tv Americas News HQ FOX News September 27, 2009 4:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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greatest website, premium membership and we'll see you all premium members on the post-factor show. we do hope to see you next time. remember the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. >> julie: i'm julie banderas. welcome to a brand-new hour. >> gregg: and i'm gregg jarrett. we remember an icon in journalism and politics, william safire dies at 79. we'll take a look back at his career. >> a terrible day in oklahoma city, video never seen before showing the aftermath following the 1995 bombing of federal building.
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how the video surfaced and why it's being made public now. >> and military defiance, iran test firing short range missiles days after the united states and european nations expose add secret under ground nuclear facility. the iranian regime says there will be more launches tomorrow as iran prepares to sit down with the u.s. and other countries this week to talk about the nuclear program. julie is following all the developments in washington. what do we know about today's missile launches? >> we don't believe the missiles were the kind that can carry a nuclear warhead but iran is believed to be developing that type of missile. we saw the state run broadcast a video of two short range missiles being fired together. this is part of military drills being conducted in iran by the elite revolution are a guard the same group that guards that newlyare revealed plant in iran.
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they say the missile test that iran will respond to any military action in a crushing manner. a show of force and some strong rhetoric. >> gregg: we've got a big meeting coming up, first direct talks between the united states and iran and other nations. what is it going to happen in at that meeting on thursday? >> u.s. officials say they are going to push iran for answers when they sit around the table on thursday. u.s. will back economic sanctions but a big question what will the other countries do. how far will russia go. secretary of clinton spoke about russia coming on board. >> if we don't get the answers that we are expecting and the changes and behavior we're looking for then we will work with our partners to move toward sanctions. >> so the u.s. wants to allow inspectors into the second
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nuclear site within weeks. >> gregg: that is the big question. is iran going to open up the under ground site. apparently it's going to be a matter of weeks, right, that we're going to demand? >> so the timing is crucial here. iran's top nuclear official said yesterday they will open up the site but he didn't say when or in f iran will have zbersz. it's unanswered question, the timing, this is a military site. if it was not as they say a peaceful site, why is it on a military base in the first place. >> gregg: i think we have a sound by the from the secretary of defense? >> we are all sensitive to the possible of the iranians trying to run the clock out on us. so nobody thinks this as an open-ended process. >> reporter: so the talks on thursday, first time in 30 years that they will sit around with the group pushing for iran to
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back off of the nuclear program. >> gregg: all right. thanks very much. >> julie: secretary of defense robert gates has officially received the afghanistan commander's report, stanley mcchrystal calling for more troops. mr. gates hasn't signed off on the request just yet but he left the door open for new forces and is warning about the consequences of failure in afghanistan. caroline has more on this story from washington. >> reporter: today robert gates explained how the pentagon is keeping a hold on mcchrystal's report that called for more troops. >> i'm going to sit on it until i think or the president thinks it's appropriate to bring that into discussion of the national security principles. >> he asks for reinforcements on top of the 63,000 americans already there. he says the mission would nail within 12 months without them. last week, president obama
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referred to himself as a skeptical audience. many democrats are asking for more time for to the make that decision while republicans have criticized the time is to act now. >> we need troops now. he said if we fail to provide that assistance now it will be too late. >> to me it's a ten-year plan, i think the president is correct to take his time what the alternative are. >> if the president decides on a surge it would be a january before the troops would be ready to go. >> julie: thank you so much. >> gregg: new details coming what the f.b.i. says the most dangerous terror plot. before he was indicted on terrorist charges, he was a very familiar face in lower manhattan where he ran a food cart blocks away from ground zero.
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the feds now believe he was at the very center of a far-reaching plot to wage holly war on the united states. laura ingle is live with more on this. >> zazi will appear in federal court facing charges of using weapons of mass destruction. they believe he was not acting alone so both federal and state investigators have fanned out all over new york city trying to track down the people he was acknowledge with in the days and weeks before his arrest. wiretap conversations and e-mail dispatches reveal he was trying to get the recipe down for making a homemade bomb with what seemed to be some kind of deadline coming up. there has been no with word on any arrests as of yet. we continue to check in with law enforcement. but this is just the kind of thing that new york police commissioner that they need funding for. there was a news conference
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where the mayor commissioner and joe lieberman and others challenged congress to fund the securing the city's program, to protect others from terrorism. >> no city relies more heavily on mass transit than new york does. terrible train bombings in madrid and london and mumbai i think only underscores the importance of these new grants. >> we are learning more about the 24-year-old afghan immigrant. the friends and neighbors describe him as a guy who loves video games. that love turned to a love of cell phones and computers. he was very friendly but there are some customers who are now coming out and say they noticed a shift a few years ago. zazi makes his first federal court appearance and he will
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hear the charges against him which could bring him life in prison if convicted. >> gregg: thanks very much. >> julie: president obama back to domestic policy following a week on the world stage. she pushing for a final passage of health care reform and by the looks of it last night before the congressional black caucus dinner, president obama is ready to go. >> there will be some that claim this is a government takeover of health care. there will be some that suggest that they're going to lose their choices. we are talking about expanding choices, but we are going to get this done this year thanks to members of the cbc and members all across the country. thanks to you at the grassroots level who are going to stand up and insist that we can't afford to wait any longer. >> julie: hear what the president said, health care will get done this year. how realistic the president
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begin the big hurdles ahead and deep divisions within health care within his own party. joining us is martin frost and mark kirk. thank you gentlemen for coming on. senate democrats have a filibuster proof of 60 lawmakers but a number of them are centrists and party can't suffer to many defections. so much is riding on the bill. why all the in-party bickering among democrats? >> we have an exercise of democracy. it's a bill in the finance committee and going to the floor of the senate. clearly something is going to pass this year and it's going to end preexisting conditions. it's going to take caps off benefits and take it with you when you go from one job to another. it's going to have a subsidy for
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lower income people. rest of the details has to be worked out. this is what democracy is all about. it's messy. they'll be a vote on the floor in the senate, a series of vote. they'll be a series of votes in the house of representatives and conference committee, but in the final analysis, dems both mod rattles will volt for the final product. >> congressman kirk one problem for dems the failure by max baucus who heads the finance committee to get any republicans to support his draft legislation after months of trying. so far no luck. baucus bill doesn't have a public option. now to the center of debate and democrats are worried they will get supporting an option. they feel like, hey, we don't have the support of the democratic party or nancy pelosi
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democrats stand to loses seats, that is really what they are thinking, aren't they? >> that's right. congressional leaders have not just left the republican party. they left the american people. according to rasmussen, 56% of americans now oppose this. only 15% of americans like the work of congress. and between strongly support and strongly opposed, the president is down to negative 10. they will vote for trillion dollar bill and losing their seats in the congress or being more independent and saying no to such an expensive bill. >> julie: you know.... >> julie, there are polls on both sides of this issue. there was a "new york times" poll that 65% of the people support some sort of public option. members of congress, i'm a past
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member, you don't just vote for polls. you vote what makes sense for the country. members of the congress are going to have to compromise out. i wish there were more republicans involved, only snow is only one. there will be a compromise somewhere in the center but congress is not going to leave town without solving this problem. >> blue dog dems were outraged that nancy pelosi was backing a surtax and pelosi has backed off that she is going to leave the discussion, considering a government takeover. more martin, is this centrist lawmakers are complaining that apparently pelosi is not listening to them. house majority leader, hoyer is basically saying, whatever one democracy turns their back the
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other democrat turns bear their back. >> i'm going back to what i said at the beginning. that is what democracy is all about. let's see what emerges. nights government take over. >> julie: i'm saying critics are saying that it's a take over. certain people who would be small business people, they have had that as an option. whatever bill comes out this isn't going to add to the deficit. nobody is going to stand for that. >> julie: final word, congressman kirk. >> it's a tremendous tax increase, this bill pushes the increase in state of illinois 49.9%, and that is higher than france. we're seeing a government takeover. obama administration has announced medicare providers they can't tell the hundreds of thousands of seniors that will lose their coverage of what is it going to happen.
