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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 10, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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. >> sean: the failed terror >> the failed terror attack on northwest airlines reminded america soaring rhetoric and words are not enough to keep this country safe. it also proved despite the sweeping changes made after 9-11 to the u.s. intelligence committee and airline security serious flaws still exist. yesterday afternoon many americans paused to hear how president obama plans to address the potentially deadly vulnerabilities. here's part of what he has to say. >> we are at war. we are at war against al qaeda a far reaching network of violence that attacked us on 9-11 killed nearly 3,000 people and is plotting to strike us again. we will do whatever it takes to defeat them. >> all of that read well off a teleprompter but will his words translate into action.
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poll litico. com points out whee laid out his plan yesterday he didn't fire anybody or didn't call for reorganization or offer up any new legislation or announce any military action another did he signal a shift in policy. the president is making changes to a system that he doesn't necessarily find broken. so as -- has the president taken the right approach to homeland security or should he be making more definitive moves to save guard you and your family and this country. i am joined from washington with the fist security of homeland security tom ridge. welcome back. >> nice to be back. >> maybe this is progress he acknowledges there's a war on terror. is that progress? >> i listened carefully and read it again. we are at war, we are at war against al qaeda. that's a long way from saying this was an isolated extremist
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act which is something he said about a week ago. i think it's important we remind americans and there's no better person to do it and no more important person in the world to do it than president of the united states that this is not an isolated incidental kwied is recruiting on a day-to-day basis individuals to recruit, train, pros law ties and have people do us harm. this is a president who understands the importance the words and these are important words. >> eerie time there's an incident every single time we hear, i don't care if it's fort hood or this airline attack we keep hearing almost immediately but this is not terror related. why are they so quick to calm the waters and fears of the american people instead of saying we don't know whether it was terror related. >> that would be my preference. it's difficult to suggest the fort hood incident was not terrorist related.
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i don't know whether major hassan was given guidance, direction, orders or gave inspiration from the cleric he was sending e-mails to but to suggest it was simply a criminal act defies what most americans, doesn't pass the sniff test. most americans understand that. >> two 9-11 commission members have spoken out one a democrat one a republican. lee hamilton democrat he says he thinks what has become pervasive throughout the country and for a number of years is complacency inner shoah business as usual attitude. he thinks it's harmful and he thinks the president has a major share of blame in this. do you agree that the president himself is to blame in a lot of this? >> i think there's a lot of political theater going on and trying to point individual blame -- both parties used politics of terrorism to gain advantage. where i think the president has
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aired in the past. hopefully he will maintain this kind of visibility and public reminder that the threat is real. one of the interesting things about his report, sean, and remember i was there october 8th of 2001. none of the infrastructure that's presently in place existed before president bush the national counter-terrorism center terrorism act, making the fbi the point in the sphere in our counter-terrorism effort. he built, the bush administration built the infrastructure. the infrastructure didn't fail us over the last couple weeks or months it's people that have autos used it. they failed to use commo common. i think the president needs to remind them it's their jobs to be on the edge of their seat tip of their toes we are at war against al qaeda. it's not occasional, it's day-to-day. >> what i think is on the minds of many americans that are writing us and i talked to on the radio every day is the president up to the job of homeland security, john layman,
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former navy secretary former 9-11 commission he said obama the president doesn't get it. he don't think he has a clue. he said the president has ignored the 9-11 commission report. he said the president continues to totally ignore one of the important thrusts of the 9-11 recommendations. he said that obama has taken a lawyer like politically correct approach to national security issues like terror watch lists and no fly lists. is he right? is this president up to this job? >> well, frankly i think both parties -- listen, i think there's things the 9-11 commission recommended. remember when the report came out that were -- should have been a higher priority in the previous administration. what i am hopeful is that this avoided disaster, this god forbid this thing would have happened and somebody would have called it a man-made incident having avoided this terrorist disaster which it could have very well been. it has sharpened the focus gotten the president's attention and he stays on top of this for
