tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News February 2, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EST
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the news continues we toss to greta van susteren, standing by with a remarkable, show. greta, take it away. >> greta: thank you sean. hold your breath and count to 3.8 trillion. are you dead yet? that is president obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2011. the budget contains a 100 billion dollar jobs package runs up a deficit of 1.3 trillion dollars. how does he sell it to capitol hill? big problem or done deal? joining us dana perino. the president doesn't actually pass the bill he has congress do the bill, right? >> right. i think of this exercise every year as increasingly an exercise in futility. >> greta: why? >> it tells us what the president's priorities are for the year maybe how they've changed direction on a couple of things where. then he turn it over to
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congress at congress figures what they want to spend the money on. for the last couple of years they haven't even passed a budget. i think this is a little instructive might be more hype than reality. >> greta: explain to the viewers they haven't passed the budget in the past couple of years? >> they are not able to get things done on a day-to-day pass so they continue pass continuing resolutions getting things done. we have two wars we need to fund. we have a lot of entitlement spending, some social security and medicaid. we have just the everyday running of the government. it is extremely expensive. we have to protect ourselves from terrorists. we have conversations about where are you going to cut in the budget? tough decisions to be made. i laud president obama for trying to find some it is 20 billion dollars, a drop in the bucket. >> greta: i assume this bill is like the one that president bush would send up to the
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capitol hill. that the end of it or does the president send emissaries to lobby for different things? >> they had a lot of briefings for the media the next thin the committees will invite members of the administration to testify to layout their case for what they think should be funded and what shouldn't be. i think what we will find especially in an election year with a lot of high stakes and wins by republicans in virginia, new jersey and massachusetts, that this process is going to be more interesting this year. >> greta: is that code for political? >> i think it will be pretty political. you have to remember, you have members, part of the things they like to do is take home money. think of the louisiana purchase in the health care bill. what happened in nebraska during the health care bill. the end of the day republicans or democrats like to bring money home. there's not a money spare as you can see in these budgets. this budget is an increase of 35% of the deficit in one year. i know that one of the things
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the administration does is point back to the pref president to blame him. at some point they have to take responsibility. the budget they are proposing in here for 2012, 2013 and 24 between there is going to be no one -- and 24 teen there is going to be no one to blame but themselves. >> greta: you said the other guy left you a mess but you accepted the job and said you could fix it. >> president bush inherited a recession as well not as severe in any way but every president has to deal with something like this. >> greta: health care, dead or alive? >> dead. >> greta: why? >> i think president obama has said, in the state of the union speech we have a new senator in town from massachusetts the writing is on the wall for democrats they know a big comprehensive bill won't get done. it is possible, although i think it is a small possibility they might be able to work with republicans and get important things done like
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eliminating the discrimination against people who have a preexisting condition and allowing people to take their insurance with them from job to job. smaller things, i think they can do but the big bill is done. >> greta: why can't they start over? >> there's not enough time. >> greta: what is the end point? they have enough time, what's the rush? they've got plenty of time. >> i don't think they are going to see members of congress who want to spend much time in washington, d.c. after the spring they want to be home and campaigning. >> greta: so members of congress decide we don't have enough time? the american people are looking for relief or improvement in health care are stuck with the fact that members of the congress say we don't have enough time? >> we don't have enough time and i don't think they are willing to necessarily come to the table. we'll see president obama going to the republican retreat was an important first step but follow-through is more important. that remains to be seen whether they will be able to do anything anything big in
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year. >> greta: when they look at health care do they think this is a huge defeat democrats that they couldn't pass i? >> i think so. >> greta: it is enormous, complex it isn't an easy task. >> no. one thing that was great about being press secretary, i realize that everything is a lot more complicated than it looks like even on the surface. they have to look it as a defeat. they are going to blame different factions or people for the defeat. but it certainly is a huge deal that if you came into office knowing that the unemployment rate was what it was. you signed a 787 billion dollar jobs bill, arguably did not create any jobs. then you try to ram health care through on a very partisan basis. and you have no results, no more jobs, no health care and now you're talking about a 100 billion dollar jobs bill in
