tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 2, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EST
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>> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> i am not an idealogue. i am not. >> bill: wow. that statement has shocked some people. if the president is not pursuing a left-wing agenda, what exactly is he doing? we will analyze with juan williams, mary katharine ham and joe klein from "time" magazine. >> bill: bold fresh tour, beck is jealous, i'm sorry. the other arguing with idiot tour. >> a wild weekend for the bold fresh guys, beck and o'reilly. we will show you what happened at three soldout shows. >> bill: i want to get president obama on board. >> no, no, no. not god bless america. god damn america. >> bill: and the "new york times" down played reverend wright and other radicals but put the o'keefe kid who exposed
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acorn on paige 12 after his arrest. bernie goldberg is a bit agitated about that. >> i can't figure this out. it is so stupid. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching us tonight. finding common ground with president obama, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. the president's poll numbers are better today. got a nice bounce from the state of the union address last week. according to was rasmussen 35% of americans now strongly approve of mr. obama's job performance while 39% strongly disapprove. a big improvement for the president. mr. obama did a smart thing last week. he said he wants to work for the republican party for the good of the folks. left of center said he is not an idealogue. some people believe that some people don't. of my beef is not with mr. obama
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g.o.p. i think far too many play political games. my is the gulf between the president and you, the folks. three examples, first on friday the obama administration announced it may not try khalid sheikh mohammed and other al qaeda thugs here in united new york city there was no reason to run up hundreds of millions of dollars of expense when they could have handled by the military. in fact, 44% of americans believe that al qaeda should be tried in guantanamo guantanamo n astounding number considering all the controversy. why did it take months for the white house to figure this deal out? excellent question. second, health care. americans simply don't understand the bill. more than 2,000 pages. the president doesn't understand it either because he couldn't explain it in 29 speeches. so, you would think he would simplify matters if he wants republican support, that he would put in legislation to stop frivolous lawsuits against medical people and to allow insurance companies to compete nationwide. why not do that?
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that's what the republicans want and it seems to make sense. there is no downside to tort reform. and increase insurance competition. so the folks are skeptical. and third some right wingers condemn president obama for the trillion-dollar stimulus package but talking points thinks that's unfair. there is no question the economy could have collapsed in 2009. it was very possible that the financial system would simply melt down. so the feds had to pour money in to prop up the financial institutions. i said this from day one and i got hammered from the right for that but i was right. however, there is more than $500 billion still left in federal stimulus money. it's just sitting there. president obama should put the money back into the treasury. we don't need it now. there is no threat of collapse anymore. and paying down the 13 trillion-dollar debt with stimulus money would send a positive message to the world about the u.s. economy. read my lips. more federal economic stimulus is not needed. the system will work itself out. those three examples are common
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sense. if the president embraces them, his bond with the folks, you, should grow. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction. we begin with "time" magazine political column u.s. joe line to joins from us washington. where am i going wrong here, mr. klein. >> i think you are going pretty much right on the first one. i mean, khalid shake mohammed is the undi bomber enemy combatants and keep in prison until hostilities cease. >> bill: why do you know that and i know that? >>no you have written about it. let me pose the question. if you know it and i know it, and the polls show the overwhelming majority of americans know it, why doesn't president obama know it and his guys? why don't they know it? >> well, i think that there is a real problem with eric holder and. >> bill: well, fire him then. fire eric holder. he is a pinhead anyway. >> there is probably a lot of other things he is doing well. >> bill: like what? >> you can say fire him.
