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tv   The Live Desk  FOX News  September 25, 2009 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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martha: hello, everybody. welcome to "the live desk." trace: we're live inside the fox news room. this is where the news begins. this is what is behind the news. then you go over to the foreign desk. they are covering the globe. along the media desk is where all the new pictures come into fox news channel. on "the live desk," those breaking stories will always be in the right-hand side of the screen. we have information on three brand new terror plots. first in dallas where a 19-year- old jordanian man tried to blow up a 60 story office building because he said it reminded him of the world trade center. he parked a van in the underground garage and tried to detonate it with a cell phone. the bomb turned out to be a decoy planted by the fbi. in the middle box, an american man who converted to islam tried
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to use a truck bomb to blow up the courthouse in springfield illinois. police arrested him as soon as he tried to detonate what he also thought was a real bomb. he told police he wanted to attack u.s. targets because the nation is at war with islam. frightening charges against this man, daniel boyd. police say he also wanted to attack a u.s. marine base in quantico, virginia. martha: all of this makes a very frightening sequence. four terror plots almost uncover simultaneously. the alleged plot is being called the most serious of all of these. also, we have this just coming into the newsroom. zazi will be brought from denver
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to new york. he will face terror charges in new york city. so, the big question is, is there any connection between any of these plots? steve, what are the fed is telling us about that? >> there is no direct connection, at least that we know about right now. there is one common thread. intensive undercover work by the fbi, including surveillance and wiretapping that identified possible suspects in preventive attacks before they could take place. the biggest case involving 20- year-old zazi for an alleged plot against targets in new york city. the charge in denver was lying to federal authorities. he has been indicted for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. he has allegedly bought large quantities of hydrogen peroxide and nail polish remover.
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he planned to make an explosive that was also used by attackers in the london transdyn bombings in 2005. authorities are not sure what targets he was planning to hit. in the meantime, a 19-year-old jordanian man is an custody for trying to blow up a skyscraper in that city. he planted what he thought was a bomb. he made a cell phone call that he believed would trigger the blast. he was being watched by the fbi. that bomb was a decoy. he was arrested immediately. in illinois, a similar scenario. the state capital, he was arrested. he attempted to set off explosives in a van outside a federal courthouse in that city. he was being closely monitored by federal agents. in north carolina, we're finding about a case that first and to light in july.
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authorities do not believe any of these cases are directly connected, but they are still investigating. martha: very strange that all of this is coming to light at the same time. are they shedding light on why all of a sudden we're hearing about these simultaneously? >> it is very curious. it could be that fbi field offices what the media to know what they are doing. it looks like all of these investigations came to a head at the same time martha: thank you very much, steve. trace: we will ask that later. is this more threats coming about or is the fbi getting better at handling these threats? this is rattling the nerves of those who live and work in these locations. expressing everything from fiore, schock, outrage.
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>> i am very upset that we are allowed to work in a building when somebody knows that was happening and we were not informed. trace: the fbi says that we usually do not tell us civilians about our work. martha: a new message from the world's most wanted man calling on europe to withdraw its troops from afghanistan. osama bin laden says that al qaeda could be going after europe now for siding with the united states in the war in afghanistan. he says that europe shares the blame for nato airstrikes that have killed afghan civilians. he says "and intelligent person does not waste his children and wealth for the sake of a gang in washington." trace: iran has now admitted having a secret underground nuclear facility. we're getting information about the facility that is used to
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enrich uranium. they do that until it is pure enough to be used in a bomb. we are expected to hear from mahmoud ahmadinejad about this secret complex. this morning, president barack obama and the leaders of france and great britain demanded that iran let the u.n. nuclear watchdog inspect that facility. >> the existence of this facility underscores iran's continuing unwillingness to meet its obligation under u.n. security council resolutions and requirements. we expect the iaea to immediately investigate this disturbing information. trace: major garretts ining usrom g20 summit in pittsburgh. what is the facility capable of
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doing? does its very existence violates u.n. rules? >> senior administration official said that france, u.s., and great britain intelligence have known about this for years. if it was operational, with 3000 centrifuges, it would be capable of producing enough highly enriched uranium. with the existence constitute a violation of the rules governing nonproliferation? not exactly. what did happen was the iranians did not disclose its location. they are a signatory to a u.n. process by which when you make a decision to build a nuclear facility, you have to disclose it and let the nuclear watchdog
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in to inspect it. they did not disclose it. they probably kept it from the russians. that has caused iran significant problems. they are trying to downplay it. time is running out for iran. trace: we talk about more sanctions against iran. to do that, we need to get the chinese and the russians on board. what is the reaction from those countries today? >> nothing publicly today. the russian president has put out a statement. we expect to hear from him at about 4:00 eastern time that this is a violation of u.n. rules and there needs to be an immediate investigation into iran needs to open up its facilities to u.n. watchdog inspectors. that is precisely what gordon brown and president obama said. the russians are moving toward a unified u.s., french, british position.
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the chinese received all the technical intelligence data about this iranian nuclear facility. one senior administration officials said that they sounded somewhat optimistic. state-owned how the chinese evaluate this iranian violation of the u.n. rules. trace: this is a major developing story. major garrett, thank you. martha: these are pictures from outside the building in pittsburgh. you see about four hundred protesters. they are marching to the convention center. we will tell you whether they are peaceful or not what we come back. coming up -- trace: the showdown over the health-care bill in high gear. will the government run health care option become a reality? we're getting close to an answer to that question. martha: i love this. look at dismukes.
