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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  February 23, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EST

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that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced, and unafraid.t . o'reilly was alive. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> let's pretend that you are talking to bill o'reilly. we here at the factor is going to get socialism. even communism a fair shake. >> bill: radio guy rush limbaugh says we are too soft on president obama, that he is a socialist. we will take a look at that criticism. >> i am bill o'reilly. what do you think of me? >> this is not our founders' idea of america. this is the cancer that is eating at america. >> bill: the conservative conference in washington ends with glenn beck. we will show you what happened and brit hume will analyze. >> this is exactly what i was talking about. >> bill: also tonight bernie goldberg is angry. he believes the media is trying to attack the tea parties. >> u.s.a. >> bill: by using that crazy
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plane pilot who committed suicide last week. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching us tonight. thunder on the right. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. last week we debated the tactic of obama bashing with a variety of guests. my conclusion was that criticism of policy must be made. obviously we are having big problems in the country. but personal attacks are kind of useless. the point was made that vicious far left personal attacks on president bush hurt him, hurt him a lot. so president obama is fair game. you can make the call on that. well, most debates continue outside this program and on friday rush bill limbaugh spoofed me saying this. >> i am bill o'reilly. what do you think of me? tell me where i have gone wrong today. >> oh, he does say that a lot.
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[ laughter ] >> look. all i'm telling you is we have got to give socialism a fair shake for the folks. i'm not going to sit here and condemn it like right wingers are. we have got to give socialism a fair shake. we here at the factor is going to give socialism and communism a fair shake. we will do indepth investigation. we are not knee jerk we are looking out for you, the folks. >> bill: now, i have no problem with that rift. mr. limbaugh is entitled to his opinion and he is not alone in his fear about socialism. as we reported a gallup poll think 36% of americans think socialism is fine. including 53% of democrats. from the beginning the factor has criticized mr. obama for his socialist tenets. primarily that of income redistribution. when i interviewed then senator obama on the campaign trail in 2008, the subject came up. >> you're taking the wealthy in america, the big earners, okay? you are taking money away from them and you are giving it to people who don't. that's called income
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redistribution. it's a social list tenet. come on, you know that you went to harvard. >> bill, teddy roosevelt supported a progressive income tax. >> bill: is the president a socialist? remember the definition of socialism is that the government controls private property and commerce. does mr. obama want to seize your house? i say no. others say yes. but there is no question the president wants income redistribution and more government control over things like health care. yesterday, mr. obama put forth that the feds should be able to regulate insurance companies when they want big premium increases like blue cross right now in california. some conservatives howled,, but 29 states already have. they already oversee health insurance rate hikes. is that socialism? again, you have to decide. talking points believes the feds should have some oversight on health care companies but the prices can be driven down if the companies are allowed to compete nationwide. why doesn't the president try
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that before he sets up another big brother operation in washington? look, these things are complicated. call obama a socialist or communist is oversimplifying. americans need health care relief. there is no question about it but it can be done using competition in the free marketplace and common sense like tort reform where lawsuits against medical personnel are scrutinized. as we said last week, name-calling gets us nowhere. good solutions to complicated problems will rule the day. or am i wrong? and that's the memo. now for the top story, joining from us washington fox news analyst newt gingrich, he has a free newsletter you can sign up for at you think president obama is a socialist? >> sure. of course he is. >> bill: so i'm wrong. you and rush limbaugh are right? [. [ laughter ] >> bill: is he flat out socialist. if he could, he would take your house because that's what socialist do and put it under government control.
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>> they have basically nationalized the home mortgage industry. they want to nationalize the student loan industry. they have nationalized two of the three american car companies. they want to create a national health program in a country where that's 18% of the economy. i don't think that president obama has met a government program he didn't love and didn't want to dramatically expand. >> bill: look, there is a difference, is there not, between being a far-left guy who wants the government to level the playing field for social justice, which is what i think president obama is, far-left guy, wants social justice, implemented by the government. you apparently believe that the guy really embraces the government running the economy, therefore, knocking out free economy, free market economy and even regulating private property, where you live. >> of course he does. i mean, of course he does. i mean, they want the environmental protection agency to run the economy in terms of energy. they have announced that publicly at copenhagen.