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>> bill: like what? what is he doing well? like what? >> i'm sure that he is representing the united states. >> bill: he didn't prosecute the black panthers in philadelphia when they were standing in front of a polling place with clubs. >> come on. >> bill: you said he is doing a bunch of stuff well. give me one thing? >> o'reilly, what is your problem? >> bill: i don't like eric holder. that's my problem. i think he is hurting the nation. >> let's go on to point two and three. >> bill: you don't know what eric holder is doing well. boom. point two. [ laughter ] >> bill: this is a quick show, joe. if you are going to say something you have got to back it up. >> well, even when i agree with you. anyway, point two on health care, i think that there are things that can be done. they have to be done incrementally. you can set up a program so that individuals and small businesses can join these health care super stores where they can get their insurance more cheaply. maybe do a couple other things this year. health care is so big it has to
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be done incrementally. >> bill: hold it. >> point three. >> bill: we have a lot of time with you, joe. probably too much but we have got a lot of time with you, look. point two. fine and everybody knows it is important. >> seriously bad judgment -- >> bill: everybody knows health care is important. i think most of of my audience wants health care reform. if you are going to say to the republicans as president obama did last week, look, i want to be in partisanship with you, i want you to help us out. the two big republican things are tort reform. what's the downside of tort reform? nothing. >> i agree with you on tort reform. >> bill: he won't consider it but hasn't. >> wrong. it was a bad, stupid move. >> bill: okay. and then insurance competing across state lines in all 50 states. nobody can understand that. >> that's far more complicated because you have got laws in some states about what. >> bill: the federal law overrides that state law. >> insurance companies and other states. bill, let me finish. insurance companies offering in some states, you know, don't conform with insurance requirements in other states.
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so it's kind of a bit more complicated. >> bill: but the federal law. >> talking about having a national market. i'm all in favor of that. >> bill: but, again, i'm a logical guy. you are a logical guy, we are logical men and we can't figure out khalid sheikh mohammed and we can't figure out tort reform. you figure if president obama was really sincere and wanted to engage the g.o.p. on health care, he would give them tort reform and federal law does override state law so they could pass you can compete anywhere. but they don't do it. so the people say the only reason on earth that they wouldn't do it is ideological. it comes right back to the left-wing philosophy. >> they there are ideological reasons on the other side that republicans are simply not cooperating with bail. >> bill: but they want something. >> i mean on the big issues with essentially the republican health care bill in 1993 that i supported against clinton care. i mean, i think -- and, also, that mitt romney passed in massachusetts. now, how logical is that? i think that in many kay cases
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in this health care reform debate, you have republicans taking positions shearly for the reason of blocking the president. >> bill: some of them do. >> getting health care needs like insurance reform. >> bill: obama could make those people look foolish if he would give the republicans something like tort reform or increased competition. i have got to ask but fox news. >> no. i agree with that. >> bill: last week a poll came out from a democratic organization, scientific poll that said 49% of americans trust fox news far beyond any other network newscast and you reacted how? >> i hadn't reacted at all. but the thing is, i don't place all that much faith in many polls. for example the poll you mentioned about the bump that obama got on the state of the union, all presidents get a temporary bump on the state of the union. >> bill: i mentioned it because we mention negative. we have got to mention positive. >> no, no. we journalists really overestimate what polls are all about and how important they are. >> bill: let's go ratings then. we dominate the ratings.
