tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News September 29, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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gretawire forum. that is the blue circle. we are all going there to debate, to talk, whatever. until then, keep it here on the fox news channel, the most powerful name in news. bill o'reilly is coming up. good night from washington, d.c. we will see you tomorrow night, p.m., right here. september 29, 2009. i'm shepard smith. bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> uniting black and white. hope. being both obama cannot take sides. can we make america better. bill: more school children being coaxed into political statements. is this a national epidemic? we will tell you what we know. yes, yes, we can. >> he doesn't make any sense as far as i'm concerned. bill: media attacks on fox news commentators on the rise coinciding with our rising ratings. bernie goldberg will analyze what has the left wing media so upset. >> tim beck and tim hat trick. >> we told our bosses right up
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front we don't need gimmick to sell the new y 95. bill: did you know glenn beck has a long history in the media? wait until you see the tape we have uncovered. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly, thanks for watching us tonight. a liberal one-two punch, education and the media. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. yet another tape has surfaced showing school children citing political words. this one in north carolina. >> change has come. >> hope. >> united black and white. hope. >> being both obama cannot take side. hope. can i make better? can i make america better? can we make america better? yes, yes, we can. yes, yes, we can.
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bill: there is nothing wrong with the message there kids should be encouraged to make america better. it's quite clear that in that case and the new jersey case where kids sang about obama making america strong again that the teachers involved are indoctrineating their students to approve of president obama. that's wrong. no public school should be injecting politics into the lesson plan. respecting the president is fine. endorsing policy is not. according to the largest teaching union in the country the national education association donations by teachers to the democratic party were ten times those to the republican party. ten two one. in 2008, the american federation of teacher's union says just 1% of political donations by teachers went to the g.o.p. 99% went to the democrats. so there is no question that america's teachers are solidly liberal. they come home and turn on the media where liberalism runs wild. both in news and entertainment. according to a pew research
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study, 32% of national news people say they're liberal. just% describe themselves as conservative. the rest say they are moderate. this is some 1-2 punch for the left. they control the classrooms and the media so young americans basically are hearing liberal philosophy all day long the attacks on the fox news channel bears this out. fnc is the only tv news organization in the country where traditional voices are given a prominent role. the left hates that and attacks on me, sean hannity and glenn beck are relentless and hateful. back to the kids, if the liberal are dedicated to promoting liberal beliefs, how long will it be before the u.s.a. becomes a secular progressive country? those kids are going to grow up. it's a lot easier to get along if you go along. this is indeed a very dangerous situation. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight reaction to this from the left, joining us from washington former white house special counsel lanny davis and los
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angeles syndicated radio star leslie marshal. all right, leslie, i think i have made a pretty persuasive case, have i not? >> well, certainly, bill, you have a lot of facts and i'm not going to dispute the facts. however, less than 40% of the news media being democratic or liberal, i wouldn't worry about a progressive future for the kids. if so, i'm going to be the number one talk show host on radio and television in the country that would be a good thing. no. all kidding aside there is a plan by teachers for each classroom in the public school system in america. certainly we have seen two tapes in two states new jersey and south carolina. this is not the norm. i would agree with you bill. bill: how do you know it's not the norm. >> we would have seen them surface. bill: i don't know if it is either. i ask the question. is this a national epidemic? but, look, lanny, when you have 10 to 1 donations from teachers going to the democratic party. you have got to assume that it
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is so skewed in most public schools around the country that the kids have got to be picking this up. right? >> look, first of all, this isn't even a close call, leslie. let's just say it is inappropriate what we just heard. if it were a republican and george bush with a mantra although i love george bush as a friend, if it was a republican, we would be offend dollars. what we just heard was inappropriate. left, right, or center, period. secondly, i'm not offended by the fact that most teachers are liberal democrats. democrats have a better record on education. evangelicals and the movement are mostly conservative because republicans seem to do better in addressing their issues. that doesn't offend me at all. regarding the media, bill, when i was at the clinton white house, it sure felt that the "new york times," the "the washington post," and the, quote, liberal media were ganging up on bill clinton every day. bill: they did that because of social problems that you guys ran into. >> no, way before that way before that.
