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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 5, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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don't forget you're going to love this cd. join us next week from new york. mike huckabee, have a great week, everybody! ♪ sweet home alabama, where the skies are so blue ♪ >> greg: welcome to "red eye." it's like trading spaces if by spaces you mean runaways. let's go to tv's andy levy tv's andy levy for the pregame report. andy, what's coming up on tonight's show? >> coming up on the big show tonight, you won't believe who called a petition calling for roman polan ski's immediate release. an investigation captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. reveals that some national stience foundation workers
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spent part of their days looking at internet pornography. and finally, should cities require permits for panhandling? some say yes but others say why do they call it panhandling when a pan is almost never involved. >> a gypsy between will perform on gill low teen, greg. >> i'm here with faith, so hot, space heaters are now called space faith salies. bill schulz, even his imaginary friends hate number. in brains were bingo, old ladies would scream out her name in a rec room. interesting. and you would cut him to pieces and feed him to your fish if you had fish or scissors. the new york times correspondent, good to see you again, pinch. >> fu, greg. read bob herbert, only in
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today's "new york times." >> greg: well done, my friend. no need for the explete ives. he a really just a harmless teddy bear who drugged and raped a 13-year-old but we can't all be perfect. that is what 70 filmmakers seem to be saying of roman polansky, ask having signed a petition to release him. among the signers are martin scorsese, jonathan demi who made the worst movie. rachel getting married and woody allen. yes, shockingly, the bundle of twisted neuroissues who had an affair with his long time romantic companion step daughter thinks it is worse to arrest a man who drugged and raped a 13-year-old than actually drugging and raping a 13-year-old. but thankfully and finally, noted feminist icon whoopi goldberg is leading the charge
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against polanski. >> i know it wasn't rape, rape. but i don't believe it was rape, rape. >> greg: guess i was wrong there. it wasn't rape, rape. >> maybe she was just stuttering. she was just set iterring. >> a way to make an ugly term a little more cute, greg. >> greg: i got to ask you, is roman polsnski happy that he has woody allen on this petition? >> who else signed it like don johnson and jerry lee lewis and gary glitter? i don't know what kind of recommendation that is. >> greg: it's fantastic. it's awesome because wood. >> allen is thinking somebody worse than me. i just had sex with basically my stepdaughter even though i wasn't married to mia pharoah. and now he can look at mow ran polanski and say well, at least
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i didn't rape a girl in a hot tub. >> they have to stick together. >> greg: here is the thing i love. seems like all the filmmakers were more offended that he was arrested during a film festival like somehow you are off limits if you are there to see a movie. >> one of them said something like how dare they disgrace the film festival. by arresting a child rapist? >> debra winger, reknowned activist debra winger said that the swiss officials had a collusion that arrested. >> someone brought a thesauru is s. >> i think the clintons should start using that instead of vast right wing conspiracy. >> greg: is that with the male phyllis. >> a dr. fill fan folks bill, i
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have to admit, does woody allen have the biggest ca jolt noen for signing this. >> i have yet to see the pictures and i do want to. send them to "red eye" care of fox news. we are going on and on with the history with regards to polanski with regard to what happened. i look at the tape of whoopi goldberg and i ask you what happened to her eyebrows. why does she have no eyebrows? >> greg: lay off mr. ablou. >> he has a bone head. >> greg: here is the thing. when whoopi goldberg said rape rape she was talking about the actual charge, i guess is what she meant. >> right. >> versus actuality. >> greg: but she is a feminist. >> not any more.
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>> greg: good example. huffington post had at least four articles defending roman polanski. she has two teenage daughters, would you be happy or comfortable leaving roman polanski in a room with her teenaged daughters. >> bret: i'm more offended that you name dropped arianna huffington. >> greg: the only reason i brut up the point is so i could name drop arianna huffington. >> whoopi is wrong because he copped a deal to statutory rape. >> greg: and then one of the woman, what is her name on the huffington post. joan. she is the president of women overseas for equality in belgium. >> is that an acronym for something? >> it as word.