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this budget. what is interesting and i think your viewers have played a roll in this -- a in this last fall the administration was talking 600, 700 billion dollars for the next stimulus this budget says 100 billion dollars. i think washington in some way has heard the american people cry about spending. >> greta: as much as we pick on the government, it is a tough job isn't it? >> norm mussly tough. >> greta: all we -- enormously tough. >> greta: all we do is poke at everybody. >> this document it is not reality. >> greta: now republican senator chuck grassley a member of the senate budget committee went on the record. senator, nice to see you. >> nice to be with you of course. >> greta: i appreciate you inviting us, we asked to come, thank you. >> welcome to iowa >> greta: the president has delivered his budget fiscal
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2011 to capitol hill what do you think about it? >> representative of washington, d.c.. i'm surrounded by reality. i say that because how unreal it is to have this big budget deficit and so much increase in expenditures, when the taxpayers the working men and women on main street are living probably on less this year than last year. there hasn't been big wage increases. there hasn't been the ability of people to support more of this budget. it is leaving a legacy of debt to our children and grandchildren. >> greta: as i understand this is for lack of a better word, a wish list from the president since the president the one who makes the deal, right it's congress? he says this is what i would like to do but congress cuts the check. >> constitutionally, the president pro proses and we dispose. as a practical matter when you have overwhelming number of
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democrats in the house and senate what a democrat president says is very much an outline of what is probably going to come out at the other end. i would be surprised if it didn't come out very much like he has in his budget. it moot be easy for him to say that -- it might be easy for him to say that and he proposes and we take the heat. that's right he can't spend a penny we don't appropriate. but i know how a liberal congress will operate. even when we had republicans we spent more than we should have frankly. but not to this tune that we have right now doubling the deficit in three months of last year as an example after this president was sworn in i think it is very much a pattern that you're going to see come out at the end of the pipeline when congress gets done with it. >> greta: in terms of the suggest sean that the budget the president sent for 2011, fiscal the estimated deficit will be 1.3 trillion, is that your understanding?
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>> yes. >> greta: as i understand beyond that that an up sos unemployment will be at a 9.2% rate anything higher than 9.2 that deficit has to increase, right? >> you have to create three million jobs between now and the end of the year for that 9.2 to come out. i don't think you are going to create three million jobs this year. also, don't forget, you get a budget deficit like that assuming over the next 10 years, two trillion dollars of new tax increases. maybe down the road five years you can increase taxes without doing harm to the economy, i don't think so, but let's say you could. right now a tax increase is going to be a jobs' killer. >> greta: in terms of -- when this budget get -- when you start talking about this budget, can you send it out to score it for an unemployment rate let's say at 10%? that may be where our
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unemployment rate is. can we do that so we can find out the impact? >> through your ranking republican on the budget committee that can be done and i hope it is, because we ought to know. because i think it is wishful thinking to think of. what we are going to have a two trillion dollar tax increase over the next 10 years. if that starts right now it is going to be detrimental and a job killer to the economy. if you increase taxes and it is a job killer, particularly when you hit small businesses these tax increases are going to do, you are not going to get unemployment down one percentage point without encouraging small business that's where the jobs are created. >> greta: this is based on 9.2% unemployment. what is going to happen? is he going to get everything he is suggesting in this bill? >> he won't get everything. as i said, when the president is for something, the president's a powerful
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position particularly because democrats in congress even want to outspend their own president in many ways that's evidenced by the stimulus bill, was more of a congressional document than a presidential document. i think you can come out worse than where the president submits his budget. >> greta: thank you sir. >> glad to be with you. >> greta: next, a democratic congressman guess on the record about the budget. plus there are no words to describe this one. rush limbaugh, caught on tape, dancing to lady gaga. why? o'where? we are going to show you. we are going to show you. we are back in two.
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. >> greta: 3.8 trillion the president's proposed budget for fiscal year 2011. who pays? do you pay? democratic congressman rob andrews joins us live. good evening looking at the president's proposed budget, i keep using that word proposed, it assumes we'll have unemployment 2011, an average of 9.2%. what is your sense of certainty that is where we are going to be? that is important in terms of generating revenue for the government. >> i think it is a reasonable forecast, given what nonpartisan economists have had to say. in the 4th quarter get was
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5.7%. people have not seen the benefits of that but jobs usually come one or two quarters after get. i would think the forecast is reasonable. i hope it is a lot lower. >> greta: i think we all do. would that include an additional jobs skip bill? is that your thinking to drive this unemployment 10% down to 9.2? do we need a jobs stimulus bill? and how much? >> i think couple things. i think we need a jobs bill that cuts taxes on working people. cuts taxes on small business. and spends money building roads and bridges and sewer systems and whatnot. i do think that the amount of the jobs bill should be more than offset over the five year budget plan. in other words, if we put 100 million dollars into the jobs bill we ought to offset it by 120 or 130 billion dollars of spending cuts.