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-- look at this moose. trace: his nickname is bu lwinkle. martha: where does he swim? if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol... a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute martha: here is where we watched all the various latest pictures we have around us. in the top, supreme court
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justice ruth bader ginsburg has been released from the hospital. a frantic search under way for this 12-year-old girl missing from her house this tuesday. her mother had an argument with a man who she had been renting a room to. she told him to get out of the house. the next day, he was gone and so was the girl. the mother is frantically trying to reach her. so, a very concerning situation. we're watching that one closely. in the bottom box, here is our friend boy winkullwinkle. people in massachusetts are well aware. this guy is roaming around the
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neighborhood for days, looking for a friend. he was first spotted in a backyard. he is on the move for much of the mating season. police scared him off into the woods. they expect him to be seen again. everybody is looking for somebody. trace: we hope you enjoyed that. now we are back to the serious stuff, the battle in the senate. democrats are pushing for a government-run health insurance plan. they are pressing for a crucial test vote in the senate finance committee. jay rockefeller of west virginia and chuck schumer of new york leading the charge here, promising to fight for the plan that has generated the most controversy in this crucial debate. carl cameron is falling all distorte.
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>> moderates say that it is no where it will ever pass the senate. they have settled on a nonprofit cooperative. jay rockefeller and chuck schumer are going to push this public option debate. they plan to do so with an amendment. the chairman had another idea. after all this urgency and all the threats to keep them here through saturday, listen to this. >> monday is a holiday.
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we will not come back in session until tuesday morning. sunday twos -- sometime tuesday, i am hoping we will bring up a public option amendment. it is extremely important. >> that sounded a little bit awkward and a little bit uncomfortable because it was. it is pretty much dark back here. all that important work we are going to do is going to wait. trace: you are like the guy with a luxury box seats. there is no game going on behind you. when they come back next week, which will be tuesday, what do we get? >> first, we will see a real test of whether the senate finance committee thinks the public option is the way to go. nothing is going to get voted on if one particular senator has
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their way. olympia snowe of maine, the moderate republican hopes day will be able to get to vote for health care reform. she will insist on getting a non partisan congressional budget office fscore. she and some democrats have complained that an inability to know what exactly it is they are talking about. today, she made the point that she is not voting until she knows what the cost is. trace: we can always point to today. carl cameron live for us on capitol hill. thank you. martha: the world powers are saying that they have had enough and they are speaking out, largely in unison today. we're getting statements from all of the big countries against iran.
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this is as the discovery is made of a second secret iranian nuclear facility that could create nuclear materials -- nuclear material in short order. >> this site deepens a growing concern that iran is refusing to live up to those international responsibilities, including specifically revealing all nuclear related activities. martha: there is a lot more for that came from. this pandemonium is much closer to home. what is happening and why in pittsburgh, pennsylvania?
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>> i hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly. trace: demonstrators clashed with police outside the g20 summit. this is pittsburgh, usa. riot police are lining up to keep protesters away from the convention center. all talking about global issues. first and foremost, the economy. outside, residents caught in the crossfire. many sitting outside their homes. some were seen harming themselves with baseball bats to fend off the writers. martha: fox news is confirming that washington has known about a second secret iranian nuclear facility.
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this latest discovery joins the other facility that we have known about. the new facility has been watched for quite some time. iran just found out that people knew about it. western intelligence sources were onto it. that is why the news is out there now. the new site is said to be 100 miles outside of to iran. president obama talked tougher than we have heard him on the subject of a run this morning. >> iran has a right to peaceful nuclear power. the size and configuration of this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful program. iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow. in day during the global nonproliferation regime, denying its own people access to the
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opportunity they deserve, and threatening the stability and security of the region and the world. martha: the urgent question now is, what will the united states do? when will other nations of the world do about this? will israel strike? we are joined by fox news terrorism analysts. let me start with you. why do you think it is that we're just hearing about this, that the bush administration knew that the second facility existed? >> that is the big question. are we relying on the information provided to us by the iranian opposition or are we getting that information from our own agencies, but not being confirmed? what is a problem here is the fact that the iranian regime is telling us officially that they do not have a military program. we are discovering this.
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what we have discovered today is not the only component. the iranian regime is working on several tracks so that they can surprise us. martha: we have heard a bit of condemnation about this second facility from russia today and china. we expect to hear something earlier -- a little bit later this afternoon. who do you think is helping iran to build these facilities? >> they have had help from north korea, for sure. they have their own nuclear scientist. by the way, some of those nuclear scientists are trained right here in the u.s.s. we do not ban iranian scientists from higher learning experience in the united states. we're not isolating iran.
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there is good legislation, bipartisan support in congress right now that would impose real serious sanctions, cutting off gasoline to iran. it would be very useful if that legislation were to get on the president paused desk very soon. martha: there is talk about serious sanctions. things feel like they have been coming to more of a head. yet the united nations, we did not hear very strong words from president obama, but we heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> they stole an election in broad daylight and then gunned down iranian protesters who died on the sidewalk choking in their own blood. will the international community to thwart the world's most pernicious sponsor and practitioner of terrorism?
