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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  October 4, 2009 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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doesn't belong? terrorist? mom? g.o.p. show? and why does it matter? we will get into that in a second. well, hello, america. how are you? i feel a little like the president and i need to say, prompter, prompter, please. a little further, prompter. there, hole low, america! tonight, we have a couple of
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things that we have to do. we're going to spend time with moms. i've been thinking about the show we did last friday. and i have been getting a ton of response on it. it has been overwhelming. last night i went to philadelphia and cherry hill, new jersey, and the crowds were enormous. they went all the way around -- not like out the door and away the corner -- i mean out the door, around the corner, around the corner, around the corner, all the way around the block. and there was an unusual number of females in the audience. now, sure, it could be because of my molten hotness -- i mean, who doesn't want a slice of this, right, ladies? you don't have to laugh. but, they were there, i know, pause their moms, their grandmothers. it is in their nature to protect their children.
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i think guys right now are freaking out, like, okay i have to keep my job and pay for the house and college but moms are realizing this government is putting their children's future at risk. it is becoming clearer every day there is no way we can sustain this kind of spending and this kind of government -- not just adding on top of it; we can't sustain what we did in the past. i was trying to figure out a way to explain this to you today and i -- the best way to do it is, america is like the guy who is on all the credit cards. we're high on credit cards. and we have just maxed out every single card. one of these credit cards, we know, are doomed. we have been making minimum payments but we have to bay this one but there is no way because we're flat broke. what do we do? we go to the mail box and we get a letter from one of the great those great banks that said
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dr. mr. beck . we have news for you. you will get more money from us. all you have to do is call this number, and, then, you get a new next month you have to worry about this credit card and that credit card. it airport going to end well. it doesn't take a genius to look at all the things our government wants to do in addition. cap and trade, bailouts, universal college, we realizes a americans we cannot afford it. we may want it but we can't afford it which means there must
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not be as many geniuses in the fringe media because they still think that people who show up at tea parties are say, wait, hold it, we can't afford all these things, and they are just antiobama rallies. they are not. their moms and dads and dprps, kids. i saw more college kids at the book signings last night than i have seen in a long time. all across america and they are awake. these are people that have been on the side lines, content to live and make it through the day. i have been there mile. you are like, whatever, and i don't want to make a scene, just move on. no more. how can you remain on the side lines when you continue to see things like the corruption at acorn? or actual communists like van jones or those who talk about holdran whose advocating - on
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if the earth had a temperature would he cast his mind back. who want to give the rats in the basement an attorney. they are advising the president. how can you sit on the sideline when you see indoctorination attempts on our children. this audience knows who tides is . all equal in his sight song not about jesus but all about obama. last night i was on the tour bus and watching o'reilly and i saw a clip that amazed me. go ahead and show this, it is once again, a video that the o'reilly people found. that is a little boy that gets into cross dressing.
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moms and dads have had enough. they have put up with the bridges to no where and for turtles too long. i met so many moms getting involved in school board meetings. your eyes would bleed with all of the stuff they told me they have seen. that is good news, you are awake, america, especially moms. i have been saying with my radio audience for two years now. i have been saying maybe three, moms, you got to realize your sarah conner. i don't know if i understood what that was when i said it or why i was saying it you are sarah conner. remember her from the terminator movies? this is a bad example. you don't need to do that and crawl back wards. you don't need to know how to
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pump iron or fight robots. everybody and washington dc is an android? i think that are the key. because of this, because of remember the thing on sesame street? which one doesn't belong. terrorist, mob. hat mop. mom. racist. mom. is the one that doesn't fit there . why does it matter? because images matter now. images. it is a losing battle to stand up say, hey, i am really angry about something. because you will be called a mob or hate moner. how do you go after mom? i would love to see a million mom group. two million and five million moms. someone needs to start that project when i was in a plane
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flying to seattle. there is one mom who is thinking at the same time. joining us laurie parker. a mom of four. she was inspired to start a 9-12 website which is called as a barbra curtis is back and mom of 12 and very sleepy. she was at the nine-12 show as well . has a website for . she is a blorg. mary what is it? >> mary m. >> you called me when? >> wednesday morning. you are inspired by the show and the moms you saw. take me through the story. >> i had seen the show, and a few things resonated with me. all of the moms were taking
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and saying i feel so alone . nancy said, we've got eye sister hood of mom patriots. when dr. moms ended. i want to read it. if you begin everything as a mom, you win. and ended up watching it at 1:00 in the morning. woke up the next morning. winning, look on line . wrote on that blog three people followed . people relied to it . i couldn't leave the idea alone. i told my husband, i have a crazy idea, stop me . he said whatever. (laughing) >> and so i called one of my best friend world who has been my sounding board . stop me if i am doing something crazy. i explained to her.
