tv Glenn Beck FOX News October 23, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute glenn: welcome to the glenn beck program. chicago-style politics, are they being applied in the white house? and who is about to get whacked? and was there a power shift yesterday? i think there was. before we start the show, yesterday i told you that anita dunn's husband was about to get a new job. oh, i think i said something i shouldn't have said last night. oopsie. i wonder if someone in the white house told us that. be careful how you select your friends, white house. here is what major garrett found out today in an update. >> nothing confirmed, nothing official, but several democrats i have talked to who are close to the situation say bob bower is being eyed
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seriously to replace bob greg craig. glenn: gosh, i hope i didn't say something i shouldn't have. oh, by the way, her husband, she's going to get the chief -- i don't know why i believe this -- he is going to get the white house chief counsel position, but the great news is, he used to do all kinds of work for acorn. won't that be great? oh, you never know what you're going to learn on this show! come on, let's find out tonight. stand up, follow me! hello, america. has anyone noticed the amount of beat-downs going on lately? the obama administration is on the front page of "the washington post" today in an
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unprecedented beat-down. an anonymous -- i wonder if it's the same tipster from us? an anonymous administration official, very classy, through creigh deeds -- threw creigh deeds directly under the bus blaming him for the poor campaign in virginia to shield obama in case of a loss, and that's gist the latest one today t has been relentless this week f you keep track of these things, lucky for you. unfortunately, for the white house we do it's the chicago way. if you don't know what that is, let me show you a scene from "the untouchables." >> you said you wanted to know how to get capone. do you really want to get him see what i'm saying? what are you prepared to do? >> everything within the law. >> and then what are you prepared to do?
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if you open the ball on these people, they won't give up the fight. >> i want to get capone. i don't know how to get him. >> you want to get capone. this is how you get him. he pulls a knife, you pull a gun. he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. that's how you get capone. glenn: now we have it in washington. rahm emanuel, barack obama, two lovers sitting in a tree, b-e-a-t-i-n-g. what is it president obama promised on the campaign trail? a new kind of politics! well, america didn't think they would be worse than the old politics but here is the new politics. you don't agree with the administration? well, i tell you what? you know what i'm saying? you want to stand in the way
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of reform? no longer is it a gentleman's disagreement that can be debated, no, no, no. you're going to play ball or you're going to get a beat-down. some of the people that found out this week, chamber of commerce, they found out firsthand. the white house didn't have a problem with the chamber of commerce, no, no, no, when they were onboard for the bailouts and the takeover of g.m. and the stimulus package, you want to play ball, you know what i'm saying. obama even whispered sweet "i love small businesses" in their ears. >> in the past year and a half, america's small businesses have created 65% of all new jobs in the country and half of all americans in the private sector are reether employed by a small business or own one, more than half. these companies are the engine of job growth in america. they fuel our prosperity. glenn: yeah. >> that's why they have to be at the forefront of our recovery. glenn: the engine of our
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prosperity. then why are we giving all the money to the tailpipe of our prosperity? america can't live without them! he loves them. he loves the chamber who represents 3 million businesses. 95% are small businesses but when the chamber comes out against the disastrous cap and trade bill and then have the unmitigated gal to come out against universal healthcare, you know what i'm saying here, huh, well, the president got out his bat. >> i'm very good at this. that's how business has been done in washington for a long time. over the last ten years, the chamber alone spent half a billion dollars on lobbyists. half a billion lobbyists. glenn: i thought he loved small businesses. well, he does, until they weren't playing for the team. you know, what was once the open door for ideas with the president, the chamber of commerce, well, it's turned now into a white house battle with big evil power with millions of dollars to keep
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their expensive healthcare, oh, yeah. oh, that chamber, they've got money, and money is bad! but who needs the chamber anyway? i mean, what do they know about healthcare reform. we should talk to doctors. they know what is best to do on healthcare, don't they? they are on the front lines every day and the president loves and respects our doctors -- or i should say, used to. well, i mean, he likes some of them. he doesn't like the american medical association. they came out and said it wouldn't support a government-run plan, and then things got a little dice sivment i mean, how does he feel about doctors? i'm trying to remember. >> you come in and you got a bad sore throat, or your child has a bad sore throat or has repeated sore throats. the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, you know what? i would make a lot more money if i take this kid's tonsils
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out. if that same diabetic ends up getting his foot amputated, that is $50,000 immediately the surgeon is reimbursed. >> yeah, see what i'm saying? ripping ton silz out of little kids. little bobby has no ton silz and little freddie ain't got no feet. by the way, everyone who agrees with us, join us for this photo op, will you? >> i'm thrilled to have all of you here today. you look very spiffy in your coats. glenn: so how about humana, yeah, the humana corporation who had the gal to send out a mailing to seniors that talked about $500 million medicare cuts in the baucus version of the healthcare bill. well, were they suggesting that it would lead to service cuts? what a crazy concept that is. no way a government-run healthcare could lead to service cuts! yeah, ok, sure it is in massachusetts, but you ignore all that, ok? you know what i'm saying?
