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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  March 20, 2010 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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the protests, some before, some against, this is america history in the making and gentlemen, it's sausage in the making, but it's america's sausage and you're paying for it and we're watching how they're spending it up close and personal. >> the battle lines are drawn, the clock ticking down to one of the biggest votes that's occurred in your nation's capital in some time. do the democrats have the votes in the house? by our count, it's really, really close. for barack obama it is a piece of legislation that he believes will define his presidency. for many of congress it's a tough vote that could reverberate all the way to the mid term elections depending who you talk to, this is a piece of legislation that will either make health care more affordable or plunge our economy into an unrecoverable tailspin. hello, i'm brian wilson and this is our big story today. america's news headquarters live from the nation's capital starts right now. and a historic weekend here in
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washington. the action has already begun. the house rules committee has been meeting today to determine the parameters by which members will debate and vote on the health care bill, very important stuff. the meeting is expected to last much of the day. at the same time behind the scenes, dbts, republicans, lobbyists, analysts reporters and political junkies are counting the votes. now, there are still many democrats who are undieded or not announced how they'll vote. we've been conducting our own unofficial whip count which stance at 214 no or leaning no and 217 yes or leaning yes. basically if all of the undecided or undeclared democrats vote the way they voted in december, the measure would pass and others scored it differently and the swaying as we like to say here in washington is fluid. we'll have complete fox team coverage in a bit we'll hear from carl cameron and neil cavuto. wendell goler is at the white
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house where president barack obama is preparing to go to capitol hill. molly henneberg is on the front are the capital. they've descended to shout opposition and we'll begin at the white house. wendell. >> there is no celebrating, but white house officials point out that each no vote that changes to yes and the optimism officials felt as nancy pelosi's promise to deliver the goods as you say the president heads to the capitol with some democrats showing they have the 216 to pass the senate reform bill in the house and perhaps without the deem and pass measure, parliamentary maneuver that republicans objected to so very strongly. yesterday at a campaign style event at a nearby college. the president rallied a friendly audience as he tried to close the deal with lawmakers and he said the issue is not the costs or the growth of government or the unintended impact on private insurers that republicans say
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will result from changing the current health care system, it's the potential benefits to people who already have insurance, to the budget deficit and to 30 million people who don't have insurance now. >> toughest insurance reforms in history. one of the big egest debt reduction plans in history and the opportunity to give millions of people, some of them in your own family, some of the people who are in this auditorium today, an opportunity for the first time in a very long time to get affordable health care. >> after the rally, mr. obama was back on the phone lobbying lawmakers to switch their no votes to yes. four did so yesterday. he's had more than 60 meetings or phone calls of members of congress, delivered 54 speeches on the issue, health care's been the subject of more than a dozen saturday internet addresses. the white house won't confirm it, but officials also don't deny reports that the president is telling lawmakers
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privately, the fate of his presidency hinges on the votes that house members will take tomorrow. it is certain he is telling lawmakers that the republicans will use the health care debate against them, whether or not the bill passes so they might as well get something for it. brian. >> brian: thank you so much. the tea party is back in washington, a coalition of tea party organization and leadership are quote, launching the final push against what they call a march toward obama care. now, our molly henneberg is live on the west front of the capital where she's covering that part of the story. hello, molly. >> hi, brian, this is the first event in a day's worth of events for the tea partiers. they say they're here to put pressure on undecided members of congress to try to convince them to vote no on health care reform. let me step out of the way and you can get a sense of the crowd here, there are thousands here who every once in a while break into chants of kill the bill. this event took more than 60 plus tea party affiliates put together in the past four days, there was a tea party rally on tuesday, and
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organizers say they were flooded with request requests to do another one for people who couldn't take off work on tuesday, so this event today came out of all of those calls and e-mail requests. joining me now is one of these members or one of the participants here at the tea party rally. that is jana, a business owner from annapolis maryland. donna, why are you here and what do you oppose about the bill. >> i' pose much in the bill. i'm a small business owner and i see this as a massive tax increase on a job killer, number one, more importantly, i come here as a mother. i had a daughter who died ten years ago two days ago of a rare lung disease and we spent five years in the hospital, where we chose what, what hospital we could go to, depending on what phase of the disease she was in and i'm very concerned that if the government is responsible for our health care, we won't have the choices that we were able to make for our daughter kristin, and i'm afraid that that's going to be taken away from us. i understand the irs is going
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to be running it, overseeing this bill and it concerns me, i'm concerned about this for the future of our country and for my surviving daughter. >> i'm sorry for the loss in your family, thank you for talking with us today. >> after this rally, brian, the people out here today are saying that they're going to go to offices of undecided members, house members to try to convince them person to person to vote no on health care reform, brian. >> brian: molly henneberg, a programming note here if i could. we do expect that the president will be going to capitol hill at three o'clock eastern time. and we will be prepared to cover that live on your fox news channel and you'll want to check back in and see exactly how that goes, the democrats meeting with democrats to try to rally the troops. now, joining us, republican congressman phil gingry. we had planned to have democratic congressman andrews away as well and he he's been called away on business and they're busy up there, he'll try to join us later if we can
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arrange that. we'll keep working on that. in the meantime, congressman, does health care reform, as outlined in this legislation that's about to become before the house of representatives, does it make health care more affordable? >> brian, that's the whole point. when you cut right to the choice, it doesn't. and the cbo has told us innumberable sometimes that it does not bend the cost curve in the right direction. for us to try to reform 1/6 of our economy and spend at a minimum and i emphasize men mum of 1 trillion dollars in the process and come up with an ed sell. it doesn't make sense to me as a physician who practiced for 31 years and the destruction of the doctor-patient relationship and health care and our economy. i visited the caterpillar
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company recently this week, they told me this would cost them $100 million dollars in the first year. take away any benefit they got from the so-called economic slus package. wipe it out. >> brian: well, let me ask you then, based on what you see happening right now, i mean, republicans know how to count votes just like democrats do. do the democrats have the votes to pass this measure in the house? do they have the 216 votes they need? >> well, i was listening to previous clips on fox news and i understand now that they're saying 217 yeses and of course, the democrats want to have 217 because in addition to this deem and scheme. deem and pass trick where they're trying to avoid their members having a fingerprint on the passage of this senate bill, so when they go back home and say, no, i voted for the rule, i didn't vote for the bill. if they have 217 for pass samming, a member could always go back and say, you know, even if i had voted no like you wanted me to, mr. and mrs.
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america, it would have still passed by one vote, so, don't blame me. >> brian: all right, so i want to point out that the numbers are only guesses at this point. our best guesstimate so we don't really know where things are. is there a chance that you can hold democrat's feet to the fire and republicans say you must do a recorded vote. we want everybody to be on record here? can you force it? >> we can't force it, maybe the american people can force it, all of these millions that are on the plaza at the capitol right now that molly was interviewing some of them in the previous clip. we don't have the votes in the house or senate, but obviously, we are working on our senators, republican senators and john boehner, mitch mcconnell. we're all working on some of these democrats that we think need to know and need to understand that even the president promises all of these deals and if they lose their election, they're going
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to become ambassador to this countries or that country or whatever, that these things that require senate approval indeed can be held up, so there's no guarantee when they vote for the senate bill that it will be changed. >> congressman, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it and again, we'll try to get the democratic side in later as soon as we can get them to our microphones and cameras in just a bit. >> thank you, brian. >> by the way in the upper right-hand corner you see mike pence, a key member of the house speaking to the tea party rally. let's listen in for just a moment of that. >> the american people don't want a government takeover of health care now or ever. the american people want us to face our challenges in health care with more freedom not more government.
