tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News February 24, 2010 1:00am-2:00am EST
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fill -- film go to have a great night. . >> greta: governor arnold schwarzenegger live and right here, right now with us in los angeles, california. good evening governor. >> good evening, how are you? >> very the stimulus bill you are a republican and maybe the only republican who seems to like the stimulus bill. do you like it? >> first of all, i think that not only i like it. but i think there's a lot of republican governors that like it. but it is probably in a more republican to say wee.+t don't like the stimulus bill. and then many times they go out and they get the checks they are very happy about it in their press conferences and they show off what they've and how many jobs it createds and all those things. but they don't connect it to the stimulus something they've . it depends on how you look at
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it. i think it has done great things for the state of california. it wasñg/6yxgn helpful when yo0 billion dollars over two years and tax incentives of 30 billion dollars and you create those jobs at a time when people are struggling for jobs. we have kept or created 150,000 or so jobs here in california. so, i'm happy about it. and i told this to the president and i tell this to the world that during the time of crisis like this, anything is helpful. >> greta: let me ask you about the jobs. 150,000 jobs you have gained here in california from the -- >> capital gain. >> greta: i look at numbers in california in 2009 there was 580,000 loss. i don't mean to suggest this that leaves with the 150 that leaves a net loss in this state of 430,000 jobs. i'm wondering, the stimulus bill may have helped the 150,000, are we bleeding in so
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many other areas this may not have been the right mechanism )rjñ from here to eternity ma is right and wrong. there's many -- what is right and what is wrong. there are many ways on how to bring the economy back. i think it was helpful for california. the 150,000 people that kept their jobs, got their jobs, you talk to them, they are happy they are able to bring home money now. ing for the family, can make house payments, apartment payments pay for kids at school for their homework material. i thinkñ!9yrk having a job is a fundamental and important thing because you feel productive, you make money. you don't feel like a loser that you have lost your job and all those kinds of things. i think it has been terrific. it has been helpful for us >> greta: i don't we still got the 430,000 lost, the net loss above and beyond that the
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one thing i'mxi/á÷ thinking abot /.m it is not just 150,000, maybe concerns always you have in this state isú4/dd÷ whether buss is being run out the state because it is a very expensive state to live in. >> two different subjects. we have to have our own economic stimulus package. that an -- that's why i may it clear, we wanted a home buyer's attack credit, green technology manufacturing equipment from the sales tax. we want to cut through all the permitting process to get shovel in the ground. we want to do all kinds of things like that to stimulate the economy and get people of california have voted on 42 billion dollars of infrastructure bond money now it has to be appropriated. so the key thing is appropriate that money and get it out as quickly as possible.
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every billion dollars that we investing in california's that's what we need now. our housing market crashed two years ago. that is why we have such an enormous unemployment san], especially in the construction business. we want to get people out there and get them to work as quickly as possible. no matter what you do, you cannot turn around from one day to the next?r÷3 the world economy. the world economy has fallen. the whole world. if you read newspapers from germany, it's the same story as reading a newspaper from from south africa, the same everywhere they are struggling and beating up on politicians. it is the same story everywhere. the key thing is we do everything that we can in our power as a state and also as a federal government. >> greta: i don't think people deny that it has hit the skids. 3'ñ
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you talk about construction here in the state of california. what i read and correct me if i'm wrong. there's a large number of undocumented people who are make up the construction industry here in california. i also read that california is has an enormous illegal immigration problem. to what extent does that create an additional burden on california and chances for recovery? >> we have strict laws that you can't hire anyone that is here undocumented. >> greta: you can or cannot? >> you cannot. is there certification? >> some people are very closely watching that. and others are not. so i'm sure there's people break the law and all those kinds of things. the fact of the matter is yes it does create an extra burden on our economy and also on our budget situation. but at the same time that is not the reason why we have an economic downturn worldwide. there was a crash that
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happened worldwide, affected the8f,pfiñ countries all over te worm. now the key thing is slowly rebuild. it is not going to be the comeback as we've seen in the last recession. this has been the biggest recession in the history. since the great depression literally. i think that to pull out of that will take some time. i would say in the next two, three years we will be struggling getting back where we were. >> greta: one of the things alan greenspan said it was an unbalanced recovery. the high income earners can get good stocks and buy good deals now. but the people at the bottom are he monthsly hurting. i'm curious -- who are immensely hurting. i'm curious is immigration a factor in this state -- what do you do about illegal immigration? said many times we need immigration reform. >> greta: what would you do? >> we have to make aúxua'bjjz so that people can come to
