tv Hannity FOX News September 29, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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the day is don't be turgid. don't be turgid in writing "the factor." we're there 24 hours a day. sigh you on the factor postgame show. see you next time. remember the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] sean: tonight -- >> a vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband. sean: the clintons revise their famous conspiracy theory. does acorn have connections inside the obama white house. >> how often do you talk to the president? >> i've talked to the president since i've been here once. sean: a shocking revelation from the top u.s. commander in afghanistan. >> you want to prosecute a member of the bush administration? >> yes, it's about time somebody did. sean: nbc's "law & order" gets political. all that, dick morris and bobby
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jindal. a busy monday, "hannity" starts right now. sean: former president bill clinton is still playing the victim after all these years. yesterday during an appearance on "meet the press" the former president announced the vast right-wing conspiracy is alive and well but this time around there's a brand-new target. take a look. >> your wife famously talked about the vast right-wing conspiracy targeting you. did you look the at the thought position on the right to president obama, is it still there? >> oh, you bet. sure it is. it's not as strong as it was because america changed demographically but it's as virulent as it was. they're saying things about him, like when they accused me of murder. sean: the liberal punch line that won't go away. to think it all started just 10 short years ago. >> great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that
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has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president. sean: so amazing. if you criticize the democratic president you're part of the conspiracy but if you protest against president george w. bush you're doing your patriotic duty. here with reaction, author of the number one "new york times" bestseller "catastrophe" dick morris is here. that came out before he had the affair and lied about it, the right was right? >> the right was right and she obviously knew he had the affair when she said that. let me decode the clintons these days for you. have you considered it unusual that hillary, the number one spokesperson on health care reform, the fundamental element of her curriculum has never talked about the obama health care reform bill, is not campaigning for it, is not out there. and she's not out there on afghanistan, she's not out there -- sean: nowhere to be found. >> she's focused on honduras, taking the wrong position but
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honduras. i think the clintons are playing an act and she's the industryous secretary of state following his line but not saying anything, keeping her record clean and bill is promoting his name on shows and if obama's ratings drop into the 30's she remains clean on afghanistan and health care and she can run a primary again. sean: what's interesting to me is it you look at bill clinton, for example, he says they played the race card against him and they planned it from the very beginning and now he's sort of fallen into the theory of jimmy carter and mondale and others, what is the net result of this, though? that you're going to attack anybody who disagrees with them? >> sure, they're trying to take perfectly legitimate and important concerns about health care and transform it into a attack by monsters. but there's a very significant
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poll out came from rasmussen. one said health care support as a whole of his plan have dropped two more points and opposition has gone up to 56. that's nice, good but more importantly when you ask senior citizens they oppose his health care reform by 33-59. sean: huge. >> almost 2-1. and i've always believed that if the elderly understood, this is the central point we make in "catastrophe" and i hope people read it that this is a program financed on the backs of the senior citizens. 3/4 of this money is coming from medicare cuts. and to give you an idea how much $500 billion is, that's the amount we plan to spend in total on medicare next year, as if we didn't have medicare for a year. sean: looking at these polls there are two other things that came out over health care, they want illegal immigrants to be
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covered. and with those poll numbers the way they are the only way they pass this will be with the so-called nuclear option and they'll bypass the traditional method of passing a bill and ram it down the throat of the american people which clearly don't want it so my political question for you is what is the fallout politically for that? >> it is crucial, first of all, we have to stop it from getting 60 votes and with olympia snowe, they might. and we have to stop that. then we have to undermine them getting 50. right now this minute, i urge everybody who lives in arkansas to write pryor and lincoln, your senators. land drow from las, nelson from nebraska, bayh from indiana. those are the moving pieces and i want to run 10-second ads
