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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  March 20, 2010 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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capital. the white house stepped in 45 years ago today. now you know the news. as fox reports this saturday march 20, 2010. i'm julie banderas, thanks for watching. shepard smith will be in the chair for the health care vote tomorrow night. stay tuned. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ applause ] >> mike: good evening everybody. welcome. welcome to hawk bee, live from the fox studios in a beautiful new york city. first day of spring and boy it feels like it. we're coming to you live tonight. we are in new york. all the action is in washington, d.c.. where since early this morning on capitol hill they've been hammering out the details that are going to lead to sunday's debate and vote on the house
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floor. democrats are scrambling to secure the votes they need to pass health care reform. republicans are committed to defeat the bill. tonight managing editor of the hill bob cusack will break down what is in that bill and explain in simple terps that maybe we can all understand. also pennsylvania governor rendell and south dakota governor rounds will be talking about the impact this bill could have on the states and what it might cost at the state level not just the federal. dick morris on how the leadership is going to do whatever it takes to get this bill passed. and what kind of backroom deals might they be cutting in order to get the votes they need? we are going to beholding a mini town hall group with a bunch of folks from southern california. they will be asking questions that everybody wants answers to. all of that here on this special live edition of huckabee. tonight we start with carl cameron. carl has the latest from
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capitol hill. it has been a long day for what you is the latest? >> reporter: there were a number of developments today important ones. the house rules committee has been working all day drafting the parameters for tomorrow's debate. earlier today they made a major decision. democrats chose to drop to a he abandon the deem and pass proposal that would have allowed them to have one vote on the rule for debate that would have ultimately deemed the senate bill as having been passed by the house and sending it to the president. that was very controversial. even democrats objected thought it was too much of a shortcut. couple of democrats on the rules committee expressed opposition and shortly thereafter early afternoon today they dropped it. there will be an actual vote on the floor tomorrow for the senate bill. house members will be required to register the yeas and nays. that was a big step. republicans congratulated the democrats for at least once trying to do inks this -- to do hinges this in the more
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tradition pal way the president came up to capitol hill to meet in a final caucus. he was candid he acknowledged he couldn't guarantee the politics but argued for democrats wavering on the fence for the bill to be defeated would be far worse politically for them than for pass and have an achievement they could run with. >> mike: when i hear this intensity, often it gets testy, backstage. there some real moments of tempers flaring that we are not necessarily seeing on the stage? >> reporter: yes. one of the things that happens when you put a democrat and republican together they will try to be polite while standing in front of the cameras. often times as they are talking down the halls they will continue thement. there's been a great deal of that republicans and democrats are very divided on this. republicans have been exploiting the fissures among democrats. the problem with the bill for the last year has not been the
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republican opposition it has been the democrats to come together on a unified plan. centrist democratic problem s of fiscal responsibility or the social conservative democrats who think there should be a stricter ban on taxpayer funded an those are the problems. it is not republican versus democrat those lines are bright and stark. it is democrat on democrat disagreement that has been the problem and they think they've resolved i -- it just enough. it is close and the whipping and twisting of arms will continue up to the final tally. >> mike: one quick question. today the president had the big news conference like they were spiking the ball in the end zone before the touchdown was scored. do they believe and have confidence they've got votes? >> reporter: they think that they do. but, there have been enough dissident democrats to keep them very worried. on the floor tomorrow before the vote you can bet nancy pelosi and her lieu --
