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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  September 26, 2009 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> gentlemen, we never want to see new tangarine, but it does go well with off the wall ideas. that's special report for this time. bret will be back monday. thanks for joining us.ash. stocks you have got to have saturday. catch the powerful biz block ♪ barack hussein obama. >> all right. i like that. >> outraged parents speak out. >> we were in complete shock. >> i declare this to be unlawful unassembly. >> violence erupts in the steel city. >> i have ordered closing of guantanamo bay. sean: special look at empty promises. >> oh, he hit al gore. >> rush limbaugh runs over al gore on prime time television. biden blunders yet again my face off with g-20 protesters.
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marsha blackburn and mike huckabee. a busy friday hannity starts right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute sean: outrage continues to spread over the youtube video showing school children being forced by their teachers to sing songs praising president barack obama. now parents and community members are speaking out against administrators of the b. bernice young elementary school in new jersey where the video was recorded. in a moment you will meet two of those parents. first, in case you missed this video last night, take a look. >> now, everybody, let's sing it together.
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♪ sean: now, according to fox 29 in philadelphia, several concerned parents met with doctors and dr. denise king who is the school principal last night, dr. reportedly unapologetic and said we would allow the performance who happen again if she could. new jersey's department of education have taken a different stance on the situation and ordered a full investigation into the matter. joining me now to talk about the fallout from this video are several concerned parents of the students at the school. robert bowen is joining us and also in studio are james and gina, whose son actually appears in the video. i'm also joined by governor mike huckabee who is with us. guys, good to see you. your son, ohio just met, appears in this video praising the president to the hilt. your thoughts and reaction to
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the principal. >> i was upset at first when i saw it i couldn't believe that i was watching my child on the internet and when i first saw it, i had like an eerie feeling come over me. i felt like i was watching -- we were in another country and i was watching my child hail a dictator. sean: it's almost like indoctrination. it's got a bizarre feel to this the level of worship and idolizing of the president, right? >> absolutely. that's exactly what i thought was we are replacing words that had the word jesus in it and replacing it with a political figure. i'm just shocked that my child had to be a part of that. sean: robert, you are out there in remote. what's your general reaction to this. >> i think much like the parents you just spoke to. i think as a parent of two children and as someone who attended this school as a youth myself, i'm outraged over the video and the praising of barack
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obama for replacing, you know jesus with barack. i think that's incredibly silly action by the administration. i think the parents of this community would like some answers. they would also like to know how the video was leaked. sean: that's a great question. governor, let me throw this to you because we have learned a little bit more about the principal who said she would do it again. apparently she has also put -- president of the school. apparently the president's picture all over the school. in the halls, she touts her trip to inauguration, et cetera. there were photos taken of the school depicting students doing obama-themed activities on top of this. this goes a lot deeper than even this. what is your reaction? >> you want the students of any school to respect the president and the office of the presidency, that's important. this is a line we have crossed when you actually now are having the kids to recognize this
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person not as an office holder but as almost a savior. the same school would never allow christmas carols, i'm sure, to be sung and red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. whose sight obamas or jesus? that is so what is so disturbing. i don't think people are upset that obama would be given recognition as president. that's a good thing. you can't ascribe to his policies and indoctrinate the kids to believe that certain policies are the equivalent of the presidency and the office thereof. sean: you see, i don't think this principal gets it she has her opinion. i guess she thinks that everyone worships the president and agrees with the president here. by the way, she is entitled to her opinion. she is entitled to go to the inauguration. she can but the in her office a picture of anybody she wants. when we start doing it to this extent. i think this is indoctrination. she is now standing by this position. what would you like to see happen to her? >> what i really would like -- i would like the administration to step up and admit that they
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overstepped their bounds. and apologize. bill sean. sean: they are digging in deeper. >> it upset that she did that she is putting our children in danger when she said she would do it again. there is already threats out there because she did. this now i'm afraid to send my children to school because. sean: because she has a political agenda? >> yes. and she is pushing it on our children. her views. sean: robert, i have got to tell you something. if she said she was sorry and it was a mistake and it wasn't exactly what we had planned and it wasn't fair, i just would back off. i have got to tell you something, i would not want my kids in a school where they are taking a captive audience and indoctrineating them with views that contradict mine. your thoughts? >> absolutely, sean. and -- absolutely, the parents of the community have inquired to the board what they are going to do about it. we have got no response. we have approached the superintendent of the schools and his response seems to be
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that his main concern is that they got caught basically. video showed what was going on. sean: here is a tough question , do you want the principal fired. >> yes, i do. sean: you do robert. you want the principal fired? >> yes; yes. >> guys? >> absolutely. >> i don't know. i think we need to find out more about it. maybe relegated to another role or some kind of. sean: she said she would do it again. she doesn't see anything inappropriate with this. >> i would want her fired because she is taking young minds and she is indoctrineating, forcing her political views on your young kids that are kindergartners. >> that upsets me. you know, i was born catholic and you are supposed to turn the other cheek. buff, i mean, this is my child again and i don't know if i can. sean: governor, are you tearing up? >> you have a cold with a little prompting i think i could.
