tv Red Eye FOX News March 6, 2010 3:00am-4:00am EST
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from new york. from new york. good night, america. captioned by closed captioning services, inc welcome to "red eye." it is like father knows best if by best you mean strippers. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what's coming up on tonight's show? >> that's not what people mean by best. did the canadian women's hockey team go too far in the booze-filled celebration? the sorted and sexy details ahead. and joe biden says it is easy being vice president because you don't have to do anything. we'll investigate whether anyone has the heart to hell him that's why he was picked for the job. and basketball with donkies? you will be shocked. >> thank you, andy. >> great day to be a hockey fan as team usa scores 6 goals on route to a 6-1 victory to advance to the gold medal game on sunday. and he apologized. >> that's finish for my name
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is rita. >> all right. let's go to our guest. they are lucid. they are lighthearted and luscious. enough about biker gangs, let's welcome our guests. here here tonight with us is kimberly gilfoil, former pros cute you are and the host of "cops and cases" on fox news .com. she's so hot she gives rugs kimberly gilfoil burns. you look divine. and she knows the polls like i know the vols. they are destroying my herb garden. she is the delightful political analyst and who said you satisfied .com commentator. that's confusing to say. she's so sharp she often throws herself at dart boards. interesting. he is the robert to my frip, the acid to my trip and the kung fu to. grip.
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in -- to my grip. in hawaii he is a choking hazard. and he is damn smart for a bleeding heart. next to me is john devore. if he were trashcans, grame me men -- grime me men would bang him in the driveway. and our new york times correspondent. good to see you! >> check out our science section. thanks for allowing us to report on a fake disease, tiger woods. he's just being a man, greg. >> i know. go away. it looks like charlie went too far-ly and wrangle is in a tangle. in a report released friday. congressman charles wrangle violated congressional gift rules by accepting trips to the caribbean in 2007 and 2008. but wrangle is playing dumb saying he had no knowledge of the sponsorships and blames the whole thing on a giant
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rainbow-stealing peg success. -- pegasus. no, he is blaming his staff. >> i don't want to be critical, but common sense dictates that members of congress should not beheld responsible for what could be the wrongdoing of mistakes of errors of staff unless there is reason to believe that the member knew or should have known. >> that's the sound of about 20 people being thrown under a bus. so the important question is what did wrangle do on these trips? hang glide, scuba? water ski? no just this. i have to admit he looks gorgeous. meanwhile, nancy pelosi is defending wrangle saying he had no knowledge of the sponsorships himself. and as for the man who can't see glass doors, he said this.
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i like kimberly going, oh no. accidents speak a thousand words. what do you get from the whole wrangle thing? the fact he wouldn't take questions from the media. >> well, look, we have a bufn of crooks sing -- a bunch of crooks singling out a crook. it is a bunch of your pals being like, dude, what did you dash -- dash too much. i think pelosi needs to sell him out quickly. he's been stinky for years. i will defend him one way because i think i have to. and that is -- that picture of him, the dude is relaxed. he was working hard. >> i don't think i have ever been that relaxed in my entire life. >> ever. >> even on heavy medication, kimberly. you can pump me full of drugs. i am not even close to that.
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kimberly, if you ended up on a tropical vacation, wouldn't you know how you got there. and just say my staff made plans. >> i would say clearly my staff put this thong on me. i have no idea why i am laying out like this. he is throwing them under the bus. he is not accepting responsibility. and let's be honest, he has a tail a mile long of things he has done that are inappropriate. but sign me up to be a politician because it looks like pretty, easy x fun and you don't have to take responsibility for anything. >> for the benefit of our ratings, can we get back to the thong thing? >> that's when you get caught in unfortunate under gar mebts -- undergarments and you are too unfortunate to say -- >> doesn't sound unfortunate to me. i love the ladies. a pound of brewski. >> he lies to people ef day. this is the chairman of the weighs and means committee.