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the balance of his administration. >> this broke late this afternoon it's an indicator we have a president given miranda rights to terrorists. khalid shaikh mohammed -- >> which is wrong. >> let me read from the ap, because i think this is part of the consequences of the president's decisions and the ap said, points out that a federal judge has tossed out most of the government's evidence against a terrorism detainee on the grounds his confessions were coerced allegedly by u.s. forces before he became a prisoner at guantanamo bay. is this an indicator to what's to come if we didn't give m miranda rights to enemy commandants the evidence is tossed out? >> i certainly hope not. disagrees with most americans. it's one thing to have a citizen be given the entire protection of our constitution no matter how evil or how bad they are but enemy noncombatants are entitled
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to due process. there's always been due process. you have a right to be heard in front of the military tribunal. he's not a citizen. he is engaged in a terrorist act in the 6 counts i don't think they charged him of a terrorist -- there's a terrorist account in the 6 counts for which he has been indited. >> should janet nepal t na napo been fired? >> one of the statements she made and ran away from when she made it when you look at the president's report from brennan it's exculpatory when it comes to dhs. you can only operate on information you can get. you can assume information you don't generate it. the fact that the cia didn't do anything, the fact that the state department didn't pull the visa, multi entry visa should have been pulled as soon as the dad walked in the door. the fact that the national counter-terrorism should have
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put it on the no fly list immediately those are things that should have been done outside of the department. >> when you look at wealthy backgrounds and wealthy families for example osama bin laden the son of a billionaire construction guy in saudi arabia, mohammad atta son of a wealthy egyptian doctor this kid comes from a wealthy background. hillary clinton said we cannot stop terrorism or defeat idea logs of violent extremism when hundreds of millions of people see a future with no jobs no hope, no way to catch up to the legal opped world. we are responsible, poverty is responsible for extremism? >> i never bought into that theory. if you look at the individuals hap prehenneded don't forget the individuals in great britain this recent terrorist major hassan and others that is an equation that doesn't fit. poverty does not drive them. it's an ideological war some have embraced it. they may be rich or poor but
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poverty isn't driving it. >> is america not safe because barack obama is our president? >> no. one of the things we have to believe we continue president bush's policy in iraq there are more troops in afghanistan where the president needs to reassert his leadership is in aftermath of this incident th to make sur these peemz are as vigilant today tomorrow and for all times in the future as they would have been on december 12th, 2001. there's a lot of con play san see time has eroded that sense of mission. it's the president's job to get people back around it. >> i gently disagree with you. i appreciate your views. thank you for being with us. >> good talking to you, sean. >> here is a sneak peek at what's ahead. >> for the sake of our jobs will you step down from your post? >> i don't think that you should be fired. i thought they would be hired.
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>> time get ner under fire. >> i agree with almost nothing of what you said. >> what about your role with the aig bailout? >> it's a -- i -- >> only in san francisco a city supervisor vows to drop the f bo bomb at every meeting. >> helen thomas wants to know why the terrorists hate us. plus put away the hats and glos, global warming will be here any day now. the country is frozen. more hannity straight ahead.
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>> sean: president obama gave no specifics yesterday about what enhanced screening methods airlines are going to use going forward. 1% of those 71 percent of those surveys say full body scanners should be used at all airports. only 17 percent disagree. 69 percent say profiling should be used to identify potential threats. only 26 percent say profiling
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should not be used. mr. president, are you listening? the american people get it. but it takes less than 15 seconds to tell you this. drivers who switched from geico to allstate... saved an average of $473 a year. time to switch to allstate. ♪
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. >> all right. looks like there's more trouble on the horizon for the gem kratic par -- democratic party. new york sometimes are taing the democrats are scrambling in new jersey because of a democratic candidate. state senator scott brown joins me from the people's republic of massachusetts. bell come -- welcome aboard. thank you for being here. >> happy to be here. >> this election is january the 19th, a week from this tuesday, correct? >> that's correct. >> you were down by 30 points and i read that you are now within single digits and closing, correct? >> yes, that's what we hear. we are hearing that throughout the state that everybody is basically dissatisfied with the way things are going not only in
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massachusetts but in washington. we can do better. >> republicans those who think republicans can win in massachusetts mitt romney was the governor there. that's not that unusual. you apparently have gotten the attention of i want your reaction to this that they even recognize this match is within the margin offer error. the cook report says it's competitive. a republican victory would be a catastrophe they would lose their 60th vote in the senate. what does that mean for you? >> to have outside groups trying to influence or buy this election is bad for not only massachusetts but for the country. we have asked all outside groups to stay away let martha coke lee and i debate with the differences between us. she wants to promote 12.1 trillion of extra action and she is in favor of providing constitutional rights to enemy combatants and pay for the restitution of them.
