tv Americas News HQ FOX News October 4, 2009 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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left? i don't know. >> clayton: look at this. >> dave: how does it work out. >> rick: right now it does not look like you are doing anything. >> alisyn: how many calories are you burning. >> clayton: you have to hand on the platform. >> alisyn: join is in the after the show show at, see you next weekend! >> jamie: good morning, this is a "fox news alert," one of the most defiant countries in the world reportedly has what it takes to make a nuclear bomb. that word is coming from members of the united nations nuclear watchdog group in a report today in "the new york times," and that report says that tehran's test firing and researching that we have been reporting on paints a picture of a, quote, complex nuclear program. so there are questions over the completeness of the report, we'll talk about that, quite a bit this morning, hello, i'm jamie colby. >> eric: i'm eric sean, it comes that's head of the iaea,
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international atomic energy agency is now in iran, and he says tehran is, quote, on the wrong side of the law, and keeping a new uranium plant secrets secret and mohammed el-baradei saying there will be an inspection of the facility on october 25th, and that is three weeks from today. and that raises the question, could that delay give iran a three week head start to clean up any incriminating evidence? el baradei urges cooperation instead of confrontation and the u.s. and our allies should keep a skeptical eye on iran's nuclear ambitions and for the latest, we'll go to washington. >> reporter: good morning, eric and jamie. as you were just saying, we have something of a breakthrough to announce in that mohammed el baradei, head of the international atomic energy agency, was in iran this morning, and appearing alongside the head of iran's atomic energy organization, and saying they've come to an agreement that the
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u.n. nuclear inspectors can visit that hitherto secret site outside the central holy city of qum on october 25th and raised the question of whether or not that could given the iranians time to hide incriminating evidence there, and that is doubtful, if the incriminating evidence would be evidence of highly-enriched uranium, suitable for making nuclear weapons, they probably couldn't clean that up in three weeks and the question is whether iran will provide the u.n. nuclear inspectors, access to the people and documents who have been working at that site and those types of things could very well be removed from the site, eric. >> eric: is there a possibility -- james you have had reports in the past, iran and other nations, are flattened, have flattened facilities before the inspectors get there and hans blix said that is what saddam hussein did at the time and the u.n. inspectors go in the front door while the iraqis were taking stuff out the back door. >> reporter: well, of course as you know from covering the subject yourself, a nuclear weapons program is that -- if that is what iran is building,
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and has under way, is more difficult to hide when the cops are, if you will, busting down the front door, than, say a bag of marijuana and it will not be so easy for them to hide what they have going on sat this facility and the question remains whether it is the secret facility or just the one we found out about and there is a draft report, from the iaea, not officially released and states iran has all the information it needs and much of the materiel it would need to build the nuclear weapon if that is their intention and iran maintains it's not. >> eric: and james, one other final point, one of the iranian reactions, they said they'd reveal their facilities, and more, i mean, is there a possibility, that there are more facilities than just this one that is so far, made public? >> reporter: yes. and iran has a long history of concealing its nuclear activities and work and wasn't until 2002 when an exiled
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dissident group of iranians released to news media, images of its pilot enrichment facility, at natanz, satellite imagery, that iran came clean, about that facility. and now, last week they have come clean about a new secret facility, so it begs the question of whether there is more than meets the eye and there has been, by the way, american reaction, to this report, the draft report, at the iaea, suggesting iran has everything it needs to build the nuclear weapon, and, from the u.n. ambassador, susan rice, who is --ee declined to comment specifically on the report, but, also was asked about how close iran is to obtaining the nuclear weapon. >> they don't all align but the point is we share the concerns that an iran with a nuclear weapon could pose a great threat to u.s. national security and the security of allies and partners in the region and that is why, we are very determined to take the steps necessary to prevent this. >> given this report, given the...
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>> reporter: eric you know from covering the united nations our efforts to obtain tougher economic sanctions against the iranians, at the u.n. security council, should this latest round of talks prove fruitless, will also be -- have lots of problems, terminal because the russians and chinese who have veto power, at the u.n. security council have close ties with iran and often balk at imposing the sanctions. >> and china already said no to the sanctions, james rosen, good to see you, thanks. >> jamie: the head of the iaea reportedly opposes a confrontation with iran and said urging cooperation and transparency and how tough does the world need to be on iran now? is el baradei giving iran too much credit, even at this early stage, even before the inspection? joining me, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, fox news contributor, john bolten, ambassador bolten, good morning. >> good morning. >> jamie: there is a lot of news on iran, this morning.
