tv Red Eye FOX News February 2, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EST
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welcome to "red eye." it is like touched by an angel if by angel you mean gym coach. let's go to andy levy. what is coming up on monday a es show? >> coming up on the big show, why is the polish president think america is sliding into socialism? hopefully his translator will tell us. did the climate change panel base some of its claims from a mountain nearing magazine? we report and you pretend any of this surprises you anymore. and finally, an austrian billionaire is paying lyndsay lohan $150 grand to be his big date. some say it will be a disaster, but others are hopeful it will have a happy evening. >> thank you, andy. >> you need a save yes, sir to save yes, sir. i slam my prey and they decay and throw away, so go away, i
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don't play. greg? >> thank you, andy. let's welcome our gorgeously god-like -- well, here some things are next guest is cuter than, unicorns and babies in adult-sized shoes. she is so bright the north star uses her to find its way home at night. that's bright. well, he played the hell out of stormy from c lab 20/20. who didn't? fox news contributor and news day columnist. he is so smart when i bang my knee against the desk i say, ouch, that hennikans. he is the willy to my wonka, the mike to my ike, the summer to my eve. it is my sidekick bill shultz. on sunday in the village he is brunch. and he is funnier than a bag of sufflok pho indicating clowns. sitting next to me and the great comedian jim norton. his latest book is called "i hate your guts." he is so awesome that awesome
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says, that is so jim norton. he is black and white and tread all over. good to see you, pinch. >> want to know who is all that kta? judy batista. if i don't mind saying,. >> can i point out something to the viewers at home? we have a new table which means we now have room for an extra guest. >> bravo. very exciting. >> we have moved up in the world, people. i'm very, very, very happy. okay, america is a wreck according to leck. i am paraphrasing him who thinks america is on the way to socialism and other crud. he is the guy without that giant mustache and his long-shot bid for governor of the lone pine state. 245* is not the real eyebrow raising eyebrow razor. in an interview with big government .com, he was asked
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whether he thinks america is slithering toward socialism. this is what he said in polander. >> yeah, a little bit like the issue with those banks. this indicates that it is a little in that direction. the private entrepreneurs are more fragile. they are wiser when managing their money. the government will waste all of the money. >> it was like he had a word mustache. he is a guy who has seen what socialism has done to a country. so do we need to pay attention to his warning? we asked a cat and a ferret for comment. i guess next time we should ask them separately. that didn't work out. assuming the translator was honest, what do you make of what he said? >> well, like most people he
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is the first guy i think of when a situation arises, what would leck do? who cares what he says. he looks like captain kangaroo. nobody thought of him in 20 years. >> he is a great guy though. >> probably a fantastic guy. we are not going to become a socialist country. it is not going to happen. >> it is impossible. but he is a hero. however, there is something weird. don't you think there is something weird when a president or former president from another country comes and tells us -- we don't need to hear that. does it help our dialogue? >> this is either i think a very smart campaign strategy or stupid. on the one hand you are right. he is a hero. not to mention chicago, huge polish population. it makes sense. urned he doesn't -- on the other hand he doesn't speak english. if your translator has to translate your endorsement and sounds like borat like, america is good. i like this guy.
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that doesn't work in your favor. that's not the best endorsement. >> i don't know. i thought it was sort of charming. he says america is going toward a socialist agenda. i bet you are thrilled with that. >> it is a capital state with a little social safety net. >> that's okay then. >> why do those polish guys have to stick together? do you think that was an accident? i'm just thrilled that finally we found a labor leader you can endorse. all of a sudden, workers of the world unite. these guys, they find socialists under every bid. he was cramming the place with socialists. can you believe that? >> i think he is talking about issues that are pertinent right now. i don't blame him. it is weird coming from him. also, it is a good thing. bill, you know, you predicted this in 1982. you said the ex-president of poland would say america would become socialist, and then you took a lot of heat on the
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blogs back then. do you feel vindicated? >> it was shortly before my coke prediction. let me tell you about him. he comes from warsaw. here is a fun chicago fact. chicago has more polish people in it than the whole of warsaw. before he criticizes our country, he may want to think about why that is. >> but they came a longtime ago, bill. >> no, they are still coming, greg. chicago is ripe with the polish. come to the south side and i will show you. they are all over the place. >> is that an invitation to come visit you? >> no, but i will show you pictures. >> he may be staring in the new show "csi: blagojevich." >> is he polish? >> he must be with that many vowels. he's got the hair. >> i think he's on to something, i really do, but what do i know? >> it is time for the greg-alogue, a pellican of perception.
