tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News January 8, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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if you're sitting around oxford, come see them whip up on the bulldogs. enjoy. see you monday. "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> do you believe the president of the united states made americans less safe? >> i do. >> dick cheney and others, including sarah palin, continue to pound president obama on the terror issue. even as the president has asked them to stop. >> now is not a time for partisanship. it's a time for citizenship. a time to come together and work together. >> we'll address this explosive issue. exactly how are liberals defending the secret health care proceedings? we'll find out. >> i'm a little sick of the smears. >> it's time to put up some facts or shut up. >> glenn beck on why he is responding to his critics. also a big announcement about the bold fresh tour.
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>> i guess i'm suffering from some sort of overwhelming paranoia. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching us tonight. our conservatives undermining president obama's war on terror? that is the subject of tonight's memo. the president continues to tell americans he'll fix the intelligence failures that allowed the underwear guy to almost blow up an american jet liner. but the president also appealed for a united front against terrorism. >> instead of giving in to division, let's move forward with optimism and unity that defines us as a people. now is not a time for partisanship. it's a time for citizenship. a time to come together and work together. >> obviously that's not happening. president obama is under withering criticism because his
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anti--terror policies are deemed too soft by some americans. leading the charge, former vice president dick cheney and sarah palin. >> what i see happening here is the obama administration is now going back to that old pre-9-11 concept. >> you would think our successors would be going to the intelligence community saying, how did you do it? what were the keys to preventing another attack? instead of, they've chosen a different path entirely. the terrorists see what they're hoping for. our unity gone, our resolve shaken, our leaders distracted. in short, they see weakness and opportunity. you believe the president of the united states has made americans less safe? >> i do. now he's making some choices that in my mind, will, in fact, raise the risk to the american people of another attack. >> as for governor palin. here is her latest criticism. president obama must back off his plan to close down
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guantanamo bay, recognize that the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander in chief. not a constitutional law professor, unquote. he's evennic president obama finds himself in the same position president bush was in. you'll remember that left wing criticism of iraq severely hampered mr. bush in fighting that war. today president obama is being hampered as he tries to fight al-qaeda and the taliban. i guess what goes around comes around. since i have been critical of president obama's anti--terrorist strategy, i thought about his appeal yesterday and i thought about it hard. i understand it, but come on, trying khalid sheik and the underwear guy in our courts is not good. we need coerced interrogation to fight terror. talk being a plea bargain for this nigerian lo o n is insane? that being said, i don't want
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president obama to fail in dismantling al-qaeda and the taliban. i want him to succeed! i'm not trying to undermine the president. but if mr. obama could explain to me how a $100 million civilian trial in new york city for khalid shaikh mohammed is better than an inexpensive and efficient military trial, i'm willing to listen. same thing with a plea bargain for the nigerian loon. but no one, no one has been able to put forth anything other than ideological arguments to support the trial deal. life or death situation, ladies and gentlemen, that is simply not good enough. that's a memo. the top story, does the president have a point? can the war on terror criticism go too far? joining us now from austin, texas, karl rove. i thought the iraq war criticism did go too far and i thought it cost us lives of american servicemen over there because it was so intense and the back and
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forth was so debilitating to the military, sapped morale, made decisions harder to make that even though iraq was controversial, i recognize it would have been better if america had come together. i think we're in the same position now. am i wrong? >> well, it is possible to take criticism too far. i think, for example, the accusation that bush lied about weapons of mass destruction was enormously hurtful to the country and inappropriate. but look, when on the surge, when president obama, then senator obama opposed the surge saying it wouldn't work, it would increase violence, not decrease violence, increase sectarian strife, not reduce it, that it would put more americans at risk unnecessarily and it wouldn't work, he had a right as a united states senator in a democracy to speak his opinion. he was joined by others, john kerry and others. patriot act renewal. when it came time to renew the act which was passed by large