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above all, will the international community stop the terrorist regime of iran from developing atomic weapons? martha: peace as above all, will the u.n. stop this terrorist regime? do you think that israel will take it upon themselves to strike? i think we have a map we can look at. >> first, if the united states and the international community are going to leave it to israel, not going to could that in effect, israel will be alone with iran. what is important here is how far the united nations as an institution will go with a potential veto from china. that is where the problem is. will the united states lead the campaign or will it leave the region to solve itself?
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martha: it shows the route by which israel might attack some of these sites in iran. when you look at this plan and you hear benjamin netanyahu frustrated that the other world powers are not going in, do you think israel will act alone? >> i think what he was thinking right now is, will israel need to act alone? can it get any support? canidate lease see serious sanctions to try to get a change in behavior or will the international community do nothing at all? i do not think the u.n. will do serious sanctions. the u.s. can do it with its european allies or even by itself. for 30 years, this regime has
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had as its rallying slogan, death to america. it is an existential threat. it is the most important decision of that demand -- of benjamin netanyahu's life. it is hard to second-guess them. martha: the people of iran look at the situation. they hear what the president is saying. china and russia supposedly getting on board. what do the iranian people think about this? what is their reaction going to bay? >> we have seen 1.8 million iranians on the streets of tehran telling the world that they do not like the regime.
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so, if we were to have support -- the iranian opposition, probably today, they would have been putting pressure on the iranian regime. martha: it is coming to a boiling point at this juncture. thank you very much. trace: authorities are acknowledging that we were facing the greatest terrorist threats since 9/11. three more plots unfold it. what is going on here? if we uncovered four plots in a matter of days, how many more are planned? the alleged terror plots around the country. medicare.
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trace: brand new information on three big stories. protests are under way at the g20 summit in pittsburgh. >> it is all quiet here at the convention center. a people's march is taking place halfway between the university of pittsburgh and downtown pittsburgh. there is a heavy police presence across the parade route. there were 66 arrests made yesterday afternoon, including
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tear gas and rubber bullets being fired. so far, the march has been peaceful. trace: a big meeting among top generals. the topic is troop levels in afghanistan. >> admiral mike mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs, quietly flew to a u.s. air base in germany to meet with general mcchrystal. also there was sent, chief general david petraeus. there is word that he has requested more troops to be sent to afghanistan. trace: we're going to get reaction to benjamin netanyahu's very powerful speech to the u.n. general assembly. >> according to an insider,
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his own staff that the speech he gave was "historic." the israeli public also reacted to this speech in which the prime minister chastise the u.n. to allow the iranian president to speak there. he transitioned to the u.n. report and accused the organization of bias. he is enjoying new popularity. his government has a stronger foundation then he did when he assumed office. he defiantly stood down president obama's demand that israel halt demand of west bank settlements. some israeli columnists are suggesting that he overplayed his hand by embarrassing the u.s. president, the best ally that israel has. trace: that is brand new information at the bottom of the hour.
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four separate terror plot unveiled almost simultaneously. these four men suspected of plotting attacks all across the united states. the legend targets, new york city, dallas, and a courthouse in springfield, illinois. the biggest plot involved a this man. prosecutors said that he planned on carrying out an attack to coincide with september 11 before the feds put a stop to his plan. we're joined by the former counterterrorism and director at the white house. it is a wake-up call. this is a wake-up call. >> certainly. we saw four different plots that come across the entire spectrum of threat from homegrown threats as well as people who
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came in over our border to get us. because we have that spectrum of attack, we need a spectrum of response. trace: we talk about some of this hydrogen peroxide bombs. what do you make of that? >> we know that he was cooking up the explosives in early september. the fbi found trace resin in the fence. was he able to make it out with explosives that have not been found yet? if so, where are those explosives? trace: you @ four plots that on failed simultaneously. is it coincidence? is the fbi getting better at preventing these things? >> the fbi has done a great job so far. at the same time, the level of interest is increasing. i think we are going to see more
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terrorist activity and we are going to see more homegrown plots. trace: the fbi is four for four. if there are more plots being hatched out there, it has to be concerning to a lot of americans. >> if we enable the police departments to have more resources, they can help the fbi. trace: if you had to point to something, what is fomenting this? >> it is not that simple. there are people out there -- look at this guy in illinois. he is obviously unhinged. global events do not have that much of an effect. trace: it is all this extremism.
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they have gone to al qaeda training camps. there is a common denominator >> the internet helps to radicalized. it helps them to plan and plot. it is one thing you have to be aware of. they are effectively advertising themselves as terrorists. the fbi was able to get in and stop an attack. the fbi could not even search the internet and look for bad guys. >> clearly, we are getting better. martha: we heard about this story. there is an uproar over a sing- along. the songs that has some parents riled up. trace: this baby here, a typical sized newborn. one baby born in the past couple of days, it was not the average
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size. it was about triple the average size. 19 pounds. we will show you him and tell you the story and how the mother is doing next. between consuming less and conserving more. there is one important word: how. and it is the how that makes all the difference. to the planet we all share. geico's been saving people money and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it?