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>> julie: thank you, gentlemen. thank you very much. >> gregg: a major passing to report. william safire has died at the age of 79 of cancer. he passed away at a hospice in rockville, maryland he was a speech writer for richard nixon and a prize winning columnist. he also wrote a widely read column on the proper use of language. we're joined on the telephone a syndicated columnist, cal, he was widely read, talk to us about his important work and his influential writings? >> he was one of the last reporter column ivts we also lost robert novak and he was another one.
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these were men that begin their careers reporting the news as later commenting on it. he broke stories, he had a lot of inside informational. we used to tease him about having former israeli prime minister ariel sharon, his private number at his farm. after he came and we met with him he would go home and william would call him with stuff and beat us with exclusives. he was for small government and more responsibility that one a pulitzer prize. they don't come very often. the board properly recognized him for his work. he was a kind man. he would occasionally send me e-mails saying nice things about things i had written. its cliche somebody will be
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missed but he will be more than that. >> gregg: a brilliant guy. what is interesting for all of his eloquence, he could be brutally blunt. er well remember the time literally in print that he called hillary clinton a congenital liar. >> yeah. he could get away with that. a lot of other people couldn't. he would get away with it with her and won his pulitzer and he won his award for burt lance and some of his questionable relationships with banks in georgia. you have the picture on the screen with two boxing gloves somebody had given him. he had a great and kind streak. he was a tremendous writer. you mention "new york times" on
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language piece. he appreciated the english language. and he wrote to you and it showed up in one of his columns. >> i learned so much about usage in language and he wrote a book about language use a aj. i'll always remember he is the guy who wrote the famous line, abobs of negativism. >> a lot of people had to go look that up. that was bill sapphire and big buckley were great wordsmiths. they didn't just use complicated words for the sake of complicated words. they want to teach people english and not like, you know and verbal crutches. he was a wonderful man, a real
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gentleman. i was shocked to hear that he died. i just heard from him last month. i knew nothing about his illness. >> here is another one. hype kron tree yak of history. he'll be remembered through his words and the fond memories here at fox. we were just showing brit hume doing his last interview. cal thomas, thank you so much. >> new evidence about just how hard the recession is hitting the federal government. social security will be paying out more in benefits than it actually collects. it's the first time that has happened since the 1980s and due to more older workers losing their jobs. >> gregg: f.b.i. releasing new videotape of the oklahoma city bombing. it's from security tapes, soundless recording showing
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people rushing from a nearby building after the bomb went off. it doesn't show the actual explosion outside the alfred murrah federal building. it was obtained through the freedom of information act. blast on april 19 killed 168 people including many children and hundreds of others were injured. convicted bomber timothy mcveigh executed in 2001, his accomplice still serving life in prison. >> he evaded police for 30 years. now famed film director roman polanski is facing extradition to the u.s. for a rape conviction. why he might avoid prison time. businesses more efficiently,
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gregg palkot on how this bust went down. >> polanski now in custody of swiss authorities. he was arrested last night at the swiss airport, being held at a prison there. he has been a fugitive from the united states for some 31 years. he fled a sentencing after the conviction on an underaged sex charge, fox news has confirmed that l.a. prosecutors learned of his switzerland trip. he was going there to a film festival to receive a lifetime achievement award. he is a french citizen and he benefits from the strong anti-extradition defends there. he has limited his travel and we have learned that he was told by france not to go to switzerland because they have such a strong relationship with the united states when it comes to extraditions will he brushgd
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those warnings off. extradition process is underway. there are several appeals he could get involved with. french government is also saying they upset about the arrest. ironically, lawyers for polanski were trying to appeal his own case this past year. an l.a. judge said he would hear that appeal if he returned to the u.s. he turned that down. the judge might get his request. >> gregg: 30 years after the fact. >> julie: tough economy has created a wall street at the none no, ma'am. they are in a buying frenzy over zombie stocks. what is behind this latest trend and what does it mean for our economic recovery? answers coming up in just three minutes. @
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would be victory for the taliban. >> gregg: a just released videotape shows the chaos in oklahoma bombing but people watching from nearby buildings, not the actual explosion. the tape was obtained through the freedom of information act. >> julie: tropical storm has claimed more than 80 lives in the northern philippines. dozens of people are missing and also feared drowned by raging floodwaters said to be the worst there in four decades. >> gregg: iran's military muscle is quite familiar and a familiar
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response. calls from international groups and president obama for iran to be held, quote, accountable. whatever that means. what would it actually take to get tehran to change its ways? a senator fellow at the hudson institute and international policy think tank and director of human rights voices. thank you very much for being with us. when president obama addressed the general assembly of the united nations and when he was chairing the security council meeting he already knew of the secret under ground plant. here is what you wrote about it. yet the president deliberately refused to put iran on the agenda of the council from the same council that he bore responsibility for spochkd to iran's threat. opponent does not have the political will to do what it takes to prevent an iranian nuclear bomb.
