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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  October 4, 2009 4:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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hello, happy sunday, i'm julie banderas. >> and i'm gregg jarrett. welcome to america's news headquarters after years insisting that iran's nuclear ambitions is peaceful they are conclude that go tehran has enough information and material to produce a working atomic bomb. how will it impact america's discussions with the rogue nation? >> julie: eight more americans killed in afghanistan as heavily armed insurgents came in two out
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posts. what are our troops doing to combat the attacks? >> gregg: the nation's unemployment rate climbing to the highest level. how to fix the economy and create more jobs. julie is live with more. >> no easy answers. alan greenspan did have advice on what not to do. he doesn't think another big economic stimulus plan is a good idea. he says we are in the middle of an economic recovery but he predicts the unemployment rate will push backs 10%. which is not a pretty picture if you are looking for a job. greenspan says he is worried about the people who have been out of work for a wrong time, six months or longer because he says they start to lose job
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skills. >> the economy loses skills. the people who are out of work for very protracted periods of time lies their skills eventually and remember, what makes an economy great is a combination of the capital assets of the economy and the people that run it. >> reporter: more than 7 million jobs since december of 2007 when the unemployment rate was 4.9%. in washington there is a little agreement to what to do to revive the economy now. on fox news sunday, indiana democrat says he thinks it would be worse without passage of the stimulus package. >> i would like it going into effect sooner and directly related to jobs. it is what it is at this point. it continues to go into the economic bloodstream and to keep things as unsatisfying from being a whole lot worse.
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>> reporter: congressional leaders are starting talks about new measures including extend itself the full unemployment benefits. meanwhile, republicans pressed the argument about lowering taxes. targeted tax relief would be the quickest way out of the recession. if you were to ensure that the top marginal rates do not increase. you'll have small businesses which are primarily the folks who pay those rates be able to invest in their company, hire more people. >> reporter: following the worst than expected numbers out in september, president obama acknowledged he is exploring additional options to promote job creation. he didn't get more specific in that statement on saturday. >> gregg: julie, thanks. >> julie: a new report saying iran has enough information to define and produce an atomic bomb. this is the chief that iran may
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soften the stance over the nuclear program. they are revealing what inspectors were going to look at the secret complex iran was caught building into the side of a mountain. >> senior officials are treading gingerly about a draft report from nuclear experts from the iaea that they possess sufficient information to define and workable nuclear weapon. head of the department was in iran this morning announcing his agency's inspectors will on october 25th be diamd inside the underground uranium enrichment site that iran had kept secret. he won the noble peace prize but many conservatives as seen as to dew yal to iran. he says the iaea draft report
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sites their high explosive tests and missile re-entry vehicle to accommodate a nuclear warhead. it follows high level talks and attended by diplomats from the u.n. security council. today the president's national security advisor sidestepped a question about whether the iaea draft report suggesting they know how to build a nuclear bomb is accurate. >> whether they know how to do it or not is a matter of conjecture, but what we're watching is what is their intent. we have been word about that intent. we now have and iran is willing to come to the take. >> indeed, they will return to vienna on october 19 to hammer out an agreement that could see tehran shipping 1200 kilos of low enriched uranium to russia
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for processing. >> gregg: what do people think about iran's program. according to a poll, 59% of respondents said if force will be necessary to stop iran from getting a nuclear weapon, 29% say it can be done without force. so what are congressional lawmakers saying about the nuclear issue? let's put that question to fair and balanced debate to new jersey congressman. he serves on the energy commerce committee. louisiana congressman, serves on the house appropriations committee. gentlemen, good see you. representative, let me break with you. britain, france and germany, israel, all of them based on their own intelligence are arguing that iran is in the process of building nuclear weapons. yet this president and the secretary of defense both stand by the estimate. we'll put it occupy the screen.
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quote, we judge with high confidence that in the fall of 2003, tehran halted its nuclear weapons program. congressman, with today's report from the u.n. is it clear that our assessment has been simply wrong? >> i think it's clear that obama administration now is thinking differently. based on this report that has came out there is a strong reason they may be developing nuclear weapons. that is why the president has gotten the u.n. to basically inning there and do this inspection with iran's consent. why he is trying to line up france and britain and other countries to support sanctions against iran if the inspections show they are moving forward with a nuclear program. >> gregg: congressman lathum, iran purchased the nuclear know how from pakistan and let me quote. again the iaea, iran has
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sufficient information to be able to define and produce a workable implosion nuclear device and, indeed, tehran has already tested an implosion device. they did so successfully and its defined to fit atop of the shahab medium range missile. is there any doubt in geographer mind that iran is building nuclear weapons? >> i don't think there is any question they are building weapons that have the potential to attack russia or excuse me, europe, israel, to destabilize the whole region. you have a country where their leadership denies the holocaust and they are not rational thinkers to begin with. you have last week when benjamin netanyahu went to moscow and laid out the seinlists from
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russia were helping to build the nuclear weapons. it's far advanced than what anyone thought it was before. this can't go on because of the stability. the problem we're going to have there and the threat that they have to peace throughout the world. >> gregg: tehran has lied about the nuclear program now three times. document it. nobody disputes that. president obama says, he made that announcement, on thursday in geneva, tehran agreed to send the enriched uranium outside iran and then all it took was one single day and the iranian ambassador to great britain who is part of the negotiations, said and i'll quote, no, no, that has not yet even been discussed. come on. aren't they just playing the americans, our government, diversions, lies and all the
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same stuff. kim jong-il did? >> i don't think there is any question they can't be trusted. we have to acknowledge that. i do think trying to move forward with inspections and sanctions is the way to go right now. if it can achieve from preventing them from developing nuclear weapons. the use of force is a possibility but it's not something we should suggest initially. we should try to go through the u.n. to try to put a stop to it. the president's effort to have the inspections and to get other countries supportive of sanctions situate to go. there is no reason to trust them. you are absolutely right. >> gregg: you are talking about more sanctions, more threats, more resolutions and none of it has worked. i've got a whole list of u.n. resolutions in front of me. none of them have worked. three rounds of sanctions and they laughed at us. >> i don't think they are
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laughing. i think they are going to have the inspections and we do have support from britain and france for sanctions. i don't rule out the use of force, gregg, but it should be the last resort. >> gregg: begin their history can we assume that the mere threat of sanctions, three rounds of sanctions from the u.n. they just ignored them, it doesn't do any good we need to first invoke financial energy related sanctions now. then if tehran capitulates we can ease back on the sanctions? >> absolutely. they are very dependent on other countries for gasoline, they have a lot of oil but they don't have the capacity to refine themselves to the extent that they need. with that, we've got to get china and russia and everybody else together as far as the sanctions are concerned. what they are doing now to run
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out the clock. they've got to have toll transparency farce inspections. if the sanctions put in place very quickly, if they are not put in place, it will be too late. there will be an action to take out their facilities by the end of the year unless we really step up. >> thank you both for being with us. >> one of the deadliest attacks in afghanistan since the war begin eight years ago. today eight american soldiers were killed in a surprise attack in the eastern part of the country near the pakistan border. conner powell is live. what is the latest in this attack? >> the u.s. military is describing this attack as complex and a well organized attack. in a rare show of force, taliban
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attacked two u.s. military out bosts with 250 men. these out posts are in the remote region in eastern afghanistan right on the afghan-pakistan border as you said. the u.s. military was able to hold the attack but it came at a high cost. eight u.s. soldiers and two others were killed marking it the deadliest days for coalition troops. it's evidence of them gaining strength and how far the u.s. military has to to go before they can declare this country stable. >> mcchrystal says he wants to protect the afghan population. do remote outposts fit into this plan, that is the question. >> the top priority of protecting afghan civilians. they are going to continue to
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protect civilians but some of these remote outposts and places like nuristan, there are not enough afghans to protect. it's too dangerous for them to sit there. they are probably going to try to pull out of nuristan and concentrate on kandahar but easier to protect the civilian population. >> conner powell, thank you very much. >> gregg: waterlogged, getting more and more rain. national weather service, saying a storm could bring areas up to four inches of water putting metro atlanta under a flood watch. more on the details? >> we have more concern for more flash flooding and three weekends in a row that the system has been pounded with heavy rain. i don't expect the atlanta to
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get four inches. isolated areas will get that but one to two inches by tomorrow. all the soaking rain. on its way toward nashville and birmingham. very slow going tonight along i-20. in to shreveport we picked up two and a half inches. you see pretty widespread and more rain in georgia and atlanta and down the coast of louisiana. you can see flood watches will be in effect across central and northwest parts of georgia. there is going to be cooler air building in but monday we still have more scattered showers with all this tropical moisture. it's what was because what was ola. as you are heading through monday, wet weather and much, much cooler. atlanta is in the 60s and 70 in montgomery and little rock. back to you.