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>> listen, congratulations and god bless. >> bill: okay. but you don't like fox news much. let me put a quote on the screen. let me be precise here. this is from 10/23/09. >> bill: come on, joe. >> did i hurt your feelings,. >> bill: bill. no. >> i have worked with an awful lot of fox journalists, the ones who actually bring you the news like carl cameron and major garrett. >> bill: those people are good guys, right? >> those are good guys. i think you are a good guy. we come from the same neck of the woods. but, i think that your pal glenn beck is pedalling a lot of hateful crap. i mean, you know,. >> bill: but he is funny. he is doing it in a funny way. >> is he doing in -- i thought the part where he described the president as intentionally steering the airplane of -- into
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the ground was hilarious. and the stuff about obama not being an america? >> bill: he has a blackboard and phone to the white house. he is every man sitting on a bar stool. why shouldn't every man have a show. >> is he father coughlin trying to delewd. >> bill: that's the left wing line that this guy is a threat to the union. >> i don't think is he a threat to the union. the union has always been too strong for nutters like glenn beck. >> bill: look, you think he is that. and then he is voted the second most popular tv person in the country. so there is a separation between you and the folks. obviously. >> he is more popular than you? >> bill: everybody is but he is second. >> no. >> bill: to oprah. >> don't you see the separation between you and your pinhead friends at "time" magazine and the folks? that's the same thing about obama. he separates from the folks. you guys just don't get it i will give you the last word. >> how many of my friends at "time" magazine do you actually
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know? >> bill: you used to invite me to the 100 most influential. >> what's lousy about fox news. you tell me what lousy about "time." >> bill: i don't have three hours. [ laughter ] joe klein, everybody. thanks very much. next on the run down, juan and mary katharine will comment on whether common sense high enough. a little upset that reverend wright w w w w w according to the epa, the air in your home can be two to five times more polluted than the air outside. smoke, germs, viruses, allergens, pet dander,
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>> bill: president obama and the folks last week. mr. obama spoke to a conference of house republicans where he was asked why he didn't seriously consider the g.o.p. stimulus proposal which would have cost far less money than his own? >> i am not an idealogue. i'm not. it doesn't make sense if somebody could tell me you could do this cheaper and get increased results that i wouldn't say great. >> bill: joining us now from washington fox news analyst mary katharineham and williams. i don't want to be boring and repetitive and we appreciate joe klein being a good guy and taking the fire tonight. there is a gap between president obama and the folks in between joe klein, "time" magazine and the folks. is there not a gap? >> yeah, well, look, i couldn't
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believe the quote where he accused people like me who watch fox of being sedition -- seditious, we want to overflow overflow -- overthrow the government? >> bill: hateful crap. >> distrust of people's intelligence. you watch fox and therefore you are falling for everything that's said. you can't have some independent critical faculty that allows to you listen to what people say and make a determination. i just think it's insulting. you know, to me i just wouldn't put up with it i thought you were very patient. >> bill: i thought i gave klein a hard time because it was that kind of an interview, mary katharine. let's look at the gap. let's take media first and then we will get to president obama. the gap in the media is 49%. i don't care whether joe thinks the poll is legit or not. scientific poll no reason to doubt it half the country trusts fox news far more than anybody else yet joe klein is saying we pedal hateful crap and we don't speak the truth. doesn't make any sense. the folks don't believe that.
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they are watching. if you don't believe the poll, you look at the ratings. the ratings are overwhelming. fox news is by far and away the most powerful news organization of any of them now in the country. so you have got this gap. and i don't think that joe understands the gap at all. >> no. well, first of all, i think joe got a little bit nicer about fox news once he was on fox news aside from differently than when he is writing about it. >> bill: he did have the courage to come on, mae catherine. >> right. here is the similarity between a guy like klein and the white house, i think where klein says, hey, there is a poll out that says 77% of people believe the stimulus was wasted. he says they are a nation of dodos because they don't understand that some of this was tax cuts or tax credits for them. well, the fact is that what the american people are looking at is the fake districts, the fake zip codes that all the stimulus money went to. they can hold two ideas in their heads at the same time and say hey, i think the majority of this may have been wasted and spent badly. i don't think it worked for the