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bill: clinton got better treatment than george -- than bush the elder. clinton got better treatment. >> it didn't feel that way when i was there. bill: i think they annualized that. leslie, my point is that you have got kids going to school. and you overwhelmingly the teachers in america, grammar school, high school, and college, are liberal people. now, all of them don't indoctrinate the children. there are a lot of good liberal teachers who don't bring their politics to the classroom. that's true. but when you have such an imbalance in the media, and in the classroom, it's got to play out in society. and you know that you are seeing that. >> i don't think less than 40% of people claiming that they are democrats is an imbalance. and i don't think that two tapes is an imbalance in the school system. in addition. bill: wait, wait. you don't think there is imbalance of -- wait, leslie, you don't think that after all of these stats about giving to political parties that there is an imbalance in the school system on ideology? you think there are just as many conservative teachers as liberal teachers? >> well, there is a difference between a teacher what they are
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doing when they go to the polls and they vote and what they are teaching in the classroom. i don't see how barack obama factors into that or into society. bill: it's not a healthy situation. it's unhealthy. look, lanny, you watch the fox news channel and you have known me for a long time. you see how i have been personally attacked for years. you see how glenn beck is being attacked personally. sean hannity personally attacked. rush limbaugh personal attacks. you see it, it's there. it's real. it's unrelenting, it never stops. it's every day. a network set up now to attack fox news. that's all they do. now, they are failing so that's the good news. but, when you have this colosis coming from the media it's going to take its toll. >> first of all, let's try to agree again. personal attacks coming from the right or the left and i do agree when they get personal about you or anybody else. bill: fox news is attacked more
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than any other network. why? why, lanny? this is simple, lanny, can you get. this why is fox news attacked more than any other network, why? >> i can't put myself into the minds of people who demonize those. bill: you are a columnist. you watch, you know. we get attacked more than anybody. why? why? >> some people demonize people they disagree with rather than using the words i disagree and debating the issues which is what i am about. i have been attacked both by the far right and the left. and i disagree with anyone that demonizes you or anybody else. bill: gets attacked 100 times more than any other network. leslie, i will ask you what i ask lanny. why do we get attacked more than any other network? why? >> bill, you have the number one and for eight years, congratulations, i commend you, i admire you and look up to you for it even though we disagree politically. when you are number one, when you are the king of the 4eu8, whether you are a network or a host on that network, somebody
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is going to try to push you off. that's why they do it. i too am attacked. >> "the today show" has been on longer than we have. do they get attacked? they do liberal stuff every day. >> opinion into it. bill: you turn on "the today show" and you will get opinion all the time. you guys know why. because the media is lined up left. we're the only ones that aren't. and here they come. lanny, last word real quick. >> last word. in the no spin zone that you are so fond of and that you admire so much, the left and the right are guilty of demonizing the opposition and both sides have it wrong. bill: all right. >> i agree. bill: thank you. next on the run down, bernie goldberg will reply to the left wing media stepping up to the fox news. and why acorn wasn't covered in-depth in the "new york times." glenn beck as you have never seen him before. wait until you see this tape upcoming.