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this country legitimately. rather than quo toes, -- quotas. workers, construction workers we need people to do certain jobs that we cannot fill otherwise. we ought to have immigration reform when it comes to students. i think it is irresponsible to have students from all around the world come to our country, study get their great education. here we have the best university system in california, in the world without any doubt. and then -- >> greta: some stays may disagree with you. >> trust me, you can look -- >> greta: i believe you. >> the problem is after four, six years when they are finished we send the students back. they should stay here work here and take that knowledge they've gained here in california and put it to good news in california if they are studyingm@kh8 here. there's things like that we
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>> our economy's down, so we don't have as many illegals coming over. so it's a problem and i think we ought to solve it. >> greta: you have been critical of the tea party activist. i don't want to mischaracterize it, but you think this is not a serious movement or a movement that's going to last? >> i never said that. >> okay, good. >> just to make it clear. >> greta: i realize i might be misquoting you. >> no, no. it can't be kind of mistaken of what was said. what i said was that the tea party is an expression of anger. and of disappointment. the people are disappointed with the way the financial situation
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is in california, in america. they are disappointed with the unemployment rate. they are disappointed of the housing crisis. they are disappointed that the government is not acting fast enough. and all of those kind of things. but let's not forget, as i have said, the same anger, you know, they are expressing in germany. the same anger they are expressing in austria and italy. they don't have tea partieses, per se. but they have a lot of frustrated, angry and disappointed people and so on and they near a crisis. so i am saying that the tea party is an expression of anger. people need to talk about t. it's all healthy and it's all good. but i saming, they are not going anywhere with it because nobody's say, here's our candidate, here's our solution, here's what we are going to do and have a whole policy debate over the various issues. so this is why i think in the end, when the economy comes back, i think that the tea party will disappear. it will -- it will dwindle and disappear and there will be,
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that's what i feel about it. >> greta: the people who are angry and the people, if there is an uneven recovery and i think there is. we have high unemployment, you have 12% in the state. how long should people wait until they admit that the stimulus did or didn't work? i know you think it's on the road to recovery. but someone who is unemployed is thinking: well, i don't think it is. when is this recovery going to start in ernest? >> to give you an example. in 2008, we passed -- redistricting reform. do you see any effect of it today? in california? absolutely not. it's two years later, we still don't see no effect because the district lines will be drawn in 2010 and it will have an effect in maybe 2012. a little effect. in 2014, you will see more effect. you don't go and have changes like that and have an effect from one day to the next --
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>> >> greta: give me an idea -- >> there are people who have treatment for an illness over a period of a year, two years, three years, you can't expect to say that the doctors are no good. forget about it. go to a different team. and so on. there are certain things that take a long time to move government, to move this big thing, it's like the titanic. you see the iceberg. sometimes you cannot move past it. in better time, have you some movement and people change their minds and something else becomes very important. i think the most important thing, no matter what state you are in, or if you are in charge of the federal government, have you to concentrate on one thing, that's creating jobs and bringing the economy back. that's the most important thing. all the other stuff, people don't want to focus on it. we can talk about it and i think it's important to talk about. but people want to see action. and i think what we have to do -- that's why i say every governor in the state, democrat or republican, every senator, every congressman, every out in politics has to work together to
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get the economy back. what is unhealthy is to fight each other continuously because it does not make the country move forward. if have you all the debates, you have all the arguements, maybe it's good for politics, but it is definitely not good to get people back to work and to get the economy going. >> greta: all right. you mentioned something on helt. tomorrow's a summit, talking about health, has to do with a word that is politically incorrect. i know i will get a lot of mail -- but obesity, which has enormous health convince consequence -- health consequences. you are championing it here and president clinton will help you? >> that's right. he and i formed a partnership two years ago. he is interested in children's issues and in obesity issues and so am i. of course, for me, it goes back to the time i grew up in austria because i was always, you know, kind of goomed to be an athlete and to eat well and to eat fresh vegetables, drink my milk and