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>> gregg: thank you very much. >> julie: drought providing fuel for fast moving wildfire in the mountains east of los angeles. flames tearing through the san bernardino national forest. three homes destroyed threatening hundreds more. more than 3500 firefighters now battling the flames. evacuation orders in effect for nearly everyone living near the line of fire. some 6,000 people in all. gusty winds fang the flames but the fire is far from being contained. >> gregg: a little boy reaching no time reaching for the phone when his little sister suddenly had a seizure. he noticed his sister was turning blue. he picked up his own cell phone to call for help. she suffers from frequent seizures or medicine. >> giving that to her and then they noticed she was throwing up
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so once she was on her side but she was blue, her lips were purple blue. >> gregg: kayman says he stepped up to the plate because dad told him he is man of the house when father isn't home. little sister is released from the hospital and cayman, good for you. >> used the cell phone that his parents gave him in case of emergencies. a 7-year-old with cell phones. >> gregg: it depends on the circumstances. >> julie: i think its great story. communities in the rockies, coping with the problem with the bears. you were reporting about a bear attack. >> gregg: indeed, very frequent, why local police are being called in. what you need to know to stay safe.
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we're going to talk to him about what is in his blood. this five-year-old, gator slayer. he is going to with be us live in the studio next. óyç[[+'/?ow still tired of morning coming in the middle of the night? rooster crow. still tired the next day too?
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>> gregg: time for a look at the news making headlines. president obama national security advisor responding to a recent attack on american troops in afghanistan saying the country is not in imminent danger of falling to the taliban insurgency. on saturday, eight american troops killed. >> italy's prime minister making a big promise to earthquake victims. saying new homes will be built for them. mudslides killing at least 22 people leaving more than 500 homeless. >> when it comes to iran's nuclear program they say washington is involved in intense negotiations with tie ran. they say iran must prove that it's nuke site is for peaceful purposes or face sanctions.
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>> julie: it is being called the year of the bear in aspen, colorado. violent attacks in mountain communities on the rises. black bears, let's show you what a black bear looks like in person. if you live in colorado. chances you probably have. they are forcing their way into homes, ripping through trash and in some cases, coming close to people, dangerously close to people. they are called black bears, get a grip. we're going to have an animal expert to explain. the problem is not just in colorado, just yesterday a florida man survived a bear attack. take a listen. >> i took my golf club to scare away a racoon, i assumed. that's when i saw a little baby cub. by the time i could look back the mother bear was full speed running at me. i saw her face and coming at me. i had time to turn around and
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stumble and fell. she was on top of me. only thing i could do, i kept her off with my feet and trying to get her off with a golf club. >> brandon is an animal trainer and host of animal planet. first of all, black bears, they are brown. >> it's called a cinnamon. >> gregg: i'll call them from now on. >> julie: let's talk about bears in general. ornament overrule aggressive with humans. i wouldn't believe that. with all these recent bear attacks seem to be on the rise. >> bears are quick learners and the bear realizes that people in the supermarket, when they see a
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free sample. >> gregg: julie does that, right for the free sample. >> once they think of free food, they don't go out and hunt. >> julie: we had 74-year-old woman who had been feeding bears and she was mauled to death. apparently not only was she mauled to death but when authorities removed the corpses the bear attacked her and they had to shoot the bear. another bear was found with human flesh inside the stomach. why would the bears if they had been coming there to food to turn on her. that is the example. >> wild animals are unpredictable. bears in the wild should be left alone. you should not feed wild bear, it learns it gets free food and there will be dozens of bears there. dozens of bears they eat a lot of food. the second they run out of food
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now they are going to hurt her. >> julie: people are charged with not keeping their trash safe? >> they should be. >> julie: there is bear proof containers. you are actually drawing danger. >> charge them double. bears have noses and if the track can is open, kids can get hurt. people don't understand the power of a bear. it's a 700 pound animal. >> julie: what about these bears coming out of the woods and they are knocking down doors, breaking glass, ripping down front doors in people's homes, regulated the refrigerators? >> again... you really can't. once again the bears were taught at one point they were given free food by a human. what they do down the line they keep going to humans for the free food. national parks is a great sign,
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feed a bear, kill a bear. it's a simple explanation. once a human feeds that bear, first thing the park rangers find the bear shoot it dead. that bear is going to find the first human and possibly kill it. >> julie: some six bears have been shot dead recently because they were attacking humans. >> and many more to come. people will never learn. it's a wild animal. >> julie: reopen the hunting season because it was outlawed back in 1992 but the bear population. i don't agree witness. have you ever seen a black bear or cinnamon bear? >> a bear outside kitchen door rummaging through the trash. >> julie: i remember you told me about that? >> my daughter was screaming, with a baseball bat hoping it
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won't barge through the kitchen door. the week before the bear had broken into the next door's neighbor's home and sat down and made himself home to a pot roast. >> julie: i thought you were going to say he made a sandwich. they are very clever. >> gregg: i was going take --, thanks very much, that's good. it has more than a hundred security cameras with dozens of offices monitoring all of them and all those eyes have one mission. watch for terror threats, no one has gotten a look inside the command center until now. that is next.
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>> gregg: time for the news making headlines. california wild fire is forcing residents to pack up belongings and get out heading for a safe shelter. the fire is burning about 75 miles east of los angeles. it has destroyed three homes and firefighters are working against erratic strong winds and low visibility. >> julie: china is reporting that north korea is open to talks on nuclear programs. comments were made during a meeting between the chinese and
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north korean premiers. >> gregg: man accused of stalking erin andrews will find out if he will be transferred out in custody in california or be released on bail. there he is. on friday he is accused of secretly taking nude videotapes of andrews in two states. >> julie: defined to prevent a repeat of 9/11. new york city spending millions of dollars for state of the art security system for one of the most popular areas, manhattan, ground zero, wall street and brooklyn bridge. now for the first time we're getting a peek inside this super high-tech command center. laura ingle is live in lower manhattan to give us a look. >> reporter: we're talking about $24 million in homeland security grants that are being poured
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into the lower manhattan security command center. this thing is for and we've been hearing about this center for about a year. we finally got inside with our cameras cearms. first thing will expand the security system to make a lot of improvements. then it is going to be used to expand actual grid of security system up to midtown manhattan. let's talk about what is inside. video monitors and maps that stretch 40 feet wide and ten feet tall to give officers with the nypd and those with private companies in the transportation industry a constant view of what is going on in the day or night. 911 calls are monitored, cameras zoom in and license plate readers to provide high-tech intelligence and a strategy to protect the city everywhere. michael bloomberg says when all the improve also are complete by
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2011. city will have spent $110 million in upgrades. >> we will spend as much as necessary in either federal or city funds to complete this project and protect new york. that is our number one priority. it comes before all fiscal concerns. >> reporter: midtown manhattan security as it was named today will get underway in 2010 and protect 30th to 60th street from river to river. it will have face detection cameras but not yet as new technology they hope to implement it. that is the thing we'll see over the next few years, different types of technology is going to be used here. we come live from the brooklyn bridge. we want to show you something. if you visit here you see these signs. you are under nypd surveillance. look forward to see a lot more of those around the city.
