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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  March 20, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT

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and i wish we could do it. i want to thank you for watching. good night from new york. god bless you. we'll see you next week. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. welcome to the glenn beck"n program. today with a studio audience.e okay. these are the questions i wantk to ask you today. bif they failed to pass this bill, this healthcare and education bill, what then? well, then we have to be vigilant because they are goinu to break it up and pass it in pieces.o if they do pass this health and education bill, what then? then? that's the question that i kind of wrestled with last night. so then what? what does that mean? i think a lot of people are going to say jeez, we've lost, we've put all the time in it and lost. no, no, no. i want you to remember george washington. george washington lost every single battle until he
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crossed the delaware. he won the war. this is a war. this isn't about healthcare. we're up against something much, much bigger than healthcare and education reform. i will show you next. ♪ ♪ >> glenn: all right. the people behind the camera making them clap. they're like perform for me, monkey. c'mon. that's what you're saying. i know. hello, america. through the course of american history, there have been periods and events that were so dramatic, so huge, that they were, they were life-altering for the people involved, the people in america. some of them were so huge they altered the entire world. it changed people. it changed their daily life and it changed the course for generations.
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some of the examples when the founders pledged their lives, their fortunes and sacred honor, or when the framers signed the constitution a few years later. something that changed up dramatically for many, many years, the civil war. and all the corruption that came from reconstruction afterwards. then there was the life changing new deal and pearl harbor. there was also in our lifetime 9/11. that was an event that changed the course of our country. it still affects all of us every day. all of these events didn't happen just on one day and the immediate people that were involved. these events grabbed each and every one of us at the core. do you remember how you felt that day? it caused to us re-evaluate our thinking. what is it that we believe? who are we? how did this happen? what happened? then we started moving forward again.
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pearl harbor was a hugely important day. but that wasn't the end of the story. it wasn't just december 7. it wasn't like wow, that was a bad day. then everybody went back and had an apple pie and watching baseball. america had a choice to make on that day. as everyone knows, the decisions that followed over the next few years that deadly december 7 attack radically changed america's course. we went to war. it changed everything. this vote this weekend, is akin to one of these events. if you think i'm talking about just the healthcare bill, you couldn't be more wrong. the healthcare bill is merely a battle. it is a huge battle. i think it may be normandy, but it's part of a bigger war. the war is the fundamental transformation, or restoration of our country. that is the game that they're playing. and while everybody is going
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to focus on the political game surrounding the healthcare bill, slaughter rule, secrecy, arm-twisting, bribes, the lies, these things should be addressed but that's not what this show is going to address. i have to tell you, i spent several hours last night thinking about this. quite honestly, praying on this last night. i thougthought, lord, what happens? what happens? where do we go from here? about 2:00 in the morning i started feeling better, because i was reading several things last night. i finally realized i have the answer. i have the answer. we just have to beat that drum. we have to make sure that we understand that the picture is not about politics, it's much, much bigger. he's much bigger than obama. it's bigger than the republicans or the democrats or bush or clinton. we have been off-track for decades and it's finally catching up with us. we have to change. not just washington. we have to change.
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because let's be honest, we're the ones that allowed our system to make this kind of a bill a possibility. americans need to ask the question how did this happen? the only answer i can come up with is we wanted to believe the lies that we were being told, that we could have it all. we have to find the answers. even if the healthcare bill is stopped, they are going to break it apart piece-by-piece and another massive corrupt bill and then another and another. the democrats wi republicans wid democrats will go. the entire system is broken. i read a report today and i want to show you this. this is a report about greece. the greece bail-out is falling apart. the markets tanked on the news. another story said if spain goes into default, the whole world goes into default. not a surprise if you watch this show, because we have
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been saying that. any of the pieces fall and it's a dom mindomino. last week i told you a story that barely got any news. moody's said that america may lose its triple-a rating. moody's said u.s. debt could test triple-a rating. that is a bad story. that means we won't be able to pay the interest rate. a small line at the end of the article that got even less attention. i even missed this one on the first time through. it's incredible. have you heard anyone else focussing on this, even on moody's? moody's says we could test triple-a rating. but now let me show you what it would require to fix it. fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that in some cases will test social cohesion. let me translate. fiscal adjustment. not talking about healthcare and education. we're not saying off right to education. here is more free stuff. that's not what we're talking
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about. fiscal adjustments. meaning down. why would we test social cohesion if you get more presence from the government? do you see the lie they're telling you? fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that in some cases will test social cohesion. let me translate "social cohesion." show me greece, please. this is the test of social cohesion. they're called riots. they believe society may experience, america may experience some sort of breakdown. i'm telling you, i'm becking you, root yourself -- begging you, root yourself in things that are real. i think it's a possibility too. fiscal adjustments must be made. i ask you. you know, i look at all of us as people on the deck of the titan tii titanic. it's our job to be people --
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they are going to argue inside the boat like crazy. you stand on the deck and you help me find stuff that floats, you help me build lifeboats and get people -- they're going to come out! they will come out of the ship and be okay, it's your fault, his fault, that crew member. it doesn't matter. get people in boats. i'm asking you as an audience to do a couple of things. tape the show every night. please. watch it. share it with friends. it's actually going to work with your advantage if you don't credit me with the information. you just pass on this information. i spend my own personal time and my own personal money doing research on this. fox does the research as well on this program. there is a lot of man hours that goes into every single show. don't let it just spill out in the universe. please. all of us responsible for breaking at least one more person into the boat, because we're going to need every person.