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instead of being a patriot she is being a lawyer and it's wrong for the country and certainly wrong for the safety of our kids, our families. there's so many differences when calls me a right wing extremist i have been called a lot of things but my wife and two daughters will chuckle at that one. >> i am glad you have a sense of humor. your election would have a profound effect on the country. where do you stand on healthcare? >> it's not good for massachusetts. we have 98 percent of the people insured. we are going to cut a half a trillion from medicare and cut try care for military people and have higher taxation about a trillion dollars plus to pay for it and we are going to subsidize what other states are going to do. i would be the 41st vote i would stop it and ask them to go back to the drawing board. everybody is entitled to their own form of insurance. >> as everything i am reading about your race is you have
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challenged martha coakley to a one-on one debate. she has continued to dodge. is she willing to debate you? >> we did a small debate today. she will meet with ahmadinejad one-on-one but she won't meet with me one-on-one. they can go to brown u.s. and they can make a difference and stop the business as usual not only in massachusetts but more importantly nationally. give me a chance to go down there and bring common sense back to washington, solve problems be an independent voice and vote for the things that are not only effecting our state but effecting the country. there's a huge controversy rounding her and i wanted to know if you were going to get involved in this story. boston globe reported they have criticized marsha cokely for the 2000 case involving a police
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officer and 20 month old niece of his who had been raped with a hot object most likely of all things a curling iron and her handling of that case. are you critical of her for that? >> co this race is about differences between us. we are both public figures we both a have records. i have taken over 6,000 votes like my state reps state senators 30 years in the military still serving as a colonel. this race is about taxes terrorism and healthcare. she is a nice woman but she is wrong on all of the issues. >> you don't think that should be brought up or does that -- >> you just brought it up. you just brought it up. so i don't even need to now, thank you. >> so i brought it up. it's my job. i thought you were the candidate. >> it's everybody's job. there's a lot of things happening on the per riv per ri ry the thing most people are concerned about we have a
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$12 trillion national debt out of control spending no balance no fairness no good government in washington by sending me down there the democrats have to ask me for my vote to stop debate. i am not going to be a rubber stamp and be robotic like she will answering to governor patrick, harry reid reed, nancy pelosi. they are doing whatever they are told. i have been an independent voter and that's why people respect me. the last race won by 20 points he more votes carried into obama. i am ready to get down there and work and start to look out for the interest of massachusetts and the country. >> somebody asked me how i identify myself politically. i would say i am a reagan conservative. how do you answer that question. how do you identify yourself politically? >> as a scott brown republican. i have always been my own person. that's why i have gotten to where i am. i believe in fiscal
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responsibility get our fiscal house in order to make sure we don't become economically dependent on china and russia and put us into a strat teeing cal disadvantage. i am going to go down there and be the same person i have always been and look at each and every vote and each and every bill and make a good logical decision and represent the people in my state and make sure the interest of the united states are taken care of especially on terrorism and foreign policy and fiscal domestic things right now. if people want to send a thunder clap around the country go to brown for u.s. learn about me get involved and let's have some fun. >> if you win this race it would be a political earthquake. last question. what you were to grade bar ram obama what grade would you give him? >> he needs work to do. too slow in reacting to the recent terrorist bombing but i am glad he's talking about it. we need to solve that problem right away for the safety of our kids and our families.