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what should he have done and what would it take? >> well, he should have done mostly the opposite of what he did do which was to go to the general assembly and even use the word if iran refuses to comply with the nuclear non-proliferation obligation. then goes to the security council and just so it's clear, he was the chair of the security council meeting. so he chose the agenda. he had a draft from t
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>> gregg: and that was a polite term. even the french president seemed stunned. how could we justify meeting without tackling iran's ambitions. >> which invites the next question. dhio this president has already made the decision to allow iran to go nuclear including weapons? >> yes, actually i do. i think not being said and not going to hear it in any direct way in any way shape or form. but the mere fact that they all knew exactly what iran was doing and they held a meeting, yes, it was up staged by nicolas sarkozy but why did he release it the following day as opposed the day of the security council? it's because he doesn't have the political will and he doesn't have the russians and chinese on
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his side for sanctions. and given his foot dragging and he talks about 12 months to get serious this time. it seems to be self-evident that he doesn't have the timetable the seriousness to move it forward. >> gregg: if you are correct and he is already decided to allow iran to go nuclear, was he there for lying in that famous address during a campaign when he said he would, quote, do everything in my power to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon? >> let's put it this way -- president obama is turning into the president that is mouse that ro avs. lots of tough talk and no tough actions. that is watch word of his presidency. so that is his style.
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unfortunately iran the most dangerous country on earth, state sponsor of terrorism is on the eventual of acquiring the most dangerous weapon. we can't afford a president who is big on words and won't follow this through. >> gregg: i'm out of time but you keep a close eye on the united nations. here is a list of all of the u.n. resolutions including sanctions on iran. and yet, it has not altered their behavior and a great many people think nothing will. do you think the united nations itself is impotent to stop iran from gaining nuclear weapons? >> they are not only impotent. the atomic energy agency is basically run defense for iran. they have facilitated iran's move by passing resolutions which simply spin out the clock. as long as president obama thinks the u.n. is where it's at
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he is not serious about preventing iranian bomb. >> gregg: anne, thank you so much for being with us. >> julie: they have been nearly worthless the past year but speculators are creating a frenzy over something called zombie stocks. we're talking about companies still trading on wall street even this though the businesses have failed. why are they getting so popular right now? joining me now is dominic and financial advisor. great to have you on. how is it, can you explain how these dead and damaged companies that failed are still trading on the wall street. two, posting unbelievable gains in share prices, how is that happening? >> i think the average person just doesn't understand the process of bankruptcy. when the companies filed for bankruptcy they owe more money
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than they are worth. even though they are in bankruptcy the stock continues to trade until the process goes through and then eventually they are de-listed. this is a sucker's bet. >> julie: it sounds too good to be true, especially when we've already obviously been experiencing analysts saying current bull market is inflated. you've got these zombie stocks that are taking up people's money. i imagine the risks are huge? >> the risks are huge. this is nothing set more musical chairs. the music stops and the one holding the shares will hold worthless stock. maybe it will come out of bankruptcy, i'm making a bet and sometimes they are wagering a small amount of money for a big gain. but you are bound to lose, somebody always does.
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>> julie: how can it still be blue chip? >> i think that is probably a lure. we go back to the pan american airlines, world com, enron, stocks that were prestigious, there is a disbelief that the companies won't exist anymore. when they do come out bankruptcy using the same name it's actually a new company. >> julie: you buy the stock, you make gains, you think you are doing well and finally bankruptcy clears, then what happens? >> eventually the stock gets de-listed there is no trading. there is a gap between when the company itself on paper is completely worthless. creditors and bond holders get paid first. if there is anything left over it would go to shareholders. so that process takes some time. in the meantime, those stocks
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don't get traded on major exchanges. there is some activity. people buy into the name. >> julie: all right, thank you very much. >> gregg: we're going to surprise you, little known fact about our universe, have you wondered what it feels like to see and feel and smell, that is right, smell fate. coming up, two nasa explorers are going to be joining us. the experiences of being up there in orbit. ♪ ♪ ún@@
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>> gregg: all i smell is your hair spray but it could throw a curve about the vacuum of space. those have actually been there, they say it does smell. but what does it smell like? joining us now or nasa mission specialists pass forrester and danny and both men went on spacewalks and sights and the sounds and the feel of space exploration. you guys have invited me to use your first name. danny, let me start with you. what does it smell like and how are you able to smell that is essentially in a vacuum up there? >> you pick up the smell when you repressurize the air lock, so when you come in from doing the spacewalk, everyone who is working in the general vicinity comments there is a very distinct smell because space.
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>> gregg: what is that smell? >> the best i can characterize it it's someone of an acrid smell. there is everything from burned steak, to hot wires or hot metal burning metal. i wouldn't characterize it as that, it's very unique, it's unpleasant but it's not sweet. it's not bitter but it's difficult smell to characterize. >> gregg: pat, did you smell the same sort of thing? >> i did when they opened the hatch after danny and his space walking partner came. in it's definitely hard to describe. >> gregg: to what do you attribute that odor. it has to come from somewhere. is there fringe shone on the suit or friction on the aircraft that generates the odor?
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>> i've heard a lot of high poth says like an ozone type of odor to maybe things that are exposed to vacuum and off gassing and it's brought out of the hard vacuum environment that combination of the atmosphere and air local to the space station is what causes that smell. even days after the spacewalks i've been able to go to the fabrics that the suit is made out of and actually as you go through the folds you can still smell permeated in the fabric. >> gregg: you've done a couple of spacewalks, your last couple of missions. there is no sound when you are out there. what is that like? >> there is actually, you're inside of a suit, there is a lot going on while you are out there. >> you have a radios where you
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can hear houston, mission control and the folks inside the shuttle and the station that are talking to you. you hear just other sounds inside the suit. it may be quiet outside, inside your suit there is still a lot going on. >> gregg: how is the view? >> it's a beautiful view. i still remember the first time i saw it. it's a little bit like being inside your house and trying to look down the street by putting your face up against the window. you can only see so far but if you go out the front door you can see everything. that is what it's like. >> gregg: what an experience. we love showing the pictures as we are doing it right now, it is just breathtaking. our hats off to both you guys and all the astronauts. you guys do heroic work and thank you so much for sharing your experiences. gentlemen, thanks so much. >> julie: pretty cool.