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he has appointed all these extra constitutional czars. he has a pay czar. you don't think reaching in and deciding the government will decide what your pay ought to be go through step-by-step all the different interventionist things in this administration, and it is by a big margin the most socialist, the most left wing the most big bureaucracy in american history. vastly more so than any other president we have ever had. >> bill: i want to be very clear about this. all the things that you have cited that president obama wants to do are things where the federal government has supplied money to the car companies, to the environmental people. they are supplying -- >> -- hold on a second. >> bill: he wants to control salaries. but he doesn't want to control my salary at news corps. he doesn't have any right to do that. and i don't think there is any way he could do it other than tax me to death, which he probably will. >> well, first of all, what they want to do with the
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environmental protection agency certainly extends vastly beyond how the government is spending its money this are talking on intervening what kind of light bulbs and retrofit your house. they are talking about immense amount of things. >> bill: don't people do that now with zoning laws? the town where i live you can't put up a fence. they run the government where i live like a fascist would run it. they tell you what you can and can't do. how the lawn has to be cut a certain way. this, and that. look, and i want to come back to this because this is very, very important to my audience because they respect you, mr. speaker. they respect what you say. you believe that barack obama, the president of the united states has the same mind set as a fidel castro? >> no, no, no. >> bill: that he wants to seize private property? he wants the government to regulate everybody's life? do you really believe that? >> wait, wait, wait. you just took a big jump. fidel castro is a totalitarian
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communist. i don't believe that president obama in any way is like fidel castro. but i do believe he is an exactly the tradition of the french socialist or the italian socialist or the german socialist. he would have been very comfortable in the social democratic party in germany. i think he would have been very comfortable in the pre-tony blair labor party in great britain. i think he represents a strain of left-wing big government. government is smart. you're stupid. government should decide everything. you're not capable of it. and let's look at his policies. listen to his rhetoric. this is somebody who really does believe that if you are in private enterprise and you go out and you work hard, you are somehow doing bad things. you know, he proposed, for example, that they are going to have the student loans paid off if you go to work for government. but not if you go out and found your own small business. now that's not dramatically anti-business? >> bill: your education is paid for if you give five years to the federal government. >> yeah. at west point they say if you are prepared to put on the
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uniform of the united states army, risk your life, and serve your country full time for the next five years, we'll educate you. that is a big jump from saying let's set up a new two track loan program. one track for government employees who by the way are already paid higher than the average taxpayer. so this idea that you need to somehow give extra benefits to government employees is fundamentally false because they now earn a higher salary than the average taxpayer. i think, bill, you and i have an honest sincere disagreement here. i really do believe he represents the biggest government, the most washington-centered, the most bureaucratic. >> bill: i don't disagree with any of that. >> okay. >> bill: listen, i'm with you all the way in my lifetime -- >> i'm summarizing it one word socialist. >> bill: okay. i don't know if that label applies because really what socialism does to private property. i see obama as lyndon johnson on steroids. okay? >> okay. >> bill: lyndon johnson on steroids. get the great society back. use the e.p.a. to control what
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goes in and out of the environment. and to give the government more power. i see that. i don't disagree with you on that. >> you had private property and you had private businesses in germany under the social democratic party, in great britain under the labor party, in france under the socialist in italy under the socialist. it's a mixed economy. but if you are asking the question does he think the overwhelming dominance should be government, and does he think government is smarter than the rest of us, the answer is yes. >> bill: all right. newt gingrich, everyone. always enjoy talking to you mr. speaker, thank you. we have a brand new bill o' poll question. do you favor federal oversight on health insurance pricing? do you favor that oversight? yes or no? next on the run down, mary katharine and juan will respond to rush limbaugh and newt gingrich on the socialism issue. later, bernie goldberg has been investigating left-wing media linking the tea party and the
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crazy suicide pilot from texas upcomingngngng