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this weekend, i believe, will mark the beginning of the end of liberal asen densesy here in washington d.c. this weekend, this weekend the american people will begin the long journey back to the center of our national government. >> well, there you have a sense of what mike pence, a republican from indiana says about this health care measure, rather predictable given his position within the house leadership, but we want to give you a sense of what's going on as it's happening. now, we want to know of course, it's very important to know what you think about this massive health care reform bill. you can log on to to share your thoughts. just click on the you decide poll, right now, 32% of you say you think the health care bill will pass. 49% of you say, no way it's going to pass. there is also a comments section where i can tell us
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why upping the way you do. it's all on a couple other stories we want to get to you today. other news, pope benedict has written a letter apologizing to the victims of a sex abuse scandal that involves 20 children. greg burke is streaming live from rome with the very latest on that, hello, greg. >> hi, brian, that's right. well, the pope's long awaited letter to catholics in ireland coming out today, but it's really not just the irish who are looking at it, given that the sex abuse crisis has hit germany and also, other countries throughout europe. now, pope benedict was especially tough with the irish bishops talking about how they failed and in his words, sometimes grievously to deal with the situation. i am truly sorry, benedict saying, calling the criminal and sinful acts abuse by members of the church and telling the abusers that they have to face not only almighty god, but also, justice here on earth for their sens and for
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their crimes. now, a vatican spokesman today saying that some of his most profound words in that letter are for the victims. >> the hope has-- later on many profound words for the victims, for the suffering of the victims. who suffered egregiously. i am truly sorry, i know nothing can undo the wrong you have endured. >> now, finally, brian, of course not everybody is happy with this victim's group saying not enough criticism of the bishops. they want to see some heads roll. that could happen as part of this letter, benedict did announce, he has ordered an investigation into the church in ireland, some of the dioces where the situation was worse, also seminaries and religious orders. >> brian: thank you, greg
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burke in rome. keep it here for the health care showdown. neil cavuto is here in our town he's up next. we'll be back in just a moment. ♪ hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... [ feme announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 calories per serving. multigrain cheerios. try new chocolate cheerios with a touch of delicious chocolate taste in every bite.
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>> many opponents of the
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health care bill are focussed on how much it's going to cost. we want to check if with our your world host and fox business vice-president, neil cavuto, live from one of the greatest vantage points in all of washington. if you've never been there. go to the museum right down on pennsylvania avenue. it's good to have you. before we get into the money, your camera crew give us a view of what's going on on the west front. how many people are actually there at the protests. >> sure, brian, we have and have been kind of looking at this growing tea party crowd. at first, it was just a few hundred, it looked like and then it started growing rapidly. i'm a terrible guesstimater on crowds, but you would probably heard the reports, brian, that they were having trouble getting here because of traffic and that, well, the arteries into washington were clogged, i don't know if it was because of the health care thing, but it was very tough for them to get here, i guess, there's a big marathon going
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on here as well. but at least in those cases, the runners, they're running away from the capitol. these tea parties descending on the capitol and they're expected by day's end to keep coming and coming and copping, i am noticing off pennsylvania avenue, bus load after busload coming from all over the country to let their views be known. many of whom seem to be acknowledging it doesn't look good for their cause and much of them for this health care package, but they are sending a message to those who vote for this, that we will remember you in november. we'll see. >> brian: and that is what a lot of people are saying, you can go down this path, but we're not going to forget this vote and it may have reverberations. but the dollars and cents, neil, i mean, it only makes sense it would seem to reform health care if you can make the situation better and it seems to be an open question about whether this legislation accomplishes that. >> well, you know, a lot of the corporate guys i talked to, brian, are pretty black and white, they would be very,
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very happy if something benefitted them right from the get-go so i always like to tell my friends following the corporate world, these guys aren't red or blue, they're green. and a lot of people, the ceo of caterpillar saying this will inhibit growth to 200 million dollars. a lot of medium and small businesses saying it's not a good view here. because tucked in this legislation is this nearly 4% additional hike in taxes on so-called unearned income for the 200, 250,000 and over crowd and since a lot of that business crowd, they personally feel it's a lot of small businesses, to pay at that top rate anyway. they would also be affected by the top rate and that roughly 1% rate on the payroll tax so we're talking, brian, without getting too gobbledygooky
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here, before you start adding in state and local taxes, so, they're concerned about that and they want to know if in the end the savings they get from this program materialize and offset that. a lot of them don't know. >> brian: and from your analysis of this situation, does it make it better for the actual person who is using the health insurance? >> well, you know, one of the things at that democrats are going to be touting, if it were to pass, is that almost immediately, brian, as i'm sure you know, a lot of the goodies kick in. coverage for pre-existing conditions for kids, coverage for your kids, 26. another reason for my daughter not to move out. and a lot of that instant benefit stuff kicks in right away and the nasty stuff kicks in later. so, that's why a lot of democrats are saying, neil, this is why we think this isn't going to hurt us nearly as much in the polls as these tea party are saying in november because americans will look at this and say, hey, i've got the pre-existing
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thing right now, got my kid covered right now. i've got preventive coverage up to 100% covered right now, no deductible. >> brian: right. >> never mind all the costs for that kick in later and by the time november rolls around when you're only looking at the goodies, it might not be so bad. we'll see. >> brian: we always love it when the big dogs come down from new york to visit us in the nation's capital. neil cavuto, good to have you on our program, from the museum on pennsylvania avenue. this is a fox news alert. as we continue to follow the very fluid situation up on capitol hill, house speaker nancy pelosi now says there will be no separate bill to accommodate bart stupak and other pro-life democrats. that either means they can't do a separate side card bill without losing pro choice democrats or don't need the votes of the pro-life democrats at all. this comes after a meeting this morning with pelosi and some pro choice democrats who
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told fox news that another vote on the stupak language is not going to happen. bart, mr. stupak was supposed to at some point have a press conference and that was delayed. so this must be what's going on behind the scenes. we'll continue to watch that. now, when it comes to how much this will cost you at home, you don't want to miss fox news sunday tomorrow. now, chris wallace is going to talk to two people who know how to count the number on the hill. house republican congressman paul ryan on both the house budget and the house ways and means committee will be with us and democratic congress woman debby wasserman schultz, part of the house committee and lrp whipping up health care votes. that's tomorrow morning on fox news sunday and of course you check your local listings for the time and channel of fox news sunday. there is so much else going on around the country we are going to break away from the health care coverage to talk about some other things. north dakota residents keeping an eye on rising water one
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year after flooding hit the state and watch the video, seeing flooding from last year and seeing rising waters from the red river. the river is expected to crest tomorrow at about 37.5 feet. three feet lower tan last year's record flooding. north dakota isn't the only state worried. minnesota is worried about rising waters and meteorologist domenica davis is at the fox weather center. >> at least we're not looking at wet weather this that area. as you mentioned, tomorrow will be the tell tale sign of what happened with the red river and it's forecast to crest at 38 feet on sunday. right now, it's currently at 36.6. so, fingers crossed tomorrow that they will see that a little bit lower than what they saw it yesterday. we do have some, a lot of weather, a cold front moving through the middle part of the country and severe weather to the south and plenty of snow moving through oklahoma and they just need five inches and looking at one of the snowiest winters on record. a line of severe thunderstorms
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though is moving off to the east and behind this front, some very cold temperatures. so we have beautiful conditions ahead of the front on the northeast and then behind it, you can see dallas, 38 where that front has moved through, memphis, 69 degrees. that's the latest from the fox weather center. >> brian: all right, thank you very much, domenica davis. we are going to take a commercial break. there's so much going on. we've got the a-team in. we're all over the health care story, back in just a moment. host: could switching to geico really save you
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15% or more on car insurance? host: did the waltons take way too long to say goodnight? mom: g'night john boy. g'night mary ellen. mary ellen: g'night mama. g'night erin. elizabeth: g'night john boy. jim bob: g'night grandpa. elizabeth: g'night ben. jim bob:'night. elizabeth: g'night jim bob. jim bob: g'night everybody, grandpa: g'night everybody. jim bob: g'night daddy. vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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>> this weekend in washington it's health care reform as landmark legislation reaches the house tomorrow. caroline shively with the latest on that and other stories. >> hi, brian. the house rules committee is meeting this afternoon hashing out the details to get to the floor.