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>> julie: laura ingle, thank you very much. >> gregg: remember all the experts say the economy was pulling out of a recession after the unemployment rate hit 9.8%. signs of recovery may look a bit distant but the latest jobs report raising a serious question do we need a second package. here is alan greenspan, former chairman of the federal reserve. >> no new stimulus for two reasons. one, only 40% of the first stimulus has been in place. and there is a considerable debate going on economics profession about how effective this stimulus package is. so mainly because of the fact as broad as it is and effective as it will turn out to be, it's still got 60% left to go.
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>> gregg: do we need a second stimulus? joining me now is joe, chairman and ceo of the company. laura tyson, economy advisor to president greenspan as you just heard said absolutely not. who is right here? >> i lean towards greenspan's view. think he made two good points. more than half the sflus hasn't been put in place yet, but the more important one is that there is a lot of research coming out, a new paper last month from the national bureau of economic research for example. written bee economists in stanford and harvard that suggest that the concept of a
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keys nian multiplier, i'll explain that, is not as valid as we had once thought. many economists believe that a dollar spent by the federal government in the form of stimulus packages will produce multiples of that. recent studies that is not the case. >> gregg: let me stop you there. i thought you were talking about a couple of noted economists and studied at the impact, not models but data? >> right. >> gregg: john taylor hoover institution, let's put it occupy the screen. the data available tells us that the stimulus has not stimulated consumption at all and resilience of the private sector not the fiscal program deserves the credit for the impressive growth from first quarter to second quarter. do you agree with that? >> i agree with that, but i
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would add something. that is it's not just the concept of the resilience of the private sector market economy which is absolutely very important. but we have had massive monetary stimulus in this economy over the past nine months. the same thing is try worldwide. i'm in the camp that believes monetary stimulus is far more importa tha fiscal stimulus. monetary stimulus being manifest in the huge reduction in interest rates and various projects by the fed to shore up the loan market. >> gregg: and before she became advisor to barack obama, fiscal policy never works. she has changes her tune. one more question, i talked with a vice president's chief economic advisor last wednesday. he was talking about the
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stimulus made a huge account. i said janet take a look at your own website, i had looked at it on wednesday and $86 billion has been paid out of 787 and that amounts roughly to 17%. truly that is, is it not, a fraction a fraction of the total economy. isn't it therefore preposterous to claim that the stimulus has had any effect? >> there is a big distance between the cause and effect here when you look at the timing of these things. stock market which is a great barometer historically of economic activity made the bottom in march. i don't think the ink was dry to the legislation. it's fairly clear that the monetary stimulus that has been put in place but also the global
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monetary stimulus and some fiscal stimulus in other parts of the world. china has had a huge impact on global economic demand. we are seeing early signs of a global economic recovery largely unrelated to the u.s. stimulus program. >> gregg: private sector, resilience of the private sector. joe, thank you so much. >> julie: we brought you this study. a remarkable five-year-old boy that bagged a gator in texas. here is mom and dad to tell us how he hunted the gator down and we'll show it to you nicks. ld m ayets ryor. nner lyeron m s raleso hiowti llmemaur thy ets ro ig ass. (anc thntme
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>> julie: mother nature tearing a path of destruction across the glob in the past few weeks, one of the worst areas, asia, pacific region, it triggered a tsunami and affecting the lives of more than 1500 people. rescue efforts are still underway in the philippines where a typhoon forced tens of thousands of evacuations. in indonesia, entire villages were wiped out by landslides. in italy a scene of disaster, a round of storms sparked mudslides, in sicily, homes destroyed and cars swept away.
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slides killing 22 people and leaving more than 500 homeless. >> gregg: he may look like your average kid but same on hughes is far from that. the he is about three feet tall, 44 pounds. there he is. >> julie: you know what, he single handily took out an 800 pound alligator. apparently his dad is good teacher. she here in the studio with us. tony and scott are his parents. thank you for coming on. you've been handling a gun since you've been four years old? >> yes. >> julie: when you were out there, that sunday morning, you guys were hunting with your father and friend. tell me about the bait.
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bait was set for an alligator and you knew somebody took that bait and it came out of water. what happened when you saw it? >> not much. >> julie: a lot happened, you grabbed your gun? >> yes. >> julie: when you saw the alligator, what did you think when you saw that alligator come out. you grabbed your gun and aimed it at the alligator and you shot it? >> you shot it in the head. did you know that is how you had to kill the alligator was to shoot him in the head? >> yes. >> how did you know that? >> i don't know. >> your dad at that time you? >> yes. >> julie: and he has alligator training shooting? >> no, ma'am, we respect fire arms and alligator hunted was jaws bonus this year. it's regulated by the state of texas what we can take.
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we fortunately had two permits this year. never noticed the gator on the ranch, he was 35-40 years old. >> julie: he was 12 and a half feet long. you have about 5,000 acres. >> this particular ranch is part of the family. we have approximately on this ranch about three and a half miles of trench river basin and there is 500 plus acres of wet land. this gator was born and raise order that ranch. >> julie: look at the head. you have it in a cooler. >> gregg: this is the head. it's on ice for obvious reasons. >> julie: they were going to pull it on the desk. >> gregg: it's not a good idea. were you scared? >> no. >> gregg: you weren't. that thing is about ten times as big as you. >> julie: you were really scared. you heard about how close this
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alligator got to your son, within five feet away. i knew that simon was armed and scott was right beside him. and i completely trusted them. we have another family friend that was there. i knew that all three of those men would get in front of that gator if they had to. i trust them. >> julie: i understand you want to shoot a bigger one? >> yeah. >> julie: i'm going to get something bigger, 15 feet. >> 17 feet. >> he missed the state record by a foot. but the alligator was the weight. >> julie: that head is 104 pounds. >> 109 is just the head. we had the person and he had has
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a you could put two of the tialsz, it's truly amazing. >> julie: the tail is bigger than simon. yes, it's feet are almost as big as simon. >> gregg: you are heroic little boy and you are very brave and you shall great shot. thanks for joining us. mom and dad, thank you. thank you simon. >> julie: thank i guys. >> and last day is november 14th but please keep all the family and soldiers in the prayers. and zbloog what is his name? >> hunter hughes. thank you for his service to our country. >> breaks my heart for the ones
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that didn't make it. >> gregg: thank you very much. little gator hero. >> julie: thank you so much for coming in and bringing your gator head. we've hev had a gator head in the studio, this is a first. well moving on now. it looks like it runs in the family, bernie madoff is serving time, wait until you hear the lawsuit waiting for the family members all tied to his massive ponzi scheme.
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>> julie: they are being called complete derelict. several members of the bernie madoffs family.