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martha: some new pictures coming in for us. we just got word of this about 10 minutes ago. president mahmoud ahmadinejad will step in front of the microphones and do a little news conference, speak perhaps about the second nuclear site that has just been revealed in iran. he already cancelled a news conference that was scheduled for 5:00 eastern time today in the middle box, that is paul kirk. he is going to be the newest united states senator from massachusetts. earlier today, he was officially named the executor of ted
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kennedy's is state. in the bottom box, vice president joe biden mingling with some of the flood victims at a shelter in georgia today. he is touring flood ravaged -- we showed you those amazing pictures. he looks like he is cheering up some of the people in the crowd there. trace: a teacher in trouble for giving the students a lesson in forensics. parents were angry because the fingerprints were taken without their permission. >> excuse me? what did you say? why didn't they call me? i told him, it does not matter. we have a process that you have to go through. >> the teacher's name is not being released.
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she has received a formal letter of reprimand martha: and elementary schools in a long sounds like a good idea. new jersey's education commissioner has ordered a review of this video. it shows children singing a song that is celebrating president obama. [unintelligible] martha: i think you are going to hear them saying in a second here. the school said it was part of black history month. they say it is no big deal. we are celebrating the new president and that is why they are singing this song.
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jamie, what is the latest? >> is still happening. see that police car behind me? it is there because the principle of the school received death threats for what ended up being a video that was posted on line of a celebration during black history month. the education commissioner is launching an investigation into two things. one, do partisan politics play a role in that singalong pricing barack obama with these children talking about an equal pay for equal work legislation that he had just signed into law and making other statements about his specific accomplishments? with that video posted online months later, were the faces of the children shown the in an unauthorized way? as you can imagine, in this mostly democratic community, there are two-thirds democrats
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to republicans, parents are split pretty much on party lines. >> i felt it was reminiscent of 1930's germany. >> it was black history month. it was president's day. it was something for the kids to celebrate. i just can't look at it as an indoctrination. >> much ado about nothing or truly partisan politics with play-doh in a second grade classroom? now the superintendent of schools issued this statement in terms of the indoctrination. there was no intention to indoctrinate children. there was no political agenda underlying the activity. the teachers intention was to engage the children in an activity to recognize fame as an accomplished african-americans during black history month.
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the investigation could include the teacher. the question is, should parents have been notified? why did they wait to complain until the video hit the internet? it is not going away anytime soon. in fact, let me just mention that a school in arkansas also received threatening calls. parents there believed that is that happened at their elementary school. >> it happens. when they have a parent teacher conference at night during the week, the fathers can start flying at those things. trace: doctors in indonesia believe that they have delivered the nation's largest baby ever. that is the baby. 19 pounds.
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doctors delivered him in a 40 minute see section. 19 pounds. martha: look how big he is. trace: he is about twice the size of an average baby. martha: 19 towns -- i had a 10 pounder. 19? whoa nelly. trace: that is a big baby. martha: moving on here, the organizers call it an islamic day of unity. thousands of muslims gathered on capitol hill to pray. not everybody is happy about
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this. we will have a live report on what is going on there and why some people are not too happy about it.
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martha: have a school in houston, it is a scary situation. harris faulkner has been watching this for us. what is going on now? >> there were swat teams on the roof of the north forest high school in houston. local reports say that after several shootings in a neighborhood nearby, ak-47's were fired into the air. three or four males drove to this high school and the least two of them got onto campus. i will stay on this and let you
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know the latest. martha: thank you very much. trace: thousands of muslim scouring to pray -- gathering to prey on capitol hill. not everyone is supporting these worshipers. james rosen, tell us what is going on. >> good afternoon. by my unofficial count, about 5000 to 7000 muslims have gathered for a day of unity. it has been absolutely peaceful in the finest tradition of american assembly. we have asked capitol hill police officers and they say there have been no arrests. some of the speeches that have been given to the crowd here have included expressions of thanks for the capitol police,
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proclamations of solidarity with america, the expression of god bless america. the speaker said that muslims can never hate anyone, including jews and christians. it has been a very peaceful day so far appeared about the closest thing we have seen to a disturbance is when the organizer chided people for having too much fun. trace: james rosen on capitol hill, thank you. martha: bone chilling details continue to pour in as the fed's investigate four separate terror plots. but we know about the suspect as and what they planned to do . my doctor told me something i never knew.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute martha: this is a fox news alert. seven terror suspects have been charged in four separate incidents. i am martha maccallum. trace: i am trace gallagher. targets in virginia, texas, illinois, and new york. federal prosecutors say afghan immigrant najibullah zazi plaudit for more than one year to detonate bombs in new york city. in texas, hosam maher husein smadi is charged with trying to blow up a skyscraper in dallas.