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coming days after president obama demanded inspections of a new underground facility. days before international nuclear talks get underway in geneva. police have arrested director roman polanski. he has been wanted by authorities since 1978 after he pled guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl. william safire, former speech writer to president nicks hon on has died. >> in the leadup to the speech in united nations, americans were growing uneasy with his handling of national security issues. >> gregg: according to a brand-new poll from rasmussen, 42% of those surveyed said the president is doing a good or excellent job with national security, but 36% say he is doing a poor job.
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that is a drop of nearly 13 points since february. joining us is independent pollster and scott rasmussen. good to see you. what do you attribute the decline? >> most of the decline has been a reflection of the decline of president's overall ratings. they are not paying close attention to foreign fairs. when president bush they said it was the most important issue, it was down to 23% with president obama was elected and couple weeks ago 11% said national security was an issue. we're stag to see with the moves with the iran and the discussion about afghanistan that number is coming back up. president's numbers are down on national security and coming at a time when people are paying more attention to it. >> julie: what about regard paying for more votes, the u.n. pays more money they get more votes? >> americans have mixed feelings
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about the united nations. 47% have a favorable opinion, 48% unfavorable view. one of the big complaints, we foot most of the bill and all anybody does is pick on us. what is up with that. we said okay, should those that pay more money get more votes. 38% say yes, 46% say no. >> gregg: let's move to the next poll. julie has been in a foul mood all day long. >> julie: never. >> gregg: and fairly consistent, americans who are in a foul mood and down right angry, aren't they, scott? >> i know she never angry. >> julie: thank you, scott. >> 59% says there is more anger and 22% disagree. two out of three americans there are somewhat angry of the
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policies of the federal government. scary number is the people who are the most angry neither the republicans nor democrats have any understanding of what the country needs. so they are angry and they don't think anybody has an answer. >> julie: voters were asked who is ruder, gregg or julie and 75% say gregg. [ laughter ] >> 75% say americans are becoming more rude these days, 10% they are more civilized. one thing is what is rude behavior. people over 40, they say it's rude to talk to a cell phone, people under 40 say that is not rude. >> gregg: kanya west and serena williams are rude, that is where i weigh in. >> setting a bad example or how rude the culture has become. >> julie: do you do a poll who
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wears green these days. >> gregg: don't go there. >> julie: we have these outfits today and he tells me what color to wear. this is the color he chose. >> gregg: there is nothing wrong with green. i'm of irish descent. >> i'm half irish, too. green is great. >> gregg: see, there you go. >> julie: thank you so much scott. rasmussen poll. see you later. all right. >> gregg: it's something we should be thinking about and no matter how old you are or close to retirement -- don't start with me -- with the economy uncertain and big warnings about the social security system. we have tips on what you should be doing at every age.
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to the u.s. after being arrested in switzerland. >> gregg: and a major force in journalism and conservative politics passed away, william safire dead from cancer at the age of 79. >> julie: iran's military says it has a strong message for countries trying to intimidate the regime and, well, here it is. iran's military launching several test missiles today and playing war games and not playing nice games, iran says the regime would resume and respond in a crushing manner, to any country trying to intimidate it. this comes just days before iran is set to meet with this u.s. and european nations, for nuclear talks and just days after president obama and other world leaders exposed a secret nuclear plant under construction, outside tehran. julie kirtz is in washington with details and what this is reaction u.s. lawmakers on the missile tests. >> reporter: key senators today including the vice chair of the
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senate intelligence committee called the revelation iran that's the second uranium enrichment plant really a rude reminder to those who think more negotiation with iran will solve this and convince them to back away from their nuke program and senators feinstein and bond appeared on fox news sunday. here's what they said. >> i think this is the moment of decision, for iran. iran can either make itself a pariah or it can recognize that it has much more to gain by eliminating any potential military aspects of a nuclear program. >> today's action in firing the missiles is really a poke in the eye to those who think that diplomatic efforts and agreements and inspections are going to change the way iran is going. >> reporter: their comments come two days after we learned of the nuke plant and u.s. intelligence has been tracking the program for a while, julie. >> julie: how key is the meeting in geneva this coming thursday
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with iran and u.s. and other world powers. >> reporter: it is a chance for the u.s. and other major powers to really ask iran over the table for some answers, force them to prove it when they say, that second enrichment site is not a military site and demand that inspectors be led in, right away. and, a chance to build pressure for new tougher economic sanctions, and what will happen, whether there will be any action, is the big question mark. >> julie: and was the missile test today just for show or what was it for? >> reporter: a big show, of force, after claiming, you know, it successfully testified the two short range missiles today, julie iran said it will test fire a missile that could have the capability to hit israel and u.s. bases, in the gulf region, absolutely. a show of power. >> julie: all right, julie kirtz, thank you very much, in washington. thank you, gregg? >> gregg: he was a giant in the world of journalism and politics, pulitzer prize winning columnist and former white house speech writer william safire sdooid died of cancer in
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maryland, he was 79 and he was one of the nation's most influential conservative voices and won a pulitzer prize for his work as a "new york times" political columnist for more than 30 years and he was also a speechwriter for president richard nixon and his respected in sight of american politics made him a very popular guest on political topics. here he is back in 2000 talking about hillary clinton running for the u.s. senate, and -- and the 2000 g.o.p. primary season. >> you see mrs. clinton campaigning, doing her best to distance herself from her husband and her husband's name and she campaigns without a last name, and he has a -- appearance on the platform and did not permit her any words and what do you make of that. >> well, she's distancing is a great new verb, and boy, she's doing it. and, she's coming out, 100%, you know, the death sentences, something she's all for, to give
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an illusion oftoughness and i'm really not a liberal. i think it will not work. i think in new york, she would have to have much more support in the city. and she doesn't have that. and we'll see how the campaign runs. but, she'll also have to do what giuliani does and what we have seen john mccain do and that is, get in the rough and tumble of the press. and have press conferences every day. and, comment on things as they happen rather than live a somewhat cloistered life, protected and making statements or making speeches. >> for more on the career of william safire we're joined on the telephone by the editor of the "wall street journal" editorial page, paul giggo, for 30 years people loved reading his columns and books along the way and he was insightful and thoughtful, but he was possessed
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of such uncommon eloquence and it was truly a delight to read his words. talk to us about him. >> well, he was not merely a good columnist, he was a great one and i know because i competed against him for 13 years in washington, and we shared a world view, both of us, write of center columnists and i woke up every thursday morning in fear of reading what he wrote and that he -- worried that he would have scooped me and he often did but, what made him stand out, i think was a couple of things. one, he was a very, very good reporter. he didn't just opine, he also reported in -- and broke news, and then the other thing, he was a master of language, not pompous in his way, but, he loved to play with the language and you always knew when you read his column there would be a little wit and playfulness and made it not just hard work but made it fun and then the third thing is he was just tough. he loved taking on politicians and had no fear about it.