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bill: new weekdays with bernie segment tonight. a lot going on. big loss for dan rather. bernie gold b rg in north carolina today. i will ask the question i asked lanny and leslie. i don't think they answered very well. >> no, they didn't. bill: my opinion. never in the history of broadcasting in this country has one network, fox news channel been attacked so relent -- unrelentingly, ok, as this one has. why? >> three reasons, i think. the first one is that fox is more conservative than any other major news organization. but, the second reason, that would only come into play because of the second reason. you're successful. if you weren't successful, number one wouldn't matter. and, number three is fox is provocative. and the combination of conservative, successful and provocative creates an explosive mix where they come after you we
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could talk about whether it's legitimate or not because by and large it's not legitimate. they are throwing spit balls at a battleship. a lot of it is because i say you are conservative and successful. i will give you a couple of examples. you go out and do a story about judges who are soft on child molesters. and who does the media get angry at? the judges? no. they get angry at you. that's a little crazy. bill: we have one tomorrow by the way. a new one tomorrow. go ahead. >> right. there are other examples like that where fox uncovers stories that the so-called mainstream media should be uncovering. so what does the so-called mainstream media do? they get angry at fox. this is wrong. this is the spill balls at the battleship argument. but sometimes bill, and whether you acknowledge it or not, i'm going to state it, sometimes fox brings on the criticism itself. there are some programs on fox
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that are not only fair and balanced they are commentary shows they don't have to be. but they brag about how fair and balanced they are. they don't cover rallies, and tea parties. they cheer lead for rallies and tea parties. and as a journalist, i am totally against that to that extent the criticism is legitimate. by and large it's not. bill: by and large all editorial pages cheer lead for their crew. so if you read any newspaper, "the chicago tribune," the "l.a. times," any newspaper in the country, they will be cheerleading for global warming. >> right. >> and they will be saying, hey, get out on earth day. >> right. >> do this, do that. and i don't have any problem with that wait, bernie. wait. i don't have any problem with get out on earth day and be environmentally correct. no problem. they all do it. but if you then take a commentary program, clearly labeled as such, and then they say hey, you know, you tea party people, go on out there and show them that you don't like this
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big government intrusion. what's the difference between earth day and tea party? what's the difference? >> well, the difference that's a good question, bernie, what's the answer. >> here is the answer. don't pretend you are being objective. i don't mean you. i mean others on this network. don't go on the air and say these tea parties have a cross section of america. they are not a cross section. don't pretend to be a journalist if you are not a journalist. don't be a commentator. be my guest. but don't pretend to be a journalist. bill: i think we clearly label fox news channel, this is a good discussion. glenn beck comes on and glenn beck is now in the target. he is the big target. he is coming up later in the program. so let's get glenn beck. what does glenn beck do? glenn beck comes on he basically says look, i'm every man. i am no a journalist. he says i am not a journalist.
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i'm every man. i'm worried about the country and this is why i am worried. he has the blackboard and he has. this and this is who i like, tea party guys and this is who i don't like. whoever beck doesn't like that day. i don't see any subterfuge there at all. sean hannity comes on right after the factor. sean hannity says look, i'm a reagan republican. that's who i am. sean hannity. he is not trying to fool anybody. not trying to say anything like that. he says i'm a reagan republican. so this is how i see the world come on, bernie, these are legitimate distances. every man reagan republican. what's the beef? >> the commentary part of it is totally legitimate but to give false information just to give false information is unacceptable. bill: false information, i agree. >> wait a second. are you telling me that you think those people at the tea parties were a cross section of america? there were as many liberal democrats as conservatives. there are as many people as pro obama.
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bill: i didn't say. >> do you want a few names. bill: no, i don't. because i have to go back and research it i said there weren't very many black people there. >> if i would go on your air and tell you a name, you can go to the bank on it i'm not going to do it out of respect to you. bill: that's wrong and that's legitimate criticism. >> they pretend to be journalists at the same time that they are saying i'm not a journalist. if you are not a journalist, don't pretend to be one. bill: bernie, i don't know how you pretend to be a journalist if you say you are not. >> i just told you they go on the air, after they give their opinions, which is fine with me they tend state as fax that's legitimate and should be criticized but not personal attacks. not trying to throw somebody's throat out that's what you get. >> i totally agree with that. bill: let's go on with dan rather. he loses today.
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hardly heard anything about it? >> it will be on page 849 tomorrow. look, i worked with dan rather for 28 years. for much of that time i worked directly with him. he always used to say that cbs news was a family. i would laugh at that he thinks it's the man'sen -- man son family. cbs crushed him today. the lawsuit that dan filed, the 70-million-dollar lawsuit when you get through all the legalese was about one thing. it was about saying cbs news took me off the air. cbs news warehoused me at 60 minutes and threw me out because i went after george bush and that was bad for business. he desperately needed to prove that was not the case to proof that he was an honest journalist. now he doesn't have the opportunity enemies there is an appeal that he wins, he doesn't have the opportunity to prove that he was an honest journalist journalist. that he wasn't partisan.
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bill: in the is it legal segment tonight, two hot topics beginning with an honor student in chicago being beaten to death by gang members. 16-year-old was attacked on the street and hit in the head with a wooden blank see it there and stomped on as he lay on the ground. reportedly an innocent bystander got caught up in gang fight while he was walking to the bus stop. four teenagers has been charged as adults with murder.
