tv Red Eye FOX News October 4, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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[ laughter ] tha >> that is a wrap on newswatchn this week. we want to thank marissa, jim,k cal thomas and juan williams.e come back from washington. it is fun up here, juan.>> i >> this is a good show. >> thanks for joining us. keep it right here on fox news channel. we'll see you again next week. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. welcome to "red eye." it is like password if bypass you mean safe. let's go to tv's andy levy for the pregame report. andy, what is coming up on tonights in show? >> everybody down here in america's news headquarters is filled with glow that jane lynch is going to be on the show tonight. also, the latest al-qaeda tactic. suicide bombers with explosives in their colons. look at the silent but deadly threat. plus, president obama wants to extend the school day and school year. we will investigate why he hates the chiren. anfinally,s franc mad at the united states. some say it is over the arrest of filmmak and child molester
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roman polanski. others say who gives a crap, it's france. >> the wall at. >> i'm here with remy spencer. >> comedy jo dee veto, what a delight. i, bill schulz, he stinks of december penetration in pain. and mike baker, former cia operative. if fierce commentary were a cantaloupe i would slice him in half and scoop out his tender flesh every morning. our "new york times" correspondent, good to see you again, pinch. >> greg, a certain cia operative rolled me up into a ball and used me to kill a greenroom caterer because he didn't put skill man skim milks latte. it rhymes with smike, smabek.
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>> propaganda emerged about an al-qaeda terrorist bragging about his suicide attack. the bomb he is showing to the cameraman, show it. maybe he already showed it. was smuggled inside his body. the terrorist was able to safety pass through several metal detectors under the guise of a turncoat there to reveal al-qaeda's secrets. the cell phone device went off but it those he targeted escaped serious harm. the chilling new attack raises the question are airport security lines about to get worse via random body cavity searches on the lookout for explosives? god, i hope so. i mean not. meanwhile, a panda. they're beautiful. i just needed that to raise my
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spirits after hearing about this. mike, two years ago, i asked you on the show and i said the biggest threat i was worried about was people being able to shove explosives into their rectum and i'm right. >> how omah omnipotent are you. >> when you said that we were talking about hollywood gossip. >> while we were looking at the cute panda, bill actually muttered they should die out. >> greg: this is scary because explosives and technology are getting smaller and smaller to the point where it will be the size of a suppository and what are we going to do. >> and all the people are thinking this is ripe for jokes. but this is serious. and think of the body as nothing other than a delivery mechanism for explosives. whether it is a car, a back pack, whatever it may be. and you think about the mindset that allows someone to do this. to shove an explosive up their
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backside and then wait for someone to dial a cell phone which they did, you had to have it triggered by a cell phone, knowing they were going to explode. now, the good thing here was that the explosive charge was not powerful enough to kill the intended target but all you got to do is extrapolate and think about how serious this is. not so much because of the delivery mechanism but again the mindset that allows the extremists to think this is how much i hate you and this is what i'm going to do and this is the problem we have looking at whether it is afghanistan, iraq or just al-qaeda in general. as a western society we don't understand how sick the mind is of the extremists and how in it tent they are on damaging us. >> greg: you are basically saying, mike, if i can get this straight that they are not good people. >> the reason i'm allowed to appear on "red eye" is because you are so iightful. >> greg: that might be the best answer i have got about the
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evil, evil doers. >> that's not bad. >> greg: are we going to be strip searched? am i going to have foreign hands grappling at my bottom parts? >> we are talking about two different things, our rights and your body parts. no, we are not going to have anybody doing anything that you just described. i think mike brings up a good reason that we should be fearful. another thing is, you know, that struck me in this story was that the reports were saying that the met detectors were utter useless in determining or detecting these devices. and if that is the case, then everything we are doing in the airports right now is insufficient to protect us. >> metal detectors need forseps. >> there is a spectru spectrumt th operate o and you can adjust the sensitivity. obviously they didn't have it for [ bleep ] penetration or whatever the situation like