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that say senator pryor don't cut billions from my medicare, i need it. go to dick testify, we're losing this fight because they're going to jam it through the senate. stop them and go to my website to see how to contribute on running the ads. have people accused me of having a financial stake in these ads, i have none. sean: looking at the political landscape, there's a "washington post" headline if the ground is shifting even politically the house of representatives will feel it. now look, for example, the democrats in 2009 before we get to the 2010 elections likely will lose the governorships in new jersey and this guy in virginia is losing to bob mcdonald, deeds is saying he's going to raise taxes and he's running for obama. >> the most interesting thing is what happened in germany, merkel which re-elected but that's fiction, she had to coverage with the coalition with the opposite party like the democrats and republicans
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having one government. now the socialist party lost 50% of its sport from 33 to 22 and now she has a coalition with the conservatives and for the first time germany has a right-wing government and next will be gordon brown will lose to the conservatives in britain and the third shoe to drop is obama will lose the congress in 2010. we may not have a country but then because he may use the majority to jam through health care reform whether we like it or not. sean: we'll see the first evidence political winds have shifted in 2009 and there's a reason obama is calling the governor of new york to get out of the race, the first african-american governor to get out of the race. let me read to you some of the comments. howard fineman of "newsweek," we're all socialists now. he had some harsh words for the president and the president keeps giving these speeches, etc., he's too impressed with his own aura, too much "i" and "me," etc., etc., and he needs
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to use less of the political rhetoric and win some political battles or he won't be elected. >> if he loses health care reform he's a lame duck unless he moves to the center, which he might. the overwhelming thing people have to get about about this is not the public option. that's a kenard, whether it's a public option or co-op, it will be the same. the important thing is this a bill to eviscerate medicare, it's a bill to cut $500 billion from the backs of the elderly and give it to legal immigrants and illegal immigrants who become legal immigrants and use -- and also to tax the uninsured but most of the money comes right out of the elderly. the elderly are a homogenius group and they tend to talk to other elderly and if they're 2-1 against it they need to be three and 4-1 against it and the democratic party won't get 40 votes because they're not prepared to lose the elderly. sean: those numbers are phenomenal when you look at it.
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breaking it down by both groups, the lowest approvalal rating for health care we've had in spite of the massive push by the president, it's a rejection and impudeation of him but here's the question, if in fact he's defeated on health care, it's almost like 1993 all over again, you see the similarities? and here's the question, does barack obama have it in him to listen to a guy like yourself, dick morris, and move to the right in this case because he's so far left or do you think he's so ideological he doesn't have it in him to move left like i believe? >> i do not know. that's a key subject. i hope we get to find out. but first we have to beat the guy and first we have to stop this awful program from passing. sean: dick morris, congrats on the book. good to see you. coming up, there are brand-new details on one of obama's top advisors, close ties to acorn and dozens of house democrats signed a letter pushing for illegals to be covered in their health care plan. we'll tell you the details of
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shopping less and saving more. now, that's progressive. call or click today. sean: tonight in "your america" the undercover video of acorn continues to spell trouble for that organization. earlier today bank of america has announced it suspended its dealings with acorn and now questions are being raised about a top white house advisor's connections to the group. now the director of the white house office of political affairs, patrick gaspard is said to be closely affiliated with acorn and he previously worked for the political director for none other than bertha lewis, the chief organizer of acorn. sounds like acorn has somebody on the inside of the white house. there's a comforting thought. joining me now is reaction on all of this, a rare in-studio appearance, mike pence. what brings you to new york. good to see you? >> up here visiting some friends and excited to be in
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the studio with you. sean: we appreciate it. first of all, obama, this part of the story, he gave $800,000 to get out the vote effort for acorn and was the lawyer for acorn, he wouldn't commit for cutting off funding for acorn, even the house and senate did both those things, you think they'll still try to backdoor money through them? >> i think that's a genuine concern many of us have particularly after the president a week ago said he wasn't aware that acorn was receiving a large amount of federal money and given -- sean: tens of millions. >> and given the president's background in sources supported by acorn was hard to take say the least. the american people recognize this is a discredited organization and it as house represents produced in our report last summer amounts in many respects to a criminal conspiracy using federal tax dollars to engage in direct election earing and other
