tv Glenn Beck FOX News September 26, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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is being called the most dangerous terror plot since 9-11 is right now inside a brooklyn new york detention center waiting to face serious charges. why do his lawyers say prosecutors are missing one key piece of evidence in this case? >> the future of your healthcare, republicans accusing democrats of ignoring what democrats want in healthcare reform. is that true or are democrats failing to get their message across. we have a fair and balanced debate. >> some already water logged areas getting even more rain today. is there any end in sight? >> we begin with a fox news alert. a washington based research group now saying new satellite photographs show iran's once secret nuclear facility a day after the stunning regulation the rouge nation has indeed an under ground sight under heavy guard near the holy city of
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calm. iran haze it has no problems allowing the nuclear inspections at the site located 45 miles from tehran it is said to have 3,000 sent fujs that could soon produce enriched uranium for nuclear energy or nuclear bombs. president obama not letting up on the discovery saying had his weekly radio and web address they must show intention or anticipate increased pressure and isolation. >> iran can live up to the responsibilities and achieve integration with the community of nations or they will face increased pressure and isolation and denied opportunity to their own people. >> julie kirtz is live with more on this. >> what else from the president on this subject today? >> he used that address to offer iran a serious meaningful dialogue on the nuclear program. he said iran will face as you heard grave consequences from
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the united global front unless it comes clean. here's more from the president. >> this is a serious challenge for the global nonproliferation routine and continues disturbing pattern of iranian invasion. >> the president issued no deadline today. yesterday during a joint statement at the g-20 summit the president of france was very blunt and says iran has until december or it will face sanctions. >> when will inspectors be let in and has iran said they can look at the site immediately or are they negotiating that? >> because the timing of this is important new york times reports on the web site this afternoon that the obama administration will give iran three months to open the nuclear site to inspectors. as important as the timing is iranian officials have not said whether they will demand to approve the inspectors hand pick them as they have in the past. critics of the obama administration say in fact the
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revelation about this new under ground reviewer rain y uranium enrichment site could give advantage in the up coming october 1stst. >> ahmadinejad's comments and other iranian official comments show no explanation for changing the course they are following for close to 20-years to get a nuclear weapons capability. >> so again the timing is very important. but also whether they, iran will allow inspections to continue to stay in the country and figure out what they are doing in there. >> secretary of state hillary clinton weighed in. what did she say? >> in the meeting today with gulf states in new york city she said she welcomes iran's statements saying it will allow these new sites, this new site to open up to inspectors. she said she is hopeful and preparing for those talks starting on october 1st. iran will share what it will do and the timing on all of this. >> julie kirtz live in
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washington. julie, thanks. >> the terror suspect accused of planning the madrid style attack in new york city is back in the city. he targeted jammi najibullah sg charged with intention to use weapons of mass destruction. zazi's lawyers say prosecutors are missing a key piece of their case. laura engels joining us live to explain. hi laura. >> hi julie. the key piece of evidence is the bomb making material itself. prosecutors say sgl zazi was wog to set up an explosion in the big apple. they can show zazi had nine pages of bomb making instructions in his possession with fingerprints on them and had every intention on causing serious harm. zazi is expected of being on the verge of a terror attack all of the way until he was in custody september 19th days after the