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bill fill in the impact segment tonight is president obama a socialist? don't you love that question? i know a lot of are you going yes, he is. and is his new health care proposal worthy? i know a lot of you are going no, it's not. joining us from washington mary katharine ham and juan williams. what about this limbaugh and the speaker was a little bit more
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nuanced than mr. limbaugh was. but they both believe that barack obama is a committed socialist. do you see it that way? >> no. but i think something is going on here that you need to be aware of, bill. this is like a school yard and they have got you up against the wall. you said limbaugh was spoofing you. i think he was mocking you. and saying oh, you know. >> bill: spoof, mock, that's the same thing, no, no. i think they got a little personal and i guess i'm standing up for you which is a surprise. here is a surprise, i don't understand why he feels the need to pin you 20's wall. >> bill: because he thinks he is a socialist. i understand where he is coming from. he thinks obama is a socialist. so does glenn beck. and when i bring in a little bit more of a -- >> that's so ridiculous. >> bill: no it's not. it's not ridiculous. >> they want to intimidate you, bill o'reilly. >> bill: look, i'm good copy to attack. look, beck and limbaugh and other guys on the radio
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primarily some on tv, think is he a hard core socialist. they do. they believe that. >> this is crazy. >> bill: not crazy. it depends on your definition. >> you gave us the definition. is he trying to take your house? no. >> bill: all right. mary katharine. you just heard newt gingrich. he says obama is a socialist because obama, his views, mirror the people in italy, france, in the big entitlement western european societies. >> right. >> bill: that's, juan, that's how he is defining socialism. that's how newt gingrich is defining it i'm defining it a little bit harsher. what say you mary katharine? >> i think it's a perfectly good point to say that he is in a tradition of western european leftism that does favor big government. i don't use the term socialist on him, about but he is a guy in the business of creating more government and more government programs. no matter what good game he talks about being a moderate.
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>> bill: no doubt he wants that. >> when he gets down to brass tacks. he is talking about -- >> bill: no. i'm saying i agree with you. there is no doubt he wants the big government apparatus. now today the new obama care deal came out. and, you know, it's not startling other than the public option is gone. so nancy pelosi is in mourning. but it basically says, look, we're going to have oversight on the insurance companies raising prices. i think most americans want that you could do all of this, juan, without creating a big brother apparatus by just having the insurance companies compete there is no tort reform in here. i don't get it, juan. >> tort reform would be a nice thing because i think it would sell to a lot of republicans that are going on about it it's not going to make any big difference in terms of what i pay for insurance. >> bill: for doctors. >> not a lot. >> bill: yeah, it would. >> and neither would this stuff about cross state competition. that will mean people will rush
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to the cheapest. >> bill: good. >> but you know what? the question is do you want car companies to go away? do you want more pollution in the air? i think government has some important roles to play in keeping us as a capitalist society. because capitalism -- >> chrysler doesn't keep us a capitalist society. >> bill: not in a controlling capacity. mary katharine, what about the health care bill? >> let me just say one last thing, didn't they give money to the big banks? didn't they give money to the big people that were too big to fail? they did that to keep capitalism alive in america. >> bill: all right. mary katharine. >> first of all, keeping chrysler alive does not keep capitalism alive. second of all on health care his plan today was perfect obama. too vague to be scored by the cbo yet it raised taxes and raised spending and doesn't deal with the tough issue like abortion. so i think it's going to be a problem for him. bill, the point you are making about states regulate health
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insurance, i would make the argument when you are talking about your town or your state or your city yelling glaght things, it's a lot smaller a deal and less controlling than it is about when it is about the federal government controlling these things. can you make a difference in that way easier. >> bill: i don't want the feds price controlling health at this point. >> no. >> bill: i think you can price control in the free marketplace by opening it up to free competition. that's why i don't get obama and that's why newt gingrich and rush limbaugh might be right. because the common sense thing is, try the free marketplace competition first. try the tort reform in conjunction. >> he is an idealogue. he doesn't want to do that. >> bill, do you see any evidence that he is interfering with cap capitalism in america? i don't see it. >> bill: more government control interferes in the free marketplace. that's just inevitable. i have got to governmental look, they are trying -- don't let him excommunicate you. you are a strong guy.