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it seems to be breaking in president obama's favor. if, that's a very big if, the undecided and democrats vote the same way as in november then the measure would squeak by at 217-214. the outcome is still uncertain. other news organizations put the numbers higher or lower and the president certainly knows that and going to capitol hill for one final pep rally with house democrats. >> health care isn't the only hot button issue this week. tens of thousands of people are headed to washington for an immigration march tomorrow. calling for a kick start it immigration reform that they say has been ignored because of the economic crisis, health care reform and the war in afghanistan. about 70,000 people are expected to attend the march. pope benedict is apologizing to victims of child sex abuse by irish clergy, saying he feels, quote, shame and remorse. in the letter, the pope announced a formal vatican investigation of irish dioces affected by the scandal. a group representing survivors of the abuse said they thought the letter fell short of
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addressing concerns of the victims and those are the top stories right now. brian, back to you. >> caroline, thank you very much. the focus of the health care fight is in the house rules committee and members are meeting to follow tomorrow's expected vote and how it will go and how the legislation will proceed. democrats are plotting a complex procedural path through the bill and republicans are looking to throw as many road blocks as possible. carl cameron with details right now. in the last few minutes it seems we're seeing some kind of possible meltdown on the issue of abortion lang wage as relates to this bill. >> bart stupak has been putting it into the process and go with the senate bill, if it is deemed passed. the shorthand stuff the rules committee today is writing essentially parameters for what will be the final debate on health care tomorrow. the house is going to take up the senate bill in the rule. and have it deemed as passed when they decide what the amount of time will be divided
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and debate the reconciliation package and probably go several hours and divide the time up between the republicans and democrats on the reconciliation process and included in the rules of that debate. >> only 26 hours before they start voting, how do the numbers stack up in your education. our whip count suggests the democrats now have enough votes to pass it, but that's, the way we've estimated it includes not only yes votes as well as members who are leaning yes, and no votes and members who are leaning no. the truth is the democratic office will begrudgingly acknowledge they can see as many as five to ten votes that are still very much needed by them and up for grabs, but that sort of thing can change quickly tomorrow when we get into the debate and members are milling about on the floor and the leadership and the white house begin to talk to them in the final few minutes. that's when it really gets tough. that's when things are really laid out on the table and the members can feel very threatened in terms of their
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reelection when the white house and their own leadership start talking about the needed campaign money that may not be there, the needed support that may not be there. >> brian: right. >> that sort of thing can really change their mind at the last minute. >> brian: quickly, carl, the president is going to be up on capitol hill at three o'clock, coverage on fox news, that's three o'clock eastern time, but one would assume that he must be going up there because he thinks he can still twist a few arms. >> he has to and they need the arms twisted. for the better part after week now democrats acknowledged on capitol hill as well as the white house that this really has become a turning point moment for the obama administration. he needs a victory on health care, there's much more at stake here than just the economy. the first term could be affected so the president needs votes and coming up here to shake hands and you can bet the arms are twisted. >> brian: as he shakes the hands a lot of twisting will take place. >> you got it. >> brian: thank you, carl. go quickly back to the tea party, molly henneberg is with minnesota congress woman
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michelle bachman. the congress woman is back from the capital. before she goes back tore additional motions. you see thousands of people gathered here, tea partiers, are they here in time to make a difference. >> exactly on time, molly. there's over 25,000 americans standing here practically on 24 hours notice. they are, they can't wait to be the welcome wagon for president barack obama when it comes this afternoon, coming for a three o'clock meeting with the house democrats. and i think he's going to have quite a welcome on his hands when he comes. >> you spoke to the crowd. what do you oppose about this bill? why, why is it so important to you and others as you say here to quote, kill this bill? >> everything about it because it takes over 18% of our economy, which means it takes over about 18% of our liberty. it will put government between the average american and their doctor and that's not what anyone wants, from cradle until grave, it will change our country forever. if this is the seminal vote
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that will transform our country towards socialism and that's not what the people of america want, they want freedom, liberty, they don't want the socialist view of the president and speaker pelosi ifrnlts congress woman michelle bachman from minnesota grabbed here on her way out of the house p now she's going back in the capital for more votes, back to you. >> brian: thank you much. joining us now is john ward, senior white house and politics reporter at the daily caller and john of the hotline to talk about, man, what else? health care reform. gentlemen, first of all, let's get your score, john, do the democrats have the votes. >> i think your score right now is a little bit more optimistic than the i'm seeing and we're compiling at the hot line. i think there are still five to ten members that nancy pelosi needs, i think she'll get them in the end. she's a woman, a speaker who's gotten every tough vote since she became the speaker, most recently the cap and trade bill, the house health care vote back in november i think it's ultimately that something that passes probably by two or three votes.
