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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 4, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EST

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that's friday. don't miss it. from new york, good night, from new york, good night, america. welcome to "red eye." it is like my favorite martian. if by mar martian you mean opiate. now to andy levy with a pre game report. andy, what's coming up on tonight's show? >> there is no way martians can mean opiates. and are our air traffic control towers being run by children? and president obama tells congress it owes the american people an up or down vote on healthcare reform. the story so incredible you will punch yourself in your right eye. and are america's guidance counselors providing neither guidance nor counseling? a story so uh stoping you will run naked through the streets. >> thank you, andy. >> no sports report tonight. figuring out what the whole point of the temple was. >> hopefully jack bower can figure it out jie. we can only
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pray. they are personable and professional and pretty. but enough about iguanas, let's welcome our guests. you must buy her book. it is called "the singer girl's guide to survival -- actually, the single girl survival guide." one of the two, anyway it is available in the good old usa. i am here with the author emma jean webber. she is so sweet people steel packets of her at restaurants. and the author and screenwriter, he is two things. his latest book came outlast month. it is called "the long way home." if you don't buy it immediately you will die horribly, i might add. and he is the bean to my dip, the ping to my slip, the cow to my chip. it is bill shultz. fun fact, saying his name out loud in tijuanna makes donkies really nervous. it must mean something there. and he wears down his shoes searching for news. sitting next to me is fox news
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senior correspondent rick eleven ven that will. -- leventhal. he is so charming it is now snake leventhaling. and good good to see you pinch. >> you know who will make you yawn? edward juan. ps, greg is wearing a thong. i saw it when he bent over. disgusting. >> all right. was he an irresponsible jerk for bringing his son to work? or a super cool dad who wanted to spend time with the lad? i am talking about the air traffic controller who allowed his young son to radio instructions to several pilots. and then the next day according to the new york post, a paper, allowed another child to do the same thing. the few brief exchanges between the kids and jets waiting to take off at jfk appears to have delighted the pilots at the time. but the f.a.a. was not as delighted. they were the opposite of delighted. not delighted actually. they suspended the controller and his supervisor. let's listen to the tape of
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junior doing man's work. >> it is 171 clear for takeoff. >> clear for takeoff blue 171. >> that's comforting. maybe it is wrong to let your kids direct air traffic, but is it as wrong as letting them dress up as lady gaga? >> ♪ gaga, oh, la, la >> yes it can't be as wrong as that. that was on a brazilian tv station. >> can we please that? >> we can sit here and talk about -- that this might have been dangerous, putting these kids in air traffic booth, but not as bad as that.
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>> yeah, that was ridiculously awful. but nobody crashed, right? >> but your argument is if somebody crashed it would have -- we wouldn't be doing this stoimplt. >> i can't believe the pilots are like, awesome job. what is a kid doing on the radio? what is next? cops letting their kids make arrests and doctors letting kids perform surgery? my kids are not going to come in and do my news report? >> well my kid is not coming in to do "red eye." well, he is in jail. >> how easy would it be for you to convince them it is a aregano. >> i was impressed. couldn't he be the tiger woods of air traffic control and we don't know that. >> you forgot to meption that he was dressed as lady gaga at the time. but one of the pilots actually
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said, gee, i wish i could bring my kid to work. i said, what's that gonna look like? thanks, dad. >> i think this stuff happens all the time. people used to bring their kids in and it was fun. i bet pilots had kids sitting on their laps as they are taking off in the plane and then now junior go back in. do you think we are overreacting. >> absolutely. and i think the kids will do a good job. they are good at computer ands video games. the last time i was on a plap, the air traffic controllers almost had the plane landing on another plane. bring on the kids is what i have to say. >> you were on a plane mating with another plane sf. >> it was a nightmare. >> national geographic. >> there were 60 planes landing an hour at jfk, a plane every minute filled with people. >> 2 or 300 people have to die in a fiery crash to bring this father and son together, so be it. >> it is funny, but if something bad happened it would not be funny.