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stand up to these people. >> bill: don't worry, juan. i appreciate you sticking up for my back, juan. i'm standing tall mere, 6'4". mary katharine, and juan, directly ahead. cpac conference where glenn beck and ron paul took center stage. that should be interesting. later, more bad news for global warming. another study debunked as the debate rages on. those reports after these messages. /d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/da
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>> bill: hume zone segment tonight, as you may know the cpac ended its convention on saturday and glenn beck was the keynote speaker. >> progressivism is the cancer in america and it is eating our constitution. this is the cancer that is eating at america. it is big government. it's a socialist utopia. and we need to address it as if it is a cancer. it must be cut out of the system because they cannot coexist. and you don't cure cancer by, well, i'm just going to give you a little bit of cancer. >> bill: also com ron paul won the saw it poll vote for president. joining fromboca row tan, flori.
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ron paul going to be the next president? >> i think not, bill. but what this shows is two things. one is that cpac is a pretty conservative operation and, secondly, that ron paul, his supporters may not be all that numerous but they are very committed. and when it comes to things like straw polls and these phone-in polls and text polls that are conducted by television programs sometimes, he tends to do very well, indeed. >> bill: what do you think the com's big appeal is because as you pointed out he has very devoted followers. what is his biggest appeal? >> well, i think he is true blue for a very sort of old, strict, conservative view, particularly on economic issues. he doesn't like the federal reserve. well, there are a lot of people that don't like the federal reserve. those that really feel strongly about that don't have many people they can look to who want
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to abolish it, for example. ron paul is out there. >> bill: he wants to abolish the irs, right? i think so. >> yeah. a lot of us would like that. >> bill: we wish mr. paul the best, by the way. we are not mocking him. is barack obama a socialist? >> well, i certainly think a number of -- a range of his policies are certainly social itsic, he is certainly more that way than any contemporary president i can think of. in that sense i kind of agree with newt gingrich. i think that president obama would have been comfortable in the british labor party, free-tony player-blair and other socialist parties he mentioned. not communist though. socialism does not mean the confiscation of all your property. it doesn't mean that that's communism, really. >> bill: if you look it up in the dictionary it's government control of the private sector and private property. for example, hugo chavez is probably the best example of the socialist in power right now.
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and basically chavez can go in and do whatever he wants. if he doesn't like you you, he will take your business and close it down. he can take your house on some kind of violation. he has no compunction about doing that i draw the line -- you know, look, it's everybody's definition of what a socialist is. so that -- we will leave it there. now, when you have the country starting to define a sitting president as a socialist, is that working -- look, remember how they defined president bush. a liar. he lied about iraq, a dummy, didn't know anything. the same thing is going on with president obama. he is a socialist. this is no accident. that's how he is being portrayed by his political opponents. is that going to be effective? >> >> well, it's been effective already to some extent. i don't think we have seen in modern times for quite some time anything quite as strongly as the resistance to president obama on the breath of these
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programs and on the scope of these programs that he has tried to put into play here. what people, i think see in them is a strong movement towards socialism. it started very early in the administration. and, you know, being you look at that laundry list of things that speaker gingrich ticked off to you. they registered with people. they caused early and strong resistance. at first people thought the tea party movement doesn't amount to anything. a lot of the mainstream media didn't cover it very well. the democrats in congress laughed at it you remember nancy pelosi said that it wasn't real grass roots movement. she said it was astroturf. remember all that? they are all eating their words now after the electoral results that have come in and we have seen that there is real resistance out there to this president it is because people think he is -- it not socialist at least socialistic. that's a big part of it. >> bill: that's gaining traction. that's going to be a hard moniker for the president to get off of him. is it not? >> well, yes, it is, bill. this is a country that has an aversion to that remember, the
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back drop of all of this is continued high unemployment. if the unemployment rate were three or four points lower all these charges about somebody being a socialist wouldn't matter as much much the unemployment rate is high. people are ready for such criticisms. >> bill: real quick tiger woods references buddhism on friday in his confessional. i believe that was in direct response to you saying that christianity might help him because of the tenet of forgiveness. do you have anything on that for us? >> i am not sure tiger woods ever heard about what i said. >> bill: oh, he heard. >> well, maybe. but what i would say about it is this. i thought tiger woods showed himself in that presentation to be a chastened and contrite man. gone was the swagger. gone was all of the radiant self-confidence that we used to see in him. this was a pretty shaken guy up there. look, i think, because i'm a christian and i believe that christianity is true, that tiger
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woods and his wife elin would be a lot farther down the road toward forgiveness and redemption if they were both christians. but they are not. and they are going to do the best they can with what they have and i wish tiger woods well. >> bill: all right, brit. thank you very much. we appreciate it. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along. somebody uncovered a tape where president obama praises acorn. we have never heard this before. we will play it for you. also, bernie goldberg angry tonight as the left-wing media is linking the tea party to the suicide pilot in texas. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. ting a match ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wanted to quit smoking so many times, but those days came and went and the cigarettes remained. ♪ today's a new day.