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this. it is not quite as dire as that. >> greg: isn't that a dvd, bill, that you once starred? >> iavo bring joe int ishis gog change the way you travel. are you going to be like bill and go by uni cycle now? you are too scared that somebody might have somebody -- something up there? >> thanks for the hot leadedin. >> as everybody goes through airport security they are given a bran muffin and then there is a cooling off period and if they can get past irwin for the colon detox hype that is how we know they are in for a smooth trip, if you know what i mean. >> greg: i hear you. >> we are constantly playing catchup with these people because they are continually thinking about do iting us in and we have to slowly figure out a way to stop them and then they find something else. >> as usual you come to me with
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problems and i come to you with problems solved. greg, i have started going to airports and volunteering for the body cavity searches. i insist on them. that makes me the real hero. >> greg: from asses to classes. what makes kids cringe and parents rejoice? it's not sponge cake. i'm talking about shortening summer vacation. it could happen if the fun infringing president gets his way. obama says american kids spend too little time in class and acknowledges longer school days and school years wouldn't be popular but "the cal lengths of a new century demand more time in the classroom. we asked a group of concerned students for comment. >> do you want a treat? do you want to go in the car? do you want to go have dinner? do you want your dinner? or do you want to go to the park? awww. >> remy, those really werend students. those are pugs. they were dogs.
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>> oh, my goodness. >> greg: i dawn want to -- >> they are so cute. >> greg: let me go, joe, why don't we -- what is the point of putting them through more school when the problem here right now is jobs that where we are putting kids through school but they have no discernible skills. they force them -- force them to get work after school or something. >> i think if we can try and catch up. we will never catch up with the asian kids. i don't care how many extra hours of school they give them. maybe they could make gym classes so our kids won't be so fat. they are disgusting. >> greg: mike, is he turning us into a nation of egg heads? >> joe? >> greg: the president. >> because joe right me. i asked my own daughter for her opinion on this and we talked about this actually this evening over dinner approving that i can always bring my family into any subject that you ask about and this is her quote. i'm quoting from her. she said it sucks.
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stupidest idea ever. if they make summer school mandatory, i won't go. she predicts uprising and chaos in the streets. is coming from the teenagers of america. i rest my case. >> greg: i think this goes back to the fundamental belief in obama that we ever just stupid people and we have to be more like europe and he does that whenever he goes out there he is always apologizing for our idiotcy. he thinks our kids are stupid. we invented big bird. we did, right, bill? >> i think the whole echelon of sesame street characters. >> crystal meth. >> it was not invented anywhere but not united states. >> that is not a compelling fact. >> greg: we invented the disease rickets. >> we did. >> that was pirates. >> no, that is scurvy. >> the underlying assumption is that we are all stupid and we
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need more schooling. >> by us you mean we at the table. >> i don't know if that is what the president is saying but i think that we all agree we need to concern we need to remain competitive and i think it starts at a young age and that is what the president is saying. however, when i read the story, i saw two major issues. one is about the education of the students and the other are the child care issues that most working families are forced to deal with on a daily basis. ' we start giving federal money to local schools i want to be clear that it is going for education and not necessarily millions and millions for child care. i mean i think -- >> greg: turning teachers into daycare. >> baby sitters, exactly. that is a business separate and apart. themnk maybe we can bring them together let's not pretend one is not the other. >> we want just enough education for the children of america so they know it is not
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a smart idea to shove an explosive up their ass. >> greg: bill, you are not allowed near any school at any time so if they have kids staying later and through the summer it means more alone time for you. >> i wasn't even invited to my devry reunion, greg. i didn't get the invite. i thought it was an idiot move on the presidents it part. kids can't vote but teachers can. then i thought about it a little more and i thought this is brilliant. parents don't want to spend any more time with the horrible ingrateful fat little runts and they will vote as well. >> you get the parents and you don't get the teach evers. >> weighs itself out. >> greg: obama makes a good point about the fact that the school year is based on an economy back in the day you would go to school for nine months and then three months you would work on something called a farm.