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all of those things. hia different upbringing than a lot of kids have in america. here, you are exposed to the junk food and the fast-food chains and milk shakes that are 1,000 calories each and sodas and the stuff that you know, you see every day. and now, watching and sitting in front of television and being a couch potato and not going out and getting physical activities. so there is a totally different environment. but i have always been interested in training, staying fit and, you know, being on a good diet and watching what i eat and eating fresh food and stuff like that. >> but people hate it when you say the word "fat. it is it is true that weight can lead to heart problem, diabetes and something, you know, and people say, well it's my own business. yet, it's profoundly important in terms of human health costs. >> i think people maybe say that, but they know. people are a lot of times in pain when they are overweight. i don't think you have to call
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them fat. i think that is maybe a derogatory way of calling it. i think it's overweight will do the job, obese will do the job, even though people don't like "obese." but that's okay. the issue is that we have to go and make -- give people the chance to get healthier. so many times we don't have the access to great exercise equipment in the schools. we don't have the access to gymnasiums or the sports fields to do fitness. there is no access to a physical fitness coach or to a physical fitness education teachener many schools. there is not even access to a water fountain or to fresh water when they eat lunch. 40% of the schools don't have that, so the kids want to get a soda. if they would provide the water, then they can say, you can get the water. but you don't have that in 40% of the schools or to have a bicycle path where people can ride and get exercise for, you
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know, like paths, with tough laws in california. but many labeling about -- >> greta: do you believe the menu labels? >> absolutely. >> greta: 400 -- it helps me, it disciplines me. but how do they come up with it? >> you do the studies and you find out. labs can tell you. you have to trust it. you can't always run around not trusting anybody. but i think it helps and it helps if we have access to the things and if people get education. i think it's important that we always talk about, you know, it is a joint effort to get -- to solve this problem. the parents have to do a better job with the parenting and what food they give. the kids have to be part of this partnership. the schools have a big responsibility to provide physical education and be involved and have vigorous exercising in the physical education classes. those are the kind of issues -- and to make exercise available and bicycle paths available --
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>> greta: all right. we have a minute left. did you exercise today? what did you eat today? >> i exercised this morning for almost an hour. dithe life cycle, cardiovascular training. tonight, i do the weight training because i do every night, a half hour weight training. what dieat today? i didn't have really breakfast. i had just a lunch. i had soup and salad. >> greta: i sat on an airplane for five hours and i am not going to tell you what i ate. but it is true, our diets are so important to our well being and to health costs. >> it's very important. even you draw a political line. you are responsible for yourself and then there are democrat who is say, no, government is responsible. but i think, as i said, it's a joint responsibility. you are responsible and also, we are responsible because we have to provide and make available things to people to stay fit and to get fit. that's the bottom line. so everyone has to work
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together. >> greta: all right. the summit's tomorrow. i know you have been working on this for a long time and the first lady is focusing on it -- >> it is very much into the health and the obesity problem and making sure that there are things in schools with fresh vegetables and fruits. we all work together, mrs. obama is starting a fitness summit and cruising around the country and talking to kids and to the parents about this problem. so i think everyone has to work together. >> greta: we can all start tomorrow. >> that's right. >> greta: governor, thank you. nice to see you, sir. >> coming up, who is the majority leader harry reid telling to stop crying? you heard it right. in nevada, he has problems there. maybe senator graham knows who it is. we will ask him. we have the latest on former vice-president's dick cheney hospitalization. is governor palin's daughter,
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. >> greta: stop crying. senate majority leader harry reid says republicans should stop crying over the possible use of reconciliation in the health care bill. senator reid warns nothing is off the table. and reconciliation which requires just a simple majority to pass legislation has been used 21 times before. south carolina senator lindsey graham joins us. good evening senator. are you crying? >> i'm pretty happy. >> greta: okay you're not crying. >> no. >> greta: what about reconciliation? democrats say it has been used 21 times before. any republicans complaining, quit crying. >> it has never been used this way. it was never meant to be used this way. we need health care reform and better hearing in washington.