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>> was he a pioneer of opinionated reporting. >> well, i don't think you could say he was a pioneer in the sense that there were people who did opinion writing going back 100, 150 years who also reported in previous times in american history. but, at the time he was doing it, he started to do it in the 1970s and he brought it back in a way that lost favor, and there winter as many columnists who did it. and, he really did it in a big way and, particularly, on foreign policy. which he cared about a great deal, in the middle of the cold war, he would hold politicians, feet to the fire by finding out what they were really doing, not just what they said they were doing. >> he'd make very strong arguments on behalf of conservatism but did it by em prays prose that made political thought, more respectful in the
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1970s and paving the way for the reagan revolution, he had a role in that didn't he. >> he did indeed along with my predecessor, robert bartley and george will and some others, they were pioneers in the 1970s in resurrecting and bill buckley, of course in making conservative ideas more popular in the mainstream press. but, remember, the left hated him at first, when he started at the times in the '70s because they viewed him as a republican hack, and they said, look, you are just a nixon apologist, and i think bill's skill and independence of mind allowed him to transcend that in very short order. and, he was a conservative libertarian and he -- first and foremost before he was a republican, he was somebody who had... he thought for himself. >> gregg: paul gigot, thanks for sharing your thoughts. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> julie: we're learning more
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about what the feds are calling the most dangerous terror plot since 9/11, before he was arrested and -- and in diet, naijbullah zazi ran a food cart blocks away from ground zero and the feds believe he was part of a plan to wage war on u.s. and laura ingle is live with the platest. hi. >> reporter: the arrest of naijbullah zazi is what one lawmaker today called the realization, unfortunately, of our worst nightmares, and an alleged terrorist living and working beside the people of new york city, plotting to unleash an attack on the city's transit system. and an investigator says that he was alarmingly close to his plot to build hydrogen bombs and was flown in from denver colorado, and he was picked up there for conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and many believes he was nbd in tabbed i
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nick of time and today they held a news conference and used the arrest of naijbullah zazi to urge congress to fund the securing of the cities program, as to build rings of sensors to detect radioactive materiel to prevent more serious threats to the u.s. and joe lieberman was part of the presser, in mann hann, the site of a -- manhattan, the site of terrorist plot a a few years ago. >> if you put it together, not anything like a conventional was, we have to concluded america's homeland is under attack today by islamist extremist terrorists. >> reporter: investigators say it was the surveillance of zazi buying large quantities of hydrogen peroxide at a beauty supply store that triggered the move to bring him into custody and they have been fanning out all over the country to track down the people he communicated with before his arrest and
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naijbullah zazi's teattorney sa the government has yet to show that he had any explosive materials in his possession. his hearing is tuesday. >> julie: thank you very much, gregg. >> gregg: the dissension to the war in afghanistan seems to grow and so do timetables to bring our american soldiers home and robert gates warns that would be a mistake and defeat in afghanistan would be disastrous for the united states, those remarks, come just as the u.s. an nato's top commander in afghanistan, general stanley mcchrystal are asking for more troops. but, secretary gates says the request will be put on hold while the white house rethinks its strategy against the taliban. >> i haven't even given him, general mcchrystal's request for resources. i have the... i am receiving them, the report. i am going to sit on it until i think -- or the president thinks it is appropriate to bring that into the discussion of the
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national security principles. >> connor powell has more now from afghanistan. >> record levels here in afghanistan and the top military commander here, general stanley mcchrystal is calling for additional troops, to combat the growing taliban insurgency, and telling cbs's "60 minutes" in an interview said to air tonight the situation is deteriorating, and is much worse than when he took command in june. >> they are probably a little worse... >> what's worse that you know thought. >> some area, the geographic spread of violence, places to the north and west are a little more than i would have gathered. >> reporter: the general is expected to request somewhere between 30 and 40,000 additional troops to fight the taliban. however, in recent days, president obama has said he is skeptical neefd for additid for troops after the august elections in which president karzai kufd of rigging this -- is accused of rigging the vote
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and they are now reviewing america's strategy in afghanistan and relationship with president karzai, and, still, general mcchrystal has said, the war will be lost here, if more troops are not sent. president obama is expected to make a final decision on the troop levels in afghanistan, sometime in the next few months, gregg? >> gregg: connor powell in afghanistan. connor, thanks. >> julie: all right, relief is in sight for those folks in georgia who have been suffering through the torrential downpours that caused deadly and damaging floods. and finally they are letting up and there was still rain over the weekend but things are clearing up. that is welcome news, because, the ground is so saturated right now, a little bit of rain is all it takes to cause huge problems at this point. meteorologist mary eugn is monitoring the situation for us, hi there, mary. >> certainly any more rain, could exacerbate the flooding problems and the good news is we're seeing the drier air build in and, the front that pounced
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on atlanta and brought two inches of rainfall, record flooding savannah moved to the coast and dry air is built in and the latest satellite/radar, sunshine returned to atlanta, montgomery and birmingham and we look nice out there with clouds along the coast and, we are looking at a new pattern that will be good news, especially for cleanup efforts, here's a little more sunshine and seeing a front that will move in and drier air, high pressure in place and what it will do is cut the humidity, and far more comfortable conditions, especially, for residents trying to get things back to normal, and that will progress by tuesday, across the florida panhandle and we have a good 3-4 days of more cleanup and drier weather and hopefully that will be beneficial, and also good news for residents out there. that is a look at the forecast, julie back to you. >> julie: thank you very much. >> gregg: it's back... rumors of a vast right wing conspiracy in the capitol, all right, remember hillary clinton's famous words, we're going to tell you which clinton thinks there is another
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but i didn't know how wireless could help my business. i just don't know how wireless can help my business. tara showed me how i could keep track of my employees in the field and get more jobs done faster. i was blown away. i'm blown away. only verizon wireless has small-business specialists in every store to help you do business better. we should get you a hat. now buy any blackberry, like the new tour, at our lowest prices ever, and get one free.