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the actual place where i guess they get the animals. >> wait, is this the librarian economy? >> greg: no, it was like a zoo, right? >> pretty much. >> bring the food in and feed the animals. >> bring the food into the zoo and feed the animals and what happened is the whole system of schooling was based on this circus like atmosphere. >> no wonder they didn't learn anything. >> greg: they didn't learn a damn thing. >> they wore overalls didn't they? >> now, that we are not based on the strange economy maybe it is time to look at it in a different light and say maybe the kids should work year round, possibly as slaves? >> i think what would be nice is there is so much things that they cut, the sports and arts programs and maybe make these things electives for the kids who want to stick around and care about learning. that would be nice. i went to public school so i would like to have had the extra time to purchase marijuana and watch people make
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out in the hallway. >> greg: and also to learn to read. >> yes, reading is important. >> look where it has gotten you. >> greg: people are such idiots. if the next segment were a subway we would be getting off at awesomeville, population you leprechauns. a roman's day of roaming over? look at his hair fly like that. they said it would never last. but it's been two months, and you're still going strong. glade lasting impressions. two fragrances alternate to keep things... fresh and exciting day after day. - and not just for 30 days. - ( inhales deeply, sighs ) but for 60. it's the longest-lasting plugins ever. get freshness that won't fade away for 60 days.
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bone strength to help prevent fractures. do not take actonel if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes. follow all dosing instructions. stop taking actonel and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain, or severe or continuing heartburn. these may be signs of serious upper-digestive problems. promptly tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint, or muscle pain, or if you develop dental problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. call now for a free trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and help reverse bone loss. >> greg: it started in a hot
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tub and 32 years later -- i wish i could count -- he is still in hot water. academy award winning film director roman poe lan ski was arrested in switzerland which is a country. >> no. >> greg: it's true. and faces extradition. try to make these words simple. >> karch: people. to the united states to face sexual that he sexually aah assaulted a 13-year-old girl 32 years ago. a petition has been signed by filmmakers and actors and harvey weinstein even called for his release. france is calling the arrest "a bit sinister." as the french culture minister said, it is also a scary america that has shown its face. he went off on a delightful bicycle cradling a hard loaf of bread.
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>> really? >> it. >> greg: i have no idea. you are demanding too much of me. remy, you are the lawyer here. all right, the guy is guilty of rape. he made a plea and then he fled the country. he paid off the victim. how could people be upset that he is getting arrested? it is his own fault forgetting caught again. he deserves to come back here. >> it blows me away that any person can believe someone who violently, physically and sexually attacks a 13-year-old girl, he penetrated her, he admit the his guilt. he used alcohol and drugs to do so. a 13-year-old girl. he plead guilty and before sentencing he fled. he became a fugitive. he obstructed the administration. >> doesn't matter that the victim no longer wants him prosecuted because it is about him fleeing. >> it is not just about him fleeing. but no, because the county prosecutors don't represent the
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victims. they never do. they represent the people of the community. and it is to prevent someone from committing a crime. punishing them and making sure that they don't commit other crimes. the fact that time has passed does not change anything. the fact that they saw their opportunity, could execute this arrest warrant and prosecute him for it with a perfectly lawful and proper thing and the fact that he is caucasian male who is wealthy and famous is the reason people are up in arms about it. if it was one of my clients, who aren't those three things, people wouldn't be up in arms. >> greg: you know, remy, i just wanted kind of a funny answer. >> i see your point. you are absolutely right. >> greg: joe, a lot of people in the european press are saying this is another example of what they called scary america that we are so behind the times that we can't understand the sophistication
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of just letting time pass. >> this is why a lot of people myself included hear about international systems of justice and we get very afraid. if europe wants to take all of our rapists we will be glad to send them over there. for them to argue because he is an award winning director and all that that he should be excused from this, it is disgusting. i realize it was probably the awful rosemary's baby that put him up to this. he admitted guilt. >> he had a rough life. no doubt he had a rough life. lost his parents in the holocaust and lost his family but that doesn't mean you can rape somebody. >> wait a second. point of issue here. how dare joe say europe should take all the rapists? that is what australia is for. >> greg: this next segment is incredibly awesome or awesomely incredible. why is lynch zoogleaful energy
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partly because she is on meth and we poured a low grain sedative dative into her coffee. cheez-it® bakes so much real cheese... in such small bites, people are wondering, how does cheez-it® do it? - i know! - three, two, one. ( beeping, whirring ) ♪ - baking complete! - ( bell dings ) cheez-it®! where do you come up with this stuff? hi, dad! lots and lots of cheese baked into little, little bites. cheez-it®. the big cheese.