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original plan to strike on september 11th. he was reportedly tipped off he was being watched by investigators by imam who has served as a police informant in the past. they have been watching zazi for over a year and monitoring his communications with others who were helping him define a bomb with acetone and hydrogen per peroxide. you can see him at a beauty supply warehouse in colorado where the fbi allege zazi purchased some of the chemicals in question in large quantities. zazi was charged with a plot to use weapons of mass destruction at a commuter train. he had been recently researching large supporting arenas -- sporting arenas in new york as well. in new jersey from denver colorado he was quickly transferred from a brooklyn detention facility where he will remain until a federal court
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arraignment on tuesday. the 24-year-old had received explosives training from al qaeda and back stan and was going to use the training to the fullest on u.s. soil. another chilling part is investigators don't think he was acting alone and are searching for those he was working with to put the bombing plot into motion. >> greg? >> the news on zazi comes the same week as police uncover three other terrorist plots involving three other separate attacks allegedly planned in virginia, illinois and texas. police in texas releasing new videotape of dallas terrorist suspect. dashcam video tape showing him being pulled over on september 10th because his license plate light wasn't working. that incident two weeks before they busted him for attempting to detonate an inactive car bomb in dallas. fortunately the bomb was never a
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real one. it was a decoy provided by under cover fbi agent. >> we are learning new details of wednesday's arrest of terror suspect michael fly flinton of illinois. he's accused of collaborate braing with an attack with an fbi under cover agent. he was arrested for trying to blow up a van he believed was rigged with explosives near a federal courthouse in springfield, illinois. he is charged with trying to detonate the bomb and murder federal officers and police. a north carolina man busted was planning to attack a u.s. marine base in virginia. prosecutors filing additional charges against daniel patrick boyd and an alleged accomplice conspireing to murder military personnel. boyd conducted recognizance and in fact had a weapon and ammunition ready to use. 7 men were arrested in this case
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alone. believe 8 suspects are involved. now to the debate on healthcare. republicans in the weekly address pouncing on what they say is the democrat's lack of concern for what the public thinks saying it's little wonder many americans don't feel the democrats listen to them. >> they get anxious when they hear public option, trigger or co-op. they know those are just different labels that can lead to the same thing. government control of our healthcare system. they know government am run healthcare doesn't work in canada or england. it won't work in america either. how do the democrats respond to all of the concerns this week when they unveiled their latest version of this bill? they didn't. they ignored them all together. >> so, do democrats need to do a better job of listening to americans, or do they need to do a better job of explaining their
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position on healthcare to show that they are already listening? for a fair and balanced debate democrat loretta sanchez of california a member of the centrist blue dog coalition and tom price of georgia a practicing physician for more than 20-years. thank you both. your reaction to republicans who say democrats are ignoring the public's concerns when it comes to healthcare? >> thank you for having me on. tom, good to see you. i actually have been in my district all weekend long. i have just had two meetings with different types of groups here. i have three more when i leave from here in my office talking to patients, talking to seniors, talking to groups, interest groups who are out there giving information. i think it's a matter of getting the information out. when you know that there are no dest panels for example, then you understand that that's just
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a bunch of rhetoric. what do we want to get accomplished how much is it going to cost us who is going to pay for it and how are we going to implement it? most of my colleagues especially democratic colleagues are out there explaining to people, having town halls. i have had three, i have another two more scheduled. people are not screaming or yelling at each other, they are asking questions how it will effect them and effect our family. it has been a very good dialogue. >> you know, congressman price, the president made it obviously a point to engage the public. it seems that the more he tries to address what democrats call misinformation and half truths surrounding healthcare reform the less americans trust him. so something is obviously not working here. maybe democrats need to do a better job of explaining their position on healthcare to show that they are already listening. thanks, julie.
