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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  October 2, 2009 11:00am-12:59pm EDT

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disappeared -- police found the parent -- parrot three years ago in a makeshift cage, just five days after it disappeared. bill: "happening now" starts right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute jane: in chicago, they are on pins and needles as we await an announcement from the international olympic committee. the competition is intense. chicago is up against a real, tokyo, and madrid. the president and first lady are on their way back after making pitches in copenhagen a little bit earlier. we will have live announcements here as it happens. jon: just minutes from now, we expect to hear from the manhattan district attorney
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discussing the indictment of a connecticut man who attempted to extort $2 million from david letterman, a plot that letterman announced last night on his show himself. the newly-married father of a 6- year-old said that he has been blackmailed for having sex with some of the women who worked with him. jamie colby is live in the new york newsroom. tell us a little more about what letterman had to say. >> the audience clearly did not know whether or not it was a joke or a serious plot. i can tell you as a new york attorney that it sounds like the manhattan d.a. will come out, read the charges, they have someone in custody, and they have a very strong case, from what we are hearing. let me tell you about last night. the audience came and prepared for a model law, and they got a stunning admission from letterman, who said he found a package in the back seat of his car, a package he had not accepted delivery on, containing sensitive materials outlining
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sexual relationships he had had with female staffers. >> of the creepy stuff was that i have sex with women who work for me on this show. now, my response to that is, yes, i have. i have had sex with women who worked on the show. [applause] would it be embarrassing if it were made public? perhaps it would. especially for the women. >> the mix of jokes with series information was awkward, not only for letterman, but for the audience. one woman he had sex with over the years is the woman he married, a former staffer.
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but today, in a press conference that will be coming up shortly -- and we are live downtown to bring that to you -- they will outline the charges against another cbs employee. we will get that information in detail at this press conference. jon: that little awkward. -- that was a little awkward. what can we expect at the conference? >> he is robert joe haldeman. it is claimed that he was going to write a book were screenplay outlining the sexual fears that he claimed that letterman had with staffers. it is worth pointing out that there are no attempt at
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litigation by any of the women, only extortion or blackmail. we will learn whether or not haldeman is behind this project was turned over 4 $2 million, but at that point, authorities have gotten involved. letterman was advised by his attorney to go to the district attorney. jon: all right. jamie colby, thank you. jane: on capitol hill, were crept up on a bill that could bring changes in your life. in the wee hours, the senate finance committee finished up work on plans to reform health care. carl cameron is here for us. they finish work on this bill out of this key committee. is everybody going to get a chance to read what is in it? why is the language is so important?
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>> is important, actually. seems elementary. everyone was up until 2:30 in the morning working on this. having worked so late, some did not come in this morning. the legislative of language will not be published, and that is a problem for members of congress, particularly republicans. the senate finance committee is the only committee in the senate that does not publish the legislative language of their bills. they put together something referred to as conceptual language, meaning it is subject to interpretation, the subject of distillation of what would normally be printed. it will not be available until a vote next week on what they stop amending at 2:20 this morning. jane: there is also discussion of a government-run public option. >> that is the health, education, labor, and pension committee. earlier this year, they passed
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the public option for the government insurance program. their bill cost more than the one at the senate finance committee. it mandates coverage. all the pieces of legislation, five in all, 3.5 during the senate, all require everybody to have health care coverage. that means increased fees, increased premiums, and people choosing not to get coverage will face a fine up to as much as $1,900 each family. they have not passed the bill, it is next week. and the excise taxes, as they are referred to, are much higher in all of the other bills that are pending. so how to get sorted out is complicated, and harry reid nancy pelosi have made it very clear that they think the administration needs to get much more equally involved, because taking these pills and all that
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is a long ways away. the president put out a statement saying there still lot of work to be done. jon: the dow tank this morning, and that did not to your retirement plan any good. it is turning it down, 17 points at the moment. jenna knows why. >> we saw the unemployment rate go up to 9.8%. you also saw 263,000 job losses in the month of september, and that was far above what was expected. if you look at real unemployment, the unemployment rates, those that are part-time unemployed, for example, we have a different number. the employment rate would be about 17%. silicon, the job picture continues to look a little dismal, to say the least.
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when you dig to the numbers, the areas we've actually seen job growth of the last several months, that has slowed down. overall, fewer job cuts, but in some areas, we saw growth. but health and education have slowed down, and one of the biggest employers, the government, lost 53,000 jobs. so overall, it reports that is not very encouraging about the employment situation. to put it in context, going back to december of 2007, we essentially have doubled our unemployment rate. we have more than 7 million jobs on the market, on the economy right now, and you need to create about 120,000 jobs a month on a regular, just to keep up with population growth. so we are really in a hole right here. if we have to start seeing -- what investors want to start seeing is job creation, not just a slowdown. and when that creation is going to happen is still an unknown to this market.
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jon: all right. i hope we can fix that one of these days. thank you. jane: rescue workers are arriving in indonesia. thousands and thousands of people could still be trapped in the rubble of an earthquake that devastated the island of sumatra, killing at least 700 people. search dogs and backhoes and emergency supplies are being flown in, but rescuers have their work cut out for them. the quick series the damage 25,000 buildings there. -- the earthquake damaged 25,000 buildings there is very seriously. >> it is a race against time to save thousands of people trapped under the remains of these buildings that collapsed at the earthquake hit two days ago. it seems that the enormity of this task is overwhelming for the indonesian emergency services. the indonesian government, as you said, has appealed for
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international help, and that is now coming. we saw a team from south korea flying today and go to the worst affected areas. emergency aid has also been promised. most of the rescue teams are headed to central sumatra. hundreds of buildings there have collapsed, including hospitals, hotels, and schools. the real problem is getting moving equipment there to get the rubble off of those trapped people. it has not been halted all but the fact that many of the roads are still -- has not been helped at all by the fact that many of the roads are still obstructed. there will be difficult choices that will have to be made over the next day or so. that is because there are still hundreds of people seriously injured in this area and they're being treated.