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that's the tax and spend committee. it is mass ask you raiding as something it is not. >> he writes tax laws. he is being investigated. >> if you are not using your own credit card, someone else is paying to get tout beach. maybe there is not that much mystery here. >> i still can't get mad at that lounging though. >> that's amazing. >> what will happen to him, kimberly? you are the legal beagle here. >> basically nothing. they think he is too old and harmless and takes a lot of unnecessary naps and he won't do anything. he hillary tire. -- he will retire. >> they are investigating. >> you know what the most serious charge was, and this is from my sources, apparently the resort after he was sun bathing -- >> he was wearing a thong? >> no, no thong would fit that beast. >> weighs and means 6789. > he weighs a lot and means to
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lose them. so he is swimming, but you are not to eat in the pool. canly book at photos -- can we look at photos. there he is enjoying his dip and brought some parsely. security came over and tried to tell him to put down the food and he tried to mate with them. >> you are a terrible man! i will distance myself from that horrible joke. watch me distance myself. i am not even on the camera anymore. stop looking at me. >> shall we move on? >> i can talk about charlie wrangle all day. >> me too. but i want to go to something else. from a chump to champs. they prefer their champagne on ice. next time, maybe, they will think twice. in case you mixed it, and a curse on qlor cock teal if you did, the canadian hockey team won gold and now the rowdy celebration is drawing out the scolds. after beating team usa the canucks left their locker room and went to center ice where
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they had bottles of bubbly and beer and smoked cigars. one even tried to drive the zamboni. she was stopped because women are not allowed to drive in canada. i kid, of course. the partying raised eyebrows at the international olympic committee, and the governing body want more details on what happened. yeah, more details. says the party pooping executive, director of the io -- wafer. -- whatever. i don't think it is good for sports values. if they celebration in the changing room, that's one thing, but not in public. i agree. i would have liked to have seen the celebration in the changing room, but are to entirely different reasons. we asked a pygmy girboa, we asked him to comment. >> wow. >> we need to figure out how to pronounce that. >> way to avoid the question.
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jerk. mary, was it wrong to celebrate like that? this is the best night of their lives. >> absolutely. they are celebrating because they won a great accomplishment and more power to them. they should be able to celebrate as they want to. i had no idea canadians were so fun. and i want to drive the m zamboni. >> who doesn't? but you hospital drive when you are drunk. >> it is a zamboni, why not? >> it is just a sip of champagne. you may chip the ice, but can't go through. >> i think it is more dangerous to be off the zamboni and drunk on the ice. >> bring us back here. kimberly is waiting. i think it goes back to michael phelps. effing has changed since michael phelps. anytime somebody does something people have to condemn it when all they were doing is a having a good time. >> why do they say behind closed doors go crazy. i get it is not the best idea of -- idea ever, but this is
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the hockey team and not the sewing club. do you know what i mean? they are rough and tumble. >> should they have apologized or say screw you, we won the gold, you should just leave us the hell alone. >> they should have rioted. i love women with cigars. the point of the whole story is sports value. it is like tiger woods and phelps. what are sports values? sports values are win and party and lose and cry. we think athletes are moral heroes when, no, they are not. if they win they celebrate. if they lose they punch things. >> exactly. it is weird when you lose and you still party. those are the people we don't like. speaking of, bill, you never had anything to celebrate in your life. if you did, would you have done a similar type of activity as those wonderful women? >> i am a man, greg. i told you this many times
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before. i want to cry sexism here. i will tell you why, three days ago jim montgomery won the gold medal. these girls get the crap. he won the gold and goes down the streets of whistler with a pint of beer and kabutzing with the locals. >> kabutzing? >> it is a canadian term. skeleton, gold medal, beer, nothing. these girls, everything. and it begs the question, what the hell is skeleton? >> i think if it were american athlete who did it, there would be an outcry of arrogance. i think american athletes are strictly told if you win you just leave quickly. >> what was the tag line for canada, own the podium. and what are they third with medals? >> you can't play the song "we are the champions" because it is boastful? >> i love that song. >> is there anything such as a
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private celebration. >> he does it ef day in his -- every day in his office. >> just because i wear a party hat doesn't make it a party. one last thing, women who smoke cigars is interesting. >> monica lewinski. >> it scares me and it would take psychologists weeks. >> i don't think she was smoking the cigar. >> monica? anyway, we have to move on. now to the greg-alogue. it is a lincoln log of logic. so at thursday's healthcare summit, luis slaughter issued a dramatic call for healthcare reform. a woman was so poor she wore her dead sister's dentures. roll tape, tape rollers. >> i had one constituent and you won't believe this, but it is true. her sister died. this poor woman had no dentures. she wore her dead sister's
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teeth which of course did not fit. did you ever believe in america that's where we would be? >> no, i don't believe that's where we would be, but slaughter does. she said she heard the story from a doctor in buffulo. maybe it is true, but the tales of whoa drive me nuts. slaughter was not the only one to bring up stuff. miller talked about his two fake hips. alex zap der talked about his wife who is sick and our president brought up his mom and two daughters. i have had enough of politicians with tales of anguish to score political . if we can get a more for yum -- moratorium, we would all be better off. we all experience pain and sorrow in our lives and lost loved ones, but if everybody pulled a slaughteringthing would get done. as horrifying or sentimental it may be, it does not pass muster on an intelligent point.