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there needs to be a site called as a mom and sisterhood of mommy patriots. she said i will be your first member. that night, woo figured out how to put it up. she was my first member and monday morning we had a third member and we had 18 members wednesday morning . then 3,000 members. last night we had 5,000 members. >> i am sure they are rising right now. >> probably. >> isn't it amazing and the real secret to all of this and why i started on the project and suggested that people did it. because it is amazing how impowered you feel when you realize i am not alone. >> that's right. >> you have tapped into something powerful. i got a thank you for having that show last friday.
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i can feel the momentum building among moms. so many moms who felt isolate they have been in closest as conservatives because they are afraid to express their feelings and thoughts and information they gathered through research and they are starting to realize they are not alone. it is amazing. >> don't you think this is why, things have gotten out of the control? no one wants to cause a problem. so they have just said, be quiet and i will not raise a stink. >> i think, too. the thing that you have done. mom you are important. if you tell a mom they are important, then you can say you have no value. go and stay in the closest and put your slippers on. whatever it is that you don't do. >> watch the view and watch ophrah. >> and if i hear a mom say to me, one more time, i hate this
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phrase. what do you do? i am just a mom. when are mothers going to stand up and demand the respect that they deserve? my mom used to demand respect. yes, mom. my father demanded that we respect our mother and i do the same with our wife. when will we let society know that women and moms need to be listened to you. you have the hardest and most respected job in america. >> as a writer i want to empower moms and even though we don't get a report card and performance reviews and other kinds of outward symbols that we have the most important job in the whole world. we have to learn how to find the satisfaction and to encourage each other. >> yeah. what is the website going to do? what is your vision for it? >> the vision for the site was
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to get moms together and get talking. a lot of questions were raised on last week's show. moms are worried about education and future . as i was talking with my friends, we realized that mom have the answers. there are home schooling moms, forler teachers out there, they know what are great text books. moms who want to run for school board and don't know how. there is somebody out there who has run for school board and can mentor them. i am seeing questions and answers. it is so exciting. >> for the first time, i am going to hear your stories, you two have unique stories that are fascinating and i am going to jump on the text book thing before a quick break. i remember when my daughter went in first grade and i said to the teacher. i was like a dopey dad. you have a syllabus or anything . she looked at me and said
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what? what are you working on. she said mr. beck, i know this is when i was a quiet little mouse. she said mr. beck, this is our job. i will take care of this, okay? don't you worry about it. even then when i was mousey, i said excuse me, this is my child. i am responsible for the education, now are you looking for ways and people who you say no text books, demand the books. demand the books. they have done these thing in different communitis and say this is what you do? >> we are looking for that. right now, i am seeing a lot of questions more than answers. >> the biggest concern i think about education that i have been getting, is that because of the direction it has been going, with the no child left behind, we have made it no
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child can excel. we taught our children that it has to be fair and you can't excel. in my informal poll i did on the sight. children are learning not to be self reliant. >> it is like design. >> we'll be right back. you ever think about government interferance in our lives and maybe just a big pile of monopoly money to make sense of foreign debt? lucky day for you. look no further. just record this show and dvr at 5:00 p.m. eastern. i am there for you, baby, you know what i am saying? ooh. >> i think i made most of the audience throw up in their mouth a bit. nothing like a little glam after hours. did it again. midnight snack and a sight of
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me. they took away my m and the ms and replaced them with grapes. make sure you join us. bbr record the snowshow. 5:00 eastern.