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talk to your doctor about prescription treatment options and support. and this time, make it your time. we americans are always at our best when we hear and heed the cries of others. when confronted with massive human suffering, americans have always stepped up and answered the call to help. but there's never been anything on the scale of human tragedy in our own hemisphere like what we're now witnessing in haiti. today president clinton and i are joining together to appeal to you with real urgency. give now, and lives will be saved.
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thank you. thank you.
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>> bill: factor follow-up segment tonight, another global warming study debunked. the study was printed showing the ocean is rising because of global warming. now the magazine says sorry, the study was flawed. just another in a long line of global warming problems including the resignation of the u.n. global warming guy. joining us from los angeles is bill nye the science guy who believes in man made global warming from. state college pennsylvania accuweather joe bastardi who is skeptical. why are you dubious about this global warming business. >> first of all, take a look at what happened this winter because there are a lot of people trying to now say all the cold and snow that we had was because of global warming. this was our forecast issued in july and then i reissued it again in october. notice the cold and snow in the mid-atlantic states, snow down here in texas, warm and dry up
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here. wet in california. now, how did i come up with that? was it global warming? no. we have an el nino and a state of the ocean in the pacific similar to the 1960's and 1970s when bill o'reilly was growing up and there was all that snow. the solar cycles are doing something reminiscent to colder times. and amazingly, the very thing that john holdren, opined on last year, blasting soot into the high altitudes over top of the artic actually happened naturally with volcanic activity last year led to a lot of blocking over the polls this year. >> bill: once again, you have a legion call explanation for what happened. >> oh yes. >> why do you believe in it? >> well, the evidence is overwhelming. do you agree, joe, in 1750 the world's carbon dioxide was 280
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parts per million? do you agree with that? >> you don't want to go there, do you know why? because i will show the correlation. >> do you agree. >> yes. i also agree. >> bill: wait, joe. wait. let him make his point and you can reply. go ahead, bill. >> do you agree that the planet venus is warm because it has a lot of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. lead on its surface? do you agree with that. >> i don't believe we have the proper measurements of venus from $10 billion years ago. i can't tell the relationship with earth. >> bill: go ahead, bill. i think you are throwing a red herring in there. -- this is the carbon dioxide in 1750 and parts per million as represented by fountain pen ink. are and here it is today. even though it's a very small traction. it's still quite noticeable and effects the world's climate. your explanation with volcanoes, you know, this is a study done by the ipppc, this is a time
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line and depicts volcanic activity. one of the greatest revelation behind casting where they showed that there is a correlation between volcanic eruptions and the earth's cooling because particulate matter gets high in the atmosphere. it's only true of volcanoes near the equator. mount st. helens had hardly effect at all. when you from the data. the world is getting warmer. continually getting warmer. and these data are so compelling that they overwhelm any effect it has -- that might have come from this winter. >> bill: all right, joe. you reply. >> sort of nothing to do with it. >> that's not true, bill. when you blast so 2 over top of the atmosphere over top the artic, it absorbs sunlight warms the atmosphere and cools prop sphere. that can be documented from what happened back in 1912 if you bent back and looked at the following winters. look at this. >> bill: wait, wait, wait, bill. let joe go. >> you want to bring up the co 2
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argument. look at the sun spots back here, back in 1750 and notice that they have been coming up and along with it the temperatures. basically it comes down to this. if you you look at the strength of correlation to warming, and this is a cure tetion is i of meetion joe daleo. you can see .43, the sun .57, the ocean .85. but since 1998, co 2 is going next to nothing because the earth's temperature is flat lining and co 2 is coming up. so what you have to believe, folks, is this that the sun, plus the ocean, plus the volcanic activity plus natural reversal has less effect than the yearly human contribution equal to the width of a hair on a one kilometer bridge on a trace gas needed for life. if you want to believe that you can go ahead and believe that. >> bill: all right, bill. >> actually, joe, mr. bastardi, the last 10 years are the warmest decade on record. >> sure measuring with satellite.