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if our democratic friends don't understand what massachusetts was about, that is scary. scott brown took ted kennedy's seat in massachusetts the bluest of blue states running on the idea that he would be the 41st vote against this massive health care bill. what's their response? to accuse us of crying when they try to it through with 51 votes and ignore the american people by making it bigger. i think they've lost their mind. >> greta: what are the senators saying behind the scenes? i hear what everybody says publicly. when you run into them in the halls, what are the republicans -- what's the real story among the democrats and republicans on this? >> this is a little base politics the left wants single payer health care and massive take over of health care their ideas were rejected by the american people, the massachusetts vote clear referendum on health care. they are upset and mad and angry that happens on the
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right when our people get upset, that we don't get what we would like. but the middle of this country has spoken on this health care issue. now is the time to come up with common sense solutions. behind closed doors i think reason will prevail. if they do no -- >> greta: what makes you ? >> i just believe -- >> greta: lines have been drawn in the san . >> we've done that before. >> greta: things that are said are strong on both sides. >> i was in the gang of 14. remember when the bush judges were being filibustered we were going to chain the rules. seven democrats and seven republicans said slow down changing the rules will change the senate. i want health care reform but i want a senate that works and slows down bad ideas and sometimes unfortunately good ideas this will be the end of the minority right in the senate as we know it the casualty would be the loss of the united states senate as a viable institution.
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it will be the house. no bill is worth that >> greta: so, play this out for me. if you say that reconciliation, depending on who is saying it, 51 rather than 60, in that -- if that doesn't go to reconciliation, what does that mean? because it does not seem like the republicans or democrats are remotely close on this? does this mean no health care reform? >> this means that this big bill means will never pass. there's plenty of room for compromise. there's competition could be introduced into the system to lower cost. legal reform. the end of the day a lot of americans don't have health care coverage because it costs too much. i'm on a bill with a seven republicans, seven democrats mandate coverage but you buy in the private sector using the tax code. there's a bipartisan solution, it is just being rejected for a big government take over. the end of the day i would council my democratic
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colleagues not to do this. modern democrats will become politic kamikazes if they go down the reconciliation road. >> greta: if reconciliation does not happen and this big bill won't get passed. the next question is whether little steps or little reforms will happen. that's what the republicans are looking for. at that point do the democrats dig their heels in the sand and say we're not even gonna do those? >> i hope not. >> greta: are they brought to their knees and they got to do it? >> it is not about bringing people to their knees it is about listening to the public. how can you say massachusetts's election wasn't a signal? if we stop list continuing to the people we don't deserve our jobs. they've done more for the republican party than the republican party has done for it is. president obama talks about bipartisanship if he pushes reconciliation then everything
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he said is a fraud. if he wants bipartisanship you have to seek it. i'm a guy that does like common ground where i can find it. there are plenty of republicans and democrats who have similar ideas about lowering cost. >> greta: if it gets to reconciliation, if senate majority leader reid says we are going to the reconciliation route. would you expect president obama to pick up the phone and tell him not to do that? >> good question. i would hope that he would for the good of the senate, for the good of the country. the consequences of taking 1/6 of the economy after all the public input and ignoring the public input is are on steroids. it would be the end of the senate as we know it. it would be a debacle for health care as we know it. you couldn't do it in reconciliation. it would be a move that would have long term consequences to the country far beyond health care. and i think it would be quite
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frankly, a destructive act in american politics not witnessed in a long time, quite frankly. >> greta: senator, thank you. all eyes of course are on this thursday. we'll find out what happens. thank you senator. >> stay tuned. >> greta: now there will be a [ inaudible ] in the blair house thursday at this health care summit. senate doctor who scored the invitation joins us next. later news on joran van der sloot. stick around for that >> plus, ozzie osbourne is here in los angeles. he told us a story we it on tape and you've been asking us all day on twitter to see it. we don't know if we should show you this, but we're going to. make sure you stay tuned. because you asked to see it. so, doc... so, doctor... i've been thinking... no.