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in ill., michael finton is charged with trying to blow up a building. and they plot to attack the u.s. marine corps base in virginia, the plan to murder american troops on u.s. soil, allegedly hatched with two men charged last month with plotting terrorists attacks overseas. earlier today, a judge ordered najibullah zazi transferred to new york city, where he will be charged with plotting to use of weapons of mass destruction. david lee miller, what did we learn today? >> today be heard from the prosecutor purity said that najibullah zazi had the intent of being in new york on 9/11, possibly to participate in a terrorist attack. he called the evidence a chilling and disturbing sequence of events. the u.s. attorney in denver said
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he was very pleased. the judge decided that he will remain in custody. he will not have the opportunity to post bond. the u.s. attorney spoke briefly with reporters. >> we agree with the judge. we agree that mr. zazi is a danger to the community and a flight risk. the judge agreed with that. >> it is a matter of days until he does appear in new york. no court date has been set. for security reasons, they do not even tell you when they will transfer. martha: tell us what this video is. >> this is a video of what is believed to be zazi in a beauty supply store on august 28 could
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it is believed he was purchasing a dozen bottles of a chemical that is another hydrogen peroxide based products. this was one of the components that he wanted to used to manufacture some type of bomb. on another day at the same store, he also bought hydrogen peroxide products. three of his accomplices allegedly bought a similar products. no doubt this type of surveillance tape is the kind of evidence that will help investigators. martha: that was right before september 11 and they were on their way to new york. martha: thank you very much. we told you a little while ago that iran and president ahmadinejad was about to give a news conference. the huge news that broke today is there is another secret
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nuclear facility in iran. ahmadinejad is speaking out at this news conference. we are watching some of the things coming across the wires. ahmadinejad said it is no problem and they have cleared this with the i.a.e.a. trace: it is almost like a list of these urgent bulletin's coming in. the next one says ahmadinejad says the new enrichment facility is not online for 18 months. the next one, he says he informed the i.a.e.a. about this early and that it is completely legal. martha: earlier this morning we saw gordon brown and president obama talking about this discovery. ahmadinejad says the u.s., britain, and france will write friday's statement about the nuclear site. jennifer griffin is at the
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pentagon covering this news. what do you think about the reaction from ahmadinejad? >> it is very interesting. in essence, he said they told the i.a.e.a.. we understood they told the i.a.e.a. on monday, after the u.s. had this information. they were caught red handed. he's not being completely honest about that. martha: it appears that as soon as iran became aware that the u.s. had this intelligence, that is when they decided to notify the i.a.e.a. it is curious, the timing on all of this. we're now learning that we have known about this -- the white house has known about this for quite some time. >> according to u.s. intelligence officials, they have known about this for at least two years. this goes back to the bush
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administration. the intelligence community has been watching this site, which is about 100 miles southwest of tehran. it is a spiritual center. there are a lot of muslim shrines. it is curious that they decided to build this secret facility in qom. we are told it was being built inside a mountain and that it was close to these shrines -- this has been part of iran's strategy, to place them in places where would be very difficult to strike them from the air. the fact that it is inside a mountain and the fact that it would have 3000 centrifuges. the president said today that clearly did notes that it was not for civilian purposes. this is another example of potential military use for its centrifuges and its enrichment program. trace: we are getting more
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information. i am just getting this. ahmadinejad goes on to say it is really bad for three heads of state to accuse us without any evidence or documentation. if the big mistakes are repeated, how can we have any hope of real change? we think fundamental changes in u.s. policy will benefit the rest of the world. as we told you, he went on to say that they will regret this. he said, we need to work together appeared at the same time, he's as these guys will regret this. >> this is also extremely contradictory. he just said they informed the i.a.e.a. already about this plant, yet he says that the u.s., france, and britain do not have the intelligence on this site. he needs to get his story straight from this press conference.
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as you said, it is a veiled threat. he was caught red handed. he thought he had pulled a fast one when he spoke at the u.n. general assembly and said he would be happy to talk with president obama about the nuclear program, but first the u.s. would have to agree to provide them with enriched uranium. he thought he had carried out a clever just move. president obama and the other leaders announced this today going into the g-20 summit. this was a chess move and the u.s., british, and french have made the last move. trace: at the news conference this morning that president obama and gordon brown and soarkozy held -- he said they had the right to have a facility, but the size of this facility is inconsistent with a peaceful program.
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the president said this does not look like it is part of a peaceful program. just looking back to what is coming out. ahmadinejad said they wanted to set up a media game and advance the negotiations. "that is really not nice," ahmadinejad said. >> he is certainly looking like a petulant child that he was outmaneuvered and caught unaware. this is really part of the negotiating strategy of the obama administration and the french and the british in order to go into any negotiations with the iranian leader, but having this threat of sanctions to carry with it. trace: just for context, we talk about it enriched uranium and people do not know what that means. the basics of it is this. the president said this facility is too big. when you enrich uranium,
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together between 12% and 19% is nuclear power. 80% and above is why they have these massive centrifuges. if you did not need 80% enriched uranium, you would not have these massive facilities. you would have smaller facilities. that is what they're talking about here. am i wrong? >> it gets a little confusing, but you are basically right. you have to enrich uranium to 90% in order to have it weapons grade. what is interesting about this facility that they supposedly have intelligence on at qom was that it was a smaller facility, but it had more powerful centrifuges. there were more powerful than the old style that north korea provided to them. it makes this more dangerous
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because it was not a massive enrichment program to enrich to the 5% level for civilian use. it was a specific, small program that would take it to the level where it would have a 90% enrichment. we are told by u.s. intelligence officials that it would take one year with those 3000 centrifuges at qom before they would have another highly enriched uranium. that is over 90% for a bomb. trace: thank you. martha: all they have to do is let to the inspectors in and let them prove it. over to afghanistan now. the head of u.s. and nato troops in afghanistan has done what we said all week he had planned to do. that is to submit his request asking the pentagon to allow