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it would be tragic and that's scary. when people bring kids to work here, you are actually ordered to stay home. >> i am unless it is my own. this was going to be a surprise, but i will announce it now. i think bringing my three i will legitimate daughters to work -- i will legitimate daughters to work tomorrow. >> and es dr.ed like lady gaga? >> no, daddy doesn't go for that. they will be here tomorrow and answer for me. be nice. they don't speak the queens english that well. they are still learning. david is cute. >> finally taking responsibility. >> it is amazing to me in an industry so much under the microscope, everyone is watching. -- >> this is the wrong time to pull this crap. >> all they did was regurgitate what he was telling him. >> but if he got it wrong -- for example, if something happened within those 10 seconds that was a tragedy, it
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would be horrible. i don't want to bring up the past, but it has happened where people were screwing around and there was a horrible tragedy in nermg new jersey because some guy was on the phone with his girlfriend. >> we can all agree a, kids suck and they should be reported to some kind of military camp. >> i absolutely agree with you. we learned something. from plane landing talks to getting your shots. he thinks the coats will bring him votes. president obama took to the air waves yesterday to declare yet again it is, quote, time to make a decision unquote, on healthcare reform surrounded by a moat of white coats, all arguments have been exhausted and congress owes the american people an up or down vote. an up or down vote is code, not for unicorn, but the process called reconciliation. under it the house must pass the legislation from late last year and then both houses will enact a companion bill that i guess is a bill that keeps you
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company. it looks like bill shultz. it is the companion bill. >> i am your companion bill. the long-time companion bill. >> anyway, these bills could then pass the senate with a simple 51-vote majority instead of the 60 normally needed to end debate and send the bill to the floor. i am confused. that means it is time for another edition of my favorite sitcom, hello barry. not tonight's episode. barry stands in front of ugly tor 10s. -- curtains. >> last thursday i spent 7 hours at a summit where democrats and republicans engaged in a public and substantive discussion about elt care. the rising cost of medicare and medicaid will sink our government deeper and deeper and deeper. on all of this we agree. but the question is, what do
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we do about it? we are gonna make sure the wealthiest americans pay their fair share on medicare. and that's because healthcare is a difficult issue. it is a complicated you are you. if it was easy it would have been solved long ago. i do not know how this plays politically, but i know it is right. >> he's funny. >> the show was getting better and better. great writing. they should be up for an emmy, but it is their first time out there. where do you see this going? you are a journalist. >> greg, i am not a medical recorder. >> but you tell women that in bars. >> all while wearing the white coat. >> all i know is no matter what happens is i still have to pay for my own cosmetic surgery. >> you won't need any. you have the good lucks that will last into your 70s and
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80s which is only a decade away. it is the president. you have to give him credit. he is trying to wear america down. he is like -- you know, when a woman is on a date with this guy, he is a guy that will constantly prod you and prod you and then he says fine. >> the first day of the administration was the day of the locuusts. now he is uh aspiring to be how the robot becomeses computer from space odyssey. we must have healthcare, dave. they need to go up to the chut we a screwdriver. this administration has spent a garnormally -- some word we don't even have. >> they have where you can get a voucher for a new car.
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>> he is allowed to. >> i think they of dreamed it would be this difficult. >> he did admit it was going to be tough. but he makes it sound like the republicans standing in his way. it is not republicans. it is people saying i don't know what is in this bill. you come from another country. ps peru or german. where you have universal elt care and i'm sure you will tell us how it is. you don't have health insurance, you have 10 healthcare. they don't have insurance. >> wait a second. i don't believe it. the three british people i have seen on fox news say it is a -- atrocious. nome! -- no ma'am. >> 96 people -- 96% of people
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that are british believe in it. >> give me back the other one. his absence may or may not be real. >> i loved in england for three years and people loved. it i always use private health insurance. it is the way the media did it. they never used the government stuff because they said it sucked and they waited too long. greece is in the toilet. this is what happens when people got used to entitlement that they can't pay for it. that's what americans are worried about. they are worried about not paying for something. >> you are the best country in the world. your healthcare is 37 in the world and britain is 18. >> and they livelonger than we do. >> but their lives are miserable. >> it is the best country in the world. >> but why do leaders from other countries come here to get -- >> not just canada, but a lot of the middle east to come true.
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>> the middle east comes because it entails goatses, and there is a difference. >> apologize the goat. >> i lived in london for many years. when you call a doctor, a horse-and-buggy goes up and he is -- >> that was a hundred years ago you lived in london. >> you know, the reason that our life expectancy is shorter here because more of our babies live. and they are born and then die so that we -- that is a skewed statistic. >> i don't -- they are always denying the kids oatmeal. >> exactly. >> i love in evening -- i loved in england and there are lots of kids going without a bowl. >> that didn't belong to you, stir. >> they were well off. enough of this craziness.