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because fiscal -- what did they say? fiscal changes will have to be made and it will test us. second week of april i'll do a whole show on what should be cut. i'm bringing a team in. it ain't about politics. it's not about politics. i'm going to show you how bad this situation will get. you'll get it. now, they were telling everyone we had to do tarp. congressman brad sherman said members of congress were told if they didn't pass tarp, there would be martial law. congressman canjorsky was told without fed intervention of electronic bank run the world would have economic collapse and it would happen in 24 hours. wow! the worst is behind us. it doesn't, sure doesn't feel like that. nobody but the president is saying that. what i'd like to know is what are members of congress being told what is going to happen if we don't pass healthcare.
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whether or not healthcare isp stopped please consider the possibility that world finance as we know it is going to reset. it has to reset. and anybody with half a brain, the president of the united states knows this -- this bill is the centerpiece of the progressive structure. you know how i said they're building a machine and you don't want it to pass. it's a framework. honestly, i know progressive will beat me up for this but stand in line. they're building a cage. a cage. social unrest. a cage. they are preparing. remember, what we said, cloward and piven is melt the system down and have it collapse into a new system. this is not just about healthcare. it's about grab all the education dollars as well. we have a video in a few minutes you have never seen. this is a long-term strategy. someone has to be standing
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when the evil capitalism finally fails us. i have news for you, gang. i'm going to be standing. please be standing as well. shore yourself up! don't allow yourself to become or your state to become a slave to what's being built in washington. this is exactly what happened in the soviet union. this soviet union collapsing bothered me so much. for a long time. it took me a while to figure it out. nobody ever talks about this. i want you to look something up. the leaders of the soviet union saw the writing on the wall. they knew. they knew it was going to collapse. we knew! we were spending them into oblivion. what do you think we were doing it for? we knew. they did, too. you want the full story? you read a book steven f. cohen "soviet faith and lost alternatives." it's one of those books you're like really? if you don't have time, look this up. google it. if you're the show,
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look it up. right now. google this. okay. this is what happened to the soviet union. they knew. they knew there was going to be riots in the streets. so they prepared for it. they created a structure. it's called now the russian federation. the soviet union was gone. they knew it. they took a step to change it to fundamentally transform it. the russian federation. well, that moves them toward freedom. because they were slaves. they couldn't put any more structure around it. they had to go the other way. we're going their way. dependency on big government. because as i mentioned, the free market has failed us. people won't have jobs. somebody will stand there and say calm, calm. it's okay. we'll make it all better. don't go that direction, please.
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this is a turning point for america. we're standing at a cross roads. we have to decide who we are and who we want to be when we come out the other side of the dark tunnel we're about to go in. let me tell you a story about walgreens. see if i'm drawing unreasonable conclusions. okay? see if this is a possibility. there are 121 walgreen stores in washington state. they announced now in this article here they're not going to take any more medicaid patients because they say filling their prescriptions is losing money. they can't make any money on it. okay, okay. in my america that i grew up in, walgreens would have a right to do that. but in the america we're building, what does the government have to do to walgreens? because if other chains do the same thing, then the government has a choice. do they let them continue to turn medicaid patients away?