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>> america is a god inspired idea. if you take america out we can't have a america without god. >> our children are not aloud to grow. >> our forefathers fought and died for freedom for us. now it is our turn to do the same for our children. >> i went to a tea person and i walked into other moms that i know. our kids are in the same class. neither of us had a slightest inc.ling they felt the same way. we have a sisterhood. you are not alone. >> and you know, it is
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amazing. that is why we are in the situation we are in. because they want people to not believe we are together. you are saying what was that? >> i of read nantsy and her friend that attended. one of our goals on the show is used the phrase sisterhood of mommy patriots so someone would start a group. >> you are kidding me. >> it was very late last night. >> this is what is really cool. there is power in numbers and we are isolated and obama thought they paralyzed the opposition and people have been paralyze moms are paralyzed with conservative values thinking they are alone. you put us on tv and all of the sudden, everybody knows it is real. i can feel the momentum building. >> it is amazing.
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yoed -- you were a radical. you regretted that you didn't bomb like the weather underground. >> that is true. i was in washington d.c. in the '60s and '70s in the antiviet nam and i was organizer of the marches. i had a baby, and so i couldn't go out and do the weather underground thing. i felt guilty because i felt like they were the ones who were living up to the dream. >> what was your turning point? >> my turning point in 1987 when i became a christian and realized that it kind of illuminated things and made me realize that i had a lot to are grateful for and that life was not destroying and hating and that it was really creating something beautiful. >> you were a welfare mom?
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>> from dc i went to san francisco. i became a drug addict and welfare mom and 1980 i turned myself around in the 12 step program. look familiar to you. >> not that i am a drunk. she is getting out of control. >> and married a wonderful man who was a recovering addict-alcoholic and we had a bunch of kids and started building a business that was making a conservative out of you. >> it sure will. >> and we became christians and everything changed for us then. >> why are you here? >> like she was saying life is different when you are a christian. people say -- >> is that the motivating factor for you? >> yes. i am not a sell out. i know when you have something divine in your life you don't see things like color . this super ficial things. but you know, i have gone
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through the middle. single parent of with four kids and strug leld went to school to get my degree. i remember when i run for my first husband i had a child hand capped with cerebral palsey. my sister comes from houston and picks me up and brings me over there. that was a beginning of a changed life for me . then on to school. the major change was when i accepted christ and formed a new way of thinking. as a mom, there are so many moms out there that don't realize there is something better. >> that is part of the problem with moms. they are trapped in the think think because they are at home with the children and feel isolated and so that society teaches moms that you really should have a job. you should do something with your life really. >> that's what is great about
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the blogis fear. with blog and internet our lives are opening up. >> america, we are going in a different drention here in a second. i want to tell you. as a mom.orgis just the beginning. moms, you are going to make the difference. and signs of the times, next. @fi was losing my hair, much lie other men.
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beck only here on the fox news channel.
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>> next week, we have amazing things for you on the program. monday, we'll tell you what montana is doing to ease federal restriction oz gun laws. why is the montana shooting shorts lawsuit exciting for people who think i should be able to have a gun? you don't want to miss it on monday's program. next week, swine flu. things you don't want to miss. joining us is lore parker. mom of 4. watching our 9-12 mom show she started a website as a barbra curtis mom of 12 . she was in the 9-12 show and has a website . mary baker, market of 7. also 9-12 mom and a bloger and i still don't have the name of it >> >> easy to remember. >> and let me start with a
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coup elf things. is there anybody in washington that any of you can relate to? >> no. >> i think that we are on issues than people and personalities. i don't think we are focused on trying to find a person. we are concerned about the issues right now. >> what is it. have you guys ever belong to a party or still belong or left a party? >> i am still a registered republican. i am seriously thinking of switching to independent. >> i am a registered republican so i can vote in my primary. >> i am registered republican for the same reason. >> for the primaries. >> vote in the primaries. but no one you relate to and look at. >> oh, - on really. if i quote every said in the med yampt the dumb ones.