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you can't talk about a person dying and falling off a ladder. if we turn everything into a contest of tragic suffering there may be reform. if you don't agree, you are nothing mar more than a racist homo fob. -- hoe ma fob. meab, you work in politics more than anybody. do these stories have an affect to people? does it change their mind on anything? >> i don't think so. it makes the person that is saying it feel a lot better about how they are spending their time. it makes them feel like in the great theater we have a call to the healthcare summit. this is the drama chapter. i don't think that matters. everybody knows somebody that is sick and want them to get better. but those guys are not doctors. what we need is not about the sigest person, but the wellest person. and having healthcare be a process where you are making people better and have good
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habits. >> i am voting for her. >> as a prancing liberal, i am all for the moretorium. >> lamar is republican and they are all guilty. >> the republicans that at the healthcare summit the premiere of canada came to america. i mate those stories as well. they say we have the greatest healthcare system in the world for rich people. i hate those stories as well. >> we have a great healthcare system if you are a sheik or dick cheney. >> that's not true. >> we have a great healthcare system if you have healthcare. >> a clarification question. >> yes. >> we are talking about healthcare and doesn't that include dental care? >> it could be. >> it is like delta dental. >> i was in the sorority delta dental. i pledged. >> i think they ticked you out when they found out your horrible, horrible secret.
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>> it is not just humans with tales of whoa. it is robots. here is one right now telling us what has made his life hard. >> hello, greg. thank you for having me on your show, and congratulations on your weight loss you look fantastic. as for bill shultz, i wish i could leave robot village and purchase a gun. then i would shoot him in the face and dump his disgusting body. and then i would dance like a cheerful chip monk as it was reduced to tiny morsels of flesh. sorry to digress. the dpakt is, as a robot, i have not experienced much suffering in my life. my father happened to be a vacuum cleaner. he jammed the whole thing with industrial strength lotion. i had never seen my dad since. what does this have to do with
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healthcare you ask? not a lot, really. but thanks for asking. now back to my soaps. luke is back in laura's life and he isn't making it easy for the baby. >> that's funny. >> the funniest part is when he congratulated greg on his weight loss. that robot needs robot glasses. >> a knew tree system endorsement. >> it is the second day and i feel a little light. >> can we zoom in on his robot waist? do you like stories that make you smarter? this is not one of those stories. what is so bad about donkey basketball? well, it is the offense, andhi,. then there is the pooping.
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biden got caught confiding, and now he is in hiding, i assume. nobody really knows or cares where the vice president is on a daily basis anyway. which was the .-- point he was trying to make when cspan's audio picked him up having casual convo during a session of the healthcare session. have a listen. in case you missed it, biden says, it is easy being vice president. you don't have to do anything. and then who ever he was talking with said, it is like being the grandpa and not the parent. biden says, yeah, that's it. he says the sheepish-beepish was joking and went on to list
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his training owema's dog bo. well, that's it. he is the most honest vp. >> i will defend joe biden this way. he looks like he is having a great time all the time. he looks hammered all the time, but it looks like he is having a good final. -- good time. why did baynor look like he wanted to be outlooking like -- wanted to be out looking for bueller. >> there are a lot of ernest people. look at robert bird. he is the ghost of something evil pastment -- past. shouldn't we admire that? >> yes. he didn't know somebody hurt him. >> somebody has to cut him off from the truth serum. what has any vice president ever done? that's part of the job.
