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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  January 14, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EST

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>> welcome to "red eye." it is like "all my children" and if by children you mean side affects. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> pat robertson says haiti is cursed because of a statement. why the people of haiti need to hear this crap right now. and we will investigate why he can't break down the hatred between team aniston and team jolie. and a committee of the california legislature approves a proposal to tax marijuana. we report and you move the show to l.a. >> i would love to. >> pick a bc date because are you history. i'm the authentic poet to get lyrical. >> i have given up, andy. >> have i given up jie. you bought me into the ground on this one. you put me down on the mat.
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you twisted my arm behind my shoulder and you won. >> it was bound to happen. >> let's welcome our delightful and despicable guest. she adds zing to the right wing. she is so sharp that tacks put her on school chairs. he is adorable as he is adorable. it is ron teracey. she so bright that parent tell their kids not to look directly into ron durasey. it blinds them. and he is the eve to my adam, the david to my goliath, the lacey to my cagney, the good to my plenty, bill shultz. he owns 8 dog collars, but no dogs. and he is funnier than a whoopue cushion filled with fake dog poop, jim norton. his latest book is called "i hate your guts." if hilarity is an an alarm clock i would bang him every morning. and our new york times correspondent. >> stop smoking weed, man and
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read thomas freedman, only in the new york times. seriously, layoff the jazz cigarettes. >> a nice psa. >> thank you. >> serious stuff. right now in haiti, tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of people are dead. unimaginable misery for the survivors. buildings and houses are completely destroyed. thank god for pat robertson who arrives just in time to explain exactly why this all happened. >> you know, something happened a longtime ago in haiti, and the people might not want to talk about it. they were under the heel of the french, you know, gnaw poll yen the third or whatever. and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. they said, we will serve you if you get us free from the french. true story. so the devil said, okay, it is a deal. and they kicked the -- the
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hatians revolted and got themselves free. but ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other. >> wow, she really took him to task on that one. anyway, to get it straight, it is all because the hatians made a deal with the devil. it seems legend has it in 1791, hatian revolution leader made a pact with say tan that lead to eventule victory over the french 12 years later. apparently say tan was not on a strict timetable. in sum, robertson is out of his f-ing mind. a spokesman clarified what he meant, that his clients were based on voodoo rituals. that's a clarification? thanks. jim, have i to say, when he said -- have i to say, when he said, haiti made a deal with the devil, i thought he was talking metaphor rickly, but he means literally.
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>> i don't mind religious people if they don't talk a lot. the worst part is he says, it is a true story. no it is not! it is not a true story, stupid! how do you get in touch with the devil? is there small talk and you say you give me this and i will give you that. it is childish banter. shut up. >> the thing about robertson like many church leaders, he puts in a lot of millions of dollars in charity. i think it is called -- what it is called? operation blessing. he sends people to haiti. he does a lot of good work. i look at this and i am wondering if people in trouble, are they gonna say -- are they gonna worry about the crazy things somebody says if they are sending aide rather than somebody like me who says it is crazy stuff, but does president -- doesn't send aide. he is probably better for them than i am. >> i respect the guy. if you can get somebody to pick up the phone, but i quibble with the fact that it is a pretty self-evident fact in the world that you don't
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neat a pact with satan to beat the french. you can do it with a few guys, really. >> this is a big issue here. this is a terrible, terrible tragedy. could be up to a half a million people dead. this is not the right time to bring up a root cause. >> right. the timing is off. it is really unfortunate. i don't like how aggressive he was. i don't agree with him. on the other hand, how surprised are we when a script tour rail literal list like him thinks god is behind a disaster or god is punishing people. if you believe in an angry god and the wrath of god, that's the next logical step. i don't think it is that surprising that he thinks that way. >> bill, you have made a lot of pacts with the devil and it hasn't worked out for you at all. it is true with pat robertson that he has done this before. actually he suggested
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assassinating chavez, but he also said the devil would find a lot of other disasters, so should we be surprised? >> yes, he is out of his gourd, but he did not deliver that aggressively. it looked like he was passing a kidney stone. there was no eye contact and he was grunting. i felt bad for him and his intestinal pain. the other thing is you can't make fun of voodoo religion. i met a real life voodoo priest es in new orleans. this is a religion of peace and cool trinkets and amazing drugs. i'm not even sure if that snake was talking to me. >> bottom line he has family. his family should have told him this is bad taste at best. if you are gonna say something crazy, wait six months. >> you are right when the woman said, oh. >> you must be on his payroll
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not to question him. sir, you are crazy, shut up now. >> i have a recommendation for him. without taking the curtain back, we do live to tape. something pat robertson should look into. >> and it is a good thing. >> religious organizations and churches do more than anybody to help countries, especially haiti. he actually does good work, but he also makes it look so bad. anyway, from looneys to let downs. in the newest issue of "people," president obama concedes he hasn't brought the country together. now, he also hasn't sent me the pajama gram, but that's besides the point. in the interview, he acknowledges the crummy atmosphere, saying, that's what is locked this year. the whole sense of changing how washington works. translation, you silly lemings haven't fallen in line like i hoped. and how is ice cream cat holding up?