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that's what they would say. >> but they probably say that about me, too. >> oh, yeah. they say that about us, too. >> that's what the media said about moms. >> and child with disabilities. same thing. and you were saying earlier that your d. >> i thought about the show last week and thinking about how much more revved up and confident that we felt and making new friends that are doing the same thing i am doing. i thought about the geese formation. you can see them in virginia flying home. they ply in a v. i was looking that up and i found out the reason they fly in a v, when they are flapping their wings it creates an updraft for the ones that come behind them. the whole formation is more effective and initial in the
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way they fly . how they honk at each other. they are honking encouragement to the leader goose. the lead. and they are. >> there is something beautiful in the way god created them. >> also when one drops out of form adings. two follow it and take care of it until it dice or gets well and start a new formation or find the old one. there is so much power in community and that's what you have got. release it among the moms so we have a way to create like -- you are not creating it for us. lori started something . we became friends. >> there is something to be said. this is what the media doesn't understand it . if they ignore it. it will be at their own peril. they think they can live in a world now where they ignore things and it will go away.
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>> it is not going away. >> we'll take a break and we'll come back. we have frank luns with us and he's going to try to show you. all of these organizations, fiau. a.c.o.r.n. and focus you are a mom and dad and grandparent. that's who you are. how do you do things? and what do you say and how do you do these things. frank is next.
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to help raise awareness for the men and women who have suffered traumatic injuries in the war on terror. they need our help. through the wounded warrior project, you can help get these heroes back into life's mainstream. log on to to find out more about this fine organization that is helping these returning injured veterans and their families with their new lives. the greatest casualty is being forgotten. let's make sure this doesn't happen to my brave friends. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you.
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>> thousands of americans attended the rallies on 9-12. they held up signs to get the message across. but the media saw this message and these signs. ♪
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>> it was igeimages of those who captured the leader's reaction to tea parties like this. >> you watching certain news channel. which i am not very popular. (laughing) and you can see folks waves tea bags around. let me just remind them, that i am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, but let's not play games and
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pretend the reason is because of the recovery act. >> this is funded by the high end. it is astroturf. it is by the wealthiest people in america to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich. instead of the medium class. >> it is not to be distracted by that. they are wrong. >> and so washington doesn't understand what people are trying to say to them . how do you get them to lin. this is the author of what americans really want. frank lunt $-- luntz. different signs that people see at tea parties. washington doesn't have fsiu and a.c.o.r.n. who do focus groups. most of the people make them, their selves.
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you say it is important to watch the wording and what should the signs say? what is the message that you founted through research? >> first, the message and the reason i wrote what americans really want. their involvement in the effort and write the language behind it. it is all i have done is study the anger out there in america. for nancy pelosi not a grass roots movement. come on, 72 percent of the americans define themselves mad as hell and not taking it anymore. they are angry because they're not heard. every member of congress and septemberor who doesn't hold a dozen town hall meetings is denying the american people more than what they want anything else is to be heard. freedom of speech is powerful component of bill of rights. it is not just the ability to speak, they want their elected officials to represent them
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rather than ignore them. >> okay. so let's go over. we had signs made up. if you can see me out in chicago. we are sorry about the olympics there in chicago, seriously, frank. >> i can imagine. >> here is the first sign. just put one word on it. >> yeah. why? and the reason why. american people look forward washington and they don't understand it. they don't understand the spending. they don't understand the programs. they don't understand why washington can't figure out how to download a thousandparages which you and i can do like with a snap of the fingers and they want to take over health care for 300 million people? granted the key in all of this and say it to the moms watching, simplicity is the most powerful sign you can have. shorter and simpler the better. >> there was a new study out
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in rasmussen today. you and i talked about it for the last couple of weeks. for the first time in a while accountability and corruption is beating the economy as the number one concern. thaty leads to the second sign, >> yes. >> it is three words. if accountability. why not. i will quote you from the work we did on page 187 when you think of the government what is needed most more than common sense and change and what obama proposed. 50 percent of the americans choose accountability as the number one attribute. they don't see it. they don't feel it . they are right about it. what kind of accountability do you have when the american people can't see the legislation that washington is voting on? >> this one, frank speaks
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volumes to me. because this is the way so many people feel. town hall meeting, i have a right to be heard. >> and that's the whole process behind it we still believe in the bill of rights and declaration of independence. heck, we fought a battle of because a government wasn't listening to the people. here's the point. in each of these so far, those rights to be heard and each of them, they are positive. they are uplift they are asserting what americans believe for themselves. >> right. >> there is no of obama or democrats. because it is a nonpartisan outcry. right to be heard is fundmental. husband expect it from wifes and vice verse a. children want it from parents and vice verse a. why shouldn't we have the right to be heard from those we elect. >> we'll run through the signs .