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we have a date now for this inspection and we have some details about this report. how much have we really learned about what iran is doing and how much do you think we'll really be able to inspect. >> well, in terms of the report, that is mentioned, the iaea report, let me speak in general terms. there is nothing surprising in that report. to the united states. and, in fact, nothing that has been surprising for five years. indeed, every indication is, that the bulk what the iaea got it received from western governments, that provided it to them and so, the efforts iran made to achieve enriched uranium and actual weaponization have been going on for some time and this kind of information really under cuts the famous 2007 national intelligence estimate that concluded that iran had given up its nuclear weapons efforts. >> jamie: ambassador for people who follow this, and many of us
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who never thought we'd take an interest, do, because, when we hear nuclear weapon, we certainly get concerned. and we'll get to look at this particular facility, now, one that the nuclear chief negotiator in iran says they advised everybody about, a year before they really had to, and el baradei saying it was later than legally required and there is a discrepancy but does it matter when we found out about it and we'll get to look at one facility when we know iran has, quote, nuclear related sites all over the place? >> right. i suspect that when the iaea people get to the qum facility that it will be cleaned out. i don't think iran actually had introduced any uranium or done any enrichment at that facility, so it is entirely possible, just the big underground hole and the real question is, since they were building in effect
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redundant facilities in qum, redundant to the natanz enrichment facility, what others do they have around the country, that we simply have no clue about. and, what is that telling us about any prospect not only for a negotiated end to iran's nuclear weapons program which has always been remote but what does it tell us about the military option, if there are facilities that we don't know about and therefore, can't be destroyed. that says iran is in a much stronger position, than we had thought. >> jamie: but there was a lot of speculation that the reason iran went public, in a cryptic litter about this particular facility was because there was intelligence obtained, that it existed. what is the status of our intelligence on these other facilities, and, where are the centrifuges? is that the key element to locate at this point? >> well, i think our intelligence is very incomplete inside iran and that is part of the problem. i think, i think this is an important point, simply because
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we have no evidence, of these -- convincing evidence of these other sites, doesn't mean that they are not there. there is a saying that summarizes it, which is the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. and so i think that is one of the troubling aspects, the less we know about iran, the program, the more worried we should be. >> jamie: el baradei puts out a message today of hope and of very positive and optimistic message that he had the meeting with the chief negotiator and he's there and gets the date and he says, talk and dialogue will work. take us inside the iaea. read between the lines for us. what is -- does he mean? on its face, plain and simple or is that a strategy to try and get more information? >> well, we should be very happy that el baradei's term is -- as director general is just about to end. because, for the past 7 or 8 years, he has been in effect a
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propagandaist for the iranian regime and the iaea itself, weapons inspectors an nuclear inspectors and very professional and do a fine job at what they do but el baradei covered up for iran, has rewritten their reports, has done everything he can to prevent the united states and others from really confronting iran, with the facts about their programs. so, the latest statement from el baradei is just a swan song, and thank goodness he'll be gone by the end of the year and then, i think we'll get much better access to the professional inspectors at the iaea, who can really tell us what they know about iran's program. >> jamie: if allowed access. we sure hope so, ambassador bolten, always an honor to talk to you, thanks for being here today with your in sight on this. >> thank you, glad to be here. >> eric: a lot of rhetoric from iran over the past year on the nuclear issue and let's look back, in april, iranian
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mt. mahmoud ahmadinejad said his country mark sanford the fuel cycle and tested more advanced machines for enriching uranium and two months later in june, in an iaea report, revealed iran had an increase in centrifuge machines and 25% increase in capacity and last month he said iran would never abandon the nuclear program to appease western critics. and also called nuclear weapons, quoted, retarded. inhumane and criminal. and last month, iran began two days of initial testing to show it was prepared to head off any military threat, amid reports it is trying to develop a warhead experts say could carry a nuclear weapon and iran continues to claim the nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes, to generate electricity. >> jamie: another "fox news alert" them. bloodiest battle against the taliban in more than a year. at least 8 american soldiers are dead, along with at least two
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afghan soldiers. serving reports say hundreds of rebel fighters swarmed a military out post in the border between afghanistan and pakistan and said to be one of the fiercest attacks of the 8-year war, connor powell, shooting live from afghanistan with this latest. what is going on? >> reporter: eric, typically when the taliban attacks, and hits u.s. forces, they have smaller, lighter, more mobile groups an flee to the countryside and military commanders describe this as complex and well organized and more than 200 taliban fighters attacked two u.s. military out posts, in the afghan eastern province of nuristan and the taliban fighters attacked the military out posts in the remote, rugged area, swarming this area, trying to rush up the high steep mountain walls and ultimately, u.s. forces were able to repel the taliban