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his son, niece and brother are all part of the corrupt firm as a personal piggybank to finance a lavish lifestyle. he ripped off millions in life savings. trustee of solving the madoff empire is suing them for nearly $200 million. let's bring in legal panel, former prosecutor of media law, paul kalan and legal analyst. first of all, madoff's family is knee deep in this, his son, brother and niece, they are senior management members of his firm. how can you tell me they did not know that the money they were receiving the millions of dollars they were receiving wasn't fraudulent money. shouldn't they be going down in bernie? >> they should be going down with bernie.
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$66 million, $60 million, each one has got multimillion dollar recoveries from the fraud and the ponzi scheme. reason they should go down is because the brother, peter and his daughter were in charge of compliance for the firm. their job was to find out whether there were fraudulent trades going on. there were no trades going on. they were so derelict in their duty they didn't realize he made up these trades. andrew, finish one point before you jump in. the son was a director of trading in the company. how could they possibly argue that they were doing their job properly when no trades were going on. >> julie: bernie's brother peter served as chief compliance officer. it alleges he clear did not carry out his responsibility for
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any integrity and fabricated trade in microsoft soft that gave him $8 million plus profit in 2002. i mean, what kind of profit, i would like to buy microsoft stock if 'that is the kind of profit i could make? >> there were so many layers of protection for ors. there is a whole bunch of cases about business judgment. it's your discretion. this is your defense, we didn't know this was going on. we didn't know any of these issues were going on. we were seeing these trades. apparently there were some computer generated records that showed trades being done, albeit they weren't being done. >> mercedes mass been hanging out with corporate titans for too long. business judgment rule means that the officer has to be acting in good faith and make an honest mistake.
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these were not honest mistakes. they were not acting in good faith. this is wholesale theft of money. >> trustee has to show gross negligence and not going to be able to do it. what about... julie and gregg is watching this, wait a minute, that means if my executive or ceo is a crook and i'm somehow getting extra bonus money i'm going to get it, too. that is what we're dealing with here. to be an eyewitness to a bank robbery and allowing it to go on. >> there are no criminal charges. >> gregg: bernie madoff, lies and at the acceptings what a being sneaky. he is the best experts in the country. >> gregg: how can a compliance officer detect that which is
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indetectable. >> even if the sec didn't figure it out. >> gregg: if they want to hire me. >> on the on the other hand, they didn't have the information that the sons and brother had. after all they are officers of the company. if you are in charge of compliance, shouldn't you know that no trades are going on? >> the feds, it would have come down and they would have been charged. this investigation has been over a number of years. this isn't just perhaps bernie was led off in cuffs. this was done for years. >> if the civil case is strong, feds could still launch an attack. >> julie: we'll have to wait and see. guys, thank you so much. >> get the kid with the alligator gun, that will take care of them. >> gregg: first and most in
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charge of writing the nation's tax laws neglected to pay taxes on some of the tropical properties. and his half million dollar credit account. there he is. charlie rangel. how much does it hurt the promise to rein in the most ethical congress in history. she promised that in history. quality and reliability...
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture...
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>> hello, i'm gregg jarrett. >> julie: i'm m i'm jewel you bandaras, topping the news now, reports this tehran has what it takes to, quote, design and produce a workable nuclear bomb. and this as the white house claims it has seen signs of cooperation from iran over the atomic ambitions. >> gregg: thousands of anguished families searching through the earthquake rubble in indonesia as hopes grow dim and not finding survivors. >> julie: the golden state cannot get a break from the destructive wildfires. yet, another new one today, parking off thousands under evacuation orders and will mother nature help exhaust the fire -- exhausted firefighters? the forecast straight ahead. >> gregg: first we begin with a fierce battle between insurgents and american troops in afghanistan. resulting in the death of 8 us soldiers, the deadly against american forces in more than a year and the latest round of violence as president obama weighs the option of sending
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more manpower to the region. connor powell is live in ka bowel, afghanistan, with the latest. connor? >> reporter: gregg, violence hit record levels in afghanistan and in part because of taliban attacks, just like this, and it is a massive show of force, monther than 250 taliban insurgents attacked two u.s. military out posts in the remote nuristan province, a part of afghanistan in eastern afghanistan, along the afghan-pakistan border and it is as rugged and difficult a fighting terrain as there is anywhere in afghanistan. and, now the u.s. military was able to repel this attack but it came at a highs cost, 8 -- high cost and 78 u.s. soldiers and it is further evidence of the growing power and strength of the taliban here in afghanistan. and, attacks like this are the reason that general mcchrystal, the top military commander here in afghanistan is requesting more troops and he says he wants
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nearly 40,000 additional troops, to take on the taliban, and to protect the afghan civilian population here, and he thinks it is the only way to turn the tide here in afghanistan, gregg. >> gregg: connor powell, live in kabul, on a very sad day. for american troops. thank you. >> julie: major developments in iran, "the new york times" reporting today, that tehran has what it takes to quote design and produce a workable nuclear bomb and meanwhile, the head of the united nations nuclear watchdog agency says he sees tehran shifting gears from confrontation to cooperation, james rosen with the story. >> reporter: u.s. officials are treading gingerly around the excerpts of a draft report by nuclear experts from the iaea, that concludes iran possesses sufficient information to design and produce a workable nuclear weapon. and the head of the iaea, dr. el baradei was in iran this morning, and announcing his agency's inspectors will on october 25th, be admitted inside
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the underground uranium enrichment site, near the holy city of qum iran kept secret until last week and em brady who won the nobel peace prize in '05 but who conservatives see as too deferential to the iranian regime said the iaea has no concrete proof, that there is an ongoing nuclear weapons program in iran, however the iaea draft report cites iran's work on high explosives, testing and the redesign of a missile reentry vehicle so it can accommodate a nuclear warhead an iran's decision to admit inspectors into the qum facility followed high level talks in geneva attended by diplomat by the u.n. security council states, germany and the european union and the president's national security advisor side-stepped a question about whether the iaea draft report, suggesting iranians know how to build a nuclear weapon is accurate. >> whether they know how to do it or not, is, you know, is a matter of some conjecture but, what we're watching is what is their intent.
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and, we have been worried about that intent. and we now have -- iran is willing to come to the table. >> the iranians will return to the negotiating table in vienna on october 19th to hammer out an agreement with the u.s. and france and russia that could see tehran shipping 1200 kilos of low enriched uranium to russia for processing there instead of on iranian soil. julie. >> julie: thank you very much. gregg. >> gregg: what does it mean for the middle east, the united states and the world, joining me now is michael singh, the former senior director for the milled eastern affairs, division of the national security council under president george w. bush. and thank you for being with us, mr. singh. >> thank you. >> gregg: a week ago the defense secretary said we stand by the analysis of the national intelligence estimate, that iran halted its nuclear weapons program, in the fall of 2003. and, you just heard what the national security advisor said.