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>> a, b, c, d? >> i am not going to give him a grade. i want to make sure he solves the problems and keeps us safe. we are in serious problem. al qaeda is ready to hurt us and our kids. >> we are going to follow this closely. scott brown all of the best. this is a tight race. it could sav change the entire dynamic of the u.s. senate. tim geithner is back in the hot seat. we will tell you about newly discovered e-mails that could cost the treasury secretary his job. we have video of san francisco official to vowed to drop the f bomb at every council meeting in 2010. what i wanted to do. but five minutes ago, i took symbicort, and symbicort is already helping significantly improve my lung function. so, today, i've noticed a significant difference in my breathing. and i'm doing more of what i want to do. so we're clear -- it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms.
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. >> sean: tonight i >> you may be surprised to learn that one of the nation's top intelligence officials doesn't
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know the flight number of the plane that was targeted on christmas day. in a memo released yesterday the director of national intelligence dennis blare wrote that the terrorists quote boarded northwest airlines flight 153 for detroit but the flight number was 253. now poll lit co's josh girsten says he corrected the memo but not before it went to reporters. aren't you afraid thor this guy to be a part of the intelligence committee. a not so happy anniversary for christina roamer. it was one year ago when she issued the now infamous roamer report that claimed if the obama stimulus plan was implemented unemployment would remain below 8 percent. but us americans know all too well it's not exactly how things turned out. earlier today the department of labor delivered more bad news on the job front in december alone # 85,000 more americans lost their jobs which is far more than economists expected and the
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unemployment rate remains in double digits. what did the $787 billion spending free your t tax one accomplish? besides bankrupting your kids we are waiting for an answer, mr. president. calls for turbo tax chief tim geithner's representation heating up e-mails regarding his role in the bailout of insurance giant aig. they were written by lawyers from the federal reserve bank of new york while geithner was president there to aig executives and lawmakers including daryl isa he blooes the e-mails could prove during the bailout that government officials encouraged aig to withhold vital information from you the american people. both issa and ranking member of the senate finance committee chuck grassly are prepared to investigate these serious allegations. treasury spokesman claims geithner played no role in the e-mails because he already recused himself after being nominated to serve on the administration.
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i would like to hear that directly from the tax cheat himself while he is under oath. this next story is one that could only happen in san francisco. take a la a look at chris dailyn for using inappropriate language at meetings. they called him out on his vile vocabulary instead of cleaning it up he announced this resolution. >> i am vowing in 2010 i will use the word (bleep) at every board meeting. my apologies to those who take umbrage. >> there's a great role model for the young people of san francisco to look up to. maybe it's time for you to grow up. time magazine named the topple sris impersonators of all time. you won't believe who made the list. he has been on the show before. we will tell you who it is straight ahead.
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>> in honor of what would have been his 75th birthday time magazine named the ten best elvis impersonators of all time. look at who number 2 is on the list. >> believe it or not the only people keeping blog go from the top spot is johnny cash.
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keep your day job. úrxs
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. >> sean: >> louisiana purchase the corn husband kerr kickback and other back room deals all keep the healthcare bill alive. as a result very serious constitutional questions are now being raised. constitutional director greg abbott sent a letter to kate bailey hutchinson and john core nan outlining his concerns. ben nelson is lobbying to have the same sweet deal he acquired in nebraska. the man behind that letter is attorney general greg abbott. thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. thank you, sean. >> the first thing you say is this serves no legitimate action. >> in order for the law to be effective that is passed by
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congress it has to be a legitimate national interest. congress doesn't have unfettered authority to enact any law that benefits a particular locality such as a single state like february february. congress has authority to pass laws that benefit all americans. what they did with regard to the nebraska compromise is to pass a bill that benefits only taxpayers in nebraska. all states are going to be required to expand their medicaid system by billions of dollars. in taxes we have to increase spending by $20 million. only nebraskians will not a hav to pay more for this expansion but to make it worse the citizens of the other 49 states are going to be obligated to foot the bill for the expansion of the medicaid system in
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nebraska. >> you use particularly harsh langua language. you call it uniquely contemptible and corrupt bargain. you say this was added to purchase the vote of a single senator. you are an attorney general you are a lawyer i am not. that sounds to me almost criminal, doesn't it? >> it is the worse case of vote buying that i have ever witnessed. i am i haven't heard anybody say they have a worse case of vote buying. we believe that because this vote being the 60th vote allowed the healthcare package out of the senate benefited only nebraska and citizens of nebraska to the detriment of others across the state.