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kimberly guilfoyle in for megyn kelly and lis wiehl author of the book "face of betrayal." all right, wiehl, we will begin with you. the kid was just going to school. >> walking home from school at 3:00 p.m. going home from school. he comes across two gangs. by the way these gangs have been involved in fights for a month now. it was well-known in school. bill: south side of chicago. other kids had been hurt and not killed like this boy was he comes upon the two gangs fighting. i have watched this video unfortunately many times today. it looks like he gets in there and tries to help out. that's when. bill: to break up the fight. exactly to be a good samaritan. that's when some of the other guys gang up on him and you see it's just brutal to watch it him being beaten with these sticks. is he down, his cell phone is -- blood everywhere. bill: honor student, 16 years old. >> done nothing wrong. bill: right. kimberly, you are a former prosecutor and so is least.
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this is going on for decades. >> right. >> west side story in the 50's was about gangs in new york. >> sure. bill: the authorities cannot seem to get a handle on this kind of violence. i'm going, look, there has got to be a solution. flood the zone with cops. you know who the gangs are you know who is in the gangs. but it doesn't seem to get any better. why? >> because they need to get serious about it. there are certain communities that have been very successful in stopping the violence. it's not just about policing the streets. sure. they have to have active community policing. there must be a presence there to serve as a deterrent to understand. gang members. and you have to have father figures. >> bratton did that in los angeles to some -- they did it in boston. in boston it was a combination police community effort using the clergy and things like this. chicago has been a nightmare a nightmare. for decades and it just doesn't get any better. >> well, don't forget that this video that you are watching was was taken by a community
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organizer. somebody out there who saw all of this going down. but didn't do anything because they were afraid of getting beat up themselves. >> exactly. bill: if you have got 10 or 12 people with boards. >> crazies. bill: hitting each other. that's why this poor kid is dead because he did try to do something. >> the schools should do more as well. bill: were these guys in school? >> yes. they were all in school. three of the four had already been arrested. one was on probation, bill. you would think -- there was a shooting by these two gang factions the morning of this bloody incident. so, why the school wasn't involved and more discipline. what about having the community programs. they have to have education in the classroom. there is great units like dare that can get involved. bill: yeah. but some kids you are not going to be able to reach through programs and after school activities. >> sure. you may be able to reach some. it does not mean that you do not try. you must infiltrate this system that is set up, this network to let children know they have other choices. also within the home. a lot of african-american men.
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they don't have a father-figure. there isn't an integral family unit to be able to provide support. look for it elsewhere. there is a surrogacy. bill: society can't make the father stay in the home. >> no, you cannot. bill: all of those social problems i think really let's be honest about it. >> the only thing that works is flooding the zone with police. you flood the zones where the gangs are with police. >> i agree. there needs to be more flooding then because there were reports that there were two officers very close to the scene that were calling for backup. they are afraid. bill: let's get to this idiot poo alan polanski. the "l.a. times" reports he petitioned to have his case dropped because the original judge is dead. 32 years later. in the petition lawyers say they are not even looking for him anymore that apparently ignited the l.a. authorities to say
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yeah? polanski and his lawyers brought this on himself. >> he absolutely did. why should he be rewarded? is he a fugitive from american justice. rape is rape. a 13-year-old does not have the capacity to consent. he admitted though these crimes. there were six original counts filed, including sod dom my. it doesn't matter to me that she says now she doesn't want to prosecute. because, let me tell you something, i'm from that office. and if every time a victim of a crime came forward and said -- drop the charges. no work would get done. why should he be rewarded because he has the money, the wealth, the fame to avoid justice and he can afford to live in these other countries, have homes and he has been hiding out. bill: the guy is living large over in europe for three decades decades. >> that's how he kept avoiding justice except the lawyers got involved. bill: the fix is in because the swiss wouldn't have picked him up and said we are not going to intend him back there was a deal, the swiss government and american government made a deal. i'm sure we gave them something. >> right. >> he comes back to l.a.,
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polanski. you are the judge, wiehl. >> i give him time. i wasn't going to give him time. the first judge was just going to say time served, 40 that was it. but he jumped. then i have got to give him for the 30 years of jumping. bill: what do you give him? tell me? >> i give him at least a year. bill: that's too easy. you. >> you think so? bill: i give him 5. >> come to my courtroom. i would hammer him. at least a minimum of five. i think it's disgusting. the crime that he committed drugging and raping a 13-year-old. then he avoided prosecution. >> you guys are tough tonight. bill: you give him a year, that's nothing. >> if you treat him different than anybody else that's sending the wrong message. bill: all right, ladies. thanks very much. we appreciate it the great american news quiz will thrill you tonight featuring the wiz of oz and barney frank. they are not one in the same. glenn beck in his early days very frightening. he couldn't pay us enough to not show you this.
