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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  March 20, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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and down on the bill already passed by the senate and a cam uponon bill which includes changes they hope the senate will adopt. chad joins us live on the phone from capitol hill. hi, chad. >> this clears the way for the >> this clears the way for the to come up on the floor. almost every bill that the house of representatives debates has to get a rule which sets the parameters and governs the debate time and what amendments will be in order and this bifurcates the bill. the senate bill and the reconciliation package which is the longer term fix-it measure. theyville a combined debate but split the votes with regular straightforward up or down on both resolutions here. is not what they were considering initially. they wanted to attach the senate bill to the procedure of a the rule and they decided to
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old-fashioned way. >> how comfortable are the >> how comfortable are the you need? it to the floor if you don't think you'll get the votes. think you'll get the votes. a democrat of oregon who was somebody who had been for it. went back to the negative and went affirmative today. they did lose zach space, ohio, vote for it. they lost altmeyer, and glen neigh from southern, virginia. that was a district that flipped from republican to democrat and he said tonight that heel not vote for the bill. that was one vote that they were hoping to pick up. expect to have happen next.
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>> the next goes to the senate. >> the next goes to the senate. its work. of the rules don't mean a lot in of the rules don't mean a lot in debate and amendment. the amendment opportunities for senators. that is the glory of the senate that you have unlimited debate and unlimited opportunities to amend and that is why they want to do this this way in the senate. they can pen down the debate to 20 hours and limit the amendments and move this through with a simple majority. you can't filibuster a reconciliation package in the senate. but the house will be watching and the house will watching to make sure that the senate moves through on their side of the bargain. if the senate is able to fix it, everybody on capitol hill, at least on the democratic side, will be happy. will be happy. votes they need tomorrow?
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they're in trouble. nancy pelosi is the speaker of the house, but she's really a whip. she used to be a whip when the democrats were in control. and to watch her work the house chamber and go up to mechanics of congress and preye persuade , it's powerful. >> fox news producer for the house of representatives, appreciate all of your insights. for the latest on the very important healthcare reform set to go to vote tomorrow, keep it hre now, and we join hucka bealready in you han to any coffee shop, there willan be a group of guys sitting around a table, chatting and you can listen careful they are solving the world's problems. that's true everywhere. even in l.a.. our executive producer woody frazier is in los angeles with a group of guys who come from
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different backgrounds and they sometimes hang out with him at a local coffee shop there in l.a.. we decided to turn them into our special focus group and let them tell us what they are thinking about the health care bill. woody frazier in california. tell us about you got assembled with you? >> it is an 75° and sunny. >> mike: just like it is in new york woody! >> i know, sorry. everybody here has been griping about the fact that they haven't had a chance -- that the governors were going too long. let me have each one tell you who they are and let's run through it. humberto. >> humberto grey immigration attorney. >> i'm a clinical psychologist. >> i'm a straight conditioning coach. >> i'm an inventor and business owner. >> michael ryan, business attorney. >> reporter: this is just a
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portion of the guys there are about 14 of us. the think we have in common is we get up 5:00, 5:30 we meet at starbucks. and we talk about everything. sowa i wanted to do is let humberto start and let -- so let me him say what wants to say. >> thank you. i think what americans are really concerned with is partisan politics. i think the inability of congress after all this time to come up with some type of meaningful legislation is something americans are concerned about, particularly myself. i have a company with six employees. i just my premium for april 2010 this morning. i will pay $3500 a month, in premiums for my health insurance, equivalent to approximately $42,000, per year it is very expensive. i have the option to keep health care for my employees,
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who work very hard and i think deserve it, that's why i cover them. or if i simply can't afford it, then i have to let it go. so, it's whether or not they keep their jobs or they have health insurance. i think legislation needs to address this particular concern. >> mike: congress is trying to do that humberto one of the problems, do you think it is going to get cheaper if you add people to the rolls especially people who are really sick? if you think your costs now expensive and insurance you are paying is a lot, imagine how much more it is going to be when there are no limb me on what a person can get out of their company, no preexisting conditions and no limits lifetime or annual and there's no denial of benefits? i want people ton stan there's going to be a lot of good that will happen but it is going to be very expensive. scott next.