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activities and needs to be defunded. and i was encouraged to see barney frank say they don't deserve another penny. sean: they've gotten tens of millions and earmarked the stimulus the president signed, how much were they scheduled there because i read anywhere between $400 and $8.5 billion. >> barney frank's departure of acorn is important. when i was in office, i remember barney frank in 2006 was trying to get a piece of what was called the affordable housing fund and was trying to get a big chunk of that slush fund which would have been hundreds of millions which could have flowed into acorn and he's been one of acorn's strongest allies and for him to say to cut off the funding now suggests the american people have had it. sean: let me move on to another topic because you're viewed as one of the real up-and-coming conservative leaders in the house. let's step back a little bit. leading into the 2006, 2008 elections there were conservatives like me who felt
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the republican party had abandoned some of the conservative values, was that true? >> i think it was true. we didn't just lose our majority in 2006. i think we lost our way. we walked away from the principles of limited government, fiscal discipline and reform that minted our national governing majority in 1980 and 1994 and the american people walked away from us. sean: did it seem in 2009 to be a political shift coming? i was talking a little bit about this earlier with dick morris and corzine, the democratic governor of new jersey will lose and bob mcdonald, the republican candidate in virginia is going to win and then we're going to have this battle over health care. and couple that with the stimulus and all the things obama has done, weakening our defenses, it creates an opportunity, the people are going to look at the republican party, i have my ideas and i'll get to them in a second. what do you think the republicans should do if they want to regain control of the house and get rid of nancy pelosi? >> the first thing we need to do is, you know, winston
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churchill said the purpose of the opposition is to oppose every time principal demands and you've seen republicans since the first of this year, every single house republican voted against the so-called stimulus bill. every single house republican voted against the president's budget. almost all of us oppose the cap and trade bill and i think every single house republican will vote against this health care bill. first we've got to provide that opposition to these government takeovers, to the borrowing and spending and bailout driving people to town hall meetings and drove a million people here to washington, d.c. secondly, after you oppose you do have to propose. and i will assure you people go to they can see the solutions that have been voflede on all the issues i mentioned but come next year watch, house republicans are going to steal a playbook from the past and offer the american people a bright line contrast of agendas with the big government liberalism of this administration. sean: i think the republicans ought to go back to what got them into power and go back to the reagan conserve pitch roots
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-- conservative roots. >> you bet. sean: there are people out there saying there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two parties. you keep hearing that. ots on all their houses, shall sort of thing. in some instances they're right, i believe. i think some republicans don't get it. olympia snowe, susan collins, until he left, arlen specter. i felt like they were liberal republicans who were not conservatives, is that fair? they were republicans more than conservatives. >> absolutely. and there's no question that our party, you know, we became under the rubric of compassionate conservatism, we became big government republicans in the early part of this decade but i want to tell your millions of viewers, look at those votes on the stimulus, look at the opposition we put up, health care, cap and trade, the budget, republicans are coming back to their roots of fiscal discipline and reform. sean: this argument there's not a lot of difference, i think on the stimulus, on cap and tax, on the budget, on defense, on
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health care, i think there are vast differences. i have been calling for republicans to go back to a contract. here's my contract, the party of national defense and national security, you're not going to negotiate without preconditions with mahmoud ahmadinejad and keep our country safe and win the war in iraq and afghanistan. fiscal responsibility, balance budgets, energy independence, secure our borders, free market solutions for health care and education. sign, put your name on a dotted line and promise to the american people you'll do those reagan conservative things. would that win? >> i believe it would and i believe it will. ronald reagan after the -- you know, after his defeat in the primary in 1976 he stood up in front of that convention and said the same thing you said, we cannot paint with pastels but bold colors. sean: 1975, c-pack, no appeal pastels but -- no pale pastels but bold colors.