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>> brian: the other john, your sense? >> i think they probably get the votes and your count is, as john said, a little optimistic, but i spoke to davis from alabama out of the capital, a no vote, he said the sentiment and feeling in the capital among the democratic caucus it's going to pass and compared it to the tarp vote where it's uncertainty and it's different than that. >> brian: i'm a washington, i guess after 24 years sort of a washington insider and i love the geeky politics stuff and it's hard to separate yourself from it. but it's hard to underestimate how important this vote is. >> yeah, nancy-- barack obama said it a few days ago, the strength of his presidency, next two and a half years of his presidency rests on his ability to get this done and that's frankly the fault of the democrats and administration spent more than a year debating health care and trying to get this thing passed and most democrats would acknowledge privately they would so much rather be talking about jobs, so much rather be talking about the economy, but won't be able to
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do that until they put the health care bill to rest. >> brian: depending how the procedure goes we may get a real account are where every member is or may not. i think that's an open question. this could have reverberations that go well into the mid term election snoos there's going to be a backlash against this bill you see it on the west lawn of the capital right now. i think the calculation that president obama made and speaker pelosi made is that they would rather have something to run on this than nothing. that's basically the calculation they made and i think that president obama made a historical calculation, the history book once written no matter how this falls, he wrote an important legislation. >> i think there's been a shift in the media in the past 72 hours on the health care issue, from the process, to some extent, to the impact of the bill and i think that democrats believe once we change the focus and actually talking about the impact, the benefits of the bill, we'll start to see the numbers change. >> brian: we can't help
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ourselves though, we love the process because that's fascinating to us and i apologize to the american people because of it. >> well, a question for you, they, gentlemen. why are u.s.-israeli relations so strained at the moment and how does it impact the peace process. we'll break away from health care for a short while to go live to jerusalem and tea party activists stage a last minute protest on capitol hill and what they hope to accomplish in this late hour in the game. brian wilson here for another hour and 22 minutes, we're back in just a moment.   nature knows just how much water vegetables need. so, to turn those vegetables into campbell's condensed soup, we don't boil it down, our chefs just add less water from the start. ♪ so many, many reasons ♪ it's so m'm! m'm! good! ♪
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>> south carolina attorney general henry mcmaster and florida attorney bill mccull lumbosacral they're ready to file a federal lawsuit if health care reform legislation does pass. they are arguing that provisions of the bill, like the requirement for everyone to buy health insurance, violates state sovereignty. and they aren't the only ones,
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virginia attorney general plans to challenge the constitutionality of the health care bill if it passes. u.s. envoy george mitchell is on the way to the mideast to persuade palestinian to pick up talks. the efforts to push the peace process forward and the key obstacle in the source of attentions between the u.s. and israel, settlement building. rina, you were the first to report that president obama will meet with the israeli prime minister on tuesday, so, is this a positive step forward? >> well, brian, i don't think that the white house we have agreed to meet netanyahu unless they felt confident that israel was willing to move forward with peace talks and the fact that the two leaders will be meeting, suggests that the divide may be mending, here on the ground, what's taking place in east jerusalem and the west bank. this is the scene in a camp in
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east jerusalem. one palestinian was killed today, a teenager. palestinians in the white house are upset that israel announced plans to build 1600 new housing units in east jerusalem. on disputed land that the palestinians want for future capital. u.s. middle east envoy george mitchell is expected to meet israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu tomorrow. netanyahu explained israel is willing to engage this trust building measures to move peace talks forward. mitchell will discuss those possibilities tomorrow. we might learn more about the state of relations between israel and the u.s. based on what kind of media attention the meeting between obama and netanyahu gets on tuesday, the last time netanyahu met obama and the white house they only released, and the meeting took place late at night. the next clash between the two countries took place as early as tease. when the 10 month freeze is expected to expire and the israeli government said they
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don't have plans to renew it, brian. >> rina ninen, thank you very much. as relations with israel evolve. one analyst is wondering whether regime change is in the offing. aaron miller a middle east expert and peace indicator and joins me now in the studio with more. a busy day, but we did want to take time to talk about this. do you think that that's really what is perhaps beneath the surface? >> i think there's a lot of frustration, personally with the president, with respect to the israeli behavior and i think the president's ultimate suggestion is to get to a two-state solution. and the palestinian behavior and policies. at the moment the problem is with israel. my issue, my concern is that the president and particularly after health care passes, his whole self-image is going to change. he's going to no longer feel that he's a trance significantal figure, but a transformational one and i think his confidence level is going to go way up. the notion with trying to fight with the israelis if it comes it that is going to be
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something that he may well decide is worth the-- and that's going to be a bumpy road ahead. >> brian: the united states has always had a very close relationship with israel, that does not mean that there have not been moments of exasperation with the israelis and the palestinians, how do you gauge it across the scale of time? is this a really bad time in the u.s.-israeli relationships? >> i think it's not a great time because the trust issue has been broken and that's the real key. shamir and bush 41 in may of 89. shamir ruined his relationship with president, because bush 41 thought he lied to him on the settlement issue. i think that trust is critical. i think there's a way to get a working relationship between the two, but requires a coordination of policies on settlements and approach of negotiations and you don't see that and you're not going to see it e we talk about the ongoing peace process and we've been talking about the ongoing peace process for decades. do you really see a path to a good outcome here. >> brian, i have to tell you,
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i haven't abandoned hope, but i've abandoned my illusions and the notion right now that you could get a conflict ending agreement between this israeli government and this palestinian authority on jerusalem security borders and refugees, prospects of that happening anytime soon are slim to none. >> brian: so, it's just, it's just going to take a while to work through this. >> management, management, management. >> brian: all right, we'll leave it right there. thank you for coming in today. >> a pleasure. >> brian: thousands of angry americans are here in washington to voice their outrage as health care legislation goes forward. they're right on the steps of the capital and democrats are trying to get this historic legislation passed. it is the developing story today that we're watching very closely and we are all over it. brian wilson in washington back in just a moment. can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. [ male announcer honey nut cheerios stes great and can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. ♪
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>> house speaker nancy pelosi say there will be no separate bill to accommodate bart stupak and other pro-life democrats. they can't do a bill without losing pro choice democrats or may mean they don't need their votes, we're doing our best, folks, to read this. and stupak wants to put the
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language into the bill. had a meeting that another vote on the stupak language is not going to happen. there was going to be a press conference this morning involving mr. stupak that was canceled. they said postponed. that's not been rescheduled. apparently some heavy back room negotiating going on on this issue. let me show you where we are, this is the west front of the capital where the tea party group buses have been coming in, may have been a little late getting here, a lot of things going on in the nation's capital and we had another rally in town, we have a marathon going on, so, traffic has been a problem, but they're arriving and you speak to the speakers there and over on the right, the house of representatives is in session as they continue to move closer and closer to the historic vote on health care reform. now, recognize this, you should be getting one in the mail soon. what is it? there it is! the census form, i already filled mine out. the government says it's worth filling out and we'll explain
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the confusion re quires the exercise and 14 billion over ten years and supporting local offices and a peak staff of 1.4 million workers. census director robert groves formerly launched the effort two months ago helping to distribute the famous questionnaires boiled down only to ten questions this year in a remote he is mow village. the chairman of university of michigan survey center is to improve on the 60% return rate for the questionnaires in the last census, to that end his bureau is spending 85 million on advanced letters like this one and post card reminders because internal research shows such ticklers drive up response rates by 6 to 12%. >> every one percentage point for us means that we save 85 million dollars of salary costs of sending people out to follow up on the nonresponses. if we get 5 percentage point
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gain out of advance of this letter we're in the 500 million dollar range of savings. >> some cost overruns have plagued the census by past efforts when tens of thousands of workers fanned out between march and july of last years, address canvassing, the census bureau ran 25% over budget for a total cost of 444 million. >> when i arrived in july, the findings of that overrun were just emerging, there was an underestimation of just the workload, how many houses we had to go to. >> auditors found the census bureau provided training to some 15,000 workers who worked either not at all or less than a single day at a total cost of 5 1/2 million dollars. >> costs were escalating, mainly driven by wage costs and the escalation through inflation. >> despite bob gross' pedigree this is a hardly academic exercise. it controls how many seats each state has in the house of representatives and the allocation of some 400 billion