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economy. that's the conclusion they come to. they are not idiots. they are actually deciding based on facts here. and fox provides some of those facts. the white house, i think, has some of the same idea where they say all we have is a perception problem. we just haven't explained this well enough. when in fact people are looking at the numbers and saying this is bad policy. >> bill: they haven't explained health care well enough. even khalid sheikh mohammed situation, just about everybody that i know, liberals, democrats, you know, dine feinstein, chuck schumer, i mean, come on, they are all telling the white house you can't do this. why doesn't the white house know that? this is -- that's my opening question to president obama if i ever get to talk to him again. why don't you you know this when everybody else knows it but you? >> well, here is the thing. this was eric holder, the attorney general saw it, look, this is a real opportunity to really make a show of american democracy to make american legal system by taking the trial right back to where 9/11 happened and
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finding these guys guilty. >> they said they were going to be convicted. >> bill: it doesn't matter. it's going to cost $800 million if you try them in front of a military tribunal. >> 200 million plus. >> bill: for three years. do the math. wait, juan, if you try them in front of a military tribunal, which congress actually passed a law allowing, it costs $39.95 a day, okay, juan? because they are already on the payroll, juan, you have got to buy palgs bagels and coffee in the morning. $39.95 a deo posed to 800 million, juan, gee, let's get the calculator out. you are worried about some guy in bangladesh saying jeez, i would like it see the american justice system work. it's insane, juan. >> no, it's not insane. are you kidding me in the fact is that since 9/11, when the bush administration -- and the bush administration got a law that said we can have military tribunals, every terrorist
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that's been been captured on american soil has been tried in american court. >> bill: that's because they are americans, juan. >> three detainees from gitmo have been tried, that's it. >> bill: mary katharine, you get the last word. >> on the campaign trail everybody listened to obama and he was inspiring and people wanted a change and they listened to this guy and they believed whatever he said on that given day. i think what that told obama is that if he kept talking that all the things he wanted to do, even if they were not in cink with the american people he could get done because he keep talking about them. that's what he has done. it hasn't worked thus far. something like the k.s.m. trials we tried trying guys in america before. it's not the greatest. >> bill: gavin newsom making his first appearance in the no spin zone. how you cannot watch that? bernie goldberg on whether the right wing media is over the toa
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight. like to welcome the mayor of san francisco good afternoon newsome. this is the mayor's first appearance in the no spin zone. many people in the city by the bay are asking why the heck is he doing it? so, mr. mayor, why the heck are you doing it? >> actually, i watch you every night. i hate to admit this. this is going to hurt my progressive base.
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either you are becoming more moderate or i am becoming more moderate. one or the two. i agree with some of what you are saying. >> bill: it's the latter. no doubt about it we try to base, if you know if you watch our program, our opinion on facts. i want to talk about liberal governor governance. i put forward to the country is moving to the right. i think the massachusetts vote showed that, am i wrong. >> i don't know if it's necessarily moving to the right. people distrust big government. people are looking for real reform. president obama ran on a reform agenda and seen when he got into washington that it was business as usual, just different players, different constituencies, a different ideology. at the end of the day i think the coakley race was really a referendum on the inside baseball nature of politics today. so i'm not sure big government or small government it's effective government. >> bill: in your opinion disappointed in president obama's performance in that he didn't break away from the washington establishment so they sent him a message through scott brown. >> yeah. i think there is a populist
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upheaval happening in this nation. i said this before that we reject the tea party populism at our own peril at democrats. there is elements there and rightly being shown the door. generally, people are frustrated and concerned a lot of independents out there that are not ideological republican or democrat that are concerned about our fate and future. i think it's wise for us to pay some attention to that. >> bill: okay, but no more than california are the people frustrated than california because the state is bankrupt. you have a 20 billion-dollar gap, that means you have got to spend 20 billion that you don't have. now, sacramento is dominated by liberals. and california in the last 30 years has really drifted to the left as have the city of san francisco. somebody looking at this would say liberal governance simply doesn't work. you cannot afford the entitlement programs that liberals want to put out there. and i think california proves that beyond a reasonable doubt.