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>> in his defense, he did go through a rough break up. we have all been there, pal. nothing a little ben and jerry's -- jim isn't he partly to blame for the polarization? >> i don't know. obama is not -- you know who unifies the country? the kennedy assassination, 9/11. it is always a horrible thing that makes people feel bonded. it is not when the country feels good. >> but terror should. we had something that happened on christmas that should have united everyone, and instead we have -- well, we will get to that later, but people say, not a big deal. >> it divides people immediately because people fight over solutions. people say this and say that. it divides people. it is when a lot of people are
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dead that people connect like, we should get together. >> i thought they used to be a country united at their borders when there was a war. not since the 60s i think that has changed. >> i agree. >> we border iraq? >> yes, we do. >> oh man. i have to check my book. >> point bill. >> isn't this just whining? it seems like america has hurt his feelings. >> it is empty rhetoric until he admits he is playing a role in this devisiveness. is he proud of calling the cambridge cop stupid? is he proud of declaring a fox war -- a fox news war? these are silly things that he's done. he has entered into this, and if he would like to have a serious conversation about the tone in the country, he should set a better one himself. >> well put. ron, i don't think there should be unity. he is making a miss i can stay. isn't america about basically -- you know, not
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being unified. that that was articulate, greg. >> in theory, yes. in theory this accord is great. in practice, it sucks. look, the disappointment is natural. obama got in because he promised -- he basically promised to fill in the grand canyon with a soup spoon. now he is here, he can't do it. he's in over his head. he's not smug. he's not smug. you open a the door to the oval office right now and it is littered with empty pepto-bismo bottles. the guy is wearing a diaper. he is not smug. >> are we talking about pat robertson or obama right now? >> bill, you speak to obama a lot. how is his mood? >> well, the problem is i do send e-mails, but they don't come back. i get frequent visits from social security. >> i know how you feel. >> but e-mails and not handwritten letters, and sometimes cut out from little words.
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if you want to be a uniter, don't do an interview with "people" magazine. on the surface -- >> he should have done "parade." >> absolutely. "parade" is in all sorts of newspapers and has very political had -- ideas. >> i like to call on walter scott. >> "people" on the surface celebrates people's peopleness. i did research, greg, and once a year they have the 50 most beautiful people. >> have i heard of it. >> it separates these 50 wonderful looking people from the rest of our ugly butts. that is as polarizing -- i do not have scarlet johansson's bow day shoes rack and i feel -- bodacious rack and i feel bad. >> people does more to polarize the country more than anyone. we should head out and burn down all of the magazine stands. >> blame them for my bulimia. >> or just wait sikh -- six months.