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in the barack and hard place segment tonight, monica crowley and the once in a while articulate alan colmes. >> i think you are playing favorites. bill: of course i am. >> what about fair and balanced? bill: i am being fair and balanced, smarter and better looking than you. >> you are half right. bill: colmes, the best thing that president obama did this week was? >> i think he is going to argue for the olympics for chicago. a lot of good things every week. we pick one much the fact that he is doing this being beaten up by the right wing. why? since when was the olympics politicized. bill: go to copenhagen whether you have all kinds of problems here. they say that's a waste of time. >> whenever bush did anything we were told he could walk and chew gum at the same time.
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bill: i hate to see it you can do both. you have phones on air force one. >> sit at your oval office desk. bill: what about spending the taxpayer money is oprah going? >> what about the money that the olympics brings to the united states: what if he does get it? hear from some of them saying this is all about obama. it's the obama olympics. it's great for the country and great pitch. it's good for us. bill: you have a beef with it. >> i do have a beef with him going. part of the presidency is to take a look and worry about symbolism. iran minutes away from getting a nuclear weapon. thursday we have the united states sitting down directly with the iranians for the first time. we have got afghanistan with no strategy being, no plan. closing in on 10% unemployment here in the united states, foreclosures are through the roof. bill. >> >> can't deal with any of those things on the plane? >> he needs to worry about the optics on this kind of trip. going on a joy ride yet again on air force one with oprah.
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bill: what if he goes over and gets the olympics for chicago. that's pretty big. >> i still think there are domestic priorities that trump this. bill: if you are the president, monica, and you know you are popular in europe. you know it's a big deal to go. you are going to lend your prestige to go to try to bring it back to chicago and you don't go? you say i'm not going to do that? see, i would go. >> the president, laying his prestige on the line for the olympics. bill: i would go. >> bill, when there are other things that the guy should be laying his prestige on the line for. bill: i would go if i were the president. worse thing. >> stunning admission on 60 minutes by general stanley mcchrystal who is president obama's own choice to lead the counter insurgency effort there that he has only spoken to the commander in chief once since taking command in afghanistan. bill, we have brave men and women in uniform who are dodging ieds and bullets every day. we have the commander in chief awol not talking to the commander on the ground. here is the irony of this.
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push way attacked by barack obama and the left for not having a strategy for victory and not listening to decenting viewpoints from generals, from the congress, and others. that wasn't true with bush, but it happens to be true in this case. bill: what do you say colmes? >> simply called a chain of command. general richard myers chairman of the chief on fox news earlier today saying nothing was done wrong or untoward here. this is the way it works. there is a chain of command. bush was accused of of going over the heads of chains of command and talking too much to generals. bill: so you are the president of the united states, and you have got a situation in afghanistan that's going south. all right? >> yeah. bill: you don't pick up the phone once a week and get your guy on and say hey. >> assuming you are getting good information and you trust the chain of command you trust the people that work with for you. bill: almost like the olympics, you can do both. you can go over to copenhagen and deal. do the chain of command. >> doesn't mean he is not doing
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the job. bill: what it means is, colmes, it doesn't look good, ok? so that's why monica brought it up. i brought up the -- >> was myers wrong to say this is the way it's done? bill: not a matter of right or wrong. it's what's best and what's better, ok? it's best that barack obama be pier perceived as being engaged on a daily basis over there. >> as myers said is he engaged with the secretary of defense, people of the pentagon. bill: didn't talk to his own general. >> is he doing david letterman, joy riding to copenhagen. spending five hours every sunday on the golf course. he has time to pick up the phone. bill: i want to go with oprah and obama to copenhagen. i have been there many times. nice city, i love the dames. so how do i go to get an invitation. >> now you put it out on the factor i'm sure they respond. bill: they love you colmes. >> i'm your link to the white house. i'm your link. bill: the only problem is if i