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>> julie: a look at our top stories, for you, new york city mayor michael bloomberg calling for more federal security funds, the mayor is asking congress for $40 million, to rain the region with sensors to detect radioactive materiel following the recent arrest of naijbullah zazi and hey, come mrisz and iran conducting war games, in defiance of international pressure and the government saying the military is successful test firing two short range missiles in defiance of the rest of the world, as the u.s. and the allies condemn iran for hiding yet another nuclear facility. and, william safire, the pulitzer prize winning columnist and former speech writer to president nixon has died. he died at a hospital in maryland, after a battle with cancer. president obama calling to congratulate german chancellor angela merkel as german voters hand the conservative leader a possible second term and early vote counts and exit polls put
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support for her christian democrats at just over 33%. and, the rival social democrats coming in with just 23%. and the worst showing for that party since world war ii. the projected win gives merkel the opportunity to form new government with the pro business free democratic party. >> at the u.n. general assembly meeting there were two speeches by world leaders aimed directly at iran. and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, came out fists swinging, calling iran a terrorist regime that must be stopped. and president obama, took a much less challenging approach, urging iran to be responsible and accountable. and given iran's missile tests today and continued defiance not to mention the secret nuke plant, the president sounding more -- should president obama sound more like netanyahu, "new york post" columnist and fox news contributor michael goodwin has thoughts on that and you
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said netanyahu was the only guy with the courage to speak the truth and this is what you said about our president, he punted, failed and struck out. how so into good afternoon, gregg. my point there is that when you look at obama's whole speech and you compare it to netanyahu and you compare it to the facts that are actually going on in the world, obama was seeing a different world. and he really did not address the significant issues, that iran presents to america and to the region and to the world. i mean, for example, iran is still killing american soldiers, in iraq and afghanistan. and fox recently reported that iranian weapons have been found, in afghanistan, and this is the kind of thing that you would think our president would confront, the president of iran, who is sitting in the audience, but, rarely, not a word was said about that stuff and instead what the president said was to give a self refer retention
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speech about all he has accomplished and how he has changed america's position in the world and criticized israel and i find that particularly disturbing, because, the general assembly, where the president was giving his first address, the general assembly for 16 years equated zionism with racism. and for the president of the united states to give that speech, to make those comments, about israel, in front of the president of iran, who has vowed to wipe israel off the face of the earth, that is incredibly backwards-looking -- and he has it all backwards. iran this is problem in the world, not israel. >> gregg: you say our president sees the world differently, does he see the world through the eyes of neville chamberlain, the -- whom history tone yes concluded was, a gullible, naive appeaser. >> which of course led many people believe to world war ii and emboldened hitler and i think there is a case to be made and it is not concrete yet but
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there is a growing sense the president has not made up his mind what to do about iran and it's all fine to have an engagement. i don't have a problem with that at all and i think you have to engage, and i think it is wonderful to try to get the other members of the security council behind sanctions. but, i think ultimately, beyond that, what happens if, a we don't get sanctions, or, b, what happens if the sanctions don't stop iran from enriching uranium, and threatening to use nuclear weapons? and, so, i think in the end of the day, the question is, what will the president do, and, if you look at a from iran's pointed of view, what does iran think the united states is going to do? everything that iran has done, would lead to you believe iran has concluded, barack obama will not use military force. >> gregg: well, you pointing out something, you juxtaposed two things. you cite the president's words, to a muslim answer your, and i'll quote, no single nation should pick and choose which
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nation holds nuclear weapons and then you juxtapose that to his remarks before a jewish audience where he said, quote, he would do everything in -- i will do everything in my power to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. michael, how do you square those two statements, unless of course you are being hypocritical if not duplicitous? >> right, well the speech to the jewish audience was while he was a candidate, seeking jewish votes, and also, trying to mollify i think, a -- more independent voters who are concerned about his views of israel, because they are a litmus test on the views of american security. his speech in cairo, where he said, no single nation, i think to me, what that does, it gives iran the green light. and without sort of a unanimous world, or close to a unanimous world, america will not act and so, i say that is abdicating america's role. look, nobody wants to go it alone. but the ultimate question
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becomes, are you willing to go it alone if you have to? and, i think that obama has left that to be an open question, he has suggested he won't. and, therefore, i think you have the -- our enemies are embold emboldened by that, not enchanted or intrigued by that, the doubt of what america will do and for our allies it is a painful thing to wonder whether america will be with them. >> gregg: michael goodwin, thank you very much. >> julie: remember the vast right wing conspiracy theory that supposedly targeted the clinton white house and it seems the idea refifrsed within the clinton family and the former president talked about it in in an interview with david gregory. listen: >> your wife, talked about the vast right wing conspiracy targeting you. did you look at the opposition on the right to president obama, is it still there? >> oh, you bet. sure it is. it's not as strong as it was because america changed demographically but it is as
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virulent, like when they accused me of murder and all that they did but it's not really good for the republicans and the country, what is going on now. i mean, they may be hurting president obama and take his numbers down and run the opposition up but, fundamentally, he and his team have a positive agenda for america. >> julie: so far the white house has not commented on former president clinton's remarks. gregg. >> gregg: i stunning arrest in switzerland, director and fugitive roman polanski taken into custody after 30 years on the run, coming up we'll get details on how authorities caught up with him and the sentence he's facing once he's back in the united states. [ fe] olay regenerist is on a roll.
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looks like we're in for a bumpy ride. go ahead, ignore me. but in this turbulent market, you're going to need help... protecting some of your assets for retirement. an axa equitable annuity could give you... guaranteed income for life. i'd call them, but what do i know? i'm just the 800-pound gorilla in the room. don't worry. i'm here. want guaranteed income for life? axa equitable is redefining what you expect from annuities. ooh, peanuts. >> bottom of the hour, time for top of the news, a defiant iran vows it will not be intimidated and today the government successfully test fired two short range missiles.