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it has been a new plan. the fact of the matter is we came back in september and it appeared that the democrat leadership and the president ignored august all together. they just dismissed what the american people were saying which is slow down, take a look at this plan. we are fwhot interested in having the government take over our healthcare. we are not interested in a plan that cost $1.3 trillion. we want to make sure patients and their families and doctors can make medical decisions. we are not interested in getting tossed in jail if we don't get the insurance plan the government doesn't want us to have or demands us to have. that's what the senate plan currently is. the american people are shouting loudly and clearly the democrats are out of touch and we need to step back and start again. >> congress women sanchez i want you to react to a fox poll. it shows republicans may actually have a point here. a recent fox news poll finds that only one-third of the public thinks congress pays a great deal or some attention t
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maybe try to look at both sides here whether democrats maybe need to actually do a better job of listening to americans. it doesn't seem the americans think that they are listening. >> well, again, i go out and i talk to people, i come home on the weekend. i work saturdays and sundays. i certainly have been listening to them. i think if you ask the questio do you like your member of congress, majority of people like their member of congress they are worried about it as a whole lump grouped together that includes democrats and republicans by the way. if a member is out in their district and is working and talking and really putting out the information. i want to correct one thing my colleague tom says right now and that is that there is somehow one plan out there. there is not one plan out there. there are many plans out there that are being whittled down
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having more discussion on it. we are having a push and a fight to try to make sure that what loretta san cheese people in the bill want me to vote for it. there isn't one single plan right now. there are two or three or four right now. we have whittled it down from a lot of different people, a lot of cooks in the pot, a lot of people stirring that pot and now we are down to two or three or four. we are trying to get the best and trying to make sure as we work it that it works for a majority of americans as far as getting accessibility and coverage. >> there are so many plans how do we choose? congressman price i will let you answer. >> there are systems we should all congregate around. people should have access to affordable health coverage and make certain it doesn't break
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the bank. all democrat plans have increased taxes and slash medicare. >> the president says there will not be a tax increase. how can there not be a tax increase for their health plan? >> the president doesn't have a plan on the table right now. but every plan in congress increases taxes. on the democrat side increases taxes and slashes medicare. that's not what americans want. we ought to work in a by partisan way not come up with a not a democrat solution but an american solutisolution. >> thank you so much for both of you coming on. thank you. >> thunderstorms pounding parts of the southeast today. many areas close to add atlanta already under water and training by boat is the only way to get around some areas. as much as 20 inches of rain
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trenched parts of georgia. a pit of good news mary is in the accu-weather station. >> i love being the bearer of good news that is there is better weather on the way. heavy rain across birmingham atlanta and thunderstorms making it a bit slow going especially along i 85 and the carolinas. this is the same cold front trenching areas to the northeast. front moves toward the coast that will usher in drier air. people will get sunshine and back to near normal. we are expectinging tomorrow the heaviest rain to be north of much of the northeast and south of the i 20 corridor. heavy batches in the interior parts of carolinas to mid
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atlantic toa coast and looking 1-2 inches of rain. despite the rain they will have temperatures relatively mild out there current conditions in the 70s in atlanta and 80s down towards montgomery. that's the latest here now back to you. >> one of america's fastest growing cities being known for all of the wrong reasons. south of the border is troubles upper middle class neighborhoods what they are and what the city is doing to fight them next. if you're taking 8 extra-strength tylenol... a day on the days that you have arthritis pain, you could end up taking 4 times the number... of pills compared to aleve. choose aleve and you could start taking fewer pills. just 2 aleve have the strength... to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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>> terror suspect najibullah zazi is facing a judge on tuesday. meeting with arab leaders secretary of state hillary clinton welcoming iran's decision to allow united nations investigators into his newly revealed nuclear facility. iran's government confirming it's existence this week. new details on the killing of a worker. they found 51-year-old bill sparksman's body hanging from a tree. he says the body was nearly naked the arms were bound.
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there was writing on his chest. earlier reports said the writing was the word fed. >> trouble south of the border making their way to american cities. phoenix getting a dubious title for human smuggling in the u.s. >> on asleepy seat in a neighborhood in phoenix, arizona kathy julianne says she noticed something was amiss. >> they were here for a couple of months and there were too many people and they never put their garbage cans out. >> never put out any sign of what was going on inside away station for illegal immigrants. >> they are treated worst than the worse puppy mill were people were just piled in. we are talking about human beings. nobody should be treated like that. >> about 18 illegals were stuffed into that north phoenix memo turning it into a makeshift jail were smugglers waited for
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ransom before shipping them all across the united states. >> we found out some were put in closets and locked in closets until the can coyotes got more money. >> phoenix is approximately 120 mile from the mexican border. it's a perfect staging area plus with the interstates that run through. >> in this area of the country drop houses can be found anywhere in any neighborhood including in newer homes and parts of town once thought to be immune to this kind of trade. >> if smugglers come in and throw large amounts of cash at folks that look the other way next thing you know you have a drop house in the neighborhood. >> while human smugglers are trying harder to fit in keeping up the yard hanging up holiday decorations all it takes is a concerned neighbor. not someone being nose see but paying attention. if it seems fishy, it probably is. adam housley, fox news. the world is sri acting --
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reacting to iran's admission to building a nuclear facility. israel is deeply concerned. how about that country react? for the latest news we will find out next. can your body wash nourish this deeply? the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only new dove has nutriummoisture... which can nourish deep down. new dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin.