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>> greg: anyway, she said that it wasn't really and she said -- she pooh-pooh ed the situation. she almost said the daughter asked for it. if a man had written it, they would ask for his job. >> this whole thing, i have never been there. flat earth, praise jesus, hit my developmentally delayed son with a spoon. >> she is one of the few flat earthers. earthers. >> you are right. >> greg: from dirt bags to degenerates. in raleigh, north carolina, which is it state in the union, still, bums can actually beg to their smelly heart's content as long as they have a per knit. north carolina actually issues permits to panhandle ares. the paper work is free but the year long license calls for a photo i.d. with or without
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feces encrusted -- it's true. it happens when you are homeless. once it is made certain that they're not wanted for anything a per knit can be issued. i'm sure you are wondering what does it have to do with a baby rhino? nothing. it has nothing to do with a baby rhino. i just wanted to show a baby rhino. what did you want me 20 do, show you a homeless person? >> i would rather see a rhine know than a wino, put that on a t-shirt. you hate poor people and you are on record assaying that. you abuse them all the time. is this such a bad idea because it creates for panhandling and puts them on a roster. first of all, on behalf of all of the people from the south it's raleigh, north
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carolina. i actually like that there are some rules. however, the rules are like real aggressive begging and that bothers me because when i'm doling out money i want them to do something. it annoys me when they are there and there is a sign. >> greg: shaking the glass is not enough? >> have you ever been squeegeed? they make the actual window dirtier when they do that. >> greg: that is because they are not using water, bill. >> i never did the math. you are right. >> greg: i still think that even though i hate panhandlers there is a good idea to this. what is good about it? >> it is great to have the rules it is fantastic because i was here in the city walking up 7th avenue a couple blocks from penn station and had a box of munchkins and went to give it to a homeless person with a sign that says she was hungry and she turned it over and it
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said no national, no glucose, no transfat gi. >> greg: i think if you want to get an i.d. for panhandling you have to sign up. >> you have to have a picture i.d. which is interesting. don't picture i.d.s are like from a passport or driver's license. >> greg: bill, you know, you panhandle outside of fox which is so awkward because i have to come in here for m meetings and stuff and bill who i hired is out in front panhandling. >> i was doing a man on the street for glenn beck and you know it. >> and he has the little cigars. >> and the bow tie with the flower. >> a little fedora with a thing punched out and i tip my hat po people. >> greg: it is really sad. >> and you get money from faith because you do tricks for her. >> he does tricks for me.
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>> greg: this is the best story of the day. from panhandling to importantining a graphy they pt the nsf in nsfw. some employees at the national science foundation nsf spent hundreds of days pa rousin rout safe for work websites. they were looking at porn at work, naked stuff, things i would never look at especially at work where i spend all my time working. according to a recent employee misconduct investigation one sex crazed exec spent 360 days looking at figure on his computers. worst porn surfing has increased six fold since last year and the hours involved in investigating and adding filtered programs under the agencies it hard drive strained
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the watch dogs from other investigations. i'm getting too emotional. said the inspector general to congress -- all from porn. investigators have put the cost to taxpayers, 13,000 to $58,000 which, of course, faith the question only $58,000? i would think more money is wasted watching porn than $58,000? >> aren't they saying t is costing us $58,000 for them to investigate? there is no way to tally the man i'm making gender assumption here. the man hours we are losing. because like a year ago they did some sort of tally of how many dollars were lost by participantcy football, so many millions of people do it online. don't you think more people surf porn online but maybe at
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not work. >> greg: women do not surf porn period at work, mary. do you surf porn? >> at work? >> greg: yes. >> it no. they send it to you in your mailbox for free, don't they? why do you pay for it? i'm constantly getting adds in my mailbox for free. >> bill is sending that to you and don't open up the pictures. >> it is a fun little prank. >> i want to get to faith's gender assumptions here. i hate that. because everyone assumes i don't have a gender assumption. you put us all into a box when you do that. >> greg: i would rather have a bureaucrat surfing porn than actually working because that means they are doing less damage overall to the world. >> that is the name of andy levy's favorite feline the bureau of cats. the reason you are surfing porn is to help overseas women. this guy is my hero.