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or do they force walgreens through regulation to accept medicaid patients? if they force them, then what happens to walgreens? are they going to force them? is it unreasonable to say we know the answer because we've already seen them do this? since it's a losing money proposition, the government will soon be faced with another choice. do we let walgreens fail? or do we bail them out and nationalize the industry? is it unreasonable to say we know what they'll do because we've already seen it and the drugstores would be too big? of course they'll nationalize it. it's a cascade effect. a domino. it will happen one industry after another that is deemed too big to fail. mark my words! the "new york times" is just too big to fail. i won't to show you this. called tree of liberty. i was thinking about this last night. look at this tree.
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lies, greed, ego, arrogance, bribery, corruption, spending. special interest groups. everybody right now is paying attention to this side of the tree. this is healthcare. this is healthcare reform. we're talking about bribery, corruption, spending, special interest. what about this side of the tree? the lies, the greed, the ego, the arrogance. this side leads to this side. okay? it's the same tree. this is government. this is us. because this is the way it's been lined up. we're separate but on the same tree. look at this. this used to be -- a tree like this had three seeds in it. faith, hope, charity. but this tree has been perverted by the progressive movement. progressive movement, what did they do?
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they rooted these trees, the roots up. and they said faith, this guy was a religious zealot. sam adams, he was a crazy man. hope, he was a slave owner. how much hope comes from that. charity, please, ben franklin, he was just making love to all kind of women. that's what they teach us now. they have rotted the roots of this tree and they have filled it full of poison on these people. and so what do we get? we get arrogance and greed and ego and lies, which produces this kind of government. this isn't a tree of liberty anymore. this is slavery. this is slavery. so how do we w fix it? you either cut that tree down, or you got to do major surgery on it. because it was done already 100 years ago. this is what we need to do. we started. this a year ago. the tea parties are great. you're doing a great job.
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but what are your principles and values? because you're going to need them. nine principles. the 12 values. this is the tree of liberty. faith, hope and charity are the roots. they are dug down deep. we've got to remember those three things. as the tree starts to grow, instead of letting it be twisted and bent by the progressives, you keep humility, hard work, reverence, honesty, thrift, when did it become un-american to be thrifty? ben franklin would be ashamed of us. courage, responsibility, gratitude, moderation. that shapes the tree. then we can judge a tree by its fruit. that's bad fruit. bad tree. this true if you do these things, less crime, happiness, strong families, liberty, stronger faith higher hope, more charity. don't you see.
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if these are the roots and you do this to grow the tree, the fruit will reseed itself. there will be a whole orchard. right now, this tree, we have to force it on other countries. this tree has seeds in the fruit. let them come pick it off the tree. that's hard work. that's hard. but you know george washington, he worked every day. so did ben franklin. they both had a list of things they were going to do every day. a list. can i be honest today? can i not do these things? can i do these things? every day, they started and ended their day with a list. what was the fruit? here is a quote from william wilbur author of "making of george washington." making of moral character, forth right honesty, quiet moddiesty, thoughtful consideration for others, thoroughness, kindness,
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generosity. during the american revolution and for more than 50 years after, young americans were inspired to attain these qualities by the vivid recollections of the men who served with george washington." what did the progressives do? they took those roots away from us. they taught us lies about this man. each and every day remind yourself of these three words -- faith, hope and charity. don'tp just say them. live them! take those values out and never ever violate them. they are the seeds of the liberty tree. these three things have been perverted. and hallowed out. they have been lost in america. we must plant them again. back in a minute. [ male announr bobbsinclair.
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>> glenn: from new york tonight, we have a live studio audience and we have a couple of shows coming up in the next few weeks you really don't want to miss. i want to go back to fundamental transformation of america. by the way, this first half of the program is about what
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we are facing. the second half of this program are options. some of them bad. some of them good. we'll get to that in a second. i talked about the fundamental transformation of america so much, i don't even know if it has any impact anymore in america. we pointed out the president's words that went unnoticed by everybody else. here they are. >> we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america. [ applause ] >> glenn: how did that not send a chill down our spines? now reconsider what this means now, how important that is. this healthcare bill is the transformation he was talking about. it's the beginning. it's the beginning. history will equate this as big as the new deal or pearl harbor. if you think that's overstating the importance, remember we are talking about one-sixth of the u.s. economy. listen how the president
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responded when bret baier -- by the way, bret, great job last night. unbelievable. bret baier pointed this out to the president last night and here is how he responded. >> now, you keep repeating the notion it's one-sixth of the economy. yes, we're not transforming one-sixth of the economy in one fail swoop. >> glenn: all in one fail swoop. amazing moment of honesty from the president. just as he promised it will be gradual. >> i believe politically and also economically it's better for us to start getting a system in place, universal healthcare system signed into law by the end of my first term as president. and build off that system to make it more rational. by the way, canada did not start off immediately with a single payer system. they had a similar transition step. >> transitioning a system is
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a difficult, costly, lengthy enterprise. not like you turn on a switch and go from one switch to another. >> glenn: america, let me ask you this question. how do the c.b.o. numbers even make any difference? $954 billion. oh, well, party in my pants. thank you for sending that one by. how does it make a difference? we're transitioning. not at all once. we're transitioning. every person in washington says it's a starter home. hello. they're transitioning to make healthcare a right along with jae education. just as f.d.r. planned on doing. the second bill of rights. f.d.r., unfinished revolution and why we need -- oh, written by the guy i've said for a year is the most evil man, the most dangerous man in america.