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more troops to afghanistan. there's talk that he wants another 40,000 soldiers. this is general mcchrystal. what will the pentagon say in response? will president obama go along with the idea of sending more soldiers to afghanistan? that is very important . that is next. if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol... a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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martha: a lot happening in the newsroom on this friday afternoon. in the top box, two construction
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workers in critical condition after falling 30 feet off a bridge. that's a live look at the scene in california. in the middle box, a former charles manson follower, susan atkins, has died. she passed away in prison just a few weeks after hearing on her release. she was convicted for her involvement in eight murders in 1969 treaty was 61 years old in bottom box, first lady michelle obama hosting the other first leaders of the world. they are going for a tour of they pittsburgh creative and performing arts school. trace: fox news learning that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is likely to approve
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request for more troops for his top commander in afghanistan general mcchrystal general, a who is expected to request 40,000 soldiers. a new usa today gallup poll finds half of all americans are opposed to sending more troops to afghanistan. 41% support the increase. that is down from 65% who supported president obama's decision to send an additional 17,000 troops in february. jim phillips from the heritage foundation joins us. i find it interesting now that president obama has asked for an assessment of what afghanistan would look like and what the threat to the united states would be if they pulled out all troops from afghanistan. what do you make of that assessment? >> it is one more sign that the administration is developing cold feet on implementing its own strategy of calling for the
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counterinsurgency strategy to defeat al-qaeda and the taliban in afghanistan. it also probably reflects the fact that the president is having trouble with members of the liberal wing of his own party in congress on the afghan issue. trace: we talk about afghanistan only here. take a step further with the may. if we pull out of afghanistan, does it give them a chance to research not only in afghanistan, but also in nuclear pakistan? >> i think we would be taking a grave risk if we turned our back on afghanistan again. we did this before and after the soviet withdrawal. that resulted in the rise of the taliban, backed by pakistani intelligence and saudi petrodollars. if we do it again, there's a chance that in the future we will be forced to intervene again in afghanistan with the return of the taliban and closely on their shields, the
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return of al-qaeda. trace: does it seem like we're continuing to take in baby steps? remember the old analogy of the bacon and egg breakfast? is it time that we commit fully or pulled out fully? >> i think the time has long passed that the obama administration should make its strategy clear on afghanistan, and give their military commanders, including general mcchrystal who was hand-picked by the administration. the administration needs to follow through. trace: when the president first came forward about this, it was not just about a surge. it was about civilians, as well. there has not been a civilian influx in afghanistan to is seems like the old plan has been put on the back burner. >> unfortunately, it does seem
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like the administration's policy has lost traction. it has not been able to bring forward a civilian surge. this is a sign of continued confusion within the administration. trace: jim phillips of the heritage foundation, thank you very much. martha: we were telling you about ahmadinejad's news conference treaties as he once iran to buy enriched uranium for medical purposes. for medical purposes. he continues to complain about the fact that all this attention is being given to this. he says there's no problems with any i.a.e.a. inspections. we will continue to watch that closely. another story we want to tell you about. police pricing for more violent protesting in pittsburgh. world leaders are there for the
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second day. after yesterday's riots, we will take you inside the protest and tell you what they are protesting about when we come back uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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trace: in the top box, iran's president now warning the united states, britain, and france will regret today's statements about the new uranium and secret facility. he also said the nuclear weapons are the arms of the last century. in the middle box, the fed's analyzing what is believed to be a new audio tape from osama bin laden.
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and also criticizing former president bush. in bottom box, and muslim day of prayer in the nation's capital. some groups are not happy about that gathering. martha: pittsburgh businesses hit by vandals are trying to clean up and reopen today, but they're prepared for more violence during the second day of the g-20 meetings. police used tear gas on people who defied breaking up their march yesterday. 70 people have been arrested so far. this is not a peaceful protest. they are vandalizing businesses. they threw rocks at the police and national guard troops. justin, what are they protesting about? what kind of violence have we seen on the streets? >> right now we have some
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peaceful protesting going on across town. that is a little different than what we saw yesterday. police matched with a roadblock to try to get this under control as soon as possible. when they did, protesters got violent. police responded by israeli and teargas. the protesters -- police responded by throwing tear gas. the protesters responded by train garbage cans. martha: did you should to this video? >> yes, we are right in the thick of things. it is not good. it makes you want to disperse and get out of the way as soon as possible. as you can see, the police did a great job of controlling the situation as soon as possible.
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we talked about the extra security. martha: what are they protecting? we saw some signs about corporate greed, and also some signs abouagainst the war. >> it was about anti capitalism, the protection of animals, and stopping the war. actually, both sides about the war. some people who said stop the war, and some people said we started the thing, so let's finish it. martha: thank you. trace: there has been no violence today in pittsburgh. these are pictures from yesterday. this was a pretty violent scene. the estimate size of the crowd was between 2000 and 3000 people. the violence was pretty significant. we have had a lot of people ask
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us why there is violence at the g-20 in pittsburgh. we do not know. we can contrast that to the march on washington, where tens of thousands of people gathered, but there are no rocks thrown and help businesses vandalized. why was pittsburgh violent? the answer is, we do not know. shake up at the white house and it has to do with guantanamo bay. is president obama's self- imposed january deadline to close the military prison going away? we report, you decide in three minutes.
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pothole:h no...your tire's all flat and junk. oh, did i do that? here, let me get my cellular out - call ya a wrecker.
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...oh shoot...i got no phone ...cuz i'm a, bye! anncr: accidents are bad. anncr: but geico's good. with emergency road service. ding!