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>> test the bottom of the hour. the lawyer for the man charged in the new york terror plot says prosecutors dire lack direct eve he tried to make a bomb. they found evidence that linked them to zazi. >> they will check out the newly resealed uranium enrichment facility in iran. timing about inspection will be worked out. >> the funeral services for murdered jail graduate student annie le. they found her body in a research lab on what was supposed to be her wedding day. le will be buried near where she
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grie up in california, nevada in the foothilfoothills. >> with word iran has a second nuclear facility up and running one that could produce nuclear pay loads within the next 18 months or so whashgs in the world is next. take a look at this picture from science and international security. it is believed this is the location of iran's second newer lake site southwest of tehran. rumblings growing louder and louer that israel could carry out a tactical strike on iranian targets on its own if it has to. if so, what would such an operation look like and how would other countries in the region along with the united states respond? with me is dan gillerman ambassador. react if you will, the secretary of defense robert gates said yesterday that a military option
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would only buy a little time. he estimated about 3 years or so. what do you think of that? >> well, i don't want to argue with secretary gates, but his president yesterday did something really historic by standing up together with the leaders of britain and france in what was to me a dramatically historic moment and actually say to go the iranians after the deceit and lies and hypocrisy were once again revealed, enough is enough. the world will not l will not - united states will not stand for a nuclear iran. i believe a nuclear iran in this dangerous world we live in is something we cannot tolerate. if all other options fail, and i hope they won't there will be no other options but to take it out militarily and if i believe it
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is done properly it will not only delay but prevent this extreme fundamentalist regime from ever trying to go nuclear again. >> are you confident israel has the military firepower and range to destroy the known nuclear sites which are are after all spread over various facilities and many of which are deep under ground and reinforced bunkers? >> greg, i assure you it is not easy. i also assure you that israel has the technology, has the capability, has the range and has the capacity to do it. whether it will or not depends whether all other options have been exhausted. president obama, prime minister brown and the president yesterday opened a new page and said to the iranians come clean. the big question is what
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happened if they don't? if they don't the three leaders and whole world which is at risk from iran just as much if not more than we are. this is not just about israel this is about the survival of civilization as we know it. those leaders will have to decide whether they are chamberlin in 1935 tried to appease the enemy or churchill who stood up to them. i hope there will be churchills. >> is russia, if it proceed with plans to sell to iran, anti-aircraft missile systems and if those become operational, might that diminish the impact of israel's air strike and is that essentially the other timetable that the israeli government must deal with here? >> i believe the russians as
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well as the chinese are the key to stopping iran's absolutely unacceptable quest for nuclear capabilities. i believe the russians as well as chinese really don't want a nuclear neighbor in the form of iran which is led by a president who not only threatened to wipe veil off the face of t -- israe the face of the matt map but denies the holocaust. i believe russians will make every effort to prevent iran from achieving nuclear weapons rather than defending themselves sense a stri -- against a strik take them out. i hope very much they will join the rest of the security council also in drafting very very tough sanctionses against iran. this is the real trust -- test for russia today. the russian government is responsible enough to live up to the responsibility rather than provide that mad fundamentalist extremist regime which struggles