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>> i don't think it's that simple, bill, with respect. look, i come from a progressive city. we are balancing our budgets without raising taxes, without borrowing. our bond rating was reaffirmed last year. we have a rainy day reserve. we have pay as you go. 10 year capital plains and universal health care. universal teaching. no teachers were laid off or firefighters last year. we are able to do that with progressive framework. the state of california is run by a republican governor. it's not just progressives. >> bill: he doesn't have any say over what the legislation does. city of san francisco owes a ton of money 6.6 billion, right? >> yeah, that's our budget. and the state of california should hardly cry poverty as well. >> bill: city of san francisco meeting obligations and has a bunch of progressive programs you had a 6.6 budget short fall. >> 522 -- no we have a 6.6 billion-dollar budget. we have a 522 or so-million-dollar short fall. look, last year i had a
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438-million-dollar short fall. but we didn't raise taxes. we didn't borrow. our bond rating as i said was reaffirmed. we were still able to invest in people and programs. so, look, i don't just reject the notion that liberals can't govern. in fact, in many ways, san francisco is an example that we can for our challenges for all the things that are obviously highlighted and you have highlighted some of them that you may disagree with. we actually operate in a rather fiscally conservative manner as surprising as that may to be a lot of your viewers. >> bill: the state of california and the city of san francisco are spending more money than they are taking. in the state of california under governor schwarzenegger is bankrupt. you are losing population, which is astounding because california is such a beautiful place to live. businesses are fleeing. the state is in dire, dire economic trouble, under a very liberal legislature in sacramento. so i'm trying to be convinced that the progressive vision is
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fiscally sound. i can't be convinced of that. and in the united states of america, we owe $13 trillion. i mean, how long can this go on? don't you see that the folks are going enough is enough? >> no. again, i don't disagree fundamentally though i do suggest take a look more closely at san francisco. you can't find a more progressive city that's managed and we have -- read our bond rating. read what the agencies themselves have said about what we're doing. we have a 20 billion-dollar short fall. >> bill: san francisco used to be my favorite iscity in the country it isn't any longer. panhandlers everywhere. marijuana clinics all over the place. you yourself said it's out of control we have got to shut some of them down. libertine philosophy that france vets tight nuns broke into a catholic church. you condemned it and nobody else did. embarrassed the priest and did everything like this. you know, i'm uncomfortable going to san francisco now.
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i wasn't uncomfortable up to a decade ago. now it looks like the inmates are controlling the asylum if you know what i am talking about. >> look, you know, you are a good litigator. you are just focusing on one small piece of the overall picture. >> bill: true. there are beautiful parts of the city. these are parts of the city that tourists like me staying at a hotel on knob hill are seeing. we are walking down the street and we are accosted by seven guys. that's not good for kids. >> and you are right. it's not good for the city and its image. you are not wrong to make this point. let me make this counter point. 10585 people off the streets since i have been mayor a 40% reduction in the street population. we converted cash to guaranteed access of services. care not cash initiative welfare reform reduced our case load by 83%. we are making real progress. with respect to 10 years ago i can assure you the phenomenon of panhandling is not unique to san francisco.
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>> bill: in new york they don't allow it. you don't see it it's big, big difference. i will give you the last word. >> we can do a much better job, i acknowleth because of progressive politics. state of california, republican governor. they have got real problems with. the biggest problem is governance. we need a constitutional convention in the state of california. we need to change the framework. >> bill: i might move out there. and solve all your problems. >> we may need you, bill. >> bill: i appreciate you come on though. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. with president obama hard time the right wing media ramps up its attacks. bernie goldberg will weigh in. later the bold fresh tour in florida and south carolina was wild. >> don't make me come down there! >> no, no, no, bill, you don't know. you are in garrett -- gator country. don't. >> we hope you stay tuned we americans are always at our best when we hear and heed the cries of others. when confronted with massive human suffering, americans have always stepped up
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>> bill: weekends with bernie segment as we mentioned today talking points memo the president has made somewhat of a come back in the polls. so some of the right wing media have stepped up their attacks on president obama. are they now over the top? joining us from miami fox news analyst bernie goldberg. now, bernie, is there any value of us, you and me, criticizing people who simply think president obama, or president bush for that matter on the other side, are evil, destructive men? i mean, that's what they sincerely believe. you are not going to shake them
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out of that belief. that's what they belief. should we even bother criticizing them? >> yes, yes. when george bush was president, people on the left, on the hard left, certainly, wouldn't have given him credit if he had found a cure for cancer. everything george bush did, everything was wrong. and now we see people on the hard right behaving just like the crazies on the hard left. that really bothers me and i'm not a fan of barack obama. >> bill: let me stop you there, when i was out on the road over the weekend, there were people there a lot of people there, a lot of political spectrum, there were people there who absolutely believe that president obama is a socialist who wants me to impose a different system on the united states of america he wants to change what our