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got off the plane they wouldn't get the olympics. sorry. that ain't going to happen. i would stay on the plane just to get the ride over. barack and a hard place. everybody. whenwhen we come back, glenn bes you have never ever seen him before. he has also got some thoughts on the indoctrination of school kids into liberal gecko vo: geico's the third-largest car insurance company in the nation. but, it's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' a cuppa tea. gecko vo: takes lots of sweat to become that big. gecko vo: 'course, geckos don't literally sweat... it's just not our thing... gecko vo: ...but i do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule of "hard work equals success." gecko vo: that's why geico is consistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strength. gecko vo: second rule:
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bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. at your beck and call segment tonight, our pal glen was honored in washington state over the weekend. we also have poll results on the statement that john mccain would have been a worse statement than barack obama. we asked you if you agree with glenn beck about that about 25,000 of you voted, a good number, 75% do not agree with beck. >> i don't even agree with that the way it's phrased. bill: would you keep quiet until i introduce you. >> 25% are with him. we appreciate everyone who voted. here now the always provocative
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glenn beck. author of the big best seller "arguing with idiots." that is not billy joel. that's the book czar. you look like billy joel in that picture. >> sorry, billie. two tapes have surfaced. we ran one of them today of school kids, one in new jersey, the other in north carolina. sipping nice things about barack obama. >> great. bill: are we making too much out of that? >> well, seeing that we can't post thou shalt not kill in school because it's offensive. bill: one more command: >> and how about this one? we can't sing silent night, holy night. what do you say? bill: if i think it was silent night obama night we could get it in. >> it would be in. absolutely. bill: so you say it's so restrictive on the traditional side. >> here is what i am saying. the country is not going to be shoved around. people are tired. look, there was a vast majority
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that has stayed silent. now, i'm not talking to people who have been politically involved. i'm just talking about regular people. just like, you know, honey, don't cause any problems. let's move on. not anymore. the stakes have changed. bill: getting a little teed off. >> this is why barack obama is better for the republican john mccain because john mccain was a progressive. barack obama is, i believe, possibility of a marxist. what do you say, america? he at least -- he was at least throwing us into boiling hot water where we jump out. the people who have traditionally said, wait a minute, you know, i just don't want to cause any trouble are now the people saying wait, wait, wait. what are you teaching my kid? bill: too much too soon. a lot of people are very worried. let's get back to the kids. you see these two tapes, all right? they are obviously the teachers telling the kids that obama is great and singing about obama. message isn't bad. help america. let's improve america. get together. but do you see this as an epidemic or is this just too.
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>> i don't know about that i mean, i would have a better -- i would believe that it would be an epidemic when i see two tapes out of acorn than i would these two tapes. bill: it's hard to know what's going on. >> this particular school, and i'm trying to remember all the details and don't quiz me. bill: this is mmm, mmmm, mmm. were. >> this was indoctrination. she is a radical. bill: you home school your kids, right? >> yeah. bill: why? >> because i saw a change in my older kids when they went to school. i also -- i just don't like revisionist history. i don't like the fact -- when my daughter, my second to oldest daughter decided she was going to go to college and she was going to study ancient history. i said how about some current history? you know, america is kind of good. bill: intruding on your it daughter's choice? >> yes, i was. i'm paying for it. she said to me, "dad, american
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history, every time i look into it, we are always on the wrong side. we always are doing the wrong thing." i thought to myself if my daughter growing up in my house has that with all of the flag waving that die and how much i love this country and how much we have studied history together, if she still can't beat it, being my daughter, there is no chance. bill: that's tough on your wife though. home schooling is not easy. >> you keep them bare foot and pregnant, bill. bill: keep them locked in the basement. >> i'm kidding, i'm kidding, honey. really. i'm kidding. bill: went to washington, your home state. you spoke at safeco field, right? >> yeah. bill: home of the mariners and sea hawks. >> yeah. here i am. bill: the press didn't like this at all, did it? >> no. there was 7,000 people there in the stadium, normal people. and the newspaper, the seattle p.i. bill: that's bankrupt, isn't it?