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trace: breaking news concerning that man, najibullah zazi. ap has now confirmed that najibullah zazi is now on a plane back to new york. you will recall that the feds dropped the charges of lying to federal officers. those charges were to keep him in colorado to those charges were dropped by a judge so he could be brought here to new york to face more serious charges. those charges include trying to set off a weapon of mass destruction. we have also learned that the
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plot could have been implemented on the september 11 anniversary, and that he could have been going after mass transit in new york city. we will bring you breaking news on the terror investigation as it comes into the "live desk." we want to get to brand new information on three big stories. we are getting a lot more information on how widespread the h1n1 virus is. jonathan has an update from the cdc. >> especially widespread year in the south, but at this point, throughout the entire country. every section of the country, the virus is widespread. it continues to disproportionately affect young people, age 5 to 24. the good news is that most people experience this as a moderate illness. the virus is showing no significant signs of mutation. a very good match for the vaccine that is expected out in a few days. trace: forget about a coke and a
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smile, the nation's first so the da tax. >> public health officials in san francisco state taxing sugary soft drinks will help improve health, raise money, and cut down on diabetes and obesity. for some, the idea is not going down too easily. critics say, when did it become the government's job to tell people what should or should not be on their menus? trace: we told you about najibullah zazi on his way to new york. i want to get you up to speed on the four major terror investigations. steve centanni. >> the man accused of plotting terror attacks in new york city, najibullah zazi, is on his way to manhattan to answer that charge of conspiracy to use the weapons of mass destruction.
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there is word of other apparent terror plot. one man was arrested in dallas and one in illinois. both planned to blow up buildings. new acquisitions, delight in the case of a man who planned to attack a marine base in virginia. trace: steve centanni, thank you. that is brand new information. martha: the white house said its own deadline to close guantanamo bay on january 22, 2010. they may be wishing that they had not said that. "of washington post" says it is unlikely to happen by then. there's a change in the west wing that has shifted the white house counsel greg craig. he was the architect of decided to set a firm deadline to get out of guantanamo bay. he has moved out of that job now.
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there are other changes to come at the white house. "the new york times" says in polls, the public is wary on obama and health-care. that is "the new york times" poll. it shows the decline in support of the president on the war. doug and steve and join us. let's talk about the gitmo question did i want to pull up another quote from "the washington post." it says -- who did not know that was going to happen? >> that is exactly the point. it sounded good to say that we
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would close guantanamo bay within one year. let's get real. nobody wants these detainees. just to live by this is wrong. the obama administration should rescind that and say they are going to take their counsel and do a reassessment. martha: one of the most striking things in this article is basically greg craig suggested that this would be easy to do because the bush administration also wanted to close guantanamo bay. he is, suggesting, we kind of thought this was a gimme. he goes on to blame the bush administration and says that the files are in such disarray and that is the reason they cannot get a handle on this. >> it is unbelievable that he would try to blame republicans for this. he misread the public mood and the mood of the members of
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congress on this issue. i interviewed mitch mcconnell a couple days before the inauguration. he said the best thing to do with guantanamo bay is keep it open. we have seen it mitch mcconnell makes the case. he did 17 to 20 speeches that guantanamo bay should remain open. the people there are the worst of the worst. 242 people that we can't there on purpose. we could not find other things to do with them. martha: i am glad you're here today, stephen. i know you have written a lot about this. we showed the poles the show declining support for the president for how he is handling afghanistan. -- we shall do the polls. now you have greg craig moved aside. it raises the question, are we going to see more reshuffling of
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the decks at the white house? >> we do not know what will happen there. we do know that there's not a clear strategy on guantanamo. there's not a clear strategy on health care. there's not a clear strategy on the afghanistan. what the administration needs to do is to get a clear plan and to urgently develop something more than just talking to iran. martha: this is a group of people who are fully ran one of the best campaigns that any of us have ever seen. look at david axelrod, and ron ahm emanuel. does raise questions about this team. >> you are absolutely right. there was so much talk as they came into office about how this was going to be wismar group. this was going to be smart diplomacy. they were going to do things as better than the bush
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administration did. we have seen that now that these questions are not easily answerable with sound bites that you can adopt from the campaign. it is easy to say that guantanamo should be closed. actually do it, and finding places for these men who were trained in al-qaeda camps, and are still dangerous to the united states -- this creates real problems. martha: they would probably say we are making progress on all these things. we're coming up with a new strategy on afghanistan. healthcare has been through a number of committees and we are pushing it through. the general perception we've seen in the polls is not a sense of confidence from the people. >> the reason i mention strategy is where the bush administration was too rigid, the problem with the obama administration is that you do not know where they stand on health care, where the reassessment on afghanistan will come out in light of what the
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president said in march, and we have no idea on guantanamo bay. their sense of drift. the american people sense that. martha: thank you very much. trace: do you ever get stuck on a airplane sitting on a tarmac, not taking off, not getting ready to get off? how, not everybody is on board with letting you get off board? ( whooshing ) announcer: you could buy 300 bottles of water.
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or just one brita filter. ( drop plinks ) brita-- better for the environment and your wallet.
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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trace: this is a major push to protect the rights of airline passengers. it is gaining altitude on capitol hill. the new bill would give you the right to get off an airplane that is stuck on the tarmac for more than three hours. brian wilson is live in d.c.