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>> i keep feeling like this table is going to fall over. i better be careful. so every day another embarassing revelation exposes climate change experts as confused bumble heads. the latest is the climate change panel basing conclusions on banishing mountain top ice on anecdotes on a mountain nearing magazine. it would be hilarious if not for the fact that quad-drillion dollars are at stake. and that can buy a lot of unicorns one sees. and it shows why climate change researchers must released data and reveal their message. if they have nothing to hide, the credibility will only increase. the fact they don't want to makes me think they are getting their data from articles in cos mow. fyi, global warming can make it harder to find your g-spot says darla age 23, a data analyst. anyway, 2, there are real few experts on climate change. the rest are pawns used to
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justify policies that will inevitably screw our economy. by the way, i include myself as a nonexpert. i was an english major who spent the last 20 years drunk, shirtless and weeping, but this is a good thing. whether you think humans cause global warming or not, we are all in this boat of ignorance together and should be more tolerant of opposing views. if so-called experts are calling mountain ice data from experts, we are all experts. apparently melting glaciers cause chicks to move their tops faster. if you don't agree you are a homophobe who eats polar bears for breakfast. >> i go to you because i love the sweater you are wearing. >> and i eat polar bears for breakfast. >> do you consider yourself an expert on climate change? >> i love this point. >> answer the question, are you?
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>> we are all experts. i love in the environment. i put on mittens and a big coat when it is cold out. i sweat when i go to arizona. i like ice in my drinks. i know all about the climate. come on, i am an expert too. >> you are probably one of the best experts i know. based on that. jim, should we be calling research from crappy outdoor magazines. >> no, we shouldn't. that was a real leading question. no way i could say yes. i don't know. global warming is irritating. i did new year's eve and it was 30 degrees and i had shows can sell this week in richmond, virginia because there was a foot of snow. i have not seen any evidence that global warming is hurting the planet at all. >> it is just hurting your career. >> it can help me because i don't have to watch people perform. >> we have seen four polar bears die in the last 100 years. isn't that enough? >> first of all, do i have to explain the law of averages to this panel here? just because it is hot one day doesn't prove it one way or
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another. >> but he is raising a point. when it is hot you do have people like alec baldwin blogging saying this is evidence of global warming. once you start doing that, you can do that when it gets cold. >> fair enough, greg, but nothing you say on this subject matters because i have pictures of poe -- polar bears on melting ice caps. just keep on talking and it will not matter. >> it is true. every time you show that picture even i am con -- convinced something bad is happening. you predicted this would happen in the early 90s. do you feel vindicated? >> early to mid. why are we looking at what they are saying? if anyone knows about melting glaciers, it is we mountain nears. and yes i say we. i am a jungle gym climber. especially in harlem. if anyone knows about this stuff it is mountain nears, we mountain nears. >> i think i will move on. i have nothing more to say about this. from bad science to
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awesome science. stoop down to see if it holds up, and it doesn't. i am talking about the universal law handed down by the ancient egyptians, the 5 second rule. you know if you drop something on the ground you have 5 seconds to pick it up and eat it or you will die from something weird? in a discovery, a professor at san diego state -- san diego state has professors, did you know this? totally amazed by this. this is bigger than the study itself. anyway, the professor determined it is bunk by dropping baby carrots, the little carrots, and sippy cups on different surfaces and testing how many germs were collected within 5 seconds. how many? short answer, a lot. long answer, aaa-lllot. what does smiling doggie think? >> was that creepy? >> he was drunk.
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>> that was creepy. >> do you ever eat anything you drop? >> i eat everything i drop on the floor. i use the 5-second rule to convince girls i don't need to wear a condom. come on, you have 3 seconds to spare. get it? >> what is it doing on the floor to begin with? >> i don't know, it depends on the floor. like if it is -- you know what, if you are working -- i don't know. if you are working at one of those 24-hour porno theaters i would not eat anything off the floor. >> this study is totally bogus. honestly, how many of these reports have you seen on local news where this they go out with the swipey pads and they check the salad bar. come on, you would link those things and be totally fine. germs are good for you. without germs we would die. >> that's an interesting point. they say kids that play in the dirt, it helps their immune system. >> yeah. >> they actually can fight colds later.