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lieutenant's and folks from the administration will be making all sorts of threats. if you don't vote for this the voters will punish you and you won have friends in the white house. that stuff can be remembered for a long, longtime. >> mike: carl, thank you very much. keep us posted on what is happening. what makes this bill so controversial? how are the changes different from previous versions that did not go through? joining us from washington to break it down, bob cusack, managing editor of the hill. welcome. let me start with this question, what is this bill, maybe primarily about that democrats really like? give me three things depend s love about in bill. >> reporter: governor democrats say this would extend health insurance coverage to millions of americans, more than 30 million. so if you lose your job, you wouldn't lose health care. they say health care costs would come down if this bill is passed and it would make health care a right instead of
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a privilege. they are also making the case this will reduce the deficit over the next 10 years, republicans take issue with that claim. >> mike: what the three things republicans say this bill is gonna do that will ruin america? you hear that as well. >> reporter: that's what john boehner said today it would ruin the country if this bill passes. republicans say we can't afford it. this would lead to a government takeover of health care, where the government would get in between you and your doctor and they say health care costs would go up, not down under this bill, including premiums for most families. a lot of debate it is one of the most partisan debates i've ever seen. >> mike: one. issues has been taxes, will they go up. how is this going to be paid for? that has been a big concern from the republicans and some democrats. will taxes group in this bill and if so you how soon and how much? >> reporter: yes they will go up. if you make more than $200,000 and an individual, more than
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$250,000 as a couple your taxes will go up as this bill stipulates, including investment income. if you are making money on the stock market and you make more than that threshold, you could be taxed. there are also medicare cuts something democrats have been concerned about. over 500 billion dollars in medicare cuts. democrats say that is cracking down on fraud and abuse. republicans say that is not going to be popular and it hasn't been popular in some districts. there's ways they have to come up with the money to pay for this in the range of a trillion dollars of cost over 10 years. the tax increases will go into effect before a lot of coverage benefits. the president has been making the case that a lot of people need this coverage right away but the coverage benefits will not kick in, most until after the next presidential election. >> mike: you are paying three years in advance of the taxes before the benefits come in. i've said it is like paying rent on an apartment for three
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years before you spend the first night in your own apartment. was that a fair saysment? >> reporter: it is. a lot of cuts will go into effect in a year or two depending on the cut. some increases to the excise tax with the tax that the unions don't would not go into effect until 2018. republicans say as we get closer to 2018 those cuts aren't going into effect because whoever is in the white house or if democrats still control congress they are going to make sure they suspend those cuts. that has been the main criticism of the gop. >> mike: bob, thank you forgiving us inside information. you just heard bob cusack explain some parts of the bill. but i'm sure many of you have a lot of unanswered questions and concerns. because we are live, you can send your e-mails to us at hug mail at fox fill we'll get to many as we can
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throughout the show. one has already come in. megan what do you have? >> we have an e flail sherry in florida. she says, what can i -- e-mail from sherry in florida. what can an ordinary citizen do to stop obama care? i've contacted by congressman to no avail. please help. >> mike: you might want to run for congress yourself. i hope a lot of people will decide to do that let me say something i hope you will hear carefully. for months the president, nancy pelosi and harry reid insisted we take their mouthful of medicine they are calling health care reform. by now, youç!jhq probably have e up your mind as to whether this is a miracle cure or snake oil. if the news reports are correct congress going to be voting tomorrow, deciding what kind of health care that you have and how much it is going to cost. but they are also deciding whether they respect you or whether they take you for a
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chump. i created a website it is called it lists every member of the house and senate with their number and website so you can call or e-mail them and give them your opinion. they haven't voted on this if you feel frustrated that your member is of congress is listening more to party bosses than to you, there is still time to contact them. go to find your senators and congressmen and call or e-mail them. there is something else you can do and must do, get personally involved to either keep them or dump them if you like the way your congressman votes, write a check to his campaign and volunteer for him. write as big a check as you can. if you don't like the way your congressman voted then write a big check to one of his or her opponents.