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are they wrong? >> well, clearly, we are going to have to reassess those intelligence findings in light of this information, that is being provided, now, sort of through the media by the iaea, the nuclear watchdog at the u.n., and we have seen revelations in recent weeks that haven't been surprising. we know iran is work on nuclear weapons but they are disturbing, and you know, it takes three things, that make a nuclear weapon, it takes enriched uranium, it takes weaponization, and it takes missiles. or delivery systems. >> gregg: right. >> so far we have seen advancements on all fronts in a matter of week by iran and saw the revelation of a new enrichment facility in qum, and a missile test and saw the administration in washington, saying that iran was making more progress than expected on missiles and now, we see the report from the iaea about weaponization suggesting that perhaps iran is farther along than we suspected before. >> gregg: mr. singh, it is more ha than that, they are putting
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all three together, for goodness sakes, acocked to the estimate by the iaea -- according to the estimate by the iaea they've test aid implosion device which would be sufficient to put on a missile warhead on the top of the shahab-3 which can reach israel and european countries. so, they put all three together, hand they. >> that's right and looks like they've made progress, all three fronts and so we should be concerned and underscores, the -- that time is very short here and these negotiations, underway, have got to make progress quickly, and we certainly can't allow this iranians to play for time or stalling. >> gregg: do you think they are sincere. >> i don't think they are. i think if you look at their track record, with these negotiations, stalling for time is exactly what they have done in the past and have shown a lot of willingness to get to the table and once at the table, they negotiated a very sort of hard ball manner and not shown
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much interest in an agreement and already, i think you have seen the iranian ambassador to britain, said in fact nothing was agreed in geneva and we're seeing the tactics which the iranians like to employ. >> julie: >> gregg: does it mean we don't merely need to be threatening financial and oil and gas sanctions, we need to literally impose them and if they capitulate we could ease them. >> what we need is leverage and cannot assume that if we build up a nice atmosphere, at the negotiating table, the iranians will start to see our way of thinking. we need to have leverage going into these talks, and that means there needs to be at least serious preparations for sanctions and the iranians need to believe it is credible we might use military force. >> gregg: why not just -- >> negotiations -- i'm sorry. >> invoke the sanctions. threaten them and prepare for them and get ready for them, let's levy the sanctions. and, maybe they'll get a case of
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the "for reals" and decide to back off. >> you know, you want to go unto the negotiation with tough sanctions in place and the reality, given you need other countries' support for those sanctions, russia and china and or even other countries. that may not be possible going into the -- >> gregg: ever give china and russia cooperation on sanctions? >> it is hard to say. you know, russia's made positive comments, and, however, at the end of the day, nothing that happened recently fundamentally changes their calculus. and there is plenty of evidence iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and russia has not been particularly forthcoming before and neither has china. so, i don't think we have great -- >> gregg: why are we talking about that. if china, which supplies 2/3 or half at least of the gasoline that is usable, by iran, and they will continue to do so and we can't control them, then, why are we even talking about
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sanctions? >> i think because we do need to try, at the end of the day, if a military strike is our only option, remaining or, you know, if that is the road we have to go done we need to tell the american people that we tried every other possibility. so, i think we do need to try, and russia and china ultimately don't get on board we'll need to go ahead without them -- >> gregg: what i'm hearing from you, is that you don't think china and maybe not russia, will ever go along with sanctions, in the end, military force, or nothing at all. maybe deterrents, with a nuclear iran, will be the solution. >> i don't think that i nuclear iran can be contained or deterred, no, so i wouldn't put that on the list of acceptable options. >> gregg: why can they be, they are irrational? >> no, i don't think that is it, necessarily, whether or not you believe they a rational or irrational, think about the consequences of a nuclear iran for this region and every country, just about, that has had nuclear technology
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proliferated it and who would iran proliferate to, perhaps hezbollah, and could we contain them and you have iran's proxies, hamas and hezbollah, emboldened, and other countries in the region, perhaps seek nuclear weapons themselves and if you prevent iran from using the nuclear weapons, the consequences for the region and the world i think would be devastating. plus i think we need to remember that containment as applied to the soviet union was a military operation. it involved the deployment of troops overseas and involved two wars, korea and vietnam. >> gregg: michael singh, we'll wait and see, thank you very much for your insights. >> thank you. >> julie: the u.s. unemployment rate will pass 10%, the prediction from former federal reserve chief alan greenspan. the latest data putting the jobless number, at 9.8%, alan greenspan calling friday's job report, quote, pretty awful. that is not all he said, julie kirtz is live in washington, and alan greenspan doesn't sound too optimistic. what else did he say?
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>> he not only said he believes the rate -- unemployment rate will push past 10%, he said expect to it stay there for a while. so, not real encouraging news, if you looking for a job but he believes we're in the middle of an economic recovery, and might not feel like that. if you are unemployed. alan greenspan says he is very concerned about people who have been out of work for a long time, six months, or longer, because they start to lose job skills, and that is in his words irretrievable loss for the economy, julie. >> julie: what about the stimulus package, does he think it works? >> he does not support any major new stimulus plan, and very clear about that and he says that would be counterproductive, but he said, you know, he supports two things, under consideration in washington, and extending unemployment benefits, for people who are out of work now and extending tax credits, to make sure that the unemployed are able to remain their health insurance, here's his argument. >> no stimulus, for two reasons.
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one, only 40% of the first stimulus is -- has been in place, and, there is a considerable debate, going on in the economics profession, how effective the stimulus package is. >> so, essentially, he's saying we need to wait and see and he said it is premature to act on these worse than expected september jobless numbers. >> julie: and yesterday the president hinted at the idea of taking more economic action, to stimulate the economy, and what is he considering. >> reporter: right, white house officials not saying they are calling for another big stimulus package, but the president did say, yesterday, after he returned, to the white house, he is meeting with the economic advisors and looking at any and all options to get people back to work and administration officials say those options include three steps, to ease the financial burden on the unemployed, the extending unemployment benefits, the health insurance benefits, and, also, the tax benefits, for
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first time homebuyers of $8,000. as well. >> julie: all right, julie kirtz, thank you, live in washington for us. >> sure. >> well, we have a pair of weather extremes out west. right now, wildfires are raging in california, and, arizona and we are getting word of a new wildfire just broke out north of los angeles, so far no injuries, or homes threatened but we understand it may be growing. and, drought conditions sparking a wildfire, in california's san bernardino national forest, the fire destroyed three times and is threatening hundreds of more, thousands, they have been told to get out, evacuate. and meanwhile residents are close to the grand canyon stay away from homes for another day after a fire deliberately set to clear out forest under growth blew out of control. all this, as other parts of the west could see up to four feet of snow. quite a bit on... over at accu-weather, we are joined with
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details and is mother nature going to help us out with any of these fires. >> we are not expecting any significant rainfall, but, look at what is -- looking at temperatures, actually, cooler this weekend than we were last week and we saw temps in the desert and l.a. area, 90s if not triple digits and it is interesting rather to see the fires breaking out, and we are still seeing gusty winds with the latest storm system, that pushed away from the northwest and is also prompting once again the dry conditions in place, and the relatively low humidity and that is a recipe for pretty potent recipe ingredients, rather for those wildfires and you can see strong winds, and tonight, pretty much in the desert, across much of arizona, and gusts and in excess of 30 to 50 miles per hour and, it diminished tonight and will be whipping further east and now across eastern new mexico and high plains of texas and the wildfire threat will shift further towards the southern plains and then, snow, i know it is pretty interesting and is typical to get snow action, this
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time of year, across the northwest and you can see the latest storm system spinning and we have rain in salt lake city and flurries, towards east of boise, but as far as accumulations, well, if you want to get a jump start on skiing season we expect locally up to 2 feet, across areas like yellowstone national park and towards the barefoot mountains and across southern parts of montana, and is a pretty wide swath of snow, and areas like casper and towards idaho, a good 3-6 inches as well and a lot of that will diminish once bee we get warmer air and will not be lingering much and still looking at slow travel for you on monday. and here's what the southeast looks like, rain impacting the southeast and atlanta getting heavy wet weather, as well and birmingham, and shreveport, and seeing a lot of the wet action and we are not really expecting so much in the way of improvement, unfortunately through monday, pretty much flood watches in effect across central atlanta and eastern parts of alabama. and that is a look at your accu-weather forecast and gregg,
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back to you. >> gregg: thanks, julie. >> julie: six members of the u.s. supreme court turning out for a d.c. tradition, the annual red mass at the cathedral of st. matthew, and during the service, the archbishop making a plea for the rights of the unborn, saying, quote, they require, quote our most careful attention and radical support and joe biden and michael steele also attend and the red mass first held in d.c. in 1953, and is traditionally held the day before the opening of the supreme court terms. >> gregg: i saw justice kennedy and sotomayor and roberts, who is there... >> julie: they were all there. >> gregg: briar. >> julie: i didn't see justice breyer. i wasn't really looking. >> gregg: we'll get on it. >> julie: we have to find out and i'm sure everyone was dying -- no, he was not there. >> gregg: all right, ground control to major tom...♪ clint henderson is predicting... nasa
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cut as commenced, one of the biggest space agency's biggest programs, thousands of people are out of work. no ♪ ♪ ground control to major tom...♪ >> gregg: feeling the effects. sing along, everybody. >> ♪ ♪ put your helmets on ♪ ground control to major tom...♪ yg;wwgkóçó37wcwówg'çówóçoo ugcl) yeacl 's h fba icos y!tyft
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>> gregg: top stories now, this white house is saying it does see signs of progress in nuclear talks with iran, the following -- following weeks of high level meetings with they ran and six -- tay rand six world powers and a new u.n. report says iran has the information necessary to build a nuclear weapon and deadly violence in afghanistan, 8 american troops are dead after it's least 300 militants stormed a pair of out posts, it happened near the pakistani border and u.s. military calling it one of the fiercest battles since this war began almost 8 years ago and we're getting word of a fuel tanker explosion in iraq and 0 officials say it happened close to a checkpoint at baghdad's international airport, no word on the cause, five guards wounded and no fatalities were reported.