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>> greg: the upcoming story is so full of storiness it most by the storyiest story in the history of stories. should hankie panky in dorms be banned? - boys, wake up! - when you use windex,
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the streak-free shine lets in more light. oh, man, we're gonna be late for school! come on! when do you think she's gonna tell 'em it's saturday? ( birds laughing ) let in the light with windex. s.c. johnson-- a family company.
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greg-alogue. >> greg: now, if you are like meow know children are evil. they are shing selfish creatures who delight in nearing mucus all over you belongings. supporting president obama's plan for longer days of school.
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au contraire, which is french, i think obama is off base for a number of reasons. first, when something blows, ordering more of it doesn't help. fact it we don't need more schooling, we need better schools. sadly, teachers unions have created a lock on jobs for even the most moronically incompetent and the only way for a teacher to lose a job these days is if she gives one to a student. they learn more about running for their lives than reading for enjoyment. and really obama's reasoning has nothing to do with being competitive. what we learned from his u.n. speech that he finds winning distasteful. it comes down to his own opinions about america that when compared to a far more allisticated europe we are hicks from the sticks.s from
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i think he wants them to stay in school longer to learn more school songs to sing about obama. and if you disagree with me, you are probably a racist! greg-alogue. >> faith, i'm assuming you agree with about ten to 15% of my greg-alogue. what make. >> makes me mostly racist. >> can you focus on the part that you agree with and then elaborate on it? >> yes. >> greg: with compliments. >> one, i think we magazine is worth recycling. i got to be honest. i would think you would love this plan because it would cree jet little busy republicans. the kids have to be upset about the plan. >> greg: that is true. here is the thing. i believe they should be getting jobs. what happened to paper routes and paper routes and then paper routes? >> i do agree with you that teachers unions are out of control and that this is an idea that will throw good money after bad before making school
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longer fix the school system as it is. the rest of the stuff that you said is just bunk. >> wait a second. let me get this straight. you want to fill an already troubled economic area with more people looking for jobs, is that what you want? shorter less competent people trying to get jobs. greg, i'm starting to think you lied when you told meow ha me u had a degree in the economy. >> i. >> greg: i didn't say in the economy. i did say a bar. >> okay. >> has school changed so much? we keep talking about how we lost sight of old school values. >> they teach so much in school as opposed to reading writing and arithmetic. i think they should go year long because i just paid for air conditioning in the local school and i don't even have air conditioning in my house. >> if the kids sweat more maybe they will be less fat. >> exactly.
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>> greg: stick around for the next story for i will kick over your potted plants. which country has the best lovers? spoiler alert. it is not that country you think it isn't. [ominous music] [screeching] [dejectedly] oh. [screeching] [barks] (man) if you think about it, this is what makes the ladders different from other job-search sites. [screeching] we only work with the big talent. [all coughing] welcome to the ladders-- a premium job site for only $100k-plus jobs and only $100k-plus talent.
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") let's say you have osteoporosis. i do. and you haven't done anything about it. i haven't. well, now's a great time to do something. call 1-800-713-2576 for a free information kit and trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and ask your doctor how to help treat osteoporosis. actonel is clinically proven to help reverse bone loss and can help increase bone strength to help prevent fractures. do not take actonel if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes. follow all dosing instructions. stop taking actonel and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain, or severe or continuing heartburn. these may be signs of serious upper-digestive problems.
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promptly tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint, or muscle pain, or if you develop dental problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. call now for a free trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and help reverse bone loss.