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you know what ought to happen school board. ultimate power in this country still comes back to people rule. they can't rule if they don't take on the opportunity to say i'm going to run for school board. sean: am i being too harsh? i'm sorry, these are young kids. if they are going to present political views and -- you can't mention god. if they are going to mention political views, i want balance. i don't want indoctrination. am i too harsh in saying she should go? >> i think you hit it perfectly a moment ago. it's not that there was the incident, it's that the defense of the incident with a tone deafness about why parents would be upset. sean: thank you for being with us. we are going to have more on this coming up. also, anarchy in america. actually, pittsburgh liberals going open fire with venom on these, quote, astro tupperrers or is that phrase reserved for tea party goers. when we come back,k,
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show and tell you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet hair in the air, i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or longer. which is good, 'cause there's a lotta paws to shake. with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products.
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sean: tonight it's anarchy in america. g-20 have been met by tear gas. over 60 arrests have been made. half a dozen people have required medical attention and several businesses in the steel city have been damaged. so what message are these people trying to get across? let's just ask them. molly mickles and catherine kidd from free the planet. what's that? >> it's an organization at the university of pittsburgh that's out to make environmental change to help the planet. sean: free the planet. >> i'm actually, sorry, i'm actually just marching on my own but with the english department graduate students with the university of pittsburgh. sean: let me ask both of you and
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let me start with you to keep the order so everyone can get to know how are. we have had rock throwing, vandalism. police have rocks then at them. police cars damaged. boston market damaged. other stores damaged. banks damaged. are you proud to participate in a protest that has become this violent? >> yes, so let me tell you, though protests happened yesterday, it was unpermitted march that a group of people did, i think part of their reasoning was to try to get some media coverage. i don't know exactly why they were throwing the rocks. i wasn't participating in that. today i participated in a march called the people's march. it was per midded, legal, completely peaceful. thousands of people were walking down the streets of pittsburgh. sean: do you con department violence? >> i'm not else inly going to say i condemn it. i think the choices are made because the people really want their voices to be heard the g-20 is set up as undemocratic decisions and the eu make decisions that effect the rest of the world. they wanted their voices at the
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table. sean: we have plenty of time to get at that you won't condemn throwing rocks at police officers, vandalizing people's stores having to put the police lives in jeopardy. you may not have participated in this very thing, and i'm sitting here saying you are obviously a young girl why wouldn't you condemn violence? why wouldn't you condemn what is so northerly wrong to attack people and row property like this? why can't you take a moral stance? >> pardon me, sean, is it ok if i respond to that? sean: sure. >> is that all right? ok. i wouldn't say that i would necessarily condemn the violence but i would never participate in it one of the issues that i have with the way the media has represented the violence is that really there has been few instances of glass shattering and rock throwing which i think is not necessarily effective and definitely vandalizing public
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property. has to be paid for by, you know, the poor taxpayers of pittsburgh. so i would never participate in that. >> sean, can i ask you one quick question? >> i just think i want to know if you condemn the violence that many countries are implementing around the world based on the wars in iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, dropping bombs on sleeping children and houses? do you condemn that violence? our tax dollars are paying for that. sean: the answer is there is no moral equivalence here for a lot of issues. spend a lot of time talking the iraq war. i don't think can you make the moral equivalency. i want people to hear your answer. why are you against capitalism. why are you against capitalism? >> yeah, that's right. i can tell you one of the reasons i am is because i think it puts profit as the number one goal and not people's well-being. right now the way it's set up