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one thing and one thing elected officials understand, campaign contributions. your calls and e-mails might matter. if you really want to influence the future of this country, put some walk behind your talk and put money into the campaign of the candidate who is going to listen to you and dumb the ones who don't. it is that -- and dump the ones you don't. it is that simple. whether you contribute to a democrat or republican, that's up to. whether you support the health care bill or not that too is up to u if you want to change the political system in this nation then give your time and money to elect someone who will actually work for you. i'm writing checks this year to people that i trust so i hope they will replace the ones that i don't trust. and i hope you will do the same. [ applause ] >> mike: that's my view. and i welcome yours. you can contact me at and click on the fox news feedback section. will the health care bill affect what you pay at the
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state level? we'll ask the governors of pennsylvania and south dakota what this bill is going to do for or do to their states. we'll be right back. p
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>> mike: we are back live on this saturday night. everybody is talking about the impact health care is going to have in washington. what we haven't heard a lot about is the direct effect of the bill that is going to happen to the states across the country. why aren't we seeing more governors making public statements about how they are backing the obama plan? why are 36 states threatening to sue if it is passed on the federal level. joining me pennsylvania governor ed rendell in favor of the democrats' bill and south dakota governor mike rounds who opposes it both by way of disclosure. both friends of mine longtime colleagues and i know they are going to shoot straight with mel. i start with you governor
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rendell. how are you and tell me why you support in bill and what you think it is going to do for pennsylvania? >> mike, bob laid out reasons democrats are for this bill. within important one he left out, it -- one important one he left out. it stops insurance companies from denying coverage to you if you have a preexisting condition. it says insurance companies can't drop you or raise rates sky high if you get sick. those are vitally important to protect americans who need health care when they are sick that's a key combo innocent of the bob left out. >> mike: let me ask you about that i totally agree that's very popular. doesn't that get expensive when you automatically insist the insurance companies pay, without limits, without any type of preexisting conditions? that is going to be costly. when i hear democrats say we are going to save money. can you explain not the math but the magic of how that is supposed to work when you take 30 more million people, put them on the rolls and it is
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going to cost less? i don't stand how that works. >> your argument is with the cbo, not member. republicans have relied on the cbo for years and years. let me answer the that's why the mandate is so important. the insurance companies eat those costs not us. they have pay the cost of someone who has breast cancer, preexisting condition, not us. but they get extra money because all of a sudden we are pushing all of these new people not goo into a government run health plan but the blue crosses, blue shields, etna and united health care they are getting millions more, a lot of those customers are subsidized they are getting millions more customers in return they can't disqualify you for a preexisting condition. they can't drop you if you get sick that's how it works it is a good solution. >> mike: governor rounds from south dakota. you are a governor, you have within one for several years you run a medicaid program and a huge pile of state employees
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in that pool. but you have a background having been in the insurance industry. from your perspective tell is with this bill? why aren't you on the stage with the president saying i love this? >> mike first of all thanks for the opportunity and it is good to hear ed's voice again too. there are things in this bill that i like. there are some reforms that other states should be doing. we've done them in south dakota. my background in insurance is i was an agent. we dealt with insurance companies. there are things that you have to regulate. you do it best at the state level. we have portability in south dakota now where we have guaranteed renewal ability. those things, through the national social of insurance commissioners has been offering model legislation since 1993. if you call it reform, it should save us some money. i don't think that it does in south dakota, we're gonna put a little bit over 50,000 more
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people on medicaid. that means, taxpayers will pay the health care costs with basically no co-insurance and no deductibles which most other people have to pay on the medicaid program in south dakota that they don't have to now. almost a 50% increase in the number of people that will be on a government-run insurance plan. >> mike: i'm going to keep both of you guys here. we have to take a break. there's several questions i want to talk about, specifically medicaid. both of have you have done a lot at the state level i hope we have time to get into some of those i think we ought to listen to some of you guys who have done it. right after this, more with governor rendell and governor rounds. [ applause ] right now, when you stay two separate times... with comfort inn or any of these other choice hotels, you can earn a free night. one plus one equals free. no matter how you add it up, it's free. book now at