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but with all the damage, it is a difficult task, and we understand thousands of people now are living in the open because they fear for the tremors. they also need help with in the next few days. back to you. jon: help is also reaching victims of the somoza mommy -- samoa tsunami. a white's air national guard and the air force flew three cargo planes out there, carrying army and navy personnel to help search and rescue efforts. so far, and 169 people are confirmed dead in american samoa. jane: 5 family members found murdered in one community. police are telling residents to lock their doors. an arrest has just been announced in the murders. why are neighbors there?
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and speeding caught on camera, posted to facebook.
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jon: why do people put this stuff on youtbue? another vicious girl fight caught on the internet. the victim said she had just up off the field. that is when the attacker started grabbing her hair, punching her. she attacked her because of a boy. two girls are charged in the case. jane: police have just arrested christopher harris, 30 years old, planning to charge him with the murders of five members of one family, parents and three children. police have been warning
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neighbors to keep their doors locked. belittles child, a 3-year-old named tabitha, survived what is said to be a very brutal attack. the hospital says that she is responding well to date. there is word today from police that you may want to keep your doors locked. we have the editor of the pentagram newspaper with us from bloomington, illinois. what do we know about the suspect? what was the motive? >> chris harris is 30 years old, attending college. illinois, and he works as a carpenter. he dreams of being an architect. he has lived all over central illinois. most recently, he has been in and out of his ex-wife's home,
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down the street from where the family was killed. she was the older daughter of the family involved in the murders. jane: what could have been the motive? he did not kill her. >> looking at his arm and social networking pages, none of this seems particularly dark. it seems like a normal musings of a 20-something, 30-something, going to college. nothing unusual. jane: our police telling you about the relationship between him and his ex-wives? -- ex-wife? >> they divorced in 2007, but they maintain contact. they just had another child together recently, so they still have contact. jane: police were clear about
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saying that they had not ruled out the possibility of more arrests. what is and the works -- what is in the works? >> there was a lot of police activity going on wednesday, and when they found the truck -- friday, the media is coming back into town. so -- jane: police said that the killer would potentially of wounds on his body, -- have wound on his body. are they saying if harris had any wounds? >> no. he did not have any large noticeable facial wounds. they have not talked about his hands or the rest of his body. jane: brian dunham, thank you. jon: breaking news in the david letterman case.
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it any moment, we expect to hear from the district attorney here in new york. we will bring you his comments as soon as they come preconceived live streaming pictures here as they set up for this news conference. f
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jon: as we told you earlier, the senate finance committee finished its version of the health care reform bill. now the hard work begins. if the panel passes the bill as expected next week, there is still another bill in the senate and three more in the house that they have to jam together to come up with something the president may or may not sign. so what is the political future for health care overall? we will talk about with houston powers, who writes a column for the "new york post."
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braddock worked for president bush. we have been trumpeting the idea that the finance committee finished its work. that might be most of the heavy lifting. does that mean that health care reform is a done deal? >> absolutely not. this is half the time. the senate finance committee is about to vote on the package that they will recommend. but we do not know what that package is. the finance committee will not release the bill they are voting on. they will release an executive summary, which is subject, something that they themselves put out for a critique. the american people will not have an opportunity to look at this, and more importantly, senators will not have a chance. american people are getting wise to that this is being jammed down their throats. they will not be happy. >> at this point, seeing what is
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going to be in the finance bill is not even really going to -- it does not telling you what is ultimately going to be in the bill. there is still so much more to be done in this process. the merging of different bills. we do not even know what it will end up looking like in the senate. there's an expectation that the finance bill will be the more conservative of the two bills and is most likely to attract republicans, so i think that is wishful thinking, but it is the thinking of democrats. at this point, there really is not a bill to see. you look at what they're doing, but it does not matter. what people are going to see is what emerged bill is. jon: you know how the process works. if we have so much more to do, why does the president demand that this is done in july or before the august recess?
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>> he wanted it to get done quickly because there was a belief in the white house -- correctly, i think, that when bill clinton had his health care of -- health care plan, it hung out there too long, giving people too much of a chance to pick it apart. so they wanted to push it through quickly, before it got picked apart. and it is too late now. it is passed the deadline. we have long past the deadline. people are engaged, they have our right to see this, and they do want to have a bill up on the internet that they can look at. the legislator should have time to read it. but i am not sure that that is going to happen. jon: pick it apart is one way to phrase it. find out what is in it is another way to phrase it. we're talking about a trillion dollar bill. >> the american people have a right to know. taxes will have to be raised. the cbo has told us that their
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bill will add not only to our annual budget, but also the deficit. the american people are scared. they do not know what is being proposed or how this is going to impact them. and democrats would be smart to lay it all before the american people and now only give them a chance to look at it but to be legislators a chance to look at it. jon: thank you both. jane: we have been watching live pictures from daley plaza in the heart of chicago. we are just learning from our chicago bureau that chicago has now been eliminated from the first round of voting for the 2016 summer games. a big surprise to a lot of olympics walkers who really had thought that this was a tight race between chicago and rio de janeiro, and that's chicago man had an edge. a very high-profile visit this week from obama and oprah
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winfrey. a lot of people thought that they will make up their minds at the last moment and put chicago over the top and get the needed votes. jon: you have to wonder if members of the olympic committee were reading the polls in illinois, where 30% of chicago residents -- or maybe 70% of illinois residents simply did not want the olympics. they did not want the associated costs. jane: one of the big things is that the summer games have not been in the u.s. since and 1996 in atlanta, and one of the big pluses is the revenue stream. the package is about $2.2 billion, and the committee gets plenty of that money. a lot of corporate sponsorship. the money would be a big plus. it is organized, what a lot of venues already built.