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with more. >> this looks like it may be gaining momentum. officials with the airline transportation association recently dropped by the department of transportation on september 17. they suggested that they might be amenable to some restrictions. we know this is happening because we obtained a copy of the internal e-mail. "they said they had discussed the issue with their membership and might be prepared to agree to a firm time limit on tarmac delays for domestic flights." this comes from the department of transportation and general counsel. trace: how long could this take? the faa has two voto vote and pe the airlines did it has to get everybody on board. >> noticed that they said the word "might."
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does that mean anything? >> this is a very big deal that they're coming to the table and saying we are willing to accept a time frame. it is my understanding that it is likely four hours. >> the offer that appears to be emerging from the airlines is that after four hours on the tarmac going nowhere, the airplane would be allowed to go back to the gate. passenger rights groups think it should be three hours. key players in congress are threatening to take action unilaterally. the airlines seem to slowly becoming to the conclusion that it would be better to make an offer that to have something rammed down their throats. trace: brian wilson, thank you
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very much. let's go upstairs. martha: we try to find out what is going on in "studio b." you have a special guest. shepard: i saw enough of that last night. martha: i also brought you a so da. says from my assistant who went to the university. this is more than i've ever said about college football in life. shepard: that is the allow this crowd i have ever seen. that is the loudest crowd i have never seen. they have a lot of pressure on the quarterback and we did not play well. they won.
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martha: their team is called the gamecocks. that is a gamecock. shepard: do you enjoy college football? martha: iolite nfl football. i'm sure college football is a lot more fun. shepard: there it is. i was on the sidelines. that is the coach. i am standing right behind him. as i was walking in last night, all like to think about was these warnings about stadiums and stuff like that to those warnings were for the police. we are not supposed to be worried. but it was something i thought about for the first time in years. now today, you heard about ahmadinejad.
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he said, we want to buy uranium from any country that wants to sell it. of course he wants it for medical purposes. martha: if anybody can spare some. shepard: it is really not funny. it is not just the united states anymore. it is the whole world putting pressure on iran. this stuff is getting serious. we will bring in some serious experts to talk about that. and they keep foiling all these terror plot. there was one in texas, and one in denver, and new york. they are catching them. give them some props. martha: it is friday. i am sorry about your football game. shepard: is ok. we will play next week. believe.
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as a charger fans, you have to believe. trace: i do not believe you will be alabat alabama. shepard: you have to play first. trace: a brewing controversy at the national institutes of health over questionable research funded with taxpayer dollars. william la jeunesse has more on that. >> talk about blowing your money. some on prostitutes, and others spent on drug addicts at home. coming up, find out why some in congress call these expenses and an embarrassment. . . if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol...
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a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day. . . welcome to progressive. how may i help you? i'm looking for a deal on car insurance. i think i might have a coupon in here. there's an easier way. we've got the "name your price" option. you do? follow me. you tell us how much you want to pay, and we'll build you a policy that fits your budget. and i still get great coverage? uh-huh. go ahead. you're the boss.
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i'm the boss of savings. more like the c.e.o.
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trace: 7 minutes until the top of the hour. in the top box, iranian president ahmadinejad talking up a storm in new york. here is a short time ago at a news conference saying the international atomic energy agency saying they can expect its newest nuclear facility. he says they do not have problems with iaea inspections. they had no fears. he also says iran is hoping to buy enriched uranium, for medical purposes of course, because nuclear weapons are so yesterday. in the middle box, russian president medvedev talking tough on iran saying they must provide proof that their nuclear program is peaceful, calling for an immediate iaea investigation. in the bottom box, former
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president bill clinton speaking at a massive event for the clinton global initiative. secretary of state hillary clinton spoke a short time ago. the initiative created will tackle some of them world's most pressing problems. the national institutes of health the latest government agency hitting the stimulus jackpot. receiving millions in taxpayer dollars for studies critics call very questionable. now, some in congress are calling for an investigation. fox news is tracking your taxes, and william has more live in los angeles. what are some of these projects exactly? >> let's remember that this is money that americans work hard for every day. that is why some argue that the nih is putting money down the drain that some people put up their nose. here, we are looking at $208,000 for a media campaign to help cocaine addicts control their impulses sexual drive. here, we have about $77,000 for a study on bad bosses.
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they want to know if you have been rated repeatedly, and over time, that leads to long-term negative health effects. over here, as if we do not know tobacco smoke causes cancer, $77,000 to measure nicotine levels in your hair and toenails. almost $400,000 to help children in zambia read. yoga has been around for years, but they want 70,000 -- $700,000 to find out if it is healthy for old people. another 700,000 to battle tobacco in southeast asia. another is a study to find out if 9/11 continued fears of terrorism caused people to drink. over here, we have some money going to help parents to support kids who feel dumb in class or field be up in the classroom. the rap is that a lot of money is being misspent. trace: what is the party? i have five seconds. -- what is the barbie. >> this is for teenagers who
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drink too much alcohol. they suspect the accidents are related to how much friends, family, and neighbors like you actually drink. if i, knock on your door, hide the bottle. martha: all right, there are more details emerging about a frightening scenario. targeting new york city commuter trains with weapons of mass destruction. what is this man in the aisles buying, and what did he plan to do with it?
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(voice 1) we've detected an anomaly...
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(voice 2) how bad is it? (voice 1) traffic's off the chart... (voice 2) they're pinging more targets... (voice 3) isolate... prevent damage... (voice 2) got 'em. (voice 3) great exercise guys. let's run it again.
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