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>> mike: we are back with governors rendell and rounds. we were talking before the break we into medicaid a little bit. governor rounds let me ask you about the medicaid program. this bill would cover 100% of medicaid costs to the stays for the first year or two then states start picking up an increaseed share. how does that affect your state budget? not so much while you are still governor, but for the next guy? >> between now and the year 2019 it will cost 62 million dollars. after that it will cost us 32 million dollars per year. but that's not the biggest cost. the biggest cost is to the people that aren't on medicaid, who have health insurance or who are individual payers of their own health care costs. those individuals will receive the cost, medicaid only pays between 50 and 52% of billed
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charges. the doctor passes on some of those additional costs to everybody else and that raises everybody else's rates. >> mike: governor rendell that's a concern many have. it is a cost shift, let me commend you. in pennsylvania you have done something already expanding health care access to many people in pennsylvania and you've done it with the innovation of having co-pays and deductibles. that's the kind of medicaid reform that i personally think is the way it ought to go. this particular bill doesn't necessarily create that shared partnership. so you have more government money than individual money put in. why can't there be something like you're doing? >> governor you're absolutely right. there could have been more of that so everyone is listening is clear, right now states have to, by law, offer medicaid to people who are earn within00% of the poverty
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level or less -- earn 100% of the poverty level or less. this bill raises that to 133%. but, the federal government in that category from 100 to 133%, picks up 90% not the 50% it normally picks up it picks up 90%. there are a lot of offsets. for the same 10 years that government -- governor rounds was talking about pennsylvania saves money because this bill allows us to buy prescriptions at the lowest rate. this bill allows us to claw back the federal medicare part b charges that were made to the state. this bill pays a higher per teenage of our chip program. this bill allows us to get an enhanceed f-map to help us pay our medicaid cost. >> mike: f-map sounds like
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government talk formula that the state and federal government share how much the state versus how much the feds pay. i didn't want to sound like we are talking -- >> for pennsylvania we already cover each state has the choice as mike pointed route, but we already cover in our medicaid program people up to 133% of poverty. so we save instead of the government picking up 50% of the cost they will be picking up 90%. it varies state by state we save money. one other thing. >> mike: real quick. >> governor rounds said something that was important we want to increase competition. a good idea and left out of this bill and should have been in what the insurance commissioners have done set up a minimum standard any company that -- any insurance company that will meet those standards tree to sell anywhere in the united states that is something we should have done. >> mike: governor rendell said they are already doing 133% in pennsylvania. a lot of states don't could that -- don't do that some
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states unlike pennsylvania are going to be sucking air from that new 33% people they are going to with states already hemorrhaging there are going to be states in trouble because of increased eligibility. >> that's correct. what i'm concerned about to the persona replaces merck the next guy in line he's going to see a bill coming in every year for another 50% -- another 50,000 people on medicaid. part of that is because in the buy-in the program they've done at the federal level almost 100% in some cases of the cost for the first couple of years. but it does down dramatically after that the other part i'm still concerned about the cost shift everybody else out there. finally, ed said it right. competition is in south dakota we've gotten 91% of our people
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with a plan for how they pay for insurance right now. we have 13 companies that write individual insurance in our state right now. we have 17 company that write group health insurance in our state. most from out of state and they can come in and compete. we can do that today. the one thing that drives up price in one state versus another state are the mandates that each state decides at the legislative level what they want to put in. even if we open this up and go across state lines you to allow the carriers to recognize what the mandated coverages are gonna be on a state by state basis and what their costs for the actual charges are in that particular state. the more people you have on medicaid, the bigger the cost shift is over to the private sector and the more that you have to charge premiums on for the individuals that -- >> mike: i'm getting the wrap sign. i would love to have an ed conversation with you guys. i wish both of were you in
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washington i have a feeling we would get better decisions than the ones we maying be getting out of either party up there. thank you. great to talk to both of you. when most of us think about southern california we think of the bright lights of hollywood, the home to the stars. warm weather and liberal politics. but believe it or not, there are plenty of people, even in l.a., who have opposing political views. and a little group of them are going to be joining us to voice their concerns about health care reform. that's next when we have l.a.'s mini town hall, right after this. [ applause ♪ fancy feast created a way to celebrate any moment. ncy feast appetizers. [dinner bell chimes] simple high quality ingredients like wild alaskan salmon,
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new york city a town where all walks of life cross paths. a health mart town. here, pharmacist marc brandell practices what he calls, providing programs like "health for heroes" finding ways to fill prescriptions for uninsured rescue workers.