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>> greg: if there was a show about hot doctors who were hot, she would play the lead. lucky for us, no such show exists and lucky for us said hot doctor isn't repulsed by us. back for another house call to "red eye" is dr. kumar. a fox news health contributor and surgeon. she knows ms like i steal them. i want to talk to you. new york healthcare where you are looking devine as always. lost my train of thought in two seconds. >> thank you. >> greg: the new york healthcare workers protested a regulation requiring them to get swine flu shots by november 30th or they would
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lose their jobs. the cdc says the evacuation safe.ccine is aren't they scaring the hell out of people? >> a little bit. but nobody likes to be forced to take a side. different if they went out and educated them and said this is why you should take the shot and maybe they would convince more of them to do it. but it is another thing to force them to do it. personally i think it is fine to make this mandate. i'm a healthcare worker and i have to take the shot. it is fine to mandate it because we don't want the health workers getting sick. the swine flu is very contagious and the vaccine is very safe. there will be a few exceptions to people that don't take the swine flu vaccine i mean. >> where do you get your shot? >> i get it at work but i think we will be doing it on your show. >> he was wondering where on your body? >> on my body. >> gets to my next point about when it gets done is that i'm not a medical professional but i'm sure that i can handle a
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syringe. years of living with bill has taught me many things. >> i will come on the show and give you a shot. >> greg: i meant the other way around. i'm 45. do i really need one. am i getting closer to the age of not needing one. >> you are between the age group of 2 and 49 that can do the nasal spray. >> i have so much practice with nasal spray. >> and you are already a bit of a pig so i don't know if you have immunity to swine flu. >> greg: i don't want people to get scared but they are saying the evacuation seen i vaccine g rushed and it takes year. >> they are pretty routine to make at this point. the basic formula is the same. the difference is the virus that they put within the vaccine to create an immune response in the human. it is very safe. >> greg: it is alive, i guess you call it a live vaccine. >> the folks that are being used as guinea pigs are they just whining. >> they have a point. nobody likes to be forced to
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tack a vaccination. but they have mandated it. it is for good reasons because we don't want a lot of people getting sick and it is very contagious and it has been shown to be safe and effective. >> greg: i want to move on to another topic. as viewers know, last week bill had a very large hole carved into his back by a doctor. >> what say this doctor? >> greg: can you take a look at it. i want to talk to you about what happened to his back. >> i'm not showing this on the show because i don't want to offend people because it is disgusting but if you need to see it go to bill schulz twitter page and he will have it up there. take a look at it. >> by the way, i'm sing. >> oh, my gosh, it's terrible. no, it's fine. >> greg: that's fine? >> yes, yes. >> you can see his back. >> i know, but so i'm guessing you had a sift that wa cyst ths
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infected. >> a cyst and anabases over that that was infect. >> when you have something like a cyst or abscess on your body that gets infect #-d the only way to take care of it is to open it up and let all the pus drain. >> i had a hole the size of a shot glass in my back over a week. >> greg: i want to move on because this is disgusting the hell out of me. don't you ever get grossed out? when a patient comes in how do you not go oh, my god, like now? >> it takes a lot to really gross me out. there have been a couple of things here and there along my training years where that was tough where there is anabases in all the wrong places. >> i hear you, believe me. >> greg: i got to tell you, i have been in -- >> i'm a surgeon, i can handle this. >> greg: i have been to doctor visits where they bring in students and so you are sitting there and let's say there is something going on and they are like they go do you mind if these people can sit in and i
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don't want to be rude so i'm saying sure and i'm going no, this is totally wrong. >> it is about teaching. i was a student ones. in order to get to this point you have to be a stew tent at some point so we have to be able to teach the students and it's good. >> i think you should call the patient beforehand and say if you are going to come in we will have the audience of people who by the way are half my age, some of them very attractive and i might want to make friends with and now i can't because for god's sake they saw me, when you see bill on the street now will you say oh, that is the guy with the gross thing on his back? >> probably. no, it's not that bad. don't worry. it will heal. it takes about six weeks. it heals from the inside out. it will heal and. >> but then i will always have this giant x on my back, right? >> thatle heal and fade. if it doesn't heal completely have it ex-sized once the
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infection is cleaned up and they will take out the whole cyst and close it. >> i like that. >> greg: "red eye" is the only show at 3:00 a.m. that can take you through treatment of a cyst. only here on "red eye" at 3:00 a.m. >> and that is why we will remain on at 3:00 a.m. >> greg: thank you, doctor, always a pleasure. we have more stories to talk about with you but we will save them for next week. have a comment on the show. in e-mail us at and still to come, the halftime report from tv's andy levy. he doesn't have a cyst! tonight's halftime report is sponsored by fruit snacks, the processed buy the sized snacks made from chemically frozen gelatin of assorted fruit flavors, often found in a school cafeteria. thanks, fruit snacks. some lunch.