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bill, you particularly lived in a mud hut your entire life and you are dirty right now. all of the food you eat comes off the floor. >> i'm surprised that anyone bought this to begin with. did anyone think if you do one mississippi, 2 mississippi it absolves you of all germs? who actually bought this? that's what is amazing to me. the fact that there is a study to show that something this ridiculous -- how could it possibly make sense? after 5 seconds all the germs in the world are on it. i have 1 more second or i will get hepatitis. who in their right mind bought this? >> i believed it in. -- believed it? >> a parent dropped something on the for and shoved it in their kid's face. then they said, oh, no, you have 5 seconds. they didn't want to look like an awful parent. >> it doesn't qualify for cigarettes. >> two things it doesn't apply to. cigarettes. depending on how much has burned i will pick it up. even if it is not lit, i pick it up. no homeless guy is getting a
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free cigarette from me. they cost crift -- 50 cents a smoke and i will not give that up. the other thing, prescription medication. i had a back problem and dropped a per cassette in front of refrigerator. it dropped into the borick as said i put down for the roach because i had one roach, and i couldn't throw it away. it landed in the borick acid and i wiped it off with a napkin. i didn't want to know when i was taking it, so i p ut it back with the other ones and i swirled it around. >> you are addicted to pills and you live in a hubble, and you make fun of me in my living situation? there are three hypoder mick needles that are dirty. >> did you say you smoke homeless guy cigarettes? that's worse. >> that helps -- bill, that helps him livelonger. are we too obsessed by hygiene? >> i think we are. there are cultures that eat with their hands. there are cultures that would cease to exist if they ate
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something that fell on the floor. we could learn something from our neighborhood hobos. you can eat trash, just chase it with bourbon. >> just your neighborhood ones? >> i would not go into any other neighborhood. i am just really surprised we learned something from san diego state. that's amazing. >> professor of what though? that question is still open. >> all right, i want to show you something that i saw before we go to a break. i was watching tv on saturday, maybe it was last week or maybe it was two years ago. thank you percoset. when you have a dvr you can actually see the description of the "law and order" episode you are watching. why am i explaining this to you? you know what i mean. anyway, can you show the picture of what i took a picture of? check this out. "law and order" you can see the episode there. "gemini: the detective
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suspects a murderer is a racist." wouldn't you expect that to be in reverse. the gee de -- the detective suspects a racist is a murderer. >> this pompous as actually records himself on tv every night? >> let's fast-forward -- he just fast-forwards it to the greg-alogue and then turns it off. >> instead of a hate crime -- instead of a hate crime we should get more penalties for a love crime. >> that's you -- that's true. but the way it is structured, it is basically that -- oh my god, he just didn't kill anybody. he is a racist! >> they suspect a murderer might also eat polar bears for breakfast. >> i don't get the gemini bit. why do we care what sign he is? he is a racist. >> i dvr "red eye" because i
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don't -- i am not up at 3 a.m. every day like our great viewers are to watch it. >> so he has to admire himself in the morning. he can't admire himself at night. he needs a good night's sleep. how dare you, sir? >> i hate everybody here. i am going back to the original table. coming up, will kathy griffin find love with a live crocodile? don't know. that's not on our show. and saying we instead of me. we report and you start cutting yourself with a dull butter knife.
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resolve con -- conflicts better than those who don't say the pro noun. they analyzed the speech patterns of spouses in the midst of an argument and found the pairs that use the dreadedwd as well as us and our are far happier and healthier than their singular counter couples. i wonder what baby owl has to say? >> wow. >> i had so much to say about that, but i really hadn't seen the clip until then. jim, you look horrified. >> that was an uncomfortable, creepy animal. >> i think it looked a little like you, jim. >> way to hurt a guy's feelings, greg. >> i was getting back at you for the "red eye" comment. >> i think the owl is more
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upset about that than i am. >> i like the side by side. >> jim is way more adorable. >> they both frequent peep shows. let's talk about the topic. is it balogna that um coulds that announce themselves like "we" are always -- >> no, because people who say "i" and" me" are individual and likely to get divorced. the people who say "we" are cody pendant slobs and stay together until they die miz believe rai. >> so there is no happiness, ellis. if i -- i say "i" a lot and my wife does, we are not the happy -- we are the happy i's. >> these are people with no individuality and no ego. there is a reason the word we knee starts with -- weinie starts #w* we. is that an accident? >> you never hear the word we because nobody likes y-o-u.