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moms have a couple of questions for you . i want to pick up this is the opposite of the sola linsky. will it work to be positive in america? you are the expert more than frank luntz. in just a second. !d!d!d!d!d!d!dd
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>> we are back with frank and our here. frank is the author of what americans want. what americans really want really . i want to go through the signs real quick. sign that is frank said this is what the tea party people are carrying. how much will it cost? right . then frank? go ahead. >> that's part of the stop wasting my money. number one thing that american people want out of the washington is stop wasteful washington spending. 62 percent that. as the top priority. >> and common sense. who will pay for it before you sign it read it. don't make promises that you can't keep . most clever and so true. i.r.s. post office katrina now
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health care? and the language is. would you trust the government who gave you the compassion of the i.r.s. . efficiency of the post office and effectiveness of katrina to deliver health care for you and your family? >> no one would do it. >> let me open it up to the moms. and this work, frank. this is opposite of what people say works. everybody would go nelnegative and all positive. that makes sense. >> because the american people are tired of negativity. they look at washington and they think washington is negative on them. what they are asking for if you ask the american people is that they want hope and opportunity and for the moms right there. this is great for them. two statistics from what americans want that bothered me the post. 57 percent believe that their children will inherit a worse america than they did .
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33 percent believe that the only 33 percent that the children will have a better quality of life. imagine that, moms. america is with you and agree with you and so afraid for their children and the next generation . >> i have a question about that sign. i have a right to be heard. my friend barbra, we have children with disabilitis and i know when i was in seattle, two of my friends had children with disabilities and how does their voice gets heard? that is always one that is neglected? >> they are heard by showing up . if they sit in the front. my strategy for them is to get their especially early and sit right in the front. if you are an elected official you will feel the responsibility to call on the mom and children with disabilities, if they can speak. if they can ask the question is that much more. >> it goes back to what i said
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about moms. moms are the key. moms are not terrorist or hate mongers. they are moms. >> let me give you the statistics. four most trusted profession in america. four clergy. three, pharmacist. two is the fire men and most trusted profession in america is the mom. >> frank. what about the most trusted profession, how can we get taken seriously. i hear from so many moms myself. you go in to talk to somebody and they give you the automatic eye role. it is another mom. >> that comes from, frank, we talked about it earlier. i am sick of hearing women say i am just a mom it is the most important thing anybody does. if you take yourself seriously. dam right i am a mom. instead of just a mom. i think the whole thing
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changes. frank am i wrong? >> you are right. that's why moms need to organize and get on the web and do the meetings and expand it . what you say when everybody comes n leave politic partisanship at the door and commit to doing those things we need to do for the next generation. no more spending and taxs and no more of the things that is making it more difficult not as just a mom but the children as they get older. we'll be right back in just a minute. ÷
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>> i thank the 9-12 moms for being with us. go to as a connect all weekend long. also i am going to be out on the tour bus this weekend. if you are in the northeast, selling copies of the arguing with idiots. find more information on glenn beck/book czar. ♪
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[ singing ] >> and now another edition of arguing with idiots featuring ben franklin. what? hello, ben. i am karl. what is going on here? >> we are here to illustrate how glen beck's new book will help you win argument your idiot friends. >> glen beck, really. watch what i mean. >> karl what do you think about tax. >> rich had it good too long. >> really? >> shared sacrifice. >> tacking should be progressive. >> progressive? >> yeah, the rate goes up as you earn more. >> that's already how it works man. >> fair share. >> okay, we know you can recite bumper slogans. look at this chart.
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>> i am unable it turn my head because i am flat. >> you are right. in 2006 top one percent paid 40 percent of the country's income taxes. you don't see that in the new york times. >> i love the times. >> i am sure you do. i doubt they told you top 50 percent made 97 percent of the entire income tax bill. >> so the poor paid like three percent. >> no. the middle class paid three percent. poor got a refund. >> woah i wish i was poor. >> you are poor. >> you think taxes aren't progressive. >> got to go, dude. your signal is dropping. >> idiot. >> by the way, got a lot of comments on the picture here. >> it is the b


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