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>> greta: if we cut taxes on working people, now we've cut down again on the government income which creates a problem. i take it you intend to raise taxes on somebody else to offset that is that right? if so who gets taxes raised on and to examine extent? >> the plan says the bottom 95% of the american people families making less than a quarter million dollars a year get a tax cut. people making -- couples making more tan a quarter million dollars a year have tax rates go back to what they were in 2001. we've heard before, that this will stifle economic growth. we heard this in 1993 when president clinton proposed it. of course what happened is 23 million new jobs were created in the economy, unemployment fell to less than 3 1/2%. i think the evidence shows that if you do this right, if you do this right, you can have economic growth. i think we will.
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>> greta: you say do it right. what is miss being? -- what is missing? it is hard to look at these numbers where we are 10% now. it is sort of hard to understand doing it right we've tried to do it right with the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill grossly disappointing to many, especially the unemployed. >> i think it means spending cuts. there's a program that sends states money to cleanup mines that have already been cleaned up. there's a program that sends the energy companies that have made record profits a lot of money to help pay for their research and development by taxpayers' money that gets cut. there's a program that sends the telecommunications companies that are tremendous centers of innovation, taxpayers' money to invent things. these are things that are cut out of this budget. i think it makes sense to do that >> greta: how did we get those in the budget?
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the first thing i think is these are earmarks and must have been in a political year someone had a telecommunications in his home district -- >> they were. >> greta: how do we stop doing those things? cleanup mines already cleaned up. very disturbing. we hear there weren't supposed to be earmarks and we've had earmarks everyone who runs says who earmarks but we get earmarks, we get another election cycle, more earmarks. how does this happen? at what point does politics stop and we start doing the right thing? >> it has to do with the way we pay for campaigns if you look behind any one of these spending ups, i just talked about there's some donor or some interest group, republican and democrat that funded these interests. i think greta, the ultimate answer do the opposite of what the supreme court did a couple weeks ago and have cleaner campaign funding where we put limits, you know we have much
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smaller contributions from a larger base and don't have special interests on the republican or democratic side calling as many shots as they do. >> greta: we'll have to come back for another discussion on that i think we could have an hour on that because it is complicated with lots of big issues. >> it is not very complicated when a huge corporation can pour as much money it wants to in a campaign. that's not a good thing. >> greta: the unions do the same for every one you can do i can do the flip side. >> what is goose for the -- what is good for the good should be good for the gander. how about smaller contributions from people rather than large interest groups? >> greta: next, president obama takes on youtube. have we been had? the president made a big promise. transparency, it is something else. we
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c-span as he promised during the campaign. the president defended his administration but admitted he could have done better. >> the president: it is fair to say is that, as the health care process went forward, not every single aspect of it was on c-span. keep in mind most of the action was in congress, so every committee hearing that was taking place in the house and senate, those were all widely televised. the only ones that were not were meetings that i had with some of the legislative leadership trying to get a sense from them in terms of what it was they were trying to do. i think it is a fair criticism, i've acknowledged that. that's why as we move forward, making sure in this last leg, these last five yards before we get to the goal line that everybody understands what is going on in the health care bill, there are no surprises, no secrets that is going to be imperative, one of my highest
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priorities. >> greta: tucker carlson, what do you think? >> has any president been on television more? i don't know what the point of over exposure is but he's brushing up against it. the white house thinks the more of the president we'll see the more -- his claims are interesting for what they don't say. i think what he said was factually untrue. his s with the congressional leadership was not the own part that was sealed off. >> greta: the important ones. deals with big drug industry and the unions not. >> right. and the insurance companies all the negotiations that were preparatory to this process deals worked out ahead of time that only became obvious one the process began were hidden from public view and those were meetings that really mattered. >> greta: a little slick he talks about all the hearings in congress were on c-span and
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how people could watch. i don't recall him running on a campaign that congress was going to be on c-span. it already was on c-span. he said he was going to do that, his stuff. even if he never run on that campaign and may the promise we still would have had c-span on the congressional hearings so we got zippo from that >> that's true. his claims of transparency are probably unfulfillable. i think the white house has done a lot wrong and there's a lot of criticism for how it mishandled a lot in the first year. however, total transparency means no deals. let's be honest. >> greta: that's fine then don't keep telling us c-span. tell us, i didn't realize that was a dumb thing to say and we saul say dumb things . now to -- and we all say dumb things from time to time. now to tell us all the hearings in congress were on c-span they were before he was elected.
