tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 27, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EST
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is going to the freedom alliance fund for the children of slain soldiers to help us of slain soldiers to help us hottie totottie. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. >> other debate you saw 'eensy weensy spider. teeny tiny. >> itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again. >> bill: does that mean the u.s. taxpayer has to cover the health care of spiders? bizarre reaction to the health care summit. we'll have it for you. >> we will resume performances of our killer whale show tomorrow but our trainers will not enter the water. >> bill: is it ethical for americans to see a whale that has killed three human beings and should would he be allowed to do that? geraldo has been investigating. >> bill: i don't disagree with you. as you said i wrote a wle book on it when you were just a whipper snapper. [ laughter ] >> bill: glenn beck on what is the most dangerous thing in america right now?
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>> bill: so you are agreeing with me, beck. >> never. >> bill: caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama' shoes. let's put ourselves in them. the president took a big gamble yesterday moderating the health care summit. for seven hours republicans and democrats bloviated but not very much was accomplished. talking points liked the exercise, however. the folks should be able to hear both sides. there is no question that liberals and conservatives are i've noticed lots of fishermen
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request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other information to read and consider carefully before investing. >> bill: personal story segment tonight as you may know family guy took a cheap shot at sarah palin and her family by using cartoon character with down syndrome to mock her. ms. palin of course has a down sin syndrome baby. we asked frank luntz to wire folks up to get the situation. frank joins us now.
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okay, the folks are whom? >> philadelphia voters, 13 who voted for john mccain, 11 who voted for barack obama. they watched both sarah palin and the cartoon itself and the reaction we got was shocking. >> bill: let's roll the cartoon. go. >> hi, chris. >> wait a minute, that's the girl? >> yeah. isn't she special? >> that's the way the state of rhode island would put it. there is something up with her, isn't there? >> yeah. she has got down syndrome. >> okay, well, there we go. >> she is so sweet. >> and doesn't she have the most beautiful eyes? >> the spacing seems a tad off but individually yeah they are not awful. >> are you going to be this rude all evening? you haven't asked me anything about myself. >> oh, sorry, um, so what do your parents do. >> that's better. my dad is an account at that particular time and my mom is the former governor of alaska. >> bill: all right, now, after she said former governor of alaska we cut it off but where did the line go. >> the republican line tanked.
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we asked them if you think it's funny you dial it up. if you think it's offensive you dial it down. now i would have assumed that democrats, they have a reputation of being more compassionate and more caring. republicans have a reputation for being tougher, more no non-accepts. and yet the -- no nonsense. the democrats didn't find that offensive and the republicans did. >> bill: it's all about palin and not the material. >> it's all about palin. the family guy people it's an insult. and when you have people who are watching making fun of someone in that way, could you imagine in what would have happened if a conservative had done that. >> bill: there is always a double standard in the media there shouldn't be with the folks. basically the people who voted for barack obama with were not offended by this campaign but the people who voted for mccain were? okay. i'm sorry it breaks down along party lines. now, as you may know sarah palin came on the factor to address the controversy. roll the tape on that.
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>> so, governor, what do you think? it's pretty nasty, is it not? >> this world is full of cruel, cold-hearted people who would do such a thing. look, i look at trying -- trig and i see perfection. already totaling around. you can see a heart of gold. can i see into the future that trig is going to have a pretty tough challenging life in front of him. he is going to face things that special needs children will be facing, much more difficult than we ever will. why make it tougher on the special needs community. that's what i thought when i first heard about this episode that really isn't funny. >> bill: okay. >> i approached this without having any political allegiance. and i'm watching those dials go. and i have to tell you candidly, that i'm thinking to myself what the hell? this is not a former vice them.ential candidate or
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with the folks in the summit? >> they thought he took it too personally, too offensive. did not find it arrogant but sharpness when somebody would suggest an alternative point of view. they questioned why he referred to all the senators by their first name even though they called him mr. president. >> we come right back on the war path again. this time he has isolated the biggest danger to america. beck is next.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly. in the at your beck and call segment tonight, the glen meister caused turmoil at cpac. this evening is he once again at an undisclosed location. before he left, i caught up with him. all right. so here is beck. there is a lot of cancer talk at the cpac keynote address by you. >> some people uncomfortable. surprisingly not cancer patients. >> bill: your point was that progressivism. >> yes. >> bill: is the cancer that has seeped into the fabric of america. did i get it? >> excuse me. >> bill: you are welcome. >> can we talk for a second? may i approach the bench? bill o'reilly, in his book "culture warrior," fabulous. you will notice two things in this book.