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that is unconstitutional. is there a criminal statute that should be investigated? >> if there were a statute that were violated by this vote buying it likely would be a federal statute. that is something i am not prosecu prosecuti prosecuting americans across the country are outraged about this. it stengs worse than any act. >> i want to use the strong language you have used. it's nothing more than a pure political payoff a transfer of wealth from one state to the 49 states. you sawed the basic principals of fairness and equality violates the fundamental principles of nondiscrimination.
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for all that don't want the healthcare bill to pass assuming it passes they are well on their way to passing it there might be a legitimate legal challenge that could top this bill, is that fair? >> ifs fair. two reasons. the reason i say only two reasons is this bill was passed with great secrecy. we don't know until all of the details of the bill constitutional challenges to be raised. one concerning the nebraska compromise the other we haven't mentioned yet the other at that the pa heart of the healthcare legislation. what congress is doing understanding this an unprecedented requirement to have individual mandate which
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requires every american to purchase healthcare insurance the congressional budget office has previously said that never before has congress put a mandate on americans to purchase anything merely as a result of being a resident lawfully in this country. that is exactly what this bill does in an unprecedented fashion. congress recognizing the difficulty they are having with regard to the constitutionality of this bill put into the legislation their belief that this complies with the commerce clause. we believe that the constitution requires congress to have a ground to pass this it doesn't safe the commerce cause and as a result it should be stricken down as unconstitutional. >> you layout a great case here. this is a great letter. you talk not only about the commerce clause but you mention the tenth amendment. you point out as it relates to the mandate of the bill this
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would establish a federal mandate that has never before in the history of this country been imposed on the american people. can you expand on that part? >> yes. the individual manda mandate ma every individual. congress doesn't have authority to force americans to buy anything. this will be the first time that has ever happened. let's put this into some context. image if you would congress asserted the authority to require all americans to purchase insurance for their automobiles. we are not talking just about americans who drive who own a car but all americans whether you drive or own a car or not have to purchase automobile insurance to better spread out the cost of insurance for everybody who has to buy auto insurance. that's what congress has done here if this piece of legislation is upheld and satisfy the commerce clause it will expand the commerce clause
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far beyond where the supreme court has set that browned dre. >> fascinating letter. hard hitting to the point. i think you have a very legitimate case to win this thing in the course if you believe in the constitution. thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> time to check in. greta have been sus tren. she has a trick up her sleeve. >> can i tell you what great timing we have tonight on the record. governor mitt romney on the night a giant poll comes out and says i am sure he will be interested in it. i don't know if he knows the results of it. right after you had the candidates for senate's race of massachusetts we have the former governor of massachusetts. this is a perfect night for governor mitt romney to be on the show. there's maoch sore. did you see geraldo's beard? >> i did. i heard he got a beard. i didn't see it.
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>> what do you think? >> i saw frank luntz beard. >> i wonder what you thought about geraldo. >> i'll take a look. listen one other thing. think about this, this race is important because that's one last senator if the republicans win statewide office in massachusetts. that means that potentially healthcare goes away if they go to congress. >> unless democrats can bet the boot before january 19th before the contest and swearing in. >> see you 21 minutes from right now. the great, great, great american panel next. ♪
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in 1977, an 8-year-old boy picked up the game of golf from his father. the odds of that same boy then making it to the u.s. and european pro-golf tours? 1 in 7 million. the odds of the "big easy" winning the u.s. open once twice? 1 in 1.2 billion. the odds of him having a child diagnosed with autism?