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>> we need to offer the american people a choice, not an echo, and i believe we will. you said something earlier that we'd see the elections in virginia that might go the republican way and new jersey the same and then health care. stay tuned, sean. the word we're getting on capitol hill is that democrats would like to send this massive government takeover of health care to the president's desk even before those elections. and americans who are looking in tonight ought to be aware now is not the time to come off the accelerator, we need to stay engaged. sean: they had the lowest poll numbers they've had and they're also talking about the nuclear option and they're going to ram it down the american people's throat though it has the lowest approval rating to date. >> that's why we're pushing a 72-hour waiting period on all legislation. we've actually got bipartisan support in the house for changing the house rules right now to give members of congress, the american people, members of the media 72 hours to review major legislation. we've got to stop the democrats from ramming through a government takeover the way
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they did cap and trade and the stimulus. sean: thank you for being with us. congressman mike pence. coming up, the pentagon wants to make a pivotal request of the president, one that could lead to winning the war in afghanistan. so why is the president and the administration saying, ah, not now. we'll get to that. roman polanski had sex with a 13-year-old girl. he's 44 years old, he pumps her up with quaaludes and alcohol. wait with a minute, how did this happen? some people don't want him arrested and thrown in jail the rest of his life now that he's been arrested. gecko: uh, you wanted to see me sir?
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boss: come on in, i had some other things you can tell people about geico - great claims service and a 97% customer satisfaction rate. show people really trust us. gecko: yeah right, that makes sense. boss: trust is key when talking about geico. you gotta feel it. why don't you and i practice that with a little exercise where i fall backwards and you catch me. gecko: uh no sir, honestly... uh...i don't think...uh... boss: no, no. we can do this. gecko: oh dear. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. [ birds squawking ] [ moos ]
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obama's handling of the war in afghanistan. despite an upparticular in violence, with the administration asked the top u.s. commander on the ground to delay his request of more troops. this new stall tactic from the white house is a far cry from the rhetoric senator obama used on the campaign trail. let's take a look. >> we need to take more resources and put them into afghanistan. i've been arguing for this since 2002 when i said we should finish the fight against al qaeda and the taliban instead of going into iraq. it's time to finally take out al qaeda's top leadership and finish the fight in afghanistan. sean: that's not exactly the type of commitment we're hearing from barack obama now he's president. in fact, yesterday on "60 minutes" general stanley mcchrystal revealed just how involved the president is when it comes to afghanistan. let's take a look. >> how often do you talk to the president? >> i've talked to the president since i've been here once. >> you talked to him once in 70 days? >> that's correct. sean: sounds to me like the president is more concerned about bringing the olympics to
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chicago than winning the war in afghanistan. now, democrats are no longer hiding the fact they want illegal immigrants to be covered in their health care plan. california congressman mike honda is leading the charge of about 20 democrats who say it is unfair to prohibit illegals from receiving health care coverage. honda said, quote, undocumented residents, if they can afford it, should be able to buy their own private plan. it keeps them out of the emergency room. but iowa congressman steve king is not buying it and told "the washington times," quote, if anybody can with a straight face advocate we should provide health insurance to people who broke into our country, broke our law and for the most part are criminals i don't know where they ever would draw the line. joe wilson was right all along, wasn't he? the fight of patterson and obama continued over the weekend. during an appearance on "meet the press" patterson denied obama specifically told him not to run in 2010, let's take a
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look. >> i'm blind but not oblivious. i realize there are people who don't want me to run and never gotten an impressity advice from the white house i shouldn't run. sean: he told david gregory he would be on the ballot in 2010 and new yorkers should choose their governor. i think that means, mr. president, butt out. stay out of it. now, "law & order" kicked off its 20th season on nbc friday and it appears the peacock network's left leading views rubbed on television's longest running drama. on the premiere the new york d.a. that plays that role, sam waterston announced his intention to prosecute a former member of the bush administration. let's take a look. >> this memo you wrote for the department of justice laid out the legal architecture permitting the abuse of prisonners. you want to prosecute a member of the bush administration for assaulting suspected terrorists? >> the word is torturing.