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>> if you think health care is expensive now under obama care much higher. what concerns me about in, this is not a reform of health care. this is an attempted overhaul. it is wildly unpopular with the american people. constitutionally questionable. it is fiscally unsustainable. the overwhelming ma j of individuals who have health care are up -- majority of individuals who have health care, upward of 200 million are satisfied. yes there are problems. there are horror stories. but it is time for reform but not a complete overhaul. >> mike: scott i think you expressed the sentiment of 68% of the american people. >> yes, governor it seems now we are into a three or one minute offense and we don't know what the plays are and we don't know how we're gonna score. it looks like one side keeps saying these things are taking place and yet, questions rise that they are not. and again, there's no way to
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put the ball through the end zone in football-type language or scoring language. what is going to be final if all we have is an offense that doesn't know how to score? >> mike: great point. one of the concerns people have is this is going to simply create a completely different kind of system than we've the biggest problem and i hope people will think about this, 80% of all the expenditure of health care dollars in this country go to chronic disease. the problem with this bill it is not addressing were this entire system is so doggone expensive. we'll come back so we can talk to the rest of you guys. don't go away. don't let woody throw you out of there. more on our town hall. keep those e-mails coming. you can go to us at huckmail at we will be right back and so will you. [ applause ]
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go to that's and see how intuit quickbooks online can make running your business easier. wow. mm-hm. your 90-day free trial is only available when you go to . >> mike: welcome back. we are going back to los angeles in what we are call to -- calling or coffee klatch. mike we haven't heard from you and kevin. >> i just want you to know governor -- i've never seen these guys so quiet.
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tell him what were saying. >> don't let this deceive you in the coffee group we are very animated, especially this guy over here. and is scott. we were bantering about when we were off camera. one of the things that we debate often is how does this get paid for? what makes the government think it is qualified to run such a program? government currently spends 50% of the care spending that happens in this country in one form other another medicare, medicaid. now we hear that doctors are gonna be not accepting medicare patients or currently not accepting medicare patients. wal-mart this week said they will not be taking medicare prescription drugs because they are not getting paid by the government. the government is incredibly inept at virtually everything it does. what makes people believe when they currently spend 50% of the budget or rather they account for 50% of care
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spending they are qualified to run this program? i say we keep the remaining 50%, if you don't mine! >> mike: kevin, i think you just hit it why so many americans are frustrated. americans can't think of one government program that has been projected to cost something that didn't cost a great deal more. whether it was an airplane or whether it was the post office or whether it was medicare part d, whatever it has ever been it always costs more. i think most of us maybe don't realize -- here's something that people need to know about medicare. medicare is twice as likely to deny claims benefit as any private insurance company. when you hear how great the government program is, just remember, medicare is more likely to deny by twice than any private insurance company. okay mike, let's hear from you. >> i hate to be one -- >> that's good mike. >> thank you.
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>> i'm usually on a little of the left side of our argument. in this case i to say i like health care reform, but i don't like this particular cost for what we have to spend for this the economy is not in the position to absorb this kind of cost at this time. and this very well might be what puts us over the edge. we need to do something, but not this and not now. >> governor, if this defeat takes place, what does this make the president look in front of his peers on something this large that he has pushed for and yet it doesn't seem to have a ending to it? >> mike: he certainly spent' form news level of his political capital. he can recover but there are a lot of members of his party in congress who won't recover and they will be sent home that's the thing. he has -- this is not where the leader takes the point and
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they follow. he's pushed them out in front. he's going to have two years to recuperate, if it should go down. you one final, we to go quickly. >> i think it is worth remembering that no major piece of legislation in recent history whether it was nafta, the civil rights act or medicare after 1965 has passed without major republican support that is not happening in this bill. >> >> mike: i think it is a good point that you made scott many frankly this is one of the troubling things. this is not a bipartisan bill this is a hard. ly partisan bill and the democrats own it they completely own it if it works give them credit. if there is any problem and costs more, they own it and they will have to live with it as we will as well. thank you woody. any final word from l.a. before we let you guys go back to sipping coffee or whatever you do in l.a.? >> thanks governor. >> we have one more question.