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>> especially warm year. 199 was especially warm year as was 2006. now, what's happened is you showed back in september on this program this graph. and it starts around here 2001 and the idea is that it shows the world cooling off. well, it's weighted because of the especially warm 1998. when you extract the data. >> exexactly right. >> when you see it go up and down but the trend suspect. here is the question for you, mr. o'reilly or mr. bastardi, in whose best interest is this? the inner government tall panel on climate change does these studies, this argue about it, that's what climate gate was about. the one guy called the other guy an idiot. one guy calls his metsd no good. other guy says his method is really good. but the world is getting warmer. carbon dioxide is a very strong greenhouse gas. it has a very long residence time in the atmosphere. it is making the world warmer. along with methane and other human activities. in whose best interest to deny
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this stuff? >> bill: let me give joe the last word. >> when measuring temperatures since satellite era began in the late 1970s at the end of the last what we call the cold pdo. what i want to show you here real quick. >> bill: let him finish. >> pacific os legs. if we take a look at this right back here, we see that during the 1970s here and you can see the "time" magazine from late 1970s we were in a cold pdo. we have been warming it up. we are now turning colder. the fact of the matter is that if i am right, and this is the greatest debate, bill nye, the greatest lab experiment ever, if i'm right, the reversals will lead to a degree to a degree and a half cooling. if you are right, they are not. what are we worried about right now? what we have to look at is 20 or 30 years. >> bill: i'm going to a break. i'm making an appeal to the deity to come on this program to once and foreall tell us what he is coming on. that was fascinating. i would flunk courses in both of
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your classes. i really appreciate you taking the time. thank you for the debate. when we come back, bernie goldberg on the linking of the tea party to the suicide in texas. barack obama praising acorn. brand new tape ahead as the factor continues.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the weekdays with bernie segment
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tonight when the college professor in alabama murdered three people last week, three pointed out she is a committed liberal. the press let the crime stand on its own. when the crazy suicide pilot in austin, texas killed himself and another person, some in the left-wing media tried to link that terrible event to the tea party. joining us now from miami fox news media analyst bernie goldberg who has been investigating the situation. bernie, what did you find out? >> i found out that i have seen this movie before. it's called smear by innuendo. in 1995 after timothy mcveigh blew up the federal building in new york city. the so-called mainstream media immediately played connect the dots between talk radio and timothy mcveigh. dan rather said talk radio was racist and hateful. "time" magazine said talk radio was an unindicted coconspirator. even david agreeder. a dean of washington journalism. respected and nice guy suggested rush limbaugh was to blame for
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or at least created the at motion fear that allowed the bombing to take place. now it's happening again. we have "time" magazine, new york magazine, the "the washington post," and countless left-wing web sites linking the come my -- pilot to the tea party people. i have a couple questions. let's acknowledge that some the tea party people said the same thing about government as the pilot. so what? millions of americans think we are send spending too much money and taxes are too high. are you going to blame millions of americans for what he did. second thing is if the tea party is a big bad influence. how come only one person attacked the government? how's come we don't see hundreds, even thousands. the other thing that people picked up on this theme left out is what about all the things that this pilot believed that are opposite of what the tea party believes? he is anti-capital itch. they are not.