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>> julie: president obama feeling the pressure on afghanistan and the top commander on the ground is asking for more manpower to win the war, but so far, no definite word from the president on the strategy, or if he'll agree to send more troops and critics say the president is stuck in a tug-of-war, this is -- as eight u.s. troops lost their lives on the deadliest day of attacks in the region in over a year. does the president have too much on his plate now? and, is he ignoring the afghanistan issue, fox news contributor and "new york post" columnist michael goodwin joins us live. you have written an article, titled -- basically are saying, president obama is awol on afghanistan. why do you say that. >> julie, it goes back to what happened on friday. i think friday was sort of the culmination of a series of events, that are now becoming more and more clear, and in hindsight and one of the president, of course goes to denmark, to talk to the olympic panel, and, while he's there, he has a 25 minute meeting with our
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commander in afghanistan. general mccountriesal, whom obama himself appointed to the position, and to carry out a new strategy, and, one of the things that came out, during the last couple of weeks, is that mcchrystal and obama have only spoken once, since obama appointed him, and, meanwhile, mcchrystal was out there trying to make the case to the president, and to the white house, about the need to change the strategy to resource it, as they call it in the military and make it work, saying, if you don't you are going to lose the war. you have sort of a -- anonymous quotes from the white house pushing back on mcchrystal. meanwhile the president, to my knowledge, has never been to afghanistan. and yet he can go to denmark, to pitch for the olympics. now, i don't mind him going to make the pitch for the olympics but i think he can't do it if he can't find the time for afghanistan and for, to summon mccrist to denmark from london for a 25 minute meeting seems to
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be putting the priorities backwards and should be more concerned with afghanistan than he is with the olympics. >> julie: okay, you are saying he's more concerned with getting the olympics to chicago. than he is to afghanistan. >> i'm saying -- i'm saying on friday, his apportionment of the time and the way he scheduled that trip, and then to squeeze mcchrystal in for 25 minutes, and, by the way, the way the white house released the photographs of them meeting, to me smacks of a photo op, they did this, primarily to show the president engaged on the issue. so i do believe, going back to what you said in the beginning, they are starting to feel the pressure, that he is not really engaged and that this issue has been hanging out there and now you have clearly open sort of battles going on between the generals and the white house. and, from what i understand, everybody in the military, basically, agrees with mcchrystal and this could be shaping up as obama's kind of war with this pentagon, over afghanistan. and i don't think that is where the president wants to be or is good for the country and i think
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he needs to buckle down and figure out what he is going to do in afghanistan. and, you know, send the -- spend the kind of time on it he has been spending on health care to convince the public that it is this right strategy. >> julie: and general stanley mcchrystal summoned, and gets 25 minutes talk time with the president and the same day obama was in denmark with his brief meeting with general mcchrystal the unemployment rate came out and climbed to 9.8% think highest since 1983. and you say the president is a woulding as commander -- awol as commander and chief and what about the economy. >> there are three main priorities the president ought to focus on and one is afghanistan because we have so many of our soldiers there, 68,000, and two, is iran, which the move towards nuclear weapons is really pretty clear, to everybody. and, the fact that we have got to get tougher, is pretty clear, even the french are pushing us to get tougher and the french are pushing you to get tougher
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you know you are not being tough and third, the economy. the this economy is the chief domestic issue and again, the president comes back, gives a speech about how he'll do all kinds of things, to try to increase employment. and unemployment has been creeping up now, for his entire time in office, and, now he seems to have discovered it again, because it hit 9.8% and meanwhile he's out there virtually every day, on health care. health care is not something the public wants, they want jobs, and, they want sort of success in our foreign policy and i just think the president is spending his time unwisely, and that he is pushing for issues that are not really at the core of the presidential responsibilities. >> julie: let's be fair here. i mean, let's talk about first of all, health care and wants to have it passed by the end of the year and we hope for a bipartisan solution, come january and whether it happens we'll have to wait and see. now, at first he was criticized for trying to pass health care too quickly, before congress took off for the summer and so
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he then gave them the time, they came back after august, and now, they are debating the bill. but, you could also argue, that high is not trying to necessarily push things through the way our former president was criticized in doing, for example, president bush, i mean, you got to admit he was criticized for pushing and rushing into two wars and some could argue obama is at least take the time to make the best decision when it comes to afghanistan. and of course -- health care. >> look, on afghanistan, i think it is absolutely important and imperative to get the right strategy, but, don't forget this is obama's own strategy and this strategy he outlined in march and appointed mcchrystal to carry it out and mcchrystal came back with an answer, that seems as though obama, at least biden, didn't want to hear the answer mcchrystal gave him and now there is a second-guessing and, some openly criticizing of the general, you appointed and i don't think that that is the way to fight a war. but, i absolutely agree. you have to get it right. but spend the time doing that. don't spend the time on health care or spend the time jetting
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to the olympics for a five hour meeting, spend the time meeting with mcchrystal and i think he should have spent the day, 15 hours with mcchrystal and 25 minutes with the olympics and would have been a better use of the president's time. >> julie: talk about the time he has spent trying to push the massive health care proposal. i mean, he has been on more talk shows, late night talk shows and sunday shows and he has been pretty much campaigning for health care. as if he's not president and still trying to get into office. okay, what -- >> i agree. >> julie: the spending on health care, he is spending too much time in your opinion. >> look, he's clearly made it his central issue. but, the public doesn't agree with him on that, the public, i think in the latest rasmussen reports, has the approval down to 41% and up to 70% not believing him when he makes claims how it will not add to the deficit and will not hurt their own personal insurance and the president is really at odds with public trust on this one and again, he has made this the central issue and think, now, if he spent the time on
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afghanistan, that he spent on health care, if he spent the time on iran he spent on health care, my point is that his priorities are the not in alignment with really what seems to be the core challenge, facing the country and the core challenge facing the country is what the president ought to be spending his time on, not on things that he happens to think are more important, but which the public is -- doesn't see it. >> michael goodwin, thank you very much. for talking to us, your column in "the new york post" now. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> gregg: nasa contributing to the national unemployment rate. america's space agency is now saying more than 250 contract workers have lost their jobs, many getting their pink slips this weekend. the thing is, this is just the first round of layoffs. related to the planned shut down of the space shuttle program. by the end of next year, an estimated 7,000 jobs will be lost. overall. >> julie: the scene grows grimmer, days of digging
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sometimes with only their hands there is hill hope of finding anyone alive after the devastating quake in indonesia and it is a search for bodies now and now those efforts have become complicated by new problems. the tragic details, next.