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attack, but, 8 american soldiers were killed and two taliban fighters -- or two afternoon fighters were killed in -- and dozens of taliban fighters were also killed and this type of attack is happening more and more, complex attacks as the u.s. military fans out across afghanistan and moves into rural, remote areas, and hopes to better protect the afghan civilians, and that is a took place priority of general stanley mcchrystal, the top commander here in afghanistan and wants to protect afghans in hopes of stabilizing the country and is risky and puts american and afghan troops in a susceptible position to these types of attacks. eric. >> eric: thanks, reporting live from afghanistan. top commanders on the ground there are calling for more troops, and new strategy for stabilizing the country that and defense department saying despite the recent attacks the plan is still to pull out of the sparsely populated areas, part of a shift to place more troops in heavily populated centers. what happens to those areas when american forces are taken out,
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and can we stabilize afghanistan? joining us now is retired navy general, with fox -- a fox news military analyst. good to see you. >> hi. >> eric: why are we putting such few guys or troops, brave men and women out there in the middle of nowhere when they could be surround order killed by more taliban. >> that's exactly what concerns stan mcchrystal and he's changing his strategy, over the next few months to take these most vulnerable positions, and eric these are mostly platoon sized out posts and pull them into the more populated areas and cover the void, if you will, through more aggressive use -- >> eric: how many, how many are we talking about, what is this manpower. >> each brigade -- as an example, each brigade would have 6 or 7 of these and figure as the division -- as a division now and talking maybe 20, 30 of these very small out posts and there are larger out posts,
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company and battalion size and those are relatively safe from swarm attacks and the smaller ones are what the taliban focuses on and the reason is they can get the most propaganda value by taking out, these small posts and killing as many americans as they can. >> eric: you are talking about 20 or 30 of our troops, and they are surrounded by hundreds, 300 taliban. >> right, not unusual, and in fact go back and look at the attacks on out posts, against the soviets in afghanistan and places like indo china and vietnam, the same insurgent tactic for a hundred years and that is find the most vulnerable point and attack it using overwhelming force and get out, before the overwhelming fire power, of the defender comes to bear. and it is a very standard tactic and mccristal is trying to counter that tactic by beefing up these out posts, reducing the number of small out posts, and he's better able to withstand these human waves of attacks. >> eric: some say it is a
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retreat by pulling them back and other say it is responsible and it was careless -- you are shaking your hid -- that it is careless to do that. >> no. no. no. no. the object here, eric is to cover the dead space. most of these small out posts are used to control roads, bridges, access points, to the cities. if you can't do it with small unit then you do it with patrols and these are temporary insertion of forces using hospitals, covered by uavs and drones supported by overwhelming fire power to clean the taliban out and push them out of these sensitive areas and return again and again, to try and keep these roads open and is it as good as a permanent presence, no, but given the circumstances it is probably the best strategy to pursue. >> and given the circumstances, what do you see going forward, of course, called for more troops and the administration weighing what to do and weeks go by and we are still having more of this. >> sean the thing that concerns the troops, i hear from every day, it's about time.
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remember, now it takes three or four months to take reinforcements and put them on the ground and make them effective at fighting. the combat will kick up again and probably the late march and early april and the clock is ticking and the soldiers wanted to know, what the commander-in-chief is going to do and as i say, we have at best, weeks not months and need to get on with it. >> eric: thanks for your help this morning, hopefully the administration will come to a conclusion before more troops are killed. jamie. >> jamie: a typhoon is barrelling toward taiwan after pummelling villages across the northern philippines, look at the pictures, 16 people are dead including two families, whose homes were buried by landslides and parma is this second typhoon to hit the philippine in a week and the storm killed nearly 300 people, and right now the military in taiwan is evacuating villages in the path of the storm. >> eric: recovery crews digging for the dead bodies by hand
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after two catastrophic earthquakes in indonesia. larger cities, also using cranes and become dozers to pc up the pieces of the rubble. and villagers are left with nothing but manpower for the rescue and recovery there. it is heartbreaking and villagers have been shifting through rubble and landslides in search of more victims and reports say nearly 650 people have been buried alive in one hillside hamlet alone, and bringing the death toll, so far to more than 1300. still about 3,000 people remain missing at this hour. and families, entire communities, wiped off the face of the earth. a massive 7.6 magnitude quake, happened on wednesday. and that was followed by our powerful aftershock, relief supplies are slow to arrive in many cities and officials seeing this severity of the situation for the first time four days after the first quake. jamie. >> jamie: our top story, iran and the bomb, new reports that tehran has all of the information it needs to make a nuclear weapon. so, what do we do now to keep
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the leaders there, from using that information? >> eric: and have you seen the wildfire in california? just look at that, already destroyed homes and threatening even more at this hour. now, hundreds of firefighters are trying to get a handle on it. looking live on the west coast, at the wildfire, as it continues along that ridge line, out of control. >> jamie: if there is an outbreak of the swine flu, will a surge a surgical mask help you? does it have to be a special kind? dr. isadore rosenfeld is in the house and has the answers, coming up in "sunday house call." in my busy kitchen, i want nothing but the best. eggland's best. i love eggland's best... because of all the great nutrition. that's why they're the only eggs... i make for my son. the chef. eggland's best. the better egg.
