tv Glenn Beck FOX News September 29, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute glenn: why does the politicians and media warn of domestic terror but not cover it when it actually happens? also, did you see the video of kids in chicago killing each other with railroad ties? what are we turning into in this nation? and chicago corruption. oh, yeah, mr. smith ain't going to washington. chicago corruption is. if you believe this country is great but you're missing it because you're too busy watching a tube that doesn't make any sense, stand up and
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come on, follow me. welcome to the program. by the way, tiffany, our producer, can we change the america's future is broken or whatever it is. >> we're changing it! glenn: thank you very much. thank you. we're into the refounding of our country, the discovery of all the things that we have right in america, but we need to convince more people that what they're seeing right now isn't the truth. i don't know if you have read this in the paper. "the new york times" has just assigned someone to watch fox because "the new york times" says they're missing stories and they don't know what they're missing. they're like, that whole van jones thing, where did that come from? the way america sees itself and the world is changing, and it bothers me, because i don't know who is moving and who is
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not. i don't understand the way some people in the media view things or, quite honestly, some of the politicians. we used to have a common vision, but now that vision is split, and i think the prevailing vision has been relegateed to the internet and what they would say is the fringe, this network, things like belief in god over government. when did that become a fringe point of view? parents' rights over childrens rights. is that fringe? the honor of our military over the honor of the politician, of being willing to do the hard things now and have less now so our children can have a chance at having more later. do you feel like i do? i think you do. we would all absolutely learn to do with less, learn to do with nothing, quite frankly, sew our own clothes, you know, never get any new clothes, can our own food, work out in the yard, take a bus to work if we
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needed to, just to have our kids to have the opportunity at the freedom to succeed and fail that this country has always offered its citizens, but now i would swear watching and reading the news that those weren't the prevailing ideas in america, and we're getting now to a place that we can't even believe our eyes or our ears if we're watching certain stations or reading certain pieces of the news. let me give you a few examples here. the government has told us, and in in this is something that i would have never questioned two years ago, the government will tell you now that you need to have the swine flu vaccination. great. ok. well, doctors first. in new york, they have made it mandatory for healthcare workers, because they can't be sick. they got to be in giving >> shot. well, in albany today, this is happening. healthcare workers are
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protesting being forced into getting the shot. well, why? if the government says it's ok, why would that happen? who do we believe, the doctors and the nurses who say, hey, you ain't giving it to me, or the government that says everybody has to have it? in the media, you keep hearing about the tea party people and the tea party people are very violent. here is my favorite clip. >> i have concerns about some of the language that is being used because i saw this myself in the late '70's in san francisco, this kind of rhetoric was very frightening, and it created a climate in which we had violence take place, and so i wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm. glenn: she was worried about the rhetoric, the rhetoric that caused violence.
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hmm. let's remember that as we now see what congressman patrick kennedy said over the weekend, quote "my family has seen it up close too much with assassinations and violence in political life. it is a terrible thing when people think that in order to get their point across they have to go to the edge of violent rhetoric and attack people personally." wow. for the first time, i am right in line with a kennedy, because that's what i have been saying the whole show! hey, let's talk about the issues with van jones. let's not attack the person who is just asking the questions. maybe i misunderstood patrick kren i did. maybe we're not on the same side. he says, quote "it's fine for people to debate the issue and attack the issue, but when they stoop to the level of vitriolic rhetoric that we have seen this debate turn up, it is very, i think, dangerous, to the fabric of
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our country. it is very, very dangerous. we put a lot of people in jail around the world for threatening our country's security, but this atmosphere of attack that doesn't attack the issue but attacks the people is very disruptive to the institution of democracy which relies on the respect for the opposition." wow. wow! that is so true. that must mean that he no longer believes that the debate is over. we can all continue to have a conversation and express ourselves. let me ask you this question -- is patrick kennedy saying we should jail americans for speaking out against healthcare? he continues, quote "george wallace didn't need a gun to pull a trigger." let me say it again. "george wallace didn't need a gun to pull a trigger. we just need to be mindful of the wisdom who have been through these ugly periods in american history.