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that will do it. >> what do you think of the idea of the unclenched fist. didn't you think obama thought it would lead to a coombaya moment? >> he is giving attention to countries like iran, like it justifies and instead of realizing ahmadinejad is a pho atic and he doesn't want your fist unclenched. he wants it clenched. his intention was good, but it was a dumb jesture. >> you know what happens when you unclench a fist? >> spanky. >> you can smack the crap out of them. from uniting the country to trying to blow it up. should we chill while they go for the kill? with terror plots piling up from the underpants bomb torte fort hood mass murderer, the new york times is making a strong case for taking the fight to the enemy. just kidding. they think we should stop overreacting. in a front page story, scott shane writes politicians in the media have been whipping americans into a panic, when instead he should take an
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approach to the maniacs who want to murder us. why? as shane puts it, quote, the enemies on american soil in 2009 rather than a single, powerful juger not, it was a scattered group of amateurs who displayed more fervor than skill. fervor is a type of bean, am i right? shane quotes a cia officer who talks about incompetent terrorists. "if we overreact and upset 5 billion muslims, we will have a lot bigger problems on our hands." so what does this kitten think? >> who are we kidding? >> that is so cute. >> he can't think. he can only lick, lick like me. ron, should we be running our foreign policy based on what 1.5 billion muslims think? >> yeah, let's let them decide. an incompetent terrorist -- an
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incompetent terrorist, that's like an 8-year-old driving a tractor trailer at 90 miles an hour down route 95. it is just a little kitty not gonna hurt nothing. an incompetent terrorist has one job in this country, one job. and al-qaeda. one job. we haven't done it yet. i have had the luminous communication with obama about this, mostly one way. >> mostly? >> one job. my house is filling up with water, i called the plumber and he put in a chandelier. not helping. one job. >> an interesting metaphor. he raises a good point here. we only have one thing to do, and they are saying it is not a big deal. that's like you come into work and your boss tells you you need to tell jokes and you go -- >> it is funny, it is a big deal when it is one of their own reporters who sit on the story for x amount of months,
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but won't sit on anything else, but their own reporter is taken, and they don't want to talk about it because it is dangerous for the reporter. in the book "divided we fall" we allow -- we stop having fun and the terrorists win. did you hear me fighting clearing my throat? >> i love that chapter, "tran knees and their fan knees." did -- i like it. >> let me clear my throat is nice. >> i like the chapter "cheese question mark." you have answered that. >> he raises a fact that somehow people are saying don't take it seriously because it did -- the bombing on the 25th didn't actually happen. the difference is 300 people didn't die. so why should we treat attempts and success any differently when the intention was there? >> exactly. the wore on terror isn't about the number of casualties. it is about terror. every time someone gets on a plane with an explosive
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strapped to their underwear, we get terrified. i think about terror when i'm at the airport and when i'm on an airplane. i think about it when i'm on a bridge or tunnel. i think about it a lot. i wish i didn't have to. i bet if there was a way to round up all of the feelings and take the consensus, the number would far outweigh the number of casualties. >> i always looked at my apartment as a safe zone. >> good for you. >> you can come over any tie. i have two snuggies. >> are we building the al-qaeda brand by giving them anything? >> like nike? >> yeah. >> i am told they are thinking of hiring tiger. that's crazy. buy a paper. we are reading into it too much. this guy is urging caution over full on panic. i don't think we are getting a little crazy, well then buy a ticket to miami from newark with lots of layovers. well, it looks like we are getting older, younger.
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what do i mean my pop tarts? according to researchers, worries about the economy and healthcare are putting people into middle age earlier. translation, 35 is apparently the new 40. i am really dreading the day i turn 35. only one thing can cheer me up now. i think we went over board on the animals. >> you can't go over board. >> i think i want to toss you over board. >> ron, you were essentially born middle aged jie. i have been i'm paw meant and incontinent for 9 years now. >> why get out of the diaper, ron? >> can you identify with this? >> i can. actually, i know what is happening and i will give a clever, interesting answer here. can you come back -- no. look, you know what is happening? people expect more to happen to them younger now. everybody thinks they are gonna be rich when they are 30. they don't want to go to medical school. they want to be internet
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moguls. you are expected to be famous fast now, a lot of people, and it is not p thating. -- not happening. you are an office manager at a plumming supply company and you are not famous. what's left but to kill yourself? >> there you go. and i have to say, isn't this a good thing? >> yeah. >> people have been putting off thinking about what are they gonna do? >> if worrying about our finances and preparing for our future, if that's what middle aged means, i hope 20 is the new 40 and 15 is the new 40. if we are waiting 20 years into the workforce to think about our future, i mean that's what got us into this problem in part today. we need to fix that. >> it is a good point, jim. i have seen guys over 30 wearing board shorts with wallet chains, skateboarding. i hate that. the skateboarding over 30 -- over 20. grow up! isn't it time for them to be worried? >> greg, you are only as old as you feel.
