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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  January 30, 2010 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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i'm jon scott. thanks for joining us, keep it right here on fox news channel, we'll see you next week for another edition of fox news watch. captioned by closed captioning services, inc >> glenn: welcome to special edition of "glenn beck program." it's the egg-head hour. we've gathered things so you can understand the progressive movement. and this is my theory, but how the president is using f.d.r s playbook, blueprint. you can hardly control your excitement but you don't want to miss a second of this if you want to understand what is really happening in america. c'mon, let's go! >> glenn: hello, america. hope and change.
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a movement that surged barack obama in the white house. but it's not the first time america has seen the political uprising of hope and change, and progress. there was hope and change way back in the early 20th century, but the name was different. it was progressivism. you heard that before. are you a progressive? it was the shiny new car. well, now wait a minute, what happened? well, back in the early 20th century, everybody wanted to take it for a spin. progressivism had no political boundaries. the democrats like woodrow wilson loved it. republicans, teddy roosevelt, loved it. america was stuck in a rut. we needed to make progress. how better to break free than to use progressive tactics? the message resonated with so many americans and progressives began winning elections. and then, they started to govern. that's where the problem came
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in. in the response to the repeated bank runs in the early 1900s, progressives came up with an idea. the federal reserve system. this flew in the face of our founders. thomas jefferson argued that the central bank was quoting one of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our constitution. well, it didn't take long to prove jeffererson right, as the worst financial disaster in the u.s. happened largely because of the fed's continual contraction of the money supply before and during the great depression. it didn't work out so well, did it. progressives wanted to redistribute the wealth. spread it around. they implemented an income tax. in fact, the name is still a progressive income tax. you see, how did they possibly sell it to the american people? it was easy. sold it something, you know, it was just going to elower tariffs, it would only be a
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tax on the wealtwealthy. that's it. the regular people would never see it. woodrow wilson led passage of the revenue act in 1913. the race that the progressive promise only lasted four years. then all americans had their taxes jacked up and they haven't come down since. the bottom tax bracket hasn't paid single digit percentages in taxes in over 60 years. how is that progress? they first introduced the first real nanny state effort. what are they doing now>> now they're talking about how we have a nanny state. don't eat that, you don't drink too much of that. make sure your kid has an an approximate apple. in 1919, they did the same thing. it was prohibition and they convinced the nation to ban drink because they knew better than the people buying booze. what was the final straw on this before they had to go undercover? i think it was the president
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of peace. woodrow wilson ran for re-election and he just barely won. he said we're never going to go to war in europe. war and behold, a few months later, world war i. but the progressive billed it as the war to end all wars, because progressives thought they had the solution to world conflict and they brought us the league of nations. another failure. it led to the united nations. well, back by 1920, americans had enough and the progressives knew it and they had to go underground. but they never left us. they never changed tactics. they thought we'll just evolve, america. they are patient. they have a plan. and while this country has been asleep, we have been coopted. there are now more than 80 members of the progressive caucus of the 20 standing committees in the house, 11, over half, are chaired by members of the progressive
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caucus. you want to know why things don't make sense in washington? this is it. of course, there is the democratic president. really? if you think he's a democrat, think again. >> to my progressive friends, i remind you for decades the driving idea behind reform has been to end insurance company abuses and make coverage available for those without it. [ applause ] the public option is only a means to and then. we should remain open to ideas that accomplish our ultimate goal. to my republican friends, i say rather than making wild claims about a government take-over of healthcare, we should work together to address any legitimate concerns you may have. >> glenn: did you see that? in case you're still not convinced. >> you will carry on the best progressive forward looking values of this proud commonwealth. change has always come from