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>> and yes, it's about time somebody did. sean: congrats to nbc, the obama network, they were able to politicize "law & order." i never thought i'd see the day. we have roman polanski, 30 years ago he raped a 13-year-old girl. he was 44 years old and pumped her full of quaaludes and alcohol and now has been arrested and you have people in france and in poland and hollywood saying no, we should just let him off the hook. we'll debate that. we have a new video and new song being sung in public schools to the president. our great, great, great american panel.
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sean: president obama's approval rating has plummeted in recent months and following that same trend is support for his health care plan. a new rasmussen survey shows 41% of those polled favor the democrats' plan and that's the lowest level of support of reform to date. so can the administration still succeed in pushing this legislation through congress? joining us is louisiana governor bobby jindal who joins us from washington tonight. in washington, big reason or just about a you happened to be there? >> i'm here to help bob mcdonald, candidate for governor in virginia. he's going to do a great job, former attorney general. he's a good candidate with a great plan to create jobs for virginia and fix their transportation so i'm happy to
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be here to support him and think he'll be a great governor. i think you'll see republicans win in new jersey and have a great cycle in 2010. i think the country is realizing we can't borrow, tax our way in. we need great people in the house and congress. sean: did you catch the comments of governor paterson in new york but admitted everyone said tax the rich, tax the rich but we've taxed the rich and guess what, it's not helping the economy. did you see that? >> california and new york tried this. when they raised their taxes, business believes -- leaves, capital leaves and you have fewer jobs. it doesn't work and what we've learned in louisiana is we've cut taxes. largest income tax in our state's history, cutting taxes. and it's simple, if you want to discourage an activity, tax it. if you want to encourage an activity, don't tax it. if you don't want tax -- job,
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tax them. states are doing that, washington is doing that. you talked about these numbers on health care, it's plain to me, i don't care how many peaches they give or blame you or town hall attend yeas, the american people made up their minds and don't want this pelosi driven large democratic health care plan that involves more taxes and spending and more government control. americans get it but just don't want it. sean: beyond quadrupling the debt and deficit, there's a report out this week obama's redistribution policies when fully implemented will be nearly $1 trillion a year every year he's proposed. 70% of americans will get back more than they pay in taxes. the top 1% pays, what, close to 70% of the bill now. why is that a bad thing? can you explain to the person that says we needo tax those rich people, why is that not a great idea? >> remember when our parents taught us, if it sounds too good to be it can't be true. you can't get something for
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nothing. the deficit they project, over $1 trillion a year. we saw the printing presses printing the new dollars but the money is not free. our children and grandchildren pay the debt back and where do you think they'll go to get the dollars? look at the health care plan, i loved it when as a candidate he wasn't going to mandate health care or raise taxes but look at the health care plan, raises taxes on insurance, raises taxes on those that don't want insurance and raises taxes on medical products. this is the only city in america where they believe you'll make something more affordable by taxing it? how does it make health care more affordable by raising taxes? the reality is it it sounds too good to be true, if you hear your elected officials saying you can have something for free, watch your wallet, they're coming of after yours next. sean: joe biden said he never thought the stimulus could work this well. he said that. unemployment wasn't to go above 8% and now will be in double digits soon and even they acknowledge and admit this. revenues have plummeted to the government. taxes are going up, again a
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broken promise. as you assess what they're doing just on the economy and then national defense, how bad are these policies? what can we expect? what do you anticipate? >> there's a cumulative effect. it was the stimulus, the budget, it was cap and trade, it was the card shack act, now it's the health care plan. there's a cumulative effect and it is that you are going to see the value of the dollar decline and you'll see interest rates a inflation rates go up and you are seeing our secretaries of states and treasury go to chinese counterparts to ask them to continue to buy our debt. it's not good for the long-term value of our economy. we can't be sustained on this constant government borrowing and spending. we've got to break this a -- addiction to debt and is not building a strong foundation for growth and the economy. what i fear is not just the government intrusion of the automobile company companies and banking and we're getting out of control in spending.
