president, but you can't mention god. >> these are the very people who want to take god out of the pledge, who don't want god on the currency, who don't want you to pray on a football field. and the weird part -- sean: it is weird. >> they also sang a song -- they used the word -- this was battle hymn of the republic and "jesus loves the little children" and replaced the word jesus with obama. creepy. you would not be able to sing that spiritual with jesus in it in school, but replace it with obama and it's ok. sean: look at liberals in general. for example, let's say you want to raise your kids with this outdated thought process that says we're going to teach our kids not to have sex before they get married. some say, hannity, you should have been born in the 1800's. but that's how i'm raising my kids -- with values. but they go to school and
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teachers are comfortable to contradict your values and show kids how to put a condom on a cucumber. >> ok, where is this segment going? >> i know what you're saying i'm inappropriate. but this is also inappropriate. and what upsets me is the thought that a child sant say the pledge of allegiance, but yet, you can have indoctrination of political values forced down the throats of your children, where they're rehearsing, these are elementary school children and you can't show faith and spirituality. >> another point is every administration pushes an agenda, and they push values. the difference between this administration and, say, bush's, bush pushed values that he thought america espoused. obama is pushing values that obama espouses. sean: does this reminds you of a regime? they're taught to lead and praise the leader and put that leader on a pedestal.
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>> programming of the youth is what it is. it's really frightening, because they're being force-fed these thoughts, these political ideas of what's important. i mean, that was obviously rehearsed, that's not an easy song. sean: this may sound radical to some people, but i have no patience for indoctrinating or taking advantage of a captive group of youth. i think the person responsible should be fired. >> well, yeah, but the person sponl is -- responsible is standing behind his decision, the superintendent of the school. unless they get angry complaints from parents -- sean: well, i understand the parents-teacher meeting is tonight. >> that's going to be interesting. sean: how would you react as a parent? >> ballistic in all caps. if i saw them doing that with my son, oh, boy, they better run. >> forget it. the school should be hands-off. politics should be out, especially at this age, and especially when it's pushing an agenda of any kinds, left or right. leave it alone. sean: it is so highly
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inappropriate. there's such a double standards. could you imagine this song being sung about george bush? there would be outrage. >> the only difference between god and obama, god doesn't think he's obama. i heard that the other day. sean: i do call him the anointed one. >> i know. sean: he thinks he's the anointed one. guys, thanks for being with us. a lot more to come tonight. and coming up, with august long gone, the white house chief of staff rahm emanuel has decided to set a brand-new deadline to pass health care reform. the clock is ticking. plus, the votes are in. did the hammer, tom delay, miraculously survive rounds one of "dancing with the stars"? let me tell you something, folks, i am promise you one thing -- i will never be on that show, ever. quality and reliability...
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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sean: tonight in "hannity's america," democrats appear to be moving the reform goalpost yet again. last night white house chief of staff rahm emanuel announced a brand-new deadline. let's take a look. >> health care will be passed before the members go home for thanksgiving. the legislative process is a place where both sides get to contribute. sean: before the thanksgiving recess? that's not the song the democrats were singing this summer, remember this? >> if you don't szed deadlines in this town, things don't happen. >> we're still on schedule to do what we had planned to vote on this legislation before we leave for the august recess. >> before the august recess. >> sooner, rather than later, and hopefully in the next few days. >> before we go home for august recess. >> i'm not afraid of august. it's a month. >> by the end of august or the beginning of august -- >> i had said that i wanted to
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build a path before we left for the august recess. sean: first it was august. now it's thanksgiving. so what's next? maybe it's 49th of july. -- the fourth of july. sean: during the 2008 presidential election, pundits debated the extent of the media and the candidate and how it helped him win the president sifment a recent sacred heart university poll asked the people what they think, and get this -- a whopping 89% of respondents said that media's coverage played a very or somewhat strong role in the president's election. well, that compared to only 10% of people who believed that coverage played little or no role in vaulting him to power. well, there you have it. it looks like there's hardly anybody left who still believes that the media is objective in this country. maybe it's time to drop the whole pretense all together. what do you think?