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225 individuals, their total wealth is equal to half the population of the world's wealth. is that a legitimate system? i don't think so. sean: let's get into what your solutions are. because i say that if you support -- if you don't support capitalism, you don't support freedom the only alternative is a government-run system of redistribution. do you support government run redistribution of wealth? >> i support people-run redistribution of wealth. and one. sean: woe, woe, hang on. how do you have people-run redistribution of wealth because the only way you are going to get people to give up their wealth is, unless you threaten to throw them in jail and coerce them through the government. so, you don't have people. >> sean, i think there are 8,000 people on the streets of pittsburgh today that would disagree with you on that. we can tax. sean: how do you get people who have wealth who voluntarily give it up. if they don't volume lun terrorly give it up then the
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government is going to have to force them to give it up. >> you tax them. there is something called i personally think there should be limits on corporate pay. i don't understand why any -- right now the total wealth in the u.s., every single person equally distributed $44,000 per person four person family, $200,000. i don't see why people need -- sean: you are living in la la land. let me tell you why. because of you both. >> la la land. you are saying the system right now is working? you think the system is working? sean: i will tell you that capitalism has created wealth, prosperity, has advanced the human condition. >> for whom? >> human initiative. not for kids in the hill district of pittsburgh. not for kids in perry hilltop in pittsburgh. not for people in the derelict poor african-american communities in this city who have been ravaged by capitalism and the crash of the steel industries in the 1980s. you know, when we sent the steel industries overseas because we
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could get the labor for cheaper. sean, let me ask you another question, do you think it's cool that we have -- our taxes pay to have fire, police, they protect us when why house son fire i know i will be taken care of. >> sure. sean: what about when i want to go to a doctor. what is it now in a capitalist system these health insurance companies compete with one another. one third goes with marketing, advertising, making sure people aren't getting covered by health. what don't i understand? sean: let me answer your question. the top 1% of evil rich people who you want to empower the government to take their money from, they already pay the vast majority of the taxes. the bottom 50%, 60% of the population, they pay less than 3% of the federal tax bill. so we have redistribution of wealth. i turn this into a question on you. how much do you want to empower those people to take after taxes? >> i will tell you how much. sean, tell me why somebody needs to make -- all right, i will give you this much. tell me why someone would ever
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need to make more than $500,000 a year? sean: tell me why it's any of your business? if somebody works really hard, is really creative and they create goods and services that people want, need, desire, and willing to buy, who are you, except you support this government force and confiscation, who are you to tell them that they can't make that much money? >> hannity, i come from or, sean, excuse me,. >> either works. >> i come from upper class -- working class background. i'm lucky to be where i am in a ph.d. department studying. i would say that my grandparents, my parents, my aunts and uncles have worked all of their lives. their fingers to the bone, you know, cuts all over their hands. scars, missing, you know toes and limbs. they are creative, they are hard-working and they make maybe $10,000 a year. they have no savings because they have to pay for health
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care. i mean, come on. sean: you are describing -- let me tell you something, that's my family. that's my grandparents, that's my father who grew up poor. that's sean hannity who started out his life without a dime. i had to drop out of school three times. the only difference between my philosophy and yours is that for whatever reason, you guys don't believe in freedom and you want to empower your government to confiscate the hard work of other people because you believe it's the morally just thing to do so you are really the ones that believe in a big government tyranny against people. >> then why are we exercising our first amendment right today? and if we want to empower our government to take over, then why are we protesting it today? it sounds like you and i have a lot in common. sean: sounds like you should be ashamed of your fellow protesters who are violent. i appreciate the fact you came on the program. thank you for being here. i have no doubt, ladies and gentlemen, nancy pelosi will be condemning them just as they did the town hallers and just as they did the people that marched on washington any minute now.