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1 in 150. ernie els encourages you to learn the signs at >> tonight on our great, great american panel he's a writer for the american stand around steven hayes is back. former advisor to the soon to be former majority leader harry reid and former communications director for bell penny lee is back he's served as ambassador to veterans of fairs jim nicholson is back with us. hal thomas wants to know what the terrorism motivations are. >> what is really lacking alter for us is we don't have the
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motivation of why we want to retire. what is motivation? we never hear of what you find out. >> al qaeda is an organization that is dedicate to do murder and want of slaughter of innocent. >> because of religion? >> because of al qaeda organization that uses a banner of religion in a corrupt way. >> hillary suggested poverty is a reason for terrorism. is that that hard for helen to figure out and the administration's war on terror. they don't get it. >> where has he been for the last 8 years. you go back to 1997 osama bin laden he lays out why he wants to kill america. he did it in 98. they give us updates telling us what they want to do. surprising someone in her position doesn't get it. >> also i presented my
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credentials to the pope two-days after 9-11 it was 9-13. first thing i did was say a prayer for the victims and their families. the next thing he said to me ambassador nicholson we have to stop these people who killed in the name of god. that's what they are doing. that's the difficulty of this. they are humbling themselves in the eyes of god in doing this. that's the real challenge. >> the president up until yesterday and one time prior wouldn't even use the term war on terror. >> he would not use the term, penny. >> he used the term in august of 2007. he said we have a war on terrorism in our hands. in his inaugural address he said we are at war. >> man caused disaster. overseas contingency operation. >> one of his first things was to increase the amount of troops we have in afghanistan. he understands the war to fight
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in afghanistan. >> you know why you can point out the dates he has done it because he has done it so infrequently. >> his actions are speaking to it. he has put more droned attacks in afghanistan than all -- >> we have a hawk in the white house. not even you believe that. he's not a hawk. he thinks america is arrogant and thinks american has caused some of this the world sees us through a pressi press. we have no knowledge of. >> we try to involve in a multi lateral way the nations that could help us go after iraq. >> they changed their minds about us with this apologetic platform he has put out there. that's not going to work. that's not what motivates. >> not thus far. >> you can look at iran as a chief example. he has been working for a year dwifring them one deadline and caving giving them another deadline and caving. >> you don't have the concessions of the other world
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leaders to go and say we are going to have russia and china engaged in iran. >> china said four days ago we are not going to impose sanctions we don't want to talk about it. diplomatic effort for the last year in iran has been an abject failure. >> drew a line in the sand and an eye rainian said the heck with you. not only that they are going to up the anti and more center fujs and more nuclear. >> in a certain amount of time he will go in and do what is necessary. he will engage in diplomatic ways. >> what will he say to the holocaust denier please, please be nice to us. what will he say? >> similar to the strategies in afghanistan. you want to say that's a wimpy strategy. he's going in with forces. >> i am thinking he is naive to
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the point that it is reckless and endangering the american people. any idea you can sit down with a holocaust denying guy that repeatedly says we are going to wipe veil off the map. i don't see strength in this president. >> that's the whole point. hopefully that will be one of the redeeming things that comes out of this incident is this young president who is never really let anything before, has to realize how important what he says and how he acts is and what he doesn't say. you are right. he hardly ever mentioned that we were at war. he hardly ever mentioned terrorism. that permeates down through that entire pyramid of people that work for him, the government. if they have a laz sgla fair attitude it manifests -- when that guy decided it was okay to go on a ski trip after this did happen, that to me is a perfect within witness to the lack of intensity this president has. >> this is your area of study. does the world perceive our
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president as weak? >> i don't think there's any question the world perceives our president as weak. they like him better. i wouldn't deny that. one of the things he came in with was an agenda to get people to like america. you can look at pugh studies they like us. nobody is afraid of us. nobody takes our word seriously. look what we have done in north korea and iran we make threat after threat after threat and we don't ever follow through with anything. the only result of that is people see you as we weak and tk you will never back up your word. >> al gore are you a global warming state of alarmist. >> i am from alaska. kill it and drill it. >> repeat after me president sarah palin. >> i am not going there. but i am a drill it girl. >> coldest winter in two decades. by the way look atom paw. 39 they are going to have more snow in houston. san antonio, 27.