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first of all, bill surprisingly had much more hair when this was taken. [ laughter ] >> bill: surprisingly? >> well, it's a very nice wig. >> bill: when you were my age, you are going to look like a watermelon. [ laughter ] >> you are saying you are implying that i don't now? you write -- this whole thing is about progressivism. >> bill: absolutely. >> yeah. so now you are coming down on me. >> bill: i'm not coming down on you. i'm just asking. >> it's not a cancer? the whole darn book is about. >> bill: i'm not saying it wasn't a cancer. i'm just asking about the cancer. >> yeah. and here is the best part. you and i have come to the same conclusion. i'm doing a deal at the lincoln memorial this summer on 8/28 about restoring honor from culture warrior if i may quote: don't say stuff and then not do it. sloppiness of character. it can become habit-forming. it's very important for the
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t-warrior. >> bill: traditional warrior. >> it bothers me. to be a person of honor, a stand-up guy or gal. what does that mean? by being stand-up you tell the truth and defend your principles in public, even if they are unpopular. >> bill: right. that's what you did at the cpac convention? >> yes. even though it's unpopular. >> bill: it was because both the left mocked you and the right mocked you. >> here's the thing. my point at cpac was there is -- there is a disease. it set up to eat our constitution. that's the whole progressive movement. >> bill: i don't disagree with you. as you said, i wrote a whole book on it when you were just a whipper snapper. >> so how come you don't. >> bill: when you were throwing water balloons on dopey radio shows, i was writing that book. >> so then how come you don't see the evil insidiousness that is going on, especially in the democratic party and the obama
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administration, this giant progressive movement that is -- that is eating the final bits. >> bill: what do you think we do here every night? >> i don't know. i don't watch -- >> bill: i know you don't. that's what your problem is. >> there is no one watching this show. >> bill: this is like a cable access show. >> bill: you have to watch the most successful cable news program in history. we take it apart. we don't generalize in a big tent. let's get to the right for a moment. you get in there, and these are the conservatives, many of them republicans, you are slamming the republican party for big spending. >> right. >> bill: for big government and ignoring the folks. >> i will say this, if you are going to slam me on anything, you can slam me for painting with a broad brush and saying all republicans. that's like saying all democrats are bad. they are not. especially -- i don't want ever to say that all democrats are bad because i don't mean the voters. i mean a lot of the people. >> bill: the structure. >> a lot of people in washington, the party itself what parties call. >> bill: is the two party
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corrupt. >> i think the republican party corruption. >> bill: just as bad bad as the democrats? >> um. >> bill: close? >> yeah. >> bill: we had a lively debate earlier this week, rush limbaugh mocked me for not saying -- not calling, not branding president obama a socialist. now, i know you think he is a socialist and i cited that. but, when i interviewed obama, and you should look at that interview, i said to him,. >> i read his book. >> bill: you have to immerse yourself in the factor culture. he was sitting to me as close as he is now. >> i got a chill. >> bill: you are a big income -- he said teddy roosevelt wanted taxation. that's what his answer was. i'm not soft oon obama. i identify what he does. i'm not going to say -- >> if you want to be technically
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accurate. he is not a marxist. he is not a socialist. he is a progressive. >> bill: that's right. exactly. so you are agreeing with me, beck. >> never. >> bill: techni -- technically accurate. you are agreeing with me. >> the spirit of it. >> bill: i have no beef with that. >> people don't understand what progressive really means. the difference between marxism and progressivism is marxism has a revolution like what van jones would like to do. progressivism says bit by bit we will eat at the constitution. >> bill: let me make it really simple for you so that you can go back on your show and say this to the folks. >> do you have a chalkboard? >> bill: progressivism wants to take your stuff. that's it. that's what it is. it wants to take your stuff. >> doesn't want to kill you? no because then they won't have your stuff if you are dead, you can't earn stuff that they want. right? counter productive. >> right. i will go a step farther.