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fundamental constitutional rights have been they believe that, bernie, shouldn't they have a voice? >> yeah, absolutely. i don't want to take their right to criticize the president for any reason at all away from them. i'm saying that when they or when professional commentators, by the way, commentators don't have to be balanced but they do have to be fair so if they ignore stuff -- i will give you an example. george bush gets us into a war in iraq. reasonable people can disagree about that we have been nation building in iraq thanks to george bush for years and years and years now. but the right, conservatives on the right went deaf, dumb, and blind because george bush was their guy. barack obama says an obvious slip of the tongue says 52 united states. he puts deshan must card on his
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hamburgers. the hard right is behaving more and more like the hard left and that is very, very troublesome. >> bill: why is it troublesome? if you have commentators on radio and television who believe that they can make a good buck running down a president who is controversial in the -- evil in the eyes many some, they come in and say i believe is he a socialist. i believe that, nothing good about him, so i am going to run him down and i'm going to make a lot of money doing it. because you can make a lot of money doing it. what's wrong with that? >> well, number one, i don't want any conservative to give barack obama credit if they don't think he deserves it. number two attack him on the issues all day long as far as i'm concerned. if you let your guy off because is he a republican and go after obama because is he a liberal democrat, you are allowed to do that but you lose credibility. here is the worse part. their audience doesn't care a
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damn about credibility their audience wants it to be as unbalanced as possible. if you want any proof of this, you check your mail tonight and you check it tomorrow morning and you will see that the kool-aid drinking portion of the audience, i hope it's a very small portion, but the kool-aid drinking poorgs is going -- portion is going to be all over me because i dare criticize their heroes. you watch. >> bill: some of that but the fact that this program, which doesn't do the kool-aid thing, has been such a huge, huge success shows you there are more people who feel the way you do, got to be a little fairness in the presentation. all right. we will have more with bernie in a moment. he is a little steamed over the liberal media's treatment of reverend jeremiah wright as opposed to acorn buster james o'keefe. this is a fascinating story. owe o'keefe was busted in new orleans. we will find out what bernie's beef is in a moment.
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for a felony for shenanigans in larry landrieu's office. joining me again is bernie goldberg is worth a look. so front page sunday "new york times" there is o'keefe and a few other conservative younger people are in trouble with him. what did you pick up on it? >> well, first of all, i want to make clear i'm not defending james o'keefe. i don't know what he did, but if he did what is he charged with, that's his problem. i'm not defending that. second, i'm not even arguing against the "new york times" running five stories about this, including one very, very long story began on page 1 of yesterday's paper. this is about media hypocrisy. the "new york times" showed virtually no interest in the acorn story when you were running the videos and fox was running the videos and lots of americans cared about that. they showed virtually no interest.
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even their own public editor beat up the "times" saying they missed that story. now, acorn gets tens of millions of dollars from tax pairs. the worst that james -- and, by the way, they have been accused repeatedly of trying to subvert the whole electoral system. the worse that james o'keefe has done is a young ghi pulled a stupid prank. that's what he is guilty of at worse. yet, they showed no interest in acorn videos, but this, they are treating as if it's watergate. why is that? because he is a conservative and because that there are other young conservatives like him who are sticking pins in liberal bubbles. that's what the "new york times" finds dangerous and that, bill, is important. and that is how bias really works in what has become the lame stream media. >> bill: it is a brilliant point. you are making a brilliant point. i wish i had thought of it? >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear you,
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bill. >> bill: it was a brilliant point and i wish i had thought of it, okay? >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> bill: because, if you look back at the acorn story, there was documentation all over the place in a number of cities, philadelphia, california, southern california cities, riverside, whatever, that the organization was acorn, was willing to engage in criminal activity, some child prostitution scenarios, and the organization does receive public funding. it doesn't anymore because congress revoked it. now, it's in litigation. and the "new york times" ignored the story. you know, all the news fit to print. even more than that, and i did think of this was william wright and -- jeremiah wright and william ayers. ayers i discount. i don't think obama knew him very well. i think it was two ships crossing. buff no doubt jeremiah wright
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had a major influence on the now president of the united states. and this was ignored, virtually ignored by the "new york times" so now my question to you is this. i have to read the "new york times" every day. you read it everyday. we have to do it for our jobs. >> exactly. >> bill: is this paper done? is it finished as a legit source of news? can we just nail the final drill the final nail into the coffin? >> the reason i don't think so is because everybody -- not everybody, i want to be clear. the media is made up, obviously of people to the left of center overwhelmingly to the left versus to the right. they take their cues from the "new york times." >> bill: should the folks just say no as fancy reagan? >> the folks have given up on the "new york times." what's their circumstance? a million 100,000 or something?