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20* the greg-alogue. it is a toaster oven of tenacity. now there is always a scene in zombie movies when one zombie character will turn to another and say, "if i ever turn into that, i want you to kill me" then they make love and reload. i want you dear viewer to make the same promise to me, except of killing me when i become a zombie, kill me if i turn into dillon radiga in. if you see me wrighting and i want you to hack me with a hatchet. make it i can quick there is a reason not everyone should be the daytime host. he has a hard time being himself. check him out interviewing a tee party leader. as if williams ran a concentration camp in 1940s. >> mark, how do you draw the bright line between the
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admirable and the understandable principals that are advocated by so many in the tee party as it goes to the constitutional daw democracy and banking and investment and you go to all of those things and those who would choose a more radicalized view or racist view and hide, if you will, inside of a tea party umbrella. >> that is sing pell. there are wing nuts and simple people. >> it is not that simple. when wiping nuts go to other political organizations i and say i want to kill black people. i i want to kill jews, the organizers if i was holding the event people saying they wanted to kill blacks and jews. i would say, would you kindly remove rez yo? >> of course. it is the lil 11 rad daw began event. i can't imagine. >> he kept going on and we had to cut him off. you would assume he would let the guy answer. no. >> so it is our fault?
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>> no, but it is your fault that unlike the democrats and republicans or any other political group, so you are saying you accept racist -- >> i want to answer your question. >> do you accept racist -- >> here in sacramento -- >> mark, i am asking you a question, my man. you just want to come on my tv show and do a commercial for yourself. >> i am answering the question. >> that's so funny. you want to come on my show, my man -- he calls him "my man." was williams ever able to respond? not really. watch the last glorious part here. >> we have a woman here on a local nbc affiliate who after after an anti-sametic grant was reported to anchor. does that make nbc -- >> mark, do i run nbc? >> the answer is no we don't. >> let me ask you question, mark. i don't want to continue with
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this. you are wasting available oxygen. can we cutoff this man's my craw -- microphone. mark, it was offensive and you are offensive and your treatment of my show to ignore my questions are offensive. >> it was like he was shouting at an aquarium. you are offensive and everybody has left the room. everybody has left the room. the segment was meant to analyze the fringe elements and ernest movement filled with a lot of decent people. but because it is dillon and the couch is nbc, it is a rouge to paint the tee partiers as nazi sim paw nighters who eat babies. more delightful is a sign that says anger in america. the angriest person in america is dillon magigan. and if you disagree with me, you are a homophobic racist tea partying baby eater.
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>> rick, you have to give him credit. he is entertaining for whatever that was. >> i don't even know what to say. i don't want to get myself in trouble. >> how would you get yourself in trouble? do you live in the same building? do you go to the same gym as dillon? >> maybe told him to rachet up the ret tau rick because the show needs ratings,. >> i was thinking the same thing. >> i can't imagine why he would go off on that guy. >> they never told us to rach chet up the -- ratchet up the emotion. >> i get mail that says "lose levey." >> he doesn't help his case. there may be points about how do you deal with fringe el mebts in any organization? that is a worthy area of conversation. >> he got a tactilely wrong. as a professional you allow the person you are with to
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hang themselves. >> can i ask one quick question? >> what were you doing watching msnbc? >> are you kidding me, i got that off the web. >> bottom line is, protests are okay if they come from the left. if you speak out it is actually because you are a racist or fashist. but when you are from the left it is truth to speaking. >> it doesn't bother me because nobody is watch ling msnbc, but the mainstream media is doing the same thing. diane sawyer has somebody at the tee party convention. your conservatives and stay safe out there. they all do. >> i have to move on. later in the show, rick leventhal will crush his skull. what's going on in restaurants you don't know about?
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judging by my ominous voice, it must be something ominous. blal
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should eating an eclaire help pay the chef's healthcare? san francisco restaurants are including a health charge to cover the mandatory continue biewg to the city's health coverage system. the cost is levied on restaurant owners, but some are adding a few bucks to the customer's bill. according to the chicago tribune, the excuse is to let customers know how much they are paying for their employees' healthcare even though the customers are now funding it. the practice falls under the same line as housekeeping fees and fuel lines. how does it affect static cash?
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>> good for you, static cat. >> terrible music. bill, since i missed you at the end, you are not allowed in restaurants. this argument is meaning less. >> i never made it to waiter, but i was an amazing host. i am em pathetic to the hotel one, and i have always wanted to argue the housekeeping thing, i never understood that, especially if you are supposed to tip them, i would be worried about the bill. when i ordered that, i thought it was a cooking thing. i had no idea. >> all for that joke. >> imogen, let's get back to the topic p. why not incorporate that in the cost of the meals so the consumers will want to pay extra for their parma john.