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>> i don't care because i will still use it. >> i like the word we. if i am going to the bathroom and nobody wants to hear that, but if i say, we are going to the bathroom i can say jpeg. it sounds better and sounds british and prefered. and how can you get a mistrial when you confess to the murder as well as your wife. they think you both debt it and you get out of it. >> i am for this. what is next, couples dressing alike? >> that is a natural revolution. i love the we-um could. i get the license to treat them like one huh mog nuss -- huh mog nuss couple. >> only one can vote in the election though, and it should be the one who does not watch "gossip girl." >> the we couple meant something different. >> they say we are pregnant is the worst and then they say,
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we are having an affair and actually that may be fun. >> you are making a great point. people say, we are having a baby. hey, we're having an abortion. married couples don't do that. the guy is saying, yeah, she is getting an abortion and i am paying for it. that's wrong. i always say we to get out of things. like events, parties, i say we can't because she is sick. >> that's convenient. >> what am i talking about? i don't know. do you have a comment on the show? i bet you do. a comment about our table, i bet. e-mail us, red eye at fox news .com. and to leave a voicemail, my direct line is 212-462-5050. and still to come, the half time report from tv's very own andy laviathon. >> the half time report is sponsored by good balance. one must have the mental steadiness and stability to equally distribute one's weight equally.
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welcome back. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. when you drop the food on the floor in your apartment, do you have to fight for it? >> before we get to the part of the show where i expose you as the hackee, hackee little man you are, i need to address something else. a website called crooks and liars posted one of their fox
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greeds on sunday. it puts lotion in their pocket and keeps them from competing from the real jobs. here is what is not fine. in the post, they put in a video of glen beck and talked about the time beck, quote, poured gasoline on a lady. can we roll that? >> obama is apologizing to the frenchy, french. he is apologizing to the saudi arabian king. i almost forgot. he is also closing gitmo and letting the terrorist on to the streets. >> that stir was no lady. that that was bill shultz. >> i'm happy it came at half i'm too. >> it needed to be corrected. >> appreciate it. >> he is defending you, bill. >> no lady whines like that. >> america is sliding into socialism l. jim, said we are moving toward socialism, but we are not becoming a socialism country. when he asked if we were
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sliding he was careful to say, a little bit. >> plus if you are asked you are obligated to say yes. then you can talk more. it is frustrating when somebody says, do you think this, and no, and you have nothing to say. >> like that time you were asked, you know, do you hate the jews? you have to be polite. >> a little bit. >> ellis, you said you are just glad conservatives found a labor leader they like. i am glad liberals found a liberal leader they don't like. >> i like i'm h. i like the accent. i think he is cute and i bet he will do really, really well in some of the polish precincts. >> to learn more about him, rent cocoon 3. >> and you asked if rob blagojevich was polish. he is of serbian dissent. >> i guess they all look alike, right?
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>> you owe an apology to the pols and the serbs. >> they are a liberated people and have no reason to be oppressed. >> greg-alogue, they base one of the conclusions on an neck dough tall evidence. you say another embarassing receive ligs -- revelation exposes climate change. if i recall, january 6th was an embarassing revelation free day. >> well, i stand somewhat corrected. you said something like, we are either all climate change experts or none of us are climate change experts. >> yeah. >> really? that's how that works? >> yeah. i don't understand how they co-opted the entire market c. almost on a daily basis, the information is not reputable. how do you call yourself an expert if you get your information from a nonreputable basis. >> you base this on the fact we all live in the climate.