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those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." i'm going to have to go back and read my history, but i believe george wallace was the one who was shot, not doing the shooting. in fact, i think he was shot four times and ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, oh, and another thing, george wallace, the hate monger -- democrat. just saying. now let me show you the tea party. here are the crowds of the tea party. oh, my god, i can't even look at them, they're so horrifying! violent, violent crazy people. look at them standing there. look at that guy holding his arm up! you know what that means! but now let me show you something else. we did a survey to find out who was wringing their hands over the g20 protests, warning the americans, warning the people, hey, look out, there
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could be violence? well, no one in the mainstream media or washington other than the daily news and l.a. times said anything about coming violence with the g20 in pittsburgh, and yet look at what happened in pittsburgh. >> by order of the city of pittsburgh police, i order all those assembled to immediately disburse. glenn: about 190 people were arrested and at least $50,000 in damage and it looks like the police officers were working overtime. the tea party, 1 million plus, maybe -- no, sorry, 30,000 people there. zero arrests. zero damage. in fact, let me show you the mall right after, compared to the inauguration. remember, the obama crowd? they loved the environment! they loved the future! they care! they want to hug a tree! well, here is what they left on the mall on inauguration day. no, that's not snow.
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that's trash. well, brace yourself. here is how the tea partygoers left the mall. oh, look at the crap and stuff. let me show you something else, the debate over bias in the media has been raging for a wild now. maybe "the new york times" will listen here. i reached the conclusion they are not bias. they are complicit. let's compare coverage of two events covered, oh, by "the new york times." i have shown you what happened at the g20. here is the way the times covered the event in pittsburgh just this weekend. quote, "thousands hold a peaceful march at the g230 summit. several thousand demonstrators espousing and denouncing a host of causes converged on downtown pittsburgh on friday chanting, pumping up signs and playing instruments in a peaceful and permitted march calling for solutions to a range of problems that they
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attributeed to the economic policies of the world leaders of the group of 20 meeting. protestors with iraq veterans against the war wearing fatigues marched alongside tibetans and chanting denunciations of china and waving signs like g2 oh let's talk about tibet. students against palestine called for an end to israeli occupation, and others held up signs that said please say no to corporate greed, and we say yes to human needs. oh, gosh, i bet all the deer and fluffy little animals all spoke like they did in disney movies, too. sounds, beautiful, doesn't it? it makes me want to put on my thai-tie-dye jerry garcia t-shirt while he jump into a volkswagen and smoke some dope. thank you, new york times.
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this is how the same paper covered the new york tea party, in which there were zero arrests are. quote "a sea of protestors filled the west lawn of the capitol and spilled on to the national mall saturday in the largest rally against president obama since he took office, a culmination of a summer-long season of protests that began with opposition to healthcare overhaul, and then grew into a browtdzer dissatisfaction with government." the times reporter, jeff zelney went on to label the crowd angry and profane. wow. you see, you can't really believe what people are telling you now all the time, because they are reether blind or they -- they are either blind or have an agenda. i used to believe it was something you could believe when you could see with your own eyes, you could believe it, but that's becoming more and more difficult to do. at the g20 summit where michael moore, the night before the summit in pittsburgh premiered his anti-capitalism movie, the one
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where he concludes that you can't fix evil. >> capitalism is an evil and you cannot regulate evil. glenn: regulate evil and capitalism is evil. the very next day after the premier, people were on the streets with this -- oh, look at that. capitalism will fail down there at the bottom. who is the conspiracy freak thinking that communists are rout? yet the media was completely silent about this. i go back to the photo of the mall after the tea party, and oh, then what we showed you from pritburg and the g20 protests. >> you must leave the immediate vicinity. it will lead to an arrest. glenn: don't believe what you hear. one side that respects our institutions is trying to build them up, not destroy them. one side is looking for a revolution. the other, a restoration. you can't believe what you read in the papers or see on
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t.v. anymore. this week weekend when i was in seattle, i spoke at safeco field and saw it firsthand. here were headlights from the seattle p.i. "protests turn ugly at the glefn beck event in mount vernon" and glenn beck's event riles people up in mount vernon." though figured the number of protestors at safeco field 4o the paper notices the 40 people, but missed the 57,000 inside. let me show you a clip of the crazy hate mongers inside. remember, there were 40 people outside. 40 people. these were the people who came to hear me speak about, oh, how great america is. see, "the new york times" could hire 25 people to watch this show and bill o'reilly and sean hannity over and over and over again, but they see the world and this country in a different way than i think you and i do, so they can watch it all day, but they
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still won't understand. when nancy pelosi said this -- >> i saw this myself in the late '70's in san francisco, this kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it created a climate in which violence took place. glenn: when she said that, she had her eyes open and saw these people at a danger, but which looks more like the violence of the 1970's in san francisco? this or the tea parties? now they're worried about bombings taking place. well, let me show you new footage. a bombing did take place this past week in a town just north of seattle called everett. the only reason i know this story is because i was there. radio station krko, their to you their towers were blown up. when freedom is gel squelched to left, they usually scream
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that's fascist but in this case the media doesn't even tell you anything. they don't tell you about them. unless the words of these terrorist fascists speak for themselves. a spokesperson issued a statement that said, and i quote "due to the health and environmental risks associated with radio waves admitted from the towers, we applaud this act by elf, when all legal channels of opposition have been exhausted, concerned citizens have to take action into their own hands to protect life and the planet. " oh, it's a danger, but don't worry about it. don't even mention that. can you imagine if i issued that statement? can you imagine? to tell you about the people who are actually an active threat, the people who are currently in washington that are doing things like this? no, no, we don't cover that, no. the people in washington are
the people here in new york and they don't seem to be telling you the truth. they give the approach of a non-bomb throwing elf. their power isn't in explosives. their power is in threats and intimidation. threats and intimidation. that's what this is all about. you just stay strong, because, really, quite honestly, they have no idea what they're up against. the truth shall set us free. people will make fun of people like you and me for believing in a day where there were simpler times, where people were good to each other, where we didn't beat each other to death in the streets of chicago with a railroad tie, kind of a norman rockwell america. i happen to believe in norman rockwell america. i know there were times that were bad and places that were bad, and problems in those times, but people were generally good. they had values, and they knew what was of value.