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sean: now cal san joaquin valley continues to get attention in congress. they've been struggling since the government shut off their water supply in order to save a tiny fish. it's called the delta smelt. yesterday california senator dianne feinstein voted against an amendment that would have gotten the water pumping again. earlier today congressman john duncan put that democratic opposition in context. look at this. >> for the last few days, thanks to sean hannity, millions of people have seen or heard about the plight of farmers and farm workers in central california. in some areas, over 40% are unemployed and many thousands are having to stand in food lines so their families can have something to eat. what many do not know is that the house voted on this issue twice, on june 18 and again on july 23. on the first vote, 171 republicans voted for the
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farmers, 215 democrats voted for the minnow. on the second vote 176 republicans, all but one voted for the farmers, all but three democrats voted for the fish. unfortunately, neither vote was close. wealthy environmentalists won. the farmers and farm workers lost. sean: party of the people? talk about shameful. for the sake of the farmers out in california, we can only hope the democrats come to see the error of their ways. president obama, senator feinstein, turn the water on! it's simple. now, this week the world witnessed an amazing transformation, as the 62-year-old former house majority leader tom delay debuted on abc's "dancing with the stars." now, delay performed a cha-chateau the song "wild thing" with cheryl burke, and last night the unthinkable happened -- the hammer lived up to his reputation. he got the votes and he survived the first round of cuts on the show.
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amazing! i just don't know how he's going to top that performance next week. and by the way, for the record, i know people don't like this -- i did not even dance at my own wedding. and i don't apologize for it. and coming up, so why are environmentalists declaring war on your toilet paper? you won't believe this story. and what happens when the leftists in berkeley are forced to answer basic questions? we have a hilarious video. get ready to roll tape. you're going to want to save this. that's coming up straight ahead. you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! they taste fresh. wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? cook it fresh, strain it fresh, mix it fresh, healthy choice fresh mixers, look for it in the soup or pasta aisle.
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sean: environmentalists say declaring war on get this -- fluffy toilet paper -- which they say is made from century old trees, and although tissue paper accounts for 7% of the products made from u.s. trees, one scientist said it's like the hummer products for the paper industry. we don't need old growth forests to wipe our behind. you know, i never thought of it like that. morahan tee in two short minutes.
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your mind is filled with poison. sean: so if we're making the venezuelan dictator angry, we've got to be doing something right, something to be proud of. you won't believe what some of the students had to say at a liberal university when asked basic questions about history. steven crowder traveled to the university of california-berkeley to find out. let's take a look. >> who is your favorite united states president, and why? >> my favorite united states president? ♪ >> i'll say abraham lincoln. >> abraham lincoln. >> he was easily the most popular, naming the party of the old dude with the beard and hat a little more daunting. >> what party did abraham
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lincoln belong to? >> the wigs? >> i'll say -- i'm not sure. >> back then i believe he was republican. but that was nominally a republican. >> well, she's basically right. sean: namnally? very informationive. joining me is the creator of that video, steven crowd he were. i don't even know what to say. steve, this is supposed to be one of the most prestigious colleges in the country, indicative of all the students there? >> yeah, i mean, that's what we're hearing, that it's the number one public university in the country, and that's why i wanted to go there, just to see exactly what they were learning. sean: i've been doing these man on the street interviews on radio and here on "hannity" for years now, and do you know how many people cannot name who the vice president is? and these are people going to college. what should we glean from that?
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>> well, the truth is that college isn't so much about learning, and going to college won't make you smart. a thirst for truth is what will help you ultimately in education. and we do go into classrooms and see what they're teaching. there's this idea that there's no right and wrong. we edited out blocks of time where college students would ramble on for 25 minutes about gray areas. sean: we're going to shot audience again this video of these kindergarteners singing all praises to the anointed one, president obama. but you also have -- and we have video of you asking about the great depression, and this is somewhat priceless, too, so let's take a look at that. >> what do you think caused the great depression? >> oh, that's an interesting -- >> what caused the great depression? wow. >> the great depression? >> yes. >> the first one? >> i don't know.
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i guess like the stock market crashed. the great depression. um -- i'm trying to remember, and -- >> black friday, right? >> well, no. >> it was a black day. >> so nobody answered correctly with the federal reserve. sean: what are these kids learning at school? it's frightening. >> i think one of them had a really nice hemp jacket, as you could see. she probably took that in some sort of course there. [laughter] i don't know what to tell you. we asked some pretty basic questions, and like i said, they're not really taught these things. we go on to ask them how it was fixed. and the most surprising thing is nobody would say, hey, i don't know the answer. if you would have asked me what
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kind of pup tent gadhafi is pitching, i'd say i'm not the guy to ask. these kids are so dead set on answering, even if they don't know. sean: you've got to ask on your next time out, who is the vice president and then who they voted for. i've done this stuff for years, and i'm telling you, the people, nine out of 10 times -- >> i did that with a friend. when i announced joe biden was anonsed as v.p., she said, who is joe biden? she had no clue. sean: you also followed up and said how was the great depression fixed, and that's almost a as funny as them not knowing what the great depression was. >> f.d.r. and his group fixed it through public works, administrations, or something like that. isn't it? >> oont's it f.d.r.? >> gee, you can't even give these folks the right answer.