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they just don't want to take your stuff. they want to control every aspect of your life. >> bill: maybe. that's a totalitarian thing that chavez and these guys get into. i don't think obama cares what you do in your spare time. >> what do you have in your spare time. >> bill: he doesn't care what you do. >> now we are getting to the communist kind of constitutions where you have a right to work. and then a right to rest. >> bill: look. there is no doubt about any of this. you and i agree which is, you know, why we are successful, because i think the folks agree with us, too. >> i don't know why i'm successful. >> bill: i don't either, to tell you the truth. [ laughter ] >> bill: you take it five steps further than i do. >> that was easy. >> bill: if you are going to give it to me, i'm going to take it it's not beneath me. what are you, crazy? there is nothing beneath me. watch the show. >> no, i don't watch the show. >> bill: that's why you don't know that. [ laughter ] >> bill: glenn beck, everybody. in a moment, the dumbest things of the week starring a congresswoman who wants to put some cia people in jail.
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juliet hudy. i have to set this up. 60 minutes investigation this coming sunday good piece. some dope and we use that phrase literally dope. tries to sell defense department secrets to the chinese and it's caught on tape. roll it. ♪ >> are you sure that's okay? >> yeah. >> are you sure? >> i'm very, very, very reticent to let you have it because it's all classified. but i will let you see it. you can take all the notes you want. it's just i cannot ever let anyone know because that will -- that's my job, man. get fired for sure on that. >> not even get fired i will go to [bleep] jail. >> bill: we won't tell anyone. you elizabetherring -- fool.
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>> he used the word reticent so he is not that dumb. >> bill: he is not that dumb because he used the word reticent. a big word. >> this guy goats into a local furniture story in new orleans which is a hot bed of terrorism activity, i guess, i don't know. and he meets this guy. you are sitting there watching him. they are exchanging information and he thinks he is going to get the money. does all these wonderful things. >> bill: the guy stuffed 2,000 bucks -- >> selling america's secrets for 2 grand? i mean i do that for goodness sakes. i'm just kidding. >> bill: got a sofa, too. >> and an end table. matching end table. >> bill: how stupid is this guy. >> the stupidest thing is the judge's decision on this. >> bill: five years? >> he should have gotten a lot more. >> bill: you think so? >> yeah. he easily could have. >> bill: he got five years. it was about taiwan, it was selling pentagon defense department armaments to taiwan. gutfeld, you want to pile on. >> i actually think the guy was so stupid he only deserved five
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years. the guy thought the spy was from taiwan, not from china. >> bill: he didn't know the difference. >> we won't go there. >> bill: i would have tacked on another two years for being geographically challenged. >> bill: 60 minutes is going to run that piece on sunday night. gutfeld has selected for his dumbest thing of the week a cat deal. roll it ♪ one little pot could open a world of -- ♪ sensory, satisfying ♪ feathers, feast and duck ♪ journey to delicious and beyond ♪ >> bill: what are they selling cat lsd? [ laughter ] >> makes me want to eat cat food again. >> bill: if that's what you want to get. >> that is better than avatar.
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forget avatar. >> bill: little frisky. >> trying to magical journey a cat takes when it eats friskies. how do they know? >> bill: i don't know about the magical journey. medicinal marijuana have little friskies in there. >> frank luntz interview cats to see what friskies taste like and are they spiking it with acid? i want to know. >> bill: my dumb thing is pretty serious. a congresswoman named luis slaughter. i'm not going to personally attack her but she is out there. >> why not? >> bill: i will set her up, ms. slaughter, yesterday at the health care summit. go. >> i even have one constituent, you will not believe this, and i know you won't, but it's true. her sister died. the before woman had no dentures. she wore her dead sister's teeth. , which of course, did not fit. do you ever believe that in america that that's where we would be? no we don't believe it.