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you're in the way of reform here! you want me to use this here on you, huh? wipe that look off your face! time for the health and human services secretary now to pick up the bat and investigate humana for trying to scare seniors. wow. i thought that was just having an opinion. that's what we used to call it, a difference of opinion, but let me boil it down. in the beginning of our country, we used to call it freedom of speech. now we call it "time for me to use the baseball bat." how about the insurance company? when they were working for reform, oh, everything was great. everything was peachy. >> in recent months, we have heard every side of every argument from both sides of the aisle and rightly so. health insurance reform is a complex and critical issue that deserves a vigorous national debate and we have had one. the approach that is emerging includes the best ideas from republicans and democrats, and
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people across the political spectrum. in fact, what is remarkable is not that we have had this debate about health insurance reform, but the unprecedented consensus that has come together behind it. glenn: i did just slip through a worm hole? i feel like i'm in a parallel universe? what dejust say? what did he just say? unanimous consent and republicans? yeah, really? and then they decided to change their mind and screw it all up. when america's health insurance plans came out and said the current plans would make things worse, oh, that's not a good idea. >> whenever we have tried to reform the system, the insurance companies have done everything in their power to stop us. glenn: oh, they are a powerful enemy. oh, they're out to do nothing but stop reform! why would they want to stop reform? according to the president, insurance companies -- you'll
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never guess -- they're only going to stop reform because they're only thinking about one thing. guess what it is? >> what i will not abide is those who bend the truth or break it to score political points and stop our progress as a country, and what we must all oppose are the same old cynical washington games that have been played for decades even as our problems have grown and our challenges have mounted. glenn: right, right, what a greedy bunch of profiteers, huh? they ain't being truthful to you. it is time for the bat! this time president obama threatened to strip the insurance industry from the federal exemption from antitrust lawsuits. that means they can control the prices on everything, and they can run them out of business. yeah, that happened this week. did anyone else notice there is a pattern here? if you agree with this administration, that's great. if you don't, it may be a time for the baseball bat. maybe we will try to shut you down, huh? we have been seeing this at
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fox news all this week. see at fox news, i believe he said at one point we were part of a vigorous debate. >> i think it's fair to say that i don't always get my most favorable coverage on fox, but i think that's part of how democracy is supposed to work. we're not all supposed to be in lockstep here. glenn: yeah, that's right. that's how democracy is supposed to work. we love democracy. it's the best, unless, of course, democracy gets in the way of reform, huh, and then you're going to hear from my buddy over here! don't make me call rahm emanuel. don't make me do it. i'll do it! >> the way the president and we look at it is that it is not so much a news organization as it has a perspective. >> they're not really a news station. it is not just their comment aters. it is really not news. it is pushing a point of view. glenn: forget about that democracy stuff, huh? he was just kidding about that. and did he say we didn't have to be lockstep? i didn't mean lockstep.
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i mean goose step! fox is no longer a news organization, and by the way, later in that same interview with rahm emanuel, he said, by the way, all the other news organizations, listen up. we aren't going to treat fox news like a journalist organizations, a news organization, and unless you want to feel this bat, i don't recommend that you do that either. as if that wasn't bad, the white house tried the heavy handed tactic of excluding fox news from the press pool yesterday. wow! that was a shocking move. i believe unprecedented. it prompted a reaction from the press that had me even standing up and going, what, what did they just say? i'll explain more about that later. oh, and that reminds me. the president, he just sounds so open-minded. he really does. >> i will be there to listen. my door is always open.
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glenn: he's listening. he wants to listen to everybody. except for you tea party people. i mean, what did you have to do? you had to go stand up, stand in the way of reform, and this president, well, he rejects that. >> don't, don't, don't accuse me of having a socialist mop! glenn: don't accuse me! it is more of a marxist mop than a socialist mop, but i like the ill lit race of it. hey, we could sell those mops and have profits, tbhaw would be bad. you know what happens if you don't play for the team. you know what happens the chicago way in another clip from "the untouchables." >> a man stands alone at the plate. this is the time for what? for individual achievement. there he stands alone. but in the field, what?