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age is nothing but a number. i will say those things to anyone who willisen all day. -- who will listen all day. >> i have seen you on broadway do that. >> yeah, age is nothing but a number. >> the problem is you are feverishly masterbating when you do that and it is not a good thing. >> is that a problem? we have to move on before i say last word to bill. last word. coming up, we debate cream cheese. who is it for, who is it against? first, what did i just say? is pot a step closer to being legal in california? first of all pot doesn't have damn feet. and i rule and everybody else sucks, even after that tease.
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now, there is nothing i love more than female celebrities helping out
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troubled oren endangered species. you have pam anderson worried about the polar bears and doris day freting about abandoned pets and sheryl crowe fighting for wild horses. crowe is mad at the government for trying to relocate 25,000 mustangs from the range to greener pastures. i feel her main. as much as i admire their work for protecting those who can't protect themselves, it makes me wonder, would they do the same if they were endangered? i mean women. some 24 million chinese men of marying -- marrying age could find themselves in bachelor hood. they are screwed, figuratively, and abortions are being blamed. it is nation, quote, family planning policy, has lead to rural parents aboarding females because boys offer greater earning potential and care giving when parents get old. that lead to a male-female ratio as high as 130 males for every 100 females. almost as bad as my hot tub. what does this mean? forget the most championed
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womens right is looking out for women. i am more interested in the outcry. whatever the case, i just haven't heard it. i know fee cusses are not as cute as -- fetuses are not as cute as kittens and you can't put them out with the song of "every day is a winding road" but it is the fem that's endangered. you can't march for abortion rights when there is no women left to march for. it the real loser is pandas. none are safe now. and if you disagree with me, you are probably a racist homo phobe. >> jim, first off, how is this gonna affect the leno show? >> i don't know. hopefully not negatively. i am the kiss of death. everywhere i go things get cancelled. i show up and pack your bags. it is over. i have to ask you, this -- >> i have to ask you, the ratio of 130 men to 100 women, are you a single guy. you don't need those odds.
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it's not right. >> i am single and willing to pay for it. >> that is true. you have no problems with the odds. >> i can't remember when i legitimately asked for a phone number. i like a date to go exactly as planned. you come over. you receive cash. we both avoid eye contact. >> you know, that really is romantic. >> once gender can be selected vee yow invitro, won't this get worse? >> sure. i would imagine. science has a way of screwing everything up. >> that's an interesting quote. >> scientists are responsible for that sweater though. they did a good job there. >> i hate all of these stupid liberal piatys. meat is murder, but abortion isn't. vegetarianism is not a value system. and all this teaches young girls is a book job and a peta membership are -- a boob job and a peta membership is all you need in life.
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>> but it is. >> well, i know that and you know that, but let's not be teaching our kids that, greg. >> ron, should we send our cougars to china? >> that could be a first step. i'm kind of story i cashed out my 401k to open up a crabtree and evelyn store in china. that seems like a bad move. >> that is a very bad move. >> i can't believe you know that. >> bill, i have to say and this is an unspeakable truth, but when ever you meet parents who are pregnant or about to be pregnant, they always want a boy. this is what you are seeing. what happens is they -- when you have the -- when you are told you have to abort something, you abort the girl. >> that's why i thought my mom was lucky. she got a column a and a column b in one dude. >> you would present quite a law lem ma in china. >> do we kill it? let's just throw it in a carnival. i have to say, greg, i was very touched by this
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greg-ologue. i went into the green room because bo derrick was on o'reilly and she talked about saving the whales. i tried to reach her, but i was tackled by security. >> why was she talking about what work caws did to her -- what orcas did to her. >> that's right. she was in that. >> richard harris. >> he is alive. >> he is dead. >> andy, prove i am right. richard harris is thriving. >> he is a bar called heaven. >> e-mail us at red eye at fox .com. 212-462-5050. still to come. the half time report from andy levey. he is a jerk.