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>> answer the question and stop mocking me. >> it takes you back to olden times when they were desperate for money. you have taxes on beds and then you have taxes on windows. it is going back to that. that's crazy. >> that's where the british phrase came from, tax in the window. you are walking by somebody else's house and you hear, tax in the window and then you go blimey. shouldn't they tell diners beforehand? tell them beforehand and give them a chance to decide whether they want to sit down and eat in a place gouging them. >> i don't know about you, but i want my waiter healthy. i don't want him healthy. make sure this guy goes to the doctor. that would be like adding a
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"red eye" surcharge to cover bill's bar tap. that would be a bar. -- that would be it. >> andrew, it is like why should we be paying for the waiters' gym memberships, the bar extenders' electric bills. what is next? >> this is a story about san francisco. "invasion of the body snatchers" was set. long before any of you but bill were born i was in san francisco and i lit a cigarette. a woman came up to me and said please put that out it is so bad 4. i thought, i am glad the rest of the country is so intrusive. now she is the speaker of the house. >> this kind of thing is going on far more than it ever did. >> let's invade san francisco. tonight i say. >> that was another movie i rented "invading san francisco." not what i thought.
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>> i know. amazing uniforms or lack there of. do you have a comment? it is e-mail at fox news .com. and to leave a voice male, i dare you, 212-462-5050. and still to come, the half time report from andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by rick gray. you need tickets to the sold out motley crew show, don't worry. rick got you covered. thank you rick on the way gray.
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welcome back. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. andy, any thoughts what you will wear on john gibson's radio show? >> i will decide at the last minute. it is easy when you don't have to wear pants. it takes 2 seconds. kids control air traffic. greg, you said the air traffic controller allowed his young son to radio self-pilots, and then the next day allowed another child to do the same thing. actually according to the new york post the child on the second day was the controller's kid. >> was she a daughter? >> no, they were both boys. >> oh, okay. >> by the way, this is vindication for all of us who said all along there had to be a second child. we don't seem so crazy now.
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>> oliver stone is right every actual. >> rick, you said you can't believe the pilot was like, awesome job. are you saying the kid didn't do an awesome job? >> no, i can't believe the pilot wasn't shocked and upset a child was giving him flight strucks. >> all right. if that's what you claim to have said. >> that's what i meant to say. greg, aren't you the one who said the other night all kids should be working. >> i came out in favor of no child labor laws, but i don't want them landing planes. i want them making i-pods. >> now you are being pick key? >> they are there as pool boys. back rubs. they walk on your back because they weigh 90 pounds. >> just like thailand. >> never been there. >> greg you explained some of the rules under
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reconciliation. i i did some research and in addition to all of that, all of the bills are written in sant script. -- sand script. >> andrew, you called hal from 2001 a robot and luckily you called a computer. >> it was a last-minute thing and i am sweating still. mimagen do you ase a national healthcare? >> yes, i do. >> then i won't call you a hipocrite, because you are not. >> if you didn't ask her that number you could have called her a hipocrite, but i would rather get the facts right. >> greg-alogue, you said maybe he was asked to get up the ratings. more people saw that clip than saw it without the people.
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>> and there is a lot of i will lit ration. i didn't notice the grass on the bottom of the half time report. >> that's one of the few times you don't notice the grass. >> we will fix that. >> we are ale being too close on radisson. he ask easy for questions and doesn't say anything about getting answers. paying for waiters' health wear. -- healthcare. they need to know what costs are passed on to them when they elect people to do things. for example, imaging people are appalled at the way we run or don't run our healthcare system. but taxing serviceses is going back to old times, when they tax it goes back to the old way. >> i am very, very sorry about making a joke. it is taking it too far.