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the seattle post intelligence is a bankrupt paper. >> it's out of business. on the internet. >> both of them ran stories with pictures with one person dressed as the statue of liberty and the other lady with a red white and blue finger on they're head. if you look at the crowd there is a ton of people there completely normal. they didn't cover that they covered the 40 protesters outside of safeco field. bill: 40? >> 40 and 7,000 in? they like you? >> but in my hometown seiu and others bused protesters in from other states. there were 400. this is rough numbers. 400 protesters, about 400 protesters protesting the protesters. bill: you got the key to the city? >> it opens all of the liberal locks. bill: why then does the seiu spend the gas money to bus people in to say they don't like you? >> you are a better judge of that than i am.
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bill: i admire that you got dressed up for the occasion, too. [ laughter ] >> it's a small town. bill: beck lost his luggage on the plane. >> look. i will cover for you. you lost the luggage. bill: you look a little like. >> it was my wife. she didn't do the ironing. look at that. bill: but you are a regular guy. the mayor, he -- >> i felt a little. bill: you looked like you were working in a pizza parlor. >> it was a long day. bill: you look like the guy who comes with the pizza to the house. that's what you looked like. >> that's me. bill: talk about a guy -- i will let this tape speak for itself. beck has been in the media for quite some time. roll the tape. >> the new y 95 school keepers glenn beck and tim hatrick. >> we don't need gimmicks. >> great mix of music. >> plenty of dfrmt ever dj's. >> easy contest. >> new morning zoo with us glenn
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and tim. >> airborne traffic report. >> special zoo guests. >> you never know who will drop in. >> new y 95 who needs gimmicks. >> new y 95 music and very few gimmicks. >> let me tell you something about. this do you know who that monkey is? bubbles? bill: that's michael jackson's monkey. >> can i tell you something? we rehearsed for like two hours they made the plane fly in. a limo pulls up, it's bubbles the chimp. bubbles gets out and he stands up on the ladder right off the set. the trainer says bubbles, what i want you to do when i point to you you will jump in over here. come forward and pick up the coffee cup and drink it and set it down after you watch the body fall. do you have it? bubbles went yeah, i got it. bill: he is a pro. >> we start in when he drinks the coffee. he gets it right on the first take. we stop. we blew it we are like the monkey got it right you? had to pay him, right? bill: got to pay him. >> lots of money. bill: did you like doing the
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d.j. thing? was that fun? >> at the time. bill: you are only 22, 23 there? >> yeah, probably about that. bill: if you had worn that outfit to the washington state thing. >> had a jacket on. >> i was dressed like the monkey was. look at it, right there. bill: glenn beck everybody, a legend and his reputation growing by the hour. we appreciate you coming on in. >> i'm coming home, honey. i love you. i will bring you flowers. bill: check him out at 5:00 on fnc. great american news quiz. get set for barney frank, the wizard and kadafi. the quiz, moments away.
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does were -- doocy playing -- if you want in on the action go to bill o' doocy has won two in a row. we are looking for miss martha to step it up. >> he is on a roll. bill: question number one, last week, barney frank talked about the acorn controversy right here on the factor. >> do you. >> bill, i'm sorry. >> the spirit of the two -- >> yes. >> i admire. >> thank you. i want to finish my sentence. i don't know why you have this congenital inability to let people talk on a complicated subject. i admire the impulse to stop corruption. bill: good. bill: it only took me eight questions to get that out. now, which senator did not vote to continue funding acorn after those undercover senators became public. did not -- they did not vote to continue. three wanted to continue. one did not. all right. so you are not confused.
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bill: maccallum breaked on top. burris was the guy we chased down the hall. how did you not know that? >> don't you with a watch the factor? >> i like acorn. bill: you missed that? number two moammar kadafi gave a rambling 90 minute speech at the u.n. >> we should not accept any resolution taken by the security council. according to this composition right now. it should not be called the security council. it should be called the terror council. the swine, the swine, the swine flu. perhaps tomorrow we have the fish flu. bill: being doing a right guard commercial next week. that world leader holds the record for the longest speech to the u.n.? bill: c is correct fidel castro.