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>> are there any provisions of the bill that you like? the second question is, what major provision would you put in your own bill? >> mike: i would put case management so medical cases are managed that way you have a way to control the cost. i would put focus on preventive care not cat stross -- catastrophic care. i would put in incentives so people who take care of themselves pay less than those who don't. and nobody gets anything for free, everybody has to pay for something. what you get free you don't appreciate and you don't have respect for. those are basic things. we to go. thanks -- we got to go. thanks. hopefully i'll sit out there with you and you can buy me coffee. next why an increasing number of democrats who once were on the fence are against health care bill and now they are for it. we'll ask why and what is
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going on. we'll be right back. [ le announcer ] as long as we're winding up our doing dials, let's wind 'em with precision. open our throttle to even more selection. and turn that savings swagger up full tilt. ♪ so when the time comes to bust open a can of doing... we've got all the tools for all the things we need to make 'em happen. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. ght now, get scotts nature scapes mulch for the new lower price of just $3.88.
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>> mike: he said no before more and more are saying yes. a growing number of wavering congressional democrats who voted against the health care bill in november have now vowed to support its passage. was it a change of heart or did the democratic leadership in washington make them an offer they could not refuse? we are talking to dick morris. coming to us tonight from florida, dick welcome. what is going on behind the scenes out there that we need to know? >> thank you. by the way mike my book 2010 take back america comes out on april 13th.
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if anyone orders it now from amazon you get a signed copy. there are eight traitors, eight people who have sold out this country. and i want them to know that this american citizen is gonna target them in november of 2010. and the eight are: scott murphy from new york. from the albany region. cosmos from florida from orlando. allen boyd from florida from the panhandle. harkey from eastern colorado. columbus ohio and nye from roanoke, virginia also gordony%y and kucinich. those all voted no and then when push came to shove and their vote was needed they stopped lying to the american people and switched to yes. which they were for all along. we're gonna follow those people. we are gonna follow where they get their campaign money.
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we are going to follow what federal appoints and patronage they get and we are going to in november. [ applause ] >> mike: you there there has been behind the scenes shenanigans? >> my boss clinton was accused of selling the lincoln bedroom many obama is selling the federal government. the a frontage -- the patronable, the deals, the water rights the expenditures, the exceptions all of this is nauseating and most of it we won't know about for the next month or two. >> mike: deal making is part of how legislation gets passed. what is so different about this deal making in this bill? >> first of all, you're passing a bill that the majority of the people don't want. you're passing a bill that a majority of the congress doesn't want. and they are making individual deals to help individual
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members with giving them in effect bribes, so farther honest bribes but we don't know yet to get them to vote on their point of view. i hope these deals include some retirement benefits for guys like congressmen nye and cosmos and boyd up in the panhandle. because they better count on retiring after the 2010 election. >> mike: dick, thank very much. we are going to watch closely and hope you will tell us what you find out. >> i hate to sound like the wide world of wrestling, but we're coming for you. >> mike: i want to see nut ring with some of these guys dick, because i know how ruthless you can be. dick morris the book is called 2010 taking america back. he will be watching. you better be watching yourself. we've been asking to you send e-mails, boy have you ever. we got a bunch of 'em. we are going to spoken to as many as we can, right after this, don't go away.
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back live on this saturday night. before the healthcare reform vote in washington, d.c. we are going to take some of you questions. we had a pile of them. we're back live on this saturday night. >> art from new york would passes what would it take to have obama care reversed? >> would it take a new congress. and would it have to be done quickly. zñ n government cement, it's difficult to chip it out. yes.@p easy? no. it is isn't. >> marilyn. please explain why my employer has to pay for my car insure yens, but the payment. >> it should be tied to the individual.
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one reason it costs so much is because the person who pays for it isn't the person who gets the benefits. going back to a post world war ii model. it's outdated. it cost to be personal and portable. fit was personal and portable you and were responsible for managing your expenses i promise you'd make better decisions and it would be real reform. >> and eddie from north carolina. if the current health care bill passes would the taxpayers be paying for aportion? >> there will bem back doorway in which they will be paid for this, is the reason why democratic congressman who i have a great deal of respect for and several of his colleagues goring again the party grain. that is the end of it for us tonight th=mñ is more to talk


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