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it is a serious point and you are an amazing and incredible country, but you have all these problems with healthcare. we should be fundamentally something you build a country on. >> i think i won that one. >> it is not a right. >> it is a right. >> healthcare and education is a right. >> it can't be a right. >> you can't have a right that depends on someone else -- you can't have a right that depends on someone else to provide a service to you. >> you have to be in a civilized society. >> by definition you can't. >> someone can't have a right i have to pay for what if that person is a jerk. i don't want to -- >> why is everyone so cool with medicare and medicaid? >> it is too late. i don't want to pay health insurance for somebody i don't like. a neighbor who is a jerk. >> that's what it comes down to. >> greg, you don't like me and you are not paying for my health insurance. you are winning. >> andy, what was the over-under when bill was going to mention when he didn't have
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health insurance. >> right when he did. >> two last quick things, shouldn't a restaurant tell customers before happened about this, they print a notice on the menu. >> but by the time you are sitting down and have the menu you don't want to make a fuss. you don't say, i am not paying for the colostomy. >> and just lastly "invading san francisco" was exactly what you thought it was. >> you can never prove that. >> but i may have written that with exclamation points. why did i do that? >> i am done. >> see you later. let's welcome back our guests. she is so hot she can fry a chicken by breathing. and author and screenwriter, he is so smart that bombs are called after him. and doctors would recommend doing him on a regular basis. they are supposed to guide you, but instead they chide you.
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they offer advice when all they do is produce lice. i speak of high school guidance counselors, and i should know. in high school, mr. sill moneys said i would -- simmons said i would grow up to be a salamander. i was waiting to grow a tale. most people who graduated from high school in the last few years, provide little knowledge about college orca rears, and the best advice comes from teachers. where does that leave guidance counselors who need their guide for council 1234* they end up toking -- they end up doing this. >> i was there. >> not a bad bargain for $28. you get some food. >> andrew, why do guidance counselors still exist? it seems like something unnecessary. >> it is ridiculous. the whole problem is a self-selecting prab.
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only -- problem. only someone stupid enough to listen to the advice. the guidance counselor is redundant. >> i have a feeling there will be a sewn yen of guidance counselors writing to us. rick, did you ever get help from a guidance counselor? >> it is funny because i have a daughter that graduated high school. i asked her, did your guidance counselor help you at all? this is an actual text message she just wrote me. oh, he was so cute. i was ready to run away with him. but he was living with the psych teacher so that wasn't possible. that's my 18-year-old daughter. >> you should be proud. maybe guidance counselor is not such a bad deal. >> my goodness. >> let me just say in the guidance counselor's defense, they say the ratio is not -- not that particular guidance counselor, but the ratio seems to be 100 to 1.
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234* california it is 1,000 to 1. >> wow, that's a lot. that's a hell of a ratio. that's 10 times 100 to 1. >> and my guidance counselor told me i i wasn't good at math. when you were in high school in venezuela or wherever, i'm sure it was subsidized by the government and the be counseling in the world. >> i thought the whole . of guidance counselors is doing the opposite. cindy crawford's guidance counselor told her she could never make it as a model. >> that's what my guide counselor said to me. >> unlike cindy greg got his mole removed. joy i was doing a lot of under wear modeling. coming up, a story so tasty, you may dive into your tv and try to eat it. but that would be unwise and kind of creepy. >> she's running for governor of new york and she used to a mad dom. wow, just like bill.
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my name is kristen davis and i am running for governor of new york. i am the only candidate who is not part of the corrupt and dysfunctional system of new york state politics. elliott spitzer is symptomatic of the politician that has brought our state to disaster. peace squared. prostitution and pot, their taxation can bring new york the urgently needed revenues to ease the largest tax burden for new yorkers. >> got my vote. if you wanted a hooker, then she was the booker. she once got high priced girls for elliott spitzer and now announced her candidacy for his old platform. i'm all for that. joining us is a manhattan madam, kristen davis.
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she knows satisfied clients like i know fire hydrants. kristen, i love it when you are here. we always play this game with you because you had a lot of clients who used a lot of paid escorts. i want to play the client rhyme game with you. i will give you a name that rhymes with a celebrity and you tell me if you have had any clients who rhymes with that. my first is malex rodriguez. >> maybe. >> that's a yes. >> it is not a no. >> that's not a no. if it is not a no, people, it is a yes. >> it is the same thing as saying i didn't maybe sort of use the growth hormone sort of kind of. >> how about this? >> 10 years later we admit it. >> beef noberman. >> no. >> priss matthews. >> no. >> malec-maldwin.
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that's a yes? >> we'll pass on that question. >> how about kavid-metterman. >> no. >> bonald from p. >> seeing i am hoping to get campaign contributions from him, let's say not at all. >>padid-dadderson. >> no. >> and hobiedriant. >> mario cuomo. >> most definitely not. >> that's not a no, greg. >> anyone with indictment powers is a no immediately by default. >> lagger goods. >> i could have jumped on the ban wagon, just let me say.