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dollars a year in federal funding to state, local and tribal governments. census officials are hoping you'll mail back your completed questionnaire by april 1st. james rosen, fox news. >> brian: here is a fox news alert. congress is on the verge of a historic vote on health care reform and fox news has you covered. our team of reporters are fanned out across the nation's capital. carl cameron on capitol hill and wendell goler down at the white house, check. molly henneberg at the west front of the capitol amidst the tea partiers and over at the museum with a baufl view our own neil cavuto. i'm brian wilson, america's news headquarters rolls on from the nation's capital. it is the final countdown forward a vote on health care. carl cameron begins our team coverage from capitol hill, carl? there's only one vote that thing that everybody really wants it know right now. do the democrats have the votes? >> not yet, but they're
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getting close, while behind closed doors, the democrats and nancy pelosi and the administration, rahm emanuel and they're up here twisting arms and trying to cajole. they're trying to lay the groundwork for tomorrow's debate. this process will run late into tonight that sets the groundwork how they divide the time of the debate tomorrow and the rule which will be voted on, when they will deem as passed the senate bill and send it to the president for his signature. the rules committee is very partisan. they're in recess now and probably won't come back for several hours and work late into the night and when they do, they are known as some of the toughest political fighters. they exchange blows and rhetoric like no other committee. listen to this little sampling and check the frustration levels. >> this process corrupts and prostitutes the system. i can't, you know, i know all of you all personally and i
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respect you. i would if the use such language if i didn't really believe it. >> we feel like we've been pregnant for 17 months let's get on with it, already. >> tremendous amount of impatience for democrats, they feel like we've got a great deal at stake and the president coming up, brian, to actually lay it on the line again, news conferences and travelling the trips around the country for campaign-like stops as barack obama put into this very weekend, this moment, a tremendous amount riding on it and right now it's down to the rule committee for the language that we know is going to pass the committee 9-4 because that's the partisan split as we voted on in the house for tomorrow. ultimately the vote that will pass health care. >> all right. carl cameron, thank you very much. that's carl cameron inside the capital. let's go outside to the west front and molly henneberg amidst all the tea partiers, hello, molly. >> hi, brian, people keep arriving here for the tea
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party rally and say they're quote, launching the final push against the health care reform bill before the vote tomorrow. they're trying to convince undecided lawmakers to vote defense this. one of the speakers here today was indiana republican congressman mike pence, the number three republican in the house and he told the crowd to remember the health care vote on election day, take a listen. >> i don't know if our victory will come on the third sunday in march or the first tuesday in november, but our victory will come (applause). >> brian: icht the proud ear is expecting to hear from actor jon voight anymoment now the father of angelina jolie. they'll try to go to the law make e, most lit the democrats trying to convince to vote no. joining us is one of the tea partiers, the vote is tomorrow, what message do you want to send to lawmakers? >> in their heart of hearts they know wh they're doing is
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wrong. i want my grandchildren to live the american dream just like i always have. and what they're doing is going to destroy our country, they know it's not right. vote no. >> brian: ellen batten from north carolina. one more note, brian, at one point in the rally everybody take out your cell phones, he gave the number of the switchboard in congress and had everybody call the switchboard and urge lawmakers to vote no. brian. >> brian: all right, well, i to that yesterday we checked for the story that i was working on, you can't get through the main switchboard. it's just overloaded and has been all week. thanks, molly. >> thank you. >> brian: many opponents of the health care bill focus on how much it's going to cost. we want to check in now with your world host and fox business vice-president, he's a big dog down to the nation's capital from new york, neil cavuto is live there. how is this stacking up money-wise? >> a lot of people commented in the--
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are those canadian flags behind you, neil? i guess i'm next to the canadian embassy. >> that's right. >> and people say isn't that orwellion? that we must be saying we're becoming canada here. look, i don't control where we shoot from here, so the canadian flags notwithstanding, many have pointed out, well, if that's the subliminal message, are we becoming canada? we don't know here, as carl cameron was telling you, brian, we're close to democrats may have to vote to pass this thing and then we do have a system, they say, that would be much like canada, so that's coverage for everybody, nearly everybody, and you work out the devil in the details. a lot of companies said as you've indicated. it's going to cost them. caterpillar among the first out the gate indicating it's a 100 million dollar hit for that company alone and a lot start saying, well, look if we have to make all of these adjustments and premium adjust thes and all of that. it's going to cost us money and where do you think it affects us down the road?
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hiring people, we're not going hire as many people. it could be a scare tactic and they've heard from the same from mid and small business types, who insist the tax rate increase and the taxes are going to have the same job killing effect, but a lot of democrats, you've also indicated, said that was the same way that the clinton economic stimulus was greeted in 1993, the big differences, as you and i have discussed over the years between that and what's going on now. nevertheless, that's why democrats are saying, look, when all is said and done, we are going to be able to have, assuming this is approved, the big assumption as carl points out, assuming it is, something to show the american people. where some of the benefits are neediest. that is, coverage for pre-existing conditions for kids, i think i misspoke earlier on when i said for everybody, for kids. the kids living at home when you couldn't be coming up until 26, what have you.
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and add this up, including immediate preventive care, zero deductibles on that, the democrats seem to be hoping that the benefit, the cost benefits. the average folks see right upfront and the emotional peace that brings them right upfront will offset whatever the nasty ceo's are saying, we'll see. >> brian: well, it's definitely worth watching and the numbers will no doubt be crunched in add finitum. neil, always good to have you down from new york to the nation's capital. >> thank you. >> brian: the canadians are good neighbors here in washington. >> they are, they are. >> brian: insufferable since the olympics, let's get that on the record. thanks, neil. >> all right. >> brian: new fox dynamic opinion polls, a number of americans think their views are ignored by congress. to talk about the numbers we're joined by the strategy buck and bradley to give awes sense what's happening. zara is a democratic analyst
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and alex is the republican. now, we were going to show you some numbers here and i want you both it sort of weigh in on the fox news opinion dynamic polls. number one, fox news president obama's efforts to pass health care reform, number within, 47% believe it shows leadership. 45% believe it shows stubbornness. that's sort of a question designed to get at people's emotions, what do you think about that, alex? >> well, what i think is striking, brian, it's so divided because when you look at the magnitude of this legislation, you would expect that efforts by the president to pass it will be supported by strong majorities of the public, it would be seen as leadership, but instead, we have a significant chunk, 45%, saying they see this as pure stubbornness and it's pretty ease toy see how. there's strong and intense opposition to this bill and yet, the president and leaders and democratic leaders in congress continue to press and it's hard to see this is anything other than ideological zealousy,
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political expediency. >> the prevailing theory is that once health care gets passed, once we can start moving on to look at jobs, education, all of those kitchen table issues, that those numbers will certainly change and shift in democrat's favor. you know, in all of this there's so much partisanship and i totally understand, you know, your position, but i mean, i think the american people are really, really tired of all the partisanship, all of the gridlock, they want to see some results, they want to see these congressional members do what they sent them here to do. >> brian: i want to try to rip through a couple more of these and see if we can get through them. does congress follow the will of the american people? this is really sort of a generic question designed to get at what people think about congress in this process. 79% says, no, congress does what it wants and 17% says, yes, kenning cares about what americans want. zara the first crack.
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again, it goes back to when you send your member to washington, you have to make sure that your voices are heard. you have to make sure that the member understands what is most important in their districts. so, whether or not these members are doing that, i mean, that's up to the voters to vote them out or to keep them on board. that's part of the electoral process. >> alex. >> i think that zara is right and why we're seeing the numbers we're seeing. people vote the member of congress and to go and represent them and they're not doing that. they're doing very little and what they are doing, they're pursuing legislation that's health care bill that is not the will of the american people and that's why those numbers are in the tank and as long as congress behaves like that, they're going to stay in the tank. >> brian: all right, let me go to number three, we may not get to number four, would health care reform cost you or save you money? remember, perception is really what's important right now, when you talk about politics, how people perceive this process. 66% say this is going to cost
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me money. and 22% believe this is going to save me money. that doesn't bode well for this process, as far as the public is concerned. they're just a little skeptical, alex. >> i think so, and the white house has had a year to sell this and this is where we are today, brian, that just gives you an indicator how much trouble this bill is in. >> well, inat the same time, once this bill gets impleme implement implemented, i think that people will be looking at their bottom line every month and see their premiums will go down and they'll see that those pre-existing conditions will no longer prohibit them and it will be a much better scenario e we don't have time to discuss it, but i want to throw it up quickly, the fourth graphic where he talks about the president's job approval ratings, can we throw that up right now. it shows that right now, 47.8% disapprove of the president and 47.3 percent approve. so, pretty much split right down the middle, that's where we are as we enter this critical debate.