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>> gregg: bottom of the hour, top of the news, 8 american troops killed during an insurgent ambush in afghanistan. the militants armed with automatic rifles and
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rocket-propelled grenades stormed two out posts near the pakistan border and the deadliest attack against u.s. soldiers, in over a year in the region. >> julie: mayor richard daley calling the sewed of silence in the beating death of a teenager unacceptable and says he'll work with police and teachers to help people come forward. chicago teen darian albert was fatally beaten during a fight, four teens are charged in his death. >> gregg: a california wildfire forcing thousands of residents to pack up their personal belongings and head for safe shelter. the lytle fire, burning 75 miles east of l.a. and destroying three homes and firefighters are working against winds and low visibility. >> the search for senior advisors shifting to a search for bodies in the wake of indonesia's devastating earthquake and search teams giving up hope of finding anyone buried alive, after wednesday's 7.6 magnitude quake, leveled buildings, and wiped out entire villages.
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meanwhile, aid delivery for tens of thousands, left homeless, is slow going and sky tv's reporter reports from the city of pa dang. >> reporter: the body -- ped dang. >> reporter: the body bags keep filling up, three are dead and they will not be the last bodies found in the village. giant landslides triggered by the quake completely wiped out entire villages in the remote part of western sumatra. the isolated hillside communities were buried by a wall of mud carved from the hillside. nothing could stand in its way, lives, homes and trees, obliterated by an unstoppable force of nature. to get to what is left of the villages, rescuers must walk over the rooftops of the houses that can't be seen, sunk deep into the soil.
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a few stray photographs, hint at the lives that have been lost here. more than 650 could have perished and that means nearly as many people could lie under here as have been killed elsewhere, in the earthquake so far. the hills were shaken with so much force, the entire sides were sliced off and would have come crashing down in a matter of moments, completely submerging all of the communities that live along the river bed without warning. most of the bodies will never be found. the men, women and children had no chance and being trapped under rubble, there is still a hope of survival. there is none when drowning in a see of suffocating mud. he and his wife are making a heartbreaking return home to the valley. they have lost everyone, and everything.
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between them, 19 members of their families. she has lost her mother, brother and sisters. and only one body has been recovered. he tells me, they are struggling to cope with the trauma. he's with the specialist recovery team and says the roads are impossible and his squad must walk for miles and no heavy machinery can get through and all the digging has to be done by hand and in his years of relief work he has never witnessed such devastation. >> translator: the biggest challenge is this terrain, it is hard to get to the community and roads are blocked by the landslides and the paths are narrow and we have to travel on
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foot. >> reporter: the worst may be over, but, reaching all of the remote communities, or what is left of them will take a long time. only then will the horrors suffered by western sumatra be known. sky news, indonesia. >> gregg: he's the fourth most senior member of the united states congress and he's the chairman of the powerful house chief tack writing panel, the house -- tax writing panel, house ways & means committee and charlie rangel is also facing his own big tax problems and the harlem democrat under investigation for failing to report more than $1 million in outside income and this week, house democrats may be forced to abandon their support for mr. rangel. or state their support. as republicans push for a resolution to have him removed,
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as chair of the house ways & means committee. congressman john carter, a republican from texas wants to introduce the resolution and joins us now, thanks for being with us. before i ask you some questions, let me state that on thursday, i invited mr. rangel to appear on our air and he got back to us the next day and declined to do so, and my invitation to him now is a standing one, we'll keep track of it. and the reason is pretty important, congressman rangel writes our tax laws and the question is, is he a tax breaker and here's the accusations, we'll put them on the screen, and people can decide. he under reported more than a half million dollars in income. kept rent controlled apartments below market rates and failed to tell the irs of 75,000 in rental income an solicited money for education centers bearing his own name and accepted travel from donors who employ lobbyists, congressman carter, you are a former judge, is charlie rangel a tax cheat? >> he certainly has a lot of questions out there that need to be answered and need to be
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answered now, he's the head tax man of the house, and, the evidence is piling up. and, needs to be resolved. >> gregg: do you buy his explanations of, oh, gee, you know, i kind of forgot? >> well, we started off by buying the explanations when he first started, and -- but they just keep coming and coming and coming and growing and growing and growing. and, no, i don't buy those explanations, anymore. >> gregg: you think he has been deliberately deceptive and not reporting things which he knew he had to report? >> if he hasn't been deliberately deceptive he has been extremely negligent. because you don't forget the kind of assets, the kind of income, that is now servicing out of forgetfulness. >> gregg: should a man who is negligent in his own taxes be the head of the tax writing committee for all americans? >> well, i personally believe and many others believe that he should step down, in the highest tax writing position in the
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united states congress. until these issues are resolved. and i think it is doing the right thing, for america, for him to do that. >> gregg: fair and balanced, he's not here and would probably say, hey, wait a minute, i'm innocent until proven guilty. why should you force a resolution to get me to step down until i have been proven guilty? >> i agree with him that he is innocent until proven guilty and i have spent 20 years of my life protecting the innocent until they were proven beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases but in the situation we are talking about the u.s. congress reputation, talking about this reputation of the american people, as they look at the man in charge of their taxes. and, i think we owe is to the american citizen, when we have that appearance of impropriety to do what is the right thing and the right thing is to temporarily step down, until the issues are resolved. >> gregg: house speaker nancy pelosi made a big splash, vowing her congress unlike the
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republicans would be ethically skwi squeaky-clean and does her -- if she supports him and keeps him in the position, does it suggest she was disingenuous and if not deceptive when she said those things. >> i would say that she is disingenuous, and you know, when it started, they made a promise to the american people, that they were the -- would adopt the same rules the republicans had, where, leadership people who came under this kind of the scrutiny, should step down, until the issues are resolved. and republicans did that in their time, but, they didn't pass that rule. so, yes, she has real issues. >> gregg: well, as you likely know, the house ethics committee, is pretty famous for issuing nothing more than kind of a slap on the wrist. and, according to an editorial, in "the new york post," in fact let's put that on the screen and we'll quote it here, congressman rangel has been playing santa claus, doling out more campaign cash from his own re-election
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kitty than almost any other member of congress, and among the lucky recipients, three of the five democrats on the ethics committee. congressman, do you think that ethics are for sale in congress? and charlie rangel is trying to buy his way out of his troubles? >> i don't think ethics should be for sale in the u.s. congress, and i think those people on the ethics committee that got contributions from mr. rangel should give them back. in fact i think everybody ought to question the contribution they received, from mr. rangel in light of this pretty scandalous situation, we are facing. >> gregg: here's a guy who is demanding pretty much that all of america pay higher taxes, or sxiez taxes, or penalty -- excise taxes or penalty taxes for health care and health care reform and yet it would appear from our list we put up on the screen at the beginning of the interview that he has been
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skating on his taxes and how do you describe a guy like that? is he a hypocrite. >> i think there are a lot of hypocrisy on what is going on now and i think he should resign from the house ways & means committee, and, because it gives the appearance of impropriety and it causes the whole world to look at the house, and question the sincerity of our dedication to our jobs. and, he owes it to the house of representatives, to stand up for what is right and step down. >> gregg: there is no shortage of hypocrisy in washington, congressman. thank you very much for being with us, representative john carter, we'll wait and see how the resolution is and, again, the congressman, charlie rangel, we have a standing invitation to come here and answer our questions. want to be fair, wanted to give your side of things and so, we'll continue to make phone calls to you, this coming week to invite you to appear on our program to answer these very same questions.