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virtually unanimous vote of congress in 2001, when it came time to renew it and came under fire from people like senator finegold of wisconsin and senator sanders of vermont, that was their right in a democracy to speak their opinion. i thought it was disingenuous of the president, this president was on the front line of attacking the previous administration's use of gitmo as a repository are for these enemy combatants. he was a frequent opponent of interrogation techniques which were vital to keeping us safe. he was opponent of the surge. we had a democrat nominee for president in 2004 who voted against a war funding bill while our troops were in combat. and nobody on the left thought that was inappropriate. and frankly, it's not. what is inappropriate is when when it goes too far. when you question motives. for example, when al gore stood up and had a speech in 2003 or 2004 said george bush lied us into war and betrayed the country, he was questioning his
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patriotism. that was too far. when some of these people said bush lied about wmd when they themselves said iraq had wmd, senator graham of florida and senator rockefeller of west virginia, when they themselves had said this and they turned around and accused bush of lying, i thought that was over the line. but we live in a democracy and this is the price we pay for living in a democracy and thank god we do because it means we can disagree, hopefully respectfully, hopefully dispassionate arately, hopefully based on facts and our view of the world. that's what a democracy at the end of it is all about. people expressing their opinions. >> why do you think president obama made that a part of his presentation yesterday? he came out and he obviously the obama administration is feeling the heat. third attack, third terrorist attack in six months. so they're feeling the heat. why would he go into that territory, we got to be together, we can't have partisanship. why would he go there? >> i tracked this on my web site
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at he has a straw monday arguments, like during the debate on the stimulus package. when we had a battle on health care, he said the opponents of health care reform don't want health care reform. they want a reform, they want to reform a different way. a cover real of that mind set is question the motives by suggesting that they're being unpatriotic and that the real thing is to come together in a moment of unity. look, i understand there are moments when that's required. but in a disagreement over the handling of this christmas bomber was -- is a legitimate matter. >> no doubt it's legitimate. no clear minded or fair minded person couldn't say they're fair minded debates. they absolutely are. but president obama now finds himself in a very, very tough position. i said earlier and i don't know whether you saw it, but one more terrorist attack, one more, but
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it has to be one of magnitude. you would have to have dead american bodies on display. one more, he's done, i think, in my opinion, because he staked territory so far away from bush-cheney and the bush-cheney policies did protect us. they did work. but he staked territory so far away that people aren't going to forget that and the perception is going to be he can't keep us safe. am i wrong? >> well, i think he wants controversy over this issue. we should be unified. in order to distract attention from what we really ought to be -- when is he going to start acting as if it's a war? i think he ought to seriously consider in the next several weeks, withdrawing the designation of the christmas day bomber as a criminal defendant and put him as an enemy combatant, put him back in the system to be squeezed. you know what, though? i have it on pretty good authority that it was discussed that at the meeting held earlier
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this week to discuss the administration's reaction to all this, that holder, in the meeting, could not adequately explain and defend why he was immediately treated as a criminal defendant rather than turned over to the c.i.a. >> he couldn't defend khalid shaikh mohammed. >> graham made holder look like a child in that hearing. >> yeah. but the president joined holder in defending the decision. my understanding is in that meeting that the president was one of the people saying i don't understand why you did what you did. >> is that a good authority? you believe that? >> i believe that, yes. >> all right. >> unfortunately it's based on one source, not multiple sources. but i do think there was this administration is rethinking and i hope they do rethink their approaches to the war on terror. >> thanks very much. on the subject of your safety, we would like you to vote in our poll. do you support airport security
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continuing with our lead story. president obama defending his terror policies. former congressman bob barr. you say the president earned respect in the national security area. do you disagree with karl rove and i? >> very strong on some, but not everything. my main criticism of those who are criticizing the president and such as the former vice president, mr. cheney, is that i think it's simply politics and partisanship and not substantive criticism because when you have the vice president from the
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prior administration criticizing the current administration, really what they're criticizing is themselves because the problems that we see, and i think the president has done a good job of laying out the problems that we have, i disagree with him on some of the solutions. but the problems long predate january 20 of 2009 when mr. obama came in. for example, the problem with the state department issuing visas when perhaps they shouldn't or not telling people who they've issued visas to was the result of then secretary colin powell early in the bush administration coming up to the congress, myself on the judiciary, saying don't give the authority to approve visas to department of homeland security. we want to keep it in -- >> that's a fair point. i should correct my errors, karl rove and me. but look, you know as well as i do, everybody knows at this point, that the obama administration has dismantled the bush-cheney apparatus.