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>>very day, and we are not all physicists. >> aren't we though? >> yo -- no. >> to be fair and balanced, climate change believers say things like this shouldn't distract us from the bigger picture or undermind the battle against climate change. >> here is my theory. >> uh-huh. >> shut up. >> i was going to say it is how the national guard records did not undermind the larger point that president bush was worse than hitler. 5 second rule de bunked. you said this study was bogus. the study was funded by clorox. and maybe not surprisingly, the study says it is important all surfaces in your home, noting, quote, one way to do that is to disinfect with a bleach solution. >> i have a never -- i have a rule, never drink clorox after it has been out. >> the study said, and this
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shocked me, the study recommended if your kid does eat something off the floor, give him a teaspoon of bleach and he will be all right. >> andy, you can't say that. >> i need to write this down. >> andy, you have to say that was a joke or we will be in trouble. >> of course it was a joke. it wasn't. a couple refer to them as we has a better relationship. maybe, but is it worth constantly making your friends want to puke? >> no. >> you asked greg can say the word we, yeah, there is a lot of times you use the word we. >> we think you may be a lady on beck. >> we are going to go play with our wii, so get out. i'm done. >> all right, andy. see you later. i thought he would never leave. let's welcome back our guest. she is so bright that flash
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lights use her to see in the dark. ellis hennickan. he is so sharp you have to wear thimbles to shake his hand. and he is funnier than a smurf with the sharpened horn of a unicorn. >> doesn't it look like an awkward first daddy. -- first date. like the dinner went well and now they have nothing to say to each other. >> it is a big table. back to me. is a joke less funny when it is told to a honey? while women are slowing than men when it comes to understanding a joke, they enjoy it more when they final leget it. granted, it takes weeks. researchers at stanford discovered women use more of their brain when processing jokes and lower expectations that a joke will be funny. translation, they rarely laugh when you move them from a moving car. says one researcher, quote, the interpretation of the ind
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fooing is that women tend to respond more to narrative and word play than slapstick. we'll see about that. roll some tape. >> how about you? you are not into that? >> no, no reaction. that wasn't funny to me. i love these people that rationalize the differences between men and women. i don't care about the neurological explanation for why i didn't laugh at your joke. maybe i was depressed that day because i just found out mtv no longer considers me the target demographic. maybe i was staring at your chest hair that is unfathomable and looking at me in the face. there are so many reasons why i don't find your joke funny. it has nothing to do with my uterus. >> joking, stay out of her uterus. >> you must notice a trend between men and women when performing.
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>> the trick is, when women don't laugh i tickle them and 8 say coochi-coochie,-coo. i was hoping for a laugh instead of creepy silence. >> i will laugh in a couple weeks. >> i think when somebody falls -- this is why women are better parents overall. their instinct is to take care of you. the man wants to laugh at you and make fun of you. guys uses jokes in a hostile way to dominate somebody and a woman use itself to make somebody feel comfortable. i didn't create that. i am repeating what i heard. >> and you added substance to this conversation that was going nowhere. >> yeah, it was spiraling down the twilight. >> speaking of twilighting away, i think women don't laugh because they can't afford to because of their fear of being judged. if they get laughed at a guy getting hit in the tess tau cals they look like men.
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>> i hate to be in the moment, and i am reluctant to answer your question. most of those stereo types are wrong. the laughing ones and the girls liking the stories and the guys with the pictures, i haven't found that to be true. >> i think he is being sarcastic. bill, women laugh at you all the time, especially when nude. >> they laugh at and not with to be true. if you ever met one woman who likes the three stooges? i have never met one woman who found any of that funny. >> i don't like them either. they give me a headache. >> but you do like "project runway." >> i like it in "project runway" with a model falling. it is like slapstick. >> what is wrong? >> he took a rake and hit his face. that's hilarious! >> let me spell it out for
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she is no longer just low rent. she is also for rent. yeah, if you are wondering how much a date with lyndsay lohan is worth, it is much more than a bag of shrimp. in fact, an austrian billionaire is reportedly paying the actress slash train wreck $150,000 to accompany him to his country's premiere social event, the vienna opera ball. i didn't know they had an opera in vienna. and he won't have to worry about the former partier puking in his lap because the former handler is demanding no booze allowed in her sight.
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previously 77-year-old has paid pamela anderson, paris hilton and bill shultz -- actually we have tape of his video from the 2004 vienna opera ball. >> that doesn't look that fancy. jim, is it beneath her to take this money, or is anything beneath the money? >> no, it is fine. it sounds like how i live my life and we are not celebrities and the real event takes place on the lower left side. >> to have dinner and no sex at the end of the dinner, that's not bad. >> it is not good value. the other problem is he will have to explain to her, just because it is vienna does not mean they will serve vienna sausage. she doesn't know about that. she is not real classy. >> i like the vienna sausage
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because it comes in the con intaer. why are we talking vienna sausage instead of lyndsay lohan. you are a girl, 150 grand to go out with an old dude for a couple hours. that's genius. >> if the event were classier and the guy was classier and the history -- but he has a history of bringing paris hill son. how did tara reid get off the list? and how about andy mcdowell. >> terrible actress. she is a terrible actress. buy but she is not whorey. >> no, but she is an actress. from the andy mcdowell fan club, bill you have to stranger to taking cash from elderly men. what say you? >> clearly i just took cash from him. here is how he was sma rt in getting me. i drank. you are actually going to get lyndsay lohan and make sure there are no booze near her. you are not as much of a sure thing when lindh see is sober.