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>> greta: dick cheney suffered another heart attack yesterday. it is now being described as a minor heart attack. the good news is that he will probably leave the hospital tomorrow or thursday his office says while at the hospital the vice president underwent a stress test and a heart catheterization. the vice president has a history of heart troubles. prior to yesterday he suffered four heart attacks, undergone a quadruple bypass surgery. we wish him a speedy recovery. >> it is not black tie but it is the hottest ticket in town. senator and doctor just got an invitation to thursday's bipartisan health care summit at the blair house. as of yesterday, as we reported no members of congress who happen to be doctors were scheduled to attend that has changed tonight. senator barrasso orthopedic
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surgeon for 24 years joins us. good evening senator. >> great to be with you, thanks greta. >> greta: you have the agenda already? i have a copy so i assume you have. first opening statements from everybody. then discussions about controlling costs, insurance reforms, reducing deficit and expanding coverage. that sounds like the president wants to talk, right? >> it sounds that way to me. we need health care reform in this country. we need to make sure we get the cost under control. people are happy with the quality of care. we want to make sure it is available at the right cost. if we can get the cost down we can do more to help people. it is appropriate we have a couple of doctors at the table so the two senate doctors, tomko burn and i will be there to talk about the -- tom co-burn and i will be there to talk. we don't need this massive bill the president is bringing out. we need to make sure we are not being used as props.
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we want to be participants to bring our years as experience as physicians taking care of patients knowing the struggles of american families knowing the concerns and the good and bad of the health care system. we have a good system but we can improve it. >> greta: senator, do you see what the president posted on the line monday as sort of his wish list and tipping his hand about what he wants or do you see it as drawing a line in the sand saying this is what we're gonna get come hell or high water? >> when the president said he wants us to come in good faith i believed him. when i heard harry reid talk about take it or leave it, we are going to use reconciliation, i have concerns. identity the president's proposal is the right thing. the american people overwhelmingly rejected what the president proposed. the thing that cape out monday is much more expensive than the original senate bill which is overwhelmingly rejected by the american people. >> greta: why do you think
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the majority leader harry reid said that? if he believed the president is making an honest gesture towards discussion, why do you think the senate majority leader made that statement? i assume that is not helpful to the president. >> well i don't think it is helpful at all to the people of the country. the people of the country have spoken. >> greta: why did he say that? >> hard to tell. i can't read his mine. i don't think anyone can. but it is a mistake when the last 10 polls show under 40% of the people support this massive over taking of the health care system. >> greta: when we watch senate hearings we know you are all busy people give opening statement ask questions and leave and everything. this on thursday, are all the people who are going to attend, including the president, do you expect everyone to be there and discuss it? if you guys are all leaving the room every five minutes -- you plenty of time to clear your schedule.
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is everyone going to sit there until the cows come home to work out a possible resolution or are you going to be jumping up and down and leaving? >> i plan to stay the whole time. dr. coburn plans to stay the whole time. we know it is important to get this right. i think what the president is offering is not the right prescription for america. it cuts medicare by 500 billion dollars. it -- which our seniors depend upon. it raises taxes. i think it is going to contribute nor to the debt, not help. as you have seen from the schedule vice president biden is going to be running a discussion on how to get the debt under control. i think this makes it worse. they still used all the financial gimmicks that are the ones that say they are going to collect taxes for 10 years but only going to give services for six so the bill is more expensive than the president is letting on.