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on the flip side, there have been lingering tensions between the united states olympics committee and the international olympic committee, particularly in the wake of some of these bribery scandal and corruption scandals. the big competition, real. we're waiting to hear. now they go on to a second round. tokyo and madrid are still in the running. jon: i wish we could bring brad back on. he was one of the highest ranking officials in the bush 43 administration, and he was critical of president obama for taking his presidential time to fly to copenhagen and make the pitch for the chicago olympics. he suggested that that was not the best use of the president's time. jane: steve, do they know? it looks like they do. >> it is like thick all
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collectively have the air taken out of them. i do not know that anybody in this plaza thought chicago would be eliminated in the first round. this is stunning. there is a fair amount of hope invested in this city to land the games for 2016, and when the announcement went down, there were a lot of slack jaws, a lot of mouth hanging open. they are testing complete disbelief that chicago could be a limited right off the bat. everything seemed to be there, but they were eliminated right in the first round. jane: the city has been organized for a year now in the effort. how much money was actually spent? hohokam >> there was a substantial amount of money. it was all corporate sponsored,
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so there was a city component to that particular bid process, but the city folks will tell you that that money, regardless of the outcome, is putting chicago's best foot forward, getting it in competition throughout the united states in what was selected to be history in this international commission. they did make it to the finals, and a lot of folks will tell you within the city and within the bid committee -- certainly, this is not what they expected. in this crowd, it makes little sense. it will be interesting to see how close that voting was in the first round. we will monod and must be voting is concluded. -- we will not know until the
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voting is concluded. jane: what about when they found out that the president would be you making a high level visit with mrs. obama? what was the reaction? >> of the conventional thinking in chicago was that we must be close to getting this because the president is on board, and if the president goes over there, there must be a really excellent chance that chicago will wind up with these games because it is something of a gambit. the president went over there, made his pitch to the first lady's pitch, they are all on a line. success or failure, rightly or wrongly, will be headed up publicly to those folks who made the intimate details of these proposals, so when that was announced, you know, it was within our grasp. we could have this thing. that is within the possibility.
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jon: more breaking news. if misery loves company, chicago has plenty of company. tokyo has been eliminated in the second round of voting. the leader of brazil has claimed that the olympics rarely go to south america and his city, rio de janeiro, deserves a crack. jane: south america is one of the only continental, along with africa that has not posted a game. -- south america is one of the only consonants, along with africa, that has not posted a game -- hosted the olympics.
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a lot of politics are at work here. on the flip side, it is an unwritten rule that they would actually put two summer games, two successive games on the same continent, and the 2012 games will be in london. would again put the two dozen 16 games on that continent? -- would they again put the 2006 games on that continent? we will have to find out. jane: oddsmakers in london had chicago as the first choice. so it has been a shocker on the world that they did not make it farther than the first round. as mentioned, tokyo and chicago have been eliminated in the
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second round. what are you hearing, wendell? >> we will hear a closer to 1:00 eastern time. the first two knockouts happened very rapidly, with chicago going out in the first round of balloting, a tremendous shock here. there was a huge intake of breath in the press center, and i will tell you, happiest people with the japanese -- the happiest people were the japanese, and then they were despondent as tokyo went down. a very emotional appeal was made to the delegates in his country's push for the winter game. many people were put on the
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international olympic committee. he said, i'm 89 years old. we're talking about the 2016 olympics, and the suggestion was his last chance. the president has to land later on today at andrews air force base. he will get the news on the plane. we expect him to have a comment, but he will not have good news to bring to america or the people of chicago. really, in the current environment, he did not have much choice. the leaders of other countries were here in copenhagen, and the last two cities to be chosen believe that those countries also made presentations to the committee. i'd think it is a standard think that if you are in the final four, you will have to go wherever decisionmaking is being
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done and make a pitch for inner- city -- for your city. jon: thank you. the president did not have much choice but to get aboard air force one and fly to copenhagen. let's get back with brad blank man, who was our guest for previously. you say that a was a mistake for the president, and you wrote this on the fox forum before we found much to cut the was not going to get the bid. you say it was a mistake for the president to go there. why? >> for the president to be reduced to a pitchman for the u.s. to get the olympics for his home city of chicago is just not something that presidents do. the president spent more time flying over there and meeting with these people than he did with mcchrystal on the tarmac in europe. his priorities are screwed up and american people are seeing that this president does not get
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the affective importance of governing. jon: brazil's president went over and made a pitch for his country. >> and with all due respect to those leaders who showed up, they are not the president of the united states. the president should have sent a presidential delegation, led by his wife, the mayor of chicago, and others. but it does not mark the participation of the -- it does not warrant presentation by the president of the united states. the olympic committee is steeped in fraud and abuse, and the president lowered his high office by doing this. jon: the american people might say, so you pack up air force one, brittle fuel, what is a big deal about that? >> the big deal is the prestige to the president and putting his prestige in the country's
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prestige on a line. it is a waste of time, and we have more important things to be worried about. the health care, the economy, jobs. even today's distraction is too much. jon: and it is much more than packing up their force one. there's a huge security delegation that hit the ground any time the president travels anywhere. >> millions were spent in the types of logistics' necessary for the president to make even an in and out visit to any city, alone and european city. the value of this was not well thought out of a white house. they were thinking because of chicago that it would be an excellent thing for the president to do. i think the american people will be dismayed by the pandering to limit officials. jon: does this mean that every
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four zero your -- four years, the president has to make a bid? >> i do not think that a republican president would make the same mistake. jane: the president of spain, brazil, and japan also made the trip. so president obama was certainly not the only head of state to make the pitch for their nations, as he pointed out. a little more years. tokyo has been eliminated, and now it is to madrid and real. we're told that this is direct from copenhagen, and the election is over. a city has been chosen. we're told we will get the announcement in about 50 minutes from now, that is what they have scheduled. jon: it is my understanding that the announcement is coming in just a couple of minutes. the vote has been taken and that announcement coming up in just a couple of minutes.