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>> she is the most entertaining drunk around. if you want me -- mean, for far less than $150,000, $500 for lunch and a thousand for dinner. >> are you offering this? >> yeah. i am actually paying them. >> i know for a fact that greg has as many freckles as lyndsay lohan has, but they are not on his face. from convicts to contests. which will rate as the sexiest state? despite not being a state, the district of columbia ranks as the u.s.'s prettiest according to a new poll. the silly site took into account the number of beauty pageant winners and the sex ye -- the sexiest alive people. the rest of the top 5 are from best to least. hawaii, california, connecticut and florida with new york almost squeezing in at a less sexy
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number 6. every state in the top 10 voted for the chief president obama in 2008. i guess these beautiful people are dumber. >> no, smart is sexy. smart is sexy. >> but north and south dakota finished second to last and last respectively. i think we should go to the dakotas for a comment. that is actually the work commute, i believe. >> you spend a lot of time in dc regardless of what you do there. do you find this accurate or anti-accurate? >> i find it ironic. i think it is a parody. i appreciate the attempt to glamorize dc which is collectively decided high fashion is a brooks brother navy shirt. >> when ever i am in dc, 90%
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of the guys wear khakis and they wear white shirts and always slightly untucked. it looks like they are hurrying somewhere. >> sloppy hair. >> and then on weekends they are playing frisbie at the park. shut up. >> here is what i don't understand. in some states they have the greatest beauty queens. >> i love in louisiana and -- >> there are beautiful -- the ones that are not in jail, they are beautiful. >> and don't hold that against them, please. jim, you -- >> jim, you travel across country. >> yes, i do. >> you are also a comedian. does this jive with what you believe to be true? >> yes, and new york was number one until we were knocked back five spaces. dc is not the most attractive place. the hottest i have seen isllhe o
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your program. from what i heard about you and your show, we will disagree on a lot of things. but i did just see an on-line clip of the robot segment. i fell out of my chair laughing. it was very funny and quite creative. bravo. thanks for the attention on "red eye." he is referring to the msnbc we did when rough -- robot dave is informed of the domence in. >> also, david, please stop using media matters as your source of news. >> i love media matters. >> we know. >> i wish media matters was my older step sister and the can i? >> i have lotion. >> lotion is all you have. >> not true. i also have a thumb made of lick -- lick rish. >> i hate when people you poked fun of turn out to be nice people and you can't poke fun anymore. i think we may have a response
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to difficult vade from robot david. >> hello, david. glad you saw the clip. it was great working on it and i enjoyed playing you. i was wondering, does keith oberman get friendly in real life. in rebought world he touches my buttocks. please send help. >> a little robot sexual huh harassment. devon from buffalo who is in new york, i just reopened a couple of the bible. it better be good or i will feed daphne the unicorn i keep in the cabinet -- i keep in the basent in. that is the name for a night elf or a sprite. if anybody would like to do the same. go to amazon .com and order it right away. you can see my beautiful face in the cover. you can get a spekd -- a
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second copy price. next one comes from rick. victory in dallas. the black eyed peas play the houston rodeo on march 18th. i know you want me to hold tickets while you see the band you love so much. >> we have such huge fwols of the peas we created a contest for hard core fans of the pop group. if you want to win tickets to the march 18th show with back stage passes, stab yourself repeatedly in the face with an ice pick and be dead on the floor. that's a dpreem i -- a dream i had. the black eyed peas were nominated for 6 grammies. isn't that great? >> you want to know who else was nominated, joseph stalin, adolf hitly, ho chi minh. so the black eyed peas are in
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time to go back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> ellis, you are fantastic as roger sterling on "mad men." >> good looking guy, huh? >> absolutely. >> i hear you are pulling for the colts big time? >> the colts, no. i was going to ask us to join us. >> i am on the bag wagon. go saints! >> jim, are you going to be in
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the bay area later this month? >> yes, i don't remember the exact dates, andy, but i think it is february -- the end of february. might be the 18 -- >> the 18th maybe? >> possibly. mt is the only place i can mask. yes, i do well there. it sells out. >> by the way, i can't believe richmond got canceled after the four times we pimped it. >> it was literally over a foot of snow. i didn't want anybody to get hurt. safety is the number one. >> i think i read that in one of the books. >> yes, well i'm working on it. >> do you have any reading suggestions for this week? >> sure as a matter of fact. i have a diarien truey in the daily caller and i have a column in the daily news on wednesday. you can check it out. >> we gotta go. >> andy, thank you very much. sorry to rush you. bill shultz you disgust me. ellis, a pleasure, jim norton,
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