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nobody cares about the "new york times." except every member of congress reads the "new york times." all the executive producers and the senior producers of abc, nbc, and cbs and cnn read the "new york times." that's where their power and importance comes from. if it came from the people, bill bill, the "new york times" building would be a garage by this time. >> bill: all right. bernie goldberg, everybody. we appreciate it as always. go to his web site bernard goldberg got come. in a moment reality check on the bold fresh tour this weekend. it was wild. >> your set on the beck show in new york looks like, with all due respect, the captain kangaroo set. remember captain kangaroo. the puppets, you walk in, get the blackboard, the phone that the blackboard, the phone that never rings, the red thing.
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south carolina over the weekend for three bold fresh live shows. all were sold out. the saturday night tampa exposition was shown in hundreds of movie theaters across the country. take a look. >> bill: i arrived in miami in august, oh. [ laughter ] yeah, i had only been to florida in spring break in march, loved it. yeah, august. and i rented a cheap little apartment and walked in and there was a bug the size of a volkswagen. [ laughter ] the bug is looking at me and i'm looking at the bug. and the bug goes are you my roommate? so i watched him on his state of the union address and it was fantastic. let me start with something nice nice. [ laughter ] >> give me a minute, i will think of something here. i think what i really like about president obama is the overwhelming sense of -- he is just one of the most humble men
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i have ever seen. [ laughter ] i was distracted for a lot of the speech because of ren and stempy behind him. >> bill: they complain about you in the press incessantly. complaining, but they never complain to your face. >> they are jealous! >> bill: they are jealous of what? >> my handsome good looks. do you know what it takes to get a body like this? donuts. [ laughter ] that's right. donuts. >> bill: donuts. i'm sorry, an encore presentation of that program will be tomorrow night. check out bold fresh for a theater near you. once again, i apologize for beck and myself. check 2 two, interesting question to white house spokesman robert gibbs about msnbc today. >> last june "newsweek's" editor evan thomas on msnbc said the
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president is, quote, sort of god. last week on msnbc chris matthews said the president is, quote, post racial, i forgot he was black tonight for an hour." what is the president's reaction to these two msnbc revelations? >> smartly the president does not occupy his time watching cable television. >> bill: except, of course, for the factor. check three, on the heals of the black man comment by chris matthews whoopi goldberg said this. >> it's been quite a year for the white man. dramatic in many ways because the things that people say now you have to think before you speak. it sounded great in his head, i'm sure. if you are black oftentimes people say to you you are so articulate, not realizing how offensive that actually is. >> it is offensive. >> because you would never say to somebody who was white, gee,
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you can dance. >> bill: people say that to me all the time. check four, the watchdog group judicial watch filed a freedom of information request to get nancy pelosi's travel expenses. as you may know the speaker of the house is entitlinged to use a military jet to fly home and over a period of two years documents show the cost to the taxpayer was more than $2 million to fly back and forth from san francisco and about $100,000 more for food and drink on board. that's a party. mispelosi's office says it is in line with other what other speakers have done. finally check five, the january tv ratings are in. a big thank you for watching the factor so frequently. that includes you president obama. the factor is up 20% year to year. cnn down 32%. msnbc down 31%. that's total audience. and the key demographic the factor is up 55%. uh-oh.