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this has been the plan from the beginning. but first, we're smeared. first, we're saying we're not legitimate and making things up. oh, they're hate mongers. whatever. now the truth comes out again. this time for the center from american progress, left wing george soros group run by john padesta. they have now admitted -- watch. >> because the rules say that because of some of the rules about reconciliation you have to include this bill with the healthcare bill. this was the plan all along. when the budget came out in 2010, instructions were given for reconciliation for both healthcare and student loans. >> glenn: wow! instructions were given. hmm. that's the plan all along. f.d.r. fought for his second bill of rights idea. charter as the president pointed out, not of negative
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liberties but things that the government must do. healthcare, education. along with housing, food and good job. fundamental rights the government must provide all citizens. gee, that doesn't sound like our government, does it? it doesn't sound like america. well, he died before he could get the second bill of rights done. beginning in 1948, his wife got the job done. eleanor roosevelt, chairman of the commission on human rights. pushed for universal rights for all. so the u.n. has this declaration. it includes fundamental rights that would legally be binding to all nations that ratified them. in 1966, they passed more covenants that included the right to a job. read the soviet constitution. social benefits. medical care. education. the united states was one of six countries not to ratify the declaration, but we are doing it now.
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the american people understand this is not the job nor the responsibility of government to provide everything for us. i don't want to be a slave to someone else. i want to make my own way. we understand that the soviet union tried it and failed. china tried it and failed. north korea tried it and failed. poland tried it and failed. tried it and failed the world over. none of the states that have promised to take care of their people have been able to deliver on the promise so they end up shooting their people. the only thing they delivered on is promise of oppression that always comes with total government. i warn you, america. to oppression is one promise our government will keep. back in a minute. úñçqç?p>p
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from america's news headquarters, i'm kimberly guilfoyle. with the clock ticking lawmakers and president obama are focused on one thing -- healthcare reform. the president went to capitol hill today to rally house democrats telling them "let's get this done." the house is expected to vote
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tomorrow on a bill already passed by the senate. the measure is opposed unanimously by republicans and some democrats have objections as well. the greatest fear being that passing the bill could lead to taxpayer funding of abortions. a long standing bar bars federal funding of abortion. lawmakers say president obama could win over waiverring democrats with an executive order reflecting the long standing abortion funding ban. i'm kimberly guilfoyle. now, back to "glenn beck." [ applause ] >> glenn: you know, i want to talk to you about something, we have to decide who we are. the world is going to change. it has nothing to do with
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obama. it's been coming for a long time. the seeds that we are seeing ready to be harvested have been planted a long, long time ago. entire economies globally are teetering. we're now seeing violence break out in places like greece. i read in the paper this morning that there are fringe elements trying to rally people for armed resistance in alaska. really? about 150 people showed up last week in a meeting of the second amendment constitutional task force. i appreciate your passion, i do. violence is not the answer. we are not these people. we need to be these people, but we are not these people. thomas jefferson was leading fools in the french revolution. it ends in tyranny and guillotines. we must be people of faith, hope and charity.
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please. violence is not the answer. governor sarah palin was on the top of my mind today when i heard about the group in alaska. she's a fox news contributor and author of going "going rogue" and i believe she was a vice presidential candidate. welcome to the program. how are you doing? >> i'm great. you're doing great work. thank you for letting me join you. >> glenn: i wanted to get your thoughts, because as much as people said you're, you know, you're -- what are they calling it? your reality show is a reality show. it wasn't a reality show. it was about the pioneering spirit in acti arkansa alaska. you are one of the the last places where they had 150 years ago where people say get out of my way and i'll help you, neighbor. what do you make of the group that says grab your guns and bullets and let's go?