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maybe we can take a couple of pictures from those cities. i believe we have cameras in rio de janeiro, for example. jane: we're waiting for reaction from the white house and from other cities. it really was thought to be the front-runners in a close tie with real. we have another breaking story want to get to prepare a wedding for the manhattan district attorney to address reporters, talking about david letterman's case. we expect him to name the persons he believes to be involved. jon: that is a very strange story. last night, letterman's opening monologue involved -- people were not quite sure if was a joke or serious, but a producer for the cbs news program "48
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hours" has been arrested and charged with trying to extort david letterman for $2 million in hush money, basically, accusing letterman, according to the district attorney, accusing letterman of sleeping with members of his own staff, even though he is married and the father of a child with a woman that he fairly recently married. anyway, we're waiting for charges to be officially announced here. jane: looks like the d.a. is walking to the microphone. let's take a listen. jon: a very packed room. they're just sitting down. the photo on the screen is that 48 hours producer. he is someone who has done a lot of stories on crime and investigations. one would think that he would be the last person arrested for
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trying to launch an extortion scheme, but david letterman's fellow employee at cbs has been arrested. this is the district attorney for manhattan. a belief is 89 years old? -- i believe he is 89 years old? >> indicted and arrested for attempting to steal $2 million from david letterman in an extortion scheme. the defendant, robert jobe haldeman, also known as joe haldeman, 51, of norfolk, conn., was indicted on attempted grand larceny charges for charges between september 9, 2009 and september 30, 2009. the investigation leading to today's indictments revealed that he waited outside mr.
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letterman's home at 6:00 a.m. september 9 to deliver a letter and other materials to him. haldeman said that he needed to make a large truck of money by selling letterman and a screenplay treatment. the one-page treatment referred letterman's success and his beautiful, loving son. the document and related that mr. letterman's world is about to collapse around him, as information about his private life is disclosed, leading to a ruined reputation and severe damage to is professional and family lives.
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materials were named supporter of the "screenplay treatment," and letterman was told to call by 8:00 a.m. to make a deal. mr. letterman immediately contacted his attorney, were arranged a meeting with haldeman. during that meeting, haldeman ask for $2 million to protect the information in the so-called screenplay treatment. that was at september 15 at the essex house. following that meeting, mr. letterman and his attorney contract to the district attorney's office and cooperated with a further investigation leading to the indictment. during subsequent meetings, haldeman repeated demands for $2
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million to prevent him from going forward with his threat to disclose private information subsequent meetings were also at the essex house. on september 23 and september 30. , and those meetings were recorded by the attorneys. haldeman currently works as a producer for the program "48 hours. he was arrested yesterday outside the cbs office at on west 57 street and will be arraigned today. a check for $2 million was delivered to him at that wednesday meeting and deposited
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the next morning at his bank in connecticut. connecticut. the investigation is continuing, and the defender was indicted on one count of grand larceny in the first degree, a felony punishable 45 to 15 years in state prison. the message of this case is that new york will not tolerate the coercion or extortion of anyone, rich, poor, famous, or
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anonymous. severe penalties are attached. [inaudible] [inaudible] commanding officer of the office. robert dole alderman -- robert chow -- robert haldeman. >> can you elaborate on specifically what mr. haldeman was saying? >> i think mr. letterman
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describe that while last night. -- he described that well last night. it was accurate. it was extortion, and that is what we are focusing on. trying to extort money for mr. letterman. >> [inaudible] >> i wasn't there. >> who were the wire? >> i will not disclose that at this moment. >> there were three meetings, correct? >> yes. september 23 and september 30. >> ordeal, not video?
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>> email, photographs? >> could you detail the threats and materials that were used? >> they had the threat of extortion. an accurate description was given of what was in the material and there will be further discussion of that in the arraignment. we just had to deal with the extortion statute, and that includes a wrongful victim with the intent prescribed and
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committed in the following manner, and then goes on to say by extortion, a person obtains property by extortion when he compels or deuces another person to deliver such property by means of installing in them fear for the actor or another will, subjecting to hatred, anger or ridicule. jon: all right. haldeman, a connecticut man, arrested and charged with crimes to extort $2 million from his former employer, david
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letterman, over allegations that letterman had sexual relations with people working on his show. chicago
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jon: a shocking announcement of copenhagen just moments ago. chicago will not be hosting the 2016 games. president obama flew to copenhagen to personally make a pitch for his hometown of chicago. that is unprecedented. so far, no word from the white house of chicago's elimination, but we're getting word that day but axelrod is saying it was a
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worthy investment at the time. the president is heading back to the united states now and without a doubt has gotten the news. the city he made a pitch for is not getting it. is this a surprise to you, eric? a lot of people thought chicago was a lock. >> it is a surprise, and going back to 2001, a lot of people thought coming out of the 9/11 tragedy that it would be coming to the united states very soon. so this is a surprise that is eight years in the making. and a lot of people i talk to think that obama ratcheted up the confidence. for chicago to be eliminated in the first round, i did not expect that.