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community minded care, clinical expertise, it's what makes marc a health mart pharmacist and what makes new york city a health mart town. there are health mart towns across america. find your locally owd health mar at [ >> reporter: hello i'm julie banderas. a waiting game in the midwest tonight many people keeping a close eye on the surging waters of the red river. two the biggest towns in danger, fargo, north dakota the west bank and moorehead, minnesota on the east. locals putting more than a million sandbags in place. the river is expected to crest tomorrow. forcasters say the water level could drop due to recent cold weather and slower melting snow. >> words of con trish shun from the head of the roman catholic church. pope benedict xvi apologizing to victims of sex abuse at irish diocese and stem .
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in a letter he says he feels shame and remorse for abuses that went on for decades more than 100 children victimized. the letter will be read out in churches across ireland tomorrow. i'm julie banderas. now back to huckabee. for all headlines go on to >> mike: don't miss the huckabee report monday through friday, three times daily on 566 of the finest radio stations in the country. if you are not hearing it you ought to call and ask for. if you would like a full list of stations go to and click on the huckabee report. if you have been to any town in america you have walked in to any coffee shop, there will be a group of guys sitting around a table, chatting and you can listen careful they are solving the world's problems. that's true everywhere. even in l.a.. our executive producer woody frazier is in los angeles with a group of guys who come from
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different backgrounds and they sometimes hang out with him at a local coffee shop there in l.a.. we decided to turn them into our special focus group and let them tell us what they are thinking about the health care bill. woody frazier in california. tell us about you got assembled with you? >> it is an 75° and sunny. >> mike: just like it is in new york woody! >> i know, sorry. everybody here has been griping about the fact that they haven't had a chance -- that the governors were going too long. let me have each one tell you who they are and let's run through it. humberto. >> humberto grey immigration attorney. >> i'm a clinical psychologist. >> i'm a straight conditioning coach. >> i'm an inventor and business owner. >> michael ryan, business attorney. >> reporter: this is just a
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portion of the guys there are about 14 of us. the think we have in common is we get up 5:00, 5:30 we meet at starbucks. and we talk about everything. sowa i wanted to do is let humberto start and let -- so let me him say what wants to say. >> thank you. i think what americans are really concerned with is partisan politics. i think the inability of congress after all this time to come up with some type of meaningful legislation is something americans are concerned about, particularly myself. i have a company with six employees. i just my premium for april 2010 this morning. i will pay $3500 a month, in premiums for my health insurance, equivalent to approximately $42,000, per year it is very expensive. i have the option to keep health care for my employees, who work very hard and i think
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deserve it, that's why i cover them. or if i simply can't afford it, then i have to let it go. so, it's whether or not they keep their jobs or they have health insurance. i think legislation needs to address this particular concern. >> mike: congress is trying to do that humberto one of the problems, do you think it is going to get cheaper if you add people to the rolls especially people who are really sick? if you think your costs now expensive and insurance you are paying is a lot, imagine how much more it is going to be when there are no limb me on what a person can get out of their company, no preexisting conditions and no limits lifetime or annual and there's no denial of benefits? i want people ton stan there's going to be a lot of good that will happen but it is going to be very expensive. scott next. >> if you think health care is
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expensive now under obama care much higher. what concerns me about in, this is not a reform of health care. this is an attempted overhaul. it is wildly unpopular with the american people. constitutionally questionable. it is fiscally unsustainable. the overwhelming ma j of individuals who have health care are up -- majority of individuals who have health care, upward of 200 million are satisfied. yes there are problems. there are horror stories. but it is time for reform but not a complete overhaul. >> mike: scott i think you expressed the sentiment of 68% of the american people. >> yes, governor it seems now we are into a three or one minute offense and we don't know what the plays are and we don't know how we're gonna score. it looks like one side keeps saying these things are taking place and yet, questions rise that they are not. and again, there's no way to
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put the ball through the end zone in football-type language or scoring language. what is going to be final if all we have is an offense that doesn't know how to score? >> mike: great point. one of the concerns people have is this is going to simply create a completely different kind of system than we've the biggest problem and i hope people will think about this, 80% of all the expenditure of health care dollars in this country go to chronic disease. the problem with this bill it is not addressing were this entire system is so doggone expensive. we'll come back so we can talk to the rest of you guys. don't go away. don't let woody throw you out of there. more on our town hall. keep those e-mails coming. you can go to us at huckmail at we will be right back and so will you. [ applause ] út@@@@p@ across america, people with diates have...