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translating is a tough job. it's even worse when it's for this guy. we will tell you why. kadafi's personal interpreter broke down at the u.n. and couldn't quote it (announcer) your doctor knows tylenol doesn't interfere with certain high blood pressure medicines the way aleve metimes can. that's one reason why doctors recommend tylenol more than any other brand of pain reliever. i don't have time to clean all this. no worries. pledge multi surface is fast and effective. wow. i'm done. clean more. faster. that's the beauty of pledge multi surface. sc johnson: a family company.
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sean: tonight in "hannity's america" the white house is quickly becoming the administration of broken promises. now, as we reported yesterday, because they failed to pass health reform legislation in august, their new deadline is thanksgiving. and now just one day later, president obama is going back on his word yet again. remember this promise. >> guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now. >> i have ordered the closing of the detention center at guantanamo bay and will seek swift and certain justice for captured terrorists. >> and that is why i ordered it closed within one year. >> the president intends to
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maintain a -- and keep his commitment to close guantanamo in a year. sean: all right, robert. looks like you may needs to revise that statement. the white house now acknowledges it will be, quote, hard-pressed to close gitmo by the january deadline. and robert, well, that didn't stop the president from using gitmo as a cheap applause line during his u.n. speech this week, now, did it? and tonight's waste 101 update is brought to you by vice president joe biden. we all know he is a man of many, many words. yesterday on a conference call with the nation's governors, the v.p. shared his thoughts on the stimulus. according to the "wall street journal," he said, quote: in my wildest dreams i never thought it would work this well. well, somebody may want to drop a copy of "u.s.a. today" on the vice president's desk. now a scathing rebuke of the stimulus appears on that paper's front page today saying, quote: nearly 10 billion in stimulus aid to repair the nation's tattered highways has largely by
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based dozens of metropolitan areas where roads are in the worst shape. now, don't worry, mr. vice president, tomorrow robert gibbs, the propagandaist will come out and tell us what you really meant to say. now, if you think your job is tough. well, try being the personal interpreter for libyan dictator moammar kadafi. 75 minutes into kadafi's incoherent speech before the u.n. general assembly. his personal interpreter actually collapsed. the exhausted aid to the tyrant screamed, quote, i just can't take it anymore. believe it or not, kadafi's remarks continued for 20 more minutes. that's a tough job. now, rush limbaugh was in the liberal land of california yesterday as he made an appearance on the jay leno show. much to the surprise of jay, the studio audience greeted rush with open arms. take a look. >> well, fine, you give up with you believe in and we will get
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along. why is it i have to give up everything i believe in for comedy. no we don't want you owning car companies. no we don't want you running banks. no we don't want you taking over student loans and know we don't want national health care. sean: great alaws line. look as he participate paints in the jay leno show's green car challenge. >> al gourmet jump out in front of you. if you hit al gore, if you hit al gore you lose a point. if you hit ed begley jr. you hit a point. jump out avoid them or add to your score. >> you lose a point hitting those guys? >> on this lap this is when he runs into some obstacles. watch out. don't hit al gore. watch out. oh, he hit al gore. oh he is stopping. >> keep going! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> he is hitting al gore again. >> number two, i don't care about the -- >> hey, hey. sean: you know what? i like that game. good job, rush. that is the news tonight from "hannity's america."
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coming up, we travel to obama's land of the czars. efforts to reign in the president's shadow government had been stopped dead in its tracks. congresswoman marsha blackburn there was a time i wouldn't step out of the house without my makeup. now, it's no problem. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting night serum with high performance soy to even skin tone and active retinol to speed cell turn over. clinically shown to visibly fade brown spots in 14 nights. i even out my skin at night so it looks younger, flawless in the morning. (announcer) neutrogena tone correcting now you can fade and prevent discolorations all day. new tone correcting spf 30.