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>> it the vice president never does everything, can everyone please layoff dick chain -- dick cheney? >> no that's what they are supposed to do. he did too much. >> you brought up an excellent point, when a republican is in charge you always hear the phrase "a heartbeat away" whether it was dan quail and when mccain was running it was pay lynn. just a heartbeat away. we all laugh about grandpa and how bumbling he is. but nobody says that. why? >> he is pulling in $227,000 a year to do nothing. i know a lot of families out there who would love to see that change. >> he breaks editorial votes. how about funerals? >> that's depressing. he goes to the things the president doesn't want to go to and that's every vice president's job. >> when they need an extra
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body, don't forget that amazing accomplishment. he said, put me in, coach. >> didn't he single handedly caused the flu. he is our minister of health. >> that's what something your grandfather would say. i am not flying. i don't think you should fly either. until this whole thing is over. i'm in the basement until everyone is dead. then i'm coming out with my pitch fork and we have eaten all the paper. >> my grandpa used to say that all the time. >> they are telling people not to go to vegas. >> we would go to vegas. go to vegas to get away from the swine flu. >> to atlantic city. we must move on. do you have a comment on your show? e-mail us. red eye at fox news .com. to leave a voice moil, 2 with un2-462-smief wrr spiff 0. still to come, the half time
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for that we go to andy levy. just 1441 days left until russia. can you smell the victory? >> i sure can, and it is important to note that dimitri chimichanko says, quote, preparations and delivery of the games will become a catalyst of positive change regardless of the awareness of responsibilities, not only in the region of the games, but throughout the whole of russia and will create implementations for environmental programs. >> wow. that's pretty good. >> also there will be sports. >> excellent. >> wrangle blames staffers for problems. jack, can we put this up. jay interesting. >> his name is apparently harley bengal. john, you said you think pelosi should sell wrangle out and she hasn't yesterday.
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but two other congressmen have called for wrangle to step down as chairman of the house wois and -- house weighs and means. >> they are together forever. >> they are not literally married. >> no, split clear married. >> that would be weird. > why would it be woo erred? >> because pawosi is married to someone else. >> i don't know what you thought i meant, greg. >> what do you mean? >> horrible. mary, you said this is the least of wrangle's problems. they are looking at issues cur under roughing the tacks and his use of rent control departments and whatever he cheats at guitar hero. i am not making this stuff up. well, i kind of am. by the way, the ethics committee says wrangle's aides wrote him two medical mes and a letter telling him the caribbean trips had cor interpret sponsors. >> he denies seeing them.
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>> well, i don't read my mail either. >> except for the fans. >> well, that explains why you wear the shirt. >> i e-mailed you, greg. caw neigheden why warns hockey team during the celebration. the president of the canadian olympic committee which by the way, one of the most unfortunate acro anymoreses ever. think about it. he says it was an error in judgment, but as far as we are concerned, the matter is closed. >> you said one of the players was trying to drive the zamboni. i think she was posing while in the driver's seat. >> nice word of the use of the world wilst. did somebody vacation in canada? >> and she said, we had our victory and deserve to win and
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i think we handled ours fine. i am not ashamed or embarassed at all. nobody got hurt. the ioc can] bleep [. >> whoa. >> them is fighting words. >> now we have to bleep that out. >> of course we do. >> don't released those statement when's he is still busing. >> you go, girls. bill, i believe kitbuzing is an israeli source. they spell it with a u. greg-alogue, you made a great point. i would think dentures would fall under a dental plan and not healthcare plan. even if obama passed. >> and nobody wanted to bring it up. i was pointing out the problem and wasting our minds. >> dentures are covered by medicare and medicaid. >> you have to be older to get them. how did you pay for those?
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it is the thing people like, correct? >> yes. >> i don't like the post office. >> don't you, greg? >> no. >> you want to get your mail? >> talk about something we will have to believe. >> i love the post office. >> biden says the job is easy because you don't do anything. you ask why he would rather be out chasing ferris bueller. i think to be honest he got a call from his bad that it was not natural. >> it was not a natural cheeto view? >> that's a good one. >> he should be going around telling -- inspiring people to do bad things. >> he is a rat scallion. >> i am apparently done for the week.
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>> you are done for the week? >> yeah. >> you don't know about the special saturday morning meeting we are having. >> i know, but i am choosing not to be there. >> it is in four hours. >> that is called sexual harassment. >> we will meet at my helio pad and then meet. >> is that like a heli pad? i >>- q. we will be -- >> we will be landing at my house in the hamptons and black eyed peas will be playing -- playing in a vat of fire. >> someplaces you get suned. >> i have one of those as well. and it cost me $35 million. >> go away, you go first. let me welcome our guest. kimberly gilfol. she is sweeter than strawberry short cake and rides through candy land on a my little pony. i wish who ever put this in the prompter put it in correcterly. and who said, you said .com commentator. she is so sharp that teenage boys use her to widdle their wood.