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>> greg: welcome back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we two to tv's andy levy. andy, when you panhandle, do you often use your cats to help generate more cash? >> jews don't panhandle, greg. >> greg: really? >> we hire other people to panhandle for us. you could catch the death of cold out there, gets drafty. >> greg: that is true. >> you would think somebody would have told woody, maybe you should sit this one out?
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>> we don't need you here. >> van jones also signed the petition but now says he didn't read it carefully. greg you introd the story by saying "he is really just a teddy bear who drugged and raped a 13-year-old but we can't all be perfect. he says polanski might have committed a youthful error. >> she was youthful when committed the error. >> faith, you were amazed that any one would sign the petition. another was signed by simon rushdie and diane son fareston berg. >> i like her dresss. >> now, you don't. >> they asked them not to turn
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the ingenius filmmaker into a martyr. that is what counts. >> i say, jack hughes. >> everybody on that list must have a daughter and if they feel that strongly about it they should allow a guy who has been convicted of rape to spend some time with their daughter. if that he feel that strongly about it. >> can we focus less on his direction and a little on his acting. he had a thoughtful cameo. the part you are talking about doesn't seem to be in the petition. >> greg: no, it does. >> the do you know what switzerland did to him, gave him a jail bait and switch when arrived. >> sorry, andy, it's your time. >> it's his time and he wishes he had thought of that joke. >> greg, you asked what a fillistine is. someone who is defish sent in
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the cultural arts or. >> greg: you are saying a fillistine wouldn't know what fillistine means. >> absolutely. that is the beauty of calling them fillistines. >> greg, you mentioned that she founded the organization called women overseas for equality and then in (tha pa ren p parenthe. i'm pretty sure the organization doesn't exist. >> greg: she created the organization in order to get on the huffington post blog. how pathetic is that to create an organization to get on arianna's blog. >> because they won't hire just any one. raleigh, north carolina, requires panhandlers to get permits. mary, you made up the story about the homeless woman with
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the to fat sign. >> honest to god truth. dressed all in black. by penn station. >> you made it up. >> is it ye you andy? >> or possibly greg dreamed. >> i dream half the show. >> who among us hasn't wasted $5,000 in taxpayers money looking at internet porn. why did one of the websites we showed during the story say porn star or my little pony? what the hell kind of site is that? [ laughter ] weird. faith, you said you were making a gender assumption that the people were male. in fact, you are, correct. >> aah. >> shocking. >> attracts more little kids to science careers, right? >> the 13 to $58,000 figure was the cost to taxpayers from only one senior officials porn surfing not all of them.
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that guy said he was doing it to provide a living to poor overseas women. why isn't good old fashioned porn in america enough for this guy? >> and he is outsourcing precious dna. >> and one last question for faith. how would keeping kids in school longer create little republicans. >> because they would be so mad at obama. no kid wants to go to school longer don't you think? >> don't you think the indoctrination they will undergo. >> by the acorn loving teachers will make up for that? >> i think you are right, it will trump it. >> it was a catchy song. >> fair and balded. >> i'm done. >> thank you, andy. outsourcing. let me welcome back our guests. faith daley. acaw. as i like to call it. so hot, surgeons use her to
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stair aislize instruments. swimming just a silly fad? should fast food chains consult scales to fight obesity? is my left eye bigger than my right? >> slightly. >> these are some of the questions pose wade recent 60 minutes vanity fair pole. i know it is a slow news day. among the more interesting/boring findings, nearly half of those surveyed chose wal-mart as the chain that "best symbolizes america day." dining out the toughest luxury to sacrifice. and when asked what men would like to trade places with person wise they chose george cleanly over president obama, and surprise, abe vagoda. left off the list, this man.