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part of a team. i get nowhere unless the team wins. >> team, yeah, team. glenn: that's a disturbing scene. but i want you to think of this, it's not a movie. you think of those people sitting around the table, not as mobsters, but as people that are playing ball with al capone. this administration, they're not whacking anybody, but they're using a baseball bat to push the full force and
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power of the presidency of the united states. the chamber of commerce sat around that table for a while. the insurance industry. creigh deeds, doctors, small businesses, humana. you can all sit around the table like those people did, and then you can say which one is going to get whacked? you can sit there and you can live in fear, or you can stand up and say enough of your bat! i warn you, that means that some people are going to get whacked, but again, let me go to another clip from "the untouchables." glenn: the lesson from that movie is you got to take a stand. even though you know in the end you'll pull out a knife
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and they're going to pull out a gun. the question we have to ask ourselves, what is it we truly believe in? what do we believe in? who are we? are we the guy that sits around the table in fear? are we the guy that stands up and says, hey, what the hell are we all doing? he's one guy. there's more of us than there is of him. but i warn you, you have to ask yourself if you stand up, what are you willing to do? sure, you might get whacked, but let me tell you something, you spend too much time in bed with the mob, you spend too much time at that table, you're going to get whacked eventually anyway. back in a minute.
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glenn: hello, america. i'm glad you're here. we have been showing what you the white house has been busy doing this week. it's like they're on a killing spree. they have identified a hit list and they're making the hits. they're making the rounds. they're sending everybody out. rahm, you should get a nap in. the chamber of commerce has been whacked, the insurance companies, and fox news and high paid c.e.o.s and big businesses. this one it is important for you to understand, because it is just the businesses that got bailout money, right? no, no. if that's what you are thinking, you are wrong in two ways. first, not all the businesses that got the bailout money has been whacked. has anybody heard of jeffrey immelt? yes, he's the head of g.e.. he is getting a massive pay cut from the pay czar. oh, no, wait a minute. no, he's not. that is shocking, isn't it?
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i'm sure it has nothing to do with g.e. falling in lockstep -- oh, i did it again -- sorry. goose step, with every major policy decision in this administration, and two, it's not just the businesses that got bailout money. it could be you. it could be your business. it will include any business that the government, the treasury or possibly the fed deems is too economically important to fail. so now wait a minute. why would they attack the chamber of commerce? my dad belong toth chamber of commerce. 95% of their members are small businesses. my dad had a small business with, you know, much fewer than 100 employees. we had one so small that i think we had one employee over the age of 12, and it was my mom. brought us a video that you most likely have not seen before of the big powerful unions. i'm sure the unions, seiu,
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haven't spent one dime in lobbying fees, no, not one dime. g.e. has, in fact, several dimes but that's a different story, and seiu, i don't know about their lobbying money, but they did spend $85 million to help obama get elected, and, you know, they can't unionize mom and pop shops. that's why andy stern said what he said about the chamber of commerce way back, you know, way back to march of this year. >> across the street is the mother of all lobbies, our friends at the chamber of commerce. you know, this big bad lobby machine has a different view of america than we do. they believe in this old market worshiping privatizing deregulating trick trickle-down economy that took the greatest economy on earth and sent it staggering forward because of their greed and selfishness. here is the good news.