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and he says my meetings were open except for the legislative leaders not true because it didn't include the unions and -- it is not so. >> it is false, okay. he goes on to say that we are at the five yard line in the process of getting this health care bill to become law. i don't think factually speaking, that's true. i don't think we are all so close to seeing this health care plan, idea, scheme, bill, whatever you want to call it. i think we are a long way. in fact, i don't think we are going to see think year. he's smart enough to know that many in the white house spent the last year working on it know that the. you are not going to convince moderate democrats to destroy their political careers to support this. >> greta: maybe they ought to do something old fashioned, recognize the the american people need relief, forget it is an election year start over
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and try to do it right. >> there's never been broad support for this plan. >> greta: start over and do what does work and make it better. instead they are going to say it is too late because we have to run for office in november. so american people tough luck we ran out of time. >> you can make the case that representatives aren't representing. their constituents don't want this bill. get get but they want some relief that means -- >> greta: but they want some relief that means starting over and trying to fix it. >> too late now. >> greta: tucker, great website. >> thank you. >> greta: do you think politicians think you are real stupid? we have a politician caught on camera. >> plus rush limbaugh pulls a tom . deploy. [ female announcer ] think olay is just anti-aging for your face?
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and questions to ask your doctor at bipolar depression... ...doesn't have to consume you. take the step today and ask your doctor... ...whether seroquel xr is... ...right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. . >> greta: have we been had again? during the campaign then senator obama repeatedly promised to crackdown on no-bid contracts. >> one of the things i did last year was to pass a bill with tomko burn conservative republican but sincere fiscal conservative and we got together and created what we call google for government a searchable database where every single dollar of federal spending is posted on the internet. so ordinary voters can take a look. if they see a bridge to nowhere being built they know
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where it is going, who sponsored it. if they see a no bid contract going to halliburton they could check that out. return earmarks to the 2001 levels and reform no bid considers. i do this because i believe we can have a smarter government that pays its way while investing in our country's future. fast for those programs we need i'll make them work better and cost less. we'll save billions by cutting waste and improving management and strengthening over site i will end the an -- over sight. and i will no bid contracts the days of sweetheart deals for halliburton will be over when i'm in the white house. >> james rosen joins us live. how did the president do on that no-bid contract? >> talked a good game. year he a memorandum that was supposed to implement tougher
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guidelines. fox news has you ever covered the awarding this year, last month, january 4th, to be precise, a 25 million dollar no-bid contract by usaid united states agency for international development to a firm owned by a democratic party donor, early donor to the president's campaign. after fox news reported this a week ago it took about a week al we word this contract has been cancelled. in fact, the state department tells us it had nothing to do with fox news' reporting it was as a result of internal review. we had an interesting admission from pj crawley at assistant secretary of state familiar to many americans because he does the on camera daily briefings for the state department. when i reminded him of all of president obama's statements over the past two years. he said "you make a valley point if you want to say this violates the basis on which
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this administration came into office and campaigned, fair enough." that sums up how he's doing. >> greta: what is so disturbing, 25 million seem like chump change because we are used to trillions. but that's a lot of money. it was to train lawyers and judges in afghanistan and strengthen the rule of law in the war torn country. i would bet my right arm that the american bar, some law school lawyers i bet they could get some group to do it at no charge instead of pawning this off as a no-bid contract. people like to do these projects. instead to spend this kind of money. >> it is more than this kind of money the contract was first awarded in 2004 after competitive bidding for 44 million dollars by the bush administration. only the obama administration decided to extend it as a no-bid contract. it is now going to be put out forbids, by the way. >> greta: have you talked and
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asked them about this? >> yes the firm has done late of work no one is saying they are unqualifying. he was terse on the phone he steered all questions to usaid said he didn't want to speak for the government. i said i'm asking you to speak for your country, did you know this contract had been awarded on a no-bid faces? he said after the fact, yes. before, no. >> greta: it didn't bother him. unbeliever able. -- unbelievable. >> where is the stimulus money going? the white house says almost 600,000 jobs were created by the stimulus in the last three months of 2009. where did those numbers come from? joining us is ed o'keefe for the "washington post". what is the story on-the-jobs? how many jobs has the stimulus program created? >> administration reported 599,108 jobs were created