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and he knows words like i know thirds. it is my favorite fraction. >> they put the oo -- as in basketball. placing teachers on top of hee hf-haw with proceeds going to charities slash prom committeeses and all droppings with placed in bags and given to bill. see for yourself. who would have a problem with it? you guessed it. my sister's new boyfriend who is a jerk. and peta issued a, quote, action alert against the school district in nava daw which is planning -- in nevada. the dprendz of all things -- the friends of all things four legged, quote. donkeys are forced into loud and confusing environments and may become frightened to
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protect themselves. reminds me of the lunch i had with john gibson. man it was crazy. >> and gassy. >> that was me, by the way. >> mules -- >> donkies. >> mules are donkies. >> this has to be a walk in the park for a donkey. >> for a pack animal? pea saw it angry because the losers get turned too dog food. >> no. >> oh, i thought they would be turned into food and cans. >> it is a malicious and accurate rumor. >> they are pack animals that are used to carry things. i have to say, kimberly, this has -- high school has to be the coolest place for a lon key. they have nef seen cheerleaders or games or hung out with people or talked about people behind their backs. >> what is the big deal?
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an action alert? is that like a fox news alert. i think it means bad things are happening. >> bad things are happening in donkey land. >> that would be a great name for a movie, bad things happening in a donkey land. >> you have considered an ass whisperer. what is the word in the donkey community? >> i am an ass whisperer. we will discuss this after the show. my poor end was a french teacher for years, go cougars, and she had to do this every year. she put them on the donkeys and collect the money. instead of earning the respect of her students, they watch instead of earning the respect of her students, they watch #ed her on the gashes gacioun sh bloated beats. >> i have to get to her before i take a break. >> the teachers need the respect of the students. i am against it.
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>> the superintendent will go through with the donkey basketball, should she? >> i guess so. it put the fun back in fundraising. it has been happening for 50 years. i went to one when i was a kid. it was gross and not that fun. >> donkies could be doing worse things. believe me, i have seen the movies. now, this next story may be the next story in history of stories. you don't know what movies i am talking about. don't td he my word for it. i will take valume and all my questions will be about gum.
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even if you donnex follow nascar, you probably know my next guest. he is a 2-time daytona 500 winner who now owns his own race team. wish i had a race team. he is pretty much constantly on your tv in one of 8 million commercials and he is hosting a new show on the speed channel. it is called "fast track to fame."
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it starts march 1st at 9 p.val joining us is michael waltrip. he he knows left turns like i know rug burns. michael, i was doing research on you. you ran the boston marathon, didnnex you? >> i did. >> when you were running it did you just look at them going,low7 miles? why don't you drive? >> the hardest part about the boston marathon, somebody toll me when i see the citgo sign at fenway that i was there. that's not right. i saw that c ti go sign for an hour. i could nef get to the finish line. i also ran in a marathon in vegas a few years back. that's when i realized i was done. i gome in the car and we literally drove 27 miles out of town right along the course that we had to turn around and run back. i thought, this is making no sense. >> i can imagine a vegas marathon. a lot of stopping andett ging married and getting divorced and then meeting a hooker and
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then going to an std clinic. i wonnex get into that. i want to know what it is like being a race car driver in regular li ho. when you are say driving to ikea to get a dresser, is it hard not to want to just step on it and get there as fast as possible? >> you know, my goal in going anywhere on the road is just to chill. don't be panicking and don't be in a hurry. the thing that drives me crazy about drivers on the road is road rage. i donnex get it. i race atlowbab miles an hour and i have constant road rage during that. when i am going down to the store to pick up a desk at ikea, then i'm pretty chill. if somebody needs to cut in front of me, they need to be somewhere worse than i do and i let theval >> sped hing of rustd rage, my most -- i guess the question that always gets me about being a race car drivet g when you are in the car for 4-5 hours, how do you td he care of your body's most basic needs?
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>> you get water and it helps you through the heat. own you are prepared you generally don't have to pea. if you are sweaty you may just pea. and one thing as you get older and lose control, that's why the guys retire. mentalasi they could still race the car, but that whole bladder control issue would start to get on your nerves. >> this is a big news stories. the number one cost of retiring is incontineder e. >> you gome it. a lot of people don't know that. >> i donnex think anybody knore. that. should racing -- we are in the olympics and should racing be an oasia loic event? they have by sonsk -- they have bicycles, but why can't guys in cars compete? a beak well cost a couple grand at the most. our cars cost $200,000 aot ece to build and then you need the
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motor and so it is a very expensive sport. that's why i have td hen great care of naptan best western, toyota, coca-cola, the folks that pay our bills. >> well done. race car drivers are the best at reciting their sponsors because there are so maies. and you do -- you do them eloquently. you also pointed out that was a dt thatb question. you have a team of 60 people and that's a problem. i i want to ask you about the show, "fast track to fame" march 1st 9 p.m. it is a talent show, but raonsng themed? >> it is a talent show at the racetrack based on the folks in nascar natio. >> th own you are a race fan or can sing and tell jokes we want you on our stage. we have three judges that will judge how you do. and if you win your event, your night when you are oae you go to our finals.