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>> greta: we'll talk about that in the next segment, how it is scored is peculiar, i must admit. i have a lot of questions on how that's done. i guess i think the american people would like to see everyone sit down and try. everyone has drawn lines in the sand. i hope everybody stays there and it isn't just a prop and people get up and come and go and think they have other more important things because this is important to the american people. >> it is. the president said i want to hear your ideas and he should have listened to our ideas and then come back with a bill. not come out with a bill monday and then say okay, come back -- >> greta: unless he's saying this is my wish list, this is what i like, i don't know. we'll see thursday. >> 13 months he's been president, finally three days before he asks for our opinion he tells us what his plan is after 13 months there. is still not a direct --
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>> greta: senator i gotta go i'm running out of time, i'm sorry. see you thursday, thank you sir. >> i'll be back after the forum, thanks. >> greta: good. next up, how much does the white house health care plan cost the health care summit less than 48 hours. what is the price tag? that's where we hit a snag. news from the biggest state alaska did you hear what governor palin's daughter bristol is doing? if you didn't, we'll tell
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headquarters, i'm ainsley earhardt. right now one of the two students shot and wounded outside of a colorado middle school is in critical condition. the shooting hahappenned when a person with a high-powered rifle tackled a teacher. columbine high school, the scene of one of the nation's deadliest school shootings happens to be a few miles away. thru noose informs about the al qaeda member who admitted to plotting to bomb new york city subways. police reveal that he planned to launch his attack last fall during rush hour. at least two other bombers were apparently involved. those accomplices have not yet been named and the suspect is cooperating with authorities and pleaded guilto monday to conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction. i'm ainsley earhardt. we now return to greta. thanks for watching. how much de white house health care plan cost? the white house says it is 950 billion dollars. but the official legislative scorekeeper has not scored it
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yet. senator brown beck asked the director about the scoring. >> i asked as i walked in whether i had any projections on the the administration's new health care proposal. what you told me is you do not have the detail necessary to make budget projection, is that correct? >> that's right senator. we saw that proposal for the first time yesterday when you and others did. we have started to look through it. our initial read we don't think there's enough detail on some aspects for us to do a cost estimate. even if such detail were provided it would take us some time as members of congress have learned over the past year complicated proposals we try to do a careful analysis that takes time. >> greta: griff jenkins trying to speak with him after the hearing but he declined. griff did speak with senator brown back. >> senator you asked the director about the timing on
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scoring the president's health care proposal, were you satisfied with his answer? >> not at all, you have cbo the baseline numbers and he says we don't have enough detail and we are unlikely to have enough and even if we do it is going to take a long time so we are going into a president's health care debate they've reinitiated. the public doesn't want to see this take place. we don't have any hard numbers. >> greta: how can we talk about the white house's health care plan just unveiled thursday at the summit if we don't have a cbo score? what takes so long to score? dan, first tell me this, i'm always been suspicious, everyone talks about scoring. and not estimate. why the term scoring? >> it an an arcane term we've used for a long time that refers to in our world of
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scoring a bill as opposed to a projection of a budget outcome. i refers to legislation as opposed to larger revenue deficits spending numbers. >> greta: what is -- in all the time you have studied the cbo, been part of the cbo to what extent is the7byá? scoring accurate? does it play out as you score it? >> really depends on the subject matter. here in the health care bill a very large piece of the economy 2 1/2 trillion out of 14 1/2. we are doing things in policy that's never been done before. large scale public insurance programs for example. those numbers you would expect not to be as accurate as somewhere we have a lot of experience. if you told me that we were gonna to budget 400 billion dollars next year for defense, i could tell you closely how much of that would and how quickly. when we are doing this new policy, it is very difficult
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to tell. we have to make assumptions. as we make those assumptions of course they can be in error. cbo has the best track record and the best situated to make these assessments. the number may not be perfect but it is the best number we have. >> greta: i understand stan everyone tries to do his or her best possible job. when you say it is very difficult and you have to make assumptions, what is your level of certain that i it is something as profoundly huge as health care, that the numbers are even remotely reflect a reality? what is your margin of error? >> it is probably plus or minus 15 or 20%. for example, back envelope the president's proposal would sub, when fully implemented 200 billion dollars a year plus or minus say 50 billion.