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the rhetoric is great, i love the speeches we aren't going to increase the deficit or taxes and you look at the policies out of the house and it worries me about interfering with america's ability to compete internationally with other economies. we've got to make it easier for the private sector to create jobs. let's remember, the folks in washington don't create jobs. they don't create wealth. the private sector does that. i worry if we don't give our private sector and the entrepreneurs and companies creating jobs the conditions to do that we won't be able to compete with the other countries. let me be quick to say i'm a complete optimist about america and i know we can compete with anyone in the world but the policies in d.c. have consequences for american families. sean: from the associated press, big job losses and spike in early retirement from laid off workers, social security will now pay out more benefits than it collects in taxes and the next two years, so it's insolvent and means social security is bankrupt, medicare
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is headed to bankruptcy, we're printing more money than we've printed. i'm optimistic, too but pessimistic because is america now following the lead of japan and maybe some of the moves that f.d.r. made during the great depression and we're headed for this lost decade because the government thinks it can solve every economic problem we have, you don't have those fierce at all? >> one, only in washington would they have trillion dollar unfunded liabilities in social security and medicare and worked the elderly and then decided the answer to that is create more new programs and spend more money. only in washington will they say we have a spending problem so let's create a $900 billion new program. the reason i'm optimistic about america's future, i continue to believe we're people that love the opportunity and want to work for create a better future for our america and why you see the resistance and the poll
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numbers and resistance to the health care plan coming out of washington and why i think you saw many people go to the rallies across the summer, not only the key party rallies but also saw folks coming to town hall meetings. the american people give me optimism, not the folks in washington. sean: let me ask you about national defense. here you have general mcchrystal who said in august we found out last week we need more troops in afghanistan or we risk failure. he goes on 60 minutes" and he's talked to the president once in the last 70 days, after he made a recommendation and they're putting off his request for more troops when he's the general on the field and saying that america may fail and we're going to put off that decision? and the same president that wanted to push health care through in two weeks,. what does it say between that and pandering to the united nations last week, what does that tell you? >> a couple things. i think it's amazing some of the same democratic members of congress that for years under president bush kept saying we need to be in afghanistan and not iraq. now that the people in
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afghanistan don't want us to be there as well, i fundamentally believe we obviously should listen to commanders on the ground and they're asking for a chance to be successful. i'm not a big believer of using our military for nation building but need to listen to those with boots on the ground. sean: good to see you. thanks for being here. time to check in with greta van susteren for a sneak peek at what's coming up in 20 minutes. greta: here's the sneak peek. that's a letter asking that illegal immigrants get coverage under the health care reform and sent by a number of democrats. we have the very latest on that. the illegal immigrants getting health coverage for them by some democrats. plus, here's a team, bank of america who is in so much trouble, $3.6 billion in bonuses for the shareholders, who did they team up with? acorn. that's not a good combination. we have the latest on that story. what a team, those two. sean: coming up in 22 short minutes. folks, remember last week, you had the kids, kindergarteners
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singing their song to the president? we've got another school and another tape. we'll show you that next and roman polanski, he literally raped a 13-year-old girl after giving her quaaludes and alcohol. that was 30 years ago. should he go to jail? let not your heart be troubled and great that with our great, great, great american panel straight ahead. [ominous music] [screeching] [dejectedly] oh. [screeching] [barks] (man) if you think about it, this is what makes the ladders different from other job-search sites. [screeching] we only work with the big talent. [all coughing] welcome to the ladders-- a premium job site for only $100k-plus jobs
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sean: 10 tonight on our panel, a fox news contributor, bob beckel is here. former pennsylvania senator and a current columnist for "the philadelphia enquirer to speak and a senior fellow at a public policy center, rick santorum is on board, and she is miss america 2008. she is with us. welcome aboard. thank you for being with us. why the look? you are starting in already? >> do not get aggressive. sean: your brother really got you in that debate. >> i have gotten more comment about that. sean: ok, tax the wealthy and spread the wealth around. ok.