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glenn: ok. i want to talk to you about something that nobody seems to ever notice when they talk about iran. when we're talking about iran, we're talking about people, the leaders that are crawled 12ers. they believe in the 12 principles. this is one spooky dude. 12ers are so dangerous that the ayatollah khomeini killed them at one point because he said they're crazy. everyone talked about how iran launched its most advanced
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missiles this week, but here is what you should pay attention to. iran's president ahmadinejad, he says this at the end of all major speeches including last wednesday at the u.n., he said this -- >> the lord of of the universe and peace and blessings upon our masters and prophet mohammed and his nobel companions, hasten the arrival of him and give him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his rightfulness." glenn: ok, hasten the return of the 12 the amman. that's not a good idea. joel rosenberg,, joel, it's not a good idea to hasten the return of the promised one, because the promised one only comes after the world is washed in blood, right? >> that's right. as i describe in the documentary film, and in the book "inside the revolution,"
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this is a serious theological argument made by shiite muslims, not all of them, but certainly ahmadinejad, that you need to bring chaos, carnage and even genocide into which the islamic messiah comes and establishes justice and peace. glenn: so if i can explain this, and correct me if i'm wrong. if you're a christian, you know the tribulation will be beyond belief for a long time and then jesus comes t would be like a christian saying, hey, let's make it suck really hard right now, because then jesus will come. not a good idea, but that's what ahmadinejad believes. hasten the return. let's just make it as bloody as we can. so when he says, oh, israel, you're going to be vaporized, he believes that he is going to be fulfilling prophecy and it's going to be good for the islamic world if he does that, right? >> that's right. ahmadinejad's twisted world,
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he believes that he is essentially john the baptist for the coming of the messiah, but you're right. in this case, to bring the messiah requires launching genocidal wars against the the judeo-christian world and destroy the judeo-christian world and this is why he is using the word "annihilate," to annihilate the united states and israel. glenn: the 12ers believe and you hear this all the time, that the united states is the anti-christ, and the little anti-christ is israel. that's because we believe the anti-christ is a person. they believe the anti-christ is a force, right? >> many muslims do. there is some division on that. glenn: i'm talking about the 12ers, specifically about the 12ers. >> the great satan, yes. glenn: so the madi, when he comes crawling out of the well, he is supposed to create a imloabl global government and persecute the christians
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and has them submit or cuts their heads off, right? >> right. glenn: that sounds like fun. >> in fact, what is more, the islamic messiah is supposed to come with jesus. jesus is the deputy, the lieutenant and forces people to convert or die. glenn: oh, yeah. he will testify to the mahdi and say by the way, you guys misunderstood. i'm not the son of god. this is the man right here, correct? >> correct. glenn: all right. they seem to me to be a lot likened-times pro prophecy, rumors of war, signs of natural won ders, et cetera, et cetera, and it seems like the same thing that plays out in the book of revelations. are they connected at all, at least in the minds of the 12ers? >> it's a mirror image. there is a lot of similarities, to be sure, but, of course, the difference is that jesus said in matthew chapter 24 verse 14, that this good news, that god loves you and will accept you and forgive you and save you, this
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good news must be preached to the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end shall come, so followers of jesus christ think they're supposed to bring good news an peace and the messages of salvation through the cross before jesus comes, but the 12ers believe you bring death, destruction and horror and then the end shall come. glenn: so the ayatollah khomeini and the revolution of '79, he said these 12ers are too crazy for even him. what happened, because is ahmadinejad the only one? are there a lot of them? it's my understanding that the government now is full of these people. is that true? >> that's right. well, the ayatollah khomeini, the current supreme leader was a disciple of the ayatollah khomeini and he has been a secret closet 12ers, because he clearly believes the same thing as ahmadinejad. why do we know this? there has been a lot of