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>> you want to be in the spot light, face it, you want it be me. here is the deal, you deal with your depressing -- do with your depressing little group of kids what i did with my wealthy elderly mother. euthanize them, it's time and i will be happy to offer you a job as my second assistant. fetch me gatorade and launder my soiled delicates. very rewarding work for you. >> greg: it is out to conquer television one saucy musical number at a time. that was our awesome look at the new shoggly o show, glee o.
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the head coach of the cheer leading squad and arch nemesis of the gle kids. we are pleased to have back on the program jane lynch. always a pleasure to have you back here. what is the response to far to your character? >> people really hike how hateful she is. i don't know what that says about america. but she is a heinous human being and people seem to resonate with her. >> she reminds me of, i tried to see her as a comparison of mr. smith from lost in space and alice from the brady bunch because there is this kind of dark evil but she is also incredibly likeable. >> i think because she thinks it toss delicious to be so hateful and she gets a charge out of being a real bad person and you can see the twinkle in her eye when she says the horrible politically incorrect things. >> greg: why is it so easy for
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you to -- just seems like the character flows naturally out of you. is it hard for you to do this person? >> no, no, no, she is right on my surface. i don't have to go very deep. i pluck her right out. it's real easy. >> greg: i could see you in line like in the hammer, i could see you in real life in line when you need something turning into that person. >> oh, absolutely. i'm not fond of that person at all. i walk around like a kind of light person and sweet but you know, you push me the wrong way and i'm sue sylvester. i'll go sylvester on you. >> greg: if people haven't soon gle yet, could you describe the character to them? >> i play a kind of a nazi like cheer leading coach who is obviously working out some kind of revenge, you know, she is very vengeful, maybe she was a nerd in high school, i don't know but really lives to make the glee kids suffer and wants
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to squash their little spirits and she won't let anything stand in her way from destroying them frankly. >> greg: there is always when your character is talking there is an implied threat, all the time that if you do not submit to her wishes something bad will befall you and a lot of the stuff is behind the scenes the things you do. will your character be moving into a certain kind of more violent aspect soon? >> she is not blatantly violent but she does hint at it all the time. but there will be some moments in her trajectory this season where we will actually maybe feel a little compassion for her. it won't last very long because she will put the knife back in somebody's back. she doesn't act out in a violent way but there is always that unspoken threat, yes. >> greg: i was going to say because i was assuming at some point like all tv series they have to open up a little window of compassion where they say
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well, this person isn't totally evil and i'm hoping they don't do that with you. >> they don't. this is ryan murphy. ryan murphy is not going to do anything con trived or t.v. like. i will not do the self-reflective moment. i'm not giving out a lot of hugs ever. >> greg: speaking of, now, you have -- you don't have love interests, you have hate interests which is an interesting thing for a character. you pursue it the same way someone will pursue a romance in a way. will there be a love interest or maybe an obsession for a stalking perhaps? >> there will be. i have a crush on a gentleman and i get my little heart crushed so that is the moment when maybe we'll have some compassion for her. and i understand we have been back nine andthe beaconing and
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i understand i'm going to do horrible things to people in the cast because they hurt me. she will get her revenge. >> greg: are you going to be singing at all? i have seen three episodes. to you sing at all? >> no, but i will dance. you didn't miss it. i haven't sung. but i did dance which i have no business doing. i do a dance with matt morrison where i flip him around like he is a little girl. but they have threatened that they will give me a musical number so i'm excited for that. >> greg: i can't wait. last word, were you excited, i mean surprised by i guess the success of glee. did you know it was going to be as well received? >> i knew it was special and i knew it was wonderful and great and that a lot of talented people were in it. but i have done a lot of things that i thought were good and they never saw the light of day or never caught on. i wouldn't have been surprised if it went the other way. the fact that it seems people are grabbing ahold of this. the underdogs wanting their voice to be heard it is really
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gratifying and i'm really glad. >> greg: my prediction is you are getting an emmy next year. i put my money on that. >> thank you, jane, so much. glee airs wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the big fox television network. should you have a comment on the show e-mail us at to leave a comment 212-462-5050. still to come, the halftime report from tv's andy levy. tonights it halftime report is sponsored by fun, the moments that provide amusement or enjoyment accompanied by playful or boisterous words and actions. thanks, fun. [ bottle #1 ] oh hey, hey...