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places like wisconsin. the state where the progressive movement was born. where better to affirm our ideals than here in wisconsin? where a century ago the progressive movement was born. >> glenn: all right. so there he is. talking about progressive. did you notice what was missing when he was talking to the congress? my progressive friends and my republican friends. where are the democrats? for 100 years, progressives had been using both parties as a host. and they have been feeding on this republic. tonight we examine the game plan, who started it, what does it mean? what is a progressive? what is the difference between progressives, republicans, democrats? is there any coexisting with the progressives if you believe in the original intent of the founders? and what's coming next? what is the best way to fight them? we go now to our panel of egg
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heads. r.j. patrito in dallas, awe for of "woodrow wilson and the roots of modern liberalism." and american progressivism. burt fullsome jr. author of "new deal, raw deal" and larry schweitart, author of "patriot's history of the united states." where do i begin? who wants to give me, you know, r.j., let me start with you. your book really opened my eyes on woodrow wilson. give me definition of what progressivism is. >> it's moving beyond the constitution, getting beyond the bedrock principle osthe american founding. the progressives detested the political ideas behind the declaration of independence, because they enshrined the idea of individual god-given rights as the end of
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government. they detested the constitution because the constitution put limits on the national government which were designed to uphold those rights. as you said in the introduction, the progressive dream was one of unlimited national government, redistribution of wealth was part of that plan. progressives knew political founders stood in their way. so it's to move beyond the constitution. do you agree with that here? >> it is. i think it's even more in that there is an assumption about human nature that's built into progressivism. >> glenn: okay. let's get into that in a second. i know where you are going. i can't wait to open that can of worms. but let me, let me go here. most people when you say the kinds of things -- when i started learning about progressivism, really learning about it, i thought wait a minute. this is marxism. but they separate -- and help
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me out. if i would define the difference in their heads, it's the difference of revolution of marx. it and evolution of progressivism. agree? >> marxism has an inherent mechanistic quality. this is going to happen regardless of who is in their making it happen. the progressives believe the individuals have a role in making this happen and they're going to bring it about. woodrow wilson is going to bring about this change. >> glenn: okay. go ahead. >> i like the think of the progressives as conservative socialists, the same aims, the same understanding of the role of the state. no boundary that individual rights can place between the state and the individual. but the change they want to take place, as you said more gradually, more organically. conservative socialist is not a bad way to think of it. >> glenn: i want to make sure, because most americans
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don't really have a handle on what the progressive movement is. this is not about the democrats. this is about the democrats and republicans, right? >> sure. teddy roosevelt was a progressive and woodrow wilson was progressive. it had strong influence in 1920s. hence the income tax. that we can solve problem with government solutions which means we have to move beyond the constitution. >> glenn: larry, can we -- if you are an originalist and says i believe in the constitution and what the founders did and the american experience, or the -- the experiment. can progressivism and original intent republicanism, if you will, can they survive? >> no. they cannot co-exist. the concept of progressives is man is perfectible. we can make man here and now, not in heaven, not in some afterlife, but we can make man and society perfect today
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and as a result, everything they do works toward that end. the founders all thought man is flawed. we're flawed. not one of the founders would have thought he was perfectible in this life. they put in constitutional safeguards. >> so hang on a second. this is where america i think this is where you have to understand. what larry is saying here is critical to understand because there are no safeguards. this is why progressism or marxism always goes bad, because you can't perfect man, so it has to become more and more brutal. and men are flawed as well, who are running it. sometimes their ego takes control. can we flip this? can we flip this chalkboard? because thomas jefferson talked about this very thing. and the difference i think this would be a fundamental difference here. the two enemies of the people are criminals and government. so let us tie the second down
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with the chains of the constitution, so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. that is the founders saying you are never going to perfect people. it's always going to be this way. >> if you give somebody too much power, eventually that power will corrupt that person and ultimately the nation. you have to have separation of powers according to the founders. wilson wanted centralization of power because you have to centralize power to accomplish government programs to redistribute the wealth and improve society. along the direction of progressives wanted. >> glenn: okay. so when you hear the president of the united states talk about progressivism and he says i want to fund men tayly trans -- fundamentally transform america, i'll ask each of you -- larry, i'll start with you. what does that say to you? what does it mean to you? what is the visceral or intellectual reaction?