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>> i wasn't at the meeting and i'll never pretend to be a believer in everything i read in the newspaper, in daily news or other aspects of the mainstream media. i won't pretend that everything is taken in context. but i read enough to know that violence is not the answer. there is understandable and legitimate frustrating with the government today. and i think those who assemble at the meeting, what they are saying is there is some desperation in society. citizens want to know what it is that they can do to have their voices be heard. violence is not the answer. >> glenn: you know, i saw butch otter on with neil cavuto a few minutes ago. do you know butch? the governor of -- >> i do. >> glenn: i like him. >> i do. >> glenn: yeah. >> so do i. >> glenn: and, you know, he is the first to pass -- do we have the map anywhere? do we have the maps of how many states are passing this?
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bring it up so we can see it real quick. these are the states saying no healthcare for us. get your healthcare bill away from us. what do you think of this solution as a former governor? >> i think governor otter is spot-on in using this as a tool to remind our federal government that there are limited enumerated powers held within the federal government. butch respects the tenth amendment through the st. louis -- through the constitution. those governors who want to lead the citizens to have their voice heard with the obama care scheme coming down the pike, abhorrent that is unacceptable and legal tools must be used. >> glenn: it's not just healthcare. i mean they are taking education, too. you are not going to get any private dollars for education. i mean that's just, that is so much control. what do you think of the
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idea, for instance, that the states are not going to be giving out -- they'll be giving ious. if i paid my taxes and i overpaid, i'm going to get an iou from new york saying sorry, we can't pay you back for that money. too bad. we'll pay you some day. that's not going to sit well with people. we're sitting here on a powder keg. >> yeah. try the reverse, there, glenn, try to tell the irs i i -- iou, the check is in the mail. the powder keg you are talking about, that's what the people down there in kenai were manifesting, too, in their frustration that is understandable, and it's legitimate frustration. but let's paraphrase eisenhower. he used to talk about, okay, leadership, what is it? at this time in american history, it's the citizens that are going to have to lead our elected officials in
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government. leadership is not hitting somebody over the head. it's not taking up arms at this point. that's not leadership. that's assault. eisenhower used to talk about, he used to talk about that. we need to make sure that the tool that we use in taking up arms, if you will, is our vote. it's supporting contested primaries and healthy debate in our elections that are upcoming. no elected official should feel they're entitled to their seat. here in alaska, i would like to see more contested primaries going into the mid-term elections across our nation, so we will see more. that needs to be our tool. our arms. is our vote and our support for contested primaries. >> glenn: i got a short time, i'm running late. i want to ask you this. somebody said, so what does the tea party movement mean anymore? if they can't get this done, what can they get done? the tea party movement or the 9.12 project are going to grow in size because people see it and will go wait,
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wait. what? a lot of america still isn't awake. what do you think happens to the tea party? >> the tea party will grow. the movements of the people, this ground-swell of support for our constitution, and these limited enumerated powers of our federal government, these movements are going to grow. so people cannot be discouraged. they cannot buy into what the mainstream media would want us to believe. that is that we need to just sit down and shut up, and government will take care of us. >> glenn: oh, they will. >> no. >> glenn: with clor clorophorm. >> people realize this is the voice coming from the bottom up telling the elected officials and appointed officials in government what we mean when we say no. constitutional limit to government power is what we want to see plugged in. >> glenn: all right. thanks, governor. good to see you. back in a second. >> thank you so much. >> glenn: i'll tell you this,
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wait until you see what we have coming up for you next. be right back.
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my joints ache so bad, i wake up in pain every day. i want to know why. i want to know why my hair is falling out. how did this happen? how did this happen? a little pain in my knee. that's how it started. that's how it started, this rash on my face. now it's like my body is attacking me. i want answers. announcer: when you don't have the right answers, it may be time to ask your doctor the right question. could i have lupus?
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>> i'm a big believer in the power of we. we can tackle the tough challenges we face and build community through service and volunteering. the reality is - we're all in this together. it's time for you to raise your hand, go to and get involved in something you believe in. are you with me? are you with me?