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>> jamie: a "fox news alert." i wanted to bring you the latest on the wildfires that are happening in california, about 15 miles northeast of san bernardino in an area that is called lyle creek, where it started and so far, 1500 acres have burned, 500 firefighters are at the ready. trying to fight this blaze, only 5% contained. as of now, we're going to get an update later in the show and the winds are really an issue. they are reaching 45 miles per hour, and there are evacuations, not only of homes, but also, of rv parks and campgrounds, already 50 homes have been taken
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from the fires, by the fires, including horses and some pets, but, no other injuries, an update coming up, you are looking again at live pictures of the wildfires in california. talking about afghanistan. and in light of the attack in eastern afghanistan, this weekend, it left 8 american soldiers dead. and should president obama send more troops to beef up the nato forces there? u.s. commander general stanley mcchrystal has said the situation is serious, and thousands of new forces are necessary. it was a big topic on fox news sunday. >> i would support the request if that is what the president decides but i think there is also a decent case to be made that perhaps the afghans just can't do their part. >> one thing i can tell you, if we don't add more troops you'll see more of what happened yesterday, the security situation, is going to get worse, and any hope of better governance is lost and the taliban will reemerge.
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>> jamie: joining me, bret baier, filling in for chris wallace, good morning to you. >> bret: good morning, jamie. >> jamie: i'm sure the interview is informative and we'll get answers but we know the surge strategy worked in iraq. will we learn when more troops may be deployed. >> bret: we don't and we don't know if the president will make that decision and it's possible according to the people in the administration, he could side with the faction inside the administration led by vice president joe biden, that is pushing for a limited counterterrorism effort. that includes more predator drones and keeping the force level about the same. and despite the fact that the general on the ground is recommending an increase in forces, we talked about that, with the group of senators, on "fox news sunday" and it was interesting that the democrats, not surprisingly, tried to deflect the possible public rift between vice president biden and general mcchrystal, and republican lindsey graham and
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saxby chand lis said the general should rule the day since he's on the ground making the request with-the-knowledge he has and it is the biggest decision from president obama the coming weeks and it is something he's meeting again twice behind closed doors this week about. >> jamie: we know the taliban is really present but there is a chance al qaeda regrouped. many of the al qaeda factions in the south are now in pakistan. how much time do we really have for the president to make the decision, because our troops, every day are at risk. >> bret: it depends who you talk to, jamie. administration officials say they do have some time and that you had national security advisor jim jones, saying that he does not believe afghanistan is going to fall to the taliban. and he believes karzai's government, hamid karzai could actually pull this out eventually, however when you talk about deployment of troops
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it's important to know if you side with 40,000 troops you have to mobilize them and takes time to get them moving and get them in place by march, the next spot, when the taliban spring offensive happens every year and the mountain passes melt. you have to get moving within the next month. >> jamie: interesting this point about this timing and where to deploy to. great to see you, he's filling in for chris wallace and is the host of special report. check your local listings, don't miss this edition of fox news sunday. eric. >> eric: iran wants the bomb. that's what the experts say and the islamic republic could be closer to the goal than ever before. we'll have more on the threatening report from the world's nuclear watchdog throughout the morning. >> jamie: and young children and the elderly, not the only folks at risk of dying from swine flu. one group of women are extremely susceptible. a group that may not be able to get the vaccine, dr. rosenfeld
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>> eric: this morning, they say there could be progress with iran over the nuclear program and the head of the nuclear watchdog saying there is a shifting of gears from confrontation to cooperation and looks like inspectors will facility the new facility at the ends of the month, three weeks from today and it also
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