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he is anti-organized religion. they are not. and on health care, he says insurance companies are corrupt and are responsible for the death of thousands of americans. that's left-wing rhetoric. why didn't they connect the dots between left wing rhetoric and the pilots. >> bill: "time" magazine took their dopey link off when we pointed out. >> yes. because even they realized how silly it was. >> bill: you heard discussion with newt gingrich and sound bite with brit hume. i think the socialist label that some are putting on barack obama, i think that's going to be problem for him. >> yeah, because socialist is just a word. you don't want attached to your name if you are an american, especially an american politician. i mean, i think newt gingrich, who i think is the most important thinker in the conservative movement these days, at least in politics, and brit hume, my personal favorite commentator, i think they were
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right. i don't want -- i'm not saying barack obama is a socialist. i think that takes us nowhere. buff i do think -- but i do think that his politics, if he had his way and we could snap our fingers we would look more like western europe than we do today. nobody argues that they are semi socialist. i'm not calling the president a socialist. i don't like that kind of thing but i do think a lot of his policies are big government, big spending -- >> bill: no doubt about it the point is that the description socialist is now in the wind. and it's sticking. >> not a good thing for him. you are right. you are absolutely right. >> all right. bernie. thanks very much as always. we appreciate it relate check up next with a brand new piece of tape showing barack obama praising acorn. you will hear that tape in reality check in just a few moments as the factor continues all across the u.s.a. and all around the world.
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>> okay, everyone, we have a lot to cover this morning. tim should be here any second with the latest budget numbers to -- uhh, take us through the initial... schedule... for production and... >> ouch. >> this is one way to avoid getting the h1n1 flu virus. >> oopsie daisy. >> all right. good morning! let's get this meeting started. >> for some better ways, visit [man sneezes] [groans] [groans]'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o'o
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. reality check where the truth sets us all free. check one, president obama has avoided the subject of acorn ever since that activist group
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got into a lot of trouble. but there is a new tape recorded in 2007 and discovered by republican congressman darryl issa's office. the tape is heavily edited, so keep that in mind. >> you know what you have got a friend in me. and i have definitely welcome acorn's input. you don't have to ask me about that i'm going to call you even if you didn't ask me. >> when i ran project vote, voter registration drive in illinois, you know, acorn was smack dab in the middle of it. once i was elected, there wasn't a campaign that acorn worked on down in springfield that i wasn't right there with you. since i have been in the united states senate. i have been always a partner with acorn as well. i have been fighting with acorn alongside acorn on the issues you care about my entire career. >> bill: that's not really surprising. acorn is a liberal organization and preps the democratic party and obviously then senator obama was a democrat. check 2, for some reason and we
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haven't been able to find that reason out. ashton kutcher going to roux russia designed to improve reels with that country. perhaps, perhaps putin is a fan of dude, where's my car? >> dude, have you got a tattoo. >> oh. >> dude, what does my tattoo say? >> sweet. >> dude, what does mine say? >> sweet. >> what about mine? >> dude. what does mine say? >> sweet. >> what about mine? >> dude, what does mine say? >> sweet. what about mine? >> dude, what does mine say? >> sweet. >> what about mine be somebody in. >> dude. what is done mine say. >> sweet. >> what about mine? >> dude. >> what does mine say. >> sweet. >> idiot. >> bill: idiots in russian is
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idiote. we hope mr. kutcher has a nice trip. last week when we were in los angeles we told but the troubles arnold schwarzenegger is having out there as governor 27% approval rating among other things. this sound bite might make things even worse. >> i think there is a lot of people that have disenchanted and dissatisfied and angry. and this is why you have the tea party and all of those things. the tea party is not going to go anywhere. i think the tea party is all about just an expression of anger and dissatisfaction. >> bill: check disagrees. the negative emotions drive the tea party. while they may be present. we believe regular folks wanting to improve the government is a noble thing. check four. tomorrow night pbs has a harrowing documentary about the taliban on front line. as part of the program pbs producers photographed some taliban terrorists making bombs. >> as darkness falls, the bomb maker and his assistants set to work. but they don't want naji bullah