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jon: a lot of people in illinois said they did not want the games. >> politics was a game changer, not just for china, but for the olympic movement. it was a risk to put it there. when athens would ok without a bid, i think it could look at a country like brazil and say, you know what? maybe this could work. there is a history of crime there, but maybe we could take a chance on real. i think chicago would have been safer. jane: we will continue to watch this. chicago is out, tokyo is out.
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it is real or madrid. we expect the announcement at the bottom of the next hour, about 34 minutes from now. we will be right back. ree r thevla wos inge o ats te dee s d foe t , ew cal thly% raeer swes ne llll ju caesac
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tuav thci usve n suyo rand tuswne swta™ (voice 2) how bad is it? (voice 1) traffic's off the chart... (voice 2) they're pinging more targets... (voice 3) isolate... prevent damage... (voice 2) got 'em. (voice 3) great exercise guys. let's run it again.
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jane: call at the chicago shocker. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute the city has been eliminated from the first round of the running to host the 2016 olympics. the games have not been hoping -- posted in this country since atlanta in 1996. now it is between rio de janeiro and madrid. the announcement will be made in 30 minutes. do we know what is happening? >> we know that there will be a lot of second-guessing, boast
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about the presentation to chicago made in its -- both about the presentation chicago made in its bid for the 2016 olympics, and the president's decision to come to copenhagen and make a bid. mr. obama did not have much choice, as they noted that the winners of the 2012 and 2014 games, london and russia respectively, sent their heads of government. but there are people who said that president obama should not come here and make a personal pitch, especially in light of the fact that some people in chicago did not want to have the games. in the end, the u.s. presentation may not have been as strong as some of the political measures used both by the two of finalists, brazil and spain. chicago felt it had the best venues in terms of competition,
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but president does silva of brazil made an emotional appeal. he noted that there have been 30 olympics in europe, a dozen in north america, but none in south america at all. he said it is time to address this imbalance. for others, the 2016 games would just be a game, but for brazil and south america, it would be an unparalleled achievement. meanwhile, many people on the olympic committee -- an emotional appeal was made as well by it the president of spain. he said, i'm 89 years old. the 26 games could be the last chance i have for the games to be in my home wound -- homeland. we will find out half an hour
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from now whether the games will be held in spain, putting them in europe for the third time in a row, or whether they will be held for the very first time in south america, which was one of the front runners. jon: as we just mentioned, is now a battle between two cities, rio de janeiro and madrid. the election is over, and the announcement should come in under 30 minutes. no consolation to folks in chicago, but rio is most likely anxiously awaiting the bottom of the our announcement. we have steve in chicago. let's go to steve. a gloomy mood?
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>> a chicago residents have a little bit more to be singing about. their best possible foot was put forward and they had the most persuasive speaker in the world in front of the international olympic committee. certainly there's a lot of disappointment in and around the area. this is a city they could use an infusion of cash, something in the neighborhood of $5 billion debt. how is this the city that could use it the most? not necessarily.
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but explaining how the vote went probably will not make much of a difference to chicago president today -- residents today, could gathered in daley plaza and now are shaking their heads, wondering how we could come in fourth. jon: let's go to rio. they must be feeling good about their chances there. >> about 10,000 people are gathered on the white sands of cabana beach for what they hope will be a positive announcement in the hours after the elimination of chicago, which was seen as rio de janeiro's main rival. the president of brazil says that these olympics are not just about rich countries were just supposed to be in europe or the united states. for brazil, this is seen as a
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key moment in its own development as a world power, with riches in agriculture and oil. this is the key moments for brazil, something there hoping to do, and in the last hour, there is a surge in confidence. we expect to grow in the tens of thousands. jon: terrible poverty, a terrible crime. how did they expect to address those and bring the olympics in? >> two things strike you here. the first is the natural beauty, the climate in general, and appealing and very visual place. a stunning background.
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but your worn almost immediately about the crime problem -- you are worn almost immediately about the crime problem. they're extremely crowded, and some of them for the police here are no-go zones. you have shoot outs and gun battles with the poor, with the police, and with the drug barons. it is a deadly city as for home sites go -- as far as homicides go, and to make sure everyone is kept safe is a real hurdle. part of the way brazil would do that was to invest money in security. the government would be paying $14 billion, more than 3.5 times chicago's failed bid. jon: steve is there in rocking rio, where they are quite
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expected to -- expectant. jane: the president and general stanley mcchrystal met for about 20 minutes on air force one, talking about the war in afghanistan and where efforts are headed. as you know, general mcchrystal has been requesting more troops. there has been disagreement over that in the administration. we will talk about it in a couple of minutes. jon: it is essentially like taking two lives with one. that is how the cbc is characterizing the debts of 28 pregnant women nationwide who contracted the h1n1 flu virus. bad least 100 more had been hospitalized since the outbreak.