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>> my skin crawls because it means the constitution isn't good enough. what we have protecting the country today is not my vision of the country and i have to get away from whatever we have today. it's dangerous and just really radical. it's the most radical thing any president has ever said. >> it's the same thing. it means that we're not going to have rule of law. we'll have rule by men. and educated elite of men, power will be transferred to these people. and we will be governed by a small -- >> this is the czar, this is the -- this company gets a bail-out but this company doesn't. >> correct. >> glenn: right? >> exactly. >> glenn: and r.j. what does it mean to you? liberals realize the word "liberal" is dirty word in politics and has been since the 1980s. they latched on to the idea of progressives because it
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sounds like a nicer word but it accurately reflects their view of the state. >> glenn: r.j., isn't it true that progressive was a hot word. liberal meant something different around the turn of the century in america. it meant maximum amount of freedom, it meant scal government and was more -- small government and more libertarian idea. the progressives came in and permeated both parties and it was popular until america saw what it was. then they had to shed the uh-oh, wow, people aren't really digging this and they had to go underground into the liberal thing. then they destroyed the word "liberal" because it meant progressive. then they dusted the word off progressive again and said no, no, we have the answer, it's progress. haven't we gone full circle here? >> the term liberalism was hijacked from our founders, from the founding generation. maybe the clearest progressive on this, glenn,
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is the progressive philosopher john dewey, influential figure in the early part of the 20th century. he hijacked the term liberalism for progressives. there is the old liberalism, that's the liberalism of the declaration of independence, where it's the liberty of individual. >> glenn: two places here when we come back. i want to show how they changed the history books. and why they did that. it goes back to founding fathers. they had to disconnect this from the founding fathers and the roots. and how they did that in the court system as well around 1920. and why they did that. coming up in a second.
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♪ ♪ >> glenn: that's what, that's really what progressive means. instead of a revolution, which you'd never accept, it's evolution, slow process.
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ever-sewa ever-evolving and living. that was not the original intent with the founders and it's really the definition of the progressive movement. back with our panel. we're looking at progressives. america, i and i want to go to the law here. i want to go to r.j. r.j., help me out because my memory is sketchy here. i'm trying to remember the name of the guy, i believe he was the head of harvard law in about 1920. he's the guy who made a fundamental change in america. they no longer studied the constitution or constitutional law or the founders. they changed to study case law, which again no revolution. just evolution. so we never, we slowly but surely keep moving away from the constitution and the founders. and we end up just looking at the last case.
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right? >> that's right. and i believe the fellow you're talking about is rosco pound, who was the dean of harvard law school at the tail end of the progressive era. pound was basically someone who was responsible for applying progressive ideas to the law. and what it's called today is legal realism. that's the name of theory or the legal philosophy. and basically what legal realism does, glenn, it tries to take what the constitution says, which isn't what a lot of the judges thinks it needs to say and through case law, through decisions they apply it, they shall we say read it flexably, liberally. and make it say what they think it needs to say. therefore, what you look at, what you study when you study law is not the law itself. it's not the constitution.