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and their hands are filled were not only american blood but innocent blood. i believe the russians are better than that and more responsible thaf than that. >> ambassador, it has been said iran has now lied three times about the nuclear program the most recent of which was this week. if iran was to pledge to fore swear nuclear weapons and that pledge was backed up by some supervision and replyable intelligence data, would that be enough to stop israel from a military strike or is it your judgment iran has proven to be inherently untrust worthy? >> as you said iran has lied at least three times i believe much more than that. they are masters at deceiving the word and playing for time. they are playing the very same
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game that north korea played a few years ago and at the end of the day the world woke up to a nuclear north korea. huge difference between the two is that north korea had nuclear weapons out of desperation and iran is seeking them out of aspiration to rule the arab world and aspiration to destroy civilization and aspiration to wipe out israel. that is why i believe we will need very, very clear proof that iran has indeed given up that crazy quest. if iran pledges to do so and indeed the ne mechanism is in pe by the world's powers and united nations and united states to make sure that that is actually real i believe we should go for it. we should give every chance to diplomacy and other measure to work before that doomsday weapon
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of a military strike has been taken. it has to be on the table it has to be real and iran has to realize if it lies once again, if it does knotted co -- knott clean it is either pay up or be blown up. >> ambassador, it's late in tel aviv we especially appreciate you staying up so late to speak with us. it's always a pleasure. thank you so much. iran's revolutionary guard part participating in missile shots. they used similar war games as a deterrent to other nations they believe are considering an air strike. neither the u.s. or israel has ruled out a military respect. in iraq 16 prisoners breaking out of a detention facility. it happened in sadam hussein's hometown of tikrit. five of those prisoners have
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direct links to al qaeda. all being held on murder and terrorism and kidnapping charges and said to be very dangerous. they are looking at a ser city wide curfew. >> starting out with checkpoints. ariel's surveillance. we are learning at least 8 of the 16 prisoners have now been recaptured. the latest two found slo close the prison were where they escaped. they found 100 prison guards and o officials were involved in that elaborate plot. >> the trips can be even in america's injured -- until now. they are giving some of america's braverest the unique opportunity to do things they thought were impossible.
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mary ann, what are the activities out there? oo there have been several activities today. none now. we have had storms gl blow thro. water-skiing, kayaking, paint ball, a lot of these veterans have been able to pick up arrival a youth weapon. they have been able to go out and try today. they had sit down water-skiing so even if someone was paralyzed they would still water-ski. this is incredible, i never thought i would do this after my injury. that's a big part of it ask bushing the limits. reminding themselves of what e they still can do. >> why is this event so important? >> it's important on a lot of levels. most veterans say they brought their family members with them and this is the first time in a long time that they have been
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able to spend quality time with family members. one of the problems is trying to reconnect with the family members after they have been away and going through rehab. it's a chance for them to get to know each other again on top of the fact they are getting a chance to push their physical limits. >> mary ann silver. thank you very much, mary ann. >> most cities roll out the welcome back and pull out all of the stops when the pope comes to down. in un european -- pope benedict xvi ready to bring back religion to where it was denied in owe very long. we will have the details straight ahead. businesses more efficiently,
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i'm just the 800-pound gorilla in the room. don't worry. i'm here. want guaranteed income for life? axa equitable is redefining what you expect from annuities. ooh, peanuts. >> pope ben dikt the 16th venturing into secular europe. he started the start of a three-day pilgrimage. his mission to win over skeptics and create a religious revival.