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and one of them... comes only days after the u.s. unveiled the location of the secret nuclear facility, outside of tehran. >> julie: conservative newspaper columnist and former white house speechwriter william safire has died of cancer. his work earned him the medal of freedom, and the pulitzer prize, he was 79. >> gregg: several countries in northern georgia are under -- that would be counties, under flash flood watch after days of heavy rain and 20,000 homes have been seriously damaged. and that number is expected to rise, and so is the cost of repairing the damage. now, estimated at around half a billion dollars. >> julie: oscar-winning director and u.s. fugitive roman polanski is under arrest. he has been on the run for 30 years, and police took him into custody as he arrived in zurich, to accept an award at a film festival. wow, he fled the u.s. in 1978, after he pleaded guilty to having sex with a minor and the
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minor just 13 years old. and greg palkot has the star. -- story. >> reporter: a filmmaker roman polanski is now in the custody of swiss authorities, he was arrested last night at the zurich airport, believed he's staying at a prison there now and has been a fugitive from the united states for some 31 years. and he fled sentencing after a conviction on an underage sex charge. we have confirmed, that the los angeles prosecutor learned of the trip to switzerland, going to a film festival to receive a lifetime achievement award and then issued a fresh arrest warrant. polanski has been living in france and is a french citizen and has benefitted from the strong anti-extradition defenses there and limited his travel and we have been told his friends said don't e go to switzerland and the u.s.-switzerland regarding extradition is quite strong and we are told he brushed the warnings off and also told extradition procedures are underway, but by no means is
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guaranteed, there are appeals, that he could conduct, the french government itself says it is upset, ironically, polanski's lawyers have been appealing his own case, and an l.a. judge said he'd hear the appeal, if polanski returned to the u.s., and afraid of jail time, polanski said, no. and the judge might get his request. julie. >> julie: thank you so much. and baby boomers face high unemployment and corporate downsizing, retirement may not be too far away. >> gregg: don't look at me like that. >> julie: how comfortable with those so-called golden years, how comfortable are you with that, if social security is all you have to fall back on and the social security administration expects to pay out more than -- the next few years than it takes in. >> gregg: before you call it quits and decide to crack open the retirement nest egg there are tips you should consider. and, they are explained, actually in the latest issue of money magazine. and with us is writer carolyn
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digda, to share -- >> i need water, please. >> gregg: i have coffee. >> julie: i'm not drinking your backwash, thanks. >> gregg: tip number one, is, get on track, it's not just, you know, about iras and 401(k). >> eric: right. >> it's not just about the number you see on your statement every month. in order to save and have money for retirement you have to take care of other things, like paying down consumer debt and balance on credit cards and don't overextend yourself with a very large house and taking care of all of those other things, that come up. >> gregg: instead of, you point out, instead of, 35-year-old blowing money on credit card bills, put it towards retirement, savings how much would you have love. >> assuming a 7% annual return, $340,000 -- yeah, $340,000, at retirement. >> gregg: i can deal with that. >> julie: and you talk about middle aged people and what if you are at retirement age. >> at that point you rail wanted
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to be taking stock of what you have, and -- [laughter]. >> yes, when you get to his age, i guess! >> gregg: oh, man! >> julie: i love here! >> anyone in their -- >> down size new are retirement age. >> at this point you want to think about your budget and looking seriously at what you really need, the more that you cut out in terms of expenses, the more money, more your money can stretch throughout retirement. >> gregg: move to a lower cost area, that doesn't have high property taxes and the other one, on tip number 2 is, an annuity? >> let's say you sell your house and get $100,000 gain, you could sort of put it into an annuity and get a fixed income stream for the rest of your right. >> julie: get the most out of social security. a lot of people are collecting social security, and actually collecting more than the money that is being put out, or the money that is there. kind of concerns a lot of the younger folks, to think, is there going to be social security left, when younger
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people retire? so, how do you make the most out of social security. >> right, as of now, you know, social security is supposed to pay out 100% of benefits through -- until 2037 and after that point, if nothing happens it will be able to pay out 75%. so, you have to make ballparks about what you can get from social security and one way to do ta that is to go on-line and web site and view the retirement calculator, retirementest maths mat, basically -- estimated and will show you what it will be in retirement. >> gregg: how do you make your money last in retirement, divide it into higher risk and lower risk and no risk? >> one good strategy we found is to split it up, 25% in stocks, and 25% in bonds, and the rest, in an annuity and you want to do that because that balance, of investment, gives you protection against inflation, and you have access to cash, and you also have guarantees, should the market take you a downturn like the one we had.
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>> julie: retirement is not about stopping work and not having to worry any more, really, once you retire you are still really working. >> still working on preserving the money throughout all of your golden years. >> gregg: all right, and, it is in fact the latest issue of "money magazine," fascinating and this is julie and her new husband, sitting on the beach enjoying retirement and she's almost there, truth be told. >> julie: he's not anywhere near retirement. >> carolyn, "money magazine," thanks. >> my pleasure. >> julie: >> gregg: revelations of a secret nuclear plant, days before a rare international summit in geneva, and can an international show of force get iran to change its mind and its behavior? about nuclear weapons? and authority on that subject, weighing in.