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but what other judgments said the law means. it's a case law approach. >> it would be like if you're repairing or restoring a car, and you never go back to the original schematic of the car, you just see all of the repairs and what everybody has done no the to the car. a 1965 mustang, 200 years from now if you are only basing what you are doing on all of the repairs, it ain't going to be anything like a 1965 mustang, right? >> right. this is why you see during the supreme court confirmation hearings all of the progressive senators are really worked up about precedent. they're obsessed with precedent. what that means is they want to make sure the potential justices are going to be guided by what other liberal judges have said over the last 80 years about the constitution, not what the constitution actually says. >> glenn: all right. now let me go to woodrow wilson. bring a picture of wilson up. it hate this. this -- i mean i got to tell
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you. two years ago i knew nothing about woodrow will with wilson. it hate this s.o.b. he was an evil, evil dude. america should know about woodrow wilson because he, i think, has done more to change america than most presidents. in fact, series of presidents combined. would you agree with that? >> he has. look at federal reserve, federal income tax. manipulating with wages and hours, that it's the government job to determine wages that might be paid or hours of work that might be done. >> he also did all the work on administrative work, administration, right? he was the guy who wrote before the early 1900s. then he also was a guy who helped change history. if i'm not mistaken, it was during his administration that a group of professors, i think from columbia, progressive professors got together and said you know what? our founders were racist
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white people. what do you say? >> they decided to really make progress, we had to detach from the history we had. and make progress from that. true story? >> history becomes a tool for the present to affect the future. it no longer becomes s s a mean of looking at the past but it becomes an active weapon to change society. we saw last week and -- >> glenn: we saw last week and we ran a special last week on the history of the 20th century and fascism and soviet union and hitler and everything else. we saw how much has been changed, how much has been left out, et cetera, et cetera. how much of the history that we're taught in textbooks -- because i read r.j.'s book on woodrow wilson and all the doors opened up on me and i went oh, my gosh. we've been being lied to like crazy. how much of history in america history, we're taught
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in schools and colleges and also elementary school, et cetera, et cetera, is accurate? >> a lot is inaccurate. starting with the progressives attack on the constitution. that the founders were not motivated by putting together a document that had eternal truths in it. that one generation should follow, the next generation should follow and so on. but it was a self-interested document that the founders wrote it and designed it to protect their economic interest. >> right. >> it became also that when you say eternal truths that god was not really there. it doesn't matter. the declaration of independence shouldn't even be read today. didn't, wasn't it wilson -- r.j. do you remember? wasn't it wilson that said the preamble of the constitution should never be read and the deck lar rition of independence has zero relevance to any other age other than 1776? >> yeah, wilson said if you want to understand the real
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declaration of independence, disregard the preface. that is to say that part of it where, you know, those small somethings like the natural equality of all man, god-given rights, permanent ends of government. >> glenn: that's what it was. >> what are you left with? a litany of grievances against george iii. that is to say the declaration is the historical document. if you're kind of interested in what george iii was doing, that was a problem, you could read those things but no relevance for us. >> glenn: forget, dismiss all men are created equal and endowed by their creator. all of that is garbage and means nothing. look at the list of grievances. okay. when we come back we'll talk a little bit about the relationship that progressives have where they know better. they just, they. do they're smarter than you. they know better. back in a second. waúñ÷?p!ó9@úññ
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from america's news headquarters, folks in the southeast, a major storm is hammering the region. these are the pictures from kentucky. they are predicting as much as ten inches of snow in southern kentucky and tennessee. heavy snow and freezing rain making driving treacherous down
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there and knocking out power to tens of thousands in the region. states of emergency in tennesse. >> tensions mounting between the united states and china, this after the pentagon announced a $6.4 billion arms deal with taiwan on friday. the chinese defense ministry now saying that plans to suspend military exchange to the u.s. and certain arms makers. state department is defending the deal saying it will make security across the taiwan straits. now back to glenn beck. barack obama, one of the great virtues of barack obama is consistency. he is exactly who he has worked across the ideological lines and partisan lines to try to achieve progressives goals, and that's what he will do as president. >> i often thought the