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thank you both for joining us. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: president obama can scheduled to meet with the members of the house democratic caucus at the capital at 3 p.m. eastern time. wendell goler is live at the white house with a preview what's likely to happen, hello, wendell. >> brian, we're told to expect a high energy proofs to make the case, no uncertain terms about the need to reform the health care still now. no one here at the white house is willing to make a vote count, but in a somewhat optimistic frame, one official said it almost doesn't matter. the president will continue to bend ears and twist arms right up until the vote is taken until late tomorrow. now, in the face of republican complaints that the health care reform bill will explode shall the deficit and push people out of private insurance plans, the president is citing congressional budget office figures that indicate it will actually cut the deficit and he says the bill will end insurance company abuses and in his speeches, he is also making the case that reforming the nation's health care system is a moral
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imperative. >> we had historic votes to put social security in place to make sure that our elderly do not live out their golden years in provety. we have a vote to make sure that everybody was equal under the law. when we have faced such decisions in our past, this nation time and time again has chosen to extend its promise to more of its people. >> after yesterday's speech at a college near washington, the president was on the phone to low makers before he got to the white house, trying it change votes from no to yes and four members who voted against the bill in november announced they'd support the measure yesterday. the president was on the phone after he got back here to the white house last night. once again, early this morning, and even if we don't see his private arm twisting we'll see his public speech to
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the troops shortly after three o'clock this afternoon eastern time. brian. >> brian: of course, extensive coverage here on your fox news channel. thank you much, wendell. tomorrow on fox news sunday, chris wallace will get the latest ahead of the crucial house health care reform vote from represents paul ryan and debby wasserman schultz, two key players in this drama tomorrow morning on fox news sunday and of course check your local listings for the time and channel for fox news sunday. >> brian: got to get some other stuff in here quickly, all eyes on the red river in upper midwest. as they prepare for flooding. peter doocy is here with moorhead, minnesota from his vantage point. hello peter. we're here in moorhead, minnesota. a spinning distance away from fargo on the other side of the red river you were talking about. the red river is supposed to have the bargainings at the try line behind me, but it's completely flooded and it's up to the sand bags and they're expecting it to continue to
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rise. and right now the water level is 36 1/2 feet and they're expecting it to rise another foot to 37 1/2 feet tomorrow and that's right now the forecast crest and you see the national guard keeping an eye on the temporary levees, that's designed to protect the home on the other side from 40 foot water levels. that's where it was last year and there's a chance it could go there this time. most the people in the homes have actually taken voluntary buyouts from the city and expecting the water from the red river to come right up through the people's back yards, up to the dirt levee and there's already a small leak on the other side of the levee and they say that's typical. brian, the last few days, at least for today, the temperatures have been below freezing, which kind of slows down the spread or rather the rate at which the water rises, but tomorrow, should warm up and they say that that speeds up the rate at which the flood
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comes so people are worried about that just to give you perspective, this normally a park and a road. over there, you can see there's a yield sign just disappearing more and more by the minute and people are bracing themselves for some real bad flooding. back to you. >> peter doocy on the job for us watching the flood waters. one other story, pope benedict has written a letter of apology for the sexual abuse scandal in an eight-page letter and the pope says he feels shame and remorse for the abuse that occurred in the irish catholic victims group-- i'm sorry, in the irish catholic church. victims groups have criticized the letter saying it did not address the vatican and it will be read out in churches tomorrow in ireland. her 1993 vote for the clinton budget cost her a seat in congress, but margery margolis doesn't regret it. she said that democrats should
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vote their conscience, should the u.s. read him his miranda rights after he's been killed. eric holder and top commander in afghanistan what should be do if and when we capture that guy? we'll talk to the head of the cia's bin laden unit in just a moment. stay with us. ♪ this one thing i'll eat, any time of day ♪ pancakes! ♪ from dawn 'til sunset, i'll never walaway ♪ ♪ blueberry pancakes are so go ♪ [ male announcer ] bisquick. pancake lovers unite.
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(applause) >> there you see actor jon voight who a moment ago addressed a group of tea partiers gathered on the front of the capitol hill and expect he make make his way to the microphones in a few moments. of course, a well-known actor, conservative activist, the estranged father of angelina jolie and we'll of course come over to the microphones in a bit and we'll hear what's on his mine. now, action on health reform is underway and they'll look at parameters on which to debate the health care bill and that meeting expected to last most of the day. those are live pictures inside now. there's an old saying in washington, you set the rule, i write the law and the guy who writes the rule always wins out so the rule is very important in house procedures.
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i know that's arcane stuff that most you have don't care about, but we watch this stuff carefully here and we take the rule very seriously so we're watching them come up with a rule. there are still many democrats who are undecided or have not announced how they'll vote. if all the undecided or undeclared democrats vote the same way as in november the vote would be 217 to-214. but at least some of the law i can makers can be expect today change. quite frankly, a number of news organizations and some of our sources on capitol hill say democrats might be somewhere between five and ten votes short. so, we're watching that very closely. this, at all not a done keel deal, but democrats are very, very close. the federal judge says the 575 million dollar settlement for 911 responders is not enough. u.s. district judge, stunned many when he rejected the deal yesterday that was years in the making. this all has to do with 9/11.
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meant to compensate some 10,000 police officers and firefighters and laborers who got sick from breathing in the ash and dust at ground zero. earlier this week, attorney general eric holder told house members at a hearing that osama bin laden will quote, never appear in an american courtroom. because he expects he'll be found dead. general stanley mcchrystal who leads american troops in n.a.t.o. and afghanistan, says he would like to capture bin laden alive. the former chief of the cia's bin laden unit from '95 to '99 and senior advisor to the unit from september 12th, 2001 to 2004. he also has a new book coming out bin laden, a biography and he joins us here now. well, i thought it was interesting that on one hand our attorney general says we won't have to worry about reading him his rights because we're not going to find him alive and then you see general mcchrystal, no, no, we very much want to capture him alive and this could well be an issue. what do you think about all of
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this. i think that general mcchrystal is doing the right thing in terms of his own troops, osama bin laden is wanted under a u.s. warrant. if someone kills him just for the sake of killing him he will be a war criminal or some other kind of criminal, the democrats certainly would go after him. i think the idea though that we should kill him rather than capture him is sound. we should drop the indictment and try to kill him. we don't want him to appear on fox or cnn for three years from the southern district of new york. >> brian: all right, let me ask you though, because it seems to me the thing that's having the most success right now in the war against terrorism and the thing that would be most likely is that somehow twee get a break, we find out where he is, the predator drones go in and that's the way it happens. >> violence is always the answer, sir, in terms of war. the more you kill the less will kill you and the more you kill the better that intelligence you get that high pressures you to kill the next bunch. absolutely.