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[ laughter ] >> greg: you know what is amazing about this is that he is trying to show you how limber he is, not that he is in a cat suit. >> he didn't do one cat like thing. a waste of body paint, greg. >> greg: what did you make of the survey? a lot of weird stuff? >> starting with the combined what was it 60 minutes and vanity fair combining forces. who did they call like 77-year-olds and publishers? >> greg: sponsored by depends. >> the physical manifestation of wilfred brimly. >> i was a little sad they chose wal-mart to sort of symbolize america. the other choices were google and microsoft and the nfl which i think are innovative and disciplined. but i was heartened that among women first lady michelle obama was the favorite followed by hillary clinton and then
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angelina jolie and beyonce were like that. >> who they would like to be for a week. that is because they want to sleep with president obama. that is my theory. wal-mart is a good choice because it is huge and successful. >> and men and women go to it and rich and poor people. i love wal-mart. like americans are fat and there is guns and ammo. >> when i think of america i think of elderly greeters, i think of toilet paper in bulk and buying guns near the food supplies. wal-mart is america. >> greg: i sense a little bit of elitism on your part, faith. i lived in allentown pennsylvania. wal-mart was the greatest thing in the world. like an indoor swimming pool without the swimming pool. >> allentown pennsylvania is like in the local wal-mart believe it or not. >> allentown is actually in aisle 13. right next to aisle 14 which is
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amaya. >> you can't -- there are great things about wal-mart. in fact, you can -- like the cat guy. i can do a switch. wal-mart has started like sustainable fishing for their produce. they are actually -- they are pretty good. >> what about all the novelty spongebob square pants cups? >> greg got me at wal-mart. i was in ail three. >> i love that place. >> this next story is as good as i am gorgeous and almost as free of body hair. all that nair i got really paid off, at wal-mart. which country has the best lovers? the republic of narnia wasn't even in the top ten. kiss away, kissers. ♪ that can r relationships and hurt your pride ♪ ♪ it's the credit roller coaster ♪ ♪ and as you can see it kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so sing the lyrics with me: ♪ when your debt goes up your score goes down ♪ ♪ when you pay a little off it goes the other way 'round ♪
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let's say you have osteoporosis. i do. and you haven't done anything about it. i haven't. well, now's a great time to do something. call 1-800-713-2576 for a free information kit and trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and ask your doctor how to help treat osteoporosis. actonel is clinically proven to help reverse bone loss and can help increase bone strength to help prevent fractures. do not take actonel if you have low blood calcium, severe kidney disease, or cannot sit or stand for 30 minutes. follow all dosing instructions. stop taking actonel and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain, or severe or continuing heartburn. these may be signs of serious upper-digestive problems.
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promptly tell your doctor if you develop severe bone, joint, or muscle pain, or if you develop dental problems, as serious jawbone problems have been reported rarely. call now for a free trial offer of once-a-month actonel. and help reverse bone loss. >> greg: should college kids say no to gnocchi if their roommate is in the room, this? apparently a number of students have been complaining about said random behavior and tufts decided to intervene. said one sophomore ."
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actually he said if you are uncomfortable with your roommate, you should talk to them. meanwhile, in japan -- >> greg: they let their roommates have sex. >> i think they are the roommates that have sex. >> greg: this story depresses me because i was a lonely man during college. >> it depresses me. mes was not a problem for knee in college. people told me about the sock on the door. in my college also there was like a common room that everybody had even if you had suite mates but you had your own room. >> greg: i was so lonely i couldn't afford to part with the sock. mary, should the school get involved in this? and more important, should obama get involved? >> he is going to solve everything if you have some hope. just wait, change is coming. i went to catholic school.
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you wind i went in and there wo mixed sex dorms. all boys in one and girls in the other. and you had a curfew, at 11:00 the r.a.s came and checked the rooms. if you got caught, got a warning. got caught again, off campus. >> part a, ob gq n. >> greg: bill i assume in college the only way you saw any action is if your roommate was having sex. >> that is the thing. the whole policy is ignoring the people who want to watch their roommates have sex. this is the only way i found out how sex works and involves a lot of crying from what i remember. >> i did research on the guidelines. there is a solution. the sofia gordon multipurpose room which i don't know who she is but you can sign up for it ahead of time and reservations made on a first come first serve basis.