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♪ ♪ which one's me - for a cool convertible or an suv? ♪ ♪ too bad i didn't know my credit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm driving off the lot in a used sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free credit report dot com, baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about going but was too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of looking fly and rollin' phat ♪ ♪ my legs are sticking to the vinyl ♪ ♪ and my posse's getting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells free- credit report dot com, baby. ♪
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sean: senate democrats successfully killed legislation yesterday that would have reigned in dozens of unconfirmed czars in the obama administration. now republicans have voiced concern over these high profile
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positions because many of them are not required to go through the senate confirmation process. take, for example, kevin jennings who president obama appointed to be his safe schools czar. it's a position that is supposed to advocate drug and violence prevention activities in schools. but red flags are now being raised by searches -- conservatives homosexuality in schools and also concerned of jennings past drug use. in otherwise own autobiography jennings wrote quote i got stoned more often an went out to the beach. he said he spent hours quote watching the planes take off and land at the airport, which is actually quite fascinating when you are drunk and stoned. joining me now with reaction to all of this is tennessee congressman woman marsha blackburn who has pushed czar accountability legislation in the house. wife don't we first explain, before we get to the extremism element of this, why don't we first explain why this is an issue because we're putting people in the white house that normally wouldn't get confirmed. explain why that is important.
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>> sean, what we see happening this time around is, number one, the proliferation of czars and also the placement of these czars between the white house and the cabinet secretary and they're overseeing policy. they are acting with the political power and the responsibility of a cabinet secretary. and when that happens, then they are outside of the jurisdiction of congress to have oversight over their activity. and it is something that is of concern to us. we think all czars should be created equal. sean: good line congresswoman. here is what fox news reports. we have gone into the discussion of this guy in the past. but this is a guy that is advocated promoting homosexuality in schools. this is a guy we have talked about his past. he has had contempt for religion, et cetera, et cetera. i'm saying, look, if liberals want to raise their kids, and they want to teach them anything
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they want about homosexuality, that's fine. but there are a lot of parents that have different values. they want to give condom and cucumber demonstrations that's their values. i'm not going to stop them. isn't the issue here that what they're teaching oftentimes valuewise contradicts what parents are teaching? and isn't that morally wrong? >> we are very concerned. and when you look at mr. jennings background, it causes me great concern. and all of this is something that would come up through the senate confirmation process, being able to look at his writings and his speeches and go through those tapes and look at what he has had to say about different issues. because he is in charge of the safe schools, drug-free schools program. and, sean, this is an agency that has a 700-million-dollar budget. and he is one of only two deputy
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assistant secretaries that are operating and running their own division, operating without senate confirmation. you get into the oversight issues and you also get into the issues of what is -- what he is teaching, the moral issues. sean: we got into the issue of van jones in great detail. van jones is gone. have you got another guy. john holden holdren. this is a guy advocated for forced sterilization. he is still there cas sunstein ban hunting and have animals have the right to have lawyers appointed to represent them in court. i can go on for another hour. one guy supporting the use of sharia law in american courts. i'm stunned that there hasn't been a public outcry for all of these guys to go. the question i have is why. the more people know about this and the more they realize that this administration has put in
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place as many czars in eight months as the bush administration did in eight years. that is of concern. the other thing is the lack of transparency. we think when individuals are going to act with this authority, that a cabinet secretary has or be placed between the administration and the cabinet secretary and be outside of that line of congressional oversight, that, indeed, the american public needs to know. you know, you can go in and look at the questionnaire that those that are going through senate confirmation, through the senate armed services committee, what senator levin requires people to fill out in the questionnaire is lengthy. it's, i think, 50 pages, it is intrusive. it has much detailed information, let's you know what the conflicts of interest would be. what your background is. and all of that is required to be revealed and to be brought before the senate in that confirmation and vetting process. sean: isn't it a case of school when talking about jennings, i
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don't know what it is about liberals. i think they think they have the right to raise our kids. i mean, you know, the idea that you would promote whatever your agenda, on sexuality, any controversial issue, this is a divided country, liberals can raise their kids any way they want. it's like with this tape in new jersey, your reaction to, you know, these young kindergartners praising barack hussein obama, blah blah blah. you know, you think this is appropriate? do you think this is widespread? and doesn't it also bring up the idea in choice in education? >> >> well, it does. it also brings up the provision that people talk about more and more and more. and that is trust. how do they trust their government? and how do they trust institutions and their concerns about what make they see happening in our instructor turley institutions in this country. sean, it is of great concern when you see tapes and you hear from the parents that you are