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welcome back. let's find out if we got any wrong so far. has the recession aged your cats faster than normal? >> jim, do you need some water? >> yes, i do. >> maybe an iv? >> i am clearing my throat like a defendant in an abduction case. stupid priest collar. >> pat robertson says haiti has been cursed.
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greg, you mentioned robertson's spokesman clarified that his comments were based on voodoo rituals carried out before a slave rebellion. and then you asked how do you get in touch with the devil? that's a line and others deal with the devil because the devil was disguised as a voodoo entity jie. the devil is costuming now. oh, we didn't know it was you. he is smart. >> greg, you asked if someone like robertson says things like this, but sends aide is better for the people of haiti than you who says this thing and not sends aide. why not send aide, stupid? >> you said we shouldn't be surprised by this. robertson linked hurricane katrina and terrorist attacks to abortion asking in 2005, we are found we are unable to defend ourselves against some of the attacks either by terrorists and natural disaster. >> right. again, i don't agree with him. but i think you would find a
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lot of people who do. surprisingly, i think a lot of script tour rail literal lists believe that. >> obama tells "people" magazine he failed to bring the country together. there was more of a chance of that than gitmo closing. >> and you said obama has not sent you the pajama gram or paw pajama jeans. >> really? >> and you said the country unites during times of war or natural disaster. greg, you said terrorism should do it. we should have united after the smas bombing. but the key word is attempted. >> that's a mistake. we did have control over the variable. the terrorists have control over the variable, and we shouldn't count ourselves lucky -- well, we count ourselves lucky, but we shouldn't count ourselves as -- >> something we should all think about. >> as something we shouldn't count ourselves as. >> i don't like the fact
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that -- you don't know how many times in elevators i was silenced saying, why don't we all just talk for a few minutes. >> and there is also when our hockey team beats the russians. >> that was a nice moment. >> maybe next month we will all come together. >> i hope it will be over curling. >> curling, no one cares about curling. >> i care. it is the best sport ever. >> it is not a sport. >> it is. >> it is a selfish activity. >> it is not selfish. it is all about teamwork. that's why you don't like it. >> somebody who spends their whole life -- they spend their whole life and their family's income practicing something that doesn't contribute to society. that's selfish. >> sweeping is always good. >> that's true. i stand corrected. >> they should combine curling with the indy500 and make them do it as the cars whiz by.
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>> were you saying obama is not smug? >> yes, that's what i said. he is not smug. >> he is a little smug. >> he tries to act smug. put yourself in his position a little bit. >> then i would have to be bowing. >> you are better than that. >> apparently not. >> he spent about three hours driving a go cart and he is behind the wheel of the space shuttle right now. >> what? >> he is not smug. >> that's a metaphor. >> has nasa's budget been cut that much? >> greg, they would like me to maik clear you were joking when you said we should go out and burn all the "people" magazine news stands. >> i meant staring fiery eyes and infecting them with your many diseases. >> that is a possibility. >> near times writer said we are overreacting to the 2009 terrorist plot. you said the psychiatrist said we hospital use these attacks as fuel for anti-muslim panic.
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for the 800th time, what panic? >> there has been no backlash. >> more people make careers >> there has been no >> 45, 35 has replaced 40 as middle aged. first of all, howdy pressing was 40 was middle aged to begin with? >> i didn't even know that. >> that means if you live to 80 that's middle aged. >> ron, you talked about how people now expect to be rich earlier, et cetera. they don't want to put in the work. you are right. people these days all think they should be on tv without putting in the long years of practice in order to get to that level.