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there's that mr. clean magic eraser thing again. clean freak. [ bottle #2 ] whoa... is he better than us? uh, i mean, i mean i feel like it took you like three times longer to do whatever he did... dude, dude, he's got...these -- like -- microscrubbers... yeah, i guess... magic man. he's a magic man. what? i just want to be squeezed. [ male announcer ] remove three times more grime per swipe and get this unbeatable clean guaranteed or your money back with the mr. clean magic eraser.
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and we start talking about the stupid jokes. >> i wasn't even at the meeting and i knew about the meeting. >> greg, when you are asking if we will have foreign hands grappling at our body parts in airports try not to look so hopeful. not cool. obama wants to extend the school year. greg, i don't know where to start with what you think egrarian means. the whole point is that we used to be based on an egrarian economy and the education secretary says not too many of our kids are working the fields today. that maybe is the problem. send them out to work in the fields like we used to when we
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were growing up. >> greg: back in the egrarian economy. >> yes. also apparently the school kids came up with a new song. he says he will make our school year long, can't think of anything more wrong, boo, booion boo, barack hussein obama. how can quickly they turn. mike, your daughter says if they make summer school mandatory she won't go. i'm not sure she understands the meaning of mandatory. >> her quote, it sucks. time to go out to the fields. >> greg, you made a big deal about how much smarter americans are than other people. you said that crystal meth couldn't have been invented anywhere but in the u.s. actually it was invent by a japanese chemist. that is where the song
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domo origoto, mr. roboto. remy, you made a case for my polanski needs to be punished. he is a artiste and shouldn't be held to your petfy morals. >> i don't think i will try to defense with any of clients. >> he couldn't go to the oscars to receive his best director awards. hasn't he been punished enough. >> if he would have shown up in court for the sentencing he would have long served his time and would have been there to receive the oscar. >> tie him to a chair and make him watch frantic. >> that was a terrible movie. >> that was the least named movie ever. so boring. joe, you said it is disgusting that some people think because he is an academy award winning producer he shouldn't be
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punished. debra winger said we hope it will be dropped. it is based on a three decade old case that is all but dead for minor technicalities. we stand by and wait for his release and next master work. i hope you learned something there. >> who said that? >> debra winger said that. >> greg: isn't she getting married? possibly the worst movie ever made. there you go, debra winger. >> somebody needs a job. >> people who think pola nski shouldn't be brought back to america to be sen tenne sentene racist. >> polanski means perverted gnome in polish. >> way to insult the entire country of poland. >> i'm done. >> thank you, andy. see you in the back end. >> welcome back our guests, remy spencer.
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criminal defense attorney. she knows hearings like i know earrings. and mike baker, former cia operative. he knows spies like i attract flies. imagine rag di raggedy ann buth head lice. as with every vaguely creepy gwenon of these dolls, again has other own. her life is far more harsh and includes a daddy that up and bolted, a mom who has fallen on hard times and both of them living in the back of their car. she is totally homeless and said she hobo can be all yours for the low, low price of $95. take a look at little gwen now. that doesn't look homeless to me. she dresses better than i did when i was her age. i had a frock.