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greg burke joins us from prague. he is not traveling much these days why then the czech republic? >> one reason is it's almost 20-years exactly since the fall of communism in europe. he wants to address that question now that people have religious freedom how they are using it. on the other hand it is heart of europe. this really is the heart of europe. the way it's the heart of a different an indifferent europe. it is one of the most secular countries where people are very different the least re lig g res going. he wants to tell them living without god in his words he says due know really which way to go and in a way you don't even know who you are. >> what's the reception been so far, greg? >> it has been interesting t. it's respectful but not
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enthusiastic. like a team playing away. you will have the small hard-core supporters but for the most part not a lot of support. he's not afraid of that and that is what he wants to address. he wants to address that kinds of indifference and engage these people. >> the pope is 82 years old. this is quite a trip for him. i understand he took a fall this summer. how is he holding up? >> this summer he broke his wrist. he fell when he was on vacation. he looks good and has been given ago loy the speeches here in english. he sounded really good walking briskly. when we were on the plane with him today he talked about the wrist and says it's just about recoverd. he can now eat and he said more importantly i can write. that's what he likes doing. >> greg burke thank you for joining us on the phone. >> it is one of the driest spots
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>> top stories for you iran's government will allow u.s. inspectors into the nuclear facility. clinton says he welcomes that but threatens -- says they shouldn't have built it in the first place. zazi will fly back where he will face a judge on tuesday. he's accused of making explosives planned to set off a string of bombs. heavy rain falling in parts of georgia. what a mess. residents are working to clean up after this week's flooding. georgia's insurance commissioner doubled his original estimated cleanup costs to $500 million. >> it's drier than the highest deserts on earth, so we thought. nasa found water on the moon. discovered by two nasa probes and confirmed by yet another probe as the moon's southern
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hole. big news for science that could lead to perhaps new missions in space even permanent spaces on the moon. with us now is former astronaut dr. tom jones. fox news contributor and author of planetolgy. always great touki -- talking t you. i always love this had stuff. there was a lunar scientists quote td who says he was blown away by this discovery. are you and if >> i was very surprised. based on the samples' polo brought back it is bone dry and has no chance to provide us water except the north and south polls. the announcement found water away from the poles and quantities that were significant for what was once thought to be a desolate planet. if you took a ton of lunar soil
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you might have about this much water a water bottle full of water. making rocket fuel breathing oxygen or supporting a an out post of astronauts? >> how did it get there? >> the solar wind is blowing out hydrogen nuclei that strike the face of the moon. while they are shining they are planted in the soim and combined with oxygen and rocks. it stays there and maybe we can attack it some day. this is a dangerous keem because it dem traits that perhaps water is elsewhere in the solar system. to the moon itself what does it mean? >> it means it might be a much more hospitable place for us to
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explore and to work on over the long run. the moon could become a fuel dep toe were it could be broken down into hydrogen or oxygen which the space shuttles burn. they could carry astronauts across solar system. it might lower the cost of space exploration significantly. what about elsewhere in the solar system, doctor? >> well, we found tremendous evidence of water on mars. this week another announcement showed fresh craters have ice visible in the bottom of the platers. there's lots of walter there and even found traces of water on the polls of mercury. it looks like boughter is hear ubiquitous. if we can allow the robots to prospect for it and harvest it rather than an earth mover that would take the soil and we could
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boot trap our way into an industrial space in space. >> thank you good to see you. good sue see you most. >> you nouf how you are a lawyer. >> i defended people i wasn't out suing. >> here is a guy who is suing you won't believe how much and why. he must sick of the bank fees that he is getting. he filed a lawsuit. a very reasonable one. i'll get to it in a second. he is suing bank of america because he considers their fees to be rather ridiculous. he was over charged. wait until you hear how much they are doing for greg. try $1700000000 trillion. put that into perspective. that's 1,700 thousand followed
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by more zaire ros. no responses from the bank of america but the judge calls the claim irresponsible. let that zero. >> that is hystericahysterical. i love it. >> it gripes me that people in some parts of the world if you file a lawsuit and due win you have to pay the other side lawyers and all of the expenses and so forth. not the united states. >> a lawyer has to think he has a case. >> he can find a goof ball lawyer to file a lawsuit. >> it doesn't cost that much money to file a lawsuit. however i am sympathetic toward banks that violate what i consider to be usery laws, loan sharking, because some of the interest rates and charges are way excessive and unjust fyable. to the plaintiffs in this case, you go. >> you think that that amounted of money that he is going
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after -- >> even a crap chute would be substantial. i would like to send to you the moon. president obama wants the prison to close in january. we are going to have it on this sdefl opping story. sfu bane of if you say ill cars. i get you don't know what car it is. >> what is it? >> a camacamaro. foe he see you on the b fox rep. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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