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they dismantled it. if i were vice president cheney and i assume president bush will do this in his book, which is going to be out in september, you've got to say, look, this is wrong headed. we had the right policies. we kept america safe after 9-11. now they're dismantling it and putting everybody in danger. as karl rove said, that's the responsible thing to say, is it not? >> i don't think they're dismantling it. >> come on, come on. no customers interrogation, civilian trials for heinous criminals, closing guantanamo bay and you're saying they're not dismantling it? come on. >> those are some of the outward symbols. >> those are big! those are huge! >> i don't think those are. >> you don't think a ban on coerced interrogation where they broke guys and they rounded up hundreds of al-qaeda and stopped plots big, you don't think that's big?
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>> do i think a ban on sister during that's already illegal under u.s. law is bad? no. >> it's coerced interrogation and it was ruled that it was all right in some forms. >> the justice department said it was okay. >> maybe in some form if you don't break somebody's fingers off, maybe it's okay. >> these are big issues. >> the constitution is, too. >> we sort of dismiss these things as a college constitutional law professor as governor palin does, i think speaks to her capabilities and being able to serve in high office. >> i will see there is some partisanship in the argument. but for you to say that guantanamo bay, coerced interrogation and civilian trials for the underwear guy, when the military should have him are not big issues, i'm stunned. you're a smart guy. those are huge issues.
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>> i'm also a former federal prosecutor. i know how the system works. i served in intelligence. i was with the c.i.a. for eight years, bill. and i know that these systems do work. i don't know why people are so fearful of treating this nigerian idiot, and that's what he is. >> absolutely. >> as a criminal. he violated u.s. -- >> because you don't get timely intelligence when he's mirandaized. >> he has provided significant intelligence. >> we don't know that. that's what they say. then they say he clammed up. it doesn't matter. he should be in the hands of the military and then after the military is through with him, if you want to debate where he should be tried, that's fine. but they pull him off the plane and they put him into a federal detention center right away. it doesn't make sense. >> he violated u.s. law. we're not at war with nigeria. >> no, we're at war with al-qaeda and al-qaeda sponsored and trained him. come on! the president said yesterday we
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were at war with al-qaeda. he's an al-qaeda guy. you pull him out, you give him to the military. you aren't going to make sense if we're in a war and we need urgent information about people killing us, you don't put them in and give them a lawyer. i'll give you the last word. >> first of all, i think our legal system will work properly. i support mr. holder on that, but i also think that being at war with somebody requires more than some offhanded remark that oh, we're at war with somebody. if they're serious about it, let them declare war then, bill. >> all right. i don't argue with that. i think war should have been declared. bob barr, everybody. a new study by duke university in conjunction with the university of north carolina says 139 muslim americans have been accused of planning violent attacks against the usa since 9-11. the largest number of plots, 41, occurred last year on president obama's watch. perhaps with that in mind, some muslim groups demonstrated today, small crew outside the federal court in michigan where a hearing for the nigerian terrorist was being held as we
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discussed. the group has been voicing their opposition to islamic extremism and that is a good thing to see. we want you to see it. ahead, two liberal americans will explain why nancy pelosi and harry reid are holding secret talks about health care when the president once opposed that. later issues once again, our pal joy behar attacks sarah palin.