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this infuriated me. the story about roman polanski, a well-known director, etc., etc. he was over 40 years old. he goes to jack nicholson's house with a 13-year-old girl, palms this girl with quayle is an alcohol, rapes her, then leaves the country -- pumps the girl with drugs and alcohol. people in poland, a french presence sarkozy, and others are saying it was long ago, so we should leave alone -- people in poland, french president sarkozy. ho>> oh he needs to serve for te consequences of his actions. the only sticky thing is the victim, a young woman that does happen to, she wants to get it done and over with. -- the young woman that this happened to. sean: that does raise a
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question. she says she has moved on. she is entitled to her opinion. i respect the fact that she is that kind of person that can overcome that kind of evil, horrible trauma. i want this guy in jail. >> she has had this on her for a long, long time, and i am sure she does not want to revisit it by going to trial. it will be a very difficult process. having said that, the man committed a crime. he should be extricated and tried. >> we finally learned about the french. the british, you have build a tunnel to those people. they have been trying to get you for 20,000 years. >> the french are not attacking anybody right now. >> for good reason.
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what really bothers me about this is i agree with you. i think this is the stockholm syndrome, working with his victim, but beyond that, it says something that this guy had a lot of money. he was able to be on parole. he got on an airplane and got away a. if this happened to some black eye in los angeles, he would have been put in -- he got on an airplane and got away. if this had happened to some black guy in los angeles, he would have been put in prison. >> the rule of law remains. >> he is a famous person. he is a celebrity. we treat celebrities differently in this country. >> we should not treat celebrities any differently. he should be treated like a common criminal. >> if you bring him back, it will be a media frenzy. there is the hollywood influence, and who knows what
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that trial will be turned into? sean: you have kids, and you have kids, and i do not know if you have kids, but should this not be viewed through one prism. if this happened to your 13- year-old daughter, bob beckel, i do not think we could control you? >> he would be dead if that happened to my 13-year-old daughter. sean: you mean that? >> i do mean that, and i do not think we should go on with this much longer, but the fact of the matter is, he is a human being who broke the laws of this country, and he deserves to be brought to justice, and that means if he goes to jail, he goes to jail. sean: you saw this and last week with the children singing, ♪ barack hussein obama ♪
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i did not think we were allowed to use his middle name. how bad is this syndrome? roll the tape. >> ♪ learning never, ever stops ♪ ♪ i am a proud american ♪ sean: i want to bust a blood vessel every time. why do we take a captive " group of children, and they have to sing praises to the anointed one? >> this was a wonderful song. most of them more minority, if
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you notice. they were singing in the song, "we have a chance to be president one day, too." sean: what about growing up like george bush? >> one is bad, the other is good. >> this is what is going on in public schools, indoctrination. it is going on everywhere, from textbooks to what they learn, what kind of history they learn, who they want to model after. we're talking about the most important thing is diversity. , what about patriotism? >> those kids go out and sing there? >> i am sure they do. it is part of the music class. >> it teaches them that they have the possibility and the potential to be president. they can do anything they want. those are great values.
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let's teach our kids songs like that, but they do not have to be praising our president. they need to be taught to ask questions, not revere power like that. >> is that not a good role model? >> there are other role models in this country other than barack obama. sean: this is why it is indoctrination. if it were george bush, your head would be exporting on national television tonight. >> it would take 50 years to write a song about george bush pre-empt it is not my -- about george bush. it is not my song. >> the teachers in these schools. that is what you are seeing this. >> a football scholarship. i can teach you something. you were dropped on your head when he was a baby. so was my brother, by the way.