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. >> mike: welcome back. we are going back to los angeles in what we are call to -- calling or coffee klatch. mike we haven't heard from you and kevin. >> i just want you to know governor -- i've never seen these guys so quiet.
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tell him what were saying. >> don't let this deceive you in the coffee group we are very animated, especially this guy over here. and is scott. we were bantering about when we were off camera. one of the things that we debate often is how does this get paid for? what makes the government think it is qualified to run such a program? government currently spends 50% of the care spending that happens in this country in one form other another medicare, medicaid. now we hear that doctors are gonna be not accepting medicare patients or currently not accepting medicare patients. wal-mart this week said they will not be taking medicare prescription drugs because they are not getting paid by the government. the government is incredibly inept at virtually everything it does. what makes people believe when they currently spend 50% of the budget or rather they account for 50% of care
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spending they are qualified to run this program? i say we keep the remaining 50%, if you don't mine! >> mike: kevin, i think you just hit it why so many americans are frustrated. americans can't think of one government program that has been projected to cost something that didn't cost a great deal more. whether it was an airplane or whether it was the post office or whether it was medicare part d, whatever it has ever been it always costs more. i think most of us maybe don't realize -- here's something that people need to know about medicare. medicare is twice as likely to deny claims benefit as any private insurance company. when you hear how great the government program is, just remember, medicare is more likely to deny by twice than any private insurance company. okay mike, let's hear from you. >> i hate to be one -- >> that's good mike. >> thank you.
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>> i'm usually on a little of the left side of our argument. in this case i to say i like health care reform, but i don't like this particular cost for what we have to spend for this the economy is not in the position to absorb this kind of cost at this time. and this very well might be what puts us over the edge. we need to do something, but not this and not now. >> governor, if this defeat takes place, what does this make the president look in front of his peers on something this large that he has pushed for and yet it doesn't seem to have a ending to it? >> mike: he certainly spent' form news level of his political capital. he can recover but there are a lot of members of his party in congress who won't recover and they will be sent home that's the thing. he has -- this is not where the leader takes the point and
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they follow. he's pushed them out in front. he's going to have two years to recuperate, if it should go down. you one final, we to go quickly. >> i think it is worth remembering that no major piece of legislation in recent history whether it was nafta, the civil rights act or medicare after 1965 has passed without major republican support that is not happening in this bill. >> >> mike: i think it is a good point that you made scott many frankly this is one of the troubling things. this is not a bipartisan bill this is a hard. ly partisan bill and the democrats own it they completely own it if it works give them credit. if there is any problem and costs more, they own it and they will have to live with it as we will as well. thank you woody. any final word from l.a. before we let you guys go back to sipping coffee or whatever you do in l.a.? >> thanks governor. >> we have one more question. >> are there any provisions of
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the bill that you like? the second question is, what major provision would you put in your own bill? >> mike: i would put case management so medical cases are managed that way you have a way to control the cost. i would put focus on preventive care not cat stross -- catastrophic care. i would put in incentives so people who take care of themselves pay less than those who don't. and nobody gets anything for free, everybody has to pay for something. what you get free you don't appreciate and you don't have respect for. those are basic things. we to go. thanks -- we got to go. thanks. hopefully i'll sit out there with you and you can buy me coffee. next why an increasing number of democrats who once were on the fence are against health care bill and now they are for it. we'll ask why and what is
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going on. we'll be right back. 0 0!0 0xx?