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sean: you really can't. and i'll bet you the impression would be that, oh, it was f.d.r. and all the new deal and spending, but it wasn't. it was world war ii. that really got us out of the depression. >> i don't know where you're getting your info. get your facts straight, go to berkeley. sean: i've got to go to berkeley. they ran me out of town on one of the u.c. campuses when i started my radio career the they didn't like me out there. it was an amazing experiences. when you go back, you've got to ask the question who's the vice president, an i'm going to make a prediction. i'll bet you nine out of 10 -- well, eight out of 10 won't get it right. >> i will, and i'll tell them sean hannity sent me. >> maybe you'll be spit at or thrown off campus. thanks for being with us, steve. folks, when we come back, we're going t go back to the tape we showed you earlier in the program -- the indoctrination of kindergarteners singing all praises to the anointed one. let not your heart be troubled. the great, great, great
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american panel. straight ahead. ♪ gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir? boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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ask sean: this is a fox news alert. we are getting word that libby and mad man muammar gadhafi is erecting his tent on donald trump's property in new york. the tent was taken down yesterday when authorities informed the leader's entourage that they did not have the proper permits to put it up. shortly thereafter mr. trump asked gadhafi to relocate, but the crisis has apparently been resolved, as the tent is now going back up. gadhafi's original request for space in central park and manhattan's upper east side were rejected and he's been staying at the city's libyan mission after arriving tuesday
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for his 35-minute speech that he gave the other day which was totally an completely incoherent. now it's time for our "great american panel," the editor and a fox news contributor, nina easton is here, and the kicker for the new york jets, jay feely is with us. and a fellow with project 21, deneen borelli is here. thanks for being with us. this video infuriates me. we did this earlier in the program, but this is kindergarten kids singing all praises to the anointed one, barack obama. barack obama. ♪
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sean: why are you laughing so hard? >> i know it's not -- mao would be proud. sean: doesn't that reminds you of any dictator in the indoctrination of kids? >> it is an outrage, and parents across the country should be looking into what the schools are teaching their kids. i have a confession to make. i went to that school as a kid. dy. this is the first time i'm mentioning it on national television, but i did. sean: if your kid was there, wouldn't you be furious? >> i would be. but the superintendent was more outraged that the tape got out, instead of what was on the tape. sean: they're mad they got caught. >> the problem is is that our school systems are set up to educate, not to ingrain. teachers are supposed to educate and give their opinion and allow parents and students to make a decision. there's a dichotomy that exists
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in our public school system, and if they lean left, you're protected. if they lean right, they're targeted. the teachers give over 90% of their political contributions to democrats. and they have supported democratic nominee for president every year since jimmy carter. so imagine now if they had sung the original words to one of those songs that they sang, "jesus loves the little children" and the uproars that would have created. sean: you bring up a good point. if it was either the jesus part or, god forbid, george bush got this type of praise in a public school. >> i agree with that. and n.e.a., i think the leadership is further to the left than the teachers. but the teachers need a lesson plan and something that everybody needs, including conservatives, which is there's a difference between teaching respect for our president and all the -- >> i agree. the outrage over the president, when he spoke a conservative values speech, a personal
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responsibility speech to students i thought was uncalled for. sean: if the president wants to say study hard, work hard, you can be all you want to be, pursue your american dream, the problem was the work book. how can we help the president? >> people latched on to the work book, but everybody was outraged. the talk shows went nuts over just the fact that the president was giving a speech and they thought it was going to be indoctrination. but you had no problem with the speech itself, right? sean: but before the speech came out, i did not have a problem with the president addressing school kids and saying study hard, work hard, this is the greatest, best country in the world. it would be a rare moment that he doesn't apologize for the country. >> back to the presidency, as opposed to this, which is it's indoctrinating kids, i agree, in an ideology, partisan policy, and teachers don't get it. >> some of the lyrics, he said we must be fair to equal work