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cnn down 33%. and msnbc down a whopping 47%. that is armageddon. the factor remains the most widely watched cable tv program in the world. we are very grateful. that is the cable news program in the world. that is reality check. pinheads and patriots, the grammy edition moments away. the images from haiti are heart-breaking-- homes, hospitals, and schools destroyed; families searching for loved ones; parents trying to feed their children. but we can all do something. we can help the american red cross as it delivers the food, water, and medicine that can save lives. donate $10 by texting "haiti" to 9-0-9-9-9. visit or call 1-800-red-cross. thanks for your help.
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bill: time for pinheads and patriots. the grammy show last night was interesting. we admire this song from the zack brown ban. ♪ america ♪ america, america god she had his grist on thee ♪ -- god shed his grace on thee ♪ and crown thy good with brotherhood ♪ from sea to shining sea ♪ ♪ bill: excellent. while some in the audience were confused because there was no rapping we believe the band. elton john and lady gaga who we love, opened the telecast.
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♪ ♪ you can tell everybody this is your song i hope you don't mind ♪ ♪ ♪ would you give it all up bill: why those people had dirt on their faces remains unclear. you can decide if they're pinheads or trolling for a soap endorsement. two promotions. first we are continuing to buy a signed copy of bold fresh get an american pen, free of charge. great deal and a tremendous value especially if you are a premium member because you get discounts on ton of it. the pen is excellent. the bold fresh tour gear going fast now that the tour is a big hit. all proceeds i get go to charity.
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now the letters. lisa: i was born on chicago's southside you and lupe fiasco are correct up to a point the area is a problem but the entire southside is not a train wreck. parts of the hood are like haiti, but not all of it. shannon: you are right on comparing the southside to haiti. the state keeps pumping millions in but sames to be a losing battle. charlotte: my family was directly affected by 9/11. i do not want the terrorists tried near my home the risk is too great. kevin: the haitian -- bill your criticism of the haitian telethon effort was totally uncalled for. please give them time. obviously we will give them time when we call asking for information about the financial planning and we don't get the information we must inform the folks who donated. that's what responsible reporting is the that 66 million must get to the
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haitian people and we want the mtv people to know we are closely watching. mark: bill, as you continue to investigate, please mention that some charities like catholic relief services are doing excellent work in haiti. dozens are doing heroic work there but the telethon is only donating to a few. lois: it took us 90 minutes to go eight miles and get into the sun dome in tampa to see you and beck. the show was one of the best birthday presents i've received. lois, beck and apologize to you and thousands of others who braved that terrible traffic. we will try to improve the situation in the future. thanks for looking out for us, by showing up. lynn: o'reilly, we attended the show. fantastic. lanny: we saw the bold fresh tour in the movies it was hilarious. i hope you are laughing with us, if you know what i mean.
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scott: when i saw you and beck to the o'reilly i was reminded of the movie twins with danny devito and arnold. since i am 6'4 scott and beck is about 6'2, who is danny? how about the website, the talking points memo this evening is good if you came in late you can access it there. e-mail a pithy comment from anywhere in the world. o' name a town if you wish to opine. when writing the word of the day do not include anything that nugatory. look it up, it is not a candy. that's it for us today. factor wins 24/7. hope you read what we have for you. i am bill o'reilly hope to see you again next time. remember, the spin stops right
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here because we are definitely looking out for you. >> can you believe it's february already? i can't because it's already the 2nd, 2010. thank you for sharing your time today. you probably think our homeland chief would be front and center at a hearing on the christmas day bomb plot. yeah, because she's the secretary. janet napolitano. guess what? she decided to skip it. >> i'm incensed, frankly, that she's not here. >> where she was instead. >> that guy was a democrat. meanwhile, the administration under attack from its own party to other democrats joining the fight to keep terror trials out of civilian courts. what they are doing today straight ahead. brian, your tie looks fine. >> thank you very much. thank you, steve, for participating while reading. congressman
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