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to record the process. >> these things should be i think it's not a good idea. >> still, he manages to keep his camera running as the men fill the shell casing with gunpowder. >> this will pop out the eyes of the americans. this is specially made for the american tanks. be careful so it doesn't break. don't worry, we might be that tiers by tomorrow. so you've made your minds up. tomorrow or the day after we'll be martyrs. >> bill: obviously that is very rare footage. congrats to pbs on the front line documentary tomorrow night. check five, first lady michelle obama granted fox news guy mike huckabee an interview and tv news came up. >> do you ever watch fox news? [ laughter ] >> you know, i don't watch news that much. >> but you will watch it this weekend? >> i will. i will. i will absolutely got it. >> all right. >> i try to stay away from, you
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know, news because, um, you know, i want to formulate my opinions based on experiences that i have, so, you know, i will read clips, you know, i get headlines, but i tend -- and i try keep home kind avenues-free zone, you know, it's sort of like when you work above the shop, you can't just bring work home. so when the president walks in the door, i don't want to then start bombarding him you know what i heard? what happened here? what do you think about this? you know, let him have a little dinner, you know, play a little, you know, play sorry or some kind of game with the kids, and bring it down. >> bill: we do hope the first lady sneaks a peek at the factor now and then. finally check 6 jesse waters busy weep attending hemp convention is banned smoking on the premises. of course that leaves the parking lot. >> do you have a medical card? >> i sure do. >> what's your ailment? >> i have back surgery and it
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hurts. it helps it relax. >> so how often do you smoke? >> every day. >> and it takes the pain away? >> most definitely. most definitely. >> and what about you? do you have a medical marijuana card? >> no, i do the no. >> so this is more recreational? >> yeah. definitely. >> bill: there you go. far out. and that is reality check. pinheads and patriots on deck tonight starring an out-of-control raptor. hide the kids. right back with p and p.
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. bill: time for pinheads and patriots. last night the u.s.a. hockey team defeated canada. goalie ryan miller made the difference. >> announcer: another shot blocked! jamming away, big pile-up there on top of the puck is ryan miller. what a stop by ryan miller. bill: for his excellence performance he's a patriot. on the pinhead front. toronto raptor team has an aggressive mascot the other night things might have gotten out of hand.
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>> announcer: raptor having fun with the cheerleaders. whoa! that's wrong. tough night. [ laughing ] bill: he didn't even use ketchup. is the raptor a pinhead? i think so. we have a big new promotion. become ail bill o' premium member for a year and we will give you free this amazing travel mug. just for premium members. with the logo on it, what a great deal you get it free. we are going to pick up the shipping. if you are a yearly pm and you renew your membership of course you get the travel mug too. shipping is free. check this out and have fun with your premium membership. the mail. margaret: i'm sick of seeing the horrible exploitation tiger woods he only did the public appearance for monetary gain. ken:
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i found his apology to be exceptional. he never blame others. glen: no one should want their child to be like tiger woods. i've seen him ignore kids wanting his autograph. he was very are began. sherman: why so soft on tiger woods? you make judgments all the time about judges and others especially if you don't agree with them. we make polly -- policy judgments sherman we avoid the personal stuff, we right wrongs in the public arena. dave: bill, you were rude and obnoxious to suzanne summers she was classy and informative. you refused to let her finish a sentence we both made our points. janine: bill, i agree with suzanne the government should stay out of the supplement business. dr. morton: it was helpful to cite
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dangerous supplements. i'll take the fda any time. greg: ask your pharmacist questions about supplements, they know. donald: mr. o, elton john is a pinhead for calling jesus a gay man. that statement has no validity whatsoever. gabriel: maybe elton meant that jesus was a happy man. maybe. josh: mr. o, i'm 13 love reading bold fresh watch the factor all the time my parents say it is too late. are they pinheads? sounds like they are looking out for you, young guys need their sleep. please e-mail us with pithy comments from anywhere in the world. o' name a town if you wish to opine. the word of the day do not be a barbermonger, which is not a good continuing to be.
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we'll continue on bill o' hope to see you again next time. the spin >> good morning, everyone. it's february 23, 2010. we begin with a fox news alert. former vice president dick cheney is in the hospital this morning after experiencing chest pains. we're live outside the hospital in washington, d.c. with the latest on his condition. >> meanwhile, a brand new admission of guilt by a terrorist who planned to attack new york city's subway stations shortly after the anniversary of september 11th. so does this prove that the courts can handle terrorists? brian? >> we'll answer those questions and more. $25 million in stimulus money spent on airport scanners but the scanners are still in storage. >> what? >> why the wait? can you not figure out how to take the bubble wrap off. meanwhile our slogan comes to us from craig in rapid city, south dakota. survey says for news and fun, ox


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