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mary ann is live from atlanta. what about these deaths? what to expect and others know -- what should expect and mothers know? >> as of august, 100 pregnant women have been hospitalized in intensive care units, and 28 of them died as a result of swine flu. once again, they are urging pregnant women to get vaccinated. vaccinations will be available starting this tuesday, but pregnant women cannot have the nasal missed. they must wait to get the actual shot. doctors say that pregnant women should not hesitate to get into by rules once they start feeling sick. jon: 1 are held official saying about why women are at greater risk when pregnant? >> doctors are saying there could be a few reasons for that. one is that it puts pressure on
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the lungs, making it difficult to take deep breaths, which are important when you talk about fighting pneumonia. the immune system of a pregnant woman does undergo changes. that makes them more susceptible. other children in the home could also bring h1n1 home and give it to their mothers. jon: they're talking about co- infections, right? >> those are different things. co-infections were addressed by the cbc yesterday. they say that in a lot of cases where somebody died, and we're talking about one full -- swine flu deaths, there were other secondary infections present, such as pneumonia. so they are urging people with underlying conditions to get a pneumonia shot, something they tell high-risk groups to do anyway, but especially now you should talk to your doctor about
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a pneumonia shot. jane: new developments for the future of well-being and every other american. the senate finance committee has hammered out its version of health care reform in a dramatic fashion ending in the wee hours of this morning. what will be passed and becoming law? we will be filled in on the future of health care in this country. over 300 prescriptions are just four dollars. four dollars. imagine that.
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jon: a senate committee clears a major el hurdle for health care reform afterburning midnight oil. now, the real battle begins. work on a bill was finished just after 2:00 eastern time this morning. the next step is preparing for historic floor debates on what could be the biggest fundamental changes the lives of every american that we have seen today -- to date.
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senator, what do you think about the work your committee turned out this morning? >> frankly, i am discouraged about the process and outcome. we are going to vote on a committee bill that has not yet been britain next week, and in russia is too strong to move this to the floor before we get legislative review. but is ultimately going to be more than a thousand pages, been extensive -- the government into control of our health care sector, and a large part of direct taxes are going to fall squarely on the middle-class dead. jon: the president said he would
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not increase taxes at all on middle-class americans. you say if he were to sign the legislation, it would be a broken campaign for office? >> he absolutely. we have the data now. the penalty that will be enclosed, there will be 60% to 80%. the level on deductions will be increased to people have fewer deductions. and it will have people pay more taxes because of removed deductions, in the category of people that obama's that would not pay taxes. jon: the question is whether there's enough bipartisan support to make it out of the senate.
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some people say yes. >> there really is not even a bill. the senate leadership on the democratic side is already writing the bill to market what was in the market by senator kennedy, and that bill, which has a full-blown option in it, will be the one that is merged and come to the senate floor. we do not even know yet what comes to the floor, but if it is anything like peter finance bill or the bill kennedy helped write, is a heavy hand for the federal government. i did not think that is what the american people wanted when they say they want reform. most americans want reform, but when they say that, they want to
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see the skyrocketing cost of health care brought under control and better access to meaningful health care for those who are uninsured or underinsured. and neither of these bills address those issues. jane: 12 minutes from now, we're expecting the international olympic committee to announce the decision on who will be the host city for the 2016 summer games. chicago eliminated in the first round after had a profile -- a high-profile bid by the president and first lady. we will talk to david axelrod
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jane: we are waiting for the
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international olympic committee to announce with the 2016 summer games will be held. we expect an announcement eight or nine minutes or so. right now we go to move rio de janeiro and madrid. shockingly, chicago was eliminated in the first round, even after president obama and his wife flew to copenhagen to make a pitch for their hometown. tabled -- david axelrod joins us. why did chicago go, and why so quickly? >> i do not pretend to be an expert on the politics of the ioc. obviously, madrids bid was led by a former president's speech. but there was never a guarantee. this president is proud to make
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the bid. we're disappointed it did not work out, but life goes on. jane: is their pushback, with members saying that you cannot bring your present here and tell us how to vote? >> no, i do not think that. there are plenty of examples in the past. but there has been an intensive lobbying going on for a long time. there are relationships and politics that are formidable in the area, and we could not overcome that. i think everyone agrees that the president and first level -- first lady made presentations that chicago could be proud of. the committee just decided to go another way.
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jane: one critic says that this indicates a decline of american influence. your reaction? >> anybody at united nations last week were at the d-20, where the president was a strong president -- anybody at the united nations last week or at the g-20, where the president was a strong presence, i do not think they would say that. the olympic committee has its own politics transcending these things, and we could not overcome them. but critics are part of this business, and they will say what they will. if the president had not gone, they will say that they should have done it. and that is the nature of the business. if you cannot live with that, you should not be here. jane: another question for you.
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the president said the only reason he sat down martha: martha -- sat down with mcchrystal on the trip is that he needed a justification. >> he did not need any justification. he left at 7 last night and will be back at noon. this was not a huge investment of time. it was an investment of sleep, but it was well worth it. he met with mcchrystal with, -- he met with general mcchrystal because mcchrystal was in london. it made sense for them to get together. jane: david axelrod, a senior obama advisor, turning us from the north lawn of the white house. -- david axelrod, a senior obama adviser, joining us from the north lawn of the white house. thank you very much. jon: unfortunately, your home town.
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jane: somebody just send me an e-mail and said that i should have made brownies. jon: their party and -- they are partying in rio. one of these two cities will win the right to host the games in an announcement expected in just a few minutes. sqñg gecko vo: you see, it's not just telling people geico could save 'em hundreds on car insurance. it's actually doing it.