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it costs $20,000 each time your wash heir hair. show me the bugs. >> do you want a treat? do you want to go to bed? do you want to go to bed? >> greg: bill, you live in a car. does it bother you that people who live in cars are unrealistically portrayed in the media and in doll circles. >> call me, hasbro. secondly, she doesn't come with the damn car. what is the point of her living in a cool place like a car if you don't get the extra accessory. >> that was the barbie game with the malibu. >> it had the little mini fridge. fridge. >> and a way to go to the bathroom in the car that you couldn't go anywhere else. >> like the glove compartment. >> joe, do you see anything wrong with this? >> a weird back story to have
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for a doll. gi joe had no private parts and kung fu grip. spend the money instead to buy real homeless people some food and clothes. >> greg: if this is your connection with the home the it is kind of sad. i'm not going to spend that money on the homeless anyway. >> i brought a homeless person an american doll and they threatened to eat it. >> she bought a homeless version for $65. >> remy, isn't the message here that you could be homeless and pretty? and what is wrong with that message 12346789. >> i doubt that that is the message. you brought up a really interesting point. i would have more respect for the company that makes the spooky dolls that suprem peoplm to have an obsession with buying that i don't get if the took the proceeds from the sales of the homeless dolls and turned around and gave them to homeless people or some sort of charity it would make some sort of seps. i don't think that people that can afford $95 dolls will be
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able to relate. >> greg: i neglected to say that in the story but that is exactly what they do. another problem with this show is our lack of research. >> really our lack of drive. >> greg: you know, it was going to kill the story. >> our lack of interest in the story. >> those go. >> you know, personally, i straggle with the whole issue because there is no way to talk about the story without seeming insensitive both to the homeless and to the tools who spend $95 on a homeless doll. >> i think we can all agree they are an upgrade on the cabbage patch travesties, though, at least these kids are cute. >> barbie dolls that teach young girls that the most important thing in life is to be really, really, really skin any. the next story is so arousing it is shown to pandas to help them procreate. what new segment are we
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[ female announcer ] new swiffer wet jet cleans so deep, you'll love it. your old mop will just have to get over it... [ engine rattles ] [ man ] love stinks! ♪ love stinks! ♪ yeah! yeah! [ female announcer ] new swiffer wet jet is redesigned. it cleans deep in corners. its solution penetrates layers of dirt and its absorbent pad locks it away
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[ laughter ] >> that was wonderful. >> greg: that's right, that's righters. mr. september, insured with spies monthly mike baker has been with us all night and available both for parties and to answer all your espionaging questions. first question, you were in the cia for 13 years. >> more than that but that is okay. >> greg: let's just say i was right. how about i start over. >> start over. >> greg: so mike, you were with the agency [ bleep ] years. >> that's right. >> did you first aappreciate them or did they tap you? >> they tapped me. >> greg: now, is that how they do it normally? and how did they entice you? did they offer you pie? >> like a free year's supply of pie and i leapt at the
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opportunity and then i found out they were talking about pie so i was completely pissed off. >> how did they get you? >> you know what it was is i -- i sort of found myself and i'm not being facetious here. i was working in journalism, believe it or not and i ended doing something and someone came to me and said are you happy with what you are doing and i said in what context. >> and they took a picture of your mother. >> i guess i'm not. how would you like me tokens. and so i said no, you know, in what context and they said well, are you bored? and you know what, i was out in the midwest working at an am/fm station bored out of my mind. eventually they came around and sae have an opportunity for you and came basically. >> so you, working at an am/fm
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station in the middle of no where and some guy in an overcoat shows up and says are you bored? [ laughter ] >> naturally i was skeptical. naturally i was skeptic cal but it was the midwest so everything was okay. >> greg: aren't people who desperately want to be in the cia generally are the people that the cia doesn't want? >> in a way, yes. you -- what they are looking for are people with life experiences, international experience, language capability, common sense, a certain ability to just get on with it and suck it up and just do your job. they are looking for people who in a sense aren't interested in the pat on the back constantly which is, of course, why i'm in the media. i don't know. but you are right. people desperately interested in getting into the agency will have a hard time getting into the agency because they will be skeptical about their motives.