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1995 oklahoma city bombing, the soundless recording showing people rushing from a nearby building, after the fertilizer bomb went off and it doesn't actually show the explosion. outside the murrah federal building and the videotape obtained by utah attorney generals through the federal freedom of information act. and he later gave it to a local newspaper because of its historical value. and he has been investigating because his brother died in federal custody and believes the death could be connected to the bombing plot, a blast on april 19, 1995, killed 168 people, injuring hundreds more. and convicted bomber timothy mcveigh executed in '01 and accomplice terry nichols currently serving life in prison. >> julie: a very rare international negotiation session to take place this thursday, when iran sits down with the u.s., russia, china, britain, germany and france. but, even if the u.s. can get russia and china to put enough pressure on iran will diplomacy
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and dialogue actually work? with a regime that just today shut off short -- shot off short range missiles in an act of d y defian defiance, jim walsh joins us, who has testified before congress on iran's nuclear program and given the past several days and the iran dressing-down at the general assembly and the report of missile tests, how should the u.s. and the diplomatic partners go into thursday's meeting with iranian reps. >> thank i'll go in more unified than they were a month ago and i think they'll go in and the u.s. will be an active participate - parent pant in the negotiations and they have not been -- at the end of bush's term a u.s. rep was sitting at the able and didn't engage and this is the first serious negotiation in 30 years. and, i think they will talk about a range of issues but will talk about the nuclear issue and see if some sort of arrangement can be made where we can have
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more confidence about the program, that is obviously the subject of controversy this week. >> julie: you talk about diplomatic talks and seems they don't necessarily go in sync when it comes to iran and the u.s. and president obama's efforts to engage iran, how will that affect talks if at all? >> well, i think we have seen negotiations produced in the past and in '03 you remember, the europeans negotiated with the iranians, and the result of that was that iran suspended the enrichment program for almost two years, and iran agreed to signing onto a stiffer inspections regime and something called the additional protocols and things went off the rails after that and they backed off the additional protocol and ended the suspension. but, there's no reason to write off the talks before they even start. you are right to say or imply we should have low expectations here but the only way to try to get out of the mess is by having diplomacy be a big part of it. you can't -- we can impose costs
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on iran but can't impose our will. at some point iran has to decide that it is in its best interest to change course, and that is why you need diplomacy with sanctions, with other instruments to try to get a victory here. >> julie: you know, the u.s., they sit down on thursday and we hope russia and china will be in the game and will put enough pressure on iran and the top agenda, should be iran's illicit nuclear program and problem is, iran's leaders said repeatedly they are prepared to talk about virtually anything but that and is it possible to get anything real substantive to come out of this and will china put enough pressure on iran this time around. >> those are good question. one, you point to president mahmoud ahmadinejad's statements, that this is the closed issue but they also say and they said in their last proposal they are willing to talk about the nuclear issue and a bunch of other issues and part of the it is how you frame it. remember mahmoud ahmadinejad when he says that is speaking
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back to his home base, his political base, in iran, trying to show that he is tough and can stand up to the west and once are in the negotiation room, all things are possible. now, as for the russians and the chinese, president medvedev said he was open to sanction this week and if the americans persuade the russians the chinese will not go out on a limb and they'll be brought in but at the end of the day even if you have all five parties there is only so much you can do and i can't imagine a sanction that will be by itself strong enough to get tehran to completely reverse itself, and wave a white flag. there will be sanctions and other things. >> julie: then, okay. sanctions and other things, question is what are those other things, if diplomacy doesn't bring a immediate result and i'm not a betting woman but i'll bet they won't, what tougher measures does the u.s. need to take to stop them from obtaining nuclear arms. >> i don't think... sanctions are part of it but there are not a lot of options other than negotiation at this point, and,
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i would, again, wouldn't write off the chance of negotiations, that will be a possibility and there are different issues and there are issues where the u.s. and iran have had common interests, afghanistan, the drug war, iraq, to some extent and these are areas where we have -- where there can be common agreement and then the nuclear issue, a matter of finding something to split the difference here. we need to have confidence that iran is not going to misuse the program for military purposes. but, iran is entitled, under the mpt to have a civilian program and it makes those two things work at the same time and will be the key to the negotiations. >> julie: jim walsh, mit research associate, thanks for talking to us today, gregg? >> thank you. >> gregg: one group at high risk for the swine flu, h1n1 may not be able to get in line first to get the vaccine, the pros and cons of the new h1n1 nasal vabs seen, next. -- vaccine, next. this is my small-business specialist, tara.
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will not be as effective as the needle and beyond that, pregnant women, not able to get the spray at all. >> julie: doctors suggesting that small children will need two vaccines, all raising more questions than answers. and getting more confusing and let's see if we can cut through it with medical contributor dr. kumar, also an assistant professor of surgery in the oncology department at mt. sinai hospital, thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> julie: the nasal spray comes out in a week, and the injection not until mid-october and the nasal spray, not as effective? is it still worth having. >> actually, researcher expect it will be as effective or close to being as effective as the injectable and they are basing the information that came from the 2007-2008 seasonal flu time period. and, that is when the nasal vaccines were given as well as the injectables and they are found to be 68% effective against preventing the flu and
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the nasals were 36% effective. but, you know, that was also a hard time for the seasonal flu, people were getting sick regardless of getting the vaccine and that was a difficult time and they are basing it on some of that information and scientists are more optimistic about this vaccine. >> gregg: let's talk about children and we are now hearing that, you know, under the age of ten, you have to have two shots. right. >> right. >> gregg: and, what about older children, should they just go with a shot, as opposed to nasal spray? >> we are recommending the nasal is a good vaccination for people that are healthy and between the ages of 2 to 49. and, that is because it is a live virus, though it's not as pathogenic or not as veer lent as having -- virulent as having the swine flu you have to have a strong immune system to handle the boost to your system. the vaccination to your system. and we recommend it for healthy people from 2 to 49 and even if you are under the age of ten -- children under ten need two doses.
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>> julie: what are the options or pregnant women? i understand they need the vaccine more than anyone and apparently, it's not as available to pregnant women, or they can't get it. what is that. >> we don't want pregnant women having the live vaccine, the nasal wouldn't. >> julie: they have to wait for the injects. >> that is the -- injections. >> and that is the one, we are not clear, about the effect on the unborn child, so not the nai nasal for the pregnant women, but pregnant women are at the high risk group. >> why. >> their immune systems are down and also they get sick with the swine flu we don't know what the effects would be on the pregnancy and it could be bad for the baby as well as the heart. so, based on the previous swine flu, back the swipring we want them to get injected . >> do you think it is safe. >> i think it is safe and side effects will be as minimal as
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the flu side effects. >> which are what. >> sometimes redness or soreness in the area of the injection and sometimes people have a low grade fever or general feeling of not feeling well for a couple of days after the shot and that is your immune system kicking in to build ant bodies against the virus that it has been injected with and other than that, the side effects shouldn't be any more dangerous than that and i think it will be as effective if not more and the regular flu vaccines because it is specifically against a known strain. so unless the virus mutates it will be a very effective vaccine. >> thanks. >> julie: talk about taking a big leap for a good cause, a group of sky divers, all women raised over $900,000 for the fight against breast cancer and take a look in the sky. more than 180 women from 31 countries setting a new world record in women's formation skydiving. the event was held in paris, california and nine planes took
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all of the women to 17,000 feet, for the dive. and boy, brave! and participants included survivors of breast cancer, the big jump to kick off breast cancer awareness month. in october. >> gregg: wow. >> julie: have you ever gone skydiving. >> gregg: no, a friend tried to convince me to do it. no way. >> julie: never, never! how about bungee jumping? >> gregg: i'm agra phobic. isn't it, you want to weigh in on this, i heard 90% of world's populations -- are -- it is a natural phobia. >> to some degree it's a natural phobia and getting to the edge of a plane and jumping out... >> gregg: everybody's chute came oup. >> julie: a successful jump! and, cool pictures an brave ladies and that will do it for us. >> gregg: "fox news sunday" with chris wallace begins, right now. >> julie: with the fox report. well with us, it's the same flat rate.
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