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between october at end of december down from the 640,000 and change created between the beginning of 2009 and end of september. the white house says don't compare those numbers the way they were measuring jobs before september is different than the way they were doing it in the fall. they are looking at recipients of stimulus money to only report how many jobs were paid for with the money they received versus the old measurement to estimate how many jobs may have been created or saved with the money they received. >> greta: wait. estimates more professional word than guess? >> it was a subjective measurement the white house and administration seem today to admit that when they changed the policy quietly in december is a new measurement that most government groups, gao, f stimulus tracking website say it is easier to measure jobs. >> greta: easier or more accurate? >> both they would say, more accurate for folks who want to audit to figure out how many
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jobs have been created. >> greta: great now we'll have more exact numbers. did they think it was peculiar the idea of guessing what it was and they were pawning it off was that a concern? >> i would say in their most private moments people would admit this was a bit of a confusing and headache-inducing job measurement, yes. >> greta: i guess that is even nicer. >> which is why they changed it. they realized recipients trying to turn in spending reports couldn't figure it out, too confusing and taking too much time and the guy running the thing, who runs the recovery board here in washington say it is too subjective. we need a more solid way. moving forward anyone that submits the reports is just going to say how many jobs they paid for with stimulus money. get what is your level of confidence of the 600,000 jobs
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in the last quarter that those are truly new jobs and not making payroll on other jobs or maybe increase -- >> that's the difficulty. that's where it would behoove reporters to go and look through these reports. it would be important that the federal agencies start to ask tough questions and figure that out. it is very difficult at this point -- there's thousands of these reports to go through. they believe this is a more reputable way to measure those jobs and in the end that will be a better baseline and it will be easier for auditors if they feel the need or see a reason to measure shows jobs. >> greta: it seems more reputable before guessing. i'm still not convinced we are keeping track of jobs that are created. they may have a better measurement iners of accuracy, do we have any -- in terms of accuracy do we have any -- >> there is no baseline. >> greta: we've gone from
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guesstimating to hoping we have a better measurement but not being to go to the bank on that measurement >> use the baseline in march, june other parts of this year to say if we were able to create roughly 600,000 last three months of 2009 use that as the base going forward. creating fewer the question would be why? if you are creating more the question may be why as well. >> greta: except the measurement may not be good at this point r >> sure. >> greta: thank you ed. i'm sure you will be chasing this down some more. >> thank you. >> president obama and the folks, is there an gulf there? also, the bold fresh tour we'll show you some clips. >> greta: that's bill at 11 p.m. eastern. we are live until the top of the hour. why are 10 americans in the slammer in haiti? are they okay and do they
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deserve to be in the slammer. plus, rush limbaugh busting a move caught on camera, dancing to lady gaga. to lady gaga. not kidding, [ male announcer ] when it comes to reaching your big lestones, and all your little mile-pebbles ameriprise financial can help. weave over ten-thousand advisors rey to listen to your dreams and help you plan for them. because the first step towards reaching what you want is reaching the person who can help you get there. our advisors. your dreams. more within reach. meet us at
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arriving by tuesday. toyota execs say the problem can be solved with a small steel part the size of a postage stamp. each repair should take 30 minutes. but some dealers might have to work nonstop for months. there are more than two million vehicles needing repairs. robert gates unveils plans which may one day allow homosexuals to be in the military. the study will be led by senior uniformed and civilian officers, or officials, i should say, and gates will announce plans to ease the enforcement of the pentagon's current don't ask/don't tell policy. i'mi'm ainsley earhardt. back to "on the record." in haiti. why? for trying to take dozens of children out of disaster zone to the dominican republic. they say they were trying to rescue the children. the haitian government says that is not so the group
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knowingly and illegally were taking the children out of the country. joining us by phone the attorney for the detained americans. where are your clients tonight? >> they are being detained right now at a police station a couple of blocks from the u.n. headquarters. >> greta: what happened? what did your clients say? >> well, i only got access to speak to one of them. the other nine, the police are denying access i don't understand why they are doing that so far, what -- the information we have gathered is -- you have to understand that haiti right now is in a state of emergency. there is no functioning government and no function ing government offices they were trying to get the kids out to a safer place if you go to city there's no food, no
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drinking water. there's a lot of problems going on. they were trying to help these kids. >> greta: i understand there were 33 children two months to 12-years-old; is that correct? >> yes, ma'am. >> greta: where are those children tonight? >> i don't have no information. the haitian government has been very unwilling to talk to us. they don't give us information. our clients are not even charged and they don't want to give us documents telling us what the charges are. >> greta: why haven't you been able to see your clients? >> we get to the police station and we ask to see them and they say we need permission from the director general. when we asked them where is the office to the director general, they keep telling us they don't even know. that there's a building collapse and there's no one