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pretty broad bands of variants when you have that much uncertainty in a new program like this. >> greta: for an 800 billion dollar bill that 10% would be 80 billion dollar, 20%160 billion dollar mistake on an 800 billion dollar bill theoretically? >> i couldn't -- it couldn't be unbelievable. it probably looks like when fully implemented about 200 billion dollars a year. could be 150 to 250 billion a year when fully implemented. very big range and possible outcomes. >> greta: this is unchartered waters, 2700 page bill one of the bills put before the cbo to score. is that more difficult to score in terms of what you expect -- for instance 11 page bill the president put on the internet? i'm trying to figure out where we're running to huge risk.
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>> sure. it is actually, easier to score the 2700 page bill because you have legislative language and know what the intention is. with only 11 pages there's a lot of suggestion about what the policy might be. without specificity. quick example, there are a lot of people eligible for medicare, elderly and disabled and medicaid. we call them dual eligibles. there are nine million of those spending 200 billion dollars a year. the president says we should better coordinate their care that's right and good to do. that statement alone won't tell you much about whether it would be 200 billion plus or minus. >> greta: dan, thank you very much. i realize the complexy. i'm glad it is not my job, thank you dan. >> thank you. >> greta: there's news about joran van der sloot. according to radio netherlands worldwide aruban authorities say he confessed in a radio interview last year that he killed 18-year-old american
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natalee holloway. authorities say his version of events is full of holes and thus not believable. the radio station did not air this interview with joran van der sloot which took place last august because of questions about its validive. in the unaired interview with german language broadcaster van absolute said he hid -- van absolute said he hid holloway's remains in a swamp. authorities say joran van der sloot timeline was inconsistent and witnesses contradicted his story. public prosecutor said as they began investigating it became clear this latest statement is a mix of lies and fantasy. >> coming up governor palin's daughter bristol back in the news. we will give you the scoop comimimimi@2#ñ#ñ#ñ#ñññññññ
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. >> greta: here's the best of the rest. former governor sarah palin's daughter bristol will guest star in a tv show. 19-year-old bristol palin who gave birth in december of 2008 will play a fix alized version of herself on the family show the secret life of the american teenager. the show is about an unwed teen mother dealing with pregnancy. bristol says i'm thrilled to be on the show and part of a program that educates teens and young adults about the consequences of teen pregnancy. in the episode palin will befriend a fellow teen mother at a music program. it will air this summer. that canadian official who an earful for coming to the united states for heart surgery rather than getting surgery in his own country is out of hospital and now swinging back. critics say his choice to get surgery in the u.s. showed a lack of faith in canada's
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health system. he says he couldn't get that surgery in canada. his doctors told him to get surgery in miami. in end it is my heart, my health and my choice. canadian doctors disagree and say the surgery is available there. >> apple takes a bite out of its app store removeing those teamed not family-friendly. what is still available? that's what has people up in arms. sports illustrated swimsuit issue, playboy and playgirl still ready for download. apple's head of marketing defended keeping victoria's secret. he says it is from a well-known company with previously published material in a well accepted format. something massive going on in my home state. the igloo, the exact location, secret. it is 27 feet in diameter and
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17 1/2 feet tall. the group hoping to get into the guinness book of world records. they plan to open up for tourists save a ticket for me on my next trip home. there you have it. the best of the rest. still ahead, your last call. one more quick round before we turn down the lights. guess who we ran into in l.a.? ozzie osbourne. what is the weirdest thing that happened to him at a book signing? you are getting it now coming up in our last call, we placed leah's sofa in this glass box... full of black cats... hey, wait... no! to demonstrate the cleaning power of our newest pledge product. i'm gonna clean my couch with this pledge? not that pledge, leah. use the pledge fabric sweeper. it's quick and effective, removing as much pet hair... as 145 stinky lint roller sheets. wow! it really works! ooh, that is one big hairball. ( cat meows ) pick up pet hair. that's the beauty...
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cancer survivor. and yeah. yeah. i'm getting well enough, keep up the fight. anything, you know, and what? he goes, he's trying and i'm like, it's over there. that has got to be bizarre. >> did you sign it? >> no. i didn't sign anything. >> and as he's here to appear on red eye which you can check at 3:00 a.m. east coast time. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. thanks for joining us at our special show in los angeles. make sure you follow us on twitter. sign up for tweefts every time we post something on gretawire. and we have a new poll on
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