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we have a friend now in the white house that doesn't approve as well. glenn: yeah, yeah, those mom and pop stores, that's what they're all about, greed. we have a different view of the free market system versus i don't know what he is talking about, statism? chamber of commerce aren't the ones that wrecked g.m. or chrysler. i don't think they were involved. see, the chamber of commerce got out of bed with the obama administration, but that doesn't explain the irrational hate here shown from stern. well, one thing, they dared to oppose the mighty obama on healthcare reform but the seiu video was from way back in moorch. what's the deal here? the chamber of commerce represents 3 million businesses that engage in the free market system. that is the problem, it is the free market system. is it becoming clear to anybody in america now that barack obama and his cronies don't like the free market system? he was right on one thing. it is the system that created
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more wealth and prosperity than any0ther in man's history, but obama has made it clear his malice, he has malice towards the free markets, setting up a pay czar is just the latest example this week. pay czar ken feinberg has announced that salaries will be cut in half at some companies receiving taxpayer funds. ok. that's great. 90% at others. and the federal reserve, an entity outside of our government, and outside anyone's oversight is proposing to monitor the pay packages of thousands of banks that did not receive federal money in order to ensure, quote, they don't encourage reckless gambles. oh, wow! the ka hone nies on these guys! what would you call the zero percent interest rate besides encouragement for reckless gamble! and how about monetizing the
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debt -- reckless gamble! here is an idea, fed! get your nose out of the free market and your hands out of our pockets. that is not just the fed! that's congress and the administration! you see, the fed has power to gain and the obama administration has power to gain and an ideology to further, and that ideology is that the free market doesn't work. you just ask our new manufacturing czar, the guy who replaced the communist green jobs czar on the same day manufacturing czar ron bloom was appointed. >> generally speaking, we get the joke. we know that the free market is nonsense. we know that the whole point is to gain the system, to beat the market, or at least find somebody that will pay you a lot of money because they're convinced there is a free lunch. we know this is largely about power, that it is an adults-only no-limit game. we kind offing a with mao that political power comes from the barrel of a gun and we get it,
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if you want a friend, you should get a dog. glenn: somebody, please, explain this other way than the way i am. stop tearing me apart, and saying you never even went to college, who does he know? great. explain it in a way where all of these piecess fit. the reaction to this news from the rest of the world has been joyful. among the first to let us know how great they think it is the g20. why? because it fits right into their world order, spread the wealth. hello, mao! that's what this is all about. anyone not onboard, look out, because you, too, could be the next victim of the killing spree. is it far-fetched to think that czar feinberg could go into walmart and argue that it's just too important to the economy if walmart fails, i mean, it's the biggest store in the world. we feel you're being wreckless in your pay structure, walmart. we got to bring the unions in to control your pay. what about rupert murdoch, if news corp. failed, would it be
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harmful to the economic health of america? of course, we don't want to look into g.e. that owns nbc, because nbc plays along and is helpful to the administration, so what? they got bailout money? why should we look over there? obama has remeet has repeated over and over again how dangerous and unworkable our current economy is. it is not new. it is not the failed policies of the bush administration. it's the failed policies of the first administration, our founding fathers. we spoke years ago about our constitution being fundamentally flawed because the founders didn'ting address redistribution of wealth and then he said this -- >> the constitution is a chearts of negative liberties says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf. glenn: america, wake your friends and neighbors up. they are litting us on every front. i have a list of all the rights you have lost and you
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probably don't know t next week, i will talk to lord monkton about this topic, one of the most foremost authorities on what the global warming hoax is about and what they are about to sign over in copenhagen, ya sure. we will talk about socialism firsthand coming up later. you don't want to miss it. you stand in the way of progress of this show? we'll be right back. to other people,
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>> hello, i'm patti ann browne. iran will respond next year whether it will ship to russia and france for enriched uranium. they're trying to stop iran from building a nuclear weapon. reports suggest top nato and u.n. officials might send more international troops to afghanistan. this, even though president obama is still said to be weeks away from deciding on a future war strategy there, and president obama pushed for the passage of the climate bill in massachusetts. the president says it's the key to america's future success and those opposing it are using cynical claims to stop it. glenn beck returns in a moment, but first, bret baier previews "special report." >> hi, patti ann. breaking news from the white house with an interesting connection to another story we have been bringing you, plus the president's top economic advisor are straight talk about the stimulus and unemployment numbers. join me at top of the hour for "special report," but now, back to glenn beck.
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glenn: america, there is reason to have some hope today for change. yesterday we saw a step in the right direction. yesterday, all the news outlets wanted to interview the new pay czar, kenneth feinberg, so the obama administration tried to make him available for interviews. every member of the white house pool except for one. you see, the press pool is a five-network rotation. it shares all the costs and duties and daily cost of the presidency, which can be a little pricey. they have been doing it for decades and the rules are clear. we're all in or all out. but the the washington bureau chief of the five t.v. networks with when the white house said yeah, but not fox news, they're not really news, they consulted and decided that none of the reporters from any of the networks would
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interview feinberg unless fox news was included. what? the administration backed down. that was the media being a real watchdog. putting aside any biased on what to do, what is right. it reminds me of walter cronkite. do you remember walter cronkite? i grew up watching walter cronkite. i think all of america loved him. what i loved, not at the time, but what i grew to love afterwards is i had no idea the guy was a one-world government advocate. he was like, yeah, we have to lose some sovereignty and everything else. what? but that's the point. you couldn't tell. other than what he did during the tet offensive during the vietnam war, he kept his ideology to himself. he seemed unbiased, a journalist. i think we saw a glimmer of journalists standing up yesterday, and now we need to see a few more.