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>> talk about iran. are ma go of one to arm go ahead done how worried about should bebe about the missiles that they test fired. >> triple are amrageddon. they are probably maybe a year and a half away from weaponnizing a nuclear system. you get the nuclear bomb but that is, you know, that will sit in your garage for the rest of your life unless you put it on the top of missile. you have to build the missile. they are in the mid term range right now and meanwhile the rest of the world, the u.s. leading the way is and iting around going what are we going to do and that is -- what are we going to do? >> maybe that is america
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ferrara. >> it's bad. >> it's bad. >> greg: what is going to happen? my fear is that it will escalate and israel is going to bomb iran and we have a world war on our hands. is that going to happen? >> this is a personal opinion and it is not endorsed by the administration but we should be hopeful that the israelis take action. if we sit around and hope that goingatic discourse is go toss to bring the iranians around, it is not going to happen. the problem with the israelis taking unilateral action is that the iranis spent years now toughening their facilities. and you have the other issue. the arab world. most of them are not enamor #-d with the iranians. but publicly they can't say nice job. they will go oh, what are we going to do? iran, are you in here? >> that is amazing how you can do that. he can throw his voice.
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a ventriloquist. >> last question. five seconds. off topic. >> you gave father jonathan more than that. >> he is a priest. >> greg: have you ever killed anybody with your bare hands? you can say this now that you are in the cia? >> with my bare hands? no. honestly, no. avoid conflict whereever possible. >> greg: okay. >> that was not an answer, greg. he shot them. >> greg: have you a secret agent fan of this secret agent map. e-mail mike baker a question on all things espionage to "red eye." write meet your baker on the subject line or i probably won't read it because i'm a selfish jerk. don't you move, coming up next, it's male time.
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>> greg: packages, packages. put them out there, whatever. [ laughter ] >> male time. the address is you write and i read. kyle leads things off. what a great name, kyle. >> it really is a good name. weird. >> greg: kyle, we would be happy to help you out. what do i get in return? as it turns out, i will be moving soon and could use some help from some young-to transport my furniture from one residence to another. shouldn't take more than a day but you would need to wear this. actually, i won't be moving anywhere, still you have to
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come over and wear the outfit. we have an e-mail from john. that is a memoi people semi olk guy and ex-lead singer of kansas. >> greg: john, apparently you don't know your music. rush's biggest album contained round abouts but you can be forgiven because i'm a huge fan of the band, kansas, and the album don't look back which featured more than a feeling and free ride. you are far more sophisticated band than, say, chicago and the stupid carry on your wayward son and santana's dust in the wind, idiot song about dust and the wind. >> who is talking about dust in
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the wind? who wants that? gets in your eyes. sing about something positive. rainbows in the wind would be nice. michael from illinois. michael, one out of seven is not 14. seven times 19 is 38. congratulations with having a nine-year-old daughter. tell her to call me in ten years when she 25. i would like to read her some scripture. >> that is lovely. >> how dare you people. i'm peried. i would like to read her some scripture. >> finally, ray from illinois writes. i can't believe how many people
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writing to me, the intentional inaccuracies that spew throughout the show. oh, well, arts george carlin once said, think of how stupid the average person is and then realize because they are average half of the people out there are more stupid than that. thank you for quoting george carlin. i'm a big fan of his and hope to get him on the show soon. if he ever answers. we will close things up with the post game wrapup from tv's andy levy. and to see clips of recent shows go to fox
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>> greg: time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrapup. >> thank, greg. joe, a big gig coming up. >> sunday, october 11th. new york's gotham comedy club. e-mail me and i will hook up your viewers with something special. >> send those through the e-mail now? >> you can. >> remy, doing anything fun over the weekend? >> thank is for asking andy. jim norton gave a show in new jersey near my hometown and i got to go with bill and he was fantastic as always. >> remy lives in belmont, 340 -- we took a cab from her place to go see it and it was great. >> what is funny is how she leaves her key under that
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