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>> that's so true. >> it disgusts me quite frankly. >> it should andy levy. >> you have to earn it, people. you have to earn it. >> bill, your last word was onomotoa and fyi it doesn't mean you have to go to the bathroom. >> a drunken fool. >> and lastly, richard harris died in 2002. >> you know he still acts. it is amazing. >> he acts as if i am correct. >> i am done. >> thank you, andy. see you later sometime, i guess. i can't wait until he leaves. let me welcome back our guests. author and columnist. she is so adorable, buttons describe things as cute as her. and he know politics like i know polly-grip. it is true, these are not my real teeth. and he is a regular correspondent on the jay leno show. i would like to see that. over the past few months, safe
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schools are kevin jennings and they have come under fire in conservative corners for an extremely kinky recommended reading list he offered to classrooms. as well as connections to counselors who offered tips on various unseem blee sex practices to great school -- grade school students. it made us wonder, what was the interview process like in order to become a safe school czar. actually it made me wonder. using extra normal .com we imagined it via red eye robot theater. enjoy, enjoy yes, sirs. >> hello. mr. jennings, before we hire you, we would like to know, is there any truth to the rumor you advocate unusual sexual practices to students? >> are you referring to the boston hot plate? >> no, i was not. >> the banana car? >> no. >> the australian basket picnic? >> no, i never heard of that. >> the canadian carrot. that's fun. >> does it involve a carrot?
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>> four carrots in account fa. how about the toss ask youop hat. >> no. >> i invented it. how about the double dutch dumpling. >> no. >> it is a wonderful mess. going to denmark on a good year blimp? >> no. >> the leather life preserver. >> no. >> the miami motor mouth? >> no. >> the minnesota muss tared pot. >> nope. >> the octopus in an opera. >> i like that, but no. >> the picasso. >> what's that? >> it has nothing to do with painting. how about a racing stripe? well, i believe you got the job. congratulations. >> excellent. let's celebrate. i have a rain coat and rubber beads. >> let me take off my pants. >> i will get the lotion. >> it always ends with lotion. >> i love the setting. it was a steam room and the
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fact that these cartoons are always homo erotic. >> i don't see anything homoy rot tau civil. if we talk about the chocolate tub, maybe fnlt that was not mentioned in there. >> it is one of your proudest moments. >> i think we should move on. >> let's. when "red eye" returns bill will be dead and one of the panelists is the murderer. poil alert, we -- spoil alert, we won't bother solving it. will california be the first state to legalize pot. for stoners, let me translate, dude! dude! dude!
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well, will cali leave can
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nibus for the rest of us? there is a nationwide run on weed after california lawmaker usa proved a legislation to tax and regulate marijuana sales the same way we do alcohol. anyway, the director of california's drug policy alliance, steven gutwillig. a great name, and maintains this is open to frito-filled flood gates. governor schwarzenegger called for a debate on marijuana legal eye swration. we -- legalization. we saw the carnage in mexico spilling across the border and the taking of the state. the national economy has pus wasteful policies on the table for the same time. all of it begs the question, do hamsters like animal crackers? >> there it goes. >> i think "red eye" can now
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conclusively say hamsters like animal crackers. somebody has the munchies. the guy makes a point. the state is broke. there is a lot of violence from the south, and they can get about 1 foin 4 million -- $1.4 million. any downside to this? >> yeah, the money you make or the money you make in taxes is going to be what you make up from losing from these unproductive potheads who have done nothing all day. >> i don't know. isn't it worth an experiment? why not see if it can work. >> i don't like it. it tells young people that drug use is okay. young people experiment with a lot of stew stupid stuff we don't give them permission to do. >> do we tell the youth that drug use isn't okay and they still do it? >> it doesn't mean do it anyway. >> some are so stupid maybe they should do drugs.