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statements by khomeini, but the key is how many could have gotten rid of ahmadinejad if we wanted to? he has pulled back on several key issues over the years, but on this issue, end-times theology, they have given him free rein and now a new term. glenn: i want to make this clear. i'm not saying these things are true. i am saying our government only seems to take the violence from the crazy christian and people at tea parties, they take that deadly serious, but they don't think that people like ahmadinejad believe in this stuff. it's important if you're even going to negotiate to say maybe they are bluffing and maybe they aren't, but it is important that you understand this, and i don't think bush understand it, and i don't think barack obama understands it, agree or disagree? >> i agree with that, and that's the problem is that ahmadinejad in that u.n. speech last week was more explicit about his end-times
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theology than any other time in the last five years that he has been giving these speeches. glenn: what did he say? >> he actually gave several paragraphs of describing something called enscor, an theology notion of having the patience to wait for the coming of the messiah, and he went on atel length on this, and moreover on an nbc news interview on sunday ann curry did, bowed cast on an alternate network, but she actually asked ahmadinejad about this, and he said that he is in direct communications with this islamic messiah. that's the first time that i have heard in these last five years him go on the record in this case with an american reporter, though nbc did not actually report the story, but they did broadcast it, but to say that he is in direct communication with this mystical islamic messiah. that's why this is important. end-time theology is driving
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iranian foreign policy, and the white house, members of congress, certainly the u.n. are not paying attention to this urgency that they have to bring about the end of the day. glenn: thank you. i was at another network and i remember watching this at the u.n. and hearing that, and hearing the translation just a few years ago, and i went who is the promised one and why should we hasten him? we did our research, and it's frightening if they people believe it. if they don't, we sure should learn what they do know and what they don't know and what they believe and what they don't, because it would change the way we sit down at the table with them. very dangerous situation in the middle east. yes, we're falling apart here in the country. i have a video coming up for you next that i warn you, it is ugly stuff, and it will make you wonder, what has happened to us.
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>> this is a fox news alert. i'm patti ann browne. a tsunami advisory remains in effect for hawaii after a powerful earthquake struck hours ago in the south pacific. the 8.0 tremor triggered a tsunami in the town of pago pago. it is not clear if anyone has been killed. if the tsunami is strong enough to reach hawaii, it will do so by 7 p.m. eastern. strong currents may occur along the hawaiian coast, which could be a hazard to swimmers and boaters. we're following bulletins closely and will bring you new information when it comes in. glenn beck returns in a moment but first bret baier previews "special report." is the so-called public option government-run health insurance officially dead? and the latest on iran's nuclear program and brit hume on the president's olympic pitch. join me in 26 minutes for "special report." now back to glenn beck.
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glenn: you're not going to believe the latest on the olympic pitch by the president. you're not going to believe what we have for you coming up in a minute. i want to show you this real quick. the refounders, these are people -- we're looking for 5 6 men or women in congress right now, in the senate or in the house that are willing to stand up and do not point fingers at the other party but point fingers at your own party. if you're watching and you're in washington, you're not getting any publicity from this. we're just asking you to help us root out corruption in washington. america will stand by your side. they really will! ok. we had three last time we checked. we have five. i know it's slow, but it's a start. just a few months ago, i didn't think we were ever going to be able to get anybody in washington to help solve the problems in this country r now we have five,
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and there's more to come. now, i want to show you a video clip, and i warn you, it is extremely disturbing. it is from a school in chicago where there is a fight between rival gangs. no knives, no guns, only punches and kicks and wooden railroad ties. derrion albert, 16 years old, one of the four students severely beaten in the melee, hit in the head with a railroad try. as he lay on the ground dazed and confused, gang bangers began stomping on and punching albert before running away. please, if you have kids, please have them leave the room for about 60 seconds or flip over to another channel and come back to us in a few minutes. here is what we have.