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tonight some conservatives on the net have put together an exposition of president obama espousing open debate on health care reform. >> these negotiations will be on c-span and so the public will be part of the conversation. all this will be done on c-span in front of the public. we will work on this process
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publicly. it will be on c-span. it will be streaming over the net. it will be televised on c-span. i can't guarantee you it will be exciting. so not everybody will be watching it. >> but no c-span. huh-uh. as you may know, nancy pelosi, harry reid have held secret, very secret health care hearings. how could they? here now, fox news, from los angeles, lesley marshall, both are liberal thinkers. all right, lesley, what say you here? >> bill, i think people are going to say you're rubbing off on me today. i elected this man. i like the idea of transparency and i think that these should be held on c-span because i believe that our representatives are our employees. we elected them via vote. we pay them via our taxes and we certainly, unless this is some kind of a national security
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breach, which health care reform certainly wouldn't touch upon, they should be on c-span. >> why is reid and pelosi hiding? why, in your opinion? >> i really don't know. maybe they're going to talk badly about some of the republicans. >> i don't think that's going to hide. why do you think they're hiding? >> lesley is right. they're hiding because it's a lot easier to do stuff in private than in public. i love, bill, these open government absolutisms spreading through the republican party. where were these guys the last eight years? >> wait, wait, stop with that. >> no, it's a fair -- >> president obama obviously was on record many, many times saying he wants c-span to broadcast this. now we should point out, to be fair, president obama cannot force pelosi or reid to do this. he doesn't have the power to do that. but it's embarrassing. flat out embarrassing and you should be embarrassed as a liberal person. you laetitia hubert million
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crated and embarrassed. >> i'm a journalist first and i believe in government being open and i call -- >> why isn't being open? >> because politicians like to hide. why would you join me? why don't you join me in opening the highway fund debate, defense appropriation debate, all the pork debates? let's put cameras everywhere. don't just -- >> that's fine with me. i'm not gog watch, but i don't care if they're there or not. isn't this an embarrassment to president obama? >> in the world of embarrassment, it ain't that serious. >> are you upset, personally upset? you don't seem to be upset. >> the war has upset me more. >> the war. this is just -- i'm not going partisan here because i'm hard on the republicans as well. this is just another in a long line of embarrassments for nancy pelosi and harry reid. harry reid may well lose in nevada. and i'll go on record saying he will lose.
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and the democrats are in terrible, terrible shape in january. and eight more months until we vote in november. but they're in terrible shape. this cannot help the democratic party, can it? lesley? >> i don't know that this necessarily will hurt the democrats. >> you don't think so? another example of saying one thing and doing another? >> no, because what i think, honestly, is by the time the elections come around on both sides of the aisle, americans forget. and because -- >> i'll remind them. i may remind them. that's what i'm here to do. i'll remind them if the republicans do something stupid, too. i'm going to remind everybody about what has happened and what has transpired. go ahead. >> this is a political stunt. >> why are you looking in the camera. talk to you. >> i'm talking right to you. >> they're not your friends, number two, they don't want you looking at them. talk to me. go ahead. make your point.
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>> tv lessons here now. >> you need them. make your point. >> you know this is a political stunt. the only reason this complaint is being raised by republicans is they want to mash up health care. these are people -- >> you ought to be a little too smart to be so naive. >> no, no, i'm not naive. i don't want the president of the united states telling me 18 times that the health care debate is going to be open and then it isn't. i'm upset about that. >> he embraced the principle. call for all this stuff to be open. >> i just called for it. what do you want me to do? go door to door? >> let me hear the passion when we get to the defense budget. same kind of passion. >> i'll work it up. you just won't see to anything -- concede to anything. this is embarrassing. this is embarrassing. >> i'm getting more open than you. >> oh, yeah. lesley, you know that it's embarrassing.