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current president is really woodrow wilson reincarnated. people admire him for the same reason they admire woodrow wilson. he said things that sounded so wonderful and yet if you challenged those people to say one concrete thing in the real world that became better as a result of what woodrow wilson did, they can't tell you. >> i have to tell you. my radio audience is like three years ago was so sick of hearing me talk about woodrow wilson. i was like you have to read about this guy. this is headal our way. and thomas seoul was on my program saying that two weeks ago. i thought oh, my gosh! yes! it is woodrow wilson. we are going to get into comparing stuff here on woodrow wilson and what is happening. i want to take you here. when is the last time our egg head panel read walter it
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willman and phantom public? this is from 1926. while i was trying to study up on progressives, don't know, this is a couple of years ago i read this. this is the book that made me put it down and say i can't read these people anymore. this talks about with contempt people, that people are just too stupid. we've got to breed their stupidity out of them. and there's got to be some sort of genetic thing that we can, we can tweak or work and i, i appeal to the microbiologists to be able to find what it is. he then talks about eugenics. this is "mein kampf" light. am i wrong with that idea? >> the progressives definitely wanted to marry the perfection of individuals through genetic restructuring, eugenics, to the perfection of the
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individuals through public policy. it's a two part plan. >> glenn: this goes, this goes to the idea that there are stupid people and we shouldn't listen to them and they're just people that just aren't good enough to, you know, vote. et cetera, et cetera, right? >> that's why we need the educated elite have significantly more power and authority and not have the check and balances and centralize authority in the edgecated elite. eugenics becomes part of the message. >> glenn: this isn't a crazy man. this is walter litman. r.j., give me a quick history? or anybody give me a quick history on litman? >> litman was very, he was very involved in the origins of the new republic. one of the premier origins of opinion on the left that was the organ of progressive opinion. one of the interesting things about litman, he lived well on in the 20th century. he like roscoe pound actually
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became somewhat of a cit irk of the progressive movement late in life. kind of saw the light. really kind of woke up about the capacity of government to actually accomplish all of these things that the progressive had in view. >> glenn: walter it willman -- >> a harvard grad. well educated part of the elite. >> glenn: if i'm not mistaken he had something to do with cbs as well. early on with the columbia broadcasting system. but he and edward house were instrumentl in the treaty of versailles. >> they were both there. >> glenn: both there. which woodrow wilson. they both also found -- cofounded if i'm not mistaken the council of foreign relations, which was a progressive idea of let's take media and egg heads, and figure out what the idea is, what the solution is. then teach it to the media.
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then they'll let the masses know what should be done. right? >> in many ways litman is the father of modern journalism. many people look at him as father of modern journallilis j. it changes under litman from reporting facts to starting to include editorialized pieces. >> glenn: to teach. to teach, because they again knew better. right? >> exactly. >> okay. go ahead. >> glenn, on this question of knowing better, it's very interesting to read some things that woodrow wilson wrote as a young man coming out of princeton. he was looking at the scene in american politics and saying where is the place for people like me, for me and my educated friends? look at politics. it's so corrupt. that's why they look to expert administration. they were very idealistic. they thought that would be the place where the upper and the middle class, the educated people could make their mark. that's one of the reasons why they see the progressive
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model have administrative power. >> glenn: these are the people, if i'm not mistaken, woodrow wilson in the 1880s and people like him they started looking back to europe. as europe was building the statue of liberty, to teach their people be more like america, our elite started looking over to europe and the particularly germany, right? and they said we got to be more like them. >> they began the ph.d. programs and americans went to germany, received ph.d.s. john hopkins university was establishing, the first ph.d. granting constitution in the united states based on the german model. we emulated the germans, copied them. >> glenn: at the time, marx niche, nightmarish thing that turn into the holocaust eventually. >> and in terms that you're talking about, fallacies in textbooks, this is part of the police you get hisserri t historicism that says there is no truth in the path but
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only what you make it at the time. don't worry about getting to the truth. reshape history as we go. >> glenn: okay. back in just a second.
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i'm jennifer lopez, and here's a sound no mother wants to hear. [ baby coughing ] it's pertussis -- whooping cough. and if you think it's hard to listo for0 seconds, imag@nú aring it again and again for an hour. then two. imagine it continues over the course of the day, and, with little rest, into the night... for weeks, even months. now imagine this sound is coming from your baby. pertussis is most often spread by parents. and it's potentially fatal to infants.