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crosshairs. he was, as you can see in this video, whacked in the head with a railroad tie. when he lay on the ground, he was repeatedly punched and kicked and then hit with a railroad tie again. he died. as i watch that video, i thought to myself, what has happened to us? how have we come to a place where the value on human life is so incredibly low? how is it the kids in this video are just standing around watching this? they jump in and start swinging and kicking at will. we have seen playground fights before, but when did the line in the sand get moved on us? maybe not even moved, just completely erased. how did we come to a place when a kid is down on the ground holding his head, lying on the ground, it becomes the norm to pile on and hit and kick and hit and hit and kick and hit and kick and then hit him again with a railroad tie?
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how have we come to a place where the reaction of the kids who have witnessed this horrifying brutal murder wasn't tears or even shock. let me show you a young girl in the video, as they are dragging the body into the building. watch. somebody is screaming "we need help. we need an ambulance." you just missed it. we were past it. this girl wasn't in tears. she and others were mostly calm. they were cool. they were collected, or were they indifferent? i don't know. what about the kid videotaping this? can you put the camera down for a second and stop laughing for two seconds, and stop saying "dam!" and maybe help save the kid's life? no, can't do that. got to make sure we get a sweet video clip for youtube. america, how have we arrived at this place?
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is it capitalism that has failed here? is it the greedy evil corporations? is it because there's no cap and trade, no healthcare, not enough social justice? is it because of the republicans, or is because of them democrats? or is it the fact that just like some of our new money doesn't stay with us, god is no longer in america. he is being taken down. ten commandments at the courthouse, that's horrible, take it down. thou shalt not kill is too chondroverse qual. can't pray in school, no, no. can't sing chris mall carols in this country -- can't sing christmas carols in this country, because that is too offensive, but we can certainly do this. ♪ mmm mmm mmm barack hussein obama ♪
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glenn: and then we come out with another one today. ♪ can we make america better, yes, yes we can ♪ glenn: but we can't sing "silent night holy night." according to a survey, a group now being called religious nones, nones. they're atheists, i guess, but they're on the rise. they project that 1/4 of all americans will claim no religion in the next 20 years. right now those who claim no religion make up 15% of the country and are the fastest growing non-religious group in the country. if those who don't believe in god are growing, what do they fill the void with? well, stuff. power. careers, money. celebrities. government. oh, government now will solve all of your problems, put your faith in government, not god! put your faith in government, barack obama! remember the hope poster?
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put your hope in him. he'll save you. even charlie rangel offered this angelic appraisal of president barack obama. >> who is our hero? barack obama? who is going to lead us out of poverty? barack obama! who is going to save the united states of america? barack obama! who is going to save the entire world? barack obama! who do we love? barack obama! glenn: ok. one of the networks is almost the church of obama the way they get chills up their leg over him. you have kids singing tunes about obama now to the tunes of "jesus loves me." the other song that they were singing was to the tune of "the battle hymn of the republic."
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♪ hole he will, mr. president, we honor you today, hooray, hooray ♪ glenn: america, i have a question for you -- request do you think we're as powerful as we are roar have been? what did we do different than other countries? are we just superior human beings? no. it's because we recognized god's authority. it says so in our constitution. all men are -- our declaration of independence. "all men are endowed by their creator with certain inail alienable rights." so many other countries get it wrong. they believe human rights are landed down by a government, some official in the government. it is about them, not him! no government can fill the gaping hole inside of us if god is chased out. maybe we need to stop looking for more social justice and start looking at eternal justice. you know, it really bothered me last week when i played
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that song with the kids, singing those words to "the battle hymn of the republic." do you remember are the "battle hymn of the republic"? have you read the words or sung the words lately? it has one of my favorite collection of words in any song. "in the beauty of the lillies, christ was born across the sea, with a glory in his bosom that transfigure gures you and me. as he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, while god is marching on." let's he celebrate our freedom. let's not kill each other. president obama, trying to get the olympics for his hometown now. boy, who does this benefit? i mean, besides chicago?
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plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a. glenn: president obama is heading to den denmark to help persuade the international olympic committee into picking his hometown of chicago for the 2016 olympics. this would be great for chicago, sure, but will it benefit anyone else? let me show you this. this is a new book that is out "arguing with idiots."