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equals equal pay. you're paid on behalf of your merit. you've got to put forth some effort to get ahead. >> it's interesting that this came out the same day as the meet at the poll event that they have every year nationally at the schools, where the students go and pray at the poll together, because that's protected by the supreme court and it's been upheld. and yet, continually teachers and administrators attack students' first amendment rights. there's interesting how that die comity exists. sean: we just had hannah giles, she along with james o'keefe, they bring these acorn videos to everyone's attention, and now acorn, who have already gotten tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, earmarked for $8.5 billion, they're now going to sue them. i think those brave young journalists did acorn a favor. >> acorn's on a death march, frankly. the i.r.s. has cut ties with it. they were preparing tax forms for their clientele on the, the
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census bureau is not going to use them anymore, the house and senate are threatening to defunds them. they're just lashing out. the problem, though, with the filmmakers is that they did use an audiotape. they did break the law. in maryland you're not allowed to tape somebody without -- sean: that is not particularly clear. there had to be an expectation of privacy. and this is a public place. so i think they have a strong case. >> and that will go into the whole question of government funding, and it opens up a whole other bailiwick. sean: well, i think that issue is in question, but it also opens up acorn for discovery, which is the last thing, if i was acorn, i would want. >> you have two citizens -- i call them citizen soldiers. thank goodness they did this. acorn is known to be a criminal organization, using tax dollars. people should be outraged. there's no way you can defend acorn. john conyers doesn't want to investigate acorn? he voted to defunds them, but then changed his minds. >> they want to investigate and
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intimidate a 20-year-old girl. we got to take a break. by the way, did you hear this? the off the office is broke and needs a bailout. we'll give you the details. more with our great, great -- >> that's why we need more government. sean: you don't mean that. right back with our "great american panel" great ahead.
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not surprised there are struggling. we want to do the health care. we want to continue -- they are struggling. when will the american people wake up and demand that we stop this? sean: sandy, freddie, flopped -- fammonnie, bankrupt by the econ. >> this does feed into the really important argument about whether the government or the private sector can do things better. remember, the post office and the problems with the post office is one of the things that gave rise to ronald reagan. it was an awful bureaucracy that could not get it together, and supposedly they got it together, but now not. >> they close their doors like
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five minutes before. it is insane, but, really, the american people are outraged. sean: what about fedex? what about these other companies? we can sell them the rights to do emathe mail. >> it is a big waste of money. sean: all right, let me move on. the white house injected itself in the race for the new york governor. the first african-american governor in the state of new york is a guy by the name of david paterson. he has been asked to get out of the race. it is very unusual, seems very unfair. i never had a herd of the president asking a governor to run or not run, but i have never heard of that. david paterson was saying that we tax the rich, we tax to be
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rich, and we did it. -- we tax the rich -- taxed the rich, and we did it. >> you have the tea parties, the rallies, and on and on. in this situation, governor paterson cannot use the race card, because the president came out against it. he tried it weeks ago, and it did not work. the president is looking at the 2010 election. >> it was the democrats in new york to came to the white house and said, "we are really concerned that this guy is going to be a drag on the ticket." he has got an approval rating under 30%. there are half a dozen members who are vulnerable. they have got an appointed senator who is vulnerable. they are really worried, and, frankly, democrats overall are worried about next year's midterm election. sean: walter mondale joined the
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chorus of jimmy carter, saying that the march on washington and the town halls is because people have a racial problem with the president. i think this is all entirely based on substance, and i am thinking, you know, what if barack obama were not an african-american but he was white? what would the reaction be going after the first african-american governor of the state of new york? >> yes, you would think you'd be the candidate. he is also the second legally blind governor ever -- he would be candid. at the same -- he would be the candidate. he was taking on the financial crisis here in new york, so it is interesting. there are 26 of the seats here in new york that the democrats hold. they are worried about losing them. there is the district power, and that is the issue. sean: is there going to be a backlash when carter -- first of
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all, carter and mondale combined lost many of the states they had during the election against president reagan, but is there going to be a backlash over this barack obama and racism thing? >> he said it last week, and people are still harping on it. sean: but walter mondale said this debate. >> yes, i know. i was in d.c., and what i had to say was very well-received, and there were a lot of white members in the audience, hugs, kisses, a winning proposal, you name it. it is not about racism -- a wedding proposal. >> we are seeing those exercise their interracial gene. i was watching bill maher, trying to accuse conservatives of being racist. i do not get it. sean:
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