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jon: a major announcement from denmark could come in any moment when the international olympic committee is about to pick its choice or announce its choice for the 2016 olympic games. the vote taken just about an hour ago. the announcement is expected in the second out. chicago and tokyo eliminated in the first and second rounds, and two cities remain. that is rio de janeiro on the left. madrid on the right at 79 degrees. we are talking about the summer games, after all. as soon as the pick is announced, we will bring it to you live. in the meantime, we have the chief operating officer of the 1996 atlanta games, the last games held in the united states. are you surprised, as someone in chicago are right now? >> i am, and disappointed. i live in chicago -- i lived in
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chicago for 15 years. it is a great sports town. it has all the facilities you could want for the games. it would have been spectacular for the olympics. athens came back in 1990 and bid again and won. there is no reason to think chicago would not begin and win at a second try. jon: in spite of 9/11, new york city applied the last time around and was shot down. >> well, keep in mind that america's had the winter and summer games a lot. the 1980 games, the salt lake city games. i just talked to a friend of mine who is in copenhagen and
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was at the meeting, and i think that the reason that we came out short is we did not have a natural consistency. almost always, there is a hometown favorite. you have to vote for these guys at least one. -- once. hometown favorites were going to be madrid, latin vote's going to rio, asian vote's going to japan. so you had to when alliances for mothers who had promised to their first vote to a hometown -- you had to win alliances from others who had promised their first vote to hometown favorites.
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jon: what i am getting to is the idea that now, all of the sudden, statements -- statesmen are going. president obama joined the leaders of other countries in making a pitch to a host the olympics. what'd you think about that? >> the united states is unique in the world in that we do not have a national funding body for sports. we have the olympics committee of the united states, which is chartered by lot to raise money. that is a complicating factor. when they go to rio or madrid or barcelona or london or beijing, the entire government goes on, including bonding and all of these sums. so the financial security of a national government is a key.
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that means that statesmen are going to be involved. jon: we're looking at right of the screen on that announcement coming live from copenhagen. this is the international olympic committee announcement of the vote that was taken just about 30 minutes ago. i do not believe that they are ready to announce that yet. do i have that right? so we are there live, and when the announcement is out, we will bring it to you. go ahead. >> as you know, the lowest vote- getter was eliminated first. that was chicago. and they feel now probably like the last the constituency. i was betting on rio de dish narrow -- de janeiro, but when i found out that the president of spain had made a plea for madrid at age 89, i have been with you all these years and i'm
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asking you for support, recognizing that many committee members were appointed by him. a lot of pressure there. jon: is that politics? >> i call a big-time politics. politics of the most intense soared. unfortunately, as we have seen in american politics, those kind of things happened there, also. jon: a.d., thank you. jane: out of tennessee, we have been watching this case where someone broke into a mother's house, stab her and took the baby. -- stab her and took the baby. >> in natural, they have the
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bureau -- in national netbook -- in nashville, this woman was threatened with a kitchen knife. her baby boy was taken. this is the suspect sketch. the police are telling me this morning that they have growing concerns over antony carrillo's well-being. they have growing concerns because they are not convinced that the person who took the child can take care of it. they describe him as a chubby baby with a mane of black hair, wearing a white-and-blue swansea. we have been following this story closely and one of the things we learned is that the mother made a plea through an interpreter, because she does not speak english, and she has
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stab wounds on her neck and chest and throat all of the pain, she said she just wants all of her baby back. she ran from our house to get help, had to leave the house to get help, if you can believe that. but she still got a good description. the track down one person who it but was a person of -- who they thought was a person of interest. so now they know who they're looking for. a sad situation. an amber alert in nashville, tennessee. jane: hopefully this will help. we will keep watching it. president obama and the commander of forces in afghanistan, general stanley mcchrystal, they met on air force one while it was on the ground. the administration is conducting a review of the afghan war strategy.
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general mcchrystal told a group in london this week that he wants tens of thousands of more troops to be on the ground to more effectively fight the taliban. tony schaefer is with the center for advanced defense studies. for advanced defense studies. >> there is nothing better than having the commander in the field talking to his boss about what he needs, and it's up like that is what happened. there was a clear and distinct conversation about what is going on. i think the president was able
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to get a good sense of the nuances which cannot come across the a found -- via phone. no one disputes the strategy. it is every administration's rights. obama takes larger policy objective and translate them into actual actions which can be accomplished. i hope as a citizen and one looks at this academically that that communication will now result some level of the way ahead. ahead.
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jane: does the assumption need to be challenged, or is that the reality of what needs to happen? >> i will be blunt here. i was on the ground with general mcchrystal. we knew then that the taliban was taking over the country. there is no debate. the taliban has resurrected itself and become strong. i don't believe there's any evidence that it will back off and become a threat. there is no equivocation here. the other thing we of to realize -- the other thing we have to realize is that you need stability and the reason. part of the focuses on stability
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here. the taliban is a threat to the ultimate stability, something we must look at realistically. jane: lieutenant-colonel, thank you. we will keep watching. thanks. jon: an explosion of violence in somalia where rival militias are battling to keep their forces under control. federal agents are keeping a close eye. after year of seen the terrorist groups, counter-terrorism groups say that they should be setting their sights on the united states. we're live in washington with new information. is this group seeing -- is this group seen as a threat? >> what is being documented is at least one american has acted as a suicide bomber in somalia last year, and the fbi is now investigating a second case of an american acting as a suicide bomber earlier in september.