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hearing from now with the situation at that school with the children being used in that manner. and people are -- they want to know who is going to be in charge. they want to know what is going to be brought forward. and they are very concerned about this. sean: i think they have every right to be. i think america has a right to be informed and know that there are a lot of radicals in this white house with have you extreme positions although it doesn't seem to be reporting on it. radio and some of the great bloggers out there. thanks for being with us. >> good to see you. thank you. sean: when we come back the great, great great great american panel straight ahead. ree r thevla wos inge o ats te dee s d foe t , ew cal
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sean: tonight on great great american panel former pollster
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for jimmy cart carter, we are going back to those years. pat caddell is here. fox news contributor tucker carlson is back with us. columnist for politics daily patricia murphy is with us. all right. i will tell you, everybody i know is reacting, the school is standing firm that they would do it again. and that is let these kids sing the song of praise for almighty anointed one barack obama. let's roll that tape again. ♪
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sean: george w. bush safe the iraqiy people can you imagine, pat caddell. >> there would have been riots across the country. this is the most outrageous stuff going on in our schools. what we are dealing with here is the cult of personality. we don't have -- they have in that gorky park not in grant park. i don't think people understand the difference anymore. sean: what do you make of the fact the principal would do it again. apparently has pictures of the anointed one all over the halls. >> bad news for obama in the wrong one because personalities are overthrown in the end and exposed as ridiculous. in the short run infuriating justification because it limits debate and argument. her explanation is it's black history month. in other words if you are against this somehow you are against black history or black people. it's bringing race into a discussion that doesn't necessarily need to concern race. this is just purely cam rouge stuff. you can't argue against it all of a sudden because you are a
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bigot if you do. it's infuriating. sean: the idea that i think some people feel it's their duty or that they have the right, you know, to indoctrinate kids. this is indoctrination. i would not expect to see this in america. i don't care it's f. it's a republican president or what her views are. she is allowed to have them. it's taking children's minds and putting her opinions in them. that's what makes me mad. >> was the video creepy, yes, were the lyrics wrong? yes. there needs to be some space in this country for children to admire the president. talk about the president and not be compared to the can a mere rouge or 1930s. >> i group up and every kid did respecting the respect. we did because the president was the president of the country. what that is about is the same stuff driving this nea stuff artist community. you must support the president. it is adultive personality it is outrageous. >> it doesn't need to be this is
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hitler. this is the third right it is not. it is not the same thing. how can -- how is that possible? sean: what about the parents that i don't think barack obama's agenda is good for the country and forced to sing the praises. >> i would think the parents who support barack obama. i'm sure most parents supported barack obama it sounds like it. sean: parents were very upset. >> either way, they would be every bit as appalled because it's compulsory. this is a government school. dissent is not allowed. by definition you can't opt out of it you are forced to send your kids here. by the way, this is children we are talking about. sean: kindergartners. >> keep politics away from kids. sean: you explain to me. if you don't like any -- let's say you didn't like ronald reagan and the kids are singing about ronald reagan. you know, would that be fair for the kids to be forced to support and endorse and. >> no. sean: sounds like a song of praise for crying out loud.
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>> i'm not saying this video is ok it certainly should not have been on youtube and shouldn't have been taped. these parents are horrified for good reason. how you can let children -- not what you are saying. we have hundred distances of children or students admiring barack obama and they are compared to the third rite. >> where does that happen? >> i'm saying this has been compared to the third like and that's an exaggeration. >> i described what it was owe cullive personality. we have the video that's been seen by millions of people. the stuff we know or the stuff we learn or whatever. which is -- which says the country should be represented by a tank, which the tides foundation funding. we had the think with an nea. this is not an accident going on. >> teacher who doesn't know what she is doing. >> the principal should be fired. sean: should the teacher be fired for not understanding she has a role. >> look, not allowed to say halloween in school. they are not allowed to say
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christmas. we find out this stuff that's happening in our schools, this political correctness carried to ideological extremism is scary to me. >> it's pretty simple. can't we just all agree where you come from politically that forcing political propaganda on children is not just wrong, it's immoral and by the way this is repullive. this is a rorschach bud. if you watch that video and don't feel queazy. i don't care if you are barack obama. if you watch that and it doesn't make you feel sick, i think there is something wrong with you. sean: teachers have a captive audience. they have got these kids for six, seven, eight hours a day. if they are going to pound in them one viewpoint about a president that's indoctrination. there is no other word for it. >> i just think this is a teacher who i'm sure she didn't know this was going to be discussed on fox news. sean: but the principals are standing by it they are defending it. >> they shouldn't be. i do think though this is not indoctrination it's ignorance.