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even when babies themselves are vaccinated, they're not protected until after three or four doses. so do what i did. help protect your baby by protecting yourself. ask your healthcare provider about the adult pertussis vaccine. 'cause what would you do if your baby caught this from you? prefer the word progressive which has a real american meaning go back to progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. i consider myself modern progressive. >> glenn >> you know, my hero is a guy
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named teddy roosevelt. he used to say talk softly but carry a big stick. >> glenn: when i was watching the debate and then i saw john mccain say that, i was like please, america, please read history, please, please, please! this is why we always feel like there is no choice. like we vote for one, or we vote for the other and we end up at the same place. this is why. we're back with r.j., burt and larry. we're talking about the progressive movement. the early 20th century. did any of you guys see that live happen with hillary clinton? >> yes. >> glenn: you did? what was your thought, larry? when that happened what did you think? >> at least she's telling the truth. >> glenn: but i mean, i thought oh, my gosh, everybody quick, google early 20th century progressive, because that whole -- i mean that stop it in its tracks and yet people, it did -- they didn't because nobody knows who these people are. are they different today? fundamentally different
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today, progressives, than they were in the early 20th century? >> they're very similar. >> well, glenn -- >> glenn: go ahead, r.j.. >> i think that they are similar in the following represe respect: they think government is whatever it needs to be, whatever any human problem is, whatever crisis comes up, government has to be there to meet that. that was the progressives. history drove government. that's today. >> glenn: you know, there is a few things here that i think are interesting because here are the progressives then and now. if you look at it, okay, here is theodore roosevelt. theodore roosevelt is john mccain. progressive. he wants healthcare. he wants all these big government programs but the difference between the progressives of republicans and the progressives of democrats, if i'm not mistaken, john mccain says we're america and we'll send the troops in, we'll do it. we'll dictate to the rest of the world. that was theer the theeodore r
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as well. that's the republican version. >> yes. >> glenn: then you have woodrow wilson, who is really more of barack obaobama, where is -- well, we could even use -- we don't have bill clinton up here but we could even use george bush, which is more u.n., u.n., u.n., u.n. correct? s>> a little bit with bush. it'd make it separate. >> he's in between because he did favor tax cut and capital gains cuts. >> glenn: i'm talking about war specifically. difference between democratic and republican progressive, and the founders -- the founders said we should be switzerland, stay out of everybody's business. if you mess with us, we'll pound you. thomas jefferson created the marines for the islamic pirates that were happening, right? >> yes. >> glenn: and so they didn't take any guff. but they weren't spreading democracy. progressives spread democracy and gooy goodness, one does
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it through u.n. or league of nations and one does it through the u.s. military. right? >> good distinction. >> fair. >> glenn: fair? >> that's fair. >> glenn: just fair? it's like okay. okay, not -- thank you. what is the difference? who is this guy? >> john dewey. >> glenn: we talked about john dewew. f.d.r.. who is barack obama more like? >> well, he's more like franklin roosevelt. two of them very much believe in using government to solve problems. when the -- well, the programs fail. you simply raise taxes, you have scapegoats. wall street is a scapegoat to both men. the programs fail, stimulus packages fail. you go back and you have businessmen to blame. the program is a good idea. progressivism is good. but it didn't work this time. because businessmen got in the way. >> glenn: let me go here on
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something and see if you guys can -- this is, what's his name, george benard shaw. we played tape this week and last week. he's frightening. he is absolutely frightening. would you agree? larry, you're laughing. yeah, he's frightening. i mean he is the guy who said hey, chemists, please come up with a humane gas to get rid of some of the people that don't know anybody. here is margaret sanger. margaret sanger, hillary clinton talked about margaret sanger. this is planned parenthood. >> yes. >> glenn: also, planned parenthood, its roots with margaret sanger, progressive, really more in line with george bernard shaw. it's to get rid of undesirable, is it not? >> eugenics fits in here carefully. >> correct. correct. >> glenn: but woodrow wilson has a lot in common here, because he's a real -- i mean he's a dirt bag racist, is he not? >> he is. the number of -- in fact, we had very few african-americans in federal government but they were