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where are the woodward and bernsteins? remember them? just to refresh your memory, they were the two journalists working in washington for "the washington post" responsible for uncovering massive corruption in the nixon white house. they started reporting on what they found in june 1972, nearly five months before the election, but nobody else covered the story. sound familiar? then, in november, richard nixon was e elected in -- was re-elected in a landslide, and the white house denounced the post and woodward and bernstein as biased and misleading, saying the texts were a smear campaign! sound familiar? "post" publisher, worried about the administration's unveiled threat and harassment eventually of course woodward and bernstein's front-page reports on watergate were vindicated. >> i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. glenn: and then president nixon went away. woodward and bernstein won virtually every journalistic
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award imaginable, including the pulitzer prize for "the washington post." you ain't going to win any prizes for saying how enchanting the president is. do journalists even remember edward r. murrow? edward r. murrow was the man who finally put a stop to senator joe mccarthy and the hearings on communists in the government. mccarthy was a powerful u.s. senator. now people who despise me will say, yeah, does he sound familiar? yeah, see, i'm not joe mccarthy. i'm not using the full might and weight of the political power that i have in the senate, to subpoena, interrogate, investigate virtually anybody of my choosing. edward r. mur owe was the guy onto other side, the guy who stood alone, a cbs newsman, a journalist who believed that senator had too much power. bravely he stood up against the power and the might of the senate and affected significant change in the direction of the country.
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these men took their responsibility as journalists seriously. they understood that they represented the fourth estate for our nation. it was essentially the fourth branch of government, journalism, the press, the media, to serve as another check and balance in our system. i'm not either one of those guys, but both of those guys are out there someplace. both of those guys are currently either in washington or here. wood woodward and bernstein are out there, too. go claim your prize. better yet, do the right thing. stand up against corruption no matter where you find it, but before you do that, figure out what you believe and what you're prepared to do, because the white house has sent you a warning this week. >> i suppose the way to look at it and the way the president looks at it and the way we look at it is that it is not a news organization so much as it has a perspective, and that's a different take,
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and more importantly is not have the cnn's and the others in the world basicly be led and following fox. glenn: boy, that is an interesting line, isn't it? it is more important for cnn and the rest to not follow fox. you know, fox gets the story right, and is it more than a coincidence? i'm sure it's just a coincidence. it's odd. last month, the ombudsman at "the new york times" blasted them for missing the stories that fox had covered. the story said that the talk radio was covering these stories and they said they would watch and listen a little bit more. wow. the watchdogs of the republic, you have been warned. you got to ask yourself, are you are going to be a fierce watchdog, or are you going to be -- can we bring up the watchdog in our control room? we have the old gray lady there. yes, are you are going to be the old gray lady? journalist of americas, are you going to be a lapdog, or are you going to be a
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look like that. you know what i'm saying, huh? first, a freedom of speech. yesterday the meeting on net neutrality. cross that up. freedom of the press. the white house press stood up to the obama administration, but how long will they stand there? by the way, there is legislation in the house and senate to fund the newspapers. they are talking about to the f.c.c. about making everything like pbs. i'm sure we'll get good news when fox is shut down and we all get pbs. the right to work. well, unions are getting more and more power. we can cross that one off. the right to profit, are you are kidding me? you want to profit? who are you to have profits whi there are people starving, huh? pay czar, cross that one off the list. how about right to medical choices, healthcare bill. it's coming, gang. cross it off! the right to assemble. how do they make you feel at the tea parties, the 9/12 rallys? discredited as astroturf or
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killers or whatever. cross that one off. well, now, we still have these freedoms, yes, but for how long. here is james dellingpoll well author of "obamaland, i have seen your future and it doesn't really work." hi, jim. welcome to the program. >> thanks for having me. glenn: do you watch this in england? >> yes, we are big fans of fox , more than president obama, i think. glenn: i just didn't know if you nigh what you were getting into over here. >> i know you're a wild and dangerous guy, glenn. glenn: yeah, that's crazy. you say you have lived the obama plan. you see our future. tell us a little bit about the future. >> i, unlike you are floss stra damus, because what you have been experiencing here we have lived for 12 years, first