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los angeles and phoenix out there. new york, 11, minneapolis. only one degree because al franken is coming home. that put the chill. what happened to global warming? is it a lie and is it hysteria. >> it's not a lie. >> it's not a lie? >> over the last year the earth is warming in my own lifetime in alaska i have seen glaciers disappear. i have seen glaciers melt. >> how often do you see glaciers? >> they have. they have recede: the earth is warming. >> in 1922 the same thing that you are saying it was a scientist that said the glaciers are gone and low and be hold we had the coldest years on record in the years to follow. is this hysteria? >> i think if there was a warming trend there's an undenily warming trend for a while. as you say, this is the national
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cooling and warming trends. what matters is how long ago. >> the last ten years have been cooler. the fundamental point is about the science. science is not consensual. science is an example of fact. proponents of global warming really cast doubt over this thing. the pr suppression of disagreem, trying to make this consensucon. this whole incident with the e-mails there used to be a political agenda for the world to be flat. there was a con kens sus for that. >> therman nip lating this they have a political agenda. it's predicated on the belief that capitalism is evil. they want their mechanism to accomplish that. >> alternative energy is good as well. >> we will continue with our great, great american panel. b1+÷
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. >> we continue with our great, great american panel. unemployment another 85,000 jobs lost. it was one year ago christina roamers said the president's chief economic advisor unemployment wouldn't go above 8 percent if we passed the presidential stimulus. here's what the ap says. when discouraged workers and part-time workers who include full-time jobs are included in the so-called unemployment the rate in december rose to 17.3 percent unemployment in this country, steven. 17.3 percent. what happened? stimulus 8 percent, supposed to work? >> it was supposed to work. we rushed it through in one weekend. if it wasn't rushed through there would have been economic cal lamb mitt.
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the stimulus was flawed economics. the thing that worked temporarily it was a trance ter program. administrative costs wewere>> ts healthcare bill with all of the bribes they had to follow that up with stimulus, too sfl>> they need to be seen as doing something on jobs. you he heard it all day today. the president is pivoting to the economy. >> i say going to se spend more money and it will come back to haunt him. >> i notice you didn't use the november revise numbers in which we gain jobs. it is alarming.
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it is alarming. >> he is going to create 3 and a half million jobs. >> is that what he says to us? >> we have a long way to go. >> did it fail? it robbed our kids and grand kids. >> it is taking a longer time than we expected. >> has it failed? >> it has failed. there's never been so much money put out there so fast. some of the fundamentals have not been deployed. if we loses entrade policy we could create jobs export more goods if we would incentivize businesses to grow instead of talking about tax taxing them m.
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when your economy is down you don't beat the guys that drive the economy. jobs come from small business. >> the biggest troe doziues -- producer of jobs in the country. i would agree with that on infrastructure. they should have applied the money to shovel ready projects out therein stead of all of the pork they put in if they really wanted to stimulate the economy they would have spent the money immediately as a stimulus. yet the money portioned out over so many years it's going to a lot of their friends. it is being used to bribe senators. that's not a bribe? you are saying ben nelson wasn't bribed? maryland doe wasn't bribed. >> i am not saying she was bribed at all. they put investments into the space they needed.
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>> philippine veterans. >> so they used cash -- they didn't buy votes to get the cloe sure votes? >> the next time i am accused of bribery i am going to say it's a necessary investment. that's goodling wage but is it a bribe? >> i think if they were serious about it they would have cut marge mal tax ritz. you heard the value of tax cuts in the past. she understands what happens when you don't cut taxtaxes. >> i think is verdict is out. >> immediate snapshot it is problematic. >> you are former rnc chair if you are looking at the president's numbers as low as they are, pelosi low, reed is
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about to lose. he's down by double digits. >> it's a snapshot. >> a snapshot that has been going on for 6 months. >> still 9 more months. still minor months left. >> if you are his chairman and you see these numbers how nervous are you? >> if i am chairman of the rnc i am feeling pretty good. i would think they would take stock. one of the things the president has to do is really lead. the biggest part of his oath is to defend and protect the american people. he has to have the agenda front and center every day to keep this whole establishment on its toes every day. >> wh with his weakening of defe we are one attack from having the biggest political landslide of our lifetime>> or another failed attempt for that matter. >> eerie president faces that. >> not after he stops and