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it has been out for a week now. this is -- "common sense" the book i wrote last summer was the problem, but this is the cure for it. it is the facts of everything. here is barack obama. these are the people he has surrounded himself with, just with the seiu, the unions, acorn, special interests are running this country r read about it in "arguing with the idiots." we have now pat ga dell with us, a former senior advisor to president carter, a democrat and a proud democrat, not a democrat that agrees with the crazy revoluntionaries that seemed to have hijacked his party. pat, i'm trying to figure this one out. vancouver lost, how much was it? they lost a billion dollars when they had the olympics. how is the city of chicago in illinois that is broke going to benefit from having the olympics? >> well, let me tell you who
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is going to benefit, but before i say that, let me say i agree with you about the "the battle hymn of the republic." this stance proclaims the purpose of this nation, if you died to make them holy, let us die to make them free. it is what makes us different as a nation. in chicago, we will have gangster politics that will make al capone so happy. this is the biggest outrage that the president of the united states, who cannot find one moment, in more than two months to speak to the commander of his troops in afghanistan, is going to get on a plane and fly to denmark friday or thursday. he is going to go over there with valerie jarrett who was last seen with the n.e.a. pumping up their use of their money and they are going over there, van jones, all the people she runs, she is the former head of the commission that runs this 2016 commission. chicago is closing the government several days a week because they cannot afford to
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be open. they are going to go and reward -- this is the biggest scandal. this is going to be corruption on a scale unimaginable. let me just say -- let me give you some of the characters. you got valerie jarrett there, right? she is the person that runs chicago and the white house for the president and the first lady. she is the one who is involved with h.u.d. a month ago to see how we were going to finance this. this city has no money. they are put in charge. 50% of the people in chicago are against having these olympics. they voted in city council 49-0 to have the olympics. mayor daley and his friends and contributors have appointed alderman eddie burke. let me just say, just to tell you, it is like putting dracula in charge of the blood bank. he is going to watch the financial numbers. glenn: let me ask you this -- fox t.v. in chicago was told they can't run a story on the negative part of the olympics, and valerie jarrett, some
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people say she was a slum lord and she may personally benefit. i would like to ask you that question. can we do that next? can we have pat back? ok. ciaries who need assistance getting around their homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance, may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your
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glenn: for the first time in american history, the president is going to take air force i and fly across the ocean to meet with the olympic committee to pitch chicago as an olympic city. wow, who is going to benefit? well, he's going with his wife, president obama and valerie jarrett. pat gadel is here, former advisor to president carter and fox news contributor, a guy who wants to hold people accountable in washington and get rid of corruption. valerie jarrett is, it possible she is going to benefit if the olympics come to chicago? >> well, that's the word.
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she has certainly had a lot of dealings going on in real estate. all the venues will take place only inside the city of chicago. they have got every contributor, every real estate person, look, tony res skoe in the end -- tony rezko will make money in the end. people need to tell the congress right now to pass not a dime from us to bail it out for stimulus grants to pay for this. this is going to be a disaster at a level we have never seen in american politics financially. glenn: pat, thank you so much for being an honest american. we don't agree on everything. >> no, we don't. glenn: but we agree on accountability and i appreciate that. thank you very much. ok. i want to start a new segment tonight. this is trying to package some of the arguments with idiots. watch this. ♪ are you in with idiots idiots
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dim wits root for those who care enough and another way to sell our book ♪ another edition of arguing with idiots with ben frank franklin. yesterday's guest idiot, karl marx. hi, i'm ben. >> i'm karl. >> an idiot. >> we're here to tell you how glenn's new book will help you win your arguments with idiot friends. hey, karl what do you think about taxes? >> it is a shared sacrifice. they should be for life. >> hold on. ben? >> progressive. fair share. hello! >> ok. we know you can recite bumper sticker slogans, but take a look at this chart?
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>> i'm unable to turn my head, because of this flap, so -- >> ok. right. in 2006, the top 1% paid almost 40% of the country's income taxes. >> really? >> really. you don't see that in "the new york times." >> oh, i love the times! >> i'm sure you do, but i doubt they told you that the top 50% of earners pay 97% of the entire income tax bill. >> whoa, so the poor only pay like 3%? >> no, no, no, the middle class pay 3%. the poor actually got an income tax refund. >> whoa! i wish i was poor. >> you are proor. so you're still paying taxes to progressives? >> god to go, dude, your signal is breaking up. >> idiot!
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glenn: i'm just writing some things down if you're "the new york times" watcher that has been hired to wax fox. here's a couple of stories for you. check into the olympics with valerie jarrett. seems to be some scandal, maybe, possibly there. second one, why are the politicians warning of violence and yet not showing the violence from alf or elf? it is happening again and again. in fact, it is happening in canada, too. you should maybe look at that. also, on tomorrow's program, for years now, i have said the pi
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