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julie. >> julie: all right, major -- sea lions and people in san francisco's bay area, a group of swimmers, just want to enjoy the water and they say the sea lions are too aggressive and they are in the way, but they are cute! we'll tell you what is being done to keep the peace, next.
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>> gregg: looks like no love for sea lions in california, you see a group of san francisco bay swimmers say that the sea lions,
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which have exploded by the way in population, are an outright nuisance there and they claim the animals are becoming more and more aggressive, they are barking constantly and are biting, at the swimmers. well, the sea lions are a major tourist attraction on the docks and to keep the peace, between the animals and the people, the city put up a series of barriers, to keep the sea lions at bay. >> julie: a lot of those swimmers are try athletes and swim the san francisco bay and they're by the docks, not the middle of the bay, i see you leave them put. >> gregg: i'm with you. >> julie: wow you actually agree with me! >> gregg: no, i'm trying to get along, can't we all just gate leng. >> julie: the new york city police department going high-tech, it is upgrading the arsenal in the fight against terror and this state of the art command center designed to protect wall street, one key feature a network of security cameras, tracking all of the activity in the financial district. making sure trend of the 9/11 attacks never happens again. and laura ingle is live in lower
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manhattan with more, hi, laura, so there was a big announcement today. what can you tell us? >> hi, julie, today we had a couple of things happen and we have the mayor of new york city, michael bloomberg, and inside commissioner ray kelly tell us that 24 million dollars in homeland security grants will be poured into the lower manhattan security command center and a couple of different things, happening with this. and that means they are going to use that money to improve all of the camera systems that are already in place, and, that have been put around this city, especially, in the lower manhattan section, the new and improved stuff and also, license plate readers and all kinds of different detectors for biological and chemical and radiological problems that could come into the city and they have these detectors around and will get better ones and that is the first part and the second part we have is the expansion of the program, all -- of the command center and we have heard about that today and one thing, coming to you live now, from the brooklyn bridge and as you see
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behind me, this is a very busy port, very busy part of lower manhattan and of course, what is known as a high-value target. jimmie is going to swing up and show you the sign, we have been looking at and you see the signs around new york and you are under inside video surveillance. a lot more of those are going up, and with these new cameras going around. >> julie: what about the privacy issues, mayor and police chief weighing on on that issue. >> reporter: a lot of reporters wanted to ask that and this is the first time cameras were allowed inside of the command center today and the first time we have a look at what exactly is going on, at least we are allowed to see, and people did want to know about that, what about our privacy rights and they say, look, there is a balance, always has been a balance and we have had cameras not only around new york city but other cities and they are taking that into consideration and they welcome people who are concerned about that, to go on to the web site of the inside to find out what the privacy policy
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is and they weigh it and are aware of it but have to keep the city safe and brought up this res arrest of naijbullah zazi, and the cameras did not help with that arrest though they mentioned that that is the exact type of example why we need this type of security, put in place. >> julie: laura ingle in lower manhattan, thank you very much. >> gregg: it used to be you go to a local pharmacy to get you a band-aid when you had a boo in your finger and now you get a lot more there and these places have medical staff and they'll put the band-aid on you and check outer cut and more and more and more retail clinics are popping up in the stores that americans shop at most often, we'll take a much closer look at the benefits and the danger, and pick up your shampoo, get your blood pressure checked. >> julie: is going to the doctor or the pharmacist at wal-mart a good health decision. >> gregg: we'll put it to our own doctor who will be joining us in a minute. this woman was limited by
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her lack of mobility. a month ago this man wasn't even able to get around his house. these are people who chose mobility. and they chose the scooter store. if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i guarantee, no other company will work harder to make you mobile. if we pre-qualify you for a new scooter or power chair and medicare denies your claim, the scooter store allows you to keep your scooter or power chair at no cost. that's the scooter store guarantee. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice ...or work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. you don't qualify for medicare? no problem. we'll work with your insurance company, even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. call the scooter store for free information today.
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>> gregg: welcome back, may have you have noticed, perhaps you have even used the services, retame medical clinics are popping up at stores and why are you look act me like that. >> julie: i never... >> gregg: popping up at stores that americans shop at most often. >> julie: and the health care workers are not actually doing major operations, obviously, they are helping you with your boo's as greg mentioned and addressing minor urgent problems, and so what is behind the growing trend and what are this dangers and benefits, the doctor is from mt. sinai medical center and is a fox news medical contributor and there are benefits and good options for those who are healthy. and, need a quick fix on something that is kind of minor, right. >> that's right. i mean, these are not terrible facilities to utilize, but, again, you know, one thing people needed to know is they are not doctors at this facility, they are nurse practitioners and physician
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acitizens and sometimesy go to see the doctor and may see the nurse practitioner anyway instead of the doctor and are good substitutes, if you cannot make it to the doctors office, but generally it should be for healthy people that may have a minor illness going on or maybe a minor injury, and they are not for something serious. >> gregg: i have a feeling people with chronic problems might have a tendency to go there, nevertheless. >> they may and really shouldn't. this is -- people that are -- with chronic illness like diabetes and asthma, and any other major illness, such as kidney disease, they rail shouldn't be utilizing this. >> a baby with a high fever. >> not a good place to go, take your baby to the emergency room or to your doctor, calling your doctor, and letting them know. >> julie: a lot of people without health insurance rely on the centers and they know the practitioners, as you say are educated and have a knowledge of health. and, medication.
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what types of ailments would you recommend people to go there and not make an appointment the at their doctor's office. >> i would say, go there if you have a sore throat, feel like you are coming down with the flu, it is a good reason to go there or if you need a physical examination for a job, or to go into a camp or something like that and they can do easily, physical -- >> routine examinations. >> routine stuff. >> julie: not trying to cure you, giving you a check. >> immunizations and give out vaccines. >> gregg: i was at one of these big pharmacies the other day and people were on a machine they have there, a self-operating machine and tests their blood pressure. >> right. >> gregg: and got the sense they do that all the time and there are people that have to check their blood pressure constantly and are they reliable and is that a good place to do it. >> they are probably reliable and nothing will substitute the nurse take your blood pressure and you don't want to test your blood pressure and not get feedback from anybody, either,
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so, these facilities should really be utilized for minor illness, and, if you are generally healthy you don't want to use a -- it as a substitute for a primary care doctor and it is important to use to get a primary care doctor and see them and so they can have continuity of care. >> gregg: doctor, good to see you, thanks. >> thanks for having me. >> next time you take care of your boo, keep in mind -- >> gregg: boo boo, he says boo boo i say a little boo. >> julie: we'll be right back. >> gregg: i have children.
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>> remember that clip, like julie in a bad mood! but, it is really from jurassic park the movie! look, this one is... it's not live but, do we have the picture, a dinosaur fossil, that is still looking for a home, we don't have it now, whatever, it is -- failed to sell at auction. t-rex, and did not meet the minimum bid, $6 million, and the highest bid, at the las vegas auction, hit $3.7 million. a female t-rex named julie


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