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>> we do have our first african- american president, but now, we should be moving past that and looking at the policy. we should be moving past that. sean: not in school, these songs. some parents do not share his values system. >> the values? there are working hard, getting ahead, and you, too, can make it. sean: equal work for equal pay and barack hussein obama. he is not jesus. >> believe me, i understand that, and neither is anybody at this table, disciples or not. are you suggesting that it is not equal pay for equal work? sean: i am just talking about not praising it and were sipping the present, and especially when you are not doing it -- praising him and worshiping the president, especially when you are not doing it for republican
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presidents. >> ok, will you make up a song about george bush. sean: the great, great american panel. panel. we you know all the little things you do to help the environment? here's one more... ziploc evolve. ♪ an ultra-light bag designed to keep food fresh... made with 25% less plastic. and made with wind energy. ♪ ziploc evolve. better for the environment. still ziploc fresh. all at no extra cost. designed with you in mind. s.c. johnson. a family company. welcome to progressive. how may i help you? i'm looking for a deal on car insurance. i think i might have a coupon in here. there's an easier way.
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sean: and we continue now with the great american panel. all right, we have two former presidents. you worked for mondale. you ran his campaign. and carter. ok. bringing up the issue that if you disagree with the anointed one, somehow, there must be some racial component your disagreement. someone said something similar. roll the tape. >> i have a question. a real question, because i sat
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around, and i thought about this. do you hate obama? >> why do so many people now hate him after just some-20066 days ago, they loved him. -- some 266 days ago, they loved him. >> who hate him? >> white america. >> a majority of them supported barack obama when he came into office, and he had 67% approval. they have looked at his policies and disagree with him. this is a very bad issue for the democrats to suggest now that anybody who speaks out against barack obama on an issue of policy, whether foreign policy or domestic policy, is a racist is going nowhere in terms of attracting votes. i would argue not on the among whites but among hispanics and everyone else. the race card has been plagued by jesse jackson and the rev. al
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sharpton, and i know -- they do not like what he is doing. that is the reason they are not supporting him. >> let me just say a couple of things here. first of all, it is not bad for the democratic party. it is bad for the country. i think we should shut up about this. you are about as conservative as they did. i have never heard you utter anything even remotely close to a racist comment. you know, my family were to in the civil-rights movement. there have been a lot of people who share a lot of blood over this issue. it is -- to shed a lot of blood -- who shed a lot of blood. it is not about the color of his skin. i wish everybody would step back here and cool out, because you do not know what you're playing with your.
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-- here. sean: the democrats, their leadership, carter, mondale, clinton, others, are pushing this. it is a slanderous charge. >> the thing that worries me about this, and i will say this about my boss, these guys have been committed to civil rights their whole lives. there are obviously some people who do not like barack obama because he is black. when talking about the race card, that is not the point. the point is that nobody should be playing race cards he. i was in a campaign with jesse helms, where he played a race card. the fact is that this is a very touchy, explosive subject. if we are not careful, we will get ourselves so polarized that we will not be able to come back from the abyss. sean: people like myself and
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senator santorum, which are principled. do you agree with that? -- we are principled. >> i do not believe they have a racist view at all, and i would hope that my neutral friends would understand that and understand that they are talking about a fringe element of people, some of whom show up at rallies. >> i was just going to say that the whole thing is simply not true, and if you listen to the rest of the newscast, he got the idea that all america haden barack obama off from watching "the view." -- he got the idea that all american heated up barack obama -- hated barack obama from watching "the view." the more anger they can bring up, the better ratings they get. sean: senator, you talk about moral values and family values.
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"saturday night live," which i think is a funny show, this expletive is thrown out. show the tape. >> you know what? [beep] sean: a big f bomb. >> this is the cursing of our culture. if you turn on cable, no offense to cable, you are going to hear this over and over again, and they come from cable and go to network television, and this is what we should expect from the culture. >> the audience for it "snl" -- for "snl" is older. why doesn't have to be rude or -- why does it have to be rude or crass
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