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you think moammar is long-winded. castro. can't tell him anything or he will kill you. since 1992 celebrities have been competing in jeopardy for favorite charity. which cnn anchor had elm base rags loss to comedian andy richter. >> the name of this pasta, similar to penny means little mustaches. wolf? >> what is get china -- >> 1850s saw a bad one of these forgive letter word that refers to an economic crash and the fear to rush to sell. >> what is a crash? >> no. bill: you are both right. he got his butt kicked. >> should never go on jeopardy. big mistake. bill: three questions are gone. maccallum leads by one two. remain.
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high def released to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the wizard of oz. >> bang on my chest if you think i'm perfect. go ahead, bang on it beautiful. what a nickel. >> it's empty. the tin smith forgot to give me a heart. >> no heart? >> no heart. bill: i know how that is. >> awe. >> which ache for was originally cast to play the continueman before jack haley filled the role? bill: the answer is buddy ebsen. very good. >> he had allergy to the makeup. bill: yeah, he had to get out because of the allergy. very good. doocy has watched how many times the wizard of oz? >> i'm from kansas.
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bill: how many times you have seen that movie? >> a million. bill: 85 times. alabama woman won dinner with a governor bidding $63,500. who was the governor? who was the governor who got all that money? cards up. doocy, are you cheating? >> d, that was easy. i threw in that because the wizard of oz was hard. maccallum wins. let me check to see who wins all the booty. that is donald fuller. is it donald fuller? steve: i was playing for don. bill: please email doocy and curse him out. you get nothing, you get butkus. christine of concord, california gets all -- we are going to send donald some stuff, too. steve: that's nice. bill: doocy, come on. martha just wiped you out. just you were just too fixated
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on the wizard of oz. 85 times. >> i'm not in kansas anymore. >> you are scarecrow. you are more tiananmen. >> you are tin man without the heart. >> hue zach man and debra winger. remember her? i love the glasses. right back with p and p as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world. . .
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grab your phone. come on. just turn it off, come on. [applause] >> for his display of righteous indignation, mr. jackman is a patriot. as we mentioned earlier, polanski may be extradited back to the united states for charges of rape. deborah winger apparently doesn't like that. >> we came to honor roman polanski as a great artist, but under these sudden and arcane circumstances, we can only think of him today as a human being. we hope today this latest order will be dropped. it is based on a three decade-old case that is all but dead, except for a minor technicality. bill: child rape is not something you just walk away from, so we believe miss winger is a pinhead in this case. our brand-new promotion hit big last night by this unbelievably fabulous mat. you can put it on the floor,
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you can put it on your wall. i mean, this is a great item and get a free copy of "betrayal." both items make great gifts. now to letters. bill, it is apparent from your comments that you have never been in the military and do not understand the chain of command. the president is correct in dealing through defense secretary gates on "fan-ish or foolish?." goth you know, i believe senator mccain has military experience, and he said he would speak directly with general mcchrystal on a regular basis. "like all politicians, mccain ducked and dodged when asked what he'd do about iran." "senator mccain was short on details. the only new idea mentioned was a blockade and that came from you." well, i am the idea man. "roman polanski must serve tile. what signal does it send to others? jump bail, wait it out and your sentence will be forgiven? quovert wendy from miami,
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florida. "how would defense attorney feel if polanski had raped her 13-year-old daughter?" george from florida. "bill, i enjoy the factor, but i wish you'd be a bit more aggressive." if i were any more aggressive, sir, i'd be in prison. john, from illinois. "best segment of the night was brit hume and o'reilly. high value listening." i like it, john, thank you. bill from port st. lucie, florida. bill, i teach history and geography and we use your word of the day to stimulate discussion. could you post them on bill o' absolutely, joe, i will. and thanks for looking out for the kids. monica, from bethany, oklahoma. "law and order" used to be one of my favorite shows, but i stopped watching because of all the cheap shots against conservatives and chris yans. "the premiere of law and ord was offensive. they need to leave their
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political viewings out of scripts." an email from torino, italy. "mr. o, i went to catholic school over here and it was just like what you went through in "bold fresh." my top nun was mother an cska." i think i remember her. don't hurt your eyes and enjoy the great foliage up there in the northeast kingdom of vermont. how about the website,'reilly, "talking points memo," there it is. mail us with pithy comments from anywhere in the world, o'reilly at, name and town if you wish to opine. here's the word of the day. please do not be insurance lent. ooh, a good one for the kids. don't be insolent. don't be insolent. that's it fo
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