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the problem with the american war plan in afghanistan is right now the cia incredibly is more lethal than the u.s. military. >> brian: that's something. and they have really stepped up the predator attacks to the point where many people believe we have the taliban and al-qaeda on the run again. >> well, the director was very clear, mr. panetta this week saying in waziristan area where our attacks have been concentrated we did very well. he did not extrapolate to say that al-qaeda as an organization, but what he was talking about was an odd reality, sir. the central intelligence agency should not be the most lethal arm of the united states government, but mr. mcchrystal, general mcchrystal, rather, with all respect, is much more concerned with hearts and minds than winning the war. >> brian: good to see you, thank you for coming in. >> good to see you, sir. >> brian: appreciate. you saw him on 24 last season and the west front of the capitol moments ago, jon voight will come to our
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microphones, we will have that j just a moment. will everyone with constipation please report to gate 17? thank you so much. constipation's uncomfortable enough, so why take a harsh laxative? phillips' caplets work naturally with your colon... for overnight relief without cramps. phillips' caplets.
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>> well, let's go straight to capitol hill and check in with molly henneberg who has a special guest. >> hi, brian, we're here with one of the most popular people outside the capitol, actor jon voight who spoke to the people at the tea party. you said you want to be here because it's time for you and others to save america as we know it. what do you mean? >> well, obviously, we're in a situation right now, we've been losing freedoms, week by week the last year. it's becoming you know, a huge government bureaucracy and that's not what our, what our founders intended. our founders were envisioning very small government and freedom for the people. so, we're seeing that erode and with this health care
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bill, we will go over the falls. we will be in a lot of trouble. now, you see i'm here because i'm a fan of these people, you see these people? these are, these are the true patriots who come down here, they're not being paid to come here, there's a woman that came 12 hours from ohio to be here. there are people, all of these people have a story every single one of these people have a story why they're here. they happen to understand what's at stake here, we've got to stop this train. >> not a lot of people from hollywood here except for you. why do you think that is? do you feel like a lone wolf. >> no, they gave me the responsibility. they voted for me, they said, jon, you go in there and represent us. >> this could hurt your career in hollywood. >> how do you know anything about my career. >> i've seen you on "24". >> look at my fans, look how healthy my fans are. >> are you requesting -- now, this group is going interest
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this rally to members, to offices of members of congress. >> yes. >> you're going to be a part of that. >> yes, i am. i think it's very, very important. listen, you can see, if there's one thing that's clear about this past year of this administration, is that they don't want to listen to the people. well, the people have to let their voice, find a way to break in to make sure that their voices are heard and that's what this is. you know, they have a marathon in washington, this is the real marathon. piece people have been doing it for a year. so we're going to go in and we are going to approach the congressmen who are going to make this vote and we are going to tell them what's at stake here and they know. and they're being bullied and they're being bribed and they know that's not america, they look into their consciences, look into their souls they're going to be able to see their way through doing the right thing for this country. >> actor jon voight here on capitol hill, very impassioned about this, brian.
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>> take them, go around and see their faces, see their faces! (applause) >> apparently we've lost complete control of the situation there. >> the crowd of great looking people. >> brian: we'll take it back. thank you very much, guys. live television, you never know what's going to happen. former democratic congress mam margery more g rry mar goal li l well-- is known for a vote, as a republican from a well-known district. she says she didn't regret her vote and wants the democrats to take a tough vote in reform live from philadelphia and on a personal note we once competed against each other when she was a local reporter in this market. good to see you. >> i think you won. >> brian: no i'm pretty i got bested. this has got to bring back a lot of memories as members of
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congress will sit down and make what may be the toughest vote of their careers. you made a tough vote and didn't go well in the end. >> i heard exactly the same chatter that we just heard now, that, you know, that it was going to break us, that we were going into a deep depression, that the sky would fall, that we capitol economically face it, et cetera. and you know what happened in the '90s and most economic experts say that's where the financial recovery started with that bill that tackled the deficit, also. >> brian: explain to people so they understand how difficult it can be to have to go down there and pull that lever on this very critical vote knowing that the ads are going to be coming during the campaign season. >> right. for me, too, i thought i had a fairly co-gent explanation, three or four minutes and the 30-second commercial dependence me was much more powerful and i think that's what they're facing, but now,
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listen to what they're saying, let's go back to the -- let's start all over again, and it won't happen. it's going to be another decade before this is tackled. this is a very tough issue, there are some good things in it, there are some tough, tough things in it, there are some things that people don't like, but it's a beginning. it's a tough vote not easy for anybody, but i do think it has to be taken. >> do you have any regrets at all? >> no, i mean, it wasn't fun to go through. my life certainly is different than it would have been had i not been a member. i'm glad i went down there. it was a really good experience, but i think it was the right thing to do. was it tough, yes. did i wish i hadn't been asked to do it, absolutely. i also said that i'd only be the last vote so that was a tough one. i wouldn't let the piece of legislation go down. >> brian: and i can't let you go out without mentioning the fact that your son is engaged
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to chelsea clinton. >> that's right. >> brian: so that vote and your relationship with the clintons changed in a whole different way. >> i think so. >> brian: well, congratulations on that. how exciting. >> nice to talk to you again. >> brian: margery margo list, good to have you here on america's news headquarters. >> thanks. >> brian: let's see as health care reform moves forward one sticking point within the democratic ranks is over the issue of abortion, funding restrictions in the legislation. janice is a lawmaker from illinois says that bart stupak has already gotten what he quote, what he wants, quote. there is no federal funding for abortion in that bill. so that is the latest information we have on that. let's go to caroline shively now with details on that, hello, caroline. >> hello to you, brian. health speaker nancy pelosi dealt a blow to those telling them they will get no extra vote like they've been fighting for.
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a huge development that could have a drastic affect on the whip count. pelosi says there are not be a separate bill or that pelosi doesn't need the votes of the pro-life democrats to get the senate health care bill passed. congressman stupak is the head of those who want the-- to gain the votes pelosi would have had to lose about 40 pro choice democrats. pro-life democrats are fighting and fighting hard though, a short time ago, the spokeswoman for stupak says that discussions are continuing. daniel la pinski is one of the members of stupak group and says they're exploring other options to get stupak language in the bill, including an executive order and says, quote, we're open to anything that will work and he says there are more than seven members in the group down from about 12 and the congressman
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degette says that see and more than three other pro choice women in the house aren't going to give in to stupak like they did in november on the original house bill. in other words, quote, we're holding firm this time. >> brian: this energizes a great number of people across the country. thank you for that, caroline, we appreciate it. as the health care battle continues in the house, democrats are pushing for the so-called slaughter solution. it would get it through the house without a recorded vote on the senate passed bill. alabama congressman parker griffith sponsored a resolution to require a vote and he joins me now. that resolution did not get through. >> we didn't make it. we lost it by maybe 15, 19 votes, but it showed how powerful, how powerful the people are feeling about the disrespect shown by the
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slaughter rule. will democrats push it through without requiring the members to raise their hand and be recorded about how they feel on this matter? >> i think that the democratic leadership right now is in a desperate situation. i think that the problems being made are dubious, will they'll be kept or not. i think they're prepared to throw anybody under the bus at this point in time for the sake of the bill, but the disrespect that's being shown to the american people, i think, is absolutely waves of bitterness and anger are out there. >> brian: i'm a journalist and i believe one of the things we as journalists are supposed to do to hold members of congress accountable for their votes and it's awful hard for to us do that if we don't know how the people voted. i'll let that statement stand without necessarily needing a comment from you. but i think a lot of people are irritated if that happens. >> the bitterness, you can cut the bitterness in the air out there.