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you don't want to admit it. he probably doesn't even know it's embarrassing. that's how far out he is. but you know, lesley, how embarrassing this is. you do know. i know you know. >> this is more pelosi and reid. so is it more an embarrassment -- >> it's more an embarrassment to the democratic structure. people are going to vote party. if this happens again, the democrats already are wobbling. but i just think it's hugely embarrassing. c-span doesn't carry too many -- >> next time if you don't look at me, i'm going to slap you. >> you're not that good looking. >> can i look at lesley. >> everybody looks at lesley. this evening, glenn beck spend ago lot of time on his program answering his critics. he'll tell us why he's doing that. then, more cheap shots leveled at sarah palin by her biggest an tag mist, joy behar. we hope you'll stay tuned for
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friday, breaking news, the ap is reporting michael jackson's doctor will be charged with involuntary manslaughter. also, where does the aarp lost 150,000 members since the health care debate began. check out the new beard and all the gray. he's here to comment. let's go to the jackson doctor situation first. involuntary manslaughter. is that enough? the third, murder, murder second and then involuntary manslaughter against dr. conrad murry. they said, wait a second, this guy was living in his house. he wasn't a concierge doctor. michael jackson died in conrad murry's bed. he knew he knew what he was doing. he should have been charged with
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murder, too. so the day went on and when i was trying to do is nail down the story. is it true that conrad murray about to be indicted. i got off the phone with the la county district attorney not more than 15 minutes ago. they absolutely deny this story. they say it is not true, that conrad murray is not about to be indicted. >> the associated press is wrong? >> they said flat out that linda deutsche, the best court reporter maybe existing, certainly at the associated press, they said that linda deutsche's story is wrong. >> wow. >> however, there is the more common way to proceed with these cases because indeed, dr. conrad murray has just hired jay michael governor george pataki -- flanigan who represented britney spears during her hit and run came i spoke with flanigan, he confirmed to me that murray did retain him this week, so here is
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what i think is happening. i believe that the l.a.p.d and l.a. county district attorney will do what they usually do in california -- los angeles county. they will arrest dr. murray, then he will have a preliminary hearing. it will not be a grand jury. that was the implication i got. but clearly murrly is besieged right now by the authorities and he does appear to be about to pay the piper in some degree. >> he probably will be involuntary manslaughter, finally when it's charged and he has to hear it. >> well, it is still homicide. it would qualify -- >> that's a four, five-year stretch if he's convicted. right? >> it is. i'm not exactly sure what the sentencing would be in his particular case. but it won't be 20 years to life. >> all right. the aarp. big hit. a lot of people angry about the
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aarp supporting obama care. 150,000, that's bleeding. >> right. >> but they say, the aarp, i don't like the aarp. i am a member because when i turned 65, i said to the aarp, why not put me on the cover of your magazine. >> that's why you don't like them? a vanity play? >> i have the right to be mad at the aarp. >> because they wouldn't put you on the cover? >> they're an insurance cover. >> have you looked in a mirror lately? >> i am a senior citizen. >> the 150,000, aarp says it's a drop in the bucket, only half of 1% of their membership. that's bull. >> it's a lot of people, 150,000. what it represents, though, whether or not you agree with the tea party activists, it represents people so opposed to president obama's proposals that they are lashing out at anyone who supports president obama or
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obama care. look, aarp is in very, very tenuous territory here. do you know what happened to the mayo clinic in arizona? i knew you didn't know. they said, we're not taking any medicare patients anymore because the government's payments are too low. now, other mayo clinic may follow, may not. but seniors, rightfully so, are very nervous about obama care cutting back on their medicare payments. so they're going to lash out at anybody supporting obama care. i'll give you the last word. go. >> they want medicare advantage, most seniors. aarp said medigap. the premium does the same thing, fills in the blank that medicare leaves. but it's more expensive in terms of the premium. so those people who are opposed to obama care are suggesting that what aarp did was a play to
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enrich their coffers from their insurance industry. but i think that more importantly, this is the biggest political phenomenon -- >> 15 seconds. >> the populous rage that has now caused dorgan in north dakota and dodd in connecticut to say they're retiring, i think that is the biggest political story right now, the first quarter of 2010. after that i think how that plays out will be how the futures of the parties are determined. >> we come right back, glenn beck has a special announcement about the bold fresh tour. he'll talk about his critics. also ahead, elvis' 75th birthday. we have a tribute moments away.