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[ applause ] >> glenn: tomorrow is going to be a great show. tomorr tomorrow, we have a few people. in fact, we have a studio audience today from new jersey today. sorry for the whole new jersey thing. they're like you talking to me? chris christie, what do you think? he's amazing, isn't he? i haven't seen a politician who is actually like, he's like -- i don't know how to act. he's doing what he said he would do. weird! oh, he'll be sleeping with the fishes soon. also, i spoke to congressman steve king. he's from iowa, on my radio program this morning. i got to tell you, i said to him halfway through, how come
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we've never met or talked before, i like you a lot. not in a ticklefest sort of way. welcome to the program. >> thanks for the introduction, glenn. appreciate it. >> glenn: anytime i can make a congressman uncomfortable, i'm here to do it for you. >> it worked. >> glenn: you are actually calling for a rally in washington, d.c., on saturday at noon. is that right? >> i am. 12:00 on saturday, on the capitol grounds, look like the west side of the capitol. that's to be finalized tomorrow. we need tens of thousands of americans to come here to defend our liberty and say to the people that are walking in and out of the capitol, vote no on the bill. don't steal my liberty. let me manage my own healthcare. you have no constitutional right to do this. >> glenn: i'll be real honest with you, congressman. i agree with you. i think if you had people surrounding the capitol, i think it would be unbelievable. i think everybody inside
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would be like oh, dear god. it would be hard for them to vote, because the people are there. that's why they're not going home this weekend, right? am i right? that's why you're not going home. >> that's exactly why. they have announced that there is going to be some votes late on sunday. and that they think that this 72-hour clock that is ticking brings us toward sunday when they'd be voting on the sabbath, during lent, to socialize healthcare in american, for every american, legal and illegal and take away our liberty. do it on sunday. the most sanctimonious thing i've ever seen. >> glenn: why would you say it would be arrogant or sanctimonious to create a right on the sabbath? i mean, it's, it is -- i mean to these guys, samuel adams, that is a slap in the face of god. that is unbelievable. but appropriate. >> well, i think what they get wrong, so wrong is the
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other side, the left, the liberals, the progressives that you articulated so well, they believe the rights are something conferred ed bred by government. they argued for a long time there is a right to a healthcare and right to health insurance policy each one of us belong to our own. i argue rights come from god. government grant you the rights then the government can take them away and you have no recourse. you have to submit to government. >> glenn: congressman, hold on a second. we'll be back in a second.
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it's time to practice staying healthy on sesame street! yes and the first thing you have to do to stay healthy is always wash your hands. come on, wash your hands with elmo! wash, wash, wash! next, try to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. elmo's not touching! and when you have to sneeze or cough, do it into the bend of your arm. sneeze into your arm with elmo... ah-choo! yeah! great job!
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[ applause ] >> glenn: back in new york, with an audience tonight. we've got a few shows coming up that i ask you to dvr and share with some friends. we're back with iowa congressman steve king, who i just talked to for the first time today. he brought up a couple of really good points. if you wouldn't mind hitting them, congressman. let's start with roe v. wade. i find this fascinating. >> okay. in 1973, when the supreme court ruled that legalized abortion, even elective abortion in roe v. wade and dole versus bolton, since that time, almost every liberal argued that the federal government has no business telling a woman what she can or can't do with her body. now here we are in 2010,
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after two generations of that argument, the very same people that have made the argument are now arguing the federal government has every right to tell everyone in america what they can or can't do with their body. it's 180 degr degrees argument. >> glenn: amazing. you know why? they're not rooted in values and principles. they're rooted in values and principles they never expose. so they are always shape-shifting. insidious game. this is going to pass but it's a historic bill. why? if it passes. >> if it passes it's historic in another way. i believe it is unique. first of all, the senate version of the bill that has to move. today, the senate version could not pass the senate. scott brown has been elected. i can't pass the house, because they have to use the deemed it pass slaughter language to make it work. for the first time in the
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history of america, a bill that doesn't have the support of the senate and can't pass the house could still go to the president's desk and become law of the land. that's unprecedented. >> i hope people show up on saturday at noon at the capitol and plan on staying there. you know. camp out if you have to. let me ask you this, i have only 30 seconds. is there any sense of trepidation at all from people who are thinking about voting for this? are they worried it all it might tear the country apart, taking over healthcare, one-sixth of the economy and education? >> i think they are worried about themselves and their political career. some of them are committing political suicide and they know it. others are doing calculation they can explain it away since november. i don't think they thought about the american people losing liberty. time to reset the american clock is what needs to happen. elections in november. we can beat this. >> glenn: thank you very much, congressman. we'll be back in a minute. final thoughts.
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