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>> mike: he said no before more and more are saying yes. a growing number of wavering congressional democrats who voted against the health care bill in november have now vowed to support its passage. was it a change of heart or did the democratic leadership in washington make them an offer they could not refuse? we are talking to dick morris. coming to us tonight from florida, dick welcome. what is going on behind the scenes out there that we need to know? >> thank you. by the way mike my book 2010 take back america comes out on april 13th. if anyone orders it now from
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amazon you get a signed copy. there are eight traitors, eight people who have sold out this country. and i want them to know that this american citizen is gonna target them in november of 2010. and the eight are: scott murphy from new york. from the albany region. cosmos from florida from orlando. allen boyd from florida from the panhandle. harkey from eastern colorado. columbus ohio and nye from roanoke, virginia also gordony%y and kucinich. those all voted no and then when push came to shove and their vote was needed they stopped lying to the american people and switched to yes. which they were for all along. we're gonna follow those people. we are gonna follow where they get their campaign money. we are going to follow what
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federal appoints and patronage they get and we are going to in november. [ applause ] >> mike: you there there has been behind the scenes shenanigans? >> my boss clinton was accused of selling the lincoln bedroom many obama is selling the federal government. the a frontage -- the patronable, the deals, the water rights the expenditures, the exceptions all of this is nauseating and most of it we won't know about for the next month or two. >> mike: deal making is part of how legislation gets passed. what is so different about this deal making in this bill? >> first of all, you're passing a bill that the majority of the people don't want. you're passing a bill that a majority of the congress doesn't want. and they are making individual deals to help individual
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members with giving them in effect bribes, so farther honest bribes but we don't know yet to get them to vote on their point of view. i hope these deals include some retirement benefits for guys like congressmen nye and cosmos and boyd up in the panhandle. because they better count on retiring after the 2010 election. >> mike: dick, thank very much. we are going to watch closely and hope you will tell us what you find out. >> i hate to sound like the wide world of wrestling, but we're coming for you. >> mike: i want to see nut ring with some of these guys dick, because i know how ruthless you can be. dick morris the book is called 2010 taking america back. he will be watching. you better be watching yourself. we've been asking to you send e-mails, boy have you ever. we got a bunch of 'em. we are going to spoken to as many as we can, right after this, don't go away.
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it was that day at the airport.
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and slows the decline of overall function. we started carl on it right away. aricept is well tolerated but not for everyone. people at risk for stomach ulcers... or who take certain other medicines... should tell their doctors... because serious stomach problems... such as bleeding, may get worse. some people may experience fainting. some people may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bruising, or not sleep well. some people may have muscle cramps... or loss of appetite or may feel tired. in studies, these were usually mild and temporary. ah, that's a nice one. talk to you doctor... about alzheimer's treatments... including aricept. don't wait. alzheimer's isn't waiting.
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back live on this saturday night. before the healthcare reform vote in washington, d.c. we are going to take some of you questions. we had a pile of them. thank you for sending so many. tell me what you are hearing. >> art from new york is like to know if healthcare passes what would it take to have obama care reversed of? >> a new congress. a significant number. it would have to be done quickly because once something gets set in government cement it is difficult it chip it out. is it reversible? is in easy, no, it isn't. >> why should my employer be required to pay for my health insurance but not nye groceries
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or car payments. >> one of the reasons it costs so much is because the person who pays for it is not the perpetrator who gets the benefits. it goes back to a post world war ii model. it is horribly outdated. if it was personal, portable and you were responsible for managing our medical expenses rather than have your insurance company do it i promise you would make better decisions. that is one of the things that would be real reform. >> and eddie from north carolina. if the current healthcare bill passes will the taxpayers be paying for abortions? >> unfortunately, in this bill there will be a backdoor way in which abortions would be paid for and courageous democratic congressman like bart stupak who said he is not going to do it and several of his colleagues are going against the party grain because know they a lot of this is being done off the budget. is so


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