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reduced under wilson. >> glenn: did we not, r.j., did i not read in your book that woodrow wilson, we had a desegregated military until wilson and he resegregated everybody. >> he resegregated the whole civil service, yes, glenn. >> glenn: to okay. now you have to decide these are all progressives here today. you have to decide do we see any of the traits of some of these progressives now? i think the answer is yes. but you do your own homework. we'll be right back in a second. eeeeeeeeeeeed
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>> glenn: we've laid out the problems and i want to talk a little bit about the solutions. maybe i'm too focussed on education as the solution. self-education is the solution. but gentlemen, help me out here. i think once progressivism is exposed for what it truly is, what the roots aare, who's involved. what the motivations are and what they believe the founders were all about, i think it disintegrates. does anybody disagree with that? >> glenn, the progressives knew they weren't going to get very far citing hagel and marx and the rest of the lot. they tried to put progressism under the guise of the
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tradition of the american founding. franklin roosevelt did that as well. so to the extent that people become aware of what is really at work in the progressive movement, both of yesterday and today, that is the only hope we have. >> at hillsdale college where r.j. and i both teach we have a required course on the constitution. i think if we had colleges and schools across the nation requiring courses on the constitution, studying the document, what does it say and then what do other people say that it sasays, people can see dichotomy and how they different and go from there. >> glenn: the interesting thing if you read "democracy in america" or if you read anything from the 1800s, you will see that people in pubs or in bars or, you know, on the street and offices, they actually discuss the constitution. they absolutely talked about it and said well, no.
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the founders, the most brilliant thing i think the founders did when the constitution is changed, you don't erase anything. you add it. for instance, the progressive prohibition is still in the constituti constitution, it's just repealed later. so you leave the scars of history and you can see, we made a really bad mistake here. when did we stop, when did we stop talking in public about changing the constitution? for instance, healthcare in the 1930s f.d.r. said we got to have a second bill of rights. when did that happen? when did we unplug really? >> between the end of world war ii and the end of the great society. that's where you start to lose the concept that you're actually dealing with a constitution and not just whatever some president or
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legislator decides it wants to throw in there. >> glenn: give me, if someone doesn't want their head to hurt, because r.j., i swear to you, i love your book, but it made my eyes bleed. it was -- i mean, i never -- >> you look pretty good now. you look like you survived it okay. >> glenn: i was reading it and i'm like i got to read that paragraph again, what the hell does that even mean? >> think of my poor students. [ laughter ] >> glenn: besides your own books, give me one book each where you say if you're going to understand something to critical for america and its history or the progressive movement, this is what you should read? anybody? >> i like the book "conflict of vision" by thomas soul right there. >> glenn: this one? >> yes. >> glenn: why? what is in it? >> he outline what is goes behind the thinking of a progressive and what goes behind thinking of constitutionalist in the areas of law, in the area of economics. in all sort of areas of life. what are they thinking when they come up with the ideas
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that they have. >> larlarry? >> liberal fascism by goldberg. unbelievable. >> "the federalist papers." >> of course. the one that makes your head hurt. >> it's got everything right there. >> glenn: the one that makes your head hurt. >> you got it. >> glenn: the problem is honestly i think guys like you, i think we need really smart people that can take the federalist papers and rewrite them for the common man. re -- change the language. i read george washington's farewell address which is brilliant, but i mean, i don't know how anybody listened to these guys back then. it's really difficult. >> it is. >> glenn: you know what i mean? if we rewrite these things in common language, people can access them again a lot easier. >> of course, that's what the progressives tried to do, rewrite them so the common man could -- [ laughter ] >> glenn: it's just that the common people are so stupid you know. we'll be back. final thoughts in a second. rc
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>> glenn: america, i can't thank you enough for -- i mean charlie rose, this show ain't. and i can't thank you enough for watching and being interested in the republic and its history. because i asked our guests not to promote their own books i will tell you these three books should be read by


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