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okay? there you go. now, this woman tries to get a bill through the house that would send cia people to jail if they use coerced interrogation. and there is no statue of limitations. it would go back to the revolutionary war. >> she is degrading terrorists. >> bill: you believe a dead person's dentures are degrading. send a woman to jail. this is how dumb this is. >> do you want to degrade terrorists? i do. >> the definition is putting a terrorist in stressful position or playing with insects. you can go to jail for that now agents will have to worry about whether they are offends terrorists instead of protecting the world. >> bill: so louise slaughter, the congresswoman from new york dumbest thing of the week. >> she has slaughtered my opinion of her. >> bill: get feld, hudy, thanks very much. pinheads and patriots on deck tonight starring harrison ford and sienna miller as we contemplate the pun. right back with p and p.
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>> good morning, everyone. this is a fox news alert. a deadly earthquake struck in chile. the magnitude is 8.8. it is huge. the episode is located 7 miles from conception . that is chilie. 70 people are known to be dead. >> the quake triggered tsunami including hawaii at this hour. jim is in chile and joins us on the phone it is 200 miles from the epicenter of the quake. jen, what can you tell us at that hour? >> we heard the latest death toll of 76. that is going to keep rising. it will be as it goes on.
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the damage is -- serious problems with electricity in the country particularly restoring it. we don't have electricity and there are a number of bridges and streets that have collapsed. buildings that collapsed in serious cities . the town halfway between sant tagio and conception and they literally have toppled buildings around the main plasa, and the historic city center is quake devastated . although their population is not as big as conception, it is definitely looking like the worst hit in intrastructure. >> this number is massive. 8.8. haiti was a 7 earthquake. this is enormous. i am told that the depths of
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the earthquake may have helped circumstances. what can you tell us about the infrastructure. is this country prepared for this time of disaster. >> definite that will make a difference in the terms of death toll and damage. chile is a seize mick country and all buildings are made to with stand earthquakes as much as possible . so chile is used to this . there is a lot of public education on what to do inicates of - in case of an earthquake . haiti was not the same situation there. although the scale of the earthquake was stronger, the buildings and infrastructure is better to with stand it. people are educated on what to do during and after. >> jen, i know you are not in the epicenter.
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but were you awake. >> in santiago is was 7.fiveon the scale. you were jolted out of bed. we were leaping and all of the sudden it was shaking and my husband said this is a earthquake. i ran to my daughter's room. she is under two years old and picked her up . we were taught and the most dangerous then in santiago is breaking glass from wind opens and i grabbed her to get her away from windows and we all stood in the door frame of her bedroom as it shook and the walls are shaking and the ground is shaking. we could hear decoration and pictures falling off of the walls and falling on the floor and glass breaking. the lights are out of course because of the electricity went.
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it was scary. >> yeah. >> it is almost 9:00 a.m. in santiaco chile. 6: 56 here in the united states and the daylight hours as workers have a chance to assess this, are you hearing from officials that they expect the death tollto increase. >> oh, yes, yes, we have radio, that is about all we have at the moment because of the electricity being out, but we are able to get that over the cell phone and they have periodic reports in terms of the death toll. it keeps clinaling and they report the death by city and by calls . they expect it to keep rising. many have not been counted because of the bridges falling and cars and people them and
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building collapsing entirely. those individual instances will obviously cause the tolts to rise. but you will not see anything as big as hate in terms of the death tollsimply because the population is not as concentrated and we have much better infrastructure. >> jen, it sounds so scary for you to have experienced that particularly with your less than two year old daughter. can you look out of the window and see the destruction in santiago right now? >> you don't see it when you look out. the destruction because of the buildings really well prepared is concrete in the lobby of our building. there is like slabs was concrete that fell from the ceilings and you can see cracks in the walls. but you don't see buildings that entirely collapsed. we heard cases of a dozen
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buildings in santiago collapsed. but they are not in my immediate viewing area. they are in downtown or some of them in the area mypo which is a slightly poorer area and there may be more deaths because of people having deaths because of buildings falling on them. >> thank you, jen. we'll keep in touch with you throughout the morning. in case you are just waking up, an 8.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the country of h-- chilemptdeath tollis 76. expect that to go up as sun comes up and phones on line . power at point. our chief meteorologist will give us the latest on the development as well. >> there are tsunami warnings
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