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>> what a lovely in memoriam to this person. >> all the funds she gave to the school will be well use. >> hoping she would get a wing at the hospital. >> no, she is part of a lot of walk of shames. >> greg: perhaps there was a chapel. >> no, no, no, no, this is much more salient i think. >> the solution for all of this is you room with an ugly person. find somebody who is repellant then you become the person who is the jerk. >> and we are all wondering are we that person. >> why university tufts. little balls of hair? who wants to study that? >> greg: it as terrible place. >> i used to run by it along the charles. it looked beautiful from a distance. >> i recall none of the women being very good looking at tufts. >> greg: from roommate touslesy lovers. they did a poll about men and their manliness and it was
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appalling if you are german soldier man. they asked women from around the globe to rate nations on their ability in bed. at the top of the list, spain, brazil, italy, frangela and ireland. at the bottom and including most common complaints by women. germany for being too smell. >> y, england for being too lazy. sweden for being too quick. holland for being too dominating and the united states for being too rough. >> and belgians for just being too belgian. do you buy this? >> i wish i had this list when i had my let's go europe book and my euro rail pass. it would have saved a lot of time. no, i wish i had traveled around the world more met forrically. i have been jinglistic. one english guy, not lady, thank you, andrew milton. >> wow, name dropping his lack of laziness. >> he will get a lot of calls
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tomorrow. but we are not aired in england so you can say his name all you want. >> greg: never polls about asking men about women. always about the women asking who is the best in bed and the best in house work but they never ask men. is that because a, men don't take polls or men just don't care? >> no, it is because the bar is so low for men, if she has a pulse and is willing to do it. >> men don't care just as long as we are there. >> what would you say? >> i was going to ask bill because they said spanish and brazilian men came out on top. has that been your experience? >> i had brazilian but only when it comes to hair. >> greg: when we come back, we play back your voice messages. stick around. the greatest segment since the greatest of segments.
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with the mr. clean magic eraser.
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[speaking in foreign language] [ laughter ] >> yep. >> wow. >> it's supposed to be like a horse. >> but what about the wooden ones like on the -- >> i don't know. >> i think we chose to focus on the guy way more than the woman. >> i so want one of those. >> we were all speechless.
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>> i'm talking about the machine. [phone ringing] >> never get tired of that phone ringing there. time for message for greg. kick back and relax and feast your eyes on inner species affection as we bathe your ears with soapy words. >> i enjoy your though thoroughly. you are honest and all the people you have on there are great people and god bless you all and god bless america. we love you. >> hey, greg, i have always been wondering why it is bill wants to watch baseball with me and i couldn't figure it out. he used to always say hey, you can kiss me on the strikes and i will kiss you on the [ bleep ] and i said well, what the heck does that mean? i think i know now what he
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meant. >> hi, greg, i just want to tell you that i'm losing lots of sleep because my hours have changed at work and i still can't stop watching you guys. you are like a drug that is so good. thank you. >> hey, greg, man, i was recently in the hospital with a broken femur. and the best part of the whole stay was at 2:00 in the morning around that time when the nurse is came in to do my vitals and we just watched "red eye" and laughing away pressing the morphine button. keep up the good work. >> how much are you paying the girls to sit next to bill? how much you paying them, huh? >> greg gutfeld stars on "red eye," hmmm. hmmm. hmmm. why would you watch that show? why, why, we? his greg-alogues tell us he is very wise indeed, and if you are racist it's because you
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disagreed. >> wow. >> she put some time into that. >> greg: certainly did. good to have a goal in life. >> and shes sober. we'll get more of them. >> greg: keep calling me. really quite easy. we will close things out with the post game wrapup from tv's andy levy. and to see clips of recent shows go to fox
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>> greg: coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye." return appearances from and drew billion reitbart. s.c. kupp and comedian jim nor dan. begins with the d word. you didn't even know what i said. time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrapup. >> thanks, greg. faith, i understand you will be skypeing with oprah tore something. >> into an oprah live your best life seminar. she will not be there but i will be there oh pining on ethics. >> sounds fascinating. >> i hope it is. trying to be smart. >> skyping sounds like a gynecological thing. >> bill, no time for you. mary, what a arms? >> a group i work with and we will be raising money for arms in minneta


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