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you go and compete for a chance to win bigger prilins. it will be fun to see the folks that love nascar so much and put them on stage and watch them show us their talent. i have seen some of the foomeonte of some of the folst that are going to be singing and dancing and telling jrathes this monday night, and they are really talented. i can't wait to see how it tunings out. >> it sounds like "american idol" but with a beer cooler. am i right? >> exactasi. own you are a little bit of a country band or if you understand your ad oieder e, you have to c000tivate your audience and you have to make sure the judges think your stonte preseder e is better than anybody else's. one of the acts on monday niome t is a trio, the centerot ece of that trio is an 82-year-old gentleman that plays the spoons. i wawa loed that act -- i wacomphed that act and it is fun.
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a lot of good things on our a lot of good things on our show. that ise'- spoon that sinting, but it involves heroin. it is a pleasure to show. it is marchteljr. and on the website it says no fire acts, bands or aerial acts. i just wanted to point that out to people. if you have like flying cat on fire, don't appasi. thanst , michael. coming um next, your voicemail.
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>> high school girls in korea having fun at thedd teacher's expense. we did the same thing in aa. >> blue phone means it is time for mesre,ges for greg. kickback and relax and feast your eyes on a my little pony o osical as we bathe your ears with the warm soapy words of you. >> hi, greg this is blalin. your shoey is the shoiest show that's ever been shown. >> greg, i havetel4 words for you. unicorns and griffins versus stormy and picks swrele'- ot xel in thejr.ltimate tont tem death match. >> how did you do it? you gome glen to mention you on tv? wow. everyone is gonna be tuning in, my friend. everyone.
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>> greing an could you ask her f she will give her back to husband. -- tojr.s. great. >> hello. calling from tacoma. greg, you looe'- you look nice in those glasses. forget the guy who said you look like a sex offender. you look like clark kent. >> greing an this is jason from miami. great job with the shotel4 i fddst stumbledjr.pon it. i thought it was a fever-cocaine enduced haze, d tht oder e i s-- yeredjr.p glo see it is an actual show. >> tell andy levy i am trying to figure out where he will be at various points in time by using his twitter to meet up with him dpor act. it ities. >> greing an there is a video ge on-line you have to check out. robotjr.niconing attack. unicorn man! jr.niconings baby,
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don't forget you can watch us saturtcy night at midniome t eastern tim butst phey. pacific time. coming up next on the next "red eye" montcvy sorry about that, losing my mind. look at these lovely guests. retuning appearader es from jim nose lon. he is sexy as hell. diana falzone, she's not bad. n gd ylingto. >> th and another addition of father knows best with father norris. e-mailjr.s your questions at
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red eye at fox news .com. >> time to go back to tv's lndy le3 m for the post game soa000jr.da >> thanks, craig. kimberly are you on with geraldo i. >> th >> yes, and we are going in one of the killer whale tanks. geraldo thinks the whale should be put down beccoose of what happened. >> john, where can i find links to your ider redi iy inanaedible on-line writing. >> you can go to twitter .com re to find john ds politics, food, relationships and erotic lord of the ring and erotic lord of the ring fan fiction. >> mary, what is going on at who saif t you s iydradcom? >> it is a d iyly dose of people saying in their own wo whs whaneds on thedd minds. so things like sco show brown's -- it is the people's seat and the gym that we -- the gm
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re,w from eane biden. and learning about what people have on thedd minds. lnd it is a highe'- highlight real of the public eye. >> i want to make out right notel4 notel4 >> sing uer. intervieey with mark mcgwddhey.s brother, jay mcgwire who has the saucy tell all. >> i don-m have aies.thining ant it should be great. >> you are an odd, little man. >> are you welcome, tom. >> greing an your new book "bibe of unspeakable truths" where do i pre o wher it? >> i don-m knotel4 go to amazon .com and order it now. or just w iyt a few weest and order it again: >> maybe i will order it twice. >> bye. tsectch reall shultz.
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