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there and they are giving us the run around. >> greta: are you in haiti tonight or the dominican republic? >> rhyme -- i'm right at the border waiting for the gate to open tomorrow morning. unfortunately, i too late to the border to cross over. >> greta: at this point you can't cross over into haiti? >> no, because they close at the gate at 7:00 at night. >> greta: do you know what your clients intended to do with those children? to bring them to the dominican republic or the united states? >> there was not intention to bring them to the united states. they were only trying to take them to a temporary facility so they can be taken care of. a lot of these kids don't know that their parents have died. they need psychological help. it doesn't make any sense when at the border they are not
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asking for papers. haitians cross over to the dominican republic and the dominican government is not asking for id or passports to cross over. >> greta: where did they find these children? how did they get these children? >> there was an orphanage that collapsed in haiti it was called friends of the orphans of haiti. there bass somebody that told them -- there was somebody that told them the orphans had no place, no room to place them. and the people [ inaudible ] the people were trying to do a job that nobody is doing. there's tomorrow kids in the streets. there's a lot of people starving to death in haiti. they were just trying to help them. there was no intention to do anything illegal. >> greta: jorge, thank you,
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keep us informed. thank you. >> no problem, have a nice day. great show you have, thank you. >> greta: thank you, sir. james o'keefe, breaks his silence. the man who tried to take down acorn in hot water. what is his excuse after arrested for tampering with a senator's phones. >> rush limbaugh caught on tape dancing to lady gaga. words cannot describe this.
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acorn staff. o'kiev and three others were arrested last week -- o'keefe talking to sean hannity. >> sean: tell us what happened? >> there were reports that senator landrieu her constituents were not able to get through to her. she said her lines were jammed for a few weeks after she received a few hundred million dollars this money in exchange for her vote on the health care bill. while it makes sense for the phone to be jammed for a day or two it sounded like her constituents couldn't get through for weeks was troubling. >> sean: i don't know all the facts. you disputed a lot of claims in the media in your statement. did you does up as a telephone repairman or -- did you dress up as a telephone repairman or telephone repair people? >> investigative journalists
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have been using these tactics for year. nwc -- nbc, dateline -- >> sean: but did you dress up as a repairman? >> yes. in all videos i pose as something i'm not to get to the bottom of the truth about why they weren't answering the phones or their intention. >> sean: did you have any issues with the fact this is a u.s. senator's office versus going into acorn. as a u.s. senator this is federal property you are going near federal phones, did that enter your mind prior to going into this office? >> generally speaking, it is the people's office, these are representatives of our country. we deserve to find out if they are act settling 300 million dollars in money we deserve to find out why the people of louisiana couldn't get through to her. >> sean: i understand did you have any concern that she as a u.s. senator we are talking the security of' elected
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official -- >> like i said in my statement i could have used a different approach to this investigation. i think going forward i'm going to try to be more thoughtful about how approach these things. >> sean: if you look at the reporting on this people almost referred to this as louisiana watergate because were you going near phones. did you or anybody with you have any equipment, electronic equipment of any kind that could be perceived or used to tap into the senator's phones? >> well, let me be clear about in point there. is no bugging, no wiretapping. there was no interfering with phones. not only was there no interfering with phones, we never thought about interfering with phones. it never occurred to us. all of that is false. a lot of these reporters flat out, i think slandered me, they jumped gun on the story and we are still waiting for corrections from dozens of
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newspapers, mainstream media. >> sean: will you see if they don't? >> i'm not sure but it is journalism malpractice and it is inexcuseable. >> sean: did you or any of the people involved, did they have any type of equipment that could be used to tap the phones? >> no equipment whatsoever used to tap any phones or bug any phone. >> sean: you didn't have it with you? >> no equipment with us. >> greta: there you have it. the best of the rest. we've been teasing you about it all hour. coming up, rush limbaugh, caught on tape, dancing to lady gaga. you will want to see this
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>> greta: 11:00 here, flash those studio lights. it's tomorrow. last call. some people were surprised rush limbaugh zided to be a miss america judge. but more people were surprised when rush danced at the pageant. ♪ [ music ] let's see it. oh, look at them! oh! woo! oh, my goodness, that was awesome. give it up for rush limbaugh! and the rest of you.
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