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i know where he is, but even if you water boarded me, i wouldn't say. before he left, however, we had a chat. here is beck and i've been watching your show. it pains me to do it, but i've been watching your show. you spent a lot of time correcting misinformation brought about by your critics and i'm wondering why bother? >> because i think it's important to set the record straight. not for them, because they're going to continue to smear. but i think if we continue to show the american people this is what i said, but this is what the administration said and not about the facts, but about me, and then here is what's happened in the last few months that proves me correct. >> is it all about, though, putting the obama administration down or are you trying to get the left wing, the entire left wing, 'cause they're pretty much coming after you. >> oh, yeah. don't count the republicans out either. the progressive movement is really what i'm targeting.
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the progressives. >> i did that. i don't know whether you know this, before you came to fox. i did that for a number of years. you know i stopped doing it because we became so successful and you're in that category as well. unless it's in a really egregious thing, i just ignore them. they're bugs to me. >> no, no. i'm not doing it for them. i'm really not doing it. i could care less about what they say. >> you couldn't care less. >> i couldn't care less. here is -- this is what it's going to be like on the road with you, isn't it? >> it's going to be worse. >> i couldn't care less about them. the reason why i did it this week is to a, show that that is just to distract you from what the real fact is. and b, to reinforce the facts, to show the pattern. it's easy to say -- >> what pattern is it again? >> somebody speaks the truth,
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they try to destroy them and then they do what that person was telling. so i'm trying to discredit the discreditors as a distraction because that's important. once the american people realize oh, my gosh, none of that is true, from these sources -- b. >> but i think they realize it and i'll tell you why. left wing radio outlets, down the drain. left wing television, down the drain. no matter how they try to prop it up. there really isn't anybody, even guys like stewart and colbert, they only get a million viewers a night. it's over for them. they have no outlets. >> i agree with you. when you heard about the underwear bomber on christmas day, what was the first thing that popped into your mind? >> ou, ow, that had to hurt. >> you sympathized with him? >> i was thinking, who does that? you're blowing yourself up, i don't think i'd start in that area. i don't. maybe it's just me.
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>> a hand reaction? >> don't you ever see, like, movies where they get kicked in the groin and you're like, as a man, ow. >> that was your reaction? >> yes. >> no al-qaeda. >> that was immediate. ow, that hurt. >> okay. >> i saw your talking points on wednesday where you were talking about how al-qaeda is going to bring down the obama administration. >> could. >> i will tell you that i agree with you as long as we have the caveat there that if you are failing every time, it's just going to -- death by 1,000 paper cuts. >> that's right. >> but the minute, the minute they start shooting people in malls, the minute they blow some building up, the minute they blow -- it's over. no more rights. it's going to be over. >> let's hope it doesn't happen.
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>> pray it doesn't happen. >> i was also watching your program when you, i think it was on radio, i was listening to you in new york. you were talking about katie couric who is your new best friend. is she your new best friend? >> we are like this. >> i could see you and katie couric. you have so much in common. >> she's actually very nice. >> do you know her? >> i do. >> you think she's nice? >> i do. >> how did you run into her? >> i was on the beach. >> on the beach? >> on the beach. >> it was like all of a sudden this music was piped in and everybody was moving in slow motion and it was like works derek in 10. and she was bo. >> i saw me as bo. >> you really were in the sun a long time. >> i didn't recognize her. >> you didn't recognize katie couric? >> i don't usually think of katie couric in a swim suit. you know. >> you didn't recognize her? >> no, i didn't. >> what did you say? get lost, lady?