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under the grinning monkey type, tony blair, and secondly under gordon brown. we have experienced socialism, and this is what is going to happen to you, i'm afraid. glenn: well, stop, tell me what you really feel here, will you? tell me about it, because i saw some things that are in your book and i said, my gosh, this is the same kind of stuff. we just went through a spell here where we're having problems because they're now saying that there are these two women that are, like, i'm going to drop my son or daughter to your house and they will get on the bus at your house and the state said you can't do that, because that's a day care. >> that's right. glenn: you have rules for carpools if you're going to take a bunch of kids to school, right? >> yeah, we have kind of a pedofile czar over here where there are 11 million adult who have to get checks on them, pay 70 pounds, they have to submit to the six-month bureaucratic process, scoutmasters, anyone who works
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with kids, anyone who takes them around in a bus, they have to be checked in case they are near a child, in case they molest them. all adults are considered -- >> glenn: that's about $4,000? >> yeah, it's about $100. glenn: fox hunting, they are taking away your right to fox hunting? >> yeah, it was fantastic fun and now we have to do it in secret. we have to pretend to be chasing in cent and when no one is looking we kill the fox, but now you can get arrested are for t glenn: i hate that when that happens. they closed down my hunt place and i was really upset. >> see, there are frosms on both sides of the atlantic! glenn: we have a growing debt. i know your debt is out of control. they just talked about here about you know, expanding the government into our food to make sure that we have all the right food, et cetera, et
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cetera. is it true that you have grocery store warning labels? >> we have like a traffic light system like red for danger, amber for kind of worrying, green for eco-friendly and organic and nice and healthy. just like in hitler's germany they had similar health warnings. coca-cola was considered unsuitable for the kinder in germany. it is the same over here. glenn: why did you bring up hitler? why the hate for hitler? >> well, you know in this age, the kind of national socialist tyranny that we're all living under and you're about to live under. >> stop calling that is socialist mop! i don't know what it is, but it's clearly not a socialist mop. you need to calm down. i won't hear any more of your hate speech. you calm down. you're in the time-out box for you, james. more in just a second.
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>> well, yes. glenn: so, sir dellingpoll -- are you a knight? >> you know what? prince charles does not like me very much. i say bad things about him. he would be the one that would give me my knight hood. glenn: wait a minute. he doesn't like you because you hate global warming b.s. and he's really into that? >> we have different views on climate change, yeah, we do. glenn: and it is changing. i got up this morning -- when i got up this morning at about 5:00, it was 46 degrees! it's almost 60 now. if this trend continues, it will be 4,000 degrees in new york next week! panic! >> and that's the same exact sort of science that al gore uses. glenn: why the hate? why do you hate the planet so much? james, let me ask you this -- well, next week i have lord monkton. do you know lord monkton? >> i do.
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he is on the other right side. glenn: is your right left or is it left like right? i don't know. the english thing always screws me up. >> the side of the angels. glenn: california's angels or god's angels? ok. we could go all day. james, here is what i'm looking for. next week we have lord monkton coming in, and he is saying that there is this climate change bill that we're about to sign, because, you know, i mean, after the nobel prize, barack obama is saying i was going to do it in copenhagen but ill i'll just get it done, sign the climate bill bill and that it is something that we will sign our sovereignty aware. >> he is right. the guy who started the climate change thing is not al gore but morris strong, the canadian who founded the rio summit where it all started. he is a great believer in one
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world government. i think we should be very afraid of the cap and trade bill. the cairo surrender monkey speech was a relearsal. the obama care was a a rehearsal. it is a bad thing and will ruin your lives in america and that's cap and trade. glenn: you speak firsthand -- first of all, i say, america, he says you should be afraid of cap and trade. i say fear the canadians. >> them as well. glenn: what is your experience of cap and trade, because you have done it already. over in europe, it's done. >> yeah, the e.u. loves the idea of cap and trade, it is a way of imposing super national controls over nations. you have unelected officials declaring what, how much carbon, businesses are allowed to produce, so, you know, you have no control over these unelected officials. they increase your taxes.
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they increase regulations. we now have spy devices in our dust bins, in our trash cans as you call them, to monitor how much waste we dispose of. this all comes from the european union. glenn: what do you mean "spying devices"? >> there are 2r million trash cans in britain that have special microchips which weigh how much trash you use, and what we're going to do in the future is we're going to weigh the amount of unrecycled waste you dispose of and charge you for it. this comes directly from the european union. glenn: that's why your country has been sucking for a while, man. don't get me wrong, we're not doing much better right now, but we built cars for a while because they weren't weighing our trash. what the heck are you doing over there? >> it is comes to america. i'm trying to save you from this european horror. glenn: please do. james, sir dellingpoll, always
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