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you can feel it not only with the tea party that have done a superb job of focusing attention on the democracy, but i believe that the democratic leadership right now will do anything, commit anything to get this bill passed. i believe they truly believe that the means, whatever means will justify the end. >> brian: let me ask you, you've just come from the floor of the house of representatives and you sort of have your finger on the pulse about what's going on there, as you look at your democratic counterparts, do you think they have the votes? >> i don't think they do have the votes. i believe that they've been double crossed so many times by the pelosi leadership, i think obama has sent so many mixed members, i think he's led them into the woods hoping they couldn't find their way back out and i think they can get really concerned. >> brian: you know, sometimes i've soon it happen on many occasions if you get really right up to the last moment
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and you count the numbers and you don't have that, you don't hold the vote. you don't hold the vote. do you think that might happen? >> i think it might happen. >> brian: really? >> i tell you something else, there are some good, good congress women and congressmen who are being asked to sacrifice their career and it's a mistake for them to accept this sacrifice on the part of president obama or nancy pelosi, it's a huge mistake, these are good people and they're being pressured unmercifully receipt now. i saw it on the floor 20 minutes ago before i walked into this studio. i could see it on their faces, these are people i've known for over a year, and it's unfortunate, it's unfair and what's so unfair about it it is obama doesn't hardly know their name. nancy pelosi doesn't hardly know their name. they're good for a vote and once they cast that vote it's will you love me tomorrow and the answer is no. >> brian: wow, that's pretty strong words, congressman, thank you for joining me, parker griffith from alabama
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the great state of alabama. good to have you here. >> thank you. >> brian: this is a fox news alert. representative carol maloney and other female house democratic members are holding a press conference and we'll take a little of that on the way to break. s take a listen. >> health care costs because they have to interact more regularly with the health care system. we have different health needs and are more likely to have chronic diseases, bringing health care costs down is good for all of us, but it's particularly important for women. women are nearly twice as likely as men to depend on a family member for health insurance. we've seen the impact of this that it's had on the recession, but it leaves women, particularly between the ages of 55 and 64, particularly vulnerable to loss of health care. when their older husbands retire and enter medicare, and they have absolutely no health care between those ages. finally, health care reform can help us to overcome inequities that are simple to
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this current system. where women pay more than men for the same coverage or where-- right now you can get a great deal on any volkswagen.
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all: i did. >> hi everybody everyone. this is a fox news alert. we're sort of trying to decipher what's going on in the house rules committeement now, the house rules committee is very important because that's where they decide the procedure they will use to go forward when they cast the last ballotsment in house language the rule is almost as important as the actual piece of legislation and one of the big questions would they do this under something called deem and pass, the so-called slaughter rule which would not allow members to necessarily be on the record about where they were on this particular vote or do it in a regular way with a recorded vote where everybody knows how each member passed. a few moments ago in this meeting. congressman henry waxman the commerce and energy chairman
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said he was against the idea of deeming and wanted a pass or don't pass vote. the sense we're getting and chatter we're hearing not only here in our news room they may go forward this that way. and they're talking about it right now, i'm told in my ear piece and the democratic whip meeting. so, things are happening on this thing. it is very interesting process and i know people get bogged down in the process, but this really is important stuff which has some ramifications how the bill might go forward and it might change the totals if members know they're going to be on the record for this vote. some liberal members of the house are not excited about the possibility of having it in the straight up or down fashion. and we will see how this progresses in the next few days, but interesting things happening. we'll try to get more clarification what's happening right now in the house rules committee. we are going to take a commercial break. we will be right back in a
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moment as we try to unravel what's happening in these crucial hours to the countdown for the big vote tomorrow. ♪ hey bets, can i borrow a quarter? sure, still not dry? i'm trying to shrink them. i lost weight and now some clothes are too big. how did you do it? simple stuff. eating right and i switched to whole grain. whole grain... [ feme announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have a healthier body weight. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 calories per serving. multigrain cheerios. try new chocolate cheerios with a touch of delicious chocolate taste in every bite. is to reproduce every color in the world on tv. introducing quattron quad pixel technology. it adds a fourth color, yellow, to the standard rgb color system, creating a vast array of colors you can't see with your tv's three color technology. but, you can see this.
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>> here are some of the top stories we're following at this hour on america's news headquarters.
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we're told that tea party activists outside the capital are peeling off in an attempt to speak to individual lawmakers inside the building urging them to vote against the health care measure. president obama set to speak on health care at 3 p.m. from the capital. meet members of the democratic party, shake a few hands, twist a few arms, live coverage right here on your fox news channel. tens of thousands of passengers are stuck because of a strike by british airways cabin crews. more than a thousand flights, a thousand flights, have been canceled today. residents along the red river near fargo north dakota are hoping the efforts to fight back the rising waters will prove successful and the river is expected to crest above the flood stage on sunday. pope benedict is blasting priest who sexually abuse children in ireland and the bishop he says made serious mistake in handling the a cases and they must answer to god for their crimes. once again, let's take a live shot on the west front of the
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capital, where the tea partiers have gathered. it's been one of the big events of the day. there have been several events in washington, but this is one of them. thousands of people have gathered, but in the las few months as we have been watching, some of the tea party members are now peeling off from the larger group, heading inside the building. unusual that members of coping would be inside the building on this saturday, but they are indeed there. they are working on the rule, they are terming exactly how this measure, this health care measure will go forward and how the votes will take place. so, that is happening at this very moment. do we have-- we have chad now on the phone. he's our crack house producer, a man who knows more about the inner workings of the house of representatives than virtually anyone i know on this planet and he's been listening in on this rules committee meeting and has some sense of how they're going to go forward. chad, what do you have there? >> i've been hearing, brian,
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from a couple of sources here that the democrats are actively discussing getting rid of this so-called deem and pass process. basically what would happen is there'd be a two-for-one tomorrow where the house would approve the rule to get the bill up on the house floor and deem the reconciliation bell on the senate floor, but simultaneously will deem the senate bill passed. it's a two-for-one strategy. they've gotten a real-- they've gotten their head handed to them on this one frankly and the republicans saying they're trying to pull one over on them, basically. this strategy if it passes, they could score-- let's do it the old-fashioned way and straight up and down vote and discussing this in the whip meeting right now. >> brian: let me ask you the question that's sort of on my mind. that is if they're willing to do that, does that signal that
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they have the votes they need? >> that very well could be a signal then. the problem that they have on this particular gambit is with the most liberal member of their caucus. they don't like the senate bill at all. they don't think it goes nearly far enough and don't think that the house bill was good enough and really don't like the senate bill, but if they think they have the votes for the overall resolution then maybe they can do that, that's why it's being discussed in the whip meeting. >> brian: thank you, chad pergram, a man who knows about how the house process works, we apologize for bo bogging you down 0 process, but it's-- we'll take a commercial break and wrap things up in a big bo when we come back. llen that used to make me sneeze, my eyes water. but with new zyrtec® liquid gels, i get allergy relief at liquid speed. that's the fast, powerful relief of zyrtec®, now in a liquid gel. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine.
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>> well, right now, congress on the verge of a historic vote on health care reform. the house rules committee, but you see on your left is hearing various committee chairs before debating the rules. they're talking about the possibility of asking for a straight vote on the bill rather than what's been called the slaughter rule, deem and pass. in about an hour, the center panel there, president barack obama will travel from the white house to capitol hill to do some last minute arm twisting, trying to sway undecided democrats with a high energy speech to the troops. and on the right side of your screen, the tea party activists who are starting to leave the rally now making their way inside the capitol from tut


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