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>> i said, hey, katy, how are you? we talked. but then she was actually staying in a house right next to us and she had this big new year's eve party. there were 50 people at her house. she knew i was staying right there. >> next to her. >> they only do this at the white house. i thought about crashing it. >> you should have. >> well, i thought about it. >> did she send over a plate or anything? >> she didn't. we stood at the gate for a while. then i decided that i'm just going to put on a white peta t-shirt and i'll get a can of near beer because i don't drink and i just stood at the fence all night. couric, we're watching cops over here! >> you wonder why the main stream press loathes you. wonder why you weren't invited. finally you have a big announcement, bold fresh tour is the end of january. going to tampa, charleston, south carolina, sold out
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everywhere. >> right. don't forget virginia. do you believe you could have your part down by then? >> yes, i'm going to try. what's the announcement? >> it's going to be carried in movie theaters. >> really? >> yes. 500 movie theaters all across the country. >> saturday january 30. >> what a memory. i just said that only once. >> how professional. >> that is incredible. >> in smaller venues we can't get to around the country, we're going to have movie theaters that show us live. norfolk, virginia, we're going to do what we do, which is striking. but we're going to send katie couric free tickets to one of the theaters to see us. >> really? >> she's going to love that. >> she's going to be the one in chelsea, new york, all by herself. >> love these guys. glenn beck, everybody. happy new year. >> once again if you want information about the movie theater deal, go to bold fresh
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the dumbest things of the week. the f word in play this evening. co-host of fox and friends week, and the purveyor of red eye seen at 3:00 o'clock in the morning. something very creative. media matters you may know, that's the far left group that watches beck and me and other people and then takes what we say out of context to try to bring hateful stuff in play. so here is greg gutfilled's satire of media matters. >> my father asked me what i do for a living.
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what did you tell him? i told him that i spend all day watching fox news and then blog about things that i don't like. when i told him this, he looked very sad. >> why? >> was he jealous? >> no, he cried. he said he wished his son had a real job and contributed to society. >> what a jerk. i shall leave an anonymous comment about him on a blog. >> anyway, david, i must tell you that george sore less is coming to your basement department, or i mean your office. >> i love george. i want to have george's baby. >> all right. they're going to come after you, man. >> i hope so. i love these guys because i just imagine them spending all their -- >> that's all they do. >> watching tv. they watch something that upsets them and then they have to blog about it and it's got to be a horrible, pathetic life. that's why they don't anger me, they just make me laugh. >> the david in play, david brock, he runs that outfit.
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now, here is a serious question. media matters dumb or are they damaging the nation? >> i think that they are babies because -- every media network is in line with what they believe in except for fox news and they can't handle it and that makes them infantile. >> do you think they have influence or are they just stupid. >> i think if they were more moderate or went after other networks they would be taken more serious. i get e-mails every single day from them, i have marveled at their dedication to watching the fox news channel. >> the talk radio thing, too. the thing that i don't think they have any -- some of the main stream journalists pick up the crap and then they don't attribute it and that tees me off. now, allison has chosen our
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competitor cnn who for whatever reason, continues to put on a woman named kathy griffin and roll the tape. >> i want to show you some of the news maker from this past year to get your take. do you remember him? >> oh, that's mr. heine. i admire him. i admit i followed the balloon boy scandal. did you watch it when it was happening is this. >> my favorite moment was when the boy said -- falcon? >> she just said the f word live television. but she had done it before. >> yes. and this is what's so dumb or astounding about it. this is an encore performance. last year she hosted the same new year's eve special and she uttered an obscenity. so that got a lot of buzz, so clearly she had to up the ant,
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and create more of a stir. so she uttered this vulgar word on the air which is never okay. but the reason it's dumb is that she is a paid comedienne. there are funnier ways to be clever. >> cnn says she's not coming back. after two strikes, she's out. now, on the headline, which is a division of cnn, joy behar, perhaps the biggest sarah palin hater in the country, says this about the governor. >> now, her books are going through the roof, the sales. yet, a lot of her base doesn't read. so who is buying the books? >> this is the only one on the cover. they like to look at that picture. >> a lot of her base doesn't even read. is that funny? raise your hand if you think it's funny. no. all right. so we're unanimous agreement. not funny. is it nasty? raise your hand if it's nasty. >> of course it's nasty.