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it should not be done to small children who don't want their children hearing this. >> put in thousands of schools. you have think this is an isolated incident that only happened once? no this is one where they got caught. sean: violence breaking out in pittsburgh at the g-20 summit. pittsburgh at the g-20 summit. our pane c ♪ bicycle, what are we waiting for? the flowers are blooming. the air is sweet. and zyrtec® starts... relieving my allergies... 2 hours faster than claritin®. my worst symptoms feel better, indoors and outdoors. with zyrtec®, the fastest... 24-hour allergy medicine, i promise not to wait as long to go for our ride. zyrtec® works fast, so i can love the air™.
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sean: and we continue now with our great american panel. what a shock? iran has another nuclear facility. this is just a tiny nibble country. they are not a threat like venezuela is a threat. that is right. obama said that -- a tiny little country. this little shocker today? >> what he is doing is not
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working, and he still says he will negotiate with iran, but how many times can issue soft threats with them and not follow up on it? sean: especially last week, when he pulled back strategic defense and sdi from the czech republic of poland. i think he is just -- his apology tours is weakness, and every dictator in the world knows it. >> the white house today trying to convince people that china and russia are somehow on our side, standing up to iran. anybody who even saw this in "the new york times" thinks this is ridiculous. "we stand united, the civilized world, against this threat," but we never do anything. there is no international community, and we are not going to stop iran from getting the bomb, period. >> we are so over in iran and
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afghanistan -- >> i hope he got a deal with the russians, because if he did not, -- the thing is, why did he not do this yesterday? when he was at the u.n., with the whole world watching? the security council, about proliferation of nuclear weapons, and you wait until after it is over, and then you do it, he instead of doing it yesterday? sean: there was one great speech that took place this week by benjamin netanyahu. "have you no shame? have you no decency?" the people that sat there listening to this guy with nuclear ambitions. this guy is advising obama as he did carter on national-security matters, saying that if they deem it necessary to take up these nuclear vicinities, we are supposed to confront them and
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shoot down their airplanes? that is the american position? we are going to shoot down the airplanes of our allies? >> obama'commentss -- i feel there is nobody here to defend it, but obama's comments, with the french and the germans not there -- it was relatively weak and soft. britain was talking about drawing lines in the sand, and france was giving them two months, and they are just going along. sean: no one in shooting down -- >> and no one in shooting down is really airplanes. it is not going to happen. we need to be certain we are on the same page with israel. they are facing an imminent threat against iran. he used the phrase in that occupation" this week. i hope he is not that stupid.
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-- he used that phrase " occupation." >> i am very, very worried. this business of diplomacy is about sending signals. yes, maybe the missile system does not work. you do it in anticipation of this. this is going to get you the russians? i doubt it, but let's see. his willingness to go and say this and then not talk about it -- sean: all right, so we have this g-20 summit, an early on the program, we had these two naïve students, who would not condemn the violence, the rock throwing and everything else that took place here, and i am thinking, you know, capitalism has advanced the human condition more than any other program, and they are entitled to their views, -- no, no, this was not a town hall.
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those stay at home mothers, grandmothers, and veterans do stayed in washington -- where is nancy pelosi condemning them? >> i have to say that i went to several town homes, and they were not grandmothers in tennis shoes, and there was hot, hot rhetoric. i did not see any rock-throwing. we just cannot let all of the town halls off of the hook as peaceful demonstrations. >> i have covered all of these events. they are angry rich kids, and they are mad at they are not sure what, likely their parents. this is why they go through a window -- rock through the window at starbucks. >> let me tell you something. they are doing it wrong, but they are right to be upset at the fact of who is running the world, which is the bank's. sean: i am against all of the bailout. they are,


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