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>> people make the mistake of say buying the black eyed peas album. we should not make that okay. >> when you bring up the black eyed peas, it ruins the areg argument because you are always right. you are a drug dealer. you can see how this works, but on the other hand it can drive you out of business. >> what it tells the kids is -- if if it is a revenue stream it is moral. that's what it teaches the kids. 23* i could sell my underwear, i would on craigslist. there is not a market for it. >> oh there is. i could give you names. >> it is not for lack of trying. there is a market for marijuana. >> and isn't pfizer already teaching kids that if there is a revenue stream it is moral? there is not much of a difference i see. people are sincere when they say teach the kids. but it is also the biggest phrase for trying to stop other people from doing what you don't want them to do. you don't say i don't like. it i am a recovering addict
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and i don't think they should legalize it. >> you can imagine, some of the assemblymen were outraged. >> a lot of it comes down to, you can't have any fun. i don't like drug addicts, but i have to say, they are less dangerous than alcoholics. alcoholics kill more people in cars. they get in more fights out in front of bars. i don't know a single pot red that gets violent. >> no, absolutely not. one of my favorite quotes is what's next? will we legalize methamphetamine, cocaine? >> thank you, sir. >> you shouldn't even have waited for that. >> i would like to go to his gym. up next, your voicemail. yipee. #ñ#ñ#ñ#ññññññññññ
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>> yeah, he's good with squares. that will get him a job in the economy. stupid guy with squares. >> [phone ringing] >> i don't think he will come back. i devastated him. it is time for messages -- stupid squares. it is time for messages with greg. sit back and relax and we will bathe your ears with this warm and soupy words. >> hey, greg, loretta, california calling. andy keeps saying no cat questions. he even clarified and said if the word cat is in it, he won't answer it. why don't you ask him about his kitties or fee lions. -- or felines, the viewers care. >> i was watching the show the
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other day, and i know greg is hot and andy levy hot, whatever girl is hot. who is the chick in the middle with the beard? >> greg, you have to do something for me. next time sc cup is on, i need you to take the glasses off. come on, just get her to do it for me, please. >> if you ever noticed, when these people claim to be abducted by aliens and hillbillies always report that it is a little green man. a little green man. it is never no the green woman. don't that seem kind of strange, greg? >> greg, i know you like unicorns and all, but you don't give mir cats out there, i would love you. see you, bat. >> mere cats suck. they you -- you are making a fiewj fantasy. -- you are making a huge moon
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tau see. 212-462-50 knife 0. make fun of bill if you president what, but that's old. we will close things out with a post game wrap up with andy levy. you can go to fox news .com slash red eye. on there is my interview with lieutenant colonel allen web. it is a great interview.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" -- i was singing just now. big hollywood contributor steven crowder. fox news entertainment correspondent and -- wow, what a good looking group. >> not that this group wasn't any less good looking. >> time to go back to andy levey for the post game wrap up. i hear you attended the dr. oz show today, how was that?
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>> yes, i attended the dr. oz show. i had a lovely time. the only thing i would comment, if you advertise digital rectal exam day and you make someone get up at 6:30, that's an implied contract you should honor. >> so you wrbt one of the lucky -- so you weren't the lucky few? >> i was 11th in line. >> and they didn't change the glove. per your request. >> you are writing over at tucker collar's will new site? >> i am. they graciously allowed me to show my diary. i will be donating regular diary entries. say what you want, but i think it can be a lot of fun. >> we don't know what that is. >> never mind. >> say all you want. >> nice. see i know what it is. >> jim, where are you gonna be this weekend? >> it is soldout, so don't get your opens up.
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february 26th i will be in cleavland. i like to be at the house of blues. >> will that be sold out? >> yeah, everywhere i go. there are five markets and i am a superstar. >> what are the other three markets? philadelphia, boston -- anywhere white people are cranky, that's where i do well. how about long island. >> bill, anything you want to plug? >> thanks, andy. the entertainment hour tomorrow should be a good time. i was bumped on friday from my normally scheduled magazine show so they can do a nickel and dime thing. >> all right. tune in. tune in. i just plugged her. >> thank you, andy. go away. roger always a pleasure. nicely done tonight. sc cup is always a delightful soul. you disgust me.


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