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yes, it's nasty. look, joy behar, they've never met anyone like sarah palin. they have never left manhattan or hollywood. >> they're far left people. i don't mind that. but their criticism is to dumb gut, though. it's just -- can't you be a bit more sophisticated. >> you don't understand why someone would disagree with their assumptions, so they must be illiterate. but i'm sorry, it's very hard to watch a clip when you have sandra bernhard and joy berhar. >> why? >> it burns my retinas. it's worse than water boarding. >> i don't object to the not liking the governor because liberal are not going to like governor palin. >> they truly have never met anyone like her. >> it's not funny, it's just nasty and it's dumb. pinheads and patriots on deck. elvis, it's his 75th
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time for pinheads and patriots. it is elvis' 75th birthday and while the singer had a turbulent lifestyle, there is no doubt he brought joy to millions of people. because of that, he is a patriot. so tonight we decided to give you elvis in varying stages of his life. >> warden through party in the prison jail, the prison band was there, they began to whale. ♪ let's rock, everybody let's rock. ♪ everybody in the whole cell
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block was dancing to the jail house rock. ♪ what's wrong with me. ♪ i'm in love. ♪ i'm all shook up. ♪ yeah, yeah. net my hands are shaking and my knees are weak. i can't seem to stand on my own two feet. ♪ i'm in love, i'm all shook up. ♪ yeah, yeah. ♪ why can't you see what you're doing to me. ♪ when you don't believe a word i'm saying. ♪ i'm caught in a trap.
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♪ i can't walk out. ♪ because i love you too much baby. ♪ don't you know i'm caught in a trap. ♪ i can't walk out. ♪ because i love you too much, baby. ♪ >> all right, good work as always. we believe elvis presley was a patriot. finally tonight, a quick reminder, bold fresh tour gear is selling very briskly. once it's gone, it's gone. so you might want to check it out on my web site this weekend. get some of these nifty items, collectors items. also remember all the proceeds i get go to charity. now the letters, james dement, ohio, like you, i believe president obama wants to protect us from attacks, but his ideology is absolutely making us less safe. from vermont, you are not being fair to the president. you should recognize that he is
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doing his best. laura from virginia, any more blood talking points like last night and you will not be going to another white house christmas party. not my concern. we call them as we see them. valerie of phoenix, arizona. shame on beyonce for entertain ago gadaffi. she should apologize to our troops who are fighting terrorism. in louisiana, if beyonce was paid 2 million bucks to entertain a libyan thug, she should be a patriot. that's 2 million that can't go towards terrorism. peter williams, australia, we don't care much for political correctness which is why the kfc chicken ad was not a big deal here. they have pulled the ad because it does have racial overtones. robert paige, orange, california, after you played the parody of obama care, the song by ray stevens, his web site crashed. well, that's what we understand. but ray is now up again. dr. christine, pennsylvania, for
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my dad, john ryley's birthday, we're sending him to tampa to see the bold fresh show with you and beck. i hope we can deliver on the present. i know i can. i am a bit worried about beck. and jerry, new jersey. love the hairy eyeball story in bold fresh. will i go to hell? maybe, jerry. it was risky for me to write it. how about a web site? i do want to mention, and thank you all, bold fresh on the "new york times" list this coming sunday, 52 weeks, one solid year. thank you all. and then please e-mail us with pithy comments. name and town if you wish to opine. the word of the day spurious. do not be spurious when writing to us. that's it for us today. please check out bill o' where we continue 24/7. i am bill o'reilly. we look forward to seeing you again ne t
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