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third, the somali president said this week at the strategic studies center that they believe many people are form fighters in the country now. the country now. for the first time, the fbi director has said in the record that it is possible. let's listen. >> we have seen some information, that the leaders who would like to undertake operations outside of somalia -- >> that is significant because earlier this year there was a
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documented case where members of this terrorist group tried to launch a plot and australia, so attacking western interests is not unprecedented now. jon: thank you. jane: again, we're still waiting for a decision from the international olympic committee in copenhagen. who will be hosting the 2016 games? it will not be chicago. they were eliminated in the first round. they're deathly seeing the blues today. -- there are definitely singing the blues today. tter? one pack. 6 days. that's elations. new elations. clinically proven to improve joint comfort... in as little as six days. drinking it every day keeps it working. elations has clinically proven levels... of glucosamine and chondroitin, in a powerful form that's more absorbable...
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it is not chicago, not tokyo. they have both been eliminated. rio de janeiro and madrid, spain, are in the running. we will let you know as soon is to make initial announcement. -- we will let you know as soon as they make the initial announcement. jon: some speed demons are getting better odds in beating the system. anita is live in los angeles with more on that. what are we talking about? >> it is not only for people intentionally trying to beat red lights. sometimes people get caught up in a red light cameras. a guy has come up with a mac and download to your smartphone, such as and i found -- such as
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and iphone that will show you where red light cameras are and speed traps, designed to help drivers say a little money. >> that is austin powers telling us there is a bad light camera. we will see it right up here. >> austin powers and arnold schwarzenegger are just two voices on your smartphone that can save you from a traffic ticket. >> this one here is about $400. >> this new service is one of the most downloaded mobile applications around. >> it is really good. it keeps people eyes on the road. >> california highway patrol officers are not so sure.
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well that are not officially against applications, they believe that drivers do not need any more distraction. >> there are so many things people feel they need to do making their commute when they should be 100% concentrating on driving and their surroundings. >> real quick, the maker of the application says that one of the reasons it is not distracting is because that there are boys alerts. -- voice alerts. austin powers, arnold schwarzenegger. he will tell you where the red light traffic cameras are. you should always keep it mounted on a dashboard amount, which is less distracting there, as well. before jon: are you going to tell us about your speeding ticket? >> let's just say it was very expensive, and i am going to be downloading this application to
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my phone soon. jane: we are watching closely as the olympic committee is getting ready to announce its selection for the 2016 games. madrid and rio. >> the results will be brought in now. [inaudible] >> the games for the two dozen 16 olympics are awarded to the city of -- rio de janeiro but boy. [applause] --
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rio de janeiro.
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jon: they are going to be partying in some of -- sam batown. madrid is beaten out during the final round of voting. and chicago, the first round. steve, as it roared gone up from the street in chicago? -- has a report gone up from the streets? >> there was a scream, car horns are beginning to harper its several thousand people behind me have gathered to watch. it will really be a party here tonight. about and doesn't people out there now, and that is expected to grow by the thousands. certainly a remarkable achievement.
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the pitches been made that these are not north american games european games, or games for wealthy people only, but international games. it seems like that lee has been heard by the olympic committee. they're prepared to spend $14 billion on those games and will have their work cut out for them. they will have some challenges, as well, challenges in infrastructure, just driving around the city. you get bottleneck very quickly. challenges and hotel rooms, as well. kerr ships will even be docked in the water to accommodate many visitors. but the biggest challenge will be security. it is a beautiful city, but deadly dangerous, one of the highest homicide rates in the world. there could be a real difficulty in trying to keep this place is
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safe. but it is a joyous moment right now of anticipation. this is a growing world power. it is one of the top-10 economies and it has been increasing, not only with tremendous agricultural rectors, but with newly-discovered oil riches, as well. it has been a powerful player in south america. it sees itself as a world power, and certainly these olympic games, as we have seen in the past, are attempting to put the bill on the world stage, a division itself. and moment of joy right now and rio de janeiro.
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jane: more reaction. peter, your reaction to the choice of rio? >> added is a great choice. -- i think it is a great choice. it is a great choice for the brazilians and for the whole continent of south america. in many cases, they were the favorite all along, and they want. but -- and they wonder. everyone came in second place. it is one continent that is developed and has incredible countries. not just developed brazil, but argentina, chilly, and other countries.
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they had the pan-am games, and in this case, they've won, surprisingly. jane: what about questions that were just raised about having prep work to do? there is a significant crime problem. there are security issues. >> olympic games -- you know, every olympic game gets tarred with the fact that they will have bad traffic, that security combat finances and everything else -- bad security, that finances, everything else. they will have the world cup is two years before, which is agreed -- a great way to get their country better for the olympic games. jane: why was a chicago eliminated so early? >> you have to look at how many votes they got.
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that could have happened to any other city. it is a case where voters are wanting to -- i think they soon from the presentation that chicago was going to be ok. had it could of been any of the other three, in my view. her rio was the most sentimental choice, they were very emotional and asking to be included in the rest of the world. i think it is exciting. jon: i just wonder about the effect of the beijing olympics. chinese olympics -- they outdid thlvh th construction. city was absolutely transformed. obviously the olympics committee thinks brazil has the ability to match that? >> i think in a different way.
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they did have the pan am games. they did them very well, and the world got a chance to see that. it is a precedent, so the people of rio will -- you know, brazil is on the uptick. it is getting better in the economy and what leadership and better with most everything they do. they will have their own problems like every other country but i think that the international olympic committee said it is time for south america. jane: a lot of people will make hay about the presidential visit. in of this process? >> the only effective as a positive one. frankly, the country shows respect for the movement.
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if he had not gone, he will be vilified for not going, and they would have tried to blame him. i think he made friends. pat ryan and the whole group in chicago -- i thought i watched all of the presentations. they were just fantastic. rio had an edge. they had held on for too long, they should be able to play like other continents had. you want tokyo? that is not good. they were sitting there. they had a huge competitive edge. edge.


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