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>> why did you enter that business? >> why are you going to kick someone when they are on the ground. >> some of your clients why pay to be kicked when they are down. enough about bandy heavy. a lot of people are saying that you are running for governor as a publicity stunt. what do you say to those people? >> it is not a public -- publicity stunt. people aren't interested in poll i can its. i want to released my client list which is much more interesting. who cares about government. we just pay a lot of taxes. let's talk about tiger woods. >> how would you legalize prostitution? >> follow a nevada model. it is a great model. >> that would mean you you would have brothels in new york city, but i imagine there are many neighborhoods that wouldn't want a brothel.
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in amsterdam they would be in one area. >> or in nevada it is certain populations. >> but nevada there is nobody around so you can do it. >> true. >> so in new york there is no space for it, so it would have to be probably in times square. >> there is plenty of space upstate. plenty of farms. let's convert them. >> i only drive 1 huer for prostitution. if you will legalize prostitution, you will need your co. -- you need your coke. what about legalizing coke? >> no. >> no crack, no meth, no speed x no huffin. >> no. >> that's too bad. how do you think your skills as a madam will translate as a governor? >> great. for the oldest procession in the world to the second oldest profession of the world. i think i will be better than the clowns we have upstate now. >> realistically, what do you
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think your chances are? >> better than rick lazia. >> speaking of,-- >> would you tax sex acts in a brothel de end ping on what you asked for? is that what you would do? >> no. i'm not going to up charge you each time. come on now. >> hairy back, you don't throw in an extra dollar. >> that's for the girls to throw on extra money. >> i i wouldn't know anything about that sort of thing. >> sounds like somebody who -- wait, wait, how come i see you left yourself off the list. >> those were days in the past and we won't get into it. terrible, terrible times. kristen, always a pleasure. please come back. best of luck with your run. i am in favor of many of the things you are in favor with. we are taking a break. when we return, mail time.
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must be mail time. it is mail time and the address is red eye at fox news .com. i read and then we go figure skating on a rink made of blood. here we go. jason from michigan leads things off. "i am very offended you mock our curling nationals. you are a cruel, vial people.
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i think you should go on a road trip and attend them with me yts jason normally i would accept this as an invitation. i won't in this case because i am not dumb enough to believe kalamazuu is a real place. and nothing is like curling which is life of building people to learn to sweep. >> karen from illinois, 50-year-old -- she writes, a 50-year-old should shouldn't they be allowed to support their family? that guy that scream etd out was not me. it is just somebody that was me. the broom closet looked dark. and finally kelly from california writes "hell bill he can't keep sending me cocaine in lieu of progress aren't. >> bill, when are you going to accept responsibility in west covina.
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>> you know very well that was talcom powder has stinky fit. xnay-on the cocaine-ay. especially when i am hitting on an imogen-a. love you, baby. >> you truly are a great father. we'll close things out with a post game wrap up with andy levey. to see clips of recent shows, it is so easy. go to fox news .com slash red eye.
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tv's andy levy and i will be hosting john gibson's radio show later today at noon eastern time. go to fox news .com/radio for more information. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" former cia guy mike baker is back and so is mesh's newsroom martha mccollum and actor robert dovey. and another edition of meet
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your maker. e-mail us. remember to write meet your baker in the subject line or we won't tell them about it. time to go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> greg, i missed the interview. kristen did not reveal her client list, did she? >> no. rick, how is your pool game these days? >> pretty good. i am playing in a tournament, a regional tournament this weekend. >> really? where is that? >> my shoulder hurts so i don't know if it will affect my game. >> you do everything manly. >> like play fool. -- play pool. >> play pool and other things. what is your book whye long way home about. >> it is about a kid who goes in his own bed and wakes up being tortured by terrorists and he has to find out why. if you don't grow it for
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children they will grow hair on their palms. >> that's what your book is about? >> that's like a dream i have. >> no, not a nightmare. greg put those in a different seek from where they belong. >> what did your guidance counselor tell you to become? >> he told me to take up the sport of curling. >> we love our curling here at "red eye." >> i'm getting that. >> by the way, in evening land you called guide lens counters. -- counselors lifts? >> lifts? >> torchers? never keep it safe. faxing the window, andy. anything you want to plug? >> i am looking forward had to co cocoa hosting the show tomorrow. >> what's that? >> no, you are not. >> why is that? >> a lot of people reached that decision. >> we never had any choice in that decision, bill. >> all right. >> back to you.


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